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Created:04/01/16 01:30 PM
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LibGroupSocket  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.3.0
by: sirinsidiator [More]
For Players
In order to follow ZOS' opt out policy (brought up in regards to Group Damage), LibGroupSocket gives you fine grained control over what data you share with your group. Per default it automatically disables the sending of all data when you leave a group, or quit the game.
You can download and install LibGroupSocket like any other addon, in order to enable saving settings for it.

The following dependencies are required by LibGroupSocket:
For Developers
LibGroupSocket offers a standardized way to share data with group members via map pings. It allows the sending of up to 3 byte of data in one ping or 7 bytes in 2 pings at a time.
Because the channel is very limited, there is currently only a maximum of 31 different message types supported.
If you are interested in adding a new message type, please contact me via pm and I will reserve an ID.
It is also encouraged to reuse existing message types and expand on them instead of adding a new one that does the same thing, but slightly different.

This first version of the library is mostly a trial to see how it will work in combination with the many other addons out there and also to see how ZOS will react and how much interest it generates with players.
For future versions I am considering to split message handlers into separate libraries, so they can be updated independently.

Known Issues
  • The library is currently not compatible with FTC's DPS sharing feature and you and all group members will see wrong values in FTC while LibGroupSocket is active
  • User set group pings may cause incorrect data to show up in same rare cases
  • User set group pings are overwritten when data is transmitted
  • The compass may show the automatically set group pings
  • Users without LibGroupSocket will see random group pings pop up in Wrothgar or Coldharbour
  • Settings for LibGroupSocket won't be saved unless you use the stand alone version.
  • Sometimes you may hear a sound when a ping is set

API Reference

Reads a bit from the data stream and increments the index and bit index accordingly.
boolean isSet, number nextIndex, number nextBitIndex = lib:ReadBit(table data, number index, number bitIndex)
data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
index - the current position to read from
bitIndex - the current bit inside the current byte (starts from 1)
Returns the state of the bit, the next position in the data array and the next bitIndex.

Writes a bit to the data stream and increments the index and bit index accordingly.
number nextIndex, number nextBitIndex = lib:WriteBit(table data, number index, number bitIndex, boolean value)
data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
index - the current position to write to
bitIndex - the current bit inside the current byte (starts from 1)
value - the new state of the bit
Returns the next position in the data array and the next bitIndex.

Reads a single byte from the data stream, converts it into a string character and increments the index accordingly.
string character, number nextIndex = lib:ReadChar(table data, number index)
data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
index - the current position to read from
Returns the character and the next position in the data array.

Writes a single character to the data stream and increments the index accordingly.
number nextIndex = lib:WriteChar(table data, number index, string value[, number charIndex])
data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
index - the current position to write to
value - a single character or a string of characters
charIndex - optional index of the character that should be written to the data stream. Defaults to the first character
Returns the next position in the data array.

Reads a single byte from the data stream and increments the index accordingly.
number value, number nextIndex = lib:ReadUint8(table data, number index)
data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
index - the current position to read from
Returns the 8-bit unsigned integer and the next position in the data array.

Writes an 8-bit unsigned integer to the data stream and increments the index accordingly. The value is clamped and floored to match the data type.
number nextIndex = lib:WriteUint8(table data, number index, string value)
data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
index - the current position to write to
value - an 8-bit unsigned integer
Returns the next position in the data array.

Reads two byte from the data stream, converts them to one integer and increments the index accordingly.
number value, number nextIndex = lib:ReadUint16(table data, number index)
data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
index - the current position to read from
Returns the 16-bit unsigned integer and the next position in the data array.

Writes a 16-bit unsigned integer to the data stream and increments the index accordingly. The value is clamped and floored to match the data type.
number nextIndex = lib:WriteUint16(table data, number index, string value)
data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
index - the current position to write to
value - a 16-bit unsigned integer
Returns the next position in the data array.

Converts 4 bytes of data into coordinates for a map ping.
number x, number y = lib:EncodeData(number b0, number b1, number b2, number b3, number stepSize)
b0 to b3 - integers between 0 and 255
Step size specifies the smallest possible increment for the coordinates on a map.
Returns normalized x and y coordinates.

Converts normalized map ping coordinates into 4 bytes of data.
number b0, number b1, number b2, number b3 = lib:DecodeData(number x, number y, number stepSize)
Step size specifies the smallest possible increment for the coordinates on a map.
Returns 4 integers between 0 and 255.

MessageType is an enumeration of implemented message types.
lib.MESSAGE_TYPE_RESERVED: Reserved in case we ever have more than 31 message types. Can also be used for local tests.
lib.MESSAGE_TYPE_RESOURCES: For exchanging stamina and magicka values.

Packs a 5-bit messageType and a 3-bit length value into one byte of data.
number value = lib:EncodeHeader(MessageType messageType, number length)
messageType - integer between 0 and 31
length - integer between 0 and 7
Returns encoded header byte.

Unpacks a 5-bit messageType and a 3-bit length value from one byte of data.
MessageType messageType, number length = lib:DecodeHeader(number value)
value - integer between 0 and 255
Returns messageType and length.

Queues up to seven byte of data of the selected messageType for broadcasting to all group members.
boolean isValid = lib:Send(MessageType messageType, table data)
messageType - the protocol that is used for encoding the sent data
data - up to 7 byte of custom data. if more than 3 bytes are passed, the data will take 2 map pins to arrive.
Returns true if the data was successfully queued. Data won't be queued when the general sending setting is off or an invalid value was passed.

Registers a handler module for a specific data type.
This module will keep everything related to data handling out of any single addon, in order to let multiple addons use the same messageType.
table handler, table saveData = lib:RegisterHandler(MessageType messageType, table data)
messageType - The messageType the handler will take care of
handlerVersion - The loaded handler version. Works like the minor version in LibStub and prevents older instances from overwriting a newer one
Returns the handler object and saveData for the messageType.

Gives access to an already registered handler for addons.
table handler = lib:GetHandler(MessageType messageType)
messageType - The messageType of the handler
Returns the handler object.

Register for unprocessed data of a messageType.
lib:RegisterCallback(MessageType messageType, function callback)
Unregister for unprocessed data of a messageType.
lib:UnregisterCallback(MessageType messageType, function callback)
Gives access to the "enabled" setting via a chat command.
/lgs <1/0>
- updated to modern library standards and switched to semantic versioning
- removed all embedded libraries
- added logging and chat messages via LibDebugLogger and LibChatMessage respectively
- added global variable "LibGroupSocket" for direct access without LibStub

- reserved message type for Solinur's dps handler
- fixed settings not getting saved, even when the library is installed as a standalone addon
* NOTE: this required a small change to the way how handlers initialize their settings
- added flag to resource handler to transmit which resource pool is larger
* NOTE: when only the percentage is transmitted by a player, it will set the max value of the larger pool to 2k instead of 1k
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04/01/16 01:30 PM

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Unread 05/17/16, 11:42 AM  
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Originally Posted by Scootworks
which addons are supported atm?
Only GroupResources as far as I am aware.
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Unread 05/17/16, 10:37 AM  
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which addons are supported atm?
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Unread 04/30/16, 02:15 PM  
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Originally Posted by sirinsidiator
Originally Posted by Kyoma
Hey, I had a question and possibly a request. What I'm looking for is a way to send/transmit your unitId to other users in your group using this library.

I am looking for this so I can do some cool things in RaidNotifier. Many (if not all) effects & actions from bosses/mobs still supply the unitId in EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED and EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT. So instead of trying to send an event/warning/ping for whatever mechanic I want to share between group mates I can just send my unitId (to everybody that also has the lib/addon) and let each person's addon handle all the actual checks.

Obtaining your unitId is somewhat easy, I just monitor for the player blocking like this:
local myUnitId = 0
local function OnEffectChanged(_, change, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, unitId, abilityId)
	if change == EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED then
		if myUnitId ~= unitId then
			d("I'm blocking! My unitId is "..unitId)
		myUnitId = unitId
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("TMP42", EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED, OnEffectChanged)
Then I'd need to send this whenever the group changes or is formed.

So here comes the actual question, how do I transmit/send a number between like 20000 and 90000 using LibGroupSocket? I'm guessing I gotta split it up but how would that work exactly?

P.S. This still won't magically enable something like GroupDamage because everything that comes FROM a player will just have a unitId of 0.
You are correct. For values that don't fit into the provided data types you would need to write your own method for serializing and deserializing them.
That said, I am not sure if what you suggest will work. As far as I am aware these ids are local to each client, so different players can have different ids for the same unit.
Hmmm yes, that might actually be the case, damn. :/

Edit: Omg I'm such an idiot, the unitTag can just be used to see who the unitId belongs to, I could've sworn I tested that and that they were left blank/empty.
Last edited by Kyoma : 04/30/16 at 02:38 PM.
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Unread 04/30/16, 01:50 PM  
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Originally Posted by Kyoma
Hey, I had a question and possibly a request. What I'm looking for is a way to send/transmit your unitId to other users in your group using this library.

I am looking for this so I can do some cool things in RaidNotifier. Many (if not all) effects & actions from bosses/mobs still supply the unitId in EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED and EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT. So instead of trying to send an event/warning/ping for whatever mechanic I want to share between group mates I can just send my unitId (to everybody that also has the lib/addon) and let each person's addon handle all the actual checks.

Obtaining your unitId is somewhat easy, I just monitor for the player blocking like this:
local myUnitId = 0
local function OnEffectChanged(_, change, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, unitId, abilityId)
	if change == EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED then
		if myUnitId ~= unitId then
			d("I'm blocking! My unitId is "..unitId)
		myUnitId = unitId
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("TMP42", EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED, OnEffectChanged)
Then I'd need to send this whenever the group changes or is formed.

So here comes the actual question, how do I transmit/send a number between like 20000 and 90000 using LibGroupSocket? I'm guessing I gotta split it up but how would that work exactly?

P.S. This still won't magically enable something like GroupDamage because everything that comes FROM a player will just have a unitId of 0.
You are correct. For values that don't fit into the provided data types you would need to write your own method for serializing and deserializing them.
That said, I am not sure if what you suggest will work. As far as I am aware these ids are local to each client, so different players can have different ids for the same unit.
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Unread 04/30/16, 01:36 PM  
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Hey, I had a question and possibly a request. What I'm looking for is a way to send/transmit your unitId to other users in your group using this library.

I am looking for this so I can do some cool things in RaidNotifier. Many (if not all) effects & actions from bosses/mobs still supply the unitId in EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED and EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT. So instead of trying to send an event/warning/ping for whatever mechanic I want to share between group mates I can just send my unitId (to everybody that also has the lib/addon) and let each person's addon handle all the actual checks.

Obtaining your unitId is somewhat easy, I just monitor for the player blocking like this:
local myUnitId = 0
local function OnEffectChanged(_, change, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, unitId, abilityId)
	if change == EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED then
		if myUnitId ~= unitId then
			d("I'm blocking! My unitId is "..unitId)
		myUnitId = unitId
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("TMP42", EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED, OnEffectChanged)
Then I'd need to send this whenever the group changes or is formed.

So here comes the actual question, how do I transmit/send a number between like 20000 and 90000 using LibGroupSocket? I'm guessing I gotta split it up but how would that work exactly?

P.S. This still won't magically enable something like GroupDamage because everything that comes FROM a player will just have a unitId of 0.
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