(142 Kb)
Updated: 11/04/23 05:38 PM
File Info
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
Necrom (9.0.0)
Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Firesong (8.2.5)
Lost Depths (8.1.5)
High Isle (8.0.0)
Updated:11/04/23 05:38 PM
Created:03/15/17 11:00 AM
Monthly downloads:490
Total downloads:54,769
Categories:Character Advancement, Bags, Bank, Inventory, Data Mods, Group, Guild & Friends, Info, Plug-in Bars, Raid Mods
WishList (Set item search&tracker/wanted Gear list)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.20
by: Meai, Baertram

This addon depends on the following libraries, which you need to download and install as standalone libraries in order to let this addon work properly!

NEW DEPENDENCY (2023-11-03) LibScrollableMenu

The only addon for all your gear farming needs.

Wish List lets you add items to a "wish list". You can add items by set, item type, slot and trait. When you or someone else in your party loots that item, you get notified in the chat window and on screen.
You can define your own Gear icons (texture, color, name and comment) and apply them to your WishList entries, so that you can define a gear and mark all set items belonging to that gear -> "a TODO list for set items to farm/find".
You can also use WishList to search the ingame sets, see their drop locations, port to the zones where they drop or even to the wayshrine near the crafting station, etc.
There are multiple search options available which can be used to find the desired set, like name, drop zone, armor type, DLC, set bonus and many more.

  • Search all of the sets currently in the game (this now does not lag the client anymore due to the usage of LibSets and will only take about 1-3 seconds. You only need to do this once for all of your chars/toons. Maybe redo it after a patch to get new sets into your pool to select from, but you need to update LibSets after patches to get the new set data! Below the update button there is written the actual LibSets version and at what date and time the last update was done!
  • Click a set to add and item from that set to your wish list
  • Last added combinations will be shown in the dropdown box at the top of this add item dialog and can be re-used quickly
  • Add the items with a defined quality and only get notified if the item's quality fits your WishList entry.
  • See/Change the wish lists of all of your chars/toons, even if you are logged in with another one
    In order to let this happen please login each character with this addon enabled "once"!
  • Choose what item type, slot and trait, then accept to add to your wish list
  • Choose the char/toon you want to add the item for (even if you are logged in with another char/toon)
  • Or just use a button to the left of the set name (add whole set), itemtype (weapon/armor: add all items of this itemtype) item (1hd axe, 2hd sword, ring, etc.: add all items of this itemtype and item)
  • Button to add 1hd weapons/2hd weapons, only head + shoulder armor parts, all other armor parts (to easily add monster/other sets)
  • Choose the item's trait or just select "All traits": As the transmutation station can fix your trait
  • Rightclick an item on your wish list to show functions for removing (by trait, slot, item type, set name, date, ...)
  • Rightclick an item on your wish list to get more options like link to chat, ...
  • History to see who found the item where (if grouped, e.g. in a dungeon or delve, or even overland)
  • Rightclick an item on your historylist to show functions for removing (by trait, slot, item type, set name, date, ...)
  • Rightclick an item on your history to get more options like link to chat, send player who looted the item a whisper, ...
  • WishList and history search functions by name, set bonus, traits, slot, item type, user looted, location looted, ...
  • The search dropdown boxes provide different search possibilities at each WishList tab (Add new set items, Wish List, History).
  • Rightclick the search boxes to see search options and values for your currently selected search (serch dropdown seleced entry).
  • Copy your wishlist from one of your chars to another
  • Get notified in your chat window and on screen when you or someone in your group loots an item on your wish list (no matter what quality or level!)
  • Wish List adds all set items, unique or not to your wish list. No more searching the internet for names of set items that are not obvious! For example, the Viper's Sting set has a few different necklaces and rings that are not called Ring of the Viper or Necklace of the Viper. If you add Viper set necklace to your wish list, this addon will add all known necklaces of that set, saving you the time and trouble of having to look it up.
  • Shows item set collection known/unknown state on your WishList
  • Possibilites to open the item set collection / WishList UI easily via buttons at each other
  • Add / remove known/unknown items to/from your WishList by the help of context menus at the WishList / item set collection book UI (right click the collapsible set head lines, or single set items)
  • Define your own gear markers for your WishList entries, including a name, texture/icon, color and comment text so that you can build your own Gears and define the set items needed for the gear.
  • (Mass) add/remove gear markers to your WishList entries (based on sets, single entries)

WishList - HowTo
How to use
  • Settings -> Controls -> Keybindings -> User Interface -> Show Wish List
    Bind a key to open Wish List
  • Open Wish List and be sure you are on the first tab "Sets"
  • Click the "Find sets" button & wait for it to finish (You only have to do this once and only on one character! If a game patch was applied you can repeat this via the "Reload sets" button, located at the top left corner of the "Sets search" tab, to scan for new set parts).
  • Scroll through, or search for a set
  • Click on that set name, or right click it and choose "Add item" form the context menu, to add an item
  • In the "Add Item" dialog, choose which item type, slot and trait you want to add, or use the buttons left to the description texts (be sure to select the trait if you do not want to add ALL traits!), then accept
  • You can browse items that are on your wish list by clicking the "list" icon in the top right corner
  • You can browse items of your other chars/toons by selecting the character name from the dropdown box at the "list" tab
  • You can remove items by right clicking them on the wish list, which shows as context menu containing the options to remove the item
  • When items are on your wish list, you will get notified in the chat window and on screen if the item has dropped, and who looted it.

1) Check for new sets
  1. Logout and close the game client!
  2. Update the dependencies listed above (especially LibSets, as this library provides all the sets data and items)
  3. Start the game and login
  4. Enable WishList and it's dependencies in the addon manager at the character selection screen
  5. Choose your character andget into the game world
  6. Open the WishList UI by pressing the MainMenu WishList button (if enbaled in the WishList settings) or by using the Wishlist keybind (if defined in the controls) or chat's slash command /wishlist
  7. Press the "Refresh" button at the top left corner of the WishList UI's "Search sets" tab. You'll see the last date and time + version of LibSets as the last update was done below the button.
  8. Press "Yes" on the dialog that asks if you want to update the sets data
Now you got the newest sets data in your WishList.

2) Report missing sets or set items, after you have updated your sets ( see 1) )

If sets are missing report them at the LibSets comments please, NOT here at the WishList addon!
Please give as much details as you are able to (setName, dropLocation, DLC or chapter they were added with, itemNames, itemTypes, itemIds, itemLinks
-> You can right click any item in your inventory or chat and choose "Link to chat". Then just mark all the itemlink in the chat and rpess CTRL+C. You got the itemlink in your clipboard now and are able to paste (CTRL+P) it to other addons or the comments at esoui addons now!
WishList changelog:

Version 3.20 (2023/11/05)
-Fixed character selection dropdown sometimes showing no entries
-Added suport for LibSets Set Search UI (Slash command /lss): Right click context menu at search results list will show entries to add set to WishList/Remove set from WishList.

Version 3.10 (2023/11/03)
Attention: New dependency "LibScrollableMenu" is needed
-Updated API versions and dependencies
-Fixed comboboxes

Version 3.05 (2023/04/10)
Removed the set collections "Other options" buton as this is integrated into LibSets directly now!

Version 3.04 (2023/02/01)
-Fixed PTS "Scribes of Fate" dialogs
-Fixed gear marker icons context menu to show properly at WishList rows
-Added LibSets API function call to register a custom addon tooltip on the WishList item row tooltips -> Add LibSets data like drop zones, drop enemy names, needed transmuste crystals, etc.

Version 3.03 (2022/11/11)
Updated API version
Updted dependenciy versions
Added: Define your own gear markers for your WishList entries, including a name, texture/icon, color and comment text so that you can build your own Gears and define the set items needed for the gear.
(Mass) add/remove gear markers to your WishList entries (based on sets, single entries)
Fixed: Some minor bugs with chat messages not showing the proper numbers of items changed/added/deleted

Version 3.02 (2022/07/17)
-Fixed whisper player text initiated from history
-Fixed add set dialog lua error
-Made compatible with live and PTS API 101035
-Added support for itemSetCollection "slot" checks:
Only for non craftable set items which belong to setItemCollections!
-->Check via the slot the item is defined for, e.g. rings could drop for a slot "ring" and thus the slot type should be
-->enough to apply a valid dropped item with identical data (except the itemId) on your WishList.
-->e.g. a named ring from a boss dungeon of set A vs. the normal non-named ring of the same set A: "Pulsing Dremora Ring" or "Leviathan Ring"

Version 3.01 (2021/06/01)
-Updated API version to Blackwood
-Fixed an error at the add item dialog (related to the "last added items history" dropdown box)

Version 3.00 (2021/03/07)
-Updated API version for Flames of Ambition
-Added support for armortypes by newest LibSets version
-Fixed itemid which changed due to set item collections, and whch were saved to the Wishlist, throwing errors on mouse over (tooltip) removale of items. Tooltips might not show properly for these items anymore. YOu'd need to re-add them if this happens. Sorry, there is no migration possible.

Version 2.99 (2020/11/23)
-Added RU translations. Many thanks to @Lost.Seeker

Version 2.98 (2020/11/22)
-Added v dropdown icon at the item set collection UI top right showing some options to open the set collection for the current zone/parent zone.
-Added keybind to show item set collection UI for the current zone

Version 2.97 (2020/11/22)
Fix for WishList trait change upon history update

Version 2.96 (2020/11/22)
This version will migrate your SV to server depenent ones. Your UI will reload 2 times if all goes well.
If not tell me please what it did and how far you came, and send me your SavedVariables + your server, accountName you
were logged in to as the problem occured to [email protected]

-Migration of SavedVariables to server SV
-Added a "Last added" dropdown box at the "add set item" dialog. You can see your last added combinations in there and re-use them
to add the same to another WishList or to just change a few parameters. Selecting a dropdown entry will preset the add dialog with
these valus again. Righ click the dropdown box for a context menu.
-Updated API
-LibSets fix -> Update to version 0.2.4 please!
-Updated needed library versions
-Fixed search dropdowns: They remember the last chosen search entry per ta now
-Changed "any trait of ..."/"any quality of ..." texts to shorter ones
-Fixed "Is item on WishList" check for any trait and any quality
-Added weaponType search at set search tab
-Fixed history and added more searches (weapon type/armor type) at set's tab
-Added item set collection sort header to WishList tab to show which set item you know already. Missing icon means "You still need this > unknown".
-Added button at the top right to jump to the item set collection UI
-Added button to item set collection UI (top right) to jump to the WishList UI
-Added context menus to the item set collection UI to add items to your WishList, e.g. all unknown (right click the set's collapsible header line for that context menu),
or single items by type (right click the items directly for that contex menu)
-Added context menu to your WishList to remove known items of a set, or all known items
-Added inventory context menu to add/remove an item to/from your WishList
-Added dividers to context menus
-Fixed dialog's "already added" check for chat itemlinks
-Fixed update of WishList UI in loop will only be done once
-Fixed some data tabls for the WishList UI will not be build twice anymore, where not needed
-Fixed Reload window bug if WishList window was not shown before
-Changed redundant variables to constants
-Fixed some typos
-Fixed texture hiding too often as dialog reopens

Version 2.95 (2020/05/17)
-Fixed quality selection: Ranges

Version 2.94 (2020/05/11)
-Updated LibSets dependency to version 0.1.8
-Added search by setId if you use the "Set name" search and enter a number into the set name field
-Added other LibSets searches
-Fixed existing LibSets searches to accept english as 2nd search language (e.g. search for "light" as armor type even if your client language is not English
-Fixed existing search types to accept the numbers of the search value, instead of a text as well. Also see the new right click context menu at the search editbox below.
-Added right click context menu to the search editbox so you are able to select some entries by the help of a context menu. Select the first entry in the context menu (gray text) to reset the search box to "Show all" again
-Fixed set bonus search

Version 2.93 (2020/05/09)
-Updated API
-Updated dependency versions -> Needs new LibSets 0.1.6 with the compressed set itemIds!
Fixed: LibSets 0.1.6 support

Version 2.92 (2020/04/02)
-Add item via buttons (armor parts/head&shoulders/etc.) will add the selectec quality properly now
--API version
-Updated dependency versions in the addon txt to force an update of the libraries to the newest versions

Version 2.91 (2019/12/19)
Added: SHIFT + left click on any of the WishList UI sort headers (name, locality, username, ...) and this will set this clicked sort header as the seleced "group by" tiebraker in the WishList settings automatically. No need to go to the settings and change it theer anymore.

Version 2.9 (2019/12/19)
-Grouping of sorted items (tiebraker) will work properly now
-ReloadUI after settings change of sort group is not needed anymore

-New smaller settings tab at the WishList UI opens the LAM settings menu

-WishList UI shows the name of the selected tab as title now (except after first open the title will just be Wishlist due to the new scene creation)

Version 2.8 (2019/12/15)
Added on request:
-Setting to only notify on maximum CP cap (CP160 curently) items
-Setting to notify only in dungeons
-Sort tiebraker can be chosen from dropdown list.
Attention:After changing this dropdown it will automatically do a reloadUI to build the new sort header keys internally!

Version 2.7 (2019/08/03)
-Changed setting to set FCOItemSaver markers for your looted items which are on a WishList:
If you enable the "Mark each character differently" setting it will mark each item on any of your character's WishList with the chosen marker icon, instead of all the same.
The setting "Scan all characters WishList" must be enabled for this to work properly.

-Added several new search methods (provided by LibSets data):
LibSets version >= v0.9:
--Search by set type (id/name)
--Search by dlc (id/name)
--Search by traits needed (count)
--Search by drop zone (id/name)
--Search by drop wayshrine (id/name)
LibSets version >= v0.10:
--Search by set armor type heavy/medium/light (id/name)

Version 2.6 (2019/07/27)
-Fixed "Add body armor parts" / "Add monster set armor parts" etc. in the add item dialog
-Added automatic scanning in background of new set data (takes 1-5 seconds) if LibSets version increases

Version 2.5 (2019/07/19)
-Added LibSets usage and removed the set scan feature from WishList (which took some minutes). Data will be loaded from LibSts now which will make the scan process to be finished within 1-3 seconds. BUT: You need to wait for an updated LibSets (and install it) to get new sets loaded into WishList, after an API update or patch introduced new sets.
-Added option to add the item quality to the Wishlist. You'll only get notified if the looted item's quality fits your WishList entry (there is also an entry "Any quality" which basically behaves like before version 2.5. of WishList).
-Added settings to show different set name languages at the Sets tab of WishList. You can enable 1 to n set names (n = number of supported set languages from LibSets). The set names will be shown in the following order at the Sets tab then:
Client language / setName2 / setName3 / ...
So the client language (if enabled) will always be the first to show.

Version 2.4 (2019/05/21)
-Increased itemId scan packages to 40 so new set items will be found properly

Version 2.3 (2019/05/20)
-Added necromancer texture and color
-Added fix for clickable char/account names in chat messages (thanks to zelenin)

Version 2.0.2 (2019/05/03)
-Updated APIversion
-Updated library calls to support global variables instead of LibStub

Version 2.0.1 (2019/02/03)
Fixed: Character name/Account name and zone/Subzone were not shown properly in the history if you had the setting to scan all character's WishLists disabled

Version 2.0.0 (2019/01/04)
Unfortunately the SavedVariables needed a reset :( Sorry for that but it's really needed to fix some issues.

Please BACKUP YOUR WishList.lua SavedVariables file if you need the old data, or make some screenshots of the items you want to re-add later on!

-Raised API to Murkmire
-Added AddOnVersion to manifest txt

-Settings should be saved according to your chosen savemode (account wide or for each character) now
-WishList saved for each character properly
-History added for looted items (you and other players in your group) of your characters WishLists
-History saved for each character properly
-Speed improvement up of some stuff
-Message corrections
-Center screen announcement message works again now
-Deleting items
-Date & time sorting
-Fixed missing armorOrWeaponType upon adding/removing items from the chat links
-Fixed history username sorting

-Item add dialog: 4 new buttons to only add 1hd weapons (including shields), 2hd weapons, body armor parts (excluding jewelry), head&shoulder monster set armor parts)
-Added context menu entries to remove items by type, slot, trait, date from the WishList and prepared the history for it as well (not yet implemented)
-Tooltips for each row on the history tab, showing info about the date/time, location and username in full length.
-Added request with 4 buttons to add only head/shoulders, body parts, 1hd or 2hd weapons
-Added context menu entries to remove items by type, slot, trait, date
-Added context menu entries to remove items by type, slot, trait, date at the history tab
-Added search methods for trait, item type, slot, itemId, username, date (not working properly yet!)

-Slash commands for the chat:
to show/hide the UI
-Tooltip on the character selection dropdown entries: Showing the WishList/history entrycount of each character
-Adding/Removing items from the WishList/history will show the total added/removed itemcount in an exra message now
-Settings to show character name or account name (onlky works for the looted items from yourself, due to game API restrictions. Looted items of your group members will use their character name).
-Settings to enable/disable the center screen announcement
-Settings to choose the text (including placeholders for trait, quality, level, set name, item name/link, looted by name) for the chat/center screen announcement message


Version 1.3.9 (2018/08/12)
-Raised API
-Updated libraries
-Fixed account wide and each character settings -> They were switched, so account wide were each character and vise versa
-Fixed class icons and colours in dropdowns
-Added support for FCOItemSaver:
If the addon is enabled you are able to choose one of the defined FCOItemSaver marker icons from a dropdown within the WishList settings menu.
New looted items will be marked with this marker icon if you have enabled it in the WishList settingsmenu.
No checks, if the item got already any other marker icon, will be done. The marker icon will be set, that's all!

If you change the name, color etc. of any of the marker icons within the FCOItemSaver settings menu please do a /relodui in order to show the dropdown selection box within the WishList menu with the new changed entries!

Version 1.3.8 (2018/06/23)
-Sets of Summerset update added (please rescan for all sets to add them!)
-New jewelry traits + icons added

Version 1.3.7 (2018/01/23)
-Sorting will recognize the shown names of the armor/weapon type, slot and tarit now instea dof the ids
-Sorting will be able to "group" by set name
-The character dropdown boxes are sorted by the name now. The currently logged in character is shown with surrounding "-" signs: "- <name> -"
-The character names will show the class icon and the class text color now (even in the dropdown boxes)
-Changed the internally used weapon or armortype name from type to armorAndWeapontype:
This was necessary as the value "type" was interfering with some basic sortscrolllist data :-(
This might make your WishList entries which you have added in the past not show the armor or weapon info text anymore.
-> Please remove and read these items

-Added new button at the main menu (press key for inventory, standard is the key "i", to show it at the top button row) to show the WishList window
-> You need to enable this in the settings of the addon
-Added option to group the sorting via the set name (Standard: Enabled)
-Prepared search methods for the WishList tab to be able to choose from "Search by name", "Search by set bonus, "Search by slot", "Search by trait".
Currently only name and setbonus are working!

Version 1.3.6 (2018/01/22)
-Not always working "link handler" function was fixed
-Link handler now recognizes if the item is on your wishlist already or not correctly
-Fixed the WishList count at the bottom right corner not showing the correct total count for each char
-Some global vars were removed
-Fixed some twice done checks to speed up the addon and data determination
-Fixed typos in the german translations

-Added new button at the WishList tab to copy the wishlist of one char to another. A dialog will be shown where you can choose the char where the currently selected char's items should be copied to.
-Added the char choose dialog also at the item link handler if you right click an item in the chat
-Added the possibility to "SHIFT" + right click an item in the chat to "force" the addon to show the "Add item to WishList" dialog, so you can add the item which is on your currently logged in char's wishlist also to another of your chars.

Version 1.3.5 (2018/01/20)
-Some global vars were removed
-Increased speed of loot checks
-Sort headers at sets and wishlist remember their selection and state again now

-Character dropdown box at the Wishlist is sorted by name now
-Checking for writ container auto loot addon (currently supported: DolgubonsLazyWritCreator) and disabling the item loot scan as long as containers are opened > To speed up the looting
-Added scan of all your chars wishlists on loot
-Added LAM settings menu
-Loot messages in chat/on screen will show the set name and the character name (of the char who got this item on his wishlist)

Choose options to:
1. Account wide or char settings (this will NOT change the way the wishlists are saved -> Each char will save it's own wishlist in non-accountwide saved variables!)
2. Scan all of your chars' wishlists on item loot or only your currently logged in char
3. Preset the character at the "Add item to wishlist" dialog (Either your currently logged in char, or the one selected at the wishlist tab).

Version 1.3.4 (2018/01/17)
-Removed chat debug message
-Fixed missing function name

Version 1.3.3 (2018/01/16)
-Adding items from right clicking a chat link works again
-Removing whole sets from the Wishlist won't hide items that were on the list "after" these items
-The wishlist window control is now initialized if neded before you really show it via the keybind (if you add an item via chat right click e.g.)

-Added search functions at the WishList too sou you are able to search for set names or set bonuses there too now

Version 1.3.2 (2018/01/16)
-Removed some bugs
-Removed some unneeded global variables, or changed them to local
-Small speed improvement of set item scan

-Add set parts for each of your characters/toons without being logged in with them!
!!!You once need to login with each of your character/toon having the WishList addon enabled in order to collect some data and make this logged in char/toon visible within the WishList addon for all other chars/toons!!!
-> You can chose the character at the top wor of the WishList tab
And you are able to specify the character inside the "Add item" dialog (preselected is the currently logged in character).

-Add item dialog:
--Dropdown box to select the character/toon who should get the items added to it's WishList
--Button to add a whole set
--Button to add set parts with chosen armor/weapon type
--Button to add set parts with chosen armor/weapon type and subtype (1hd axe, 2hd axe, chest, ring etc.)
--Trait dropdown box got an "All traits" entry which allows you to specify if all available traits should be added (works combined with the new buttons, or for a single selected item via the "Add item" button).
--Improved dialogs to show character name and trait + icons, & setname

--Context menu entry to remove a whole set from a WishList

-Improved chat messages to show character name and trait + icons

And other stuff.

[Buggy]: If you choose to add set items via the new buttons in the dialog, and you have chosen one trait from the trait dropdown box (which is NOT the "All traits" entry):
The dropdownboxes filter traits out so you do not see a "Halthy" trait for a weapon (as it only applies to jewelry which will be in the dropdown box if there is a healthy jewelry set party available.
So if you do not change the dropdown boxes from weapons e.g. to jewelry there will only be shown the weapon traits available!
If you then click the button to add all set items of the set, and have chosen the "Sharpened" trait, only sharpened weapons will be added.
-> I need to find a way so you can specify the traits to add if you click the "Add whole set" button.

Version 1.3.1 (2018/01/10)
-Show set count/filtered set count always (not only if filtered)
-The list (WishList) shows the trait stones before the trait name now
-Tab icons and buttons are shown as "pressed" now if selected (and tabs stay pressed if currently on it)

-German translations (ready for other languages! Check the "lang" folder and create your language file, e.g. fr.lua or jp.lua)
-Sorting at the search tab and at the WishList remembers your sorting for each tab now
-Added a "remove all" - button at the WishList (top left) which is only clickable if any items are on your WishList
-Added keybinding to add/remove items to/from your WishList by hovering the moues of the item in your inventory, character, bank, guildbanks, shops, guild stores. Chat will tell you if the item was added. if it was on your list already a popup dialog will ask if you want to remove it from your WishList.

-Changed the setdata to be loaded via API funcitons where needed and not all stored in the savedvariables. Size decreased from 25MB!!! (was loaded and saved on each reloadui...) to 2,5MB
-Some other fixes for global avriables that only need to be local
-Other speed fixes
-API increased to current one
-Updated libraries

-Add whole set via button at the add dialog
-Add all itemtypes (e.g. weapons, or jewelry, or armor) via button at the add dialog
-Add all items of the chosen types (e.g. weapons -> bow or jewelry -> Ring, or armor -> chest) via button at the add dialog
-Add all traits of an item via the add dialog
-Settings menu
-Chat output
-Add FCOItemSaver/ItemSaver/ZOs lock icon support for items on yur WishList -> Automatic marking if you loot/get/buy/trade in them
-Testing of found items

Version 1.3.0 (2017/03/21)
+ Added type, slot and trait to loot messages
+ Added functionality to add items linked to chat by right clicking and choosing "Add to Wish List"

Version 1.2.0 (2017/03/19)
+ Added right click menus for linking and adding/removing items

Version 1.1.1 (2017/03/18)
+ Fixed crash when trying to search for set names

Version 1.1.0 (2017/03/18)
+ Added more sortable columns to the wish list
+ Fixed names if alert messages to not show the gender

Version 1.0.0 (2017/03/15)
+ Initial pre-release version
+ Search sets
+ Choose item in set depending on type, slot and trait
+ Add said items to a wish list
+ Get notified in chat and on screen when that item drops and who looted it
Archived Files (40)
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Unread 12/12/22, 02:16 PM  
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Sorry I wasn't around much, recovering from spine surgery.
I haven't experimented with this yet, but suspect the data somehow got corrupted (even though it was readable and looked ok) because I was stupid enough to log in from two different accounts at the same time, one of them for the first time. This could have confused the hell out of the game.
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Unread 11/30/22, 10:26 AM  
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Depending on your general Wishlist settings they save per account or per character!
This is saved for each server diferently for the account in a global settings table "WishList_Data", for version 999 and subtable "AccountwideData" (addonVars.addonSavedVarsAccountWideDataTab)
WL.accData = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide(addonVars.addonSavedVars, 999, addonVars.addonSavedVarsAccountWideDataTab, WL.defaultAccSettings, worldName, nil)

If you have chosen in the global account settings to save per account: I'm using ZOs default SavedVariable wrapper and save it for each server differently in a table "WishList_Data", version 2.0 and subtable "Data" (addonVars.addonSavedVarsDataTab).
Code: = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide(addonVars.addonSavedVars, addonVars.addonSavedVarsVersion, addonVars.addonSavedVarsDataTab, WL.defaultSettings, worldName, nil)
so this should handle different @accounts automatically fine!

If you have chosen in the global account settings to save per character: I'm using ZOs default characterId SavedVariable wrapper and save it for each server differently in a table "WishList_Data", version 2.0 and subtable "Data" (addonVars.addonSavedVarsDataTab).
Code: = ZO_SavedVars:NewCharacterIdSettings(addonVars.addonSavedVars, addonVars.addonSavedVarsVersion, addonVars.addonSavedVarsDataTab, WL.defaultSettings, worldName)
The WishLists and History themselves are stored in the "per character" SavedVariables ["Data"] table, always (no accountwide SV data!), in the subtable "wishList" or "history".

So basically the SV structure looks like this for the data (settings):
Global account wide settings - As base settings to chose the language, and save mode of the SavedVariables
WishList_Data =
    ["NA Megaserver"] = 
        ["@AccountNameHere"] = 
            ["$AccountWide"] = 
Account wide data and settings
WishList_Data =
    ["NA Megaserver"] = 
        ["@AccountNameHere"] = 
            ["$AccountWide"] = 
                ["AccountwideData"] = {
                --> Account wide settings like Savemode at the SavedVariables = Account or character, language, etc.@AccountName SV

CharacterID data and settings
WishList_Data =
    ["NA Megaserver"] = 
        ["@AccountNameHere"] = 
           ["CharacterIdHere e.g. 8796000000000000"] = 
                ["$LastCharacterName"] = "Your character name here",
                ["Data"] = {
                --> Settings of Wishlist at character's SV
And this for the wishList or history:

Originally Posted by Octopuss
I think I know what happened: the entire settings got wiped, possibly by logging in with a different account.
I know I set a different /tell for asking people about loot, and it's back at the default one.

I'll grab a backup from the server and see what happens, and if it works I'll see what the other account does to it.

So whatever happened there for you I'm not sure why it would or should destroy your SavedVariables. This could happen if the file gets too big but I think the max size is 200mb or similar and as long as the total character count in 1 line of the SV does not get bigger than the max defined (described at the WIKI: it should be valid too.

So either your SV in total got corrupt, or I'm puzzled what happened. My WL file is currently 10,4MB big and works fine (with 1 account).
Last edited by Baertram : 11/30/22 at 10:40 AM.
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Unread 11/29/22, 04:17 PM  
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I think I know what happened: the entire settings got wiped, possibly by logging in with a different account.
I know I set a different /tell for asking people about loot, and it's back at the default one.

I'll grab a backup from the server and see what happens, and if it works I'll see what the other account does to it.
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Unread 11/29/22, 04:07 PM  
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Originally Posted by Octopuss
My wishlisht got wiped or something
Well, that was my first though when I saw nothing in the history and no items on the actual wishlisht, but then I checked savedvars folder, and the damn file is 10MB big? Whoa, that's not right? It's also readable, so probably not broken.
The only thing I did recently was buying another ESO account and logging in.
Could that have messed the data somehow?
Hm, no, SVs should save properly by each @accountNumber.
If you got a backup of your old SV data you could logout and try if copying this over helps to restore your lists.
And you could also edit the SV file with a text editor and search for your 2 @account names, and see what was saved how that way.
But there could be bugs, I do not own 2 accounts to test that so who knows, sorry.
At best logout, restore your old SV (backups should be done once a week as a reminder, just copy over the total SV folder somewhere else), then
login with @account1 (the old one), check for your WishList data if it's there.
Logout, login with your @account2 and see if the data is empty then (I expect it to be empty as @account1 will not be read then!!!) and logout and login with @account1 again and see if it's still there.

if not: Tell me please and I can try to have a look, but imho this is ZOS default ZO_SavedVars code and it should work just fine with 2 different accounts. It's just not automatically copying anythign from account 1 to 2 or the other way around. This would need me to code a lot to make it work and I do not want to do that sorry. If you need that copy the WishList entries manually in your SV file from @account1 to @account2 subtables.
The net and even sticky posts about SavedVars explain a bit about the structures and how to copy data.

What WishList does not provide is the possibility to save & copy accross different @accounts! Only the logged in can be seen so if you login with @account1 you cannot see your wishlist and history of @account2 and vice versa.

The Wishlist SV get's that big, yes!
It needs to save many itemlink data, so the more chars you have and the more items they save and the more history data you keep without clearing it at the UI, the bigger the files will get! You need to clear them, for all of the chars, recently if you selecte dnew set item collections or items etc.
The context menus at the WishList/history lines and the - button at the top left of the WishList/History helps.
Last edited by Baertram : 11/29/22 at 04:13 PM.
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Unread 11/29/22, 02:36 PM  
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My wishlisht got wiped or something
Well, that was my first though when I saw nothing in the history and no items on the actual wishlisht, but then I checked savedvars folder, and the damn file is 10MB big? Whoa, that's not right? It's also readable, so probably not broken.
The only thing I did recently was buying another ESO account and logging in.
Could that have messed the data somehow?
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Unread 09/27/22, 07:40 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Missing Trait for Weapons/Armor

You are welcome.

I have tried to add a new marker icon to the list of WishList items, next to the "Already collected set collection item" column.
You'd be able to sort the list by the "Gear" column texture (the texture is a number from 1 to 280 e.g. and sorting would just consider this number!).
Works so far.

This would be the easiest way to assign items to 1 marker icon (e.g. gear 1 marker icon = "Helmet", gear 2 marker icon = "Weapon" or similar).
I'd provide a settings menu where you define a gear with that icon and provide a name + comment box.
The icon can be used together with a colorpicker multiple times, like FCOItemSaver does it with the dynamic marker icons too.
>You can define your gears that way and then assign them to your items on your WishList.
> The same WishList items can only be assigned to 1 gear marker icon! So if you got several gears using the same item it won't work, sorry!
You'd at least have to change the trait or quality or something and add it to your WishList again to make that work properly.

Planned features:
-Settings menu to define gears

-Select a gear icon at the "Add item dialog" from a dropdown box

Context menu entries at the Wishlist:
-Mark selected item(s) as gear x (submenu at the context menu showing all defined gears, where you need to select 1)
-> Existing gear marker on items will be changed!
-Remove selected item(s) from assigned gear
-Mark as gear x (submenu at the context menu showing all defined gears, where you need to select 1) for all items of that set
-Mark as gear x (submenu at the context menu showing all defined gears, where you need to select 1) for all items of that type (armor/weapon/jewelry)
-Maybe remove assigned gear for all items of that type (armor/weapons/jewelry)
-Maybe remove assigned gear for all items of that set

Originally Posted by rohdaa
Thank you Baertram for taking the time to respond to this, I really appreciate your valuable time and I'm looking forward to giving you more feedback on this addon if there are new features implemented, it's such a QoL for hunting specific gear pieces you can't imagine how helpful this addon is.
Last edited by Baertram : 09/27/22 at 07:38 PM.
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Unread 09/26/22, 08:44 PM  

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Missing Trait for Weapons/Armor

Thank you Baertram for taking the time to respond to this, I really appreciate your valuable time and I'm looking forward to giving you more feedback on this addon if there are new features implemented, it's such a QoL for hunting specific gear pieces you can't imagine how helpful this addon is.

Originally Posted by Baertram

about the nirnhorned:
As no nirnhorned items can drop by default it makes no sense to add it as the addon checks your loot, and is not designed to be a build manager.
Even if I add it it would just be a dead list and not fit to the addons possibilities then? You could even do this outside the game using a notepad then
I could add nirnhorned but it would need me to add several checks at different source codes to prevent errors as the items do not exist, or tooltips cannot be created properly etc.
I'm not planning to do that extra work sorry as the implementation and testing wuold take me a lot of time that I currently do not have.

There exist other addons which can assist you with your builds, adding marker icons to them etc.
e.g. you could use FCOItemSaver to mark your items with a build "healer", another with "tank 1", "tank 2" etc.
There exist up to 30 dynamic marker icons + 5 fixed build icons where you are free with the naming and marking, up to your build needs.

I can have a look if this would be possible without much effort but I cannot say when and if this will work, currently I'm bus with too much to work on this.

You could try to use comments at the items to show at the tooltips for the moment:

Definately nothig I'm going to work on sorry as there is no library providing such info and conditions based on the dungen I'm in, and I'm not going to create another library or lookup tables (multi language) to provide that, which needs to be updated on each new patch/DLC/chapter again
If you want such messages to be easily posted to the chat define them yourself please via addon pChat, using the /msg command. It can build messges like !lfset1 and as you typ !lfset1 it will show yoru longtext of info you want to post to the chat. But there is no API or anythign that I could use with WishList to check the conditions, then know which items drop under whcih conditions only, and then check your WishList to post only the relevant items.

Originally Posted by rohdaa
Originally Posted by Baertram
Originally Posted by rohdaa
In the Wishlist window uppon search for an item and interact with it by right-clicking Add item
In the ADD ITEM window
The trait for weapons and armor Nirnhoned trait is missing
Do there exist any nirnhorned set items in vanilla game? I doubt that but might be wrong.
Got any example which set got nirnhorned weapons by default loot?
I'm not sure if any Nirnhoned set items in vanilla game but it would be nice if that trait option is there even though nothing will probably drop with Nirnhoned, because I use this great addon to put together a build and it's good to have the proper traits on the items.

Also, this is beyond the quote scope, but I would love to include other suggestions:

Categorized Wish-lists
- Would be nice if I could create a category to put items in such as (Trash Build) or (Tank Build), then when you click on it, it will show all the wish-listed items in that category, and that category name should be included within the "Looted item message notification".

That way when you find your wished item, you know exactly what that item will be used for when you added it a long time ago to your wishlist.
Also, it helps to update the wished item if you found a better alternative since the meta shifts a lot.

Looking for items Notification
Upon joining an instance such as Trial/Dungeon that could drop a wished item, a notification alert on-screen saying that I'm looking for "Wished Items Names",

Conditions must be considered to avoid false notifications, below are some examples

Normal Cloudrest jewelry only drops from a +2 and purple in +3.
You won't get jewelry from a +0 or +1.
It does drop from the weekly coffer you get for handing the quest though.

Normal difficulty will not drop Monster Set heads,
Veteran difficulty will do from the last boss.
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Unread 09/25/22, 04:58 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Missing Trait for Weapons/Armor


about the nirnhorned:
As no nirnhorned items can drop by default it makes no sense to add it as the addon checks your loot, and is not designed to be a build manager.
Even if I add it it would just be a dead list and not fit to the addons possibilities then? You could even do this outside the game using a notepad then
I could add nirnhorned but it would need me to add several checks at different source codes to prevent errors as the items do not exist, or tooltips cannot be created properly etc.
I'm not planning to do that extra work sorry as the implementation and testing wuold take me a lot of time that I currently do not have.

There exist other addons which can assist you with your builds, adding marker icons to them etc.
e.g. you could use FCOItemSaver to mark your items with a build "healer", another with "tank 1", "tank 2" etc.
There exist up to 30 dynamic marker icons + 5 fixed build icons where you are free with the naming and marking, up to your build needs.

Categorized Wish-lists
- Would be nice if I could create a category to put items in such as (Trash Build) or (Tank Build), then when you click on it, it will show all the wish-listed items in that category, and that category name should be included within the "Looted item message notification".
I can have a look if this would be possible without much effort but I cannot say when and if this will work, currently I'm bus with too much to work on this.

You could try to use comments at the items to show at the tooltips for the moment:

Looking for items Notification
Upon joining an instance such as Trial/Dungeon that could drop a wished item, a notification alert on-screen saying that I'm looking for "Wished Items Names",

Conditions must be considered to avoid false notifications, below are some examples

Normal Cloudrest jewelry only drops from a +2 and purple in +3.
You won't get jewelry from a +0 or +1.
It does drop from the weekly coffer you get for handing the quest though.

Normal difficulty will not drop Monster Set heads,
Veteran difficulty will do from the last boss.
Definately nothig I'm going to work on sorry as there is no library providing such info and conditions based on the dungen I'm in, and I'm not going to create another library or lookup tables (multi language) to provide that, which needs to be updated on each new patch/DLC/chapter again
If you want such messages to be easily posted to the chat define them yourself please via addon pChat, using the /msg command. It can build messges like !lfset1 and as you typ !lfset1 it will show yoru longtext of info you want to post to the chat. But there is no API or anythign that I could use with WishList to check the conditions, then know which items drop under whcih conditions only, and then check your WishList to post only the relevant items.

Originally Posted by rohdaa
Originally Posted by Baertram
Originally Posted by rohdaa
In the Wishlist window uppon search for an item and interact with it by right-clicking Add item
In the ADD ITEM window
The trait for weapons and armor Nirnhoned trait is missing
Do there exist any nirnhorned set items in vanilla game? I doubt that but might be wrong.
Got any example which set got nirnhorned weapons by default loot?
I'm not sure if any Nirnhoned set items in vanilla game but it would be nice if that trait option is there even though nothing will probably drop with Nirnhoned, because I use this great addon to put together a build and it's good to have the proper traits on the items.

Also, this is beyond the quote scope, but I would love to include other suggestions:

Categorized Wish-lists
- Would be nice if I could create a category to put items in such as (Trash Build) or (Tank Build), then when you click on it, it will show all the wish-listed items in that category, and that category name should be included within the "Looted item message notification".

That way when you find your wished item, you know exactly what that item will be used for when you added it a long time ago to your wishlist.
Also, it helps to update the wished item if you found a better alternative since the meta shifts a lot.

Looking for items Notification
Upon joining an instance such as Trial/Dungeon that could drop a wished item, a notification alert on-screen saying that I'm looking for "Wished Items Names",

Conditions must be considered to avoid false notifications, below are some examples

Normal Cloudrest jewelry only drops from a +2 and purple in +3.
You won't get jewelry from a +0 or +1.
It does drop from the weekly coffer you get for handing the quest though.

Normal difficulty will not drop Monster Set heads,
Veteran difficulty will do from the last boss.
Last edited by Baertram : 09/25/22 at 05:01 AM.
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Unread 09/25/22, 12:22 AM  

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Re: Re: Missing Trait for Weapons/Armor

Originally Posted by Baertram
Originally Posted by rohdaa
In the Wishlist window uppon search for an item and interact with it by right-clicking Add item
In the ADD ITEM window
The trait for weapons and armor Nirnhoned trait is missing
Do there exist any nirnhorned set items in vanilla game? I doubt that but might be wrong.
Got any example which set got nirnhorned weapons by default loot?
I'm not sure if any Nirnhoned set items in vanilla game but it would be nice if that trait option is there even though nothing will probably drop with Nirnhoned, because I use this great addon to put together a build and it's good to have the proper traits on the items.

Also, this is beyond the quote scope, but I would love to include other suggestions:

Categorized Wish-lists
- Would be nice if I could create a category to put items in such as (Trash Build) or (Tank Build), then when you click on it, it will show all the wish-listed items in that category, and that category name should be included within the "Looted item message notification".

That way when you find your wished item, you know exactly what that item will be used for when you added it a long time ago to your wishlist.
Also, it helps to update the wished item if you found a better alternative since the meta shifts a lot.

Looking for items Notification
Upon joining an instance such as Trial/Dungeon that could drop a wished item, a notification alert on-screen saying that I'm looking for "Wished Items Names",

Conditions must be considered to avoid false notifications, below are some examples

Normal Cloudrest jewelry only drops from a +2 and purple in +3.
You won't get jewelry from a +0 or +1.
It does drop from the weekly coffer you get for handing the quest though.

Normal difficulty will not drop Monster Set heads,
Veteran difficulty will do from the last boss.
Last edited by rohdaa : 09/25/22 at 12:44 AM.
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Unread 09/15/22, 07:29 AM  
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Re: Missing Trait for Weapons/Armor

Originally Posted by rohdaa
In the Wishlist window uppon search for an item and interact with it by right-clicking Add item
In the ADD ITEM window
The trait for weapons and armor Nirnhoned trait is missing
Do there exist any nirnhorned set items in vanilla game? I doubt that but might be wrong.
Got any example which set got nirnhorned weapons by default loot?
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Unread 09/15/22, 03:18 AM  

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Exclamation Missing Trait for Weapons/Armor

In the Wishlist window uppon search for an item and interact with it by right-clicking Add item
In the ADD ITEM window
The trait for weapons and armor Nirnhoned trait is missing
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Unread 07/17/22, 08:27 AM  
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Originally Posted by Octopuss
Does the addon differentiate between regular and named jewelry or not? I added Leviathan ring from the collections, and it added it as its named variant, Pulsing Dremora Ring. Will I get notified even if someone loots the generic variant?
This is added now. For non-crafted items the addon will check the setCollections "slot" identifier that ZOs provides for the items.
If e.g an item matches the quality, trait, level etc. of an item on your wishlist, but the itemId does not match, it will check for the "ZOs slot identifier" and if this matches the item is taken into account "as on your WishList" -> "ZOs slot identifier" = a string of "<setId>:<slotIdCalculated>" where <slotIdCalculated> is a ZOs int64 number saying "I'm a ring/legs/chest/....".
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Unread 06/30/22, 04:24 AM  

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Re: Re: Need update for new gear from High Isle?

Originally Posted by Baertram
I'm not getting these error messages. I guess you did not update the dependencies to the newest version?
Please logout, close the client, update LibSets to the most current version!
Login, open the WishList UI and click on the update sets button at the WishList UI.
This hopefully will fix the error messages.
Yep, you're right. I don't know how I've never noticed that "update sets" button before, but it fixed the error

Thank you!
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Unread 06/25/22, 08:05 PM  
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Re: Need update for new gear from High Isle?

Thanks for the report but please do not post screenshots of the error message but "copy the whole text", and tick the checkbox "more" at the bottom left before so one can see all variables at the time the error happens.
Thank you.

I'm not getting these error messages. I guess you did not update the dependencies to the newest version?
Please logout, close the client, update LibSets to the most current version!
Login, open the WishList UI and click on the update sets button at the WishList UI.
This hopefully will fix the error messages.

Originally Posted by hurry143

As far as I can tell, this addon is still working fine for existing gear after the recent ESO update.

However, I'm now getting the following error whenever I try to add an item from High Isle (including Dreadsail Reef) to a wishlist.
The addon doesn't show the "Choose Character" dialog -- it just goes straight to the above error.

Thank you!
Last edited by Baertram : 06/25/22 at 08:11 PM.
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Unread 06/25/22, 07:58 PM  

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Need update for new gear from High Isle?


As far as I can tell, this addon is still working fine for existing gear after the recent ESO update.

However, I'm now getting the following error whenever I try to add an item from High Isle (including Dreadsail Reef) to a wishlist.

The addon doesn't show the "Choose Character" dialog -- it just goes straight to the above error.

Thank you!
Last edited by hurry143 : 06/25/22 at 07:59 PM.
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