Results: 2Comments by: TimJG
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter02/11/17
Re: Turn Off Master Crafting Writs Please
Posted By: TimJG
I've done 3 ESO Master Crafting writs while Lazy Writ Crafter is on. First 2 were standard writs and there were no problems. 3rd Writ was for Legendary Ancient Orc Inferno Staff. I have no Motifs for this style. Lazy Writ Crafter Built the wrong style anyway and wasted 8 Rosin (1 Month of crafting to get). Rare Items in Master...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter02/07/17
Turn Off Master Crafting Writs Please
Posted By: TimJG
I've done 3 ESO Master Crafting writs while Lazy Writ Crafter is on. First 2 were standard writs and there were no problems. 3rd Writ was for Legendary Ancient Orc Inferno Staff. I have no Motifs for this style. Lazy Writ Crafter Built the wrong style anyway and wasted 8 Rosin (1 Month of crafting to get). Rare Items in Master...