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Updated: 10/02/22 08:19 AM
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Firesong (8.2.5)
Lost Depths (8.1.5)
Updated:10/02/22 08:19 AM
Created:03/28/15 10:06 AM
Monthly downloads:675
Total downloads:74,854
Categories:RolePlay, Character Advancement
Custom Idle Animation  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.7.3
by: Xerrok [More]
Since the indices of the emotes were changed by Zenimax, and the fact that this addon only stores the indices of emotes, idle sets from previous versions can't be migrated and therefore will be deleted!
I've changed it so, that the names of the emotes instead of the indices will be stored from now on, so that this case won't happen again.

With this addon you are able to replace the default idle animation with any in-game emotes.
You can use idle sets to totally customize your idle animation with all available emotes. Every emote can be given a minimum play time and a priority for more customization. Feel free to make idle sets for several "moods" of your characters.

The emotes will play almost immediately after your character's idle starts and the defined delay has passed. After that, the emotes will refresh every time when the defined minimum time has passed, or repeatedly during its minimum time, if loop is activated. The same emote can be executed more than once, which can result in a longer time a certain emote is being played.

With the chat command /cia or Escape->Settings->Addons->Custom Idle Animations you will get into the settings.
If you hover with the cursor over the single settings, a tooltip will pop up with helpful information.

You can assign keys to easily switch between the idle sets and a key to activate/deactivate the addon in the controls settings of ESO.

Known Bug:
  • When trying to sit on chairs, benches and such, the emotes will interrupt it. Deactivate the addon with the assigned key, so the character will keep sitting.
  • Having any UI window active and the game not in focus, results in getting messages, that the action couldn't be executed.

Source on GitHub
- Updated to newest API version 101036
- Added a loop feature for emotes

- Updated to newest API version 101035

- Fixed a bug where idles couldn't be saved
- WARNING! SavedVariables will be reset, since the previous version saved corrupt data

- Updated to newest API version 101034
- WARNING! Unfortunately older SavedVariables can't be migrated, since the indices for the emotes changed

- Updated to newest API version 101033

- Updated to newest API version 100035

- Updated to newest API version 100034

- Introduced a separate public method for deactivating the active idle set. This change will allow other addon authors to use the mentioned method. This change was requested by ShinyBones for his lovely addon LovelyEmotes. Make sure to have a look at this fantastic addon!

- Updated to newest API version 100032 and 100033

- Updated to newest API version 100031
- Fixed a bug where the delay couldn't be set, when there was only one IdleSet
- Fixed a bug where the SavedVariables of an older version wasn't migrated correctly

- After any action (running, crouching, fighting, etc.), a new emotes will be chosen
- Added a settable delay, which will be applied before playing the first emote after any action
- Every emote can now be played more than once
- Fixed a bug, where some settings wouldn't be saved

- Rewrote the addon from scratch

- Updated to newest API version 100029

- Fixed an error which occurred when CIA was disabled and no emotes were set

- Updated to newest API version 100027

- Updated to newest API version 100026

- Fixed a bug where the Custom Idle Animation overrode manual emtoes or interaction with world objects like chairs. Thanks "Holl Hears-In-Dusk" for the bug report.

- Increased emotes per set from 10 to 30
- The character shouldn't do his/her idle animations, when his/her weapons are drawn

- Updated to newest API version 100025

- Updated to newest API version 100023

- Updated to newest API version 100021

- Fixed the conditions for playing emotes (emotes were playing while digging a treasure chest)

- Updated to newest API version 100021
- Hopefully got rid of the error message in menus
- Increased idle delay maximum to 15000 ms
- Increased minimum emote time maximum to 30000 ms

- Updated to newest API version 100020

- Updated to newest API version 100019

- Updated to newest API version 100018

- Updated to newest API version 100017

- Updated to newest API version 100016

- Added some cases where no idles should be played

- Updated to newest API version 100014
- Hopefully fixed a bug where a "main:chunk" error occurs during start

- Embedded LibAddonMenu 2.0

- Added GUI settings
- Limited the count of emotes per set to 10
- Removed chat commands

- Added function to list all emotes of the game

- Updated to newest API version 100013

- Added support for up to 10 individual idle sets
- Fixed the break of other looped emotes
- Fixed some minor bugs

- Added support for multiple emotes as idle animation with weightings
- Added key binding for activating/deactivating the addon
- Modified parameter inputs
- Stealth won't be interupted now
- Fixed some minor bugs
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Unread 08/09/20, 06:16 AM  
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At first I want to apologize for my late response, but unfortunately my personal situation doesn't allow me to invest much time into updating CIA, but I will do my best!

Originally Posted by LustyGayArgonian
Just wanted to say thanks for making my dumbass take a second look. I must've missed it or forgot to /reloadui when I got the emotes. Thank you!
No worries! Have fun

Originally Posted by AzraelDrakePhoenix
Hi Xerrok,

Before I get to my request, I'd like to first thank you for your excellent addon. I appreciate your hard work on this, as it really makes those times when standing around for one reason or another a lot more interesting and enjoyable, both for me and those around me.

Now for the request, or more correctly, 2 requests...

1. Would it be at all possible to create a means to run a deliberate sequence of emotes? What I mean is that if the random number chosen is to choose a defined sequence established by the player, then the addon would run each emote, in order, and only trigger the standard "delay" timer after the full sequence completes. For example, an energetic dance set, followed by /breathless, followed by /faint? If it would be possible to do something like that, then I would love to see that capability added.

2. Would you please add Mementos into the system. I know this would take some time and effort, because they are used quite differently than emotes, but some of the mementos would make for really great random idle animations, IMO, and I'd love to be able to use them without having to go to the Collections menu, but instead simply have them run randomly when idle.

Regarding the second request, I was not able to find a complete list of all Mementos and their IDs, but I think it would be possible to find them with a simple addon that would iterate through a full index 758 - X where X is a very high number not less than 10000. (I suggest using 10000 because I anticipate that the ID for the 2020 Jubilee Cake will be somewhere in the 9000-10000 range and as far as I know that is the newest one. I suggest starting at 758 because according to the esoui wiki the first Memento id is 758, but that may or may not still be true, as that information is incomplete and last updated 31 October 2017). Then, for each iteration do the following...

local name, desc, ico, lockIco, unlocked, purchaseable, active, cat, hint = GetCollectibleInfo(index)

if (cat == 5) then
     CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage("Memento ID: " .. index .. ".  Memento Name: " .. name .. ".")
This would give you a list of Mementos to work with that could be added to a new category of idle options in the settings interface where we could define which to activate and the basic priority and min duration as though it were an emote.

To then use such Mementos would require a change to the way the general usage works. Instead of automatically using the slash command associated with the emote you would have to check if the "idle" to be used is an emote or a memento. If it is an emote, then use the slash command as normal. If it is a Memento, then use

Alternatively, it might be possible to simply do UseCollectible(id) for both emotes and mementos, since emotes are considered a type of collectible.

In either case, this would still require a check to see if the Memento is unlocked, similar to with emotes, but that should work with the standard IsCollectibleUnlocked(id) function using the CollectibleID for the Memento.

As I said, I realize this would take a lot of time and effort, but I think that a lot of people would enjoy these additions, especially the second one.

Gratefully and Respectfully,
Thanks for the praise! I think your 2 feature requests are very interesting, but like you said, they need some time to implement.
For the first request I think an autonomous addon for creating "own" emotes, by combining existing ones, and give them a custom slash name, would be a better idea. When I've reimplemented the manual entering of emotes, CIA would be able to use them too.
The second request is something I've considered to implement for a long time now, but like I said it needs a lot of time and effort to implement in a way, that it's easy to use. But nontheless it will come sooner or later!

Originally Posted by HowellQagan
Can't wait for that, the new category based layout is a bit chaotic for me, too much scrolling imo.
Sorry that it takes so long to implement, but I think I will reimplement the manual entering again instead of a search function. But unfortunately my personal situation doesn't allow me to invest a lot of time to update my addon right now. Hope I will be able to settle everything soon and continue to work on it.

Originally Posted by HowellQagan
I'm pretty sure not all emotes are sorted into these preset categories, there are way more emotes than these :/ So that also means it entirely depends on ZOS whether the new ones will be available in the categories (most likely not).
And that's exactly why I'm thinking of scrapping the idea of a search function and reimplement the manual entering of emotes, like stated above.

Originally Posted by p6kocka
Hi. thank you for this addon. Is it possible to set delay between individual amotes pls? Like having 15-20 sec between each emote? BEacause it looks kinda distrbing. Increasing time of each emote mek it only play it in loop. Thank you
If you want to have a certain period of time between emotes where your character is doing nothing (default idle), just add /idle with a high priority and desired minimum time to your emote set.

Originally Posted by DreamsUnderStars
I liked the old way of typing in the emotes. The lists are too much scrolling. Would having an auto complete like in-game chats be too difficult?
Like mentioned above, I will reimplement the manual entering of emotes in the future. Implementing an auto completion is actually a pretty good idea I will look into then.

Originally Posted by trowieuk
Any chance of having a preview button for each emote? So it does /emote while keeping the window active.
Unfortunately the game won't let the character play any emotes in the menus.

Originally Posted by Natavra
Hello, Xerrok! Your mod is my favorite!

I have a problem - can you help me, please? I can't find Psijic Glowglobe emote. Maybe I wasn't attentive enough - in that case, which section should I check? Thanks!
Thanks for the praise
That's because the Psijic Glowglobe isn't an emote but a memento. Mementos aren't support as of now, but will be most probably implemented in the future.

Originally Posted by djmeowth
Hi! Thanks for the amazing addon, I've been using it for a couple years now, but I just reinstalled ESO and updated all my addons, and Custom Idle Animation no longer works.

I get this error immediately upon logging in:

user:/AddOns/CustomIdleAnimation/CustomIdleAnimation.lua:9: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CustomIdleAnimation/CustomIdleAnimation.lua:9: in function '(main chunk)'

And when I check my addon settings, Custom Idle Animation isn't there anymore.

Any ideas a to what's wrong?
Originally Posted by astragoblin
Just piping in that I'm seeing this exact error as well, even when I load nothing but this add-on.

EDIT - I'm seeing a similar error in N'Tak' Camera today, too, if that's any help... maybe the recent patch broke something in LibAddonMenu-2.0 (that both of these broken add-ons depend on)?:
user:/AddOns/NTakCamera/NTakCameraOptions.lua:22: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/NTakCamera/NTakCameraOptions.lua:22: in function '(main chunk)'
Originally Posted by gjbailey71
I am getting this error as well and can not figure out a way to fix it.
Hey there, I'm sorry that you have problems running CIA! What the error message is saying, is that it wants to initialize LibAddonMenu-2.0, but isn't able to find it. Are you sure that you installed it correctly?
Last edited by MBW91 : 08/09/20 at 06:19 AM.
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Unread 07/30/20, 11:50 AM  

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Same here

Originally Posted by astragoblin
Just piping in that I'm seeing this exact error as well, even when I load nothing but this add-on.

EDIT - I'm seeing a similar error in N'Tak' Camera today, too, if that's any help... maybe the recent patch broke something in LibAddonMenu-2.0 (that both of these broken add-ons depend on)?:
user:/AddOns/NTakCamera/NTakCameraOptions.lua:22: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/NTakCamera/NTakCameraOptions.lua:22: in function '(main chunk)'

Originally Posted by djmeowth
Hi! Thanks for the amazing addon, I've been using it for a couple years now, but I just reinstalled ESO and updated all my addons, and Custom Idle Animation no longer works.

I get this error immediately upon logging in:

user:/AddOns/CustomIdleAnimation/CustomIdleAnimation.lua:9: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CustomIdleAnimation/CustomIdleAnimation.lua:9: in function '(main chunk)'

And when I check my addon settings, Custom Idle Animation isn't there anymore.

Any ideas a to what's wrong?
I am getting this error as well and can not figure out a way to fix it.
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Unread 07/08/20, 12:53 AM  

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Just piping in that I'm seeing this exact error as well, even when I load nothing but this add-on.

EDIT - I'm seeing a similar error in N'Tak' Camera today, too, if that's any help... maybe the recent patch broke something in LibAddonMenu-2.0 (that both of these broken add-ons depend on)?:
user:/AddOns/NTakCamera/NTakCameraOptions.lua:22: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/NTakCamera/NTakCameraOptions.lua:22: in function '(main chunk)'

Originally Posted by djmeowth
Hi! Thanks for the amazing addon, I've been using it for a couple years now, but I just reinstalled ESO and updated all my addons, and Custom Idle Animation no longer works.

I get this error immediately upon logging in:

user:/AddOns/CustomIdleAnimation/CustomIdleAnimation.lua:9: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CustomIdleAnimation/CustomIdleAnimation.lua:9: in function '(main chunk)'

And when I check my addon settings, Custom Idle Animation isn't there anymore.

Any ideas a to what's wrong?
Last edited by astragoblin : 07/08/20 at 01:00 AM.
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Unread 07/03/20, 10:07 AM  

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Hi! Thanks for the amazing addon, I've been using it for a couple years now, but I just reinstalled ESO and updated all my addons, and Custom Idle Animation no longer works.

I get this error immediately upon logging in:

user:/AddOns/CustomIdleAnimation/CustomIdleAnimation.lua:9: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CustomIdleAnimation/CustomIdleAnimation.lua:9: in function '(main chunk)'

And when I check my addon settings, Custom Idle Animation isn't there anymore.

Any ideas a to what's wrong?
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Unread 06/19/20, 05:38 PM  

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Psijic glowglobe emote? Can't find

Hello, Xerrok! Your mod is my favorite!

I have a problem - can you help me, please? I can't find Psijic Glowglobe emote. Maybe I wasn't attentive enough - in that case, which section should I check? Thanks!
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Unread 05/29/20, 04:26 PM  

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Any chance of having a preview button for each emote? So it does /emote while keeping the window active.
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Unread 05/26/20, 05:07 PM  

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I liked the old way of typing in the emotes. The lists are too much scrolling. Would having an auto complete like in-game chats be too difficult?
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Unread 05/09/20, 03:22 PM  

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Hi. thank you for this addon. Is it possible to set delay between individual amotes pls? Like having 15-20 sec between each emote? BEacause it looks kinda distrbing. Increasing time of each emote mek it only play it in loop. Thank you
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Unread 04/04/20, 12:06 PM  
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Originally Posted by Xerrok
A search function will be implemented in the future.
Can't wait for that, the new category based layout is a bit chaotic for me, too much scrolling imo.

Originally Posted by Xerrok
I don't have to update this addon for new emotes, because it will get all available emotes that you also have unlocked from the game.
I'm pretty sure not all emotes are sorted into these preset categories, there are way more emotes than these :/ So that also means it entirely depends on ZOS whether the new ones will be available in the categories (most likely not).
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Unread 04/01/20, 07:53 PM  

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Hi Xerrok,

Before I get to my request, I'd like to first thank you for your excellent addon. I appreciate your hard work on this, as it really makes those times when standing around for one reason or another a lot more interesting and enjoyable, both for me and those around me.

Now for the request, or more correctly, 2 requests...

1. Would it be at all possible to create a means to run a deliberate sequence of emotes? What I mean is that if the random number chosen is to choose a defined sequence established by the player, then the addon would run each emote, in order, and only trigger the standard "delay" timer after the full sequence completes. For example, an energetic dance set, followed by /breathless, followed by /faint? If it would be possible to do something like that, then I would love to see that capability added.

2. Would you please add Mementos into the system. I know this would take some time and effort, because they are used quite differently than emotes, but some of the mementos would make for really great random idle animations, IMO, and I'd love to be able to use them without having to go to the Collections menu, but instead simply have them run randomly when idle.

Regarding the second request, I was not able to find a complete list of all Mementos and their IDs, but I think it would be possible to find them with a simple addon that would iterate through a full index 758 - X where X is a very high number not less than 10000. (I suggest using 10000 because I anticipate that the ID for the 2020 Jubilee Cake will be somewhere in the 9000-10000 range and as far as I know that is the newest one. I suggest starting at 758 because according to the esoui wiki the first Memento id is 758, but that may or may not still be true, as that information is incomplete and last updated 31 October 2017). Then, for each iteration do the following...

local name, desc, ico, lockIco, unlocked, purchaseable, active, cat, hint = GetCollectibleInfo(index)

if (cat == 5) then
     CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage("Memento ID: " .. index .. ".  Memento Name: " .. name .. ".")
This would give you a list of Mementos to work with that could be added to a new category of idle options in the settings interface where we could define which to activate and the basic priority and min duration as though it were an emote.

To then use such Mementos would require a change to the way the general usage works. Instead of automatically using the slash command associated with the emote you would have to check if the "idle" to be used is an emote or a memento. If it is an emote, then use the slash command as normal. If it is a Memento, then use

Alternatively, it might be possible to simply do UseCollectible(id) for both emotes and mementos, since emotes are considered a type of collectible.

In either case, this would still require a check to see if the Memento is unlocked, similar to with emotes, but that should work with the standard IsCollectibleUnlocked(id) function using the CollectibleID for the Memento.

As I said, I realize this would take a lot of time and effort, but I think that a lot of people would enjoy these additions, especially the second one.

Gratefully and Respectfully,
Last edited by AzraelDrakePhoenix : 04/06/20 at 12:03 PM.
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Unread 03/29/20, 08:41 AM  

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Originally Posted by LustyGayArgonian
One thing I missed from the old version was being able to manually enter the new emotes. I can't see the new ones in the settings so I assume you have to update the addon for each new emote that comes out?
Originally Posted by Xerrok
I don't have to update this addon for new emotes, because it will get all available emotes that you also have unlocked from the game. A search function will be implemented in the future.
Just wanted to say thanks for making my dumbass take a second look. I must've missed it or forgot to /reloadui when I got the emotes. Thank you!
Last edited by LustyGayArgonian : 03/29/20 at 08:42 AM.
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Unread 03/28/20, 08:05 AM  
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Originally Posted by Kenza
Thanks for the update~
I have another request! Could we have an option for account wide settings? Or, sort of account wide settings.. Save sets account wide, but have which set is currently active be character-based?
I will look into that.

Originally Posted by LustyGayArgonian
One thing I missed from the old version was being able to manually enter the new emotes. I can't see the new ones in the settings so I assume you have to update the addon for each new emote that comes out?
I don't have to update this addon for new emotes, because it will get all available emotes that you also have unlocked from the game. A search function will be implemented in the future.
Last edited by MBW91 : 03/28/20 at 08:06 AM.
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Unread 03/19/20, 12:53 PM  

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Support for the new emotes from the gloomspore crown crates

One thing I missed from the old version was being able to manually enter the new emotes. I can't see the new ones in the settings so I assume you have to update the addon for each new emote that comes out?
Last edited by LustyGayArgonian : 03/19/20 at 12:56 PM.
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Unread 03/13/20, 03:44 PM  
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Thanks for the update~
I have another request! Could we have an option for account wide settings? Or, sort of account wide settings.. Save sets account wide, but have which set is currently active be character-based?
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Unread 03/07/20, 04:13 AM  
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Following some compiled topics I will adress shortly:
Reset active emote after it was cancelled (e.g. through walking, crouching, fighting)
I think this will be fairly easy to implement and will be part of the next update.

Preview emotes through the menu
This is more complicated. With my current knowledge, I think I have to close the menu and let CIA play the clicked emote. But I think this would'nt be that practical.

Reintroduce settable delay before playing emotes
Should be no big problem to reimplement. Will be present in the next update.

Settable filler emote playing in the delay time (e.g. /idle2, /idle3, ...)
Seems like an interesting idea. But I won't realize that in the next update.

Keybindings for specific IdleSets
This was a thing in the old version, because there was a fixed count of idle sets I could bind, but now it is variable and seems more complicated to implement. I think I will have a look at it, but most probably not for the next update.

Add emotes through entering it manually
I think it would be not that hard to implement this, but I have to have a look at LibAddonMenu if there is a way to jump to the corresponding emote in the list, when entering it. Otherwise you would have to scroll to the entry nontheless, to set it up.

Configurable chat messages
Seems really easy to implement. It doesn't have a high priority, but I will have a look at it.

"Do once and done" instead of time range for some emotes
This is in my opinion the most difficult to implement. There is no way to get the play time for an emote or checking if an emote is currently playing through the API. To make this work, I have to go through all existing emotes and personalities and stop the time for them. If I can't find any other solution, this won't be implemented.
Someone wrote that the old version would do that, but that's not true. The only difference in the old version is, that one emote could be played more than one time consecutively. With the current solution of setting a min and max time for each emote, you're able to configure it more precisely. But I think I will revert that, so that the previous played emote can be played again. In this case the maximum emote time will be redundant and be removed.

Sometimes settings won't get saved
I didn't come across this problem, but I will have a look at it. More information when and how it occurs would be really helpful.

Opening the CIA menu lags
I also noted small lags when scrolling through the list of emotes. I think it's just because LibAddonMenu has problems rendering so many menu elements at once. I hope it's still usable for now.
Last edited by MBW91 : 03/07/20 at 05:37 AM.
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