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Updated: 03/13/16 02:03 PM
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Thieves Guild (2.3)
Orsinium (2.2.4)
Updated:03/13/16 02:03 PM
Created:04/18/15 06:14 PM
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Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Bags, Bank, Inventory, Character Advancement, Info, Plug-in Bars, ToolTip
CraftStore  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.40
by: @AlphaLemming [More]

Perhaps interesting: AlphaGear - Skill & Gear Set-Manager


No dependencies, no libraries, more than 11 addons in one with a fraction of their required memory.
  • CraftStore provides a interface you can use everywhere, everytime with a collection of:
    All craftable sets with the option to instantly port to the nearest wayshrine
    All provisioning recipes with the option to mark its ingredients
    All crafting writs for your daily quests if interacting with a crafting station
  • Keep track of all your characters:
    All researched traits, research in progress and used research slots
    All research timer, mount training timer, level
    All provisioning recipes
    All styles
    All stocked items on every character
  • All these trackings are visible in your inventory, bank, guild bank, guild store and loot window, needed items are marked:
    (!) your current character need this item
    (!) one or more of your alternate characters need this item
    (!) this is a ingredient required for a marked recipe
  • All these features are selectable for each of your characters
  • You have a 12 and 24 hour countdown to collect your hireling mails
  • You can see your daily fence transactions and your gold income today
  • The interface is completely interactive, with tooltips and a right click mostly post into chat
  • Last but not least CraftStore provides you a complete new designed, well optimized interface for Provisioning and Enchanting

Please note:
  • If you use other addons for provisioning or enchanting at the same time with CraftStore, this could cause errors or bad results.
  • You can disable the CraftStoreCook and CraftStoreRune modules in the options or just only use CraftStore.

Upcoming features:
  • CraftStoreFlask - a new interface for Alchemy
  • CraftStoreArtisan - a new interface for Blacksmithing/Clothing/Woodworking ... a lot of work!
  • A option to send your own CraftStore datas to other player with CraftStore via mail ... have to learn how, any help are welcome
  • If that question comes up, no i will not support Xbox/Playstation UI's, because its the opposite of what CraftStore is made for, sorry.

Special thanks to Garkin, Baertram and O'Kim for their support.
Thanks to Sir-Quackberry for a awesome amount of gold he donate to me.
Version 3.40
  • Style overhaul, all styles implemented with auto update
  • Click to research items fixed - broken by patch 2.3
  • Dungeon Set overview removed (to much data and effort to keep it)

Version 3.39
  • Styles and style tracking updated
  • Crafting sets and locations updated

Version 3.38
  • API update for patch 2.3
  • Crafting station error fixed

Version 3.37
  • Some Bug-fixes
  • Better storage-data-management
  • Latest User-requests implemented

Version 3.36
  • Bug with french translation fixed
  • Bug with multi-crafting fixed
  • Options moved from character-specific to account-wide (all characters now have the same seetings)
  • Some minor fixes
  • |EXPERIMENTAL| At smithing panel you can now click the "plus" symbol in CraftStore to research the trait with the item stored for this ! PLEASE make sure it is the CORRECT item - it will be DESTROYED ! (currently you get the crafting message from the panel, but all works all correct)

Version 3.35
  • Style panel redesigned, more details - crafting material, achievements - all linkable
  • Dungeon set panel moved to own window, now alphabetical sorted
  • Enchanting screen can now be opened everywhere, runes and glyphs linkable in this mode
  • Enchanting panel slightly optimized, new function for refining all glyphs (left click refines all not crafted glyphs, right click refines all gylphs)
  • Link to chat function now adds text instead of replacing all, so you can write into chat and add a link
  • Some minor bug fixes (at login sometimes learned traits are not updated correctly - now fixed) and code optimization
  • New feature: Shows item-stock in tooltip for every item on every character
  • Gained inspiration is now displayed on crafting stations
  • Improvement of stack-split-screen, editbox is now preselected for fast key input

Version 3.34
  • panel error fixed (line 555)
  • some minor bugs in rune-mode-enchanting fixed
  • new select marker for rune-mode-enchanting added
  • all dungeon and pvp sets added (scroll down in the set-selection)

Version 3.33
  • guildbank error fixed
  • fallback for unknown languages to english
  • sets and styles now linkable into chat with right click
  • crafted glyphs now marked with a icon in list
  • most of french localization added (thanks to O'Kim)
  • some typos fixed (thanks for hints)
  • new screenshot collection added

Version 3.32
  • enchanting & provisioning interface optimized
  • enchanting rune-mode-crafting added
  • some minor fetaures added (you will notice it ;)
  • guild store item marking fixed, loot marking also
  • researched items will now be deleted from stored table
  • needed items can now linked in chat per right click on X
  • sets and wayshrines fixed
  • timers fixed (until better API support only for active character)
  • some more ... work in progress

Version 3.31
  • glyph table fixed (sorry for that)
  • glyphs now sorted in list view
  • all styles should now be displayed correctly
  • new Orzorgas recipes included (new tab in CSCook)
  • timers fixed
  • useless rune-bag preselection removed
  • rune voices reintegrated
  • old need-indicator-icons restored (no more colored background)
  • changing character selection now loads its known recipes correct
  • some minor fixes

Version 3.30 - Relaunch
  • complete rework
  • bugs incoming ^^

Version 3.26 - 3.29 - not released

Version 3.25a - Hotfix
  • no mouse bug with champion screen removed

Version 3.25
  • style window is now clickable, not longer on hover
  • alternate characters should not longer cause errors
  • hopefully the bug with mouse mode change on closing window removed

Version 3.24
  • crafting writs bug removed
  • bug with saved variables of alternate characters removed
  • all missing new styles now correctly marked as missing (only styles, not the fragments)

Version 3.23
  • Patch + API Update, new recipes, new crafting sets, new styles
  • remaining window on hotkey
  • bug removed
  • recipe and ingredient handling improvements

Version 3.22
  • better window handling, click do not close window anymore
  • ingredients bug removed (unselect a recipe does not unselects its ingredients)
  • ingredients amount color is now brighter
  • preperation for all new styles, style window redesign
  • disabled CraftStoreCook now "works" correct without error

Version 3.21
  • Ambrosia added
  • max cooking amount added
  • CraftStoreCook disable option added

Version 3.20
  • bug with character display removed
  • bug with recipe variable removed
  • bug with quest display removed

Version 3.19
  • new feature: all recipe overview and ingredient tracking
  • new feature: cooking interface
  • better item marking in more lists
  • some bugs in crafting quest progression removed
  • bug with research alarm fixed

Version 3.18
  • new feature: provisioning recipe tracking (activate it in the character selection)
  • Addon UI Button has now higher draw layer above other screen elements
  • a default character can now be choosen, which is always displayed in CraftStore (activate it in the character selection)
  • the inventory markups should now be visible in all crafting screens

Version 3.17
  • finally the Addon UI Button is now (again) moveable
  • Characters can now be deleted from the list
  • some lesser improvements

Version 3.16
  • UI-button moved to the chat frame, no longer moveable
  • fixed problem with exclamation mark in deconstruction screen
  • fixed bug with style learning

Version 1.15
  • new button design to be confrom with upcoming AlphaGear
  • fixed problem with motif tooltip (error with addline...)
  • fixed trait summary display

Version 1.14
  • new feature: style/motif tracking
  • exclamation mark has now option to be disabled
  • crafting skills now displayed with research level and skill rank

Version 3.13
  • fixed error with CS.UpdateQuest with no crafting quest but finishing other quests
  • CraftStoreQuest window is now moveable
  • selected characters in the CraftStore screen remain selected if window is closed/reopened

Version 3.12
  • correct a error with wrong character for items moving from bank
  • new feature: crafting writ display
  • crafting level now displayed in the bottom right crafting windows

Version 3.11
  • new option to mark intricate/ornate items in inventory
  • new try for correct PM-timer display
  • function IsItemStoredForCraftStore unlocalized
  • more accurate trait storing/inventory markup
  • tooltip improvements

Version 3.10
  • new option to disable research timer warning-message
  • new tooltips integrated with lesser API load
  • Big Thanks to Weolo, for inspiring me with his addon code
  • change of IsItemStoredForCraftStore function from itemLink to itemUniqueId
  • timer handling changed completely to ingame functions ... hopefully now correct for PM
  • some lesser improvements and corrections

Version 3.09
  • FilterIt Bug fixed
  • Style learning now should work without errors
  • Passive Skills now return correct number of simultaneous research

Version 3.08
  • Timers now correct for Premium Member (tested)
  • Guild Bank now excluded from item storage
  • CraftStore window should now be always ontop
  • new Option panel (right upper corner) with option to lock UI-Button (due to new order of options, your saved option could be wrong, must clicked once to correct it)
  • Shift+Click on the icon for a stored item (+) will delete it from saved variable

Version 3.07
  • Premium Membership should now reduce timer
  • new button design
  • some responsive improvements

Version 3.06
  • Timer tooltip fixed
  • Premium Membership bonus will now correctly added to timers
  • Alarm bug fixed
  • UI-Button now with own icon, moveable (anchor right)
  • CraftStore should now detect all traits correct
  • new function implemented for other addons to check stored items (read description for more)

Version 3.05
  • Timer bug fixed, now all timer are correct
  • Research management (re)implemented, choose your desired research for each character
  • UI Button moved right to the Game-Menu-Mainbar
  • Tooltip optimization
  • Options moved to the bottom

Version 3.04
  • error with saved crafting skills fixed (line 815)

Version 3.03
  • error at line 815 fixed
  • new option for display of known traits from alternates (upper left corner 4th option)
  • position of CraftStore window will now be saved
  • styles will now be displayed instant if learned
  • UI button moved back to chat window as parent
  • CraftStore window will now be hidden in champion screen

Version 3.02
  • alternate character error fixed (804)
  • ui-button now with transparent background
  • bug with alternates research count fixed

Version 3.01
  • moved all local variables to CS table to isolate them
  • alternate character error fixed (hopefully)
  • dwemer styles fixed
  • background lesser transparent
  • alert window fixed to static invisible

Version 3.00 - Initial Release
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Archived Files (37)
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03/09/16 04:51 PM
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3.25a Hotfix
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Unread 04/26/15, 12:29 PM  
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Zu den Markierungen:
Ok, habe ich bisher nie benutzt dann. Fand ResearchAssistant ausreichend und bin daran gewöhnt.
Aber andere scheinen ja die alte Option wieder zu wünschen, dass man die Charaktere aufteilen kann zu Ihren Berufen, dmait nicht alles markiert wird.

Zu dem Knopf:
Man kann es nicht allen recht machen, der eine so, der andere so
Wie wäre es mit Chat Button per Option aktivieren UND bewegbaren UI Button?

Wenn du dir die Verison 1.6 von mir anschaust, die ich dir mal gesendet hatte: Da habe ich den Knopf im Chat neben die Wykkyd Combobox positioniert UND der Knopf wurde, wenn du den Chat minimierst, automatisch auch an den Bildschirmrand verschoben damit man ihn dennoch drücken kann.
Solltest du dir von dort abschauen oder übernehmen können.

Noch etwas:
Jemand aus meiner Gilde meinte, dass der Aufruf der Tooltips im Spiel extrem langsam wird, wenn man länger spielt UND Craftstore aktiviert hat.
Wenn er dein Addon nicht aktiviert passiert das angeblich nicht.
Kann ich nicht nachvollziehen soweit aber wollte es mal weitergeben, da er keinen Account hier im Forum hat.

Danke für dein Addon und mach weiter so. Mir hilft's :-)

Originally Posted by Quaggan
I don't think that the new location for the button is appropriate. This addon has nothing to do with the chat. Plus it interferes with Wykkyd's Full Immersion's emote menu.

So why not put the button on the menu screen instead and make it movable? There is pleeeeenty of space there.
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Unread 04/26/15, 11:53 AM  

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I don't think that the new location for the button is appropriate. This addon has nothing to do with the chat. Plus it interferes with Wykkyd's Full Immersion's emote menu.

So why not put the button on the menu screen instead and make it movable? There is pleeeeenty of space there.
Last edited by Quaggan : 04/26/15 at 12:00 PM.
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Unread 04/26/15, 10:44 AM  

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Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming
@Baertram: CraftStore markiert alle benötigten Items, sofern mindestens ein Charakter für Forschung ausgewählt wurde.
Craftstore markiert damit für mich zu viel, weil ich nicht mit allen Chars alle Berufe lernen möchte. Ich meine, früher konnte man für jeden Char in der Übersicht auf das Waffen/Rüstungsicon klicken und damit wählen, was man lernen möchte.
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Unread 04/26/15, 08:48 AM  
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@Baertram: CraftStore markiert alle benötigten Items, sofern mindestens ein Charakter für Forschung ausgewählt wurde und es ist voll kompatibel zu Deinem FCOIS und erkennt dessen Markierung.
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Unread 04/26/15, 06:34 AM  
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I'll stay to ResearchAssistant for this one because I use RA generally to see the marked icons inside all my inventories and crafting stations (together with FCOItemSaver to "block" these marked items from deconstruction/selling/sending/trading etc.).

I don't like to open, search, have a look at CraftStore to see these items. It's a question of comfort.

But Craftstore gives a very appreciated overall overview and I will definately stay with it too!

Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming

Is there a general need for, to track specific research for all characters?
I removed this, because some seem to cope even with one checkmark If there is a general desire , I can re-install this feature in a easier way.
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Unread 04/26/15, 03:14 AM  

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Originally Posted by DaBear78
Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming
Why ResearchAssistant? ... CraftStore provide this with much more functionalities.
I also used ResearchAssistant before and can think of 3 things ResearchAssistant can do to make somebody use it ^^

1. You can choose to track clothier research for ToonA, leatherworking for ToonB, woodworking for ToonC blacksmithing for Toon D, weaponsmithing for ToonE and clothier, both smithings and woodworking for ToonF for example (or any other combination). CraftStore has only the option to track or not to track research for a char, you can't choose with researches should be tracked.
I use ResearchAssistant in addition to CraftStore just for this. If it is not too hard to reimplement this, I were glad
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Unread 04/26/15, 01:46 AM  
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Is there a general need for, to track specific research for all characters?
I removed this, because some seem to cope even with one checkmark If there is a general desire , I can re-install this feature in a easier way.
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Unread 04/25/15, 11:33 PM  
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Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming
Log in with your other chars, or clear the saved variables, to get the correct save entry. With correctly saved characters in version 3.04 this error should be history.
Everthing seems ok now
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Unread 04/25/15, 05:19 PM  

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Everything seems ok now
Thx a lot
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Unread 04/25/15, 04:50 PM  
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Point 1 i has removed in version 2.00, is not relevant in my opinion to track specific. Some facts should work in brain^^. Point 2 is provided by marking item as stored, where always the lowest item is used for. Point 3 has become less important, since you can steal items, refine them and reach a maximum level within a few hours.
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Unread 04/25/15, 03:09 PM  
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Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming
Why ResearchAssistant? ... CraftStore provide this with much more functionalities.
I also used ResearchAssistant before and can think of 3 things ResearchAssistant can do to make somebody use it ^^

1. You can choose to track clothier research for ToonA, leatherworking for ToonB, woodworking for ToonC blacksmithing for Toon D, weaponsmithing for ToonE and clothier, both smithings and woodworking for ToonF for example (or any other combination). CraftStore has only the option to track or not to track research for a char, you can't choose with researches should be tracked.

2. 3 different states for marking an item: red = keep for research, orange = you have more items with the same trait (which you need), but only the cheapest is red, all other items with the same trait are orange, grey = you can sell this item (or do anything you want with it, but it is not needed for research)

3. Ability to track ORNATE and INTRICATE items, which is very nice to have, so that I can see when an item is not needed for research, but grant additional inspiration (very good for leveling ^^)

I also miss these three little features, but I'll stick to CraftStore, because it has many other useful things ResearchAssistant can't offer ^^ Maybe you can see this little list as a wishlist and maybe also add some (or all ^^) of these points to CraftStore?
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Unread 04/25/15, 02:35 PM  
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Why ResearchAssistant? ... CraftStore provide this with much more functionalities.
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Unread 04/25/15, 11:54 AM  
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I installed ResearchAssistant. Thanks for the reply and suggestions.

Originally Posted by Baertram
I can recommend a nice addon to protect your items: FCO ItemSaver
It is able to protect items at different places by help of marker icons you can set by the right-click/context menu.
It is even able to hide these marked items in your inventory/crafting stations, vendors etc.

If you have installed the addon ResearchAssistant it is even able to automatically mark items, that are still researchable with you characters, with an icon so you can filter them and get error messages if you try to deconstruct them.

Originally Posted by javish
I don't remember if this mod had this function or it was another mod I had back then, but does this mod used to add (back then) a tooltip message marking the item for unknown trait or something like that so to avoid destroying it by mistake? I been away from game to long that I totally forgot that deconstruct took stuff from your inventory and bank. I just totally destroyed all items I had for research >.< lol
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Unread 04/25/15, 09:42 AM  
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Thx for bringing back the chat window button! Very appreciated.

If you use the chat button to open and then also to close the CraftStore window again I'm automatically inside the fighting camera modus (viewing the reticle).
So far so good.

But if I try to press the "." key to get my mouse cursor now it doesn't work anymore. I need to press ESC and ESC again to get my "." key to work again.

Maybe this relates to a topic describing problems with the game camera UI functions and some Scenes (can#t find the topic at the moment)?
Last edited by Baertram : 04/25/15 at 10:47 AM.
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Unread 04/25/15, 09:36 AM  
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I can recommend a nice addon to protect your items: FCO ItemSaver
It is able to protect items at different places by help of marker icons you can set by the right-click/context menu.
It is even able to hide these marked items in your inventory/crafting stations, vendors etc.

If you have installed the addon ResearchAssistant it is even able to automatically mark items, that are still researchable with you characters, with an icon so you can filter them and get error messages if you try to deconstruct them.

Originally Posted by javish
I don't remember if this mod had this function or it was another mod I had back then, but does this mod used to add (back then) a tooltip message marking the item for unknown trait or something like that so to avoid destroying it by mistake? I been away from game to long that I totally forgot that deconstruct took stuff from your inventory and bank. I just totally destroyed all items I had for research >.< lol
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