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Updated: 03/18/18 06:44 AM
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Updated:03/18/18 06:44 AM
Created:05/08/15 10:45 PM
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BugCatcher  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 017-100022
by: Werewolf Finds Dragon [More]
Please read this.

I'm taking another break for a while. My anxiety isn't holding up well and I need to take some time for myself to recover. Frankly, modding can be a thankless job and some of the people one is forced to interact with can be... deeply unpleasant at best, to put it in the kindest way I can and not as I truly want to. For now, I feel like my mods don't need any further work done to them. They're fine as they are. See you later, folks.

I'll be back! I'm not gone for good, I just need to set this aside for now. That's all.

One thing I will say as a final note is that it'd be nice if one could turn off the comments system and only have a bug tracker in the vein of Nexus Mods. That'd be handy for people like myself who do deal with anxiety. And I deal with a lot of anxiety.

See you around, folks. My thanks to those who were kind.

Click here to check out my other addons.
You're in a delve or PvP, and suddenly something breaks and you're spammed by lua error messages that you have to click through. That's no good! This mod fixes that. In the most basic terms, it suppresses addon error messages until you want to see them, and that's how it should be!

It's mostly something you can just drop in and forget. BugCatcher will suppress error messages and let you know with an unobtrusive chat window message when it catches a bug. So you can play without stress. Bug Catcher is the no-nonsense addon that deals with the bugs and lets you just play.

And when you want to see those bugs? You have a nice bug catalogue to browse through, at your leisure.
WARNING! I imagine you're getting BugCatcher because you want your bugs handled on the down-low, all quiet like. So, if you use the addon No, Thank You, it's important to ensure that the bug handling features of it are turned off. They're at the bottom, there are two dropdowns that should be set to 'dialog' and 'none' respectively. Otherwise you'll get notifications.
How to Use
The Bug Log

In your addons options menu (Escape -> Settings -> Addons), under BugCatcher, you'll find an easy to use bug log that will allow you to browse your errors. You can also click the BugSack icon to open it.

The Bug Sack

In the main menu there's now a tiny icon at the top left (which I'll call the BugSack icon). If it's faded out, you have no bugs; If it's not, you have bugs.

The BugSack icon now has a tooltip as well, it explains how this particular feature works. You can click the icon to show the bug log, alt + click it to wipe the bugs database, or just view the current count within the tooltip itself.

Only Useful Errors

There are errors in ESO that don't technically mean anything. They'll only serve to spam you and annoy addon authors if you pass them along. These useless errors are repressed, and BugCatcher's bug log contains only errors which are useful to addon authors. So rest assured that whatever errors you see are actually going to be helpful.

On a more technical level? The useless errors BugCatcher hides are XML-based. Such as XML UI and XML OnUpdate errors. All they really tell us is that the addon may need its XML elements reimplemented in lua, but not every addon developer has time for that.

View Bugs Outside of ESO

In the Utils folder, you'll find a file named 'Write Bugs to Text File.' If you double-click this file, as you would any other Windows file, it'll immediately generate a file named Bugs.txt. You can then peruse this at your disposal.

You should use this when ESO is closed, as ESO doesn't seem to write its databases to file until you've logged out. I've included this functionality for addon developers who can't be in-game all the time, and for group leaders/guild masters with less tech savvy users. In the latter case, they can just ask that the aforementioned less tech savvy users pass along their exported bugs. It's easy enough to explain to them how to do so, since it's basically just clicking a shortcut, and then uploading a text file.

If the text says 'No Errors Found,' then you've got no errors in your database. You're error free!
I'm sharing this addon because I genuinely get satisfaction out of the mere possibility of helping others, even when I don't know for sure. I have no interest in being popular, cults of popularity squick me out. As such, considering my disabilities, I'm unlikely to look at the comments very much. So this addon is delivered as-is, with a hearty dose of caveat emptor. Anything that it doesn't already do is 'out of scope.' You have other choices. I just wanted to make an simple, elegant solution for a real problem I was having. And now I'm sharing it in case it helps others.
My beau, who puts up with my ADHD and autism and enables me to actually do things like this.

I looked at Horse Timers to figure out how to make a clickable icon.

This is a homage to BugSack from WoW of yore.
:: 017-100022

o Bugfixes and performance updates.
o Updated interface version.

:: 016-100017

o What I did in the last patch was a very stopgap measure. I wanted time to come up with some way to deal with bugs that occurred before BugCatcher loaded. I took a page from the original BugSack and created a temp database which would pass errors along when BugCatcher has been fully initialised. BugCatcher should no longer ignore bugs that occur before it loads properly. Nor should tehy any longer cause issues.

:: 015-100017

o Made sure BugCatcher wouldn't try to handle bugs before it was fully initialised.

:: 014-100017

o Moved some checks around to try and further avoid any erroneous happenings, just to make BugCatcher even more robust. That'll sort everything out, I hope.

:: 013-100017

o Despite initialising the database as early as possible, some errors are still slipping in before BugCatcher's database has properly initialised. Grump, grump, grump. As such, I've brought back in a couple of checks to stop that from happening. This and the prior update should mean no more XML-caused weirdness slipping through. Sorry about that.

:: 012-100017

o I see what's happening. Some virulent XML errors are firing before BugCatcher has a chance to initialise its database. I've switched some things around so that that can no longer happen. Hooray. Bloody XML errors. No one likes you, pointless XML errors, go home.

:: 011-100017

o Put in a couple of extra checks to help deal with an odd error string issue that would make BugCatcher behave improperly. I think I have that fixed, now. Seems to be, at least.

:: 010-100017

o Bit the bullet and did something I've been thinking about for a while. No one uses the developer functions anyway (I've done some looking around), so I've just removed them. It's a little bit of unnecessary bloat if no one's actually using them. And BugCatcher is a consumer-focused addon, anyway.

:: 009-100017

o More cleaning up after the switch over to BugCatcher's shiny, new hotness. With the new way BugCatcher works, I believe that the 'display' component of the developer-focused function handleErrorString was detrimental to the everyday user. So I've removed it.

:: 008-100017

o A vestigial check was accidentally left in that would stop BugCatcher from going past collecting thirty bugs. After the redesign, this limitation is no longer necessary, so the check has now been removed and the only limit on bugs rests with the system rather than BugCatcher itself. Sorry about missing that.

:: 007-100017

o The bug page now saves across sessions, so if you want to keep track of a bug whilst reloading your UI (without the page automatically resetting to 1), you can do that. If it's more desirable that it stay on 1, let me know. I may provide some kind of option, there.
o Did a lot of work on the new UI, have a look at the screenshot. The duplicates indicator has been moved out of the error itself (a vestigial factor of how BugCatcher used to work) and into its own description above the bug. And alongside that the duplicate count, we now have the latest timestamp of when that error was seen.
o Other little touch-ups.

:: 006-100017

o Fixed a minor cosmetic issue with the BugSack module where the icon wasn't lit up if you had bugs after a UI reload.
o Colourised the Bug Log title, because why not?

:: 005-100017

o Wow, big changes. I rewrote so much of how BugCatcher works, let's see...
o I removed the slash commands, bindings, and the localisation just to make this new version easier to handle (sorry to whom this inconveniences, but they don't seem like popular features).
o This new version handles errors more elegantly through a brand new error log.
o There's better modularity with the one module I did keep separate (the bug sack).

:: 004-100017

o Updated LibOmniMessage.
o Further improvements to LibOmniMessage implementation.

:: 003-100017

o Cleaned up LibOmniMessage implementation more to remove redundancy.

:: 002-100017

o Fixed LibOmniMessage implementation.

:: 001-100017

o Added 'AddonName_Update:[Number]:Blah' type errors to the ignore list. It's this season's version of the number-spam bugs. These come from addons using XML OnUpdates when they really, really shouldn't. They should be using RegisterForUpdate or zo_callLater instead. The XML OnUpdate system is buggy and doesn't return anything valuable in the way of debug info. You won't actually get anything useful from seeing these bugs. They'll just make you want to pester the mod authors in question to change their stuff over from XML-based OnUpdates.
o Fixed up some other random stuff.

[Data prior to this version has been cleared.]
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Unread 05/09/15, 08:37 AM  
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the same as bug eater, but without setting menu?
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Unread 05/09/15, 09:00 AM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Not even remotely like BugEater, sorry.

Let's look at the differences:
  • BugEater uses its own interface; BugCatcher uses the already in-game interface to avoid unnecessary complications.
  • BugEater is 167 kilobytes of complexity, which (ironically) has left it a buggy mess as the BugEater comments section shows; BugCatcher is one kilobyte, it's kept simple to avoid that.
  • BugEater is designed to attempt to provide a debugging suite, aimed at heavy duty mod authors; BugCatcher is aimed at users, designed with the simple goal of suppressing lua errors until the user wants to see them.
  • BugEater requires a menu to handle options most users wouldn't even care about; BugCatcher isn't loaded down with pointless options, so it skips the menu.
BugEater gave me nothing but grief and hassles. It was bloated beyond what I wanted, and broken beyond belief. I made BugCatcher to fill the void until something better comes along, until that happens, BugCatcher is a perfectly viable solution for users.

I'm not a perfect coder, I'm as rusty as hell, but I'm good at keeping things as simple as they should be for small utilities like this.
Last edited by Werewolf Finds Dragon : 05/09/15 at 09:02 AM.
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Unread 05/09/15, 09:03 AM  
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yeh i got it

just wanna to say
sometimes some addons can cause endlesserrors
in this case bugeater or any other addon which hide errors will cause crash of the game

but afaik there is no workarounds about such casesfor now

unly turn off addon that cause an error
Last edited by QuadroTony : 05/09/15 at 09:04 AM.
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Unread 05/11/15, 08:04 AM  
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Yay, this little addo is exactly the thing I'll recommand to the "normal users" of my guild!
Thex always complain about errors spamming during the fights etc.
So THIS will prevent them to cry into my ears again if I made may way to the TS server after a hard work's day

Thank you very much! I hope they will take the time to look at the found bugs sometimes instead of just hiding them and complaining about non working addons^
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Unread 05/11/15, 09:53 AM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Hooray! Thanks Baertram.

And hooray because you understand. The original BugSack wasn't a developer's tool, it was a quality of life improvement for users that would lead to them feeling less irate at addon developers who occasionally made big oopses. It was something to keep the lua errors away from people who wanted to play the game, rather than make for it, and this includes myself.

I'm not a developer in that sense, I don't want that to be my hobby. I respect people that do, but I'm more in-line with the end-user myself. Overly complex things that may slow down/break my game isn't what I'm after. I want simple solutions to simple problems.

I want to be able to continue playing Elder Scrolls Online with me beau, even if something is playing up, and I imagine that there are others who feel the same way. Having to deal with something addon related right then and there isn't good for me. I have a panic condition, after all. Not good. So this allows me to just shrug it off if nothing is actually broken and deal with it later.

I'm hoping your users will find it just as much of a quality of life improvement. And I hope it makes them feel less irate, too.
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Unread 06/04/15, 09:22 AM  
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With french version, we have '?' which replace text. Add a default text.

Maybe replace :

if (GetCVar("language.2") == "en") then
by :

if (GetCVar("language.2") ~= "de") then
or :

if (GetCVar("language.2") == "en" or GetCVar("language.2") == "fr") then
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Unread 06/05/15, 12:01 AM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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That's actually intended. If there is a localisation, it'll show it, otherwise it won't. You're more than welcome to change the instances of en to fr in your version of it, if you like. Or you could provide me with a localisation if you want! I'd happily accept it and get it in there.

Funnily enough, if this will encourage localisations, then all the better for everyone, really.
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Unread 06/09/15, 01:11 AM  
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Sorry, I have forgotten that it is very hard to make a default text.

I don't like to be obligated to do something. I want to do something, because I want, not because I have to do. And read english text or french text is the same thing, but please add defaut text not "?"....
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Unread 06/19/15, 02:59 AM  
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what i need:
i need to show all erros connected with addons, its important for me as for develoepr etc

but i wont to see this errors
I've been deliberating over this for a while. I've decided that BugCatcher will hide 'nonsense errors.' They don't actually tell us anything or break anything (that I've seen), and even if they did, the error wouldn't tell us anything regardless. They relate to private functions, and I assume that the errors are caused by the game itself.

is it possible?
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Unread 05/17/16, 05:16 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Can you give me your example case for needing that information? As far as I know, that's just junk data that doesn't actually help anyone. The numbers are actually randomised every time. Is, what you're after, a note that 'some addon' tried to call a protected function? Hm.

For the everyday user, though, those errors really are useless and tell us nothing. The only case I can think of is that a person is testing their own addon, with only their own addon enabled, to see if it throws protected errors. But if you're doing that, why are you running with BugCatcher on in the first place?
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Unread 05/17/16, 05:18 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Sorry, I was going through some stressful stuff at the time. Including a hardware failure, which is why I stopped playing ESO for a bit. So I wasn't thinking straight about how I could properly implement that. You're absolutely right, though. I mean, I can have it return English if there's no other language, yes.

I'm a derp. Well, consider that done for all of my addons, existing and new, now and in the future.
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Unread 05/20/16, 02:54 AM  

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I always liked this addon, but was wondering if you could make that little Bugsack Icon in the top left able to be moved around, because on my screen my xp bar completely hides it (and I can't move my xp bar)...would it be possible please, to make it so I could unlock then drag that little Bugsack Icon off to some other spot on my screen and then lock it there?
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Unread 05/20/16, 08:01 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Ah, I hadn't thought of that as I always use my own addon, Windex, to deal with the experience bar. The thing is? It's a whole mess of code to do that, since you're dealing not only with X/Y, but you have to account for math for the scaling, too. I really don't want to have to do that, since it'll bloat it out no end.

Counter-proposal! If you don't want to use Windex, which is totally okay(!), how about an option (activated by, say, control-clicking it) to fwip it over to the opposite end, so it could be locked to top-left or top-right. How does that sound?
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Unread 05/25/16, 11:29 AM  

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Originally Posted by Werewolf Finds Dragon

Ah, I hadn't thought of that as I always use my own addon, Windex, to deal with the experience bar. The thing is? It's a whole mess of code to do that, since you're dealing not only with X/Y, but you have to account for math for the scaling, too. I really don't want to have to do that, since it'll bloat it out no end.

Counter-proposal! If you don't want to use Windex, which is totally okay(!), how about an option (activated by, say, control-clicking it) to fwip it over to the opposite end, so it could be locked to top-left or top-right. How does that sound?
The other side on the top is where I keep my about a counter proposal to your counter proposal...and we make it so it can be flipped to the top right, the bottom left, or the bottom right (for me the bottom right is the only open corner...even though that's where I let the lootdrop window scroll all my latest loots, it's at least free of permanent addons that will hide the Bugcatcher Bag icon).

Would that be doable?
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Unread 05/26/16, 03:00 AM  
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Originally Posted by Werewolf Finds Dragon
It's a whole mess of code to do that, since you're dealing not only with X/Y, but you have to account for math for the scaling, too.
Not necessarily. If you anchor the CENTER point of the icon instead of its TOPLEFT corner (and align the center of the actual graphic with the center of the control using SetTextureCoords), it will grow/shrink "in place" wherever you place it.

On a completely different topic, I noticed your construction of plurals in localization.
Lua Code:
  1. self.L.bug           = "bug"
  2. self.L.plural        = "s"
  3. self.L.showing       = "Showing <<LOM-COUNT>> <<LOM-BUG>><<LOM-PLURAL>>."
This may work for most English and some German words, but fails when the plural is formed differently, or varies by context.

zo_strformat can help you construct messages with "N something(s)" using this syntax:
Lua Code:
  1. zo_strformat("Showing <<1[no bugs/1 bug/$d bugs]>>", num_bugs)
You can put either 2 or 3 variants separated by forward slashes inside square brackets.
With 3 variants, the 1st is used when num_bugs==0, the 2nd when num_bugs==1, and the 3rd when num_bugs>=2.
With 2 variants, the 1st is used when num_bugs==1, and the 2nd otherwise.

Unfortunatelly this isn't enough for languages that have different plural forms for 2-4 and 5+ items.
1 ошибка
2 ошибки
5 ошибок

Maybe ZOS could add support for an optional fourth variant for 5+ items.
Last edited by merlight : 05/26/16 at 03:04 AM.
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