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Updated: 03/18/18 06:44 AM
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Updated:03/18/18 06:44 AM
Created:05/08/15 10:45 PM
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BugCatcher  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 017-100022
by: Werewolf Finds Dragon [More]
Please read this.

I'm taking another break for a while. My anxiety isn't holding up well and I need to take some time for myself to recover. Frankly, modding can be a thankless job and some of the people one is forced to interact with can be... deeply unpleasant at best, to put it in the kindest way I can and not as I truly want to. For now, I feel like my mods don't need any further work done to them. They're fine as they are. See you later, folks.

I'll be back! I'm not gone for good, I just need to set this aside for now. That's all.

One thing I will say as a final note is that it'd be nice if one could turn off the comments system and only have a bug tracker in the vein of Nexus Mods. That'd be handy for people like myself who do deal with anxiety. And I deal with a lot of anxiety.

See you around, folks. My thanks to those who were kind.

Click here to check out my other addons.
You're in a delve or PvP, and suddenly something breaks and you're spammed by lua error messages that you have to click through. That's no good! This mod fixes that. In the most basic terms, it suppresses addon error messages until you want to see them, and that's how it should be!

It's mostly something you can just drop in and forget. BugCatcher will suppress error messages and let you know with an unobtrusive chat window message when it catches a bug. So you can play without stress. Bug Catcher is the no-nonsense addon that deals with the bugs and lets you just play.

And when you want to see those bugs? You have a nice bug catalogue to browse through, at your leisure.
WARNING! I imagine you're getting BugCatcher because you want your bugs handled on the down-low, all quiet like. So, if you use the addon No, Thank You, it's important to ensure that the bug handling features of it are turned off. They're at the bottom, there are two dropdowns that should be set to 'dialog' and 'none' respectively. Otherwise you'll get notifications.
How to Use
The Bug Log

In your addons options menu (Escape -> Settings -> Addons), under BugCatcher, you'll find an easy to use bug log that will allow you to browse your errors. You can also click the BugSack icon to open it.

The Bug Sack

In the main menu there's now a tiny icon at the top left (which I'll call the BugSack icon). If it's faded out, you have no bugs; If it's not, you have bugs.

The BugSack icon now has a tooltip as well, it explains how this particular feature works. You can click the icon to show the bug log, alt + click it to wipe the bugs database, or just view the current count within the tooltip itself.

Only Useful Errors

There are errors in ESO that don't technically mean anything. They'll only serve to spam you and annoy addon authors if you pass them along. These useless errors are repressed, and BugCatcher's bug log contains only errors which are useful to addon authors. So rest assured that whatever errors you see are actually going to be helpful.

On a more technical level? The useless errors BugCatcher hides are XML-based. Such as XML UI and XML OnUpdate errors. All they really tell us is that the addon may need its XML elements reimplemented in lua, but not every addon developer has time for that.

View Bugs Outside of ESO

In the Utils folder, you'll find a file named 'Write Bugs to Text File.' If you double-click this file, as you would any other Windows file, it'll immediately generate a file named Bugs.txt. You can then peruse this at your disposal.

You should use this when ESO is closed, as ESO doesn't seem to write its databases to file until you've logged out. I've included this functionality for addon developers who can't be in-game all the time, and for group leaders/guild masters with less tech savvy users. In the latter case, they can just ask that the aforementioned less tech savvy users pass along their exported bugs. It's easy enough to explain to them how to do so, since it's basically just clicking a shortcut, and then uploading a text file.

If the text says 'No Errors Found,' then you've got no errors in your database. You're error free!
I'm sharing this addon because I genuinely get satisfaction out of the mere possibility of helping others, even when I don't know for sure. I have no interest in being popular, cults of popularity squick me out. As such, considering my disabilities, I'm unlikely to look at the comments very much. So this addon is delivered as-is, with a hearty dose of caveat emptor. Anything that it doesn't already do is 'out of scope.' You have other choices. I just wanted to make an simple, elegant solution for a real problem I was having. And now I'm sharing it in case it helps others.
My beau, who puts up with my ADHD and autism and enables me to actually do things like this.

I looked at Horse Timers to figure out how to make a clickable icon.

This is a homage to BugSack from WoW of yore.
:: 017-100022

o Bugfixes and performance updates.
o Updated interface version.

:: 016-100017

o What I did in the last patch was a very stopgap measure. I wanted time to come up with some way to deal with bugs that occurred before BugCatcher loaded. I took a page from the original BugSack and created a temp database which would pass errors along when BugCatcher has been fully initialised. BugCatcher should no longer ignore bugs that occur before it loads properly. Nor should tehy any longer cause issues.

:: 015-100017

o Made sure BugCatcher wouldn't try to handle bugs before it was fully initialised.

:: 014-100017

o Moved some checks around to try and further avoid any erroneous happenings, just to make BugCatcher even more robust. That'll sort everything out, I hope.

:: 013-100017

o Despite initialising the database as early as possible, some errors are still slipping in before BugCatcher's database has properly initialised. Grump, grump, grump. As such, I've brought back in a couple of checks to stop that from happening. This and the prior update should mean no more XML-caused weirdness slipping through. Sorry about that.

:: 012-100017

o I see what's happening. Some virulent XML errors are firing before BugCatcher has a chance to initialise its database. I've switched some things around so that that can no longer happen. Hooray. Bloody XML errors. No one likes you, pointless XML errors, go home.

:: 011-100017

o Put in a couple of extra checks to help deal with an odd error string issue that would make BugCatcher behave improperly. I think I have that fixed, now. Seems to be, at least.

:: 010-100017

o Bit the bullet and did something I've been thinking about for a while. No one uses the developer functions anyway (I've done some looking around), so I've just removed them. It's a little bit of unnecessary bloat if no one's actually using them. And BugCatcher is a consumer-focused addon, anyway.

:: 009-100017

o More cleaning up after the switch over to BugCatcher's shiny, new hotness. With the new way BugCatcher works, I believe that the 'display' component of the developer-focused function handleErrorString was detrimental to the everyday user. So I've removed it.

:: 008-100017

o A vestigial check was accidentally left in that would stop BugCatcher from going past collecting thirty bugs. After the redesign, this limitation is no longer necessary, so the check has now been removed and the only limit on bugs rests with the system rather than BugCatcher itself. Sorry about missing that.

:: 007-100017

o The bug page now saves across sessions, so if you want to keep track of a bug whilst reloading your UI (without the page automatically resetting to 1), you can do that. If it's more desirable that it stay on 1, let me know. I may provide some kind of option, there.
o Did a lot of work on the new UI, have a look at the screenshot. The duplicates indicator has been moved out of the error itself (a vestigial factor of how BugCatcher used to work) and into its own description above the bug. And alongside that the duplicate count, we now have the latest timestamp of when that error was seen.
o Other little touch-ups.

:: 006-100017

o Fixed a minor cosmetic issue with the BugSack module where the icon wasn't lit up if you had bugs after a UI reload.
o Colourised the Bug Log title, because why not?

:: 005-100017

o Wow, big changes. I rewrote so much of how BugCatcher works, let's see...
o I removed the slash commands, bindings, and the localisation just to make this new version easier to handle (sorry to whom this inconveniences, but they don't seem like popular features).
o This new version handles errors more elegantly through a brand new error log.
o There's better modularity with the one module I did keep separate (the bug sack).

:: 004-100017

o Updated LibOmniMessage.
o Further improvements to LibOmniMessage implementation.

:: 003-100017

o Cleaned up LibOmniMessage implementation more to remove redundancy.

:: 002-100017

o Fixed LibOmniMessage implementation.

:: 001-100017

o Added 'AddonName_Update:[Number]:Blah' type errors to the ignore list. It's this season's version of the number-spam bugs. These come from addons using XML OnUpdates when they really, really shouldn't. They should be using RegisterForUpdate or zo_callLater instead. The XML OnUpdate system is buggy and doesn't return anything valuable in the way of debug info. You won't actually get anything useful from seeing these bugs. They'll just make you want to pester the mod authors in question to change their stuff over from XML-based OnUpdates.
o Fixed up some other random stuff.

[Data prior to this version has been cleared.]
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Unread 02/03/24, 12:38 PM  
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Instead install this version:
Or do not install such error supressing addons at all and rather report the errors properly like described here:
-> lua error messages ingame - How do I read them?
-> How to report a lua error message to the developers
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Unread 02/03/24, 10:19 AM  
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Originally Posted by mlow44
Welp it was a good, long run but this addon is now interfering with dropdown menus (specifically, changing activity finder from Random to Specific dungeons). Real bummer, this was super useful while it lasted. Hope it gets updated.
Please this one

This should work just fine and also do not break other Addons that use LibAddonMenu
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Unread 10/15/23, 01:03 AM  

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Welp it was a good, long run but this addon is now interfering with dropdown menus (specifically, changing activity finder from Random to Specific dungeons). Real bummer, this was super useful while it lasted. Hope it gets updated.
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Unread 11/02/20, 03:25 PM  
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I just wanted to say that I really appreciate this AddOn. I used it since you first posted it to squelch the useless error messages and it made the game so much nicer.

I just recently switched to Shadowfen's update of your AddOn since the original was causing me to get stuck at "Requesting Character" for 60-90 seconds, then the Loading Screen for another 60-90 seconds, and 75-90% of the time I'd get booted back to Login. Most of the time with the "Booted From Server Error".

When I look at how long this AddOn kept working even though it was "out of date" you must have done a really good job at creating a tight AddOn. The last time I was here, it was still under the MMOUI site so it's been a while. I hope you're doing well.

Thanks again for many great years of freedom from bugs!
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Unread 07/03/20, 11:37 AM  
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not catching?

This version (019) doesn't give me feedback

I have No, thank you installed and this catches UI-errors,
the former version of BugCatcher (017) did catch errors, but this does not... at least it doesn't show it.

It is not present in the list of addons (settings) even if it is installed and active, nor is the 'bag' visible.
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Unread 05/19/20, 10:05 PM  
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This addon combined with advanced filters addon is makinbg my frames drop dramatically when create or decon something from any crafting station
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Unread 03/13/20, 07:01 PM  
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I've posted an update for BugCatcher

but ESOUI put it on its own page

BugCatcher for Harrowstorm

Fixes the ancient embedded libraries and the over-abundance of LAM-Refresh's.

Now requires LibAddonMenu-2.0 to be installed separately.

When you find your way back here, Werewolf Finds Dragon, I'll hand my minor changes over to you. Thanks for the addon.
Last edited by Shadowfen : 03/13/20 at 07:05 PM.
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Unread 09/19/19, 03:55 PM  

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Not sure if you'll get this, but...

I wanted to use Bugcatcher to deal with some LUA errors while using some beta release addons. It does it's job wonderfully and I absolutely love it, but it seems to have the unintended side-effect of changing system messages so that they are pushed to all chat tabs regardless of chat tab settings.

This, as you can imagine, gets incredibly spammy.
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Unread 03/16/19, 03:53 AM  
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BugCatcher is throwing the following error several times per frame for some users:
user:/AddOns/BugCatcher/Components/Core/Core.lua:188: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/BugCatcher/Components/Core/Core.lua:188: in function 'bugCatcherAddon.errorHandler'
<Locals> _ = 65540, errorString = \"user:/AddOns/BugCatcher/Com...\", errorIndex = 5 </Locals>
It also seems to call CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", BugCatcher_Panel) a lot, which is not recommended. That callback should only be fired when the settings menu is actually open, otherwise it can cost a lot of performance for no reason.
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Unread 03/04/19, 09:01 AM  

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I hope all is well

Werewolf Finds Dragon,
Thank you for the work you did on the Addons you contributed to the community.

I am fairly new to ESO so I never played with you and the only thing I know about you is what you have posted here. Based on that, if ESO makes your life worse I am glad you are not playing it any more. If you ever decide you want to start playing again I am a member of a guild that is very welcoming of those of us who have anxiety. Being "normal" is rare with us.

Best wishes and thanks again!
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Unread 10/29/18, 11:24 AM  
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Thank you so much!
This addon is a gem. I don't have to see this damn UI Error on my screen anymore.
Control [ZO_PlayerAttributeHealth] already has two anchors, adding another will have no effect.
Last edited by AegonVI : 10/29/18 at 11:25 AM.
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Unread 05/26/18, 04:41 AM  

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Originally Posted by BeautyKilled
just wanted to say thanks for all you do. i also have severe anxieties (to the point of agoraphobia)
and i feel you. you are appreciated!
I came here today as a new player looking for a bug catcher mod and read this.

I too have the same stupid as ****, no idea how you guys do it man you do you, take care brothers and sisters alike
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Unread 05/25/18, 10:30 AM  

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just wanted to say thanks for all you do. i also have severe anxieties (to the point of agoraphobia)
and i feel you. you are appreciated!
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Unread 02/26/18, 08:30 PM  
WfD Temp Account

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have an update

fixed some stuff, i think
don't remember what
it's been a while
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Unread 01/03/17, 09:24 PM  
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Getting a bunch of duplicates whenever I change a setting.
user:/AddOns/BugCatcher/Components/Core/Core.lua:185: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/BugCatcher/Components/Core/Core.lua:185: in function 'bugCatcherAddon.errorHandler'
	user:/AddOns/BugCatcher/Components/Core/Core.lua:164: in function 'bugCatcherAddon.readyCheck'
	EsoUI/Libraries/Globals/globalapi.lua:194: in function '(anonymous)'
Last edited by Diesosoon : 01/04/17 at 12:32 PM.
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