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Updated: 05/19/24 07:17 AM
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Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Updated:05/19/24 07:17 AM
Created:07/11/15 10:51 AM
Monthly downloads:27,358
Total downloads:4,633,412
LibCustomMenu  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 7.2.2
by: votan [More]
This library is for addon developers. Download it, if an addon dependency tells you so.

This library is written to overcome one way to get the "Access a private function XYZ from insecure code". But beginning with version 2.0, it does additional provide a new feature: sub menus.
Beginning with version 3.0, it does additional provide a new feature: divider.

Controls, created from add-on code (as part of code path) are marked as "insecure/compromissed".
Functions, which have no problem with been called from "insecure" controls, are still working perfectly.
Like those of add-ons or Show On Map, Link in Chat or Get Help.
But "secured" functions like UseItem, InitiateDestroy, PickupInventoryItem raising the error message from above.
Once you hook AddMenuItem ALL controls created for the context-menu are "insecure".

Prior to ESO 2.0.13 if an add-on offers a full custom context-menu (no built-in menu entries) and this context-menu is shown first after (re-)load UI the first menu item controls are insecure. A crash of "Use" in the inventory afterwards was guaranteed.
Starting with ESO 2.0.13 ZOS preallocates 10 "secure" menu items. See here.
But this just reduces the chance of running into that problem, it does not fix it.
Currently the number of preallocated controls is 30. Running into this problem with AddMenuItem is real rare, but inventory action slots still don't like custom menu entries.

To avoid the error message, the controls of built-in menu items and add-on menu items must be strictly separated. That's what AddCustomMenuItem of this library does. It uses an own pool of controls, which look exactly the same. Sounds strange, but works.

I don't use private functions. Why should I use this lib?
It's not you, who uses private functions. It is built-in code, which re-uses controls indirectly created by your add-on in AddMenuItem.

I want to use this lib, so what to do?
After you have included the lib in your add-on manifest (.txt) do a text search for the global function AddMenuItem (not any :AddMenuItem of other objects) and replace it with AddCustomMenuItem.
Be careful with a simple "Replace All" over all files! You probably replace the AddMenuItem of LibCustomMenu itself

Version 1.0
This version was intended as proof of concept, but was successfully used in Beartram's FCO Item Saver, Circonian's FilterIt and my Fish Fillet.

Version 2.0
In order to have more value than avoiding a rare, just annoying "bug", sirinsidiator suggested and provided proof of concept code for sub menu items.
A big thank to sirinsidiator!
I finalized it and here we are.

API 2.0
function AddCustomMenuItem(mytext, myfunction, itemType, myfont, normalColor, highlightColor, itemYPad)

Fully compatible with AddMenuItem.
mytext: string, required. Caption of menu item.
myfunction: function(), required. Called if clicked.
myfont: string, optional.
normalColor: ZO_ColorDef, optional. Color of unselected item.
highlightColor: ZO_ColorDef, optional. Color of selected/hovered item.
itemYPad: int, optional. y-padding between items.

function AddCustomSubMenuItem(mytext, entries, myfont, normalColor, highlightColor, itemYPad, subMenuButtonCallbackFunc)

mytext: string, required. Caption of menu item.
entries: table of sub items or callback returning table of sub items, required.
myfont: string, optional.
normalColor: ZO_ColorDef, optional. Color of unselected/normal sub item.
highlightColor: ZO_ColorDef, optional. Color of selected/hovered sub item.
itemYPad: int, optional. y-padding between sub items.
subMenuButtonCallbackFunc: function, optional. Callback function for the click on the submenu open button (the one at the main menu showing the submenu)

sub item:
label: string or function(rootMenu, childControl), required.
callback: function(), required.
disabled: boolean or function(rootMenu, childControl), optional. Default false. if true, sub item is visible, but gray and not clickable.
visible: boolean or function(rootMenu, childControl), optional. Default true.

These examples are for self-created menus. If you want to add items to the inventory context-menu, look at the example for LibCustomMenu:RegisterContextMenu more below.

example 1:
Lua Code:
  1. local entries = {
  2.   {
  3.     label = "Test 1",
  4.     callback = function() d("Test 1") end,
  5.   },
  6.   {
  7.     label = "Test 2",
  8.     callback = function() d("Test 2") end,
  9.     disabled = function(rootMenu, childControl) return true end,
  10.   }
  11. }
  12. ClearMenu()
  13. AddCustomSubMenuItem("Sub Menu", entries)
  14. ShowMenu()

example 2:
Lua Code:
  1. local function GetEntries(rootMenu)
  2. d("run")
  3. return {
  4.   {
  5.     label = function() return GetTimeStamp() end,
  6.     callback = function() d("Test 1") end,
  7.   },
  8.   {
  9.     label = "Test 2",
  10.     callback = function() d("Test 2") end,
  11.     disabled = function(rootMenu, childControl) return true end,
  12.   }
  13. }
  14. end
  15. ClearMenu()
  16. AddCustomSubMenuItem("Sub Menu", GetEntries)
  17. ShowMenu()
If you have Notebook or ZAM Notebook, you could copy&paste the scripts from above and execute them.

API 3.0
In addition to API 2.0:
Allow divider by setting member label to a static "-". Suggested by Beartram.

Lua Code:
  1. local entries = {
  2.   {
  3.     label = "Test 1",
  4.     callback = function() d("Test 1") end,
  5.   },
  6.   {
  7.     label = "-",
  8.   },
  9.   {
  10.     label = "Test 2",
  11.     callback = function() d("Test 2") end,
  12.     disabled = function(rootMenu, childControl) return true end,
  13.   }
  14. }
  15. ClearMenu()
  16. AddCustomSubMenuItem("Sub Menu", entries)
  17. ShowMenu()

API 4.1
In addition to API 3.0:
actionSlots:AddCustomSlotAction(actionStringId, actionCallback, actionType, visibilityFunction, options)

for example while hooking ZO_InventorySlot_DiscoverSlotActionsFromActionList(inventorySlot, slotActions)
for example within the callback of API 6.0. See below.

API 5.0
In addition to API 4.1+:
New entry properties itemType and checked.
itemType = MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL (default) or MENU_ADD_OPTION_CHECKBOX for a checkbox
checked = false/true or function() return state end
The initial checked state than opening the sub menu.

Lua Code:
  1. local myState = true
  2.     local entries = {
  3.       {
  4.         label = "Test 1",
  5.         callback = function(state) myState = state df("Test 1: %s", tostring(myState)) end,
  6.         checked = function() return myState end,
  7.         itemType = MENU_ADD_OPTION_CHECKBOX,
  8.       },
  9.       {
  10.         label = "Test 1b",
  11.         callback = function() d("Test 1b") end,
  12.         itemType = MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL,
  13.       },
  14.       {
  15.         label = "-",
  16.       },
  17.       {
  18.         label = "Test 2",
  19.         callback = function() d("Test 2") end,
  20.         disabled = function(rootMenu, childControl) return true end,
  21.       }
  22.     }
  23.     ClearMenu()
  24.     AddCustomSubMenuItem("Sub Menu", entries)
  25.     ShowMenu()

API 6.2
In addition to API 5+:
Added callbacks, you can register to, to hook into inventory slot context menu. You don't need to reinvent the hook and are able to control the position of your entry/entries more granular.


CATEGORY_EARLY is before the first built-in menu entry.
CATEGORY_PRIMARY is after the first built-in menu entry. And so on.
CATEGORY_LATE is after built-in menu and default.

lib:RegisterContextMenu(func, category)
Register to the context menu of the inventory mouse right click.

lib:RegisterKeyStripEnter(func, category)
Register to the inventory mouse hover used to update the keybind buttons at the bottom.

func: callback function to be called.
Lua Code:
  1. local function func(inventorySlot, slotActions)
  2. end

category: optional. defaults to CATEGORY_LATE.

Register to the inventory mouse hover used to update the keybind buttons at the bottom, if the mouse exits an inventory slot.

func: callback function to be called.
Lua Code:
  1. local function func()
  2. end

Lua Code:
  1. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_BINDING_NAME_SHOW_POPUP", "Show in Popup")
  2. local function AddItem(inventorySlot, slotActions)
  3.   local valid = ZO_Inventory_GetBagAndIndex(inventorySlot)
  4.   if not valid then return end
  5.   slotActions:AddCustomSlotAction(SI_BINDING_NAME_SHOW_POPUP, function()
  6.     local bagId, slotIndex = ZO_Inventory_GetBagAndIndex(inventorySlot)
  7.     local itemLink = GetItemLink(bagId, slotIndex)
  8.     ZO_PopupTooltip_SetLink(itemLink)
  9.   end , "")
  10. end
  12. LibCustomMenu:RegisterContextMenu(AddItem, LibCustomMenu.CATEGORY_PRIMARY)

example 2:
Lua Code:
  1. local function AddItem(inventorySlot, slotActions)
  2.   local bagId, slotIndex = ZO_Inventory_GetBagAndIndex(inventorySlot)
  3.   if not CanItemBePlayerLocked(bagId, slotIndex) then return end
  4.   local locked = IsItemPlayerLocked(bagId, slotIndex)
  6.   slotActions:AddCustomSlotAction(locked and SI_ITEM_ACTION_UNMARK_AS_LOCKED or SI_ITEM_ACTION_MARK_AS_LOCKED, function()
  7.     SetItemIsPlayerLocked(bagId, slotIndex, not locked)
  8.   end, "keybind2")
  9.   -- you can use: "primary", "secondary", "keybind1", "keybind2"
  10. end
  12. local menu = LibCustomMenu
  13. --menu:RegisterContextMenu(AddItem, menu.CATEGORY_PRIMARY)
  14. menu:RegisterKeyStripEnter(AddItem, menu.CATEGORY_LATE)
Not really practical, because it hides the built-in keybind.
But you could use the callback just to be notified as well.

API 6.8
In addition to API 6.2+:
Added functionality to add an optional tooltip to a menu entry.
For the top level menu entries there is a new global function:
function AddCustomMenuTooltip(tooltip, index)
tooltip: Either a string shown as a simple tooltip or a callback function to let you do everything.
Lua Code:
  1. local function func(control, inside)
  2. end
control: the menu entry control.
inside: The function is called on mouse enter with inside=true and on mouse exit with inside=false.

index: Optional. Index of the menu entry, the tooltip is for. By default the index of the last added item is used. => You call AddCustomMenuItem and when AddCustomMenuTooltip.

For sub-menus a new key "tooltip" can be used. Again it is either a string or the callback function with the signature from above.

Lua Code:
  1. local myState = true
  2.     local entries = {
  3.       {
  4.         label = "Test 1",
  5.         callback = function(state) myState = state df("Test 1: %s", tostring(myState)) end,
  6.         checked = function() return myState end,
  7.         itemType = MENU_ADD_OPTION_CHECKBOX,
  8.         tooltip = "This is Test 1",
  9.       },
  10.       {
  11.         label = "Test 1b",
  12.         callback = function() d("Test 1b") end,
  13.         itemType = MENU_ADD_OPTION_LABEL,
  14.         tooltip = "This is Test 2",
  15.       },
  16.       {
  17.         label = "-",
  18.       },
  19.       {
  20.         label = "Test 2",
  21.         callback = function() d("Test 2") end,
  22.         disabled = function(rootMenu, childControl) return true end,
  23.       }
  24.     }
  25.     ClearMenu()
  26.     AddCustomSubMenuItem("Sub Menu", entries)
  27.     AddCustomMenuTooltip("A sub-menu")
  28.     AddCustomMenuItem("-", function() d("soso") end)
  29.     AddCustomMenuItem("Button", function() d("jojo") end)
  30.     AddCustomMenuTooltip(function(control, inside) if inside then d("A great button") end end)
  31.     AddCustomMenuItem("CheckBox", function() d("soso") end, MENU_ADD_OPTION_CHECKBOX)
  32.     ShowMenu()
How to use Checkbox at top level
Lua Code:
  1. local index = AddCustomMenuItem("CheckBox", function() <your callback> end, MENU_ADD_OPTION_CHECKBOX)
  2. if needToCheckIt then
  3.     ZO_CheckButton_SetChecked(ZO_Menu.items[index].checkbox)
  4. end

API 6.9
Show an alternative context menu, if the special key is pressed while right-clicking the inventory item.

Register a callback for the alternative context menu. You, the addon author, have to check which menu items you want to add for the given combination of special keys. (See signature below)
You have to enable all the keys you want to handle. See lib:EnableSpecialKeyContextMenu(key). There is no DisableSpecialKeyContextMenu, because you don't know who else had enabled them.

Lua Code:
  1. local function func(inventorySlot, slotActions, ctrl, alt, shift, command)
  2. end
API 6.92
lib:RegisterPlayerContextMenu(func, category)
Register to the context menu of the chat player link mouse right click,

func: callback function to be called.
local function func(playerName, rawName)
Category: See API 6.2 description for the available categories.

API 7.1
lib:RegisterGuildRosterContextMenu(func, category)
Register to the context menu of the guild roster member mouse right click.

func: callback function to be called.
local function func(rowData)
API 7.2
lib:RegisterFriendsListContextMenu(func, category)
Register to the context menu of the friends list mouse right click.

lib:RegisterGroupListContextMenu(func, category)
Register to the context menu of the group list mouse right click.

Both analog to RegisterGuildRosterContextMenu. See above.

Lua Code:
  1. local function AddItem(data)
  2. AddCustomMenuItem("Example", function() d(data.displayName) end)
  3. end
  5. local menu = LibCustomMenu
  6. menu:RegisterFriendsListContextMenu(AddItem, menu.CATEGORY_EARLY)
  7. menu:RegisterFriendsListContextMenu(AddItem, menu.CATEGORY_LAST)
version 7.2.2:
- Fixed height calculation.
- Added hook-point for LibScrollableMenu.

version 7.2.1:
- Fixed nil error in AddCustomMenuItem. Sorry.

version 7.2.0:
- New functions RegisterFriendsListContextMenu and RegisterGroupListContextMenu as requested.

version 7.1.3:
- Update for "High Isle".

version 7.1.2:
- Fix for U32 adding a divider to header menu item. Thanks to @silvereyes.

version 7.1.1:
- Fixed issue with Shissu's Guild Tools. Thanks to @marcbf for reporting.

version 7.1.0:
- New API function RegisterGuildRosterContextMenu. Requested by @Saenic.

version 7.0.1:
- Allow to click sub-menu button itself. (a bit like a DropDown-Button)
- Allow to refresh/change other sub-menu items with clicking a checkbox menu item.

version 7.0.0:
- Removed LibStub support
- Added new menu item type: MENU_ADD_OPTION_HEADER

version 6.9.5:
- Update to API 100034 "Flames of Ambition".

version 6.9.4:
- Update to API 100033 "Markarth".

version 6.9.3:
- Update to API 100032 "Stonethorn".

version 6.9.2. Upon request added a new function RegisterPlayerContextMenu to added menu items to the player context menu of the chat.

version 6.9.1: Forgotten to increase the version number for LibStub legacy support. Added a warning, if LibStub has a "newer" version, which should not be!

version 6.9.0:
- Support keyboard modifier keys for inventory context menu to create special menus using those keys.

version 6.8.2:
- Update to API 100030 "Harrowstorm".

version 6.8.1:
- Update to API 100029 "Dragonhold".

version 6.8.0:
- Fix layout of built-in checkbox button of menu top level entries
- Added tooltip support: Either callback function or text string.

version 6.7.1:
- Update to API 100028 "Scalebreaker".

version 6.7.0:
- API bump 100027 "Elsweyr".
- Accessible via LibCustomMenu.
- Use of LibStub is optional.

version 6.6.3:
- Update to API 100026 "Wrathstone".

version 6.6.2:
- Reverted back to depend on LibStub. It is too early for that.

version 6.6.1:
- Update to API 100025 "Murkmire".
- Work without LibStub as well.

version 6.6:
- Update to API 100024 "Wolfhunter".
- New library load structure.

version 6.5: Fix for PTS.

version 6.4: Fixed compatibility with other addons hooking the context-menu. Like Craft Bag Extended.

version 6.3:
- Improve compabitility with AGS.

version 6.2:
- Handle inventory context menu and key strip menu. Take 2.

version 6.1:
- Fixed a conflict with CraftBagExtended.

version 6:
- Handle inventory context menu and key strip menu.

version 5:
- Supporting checkboxes in submenus.
- Fixed Divider menu item.

version 4.3:
- Update for "Horns of the Reach".

version 4.2.0:
- Fixed rare timing issue closing menu while mouse is over sub-menu.
- APIVersion update to 100017.

version 4.1.1:
- APIVersion update to 100014.

version 4.1:
- Added ZO_InventorySlotActions:AddCustomSlotAction. (Requested by merlight)
- APIVersion update to 100013.

version 4: * Working with Orsinium. Just the manifest APIVersion must be updated
- Fixed issue: main menu not closing if sub-menu used outside inventory. Thanks to circonian.

version 3:
- New menu item type: Divider. A static text "-" will be displayed as a divider. You can use <lib>.DIVIDER for better readability.

version 2:
- New global function AddCustomSubMenuItem

version 1:
- New global function AddCustomMenuItem as a replacement for AddMenuItem.
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Unread 05/10/21, 10:00 AM  

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Version 7.0.0. Broke Several Addons

I had to roll back to 6.5.9 because several of my addons including Votan's were disabled by the library errors I got despite having a bug squasher installed. Either the other addons that use this version need to be changed or this version needs to be changed. Just alerting you that there is a problem.
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Unread 05/07/21, 06:02 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Duplicate LibCustomMenu

Originally Posted by papahuge
Originally Posted by FWSWBN
Originally Posted by araminta
So.. Dolgubon's 3.0.5 fixed it on his end.

I found the offending entry in FCMQT... their version was back to 2019.. So in the process I realized that FCMQT is also way out of date. Does anyone have a recommendation for something to use instead? (It's a quest tracking addon that gives you a list of quests instead of just the one you are working on)

FCMQT works fine if you do so like i and many others written..

1. open your addon folder
2. go into every addon and look if there is a LibCustomMenu and delete this lib (and only this lib, no other)
3. do this for all addons you have (open folder, look inside, is there a LibCustomMenu delete it)
4. done everything works fine without any errors.

and to dolgubon.... he uses again a LibCustomMenu INSIDE his addon folder and he uses another one than the 7.0.0 (its much smaller).
also delete this LibCustomMenu inside Lazy Writ Crafter.
I have 100+ addons though. I came here to play games, not edit scripts. Why must this be so r3t4rded?
well than you have half of mine addons... i am now more than 210+

you dont need to edit scripts... only delete the wrong / old LibCustomMenu inside the addon folders.
it takes me not more than 10 minutes to do this and its so easy that also you can do it.

why they make it so?
its easy to say... its BETTER when all libs are not inside the folders.
so everytime they get updated ... everything works ... some / most of the famous addon writer does this allready, all others.... they cant, they want or they dont maintain the addons anymore.

so what is your problem, you need to do this only one time.

if you dont want to do this, deinstall all addons and play vanilla
Last edited by FWSWBN : 05/07/21 at 06:03 AM.
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Unread 05/06/21, 05:01 PM  

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Re: Re: Duplicate LibCustomMenu

Originally Posted by FWSWBN
Originally Posted by araminta
So.. Dolgubon's 3.0.5 fixed it on his end.

I found the offending entry in FCMQT... their version was back to 2019.. So in the process I realized that FCMQT is also way out of date. Does anyone have a recommendation for something to use instead? (It's a quest tracking addon that gives you a list of quests instead of just the one you are working on)

FCMQT works fine if you do so like i and many others written..

1. open your addon folder
2. go into every addon and look if there is a LibCustomMenu and delete this lib (and only this lib, no other)
3. do this for all addons you have (open folder, look inside, is there a LibCustomMenu delete it)
4. done everything works fine without any errors.

and to dolgubon.... he uses again a LibCustomMenu INSIDE his addon folder and he uses another one than the 7.0.0 (its much smaller).
also delete this LibCustomMenu inside Lazy Writ Crafter.
I have 100+ addons though. I came here to play games, not edit scripts. Why must this be so r3t4rded?
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Unread 05/05/21, 05:25 AM  
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Re: Duplicate LibCustomMenu

Originally Posted by araminta
So.. Dolgubon's 3.0.5 fixed it on his end.

I found the offending entry in FCMQT... their version was back to 2019.. So in the process I realized that FCMQT is also way out of date. Does anyone have a recommendation for something to use instead? (It's a quest tracking addon that gives you a list of quests instead of just the one you are working on)

FCMQT works fine if you do so like i and many others written..

1. open your addon folder
2. go into every addon and look if there is a LibCustomMenu and delete this lib (and only this lib, no other)
3. do this for all addons you have (open folder, look inside, is there a LibCustomMenu delete it)
4. done everything works fine without any errors.

and to dolgubon.... he uses again a LibCustomMenu INSIDE his addon folder and he uses another one than the 7.0.0 (its much smaller).
also delete this LibCustomMenu inside Lazy Writ Crafter.
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Unread 05/04/21, 07:34 PM  

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Duplicate LibCustomMenu

So.. Dolgubon's 3.0.5 fixed it on his end.

I found the offending entry in FCMQT... their version was back to 2019.. So in the process I realized that FCMQT is also way out of date. Does anyone have a recommendation for something to use instead? (It's a quest tracking addon that gives you a list of quests instead of just the one you are working on)

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Unread 05/04/21, 06:24 AM  
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Re: Duplicate name

Originally Posted by Nova225
After numerous tests (like disabling/enabling addons using this Lib 1 by 1, and disabling every mods using this Lib at the same time BUT not this Lib), seemingly pointing at 'LibCustomMenu' to be the source of an error.
It seems that, ever since this addon was updated late (28) April (2021), a specific error message appears every time we connect to a character (or /reloadui) in ESO.

(Content of the error box in ESO)
« Failed to create control 'LibCustomMenuSubmenu'. Duplicate name. »
And if you change it like i and others written "no more error"

install the latest version of LibCustomMenu (its the 7.0.0) and delete on every addon folder the old LibCustomMenu (and only this one, not any other lib, only you know what you do).

after that... no more errors, everything works fine.
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Unread 05/03/21, 04:21 PM  

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Duplicate name

After numerous tests (like disabling/enabling addons using this Lib 1 by 1, and disabling every mods using this Lib at the same time BUT not this Lib), seemingly pointing at 'LibCustomMenu' to be the source of an error.
It seems that, ever since this addon was updated late (28) April (2021), a specific error message appears every time we connect to a character (or /reloadui) in ESO.

(Content of the error box in ESO)
« Failed to create control 'LibCustomMenuSubmenu'. Duplicate name. »
Last edited by Nova225 : 05/03/21 at 04:31 PM.
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Unread 05/03/21, 02:29 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: i replaced the libcustommenu file

Originally Posted by iarao
ty baertram. not so quick as i run loads of addons, but it seems to have worked. and you didnt yell at me, either. <3
Why should I yell at you? Did I miss something?
Last edited by Baertram : 05/03/21 at 02:29 PM.
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Unread 05/02/21, 06:04 PM  

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Re: Re: Re: Re: i replaced the libcustommenu file

Originally Posted by Baertram

very easy, very quick and it works to 100%

you need to go in every folder of your addons and look if there is an old LibCustomMenu and delete it.
ty baertram. not so quick as i run loads of addons, but it seems to have worked. and you didnt yell at me, either. <3
Last edited by iarao : 05/02/21 at 06:44 PM.
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Unread 05/02/21, 02:17 PM  
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Originally Posted by Hydra9268
Also, Votan, how did you stickie your post?
You have to ask Dolby to do that for you.
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Unread 05/02/21, 08:59 AM  
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I can confirm disabling libs\LibCustomMenu\LibCustomMenu.lua in the txt file removes the error.

Also, Votan, how did you stickie your post?
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Unread 05/02/21, 06:59 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: i replaced the libcustommenu file

A short description what has happened here and why these problems occur (even with multiple different addons):
Libraries are reusable code. Some addons include them in subfolders (which is okay if they also include the Lib*.txt file which the game's addon manager recognizes and loads properly then).
Others just add the dependency to their own addon's txt files and thus the game's addon manager wil look for ANY of th Lib*.txt files in ANY of your live/AddOns subfolders (up to sublevel 3!).
If any version is found it will load that version and use it.
If a newer version is found (all handled by the the Lib*.txt files, and their tag ## AddOnVersion: <number>) it will ONLY load this version then.
This assures that only the newest version of a lib is loaded.

But some older addons, but also (sad but true) even commonly used and recently updated addons, do not handle it like this.
They will put the libs in the subfolders of the addon WITHOUT the Lib*.txt file. So there are only the Lib*.lua files.
And in the addon's txt file (e.g. LazyWritCreator.txt), which the game always loads and checks what other files to include for the addon to be able to work, they call the lib's lua files "hardcoded" with lines like /libs/Lib*.lua
This will make the lua code of the libs, no matter which verison was included (could be very old, or could be the most actual one), to be executed.
Even if the ingame addon manager has already loaded a newer version (via the Lib*.txt file properly) before.
So the old code will/might overwrite the newer one breaking several addons that way.
Even if the devs include a Lib'.lua file with the most current version today: In a few days there might be a patch to that Lib and then the included version is "old again".
if they do not include the Lib*.txt file as well, which will make the ingame addon manager to check and not load the old version then, as it will find a newer version elsewhere (e.g. in live/AddOns/Lib*), the old code will destroy newer ones

The easiest fix is to remove the "hardcoded" calls to the libs. Either by manipulating the txt files of the addons where these hardcoded lines are in.
Or by deleing the Lib*.lua files in the subfolder "libs" of addons.

But attention:
There might be libraries in the subfolders of addons which have NEVER been released to the public (cannot be found at and thus not at Minion)! So always check if the library in the subfolder is on esoui or not. If not: Keep the files of that lib as it might be missign elese and break your addon.
But if it is given at esoui: Install that library from esoui manually/via Minion to your live/AddOns folder and keep it updated there. Remove the same library from any subfolder of other addons!

The lib will be only called from live/AddOns/Lib* then. Only 1 place to check in case of errors and only 1 place to update (even works via Minion then).

Some addons which had the hardcoded lines in their txt files did not specify the "## DependsOn: Lib*" or "## OptionalDependsOn: Lib*" in their addon's txt file. They did not need to as the hardcoded lines were always loaded.
But these (Optional)DependsOn says the addon that the library will be needed to be called BEFORE the addon is loaded in order to provide data to the addon e.g.

So either add the library name to the DependsOn lines of the addons where you have deleted the subfolder "libs" entries, like e.g.

## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibCustomMenu LibSets
-> The name to add is the name of the folder of txt file of the library, e.g. LibAddonMenu-2.0.txt, or LibCustomMenu.txt, or LibSets.txt

Or try if everything works okay and leave it the way it is.

Originally Posted by iarao
Originally Posted by FWSWBN
Originally Posted by iarao
i was totally logged out. i am getting these lua errors:

'Z0_CustomMenuItem1'.Duplicate name.
'LibCustomMenuSubmenu'.Duplicate name.

i also get this error with a different number other than the 1.

next time READ!!
Originally Posted by Baertram
A maybe easier solution would also be to find the folder live/Addons/LazyWritCrafter and check the subfolder "libs". Delete the file LibCustomMenu.lua in there as this is the outdated version.
Without editing the txt file this will make the addon manager stop loading the outdated version and if you install the newest version of LibCustomMenu to live/AddOns directly it will be loaded from there properly.
very easy, very quick and it works to 100%

you need to go in every folder of your addons and look if there is an old LibCustomMenu and delete it.
ty. i didnt realize i had to go to EVERY folder.
Last edited by Baertram : 05/02/21 at 07:49 AM.
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Unread 05/02/21, 06:03 AM  

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Re: Re: i replaced the libcustommenu file

Originally Posted by FWSWBN
Originally Posted by iarao
i was totally logged out. i am getting these lua errors:

'Z0_CustomMenuItem1'.Duplicate name.
'LibCustomMenuSubmenu'.Duplicate name.

i also get this error with a different number other than the 1.

next time READ!!
Originally Posted by Baertram
A maybe easier solution would also be to find the folder live/Addons/LazyWritCrafter and check the subfolder "libs". Delete the file LibCustomMenu.lua in there as this is the outdated version.
Without editing the txt file this will make the addon manager stop loading the outdated version and if you install the newest version of LibCustomMenu to live/AddOns directly it will be loaded from there properly.
very easy, very quick and it works to 100%

you need to go in every folder of your addons and look if there is an old LibCustomMenu and delete it.
ty. i didnt realize i had to go to EVERY folder.
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Unread 05/02/21, 04:45 AM  
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Re: i replaced the libcustommenu file

Originally Posted by iarao
i was totally logged out. i am getting these lua errors:

'Z0_CustomMenuItem1'.Duplicate name.
'LibCustomMenuSubmenu'.Duplicate name.

i also get this error with a different number other than the 1.

next time READ!!
Originally Posted by Baertram
A maybe easier solution would also be to find the folder live/Addons/LazyWritCrafter and check the subfolder "libs". Delete the file LibCustomMenu.lua in there as this is the outdated version.
Without editing the txt file this will make the addon manager stop loading the outdated version and if you install the newest version of LibCustomMenu to live/AddOns directly it will be loaded from there properly.
very easy, very quick and it works to 100%

you need to go in every folder of your addons and look if there is an old LibCustomMenu and delete it.
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Unread 05/01/21, 06:16 PM  

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i replaced the libcustommenu file

i was totally logged out. i am getting these lua errors:

'Z0_CustomMenuItem1'.Duplicate name.
'LibCustomMenuSubmenu'.Duplicate name.

i also get this error with a different number other than the 1.
Last edited by iarao : 05/01/21 at 08:58 PM.
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