(55 Kb)
Updated: 06/02/24 01:25 PM
File Info
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Updated:06/02/24 01:25 PM
Created:07/31/15 08:22 PM
Monthly downloads:14,705
Total downloads:621,982
Categories:Utility Mods, Miscellaneous
Addon Selector (Save AddOn profiles/packs)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.32
by: Baertram [More]

!!! Please backup your SavedVariables BEFORE logging in with the new version, as always !!!
Read here what "SavedVariables" are and how you are able to backup and restore them: -> "Backup"

Important information: Dependencies/libraries
This addon needs the following libraries in order to work:
-LibCustomMenu -> Changed from optional to mandatory
[Attention]New dependency 2023-10-30:

Accesibility mode: Supports narration
If the accessibility mode was enabled and the UI narration (not Chat narration!) was enabled too:
On mouse enter on an addon row the UI narration will read the addon name and the current enabled state, or disabled (manually or via missing dependencies).
Clicking the addon row/checkbox will read the new state afterwards.

What is "Addon Selector"?
It allows you to save the current enabled state of all of your addons in an addon pack (also called "profile") that you can give a name to.
Then you can click on the name of any saved addon pack in the drop down box and it will reset the enabled/disabled state of each addon back to the state it was in when you saved it (enabled/disabled).
You can save multiple addon packs.

Automatically checks for needed dependencies and enables them for you if you enable any addon. (code spied at Votans Addon List -> See "Other recommanded addons" below)
It will not disable dependencies if you disable any addon, and no other addon uses that dependency anymore: To get this feature please install "Votans Addon List".

The addon's UI explained:

--Overview 1
(1) Show the settings menu. The currently logged in char name will be shown as a headline of the settings menu.
(2) Enter the pack name you want to save. Right click to pre-fill with the curerntly logged in character name, with a "_" suffix.
(3) Save the pack name. If no pack name was entered at (2) but a pack was chosen at (4), and thus the selected pack name is shown at (6), the pack name will be the selected one.
Depending on the selected save mode in the settings (global = default / save per character) the saved pack will be either saved globally or for your currently logged in character.
A dialog will ask you to acknowledge, or abort the save. The dialog shows you if the pack will be saved globally (light blue) or for a character name (golden).
(4) Select a saved pack from the dropdown list. Depending on the settings you are able to see and select the globally saved and/or the per character saved packs. Character saved 
packs are shown in a submenu (character's name).
Per character saved packs do not provide any submenu. Clicking on the pack will load the pack.
Globally saved packs can have a submenu, depending on your setttings, where you are able to select the pack, select the pack and reload the UI or delete the pack.
Clicking on a global pack main entry (no submenu entry) will load the pack.
(5) Delete the currently selected pack (6). A dialog will ask you to acknowledge, or abort the delete. The dialog shows you if the pack was saved globally (light blue) or for a character name (golden).
(6) The selected pack label. Clicking the line will update the pack name (2) editbox. See further details about the (Global) string at (9)
with the selected pack name.
(7) The search box. Enter a search term and press the return key to search for an addon. The addon list will scroll to the addon found. Press return again to search for the next addon.
You can enable different search settings like a search history storing the last 10 search terms. Right click the search box to show a context menu providing the search history, and a "clear histoy" entry.
(8) The count of addons currently enabled/total
(9) The selected pack label, and the save/delete dialog, show either the "Global" (light blue) text if the pack was saved globally, or the character name (golden) of the pack if the pack was saved per 
character. If a pack was deleted the selected pack label (6) will be cleared and depending on your settings either "Global" or your currently logged in character name will be shown.

Light blue rectangle: These 2 buttons are added via the addon "Votans Addon List". See recommanded addons for addon management below

--Overview 2
(11) If this icon is shown (yellow people) your packs are currently saved per character.
(12) If this icon is shown (red warning triangle) selecting any pack will reload the UI automatically

-Settings menu "Global"
"Show global saved packs" will show all the globally saved packs in the pack dropdown box (4). If the setting "Save packs by character name" is disabled this setting "Show global saved packs" will always be on!
"Show submenu at global packs" will add a submenu to each globally saved pack, providing the possibilities to delete the pack, select the pack or select the pack and reload the UI directly

-Settings menu "Character"
"Save packs by character name" will save new packs to the currently logged in character ID, instead of globally. If you select a global pack and save it, it will be "copied" to your currently logged in character ID.
"Show packs of character names" will add the character saved packs to the pack dropdown (4), even if you got the globally saved packs active. ("Save packs by character name" is off).

--Select pack dropdown
Orange rectangle: The character saved packs submenu with the character name which will only provide the saved packs to choose from
Light blue rectangle: The globally saved pack's submenu which will provide select pack, select pack and reloadUI and delete pack entries.
Other settings menu entries:
  • Undo last mass-marking (will undo to the last automatically saved backup, which is saved as you mass-change any addon's state via the keybinds, settings context menu or SHIFT+click)
    The entry shows the # of addons enabled, and the date & time as the backup was saved.
    This backup is saved account wide, not per character!
  • Clear last backuped mass-marking
  • Deselect all addons (including libraries)
  • Re-Select last enable addons (same like the keybind that switches between "re-select" or "select all")
  • Select all addons (including libraries -> Will not change and enable you to always select all addons)
  • Deselect all libraries
  • Select all libraries
  • Scroll up to AddOns
  • Scroll down to libraries
  • Support for addon "AddonCategory":
    -Right click the search editbox and select a category to scroll to that category
    Scrolling will bring the category to the center of the screen, due to the default's scroll list behavior

How are addon packs saved?
Enter a pack name in the pack name editbox and click the "Save" button right to it. Please read the more detailed instructions at "How do I use it?" below.
The default behaviour is to save the pack globally the same for all characters.
Globally saved packs will create an entry in the saved packs dropdown box (right to the "Selected pack" label).
In the settings (gear icon at the top of the ingame addon manager) you are able to enable a submenu at globally saved packs where you, if you move your mouse above the pack name, would be able to select that pack, select that pack and reload the UI automatically, or delete this pack.
You can also just click the pack name, even with enabled submenu, to select the pack. There is no need to use the submenu to select the pack.

You can change the settings to save the packs "per character".
Per character saved addon packs will create an entry in the packs dropdown box using the currently logged in character name, where you will find all saved packs of that charatcer in a submenu, if you move the mouse cursor above the character name.
Saving character packs does only work for the currently logged in character! You are not able to change and save a pack of a non logged in character, this would just copy the pack to your currently logged in character (with "per character" save mode enabled) or to a global pack (with global save mode enabled).

You are able to see both, global and per character saved packs, in the packs dropdown box, if you enable this in the settings.

The currently selected save mode will be shown right to the "Save" button as icon. If global save mode is enabled no icn is visible. If per character save mode is enabled you'll see a small "2 heads" icon there.

Other features of this addon?

1) Settings menu shown via the "gear" settings icon at the top of the Addon Manager
The currently logged in char name will be shown as a headline of the settings menu.

2) Move the ingame addon manager:
Click and hold on the addon manager's headline and drag the whole addon manager window around:

3) Show the currently enabled/total number of addons in the headline:

4) Search for addons and scroll to them:
It also provides a search editbox where you can enter search texts, and by pressing the return key you will jump to the next addon matching your search string. Pressing return again will jump to the next, and so on.

Right click the search box to show the search history (if enabled in the settings). You are able to research the search term by selecting it. Search terms will be added to the history 2 seconds after you had stopped typing a string.
This history needs to be enabled within the settings menu's search settings.

5)Automatically reload the UI after selecting a pack:
If enabled in the settings selecting a pack will automatically reload the user interface to enable the new selected addons.
A small red triangle icon right to the "Save" button (right to the "Save per character" icon) will show you if this setting is currently enabled. The icon will be invisible if the setting is disabled.
Attention: If you enable the autoamtic reload of the UI you will not be able to select and delete a pack anymore without loading this pack! Disable this setting to select and delete packs without a reloadUI.
Exclusion: Globally saved packs with the setting enabled to add a submenu to the pack entries will have a submenu entry "Delete pack" which will be able to delete this pack without a ReloadUI.

6) Easier enabling/disabling of addons:
You can also click anywhere on the row (on the addon name or addon author area) to toggle the enabled state of the addon.

7) Mass enabling/disabling via SHIFT key:
Left click any addon checkbox/name to set a "start point". And then SHIFT + left click on another addon checkbox/name to set the "end point".
The state of the "start point" clicked addon will be copied to all addons in between "start point" and "end point".

8) Keybinds to select all/deselect all and reselect the last changed ones:
Below the addon manager list you'll see keybinds to select all addons, deselect all addons.
If you choose to deselect all addons there will be enabled another keybind (at the same "deselect all" keybind) to re-select the previously selected addons (if you pressed deselect all by accident e.g.).

AddonSelector uses the default keybinds for secondary and tertiary actions which you have bound in the general control settings.
Secondary action: Unselect all addons & libraries
Tertiary action: Select all addons & libraries, or if the "Unselect all addons & keybinds" was used before the keybind here will switch to "Re-select last saved" which will re-enable the addons that were active before "Unselect all addons & libraries" was used.
With update "Lost depths" API101035 ZOs adds a new default secondary keybind which will reset the unused keybindings.
Attention: this will reet keybinds of CURRENTLY not enabled addons too! So be carefull to use it or your saved addon keybinds will be gone if these addons are currently not enabled!

9) Provides slash commands for the chat edit box:
See "Chat slash commands" below

How do I use it?
Select/deselect whichever addons you want.
You can click any addon with the left mouse key and scroll to another addon in the list. If you SHIFT+left click this addon all addons in between the 1st and the 2nd clicked addons will be enabled/disabled (depending on the state the 1st addon had after it was clicked by you).

In the Pack Name editbox type a name for the addon pack & click the "Save" button.
You can save multiple addon packs to be able to easily switch between different addon configurations.
If an addon pack name already exist for the currently selected save mode (global or "per characeter") and you click on the "Save" button an overwrite dialog will ask you to acknowledge the overwrite. The dialog will show you the used save mode too.

If you want to select the same name as the currently active pack click on the active pack label and the name will be written to the pack name for you!
Hint: Right clicking the pack name box will enter the currently logged in character name to the editbox. This could be used for globally saved packs to distinguish the usecase of the packs. Per character saved packs should not use this as the packs are saved below a character name entry in the packs dropdown already.

If you want to delete a pack select it first and then click the delete button.
Or if enabled in globally saved settings: Open the saved packs dropdown box, move the mouse above any globally saved entry, the submenu is shown. Select "Delete: <pack name>" from the submenu. This will enable you the deletion of packs without having to enable them first!
Unfortunately this is not possible for "per character" saved packs.
Remember: If you got the "automatic reloadUI after pack selection" setting enabled make sure to turn it of if you do not want to have a reloadui happenign as you select any pack for deletion only!

A delete dialog will be shown where you need to acknowledge the deletion of the saved pack. The save mode, where the pack was saved, will be shown at the dialog too.

Chat slash commands
/rl, /rlui, /reload: Will reload the UI for you (Same as /reloadui)
/addons, /as, /addonsearch, /addonselector: Will open the AddOns manager and if you specify an addon name after the slash command it will search for it, e.g. /as FCO
/asap: Will output the currently active addon pack into the chat
/addonsettings or /lam to open the LibAddonMenu2 addon settings page /if LibAddonMenu-2.0 was loaded)

Check the controls settings for them:
-Reload UI
-Select all
-Deselect all/Re-select previous
-Output addon pack to chat

Why did I write this?
I often install other addons or works in progress to look at code for someone or often need to toggle my own addons ON/OFF as I am working on them. I got sick of having to deselect everything I no longer need running & reselect everything I want running when I am done debugging something.

Known bugs
After selecting a pack from the pack dropdown box the ESC key, and some other keys are not working properly anymore. This will fix itsself by reloading the UI with the new selected pack's addons (or generally with a reloadui, e.g. via the keybind or the button at the bottom right of the addon manager).
> I've currently not found out what exactly causes this. If you got any idea or hint please write me a PM here on, thanks.

Planned features
Non so far.
Maybe, if if is technically possible, enable the selection of the character to save the pack to at the save button, if "per character" save mode is enabled. But this will bring many new problems and for now I had stopped to work on it. So don't expect it to happen nor ask for it (again) please. Thanks for your understanding.

Other recommanded addons helping to manage your addons
Votans Addon List Automatically checking for needed dependencies and enabling them for you if you enable an addon + other nice features.

The original addon idea and code was provided by: Circonian
I recommand "Votans Addon List" for an easier addon handling in the addon manager. In addition to AddonSelectors automatic dependency enabling, it will automatically disable non needed dependencies for you, and provides other features too.


v2.32 - 2024-06-02
-Added setting to show a search box at the top of the packs list (by default: on)
You can search your pack names, and even addons inside the packs (if you enabled the option to show the addons of the pack as submenu).
The search box accepts an optional prefix / so that it will show you the matching main menu entries (= pack names) and then all addons of the pack (even if name is not mathcing the search term).

v2.31 - 2024-06-02
-Fixed submenus at character saved packs to show 1 submenu per pack, and then the entries to select, select & reloadui and new "delete" the pack in the nested submenus
-Added submenu entry to delet character saved pack

v2.30 - 2024-05-10
-Tested and made compatible with PTS API101042 Gold Road
-Fixed addons with dependency error not saving to a pack anymore (allthough not explicitly disabled manually):
If you have disabled a main-addon, having dependent addons, the dependent addons get automatically disabled "visually" in the addon manager. But actually they stay enabled (though not loaded as their dependency is missing now!).
The addon packs saved those addons in the past where loading these packs somehow re-enabled the main addon automatically again.
Now these dependencies will be not saved to a pack anymore. Thanks Kyzeragon for the details so I could find and fix this.

v2.29 - 2024-03-21
-Fixed disabled needed libraries/addon AddonSelector not reenabling if select all addons/libraries was used from settings context menu
-Added new submenu with addons in packs to character saved packs too
-Fixed submenu with addons in packs using wrong color for the text

v2.28 - 2024-03-11
-Added support for API101041
-Added new setting to show addons saved to a pack as scrollable submenu at the pack (global packs only for the moment). Entries are read-only and are just there for a reference to show what addons are in the pack
-Fixed some narrations

v2.26 - 2024-02-22
Fixed LibScrollableMenu version back to 0107

v2.25 - 2024-02-22
-Updated translations (and fallback to English for missing translations): Korean and Turkish
-Fixed some minor bugs
-Added the proper "Select and Reload UI" text to the submenu entries of character packs, if auto reload was enabled (+ shows the red attention icon in settings and submenus too)
-Compatibility with API101041 "Scions of Ithelia" -> LibScrollableMenu needs an update though

v2.24 - 2023-11-05 [Attention]New dependency: LibScrollableMenu
-Fixed addon fragment to hide if /as command was used and game menu entries are switched

v2.023 - 2023-10-30 [Attention]New dependency: LibScrollableMenu
-Updated API and versions
-Made compatible with combobox changes
-Fixed narration
-Fixed ESC and RETURN key not working sometimes

v2.021 - 2023-06-30
-Changed narrater to the UI narrater as the chat narrater was somehow weird and not properly usable for this feature
-Added a "ControlBelowMouseCursor did not change" check so that narrations did not start if one moved the cursor above many addon rows and stopped outside the addon manager in the end

v2.020 - 2023-06-29
-If the accessibility mode was enabled and the chat narration was enabled too:
On mouse enter on an addon row the chat narration will read the addon name and the current enabled state, or disabled (manually or via missing dependencies).
Clicking the addon row/checkbox will read the new state afterwards.
-Added slash command /addonsettings or /lam to open the LibAddonMenu2 addon settings page

Technical changes: Changed : notation usage to normal . (lua table) usage. Strip wrong ZO_Object SubClass notation : usage and wrong self calls, to make code better readable and compatible with non-: notation function calls (like events etc.)

v2.019 - 2023-04-18
Made compatible with PTS "Necrom"
Moved new checkbox "Advanced lua error messages" to the right of the addon manager

v2.018 - 2022-12-11
Added support for addon "AddonCategory":
-Right click the search editbox and select a category to scroll to that category
Scrolling will bring the category to the center of the screen, due to the default's scroll list behavior

v2.017 - 2022-12-08
-Updated dependencies versions
-Added Chinese translation, by Lykeion (非常感謝!)

v2.016 - 2022-11-10
-Updated dependencies versions and API version
-Added Italien translation, by horizonxael (mille grazie!)

v2.015 - 2022-08-24
-Fixed reloadUI keybind button disabled after pack selection
-Fixed auto ReloadUI at global packs not working if same pack was selected as before (and seting to auto reloadUI was enabled in between)
-Added settings context menu entry (only information) showing the last loaded pack name, date & time before the reload has taken place.
--Non existing (character)packs will be shown red at the char/pack name
--Clicking the existing pack name will activate that pack in the dropdown box again

v2.014 - 2022-07-17
-Updated Polish translations - Thanks again generaluploads

v2.013 - 2022-07-15
-Made compatible with PTS API101035

-Fixed SHIFT+left click mass marking
-Fixed "Show active pack to chat" keybind/function to show Global or character name saved for the pack properly
-Changed new added secondary keybind to UI_SHORTCUT_QUARTERNARY instead, as AddonSelector uses the secondary keybind since years already!

-Added new settings context menu entries:
--Undo last mass-marking (will undo to the last automatically saved backup, which is saved as you mass-change any addon's state via the keybinds, settings context menu or SHIFT+click)
The entry shows the # of addons enabled, and the date & time as the backup was saved.
This backup is saved account wide, not per character!
--Clear last backuped mass-marking
--Deselect all addons (including libraries)
--Re-Select last enable addons (same like the keybind that switches between "re-select" or "select all")
--Select all addons (including libraries -> Will not change and enable you to always select all addons)
--Deselect all libraries
--Select all libraries
--Scroll up to AddOns
--Scroll down to libraries

v2.012 - 2022-04-20
Updated API
Updated dependencies
Fixed dependencies disabled if "Disable all" button/keybind was used
Fixed multiple same hooks at addon rows
Fixed PTS TopLevelControl error message

v2.011 - 2021-12-05
Added traslations. Thanks guys!
Brazilian portuguese Anntauri
Russian Friday_The13_rus
NEW Polish (and polish debug "fx") generaluploads

v2.010 - 2021-12-01
Added traslations. Thanks guys!
Japanese - Calamath
Spanish - Kwisatz
French - Kwisatz

v2.000 - 2021-11-16
!!! Please backup your SavedVariables BEFORE logging in with the new version, as always !!!
Dependency changes: LibCustomMenu is a mandatory dependency now. Please install and enable it!

Added/Changed: Please read the 1st sticky comment at the addon comments for knwon bugs, and PLEASE READ the addon description (fully updated with all feature!).

I'm explaining the changes to the settings, the new added settings dropdown button and the global per account/per character saved packs changes in the addon description, including screenshots.
Warning: If you ask questions that are answered there already your comments might be deleted.

-Settings menu button showing a dropdown menu if clicked.

-Possibility to save your packs global per account (as before) or "per character".
!You cannot save global packs in "per character" save mode, and you cannot save "character packs" in global save mode -> They will be copied to your save mode!

If you save a pack with "per character" save mode enabled it will be saved for the CURRENTLY LOGGED IN character ONLY! You are only able to "copy" a pack of another character (which was saved in "per character" or global mode before) but you cannot change the pack of other "per character" saved packs directly.

You are always able to change the save behaviour from global to "per character" with 3 clicks via the settings dropdown button.

Default save mode is global, as it was until today.

-New search settings, e.g. disable searching for addon folder/file names if you enter a search string. Enabled this will make the text search only search for the real addon's name.

-New search history. Right click the search editbox to see the last entries you have searched for. They will be added after 2 seconds, after you have stopped typing in the search editbox. A clear context menu entry will be shown as well.

-New setting to show the global packs in the packs dropdown box. Will automatically enable if global pack saving is enabled (means "per character" pack saving is disabled).
You can show and select your globally saved packs that way, even if you got the "per character" saving enabled.
Attention: Selecting a global pack and saving it will COPY it to your "per character" packs then, if "per character" saving is enabled, and vice versa for selecting a "per character" saved one -> save with global saving enabled!

-New setting to show the "per character" saved packs in the packs dropdown box. The will show an entry for each saved character name, where the entry provides a submenu with the saved packs. Will automatically enable if "per character" pack saving is enabled.

-New setting to show a submenu at the global pack entries containing "Select pack", "Select pack & ReloadUI" and "Delete pack" possibilities. Submenus cannot be enabled at the "per character" saved packs as submenus cannot be technically added to submenus within ESO.

-A small icon next to the "Save pack" button is showing you 2 heads if the "per character" saving is enabled
Per character saved packs will create a new submenu in the packs dropdown box using the character's name.
The submenu of this character name will show you the saved packs of that character.

-A small warning triangle icon next to the "Save pack" button is showing you if "Automatic ReloadUI after pack selection" is enabled.

With "Automatic ReloadUI after pack selection" enabled the same problems occur like they did until this version. Read the addon description for more details.

-Moved all settings (like "Automatic pack selection -> ReloadUI") to the dropdown menu of the new settings button

-The currently active pack name will show the "Global" info, or the character name the pack was selected from.

-The save/delete dialogs show the global or character name of he pack you want to overwrite/delete now.

If the new added checkbox to disable all addons (by ZOs vanilla game) is checked, AddonSelector won't allow you to select packs and change/save etc. them.

----- OLD CHANGELOG -----
[b]Since version 1.432:
Removed: Libraries
-> The needed dependencies/libraries need to be installed manually (like an addon) manually or e.g. by help of the addon manager.
! Please check the addon description for the needed library names and links !

Version 1.446 -- 2021-06-15
Fixed Delete button error message

Version 1.445 -- 2021-06-14
Fixed LibDialog dependency version

Version 1.444 -- 2021-06-14
-Updated API
-Removed LibStub from "not disabled addons" if "Deselect all" button/keybind is used
-If the optional dependency "LibCustomMenu" is installed:
Added context menu to the pack dropdown entries so that you are able to delete packs without actually selecting them.
With a future update of LibCustomMenu you can enable the pack via normal left click on the pack name in the dropdown list again. Currently you need to select the submenu entry "Pack: <name>" to enable it!
-Added slash command /asap to show the actual active pack name in the chat

Version 1.443 --
-Updated API
-Fixed SHIFT click on addon "name" (not checkbox!) to mass enable/disable addons.
Usage: Left click an addon name and set the state you want to apply to all addons (enabled or disabled).
Then scroll to the addon you want as the "last" changed one, and SHIFT+left click the name.
All addons from the first to the last one will be changed then to the state of the first addon.
-Added dependency check for mass enabling addons. If a dependency is installed and not enabled it will get enabled as well. At best install and activate "Votans Addon List" to support this feature!

Version 1.442 --
-Updated API
-Added keybind for reload of the UI -> Define it at controls -> Addon Selector

Version 1.441 --
Added Japanese translations (thanks to m09)

Version 1.440 --
-Fixed dialogs to show the correct set name upon delete/save (on 2nd time it still showed first pack name)
-Changed save button to be visible if a pack name is either entered into the pack name edit box OR if a pack name is selected in the dropdown box.
-> The edit field text "pack name" will always be prioritized above the selected pack name, means if you enter something here and select a pack name at the same time from the dropdown box, the name from the edit field will be saved and not the selected pack name.

Version 1.439 --
-Save button won't be usable if no name was entered.
-If a pack already exists a dialog asks to overwrite it.
-Delete button won't be enabled if no dropdown entry was chosen or auto reloadui checkbox is checked.
-Search is using the addon's filename as 2nd search as well
-New label showing the currently selected addon pack name below the dropdown box (for each character; you need to select a pack at least once in order to show the label -> for each char).
-Click on that new labelt o enter the currently selected name of addon pack into the addon pack name edit field in order to overwrite it with the save button e.g.

Version 1.438 --
-Removed non-needed dependency to library LibStub (LibDialog remains in and works without LibStub)
-Updated translations to support Brazilian/Portuguese

Version 1.437 --
Fixed: XML code for search edit box optimized, thanks to KL1SK

-> Older changelog was removed due to performance issues <-
Archived Files (53)
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Unread 09/15/21, 03:12 AM  
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Originally Posted by fallankid
can this also save the setting i placed on a chara?
cause there are a few addons I want to change their setting but I don't want to do it for all my 10 chara...
so I was wondering if this mod not just save enable disable but all their setting
Are you talking about the game settings like video, audio, look and feel? No, this addon is only about the addons manager.
You can use these addons to help yourself:

If you talk about saving the settings of the addons: No way, as every addon can handle it differently. Sorry, this is totally up to the addons themselves and no other addon will or should interfere there.

There exist a few addons which might help, like these ones:

But they do not function for every addon as, like I wrote above already: each addon can save and handle the save of it's settings differently.

You can also use the "" and search for "settings" e.g. to find more.
Last edited by Baertram : 09/15/21 at 03:17 AM.
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Unread 09/11/21, 06:06 PM  

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can this also save the setting i placed on a chara?
cause there are a few addons I want to change their setting but I don't want to do it for all my 10 chara...
so I was wondering if this mod not just save enable disable but all their setting
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Unread 09/01/21, 12:42 PM  
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Its working fine for my account and other ppl I have asked so far.

So maybe it's not the addon but a general access problem:
Please disable the addon and ALL other addons!
Test if changing the addons manually in your addon manager ingame and at the character selection will work fine.
-> Explanation: The file live/AddOnSettings.txt contains the enabled addons for your server and character names. It will handle the changes you do ingame. The Addon Selector addon is just providing UI improvements to click the checkboxes for the addons saved as a pack e.g.
So changing the UI and having Addon Selector enabeld does NOT touch anything about loading the addons in the background during the reloadui!
Means: If the selected pack enables the correctly saved addons in your addon manager, this addon here works correctly!
Reloading the UI afterawrds is a vanilla base game thing, nothing that any addon changes.

If this does neither work check your file AddOnSettings.txt (should be in the folder above live/Addons -> in live/) if it got a write rpoteciton or if your AntiVirus blocks the access to it.
Whitelist it in Windows Defender and other anti virus files. If you use Avast antivirus allow the eso64.exe in the settings->allowed apps.
And disable the ransomware protection at folder c:\users\<your windows user>\documents for txt files (document types) as it is known to block access to AddOnSettings.txt and UserSettings.txt

If the manualy changed addons work:
Please logout, deinstall Circonians Addon Selector and reinstall it fresh. Update all dependencies. Only enable Circonians Addon Selector then ingame + LibDialog and LibCustomMenu at the character selection screen. Login to the game and select one of your packs.
Check that the addons clicked are the correct for the pack.

Note down date and time!!!
Reload the UI and then and see if it works now.

If not: Check the file's AddOnSettings.txt in your live folder and check the last changed date and time. Does it match your reload of the UI? or is it older (nothing changed in the file then and something blocks access to it! Check your whiteliste, antivirus, etc.).
Sorry it's either your installed software then or any other addon destroying the addon selector somehow.

Originally Posted by heaven13
Unfortunately, as of the latest patch, this addon is no longer functioning for me. When I select a pack and reload my UI, my game reloads with every single addon still activated, no matter which pack I select.
Last edited by Baertram : 09/01/21 at 12:44 PM.
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Unread 09/01/21, 07:51 AM  

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Unfortunately, as of the latest patch, this addon is no longer functioning for me. When I select a pack and reload my UI, my game reloads with every single addon still activated, no matter which pack I select.
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Unread 06/24/21, 01:59 AM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
At least this was one idea I had for the future.
this really makes sense, even for me
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Unread 06/23/21, 04:41 PM  
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Originally Posted by TNTKokser
With 8 chars the list would be to long
Yep, and that is another reason why I started to work on the context menus.
Packs saved in the future will remember the character it was saved for, if you choose to save this info and do not want to keep the pack saved "generic" (to be used for all chars).
The contextmenu will show "top entries" for the character names then, providing sub entries with the packs saved for them.
Unclutters the loooong lists.
At least this was one idea I had for the future.
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Unread 06/23/21, 04:33 PM  
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of course I read your text and your changelogs. But I asked this before your blue sticky comment and I didn't understood that everything will be fine after Votans update, sorry. However, I'm pretty sure most people use the change of a pack far more often then to delete one.
Plus most people will have more then 1 char. So instead of different packs like
char 1 (PvE)
char 1 (PvP)
char 1 (crafting/looting)
char 2 (PvE)

it makes more sense to have one pack for eg

and then click the 2 or 3 class or role specific addons and then click reload UI manually. With 8 chars the list would be to long, so I'm pretty sure this is the most prefered way people use it instead of auto load ui. But you're right: you cannot please everyone.

Don't worry, you know, I like your work and mostly I'm not complaining, but asking
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Unread 06/19/21, 07:44 AM  
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Originally Posted by TNTKokser
I change my addon pack frequently. I delete a pack perhaps once a year and could use the delete button for this. Now I have to hover to another menu plus today I missed it and selected delete pack. Some more clicks needed. I think I not really understand the sense of a second menu with 2 (in words: two) options, while one option already excisting as a button.
Sorry, I hate to say this, but you guys really get on my nerves, as:
- you DO NOT READ BEFORE POSTING (I have added the same information with a light blue big text above again, so that you do not miss it anymore, and do not feel the need to complain any longer, as the solution was already given WITH the patch )

These addons are not made for you as a single person!
The handling, features, look (UI) sometimes changes and you simply need to accept and adopt, or search another addon, or build your own addons, OR JUST INSTALL AN OLDER VERSION maybe... It's not that hard
But as I had written below already: Human beings are used to things and do not want to change, so one needs to force them

The purpose of this added context menu is that you do not have to select a pack, which would change the actual selected addons each time, in order to delete this pack. You are now even able to let the "Auto reloadui feature" enabled and are able to delete a pack.
MAybe more features will come in the future, like "Add to pack 'xyz'" etc.
This always was an issue and now, as LibCustomMenu is able to help, I've changed that.
As long as LCM is not updated by Votan you either use the linked beta or have to do the 1 extra click. Problem solved. Less work than writing more about it.
Last edited by Baertram : 06/19/21 at 09:04 AM.
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Unread 06/19/21, 03:37 AM  
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I change my addon pack frequently. I delete a pack perhaps once a year and could use the delete button for this. Now I have to hover to another menu plus today I missed it and selected delete pack. Some more clicks needed. I think I not really understand the sense of a second menu with 2 (in words: two) options, while one option already excisting as a button.
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Unread 06/18/21, 08:43 PM  
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Re: Re: Feature Request: Display Selected Pack

Originally Posted by Baertram
All I'd like to add is a chat slash command like /asap to show the currently selected pack in the chat. I won't at any Ui elements nor any settings menu, sorry.

Updated to version 1.444 -> You got the slash command /asap and a keybinding for it now.
Thanks VERY MUCH! Much easier now!
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Unread 06/18/21, 02:28 PM  
Amma Rokk
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Originally Posted by Baertram
The latest official LibCustomMenu is version 700, are you using this version as the issues appear?
Please disable ALL other addons and libraries ecxept Addon Selector. Does it work then?
If so please check your addonsfor subfolders like "libs" containing any other version of LibCustomMenu, and remove them. Only install LCM once to live/AddOns.

If the errors still happen, or happen wih my inofficial version 7.0.1 (linked below) please provide more details how to rebuild this problem as I do not have any issues, nor do guild mates do so far.

Originally Posted by Amma Rokk
Addon Selector doesn't come up with any packs if I have latest LibCustomMenu. But starts working again if I downgrade LibCustomMenu. Any idea how to fix that?
Also seems to make right click in inventory, banks, item page, etc not work. Randomly though - right click sometimes works and then suddenly
stops working.
After extensive testing I found out that it is indeed another culprit. I have old addon Social Indicators which has old version of LibCustomMenu in its own lib folder. I deleted that old LCM folder and everything seems to be working again. I also deleted the line: lib/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua from the SocialIndicators.txt.

I think I'm good for now. Thank you for responding.
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Unread 06/16/21, 02:32 PM  
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The latest official LibCustomMenu is version 700, are you using this version as the issues appear?
Please disable ALL other addons and libraries ecxept Addon Selector. Does it work then?
If so please check your addonsfor subfolders like "libs" containing any other version of LibCustomMenu, and remove them. Only install LCM once to live/AddOns.

If the errors still happen, or happen wih my inofficial version 7.0.1 (linked below) please provide more details how to rebuild this problem as I do not have any issues, nor do guild mates do so far.

Originally Posted by Amma Rokk
Addon Selector doesn't come up with any packs if I have latest LibCustomMenu. But starts working again if I downgrade LibCustomMenu. Any idea how to fix that?
Also seems to make right click in inventory, banks, item page, etc not work. Randomly though - right click sometimes works and then suddenly
stops working.
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Unread 06/16/21, 02:10 PM  
Amma Rokk
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Addon Selector doesn't come up with any packs if I have latest LibCustomMenu. But starts working again if I downgrade LibCustomMenu. Any idea how to fix that?
Also seems to make right click in inventory, banks, item page, etc not work. Randomly though - right click sometimes works and then suddenly stops working.
Last edited by Amma Rokk : 06/16/21 at 02:26 PM.
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Unread 06/16/21, 04:31 AM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
Better buy another mouse as backup

Humans are creatures of habits. It was clear that the extra click would interfere, and start a discussion (so predictable...).
That's why I pointed out in the changelog that Votan (thank you!) has accepted my suggestion and will include a possible click on the main entry, even when using submenus.
This will just need some time, and after that all behaves the same like before, and the poor hands will come to rest again

Until then, use the beta version of LibCustomMenu I have linked below, and your worries will be resolved

Originally Posted by tim99
waaahhhh, you have to do an additional click now. Q_Q
Clicking on the pack wont choose it any more...

Baerti.... that looks like a real ZOS-"improvement".

And its not just the additional click... also a mouse-move to the right direction needs to be done...

(btw i hope you get this post as it's meant to be... mostly funny - but with a little bit -ernst- behind still)

I mean, if would just sit here the next years, and all i ever do is choosing between the packs and do nothing else... you would just halfed (!) the lifecircle of my mouse....!!!1elf!!

G700s like:

(mouse is happy)

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Unread 06/16/21, 02:36 AM  
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Better buy another mouse as backup

Humans are creatures of habits. It was clear that the extra click would interfere, and start a discussion (so predictable...).
That's why I pointed out in the changelog that Votan (thank you!) has accepted my suggestion and will include a possible click on the main entry, even when using submenus.
This will just need some time, and after that all behaves the same like before, and the poor hands will come to rest again

Until then, use the beta version of LibCustomMenu I have linked below, and your worries will be resolved

Originally Posted by tim99
waaahhhh, you have to do an additional click now. Q_Q
Clicking on the pack wont choose it any more...

Baerti.... that looks like a real ZOS-"improvement".

And its not just the additional click... also a mouse-move to the right direction needs to be done...

(btw i hope you get this post as it's meant to be... mostly funny - but with a little bit -ernst- behind still)

I mean, if would just sit here the next years, and all i ever do is choosing between the packs and do nothing else... you would just halfed (!) the lifecircle of my mouse....!!!1elf!!
Last edited by Baertram : 06/16/21 at 02:41 AM.
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