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Updated: 01/08/17 05:19 AM
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One Tamriel (2.6)
Shadows of the Hist (2.5)
Updated:01/08/17 05:19 AM
Created:01/15/16 11:42 AM
Monthly downloads:149
Total downloads:47,730
Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Info, Plug-in Bars, TradeSkill Mods, ToolTip, Unit Mods, Utility Mods
BetterUI :: Gamepad Interface Improvements  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.33
by: prasoc [More]

A Gamepad Interface Improvement Addon by prasoc

BetterUI is a multi-faceted improvement addon for the gamepad interface. It aims to overhaul the restrictive gamepad UI and fix the limitations of the design by enhancing and replacing large portions of the default interface.

If you enjoy this addon, you can send some ingame coin to @prasoc or donate via PayPal


NEW IN V1.75:
  • Enhanced Banking is here! Take a look at the lovely screenshot, it's a remarkable improvement to the default interface!
  • "Stack Bank Items" has been implemented - something missing from the default ZOS banking interface!
  • Researchable items can now detect duplicates, thanks for the code ScotteYx! Much appreciated

NEW IN V1.57:
  • Completely redesigned Guild Store interface!!!
  • dataDaedra integration - tired of the resource usage of MasterMerchant? Well now you can use dataDaedra instead! It's implemented into the tooltips and new Guild Store exactly the same way as MM is, so you will gain valuable resources at no cost
  • Guild Store filter saving, with additional reset keybind. Guild store browsing just got a hell of a lot quicker!
  • Fixed a ZOS bug so that individual stacks of items in the inventory can be distinguished in the tooltips
  • Option to replace the inventory's "Value" with either MasterMerchant or dataDaedra's market price (the prices show up in yellow)

NEW IN V1.0:
  • Completely redesigned inventory interface, based on SkyUI. This is the feature you've all been waiting for
  • Mark as "Junk" option, de-clutters your main inventory, just like the keyboard interface has
  • New, modular design allowing for complete addon customizability

  • Character name displayed at top of target frame
  • Unit price in Guild Store browsing
  • MasterMerchant functionality! - Note: MM needs to be installed before you can enable this
  • Daily Writ display for *all* crafting stations (currently in English only, will get French and German in soon!)
  • Health text display overlaid on the top of the target unit frame
  • Attribute bars now have text labels!
  • Swap A (sort) and X (select) in the guild store page for intuitive gamepad use!
  • Displays the style of items above the item tooltip
  • Basic research tracker displays on each item whether it can be used in research or is already known

Looking for more gamepad addons?
- @lokyst: This fixes the tooltip not updating when moving items between bank/bags, and moving stacked items or non-stackable items of which there are multiple in the bank/bag.

- Fixed Minion issue

- Global
- Dutch language support, thanks to @NelDaSi
- Portugese language support, thanks to @NelDaSi

- [Enhanced Guild Store]
- Fixed bug with (A) and (X) sorting swapping not working
- Removed the "Seller" Column, replaced with a "Stat" column
- Fixed bug that hides the fields in the search menu

- [Enhanced Inventory]
- Now auto-loads inventory rather than crafting bag
- Fix items not appearing when added to inventory
- Fix using misc. items
- Fixed an issue with "Character attributes" not disappearing

- General Interface
- Option to destroy mail instantly

- [Enhanced Inventory]
- Fixed keybind unbind issue when leaving the inventory

- [Enhanced Guild Store]
- Fixed init bug where name filter doesn't appear
- Removed DD integration
- Refactoring and large improvements of old code

- [Enhanced Inventory]
- "Mark as Junk" is now functional again
- "Consumable" -> "Quickslot"
- Fixed item "Attribute Icons" not displaying (enchanted item, stolen item, etc.)
- Category list position is now remembered upon re-opening the inventory menu

- [Enhanced Guild Store]
- Fixed "Reset Filters" crashing
- Removed debugging message "Building List"

- Redesigned categories for [Enhanced Inventory] which gives a VASTLY better experience
- You can now view Quest Items (again)
- The crafting bag is now integrated, with great new features:
- Crafting bag has categories, and the "type" column is much more descriptive
o For example, items now have "Style Material", "Tannin", and "Temper" instead of
the generic category listed. I am still fine-tuning this, but it's a remarkable improvement
from a usability standpoint
o this will also be integrated into [Enhanced Bank] very shortly, watch this space
- You can now use the mouse scroll on the left hand item tooltip!
- Fixed [Enhanced Inventory] keybinds not appearing automatically
- The option to "Destroy" an item is now hidden for items that are "Locked"

- Fixed equipping 1H-weapons and Shields
o Also fixed "Ring 1" and "Ring 2" dialog displaying
- Fixed "New" icon being a white square
- More fixes incoming...

- Repositioned the left tooltip to display a LOT more information per item
- Native Russian language included, thanks to @Ckau

- [Enhanced Inventory]
- Now displays the equipped items in the current slot
o There are now 3 new icons next to the equip slot type
- Fixed Issues with item's descriptions crashing the game
- "Mark Item as Junk" is now displayed correctly

- [Enhanced Banking]
- Now includes many updates that were applied to the Inventory interface

- [Enhanced Guild Store]
- Merged a pull request to allow the "Listings" page to display the MM price (if enabled in the options of [Enhanced Inventory])

- Corrected the "Scales from... X to Y" text on items with Champion Level scaling
- Replaced the "Junk" icon with one provided by @Ckau which fits in with the rest of the icons. Thanks!
- Rings and Necklaces are now displayed in the "Type" column

- Fixed issue with MasterMerchant values in Inventory not working
- Fixed issue with broken "Split Stack" of items
- Fixed "Destroy Item" dialog
- Enabled Russian fonts

- More bug fixes

- Fixed "Retrieve" item crashing
- Removed debug messages

- [Enhanced Inventory] has been updated, ready for the Dark Brotherhood.
- I have essentially redeveloped the existing [Enhanced Inventory] for future compatibility,
and for the Crafting Bag
- Fixed a ZOS error with the removal of Vet Ranks, the sorting function now correctly determines the
champion points required for the item

- [Enhanced Banking]
- Minimal changes from the previous version, as the interface is based on my own library
- Will have to check into adding a new category for the Crafting Bag, was unable to test without
having ESO Plus membership (will be fixed VERY soon!)

- Localization support! Put your language strings into "lang/*.lua", and it will be hooked into BetterUI
- If you complete a translation, please send them to me - I will put them into the "lang" folder by default

- [Enhanced Inventory]
- Disabled the list animation when switching between categories. The whole interface feels a LOT more responsive
- "Link in Chat" is functional

- [Enhanced Banking]
- Fixed an issue with item stack transfers not updating correctly

- HUD frames
- New option to alter the account name color independently of the character name

- [Enhanced Banking]
- the interface responds INSTANTLY to withdrawals and deposits!
-> this fixes the problems encountered if you tried to transfer lots of items quickly
- "stack slider" now WRAPS
-> you can go from the max value of a stack to the min with a single button press! :)
- withdrawing and depositing a stack now disables the list
-> changing the item whilst transferring a stack has been disabled: a lot less errors!
- Fixed an anchoring issue with the footer, it is now attached correctly to the bottom keybind strip
- Issue with Tel-Var stone withdrawal fixed
- Keybind issues are sorted, had to re-develop the Keybind system but it works without error now

- [Enhanced Banking] is here! Massive improvements to the original Banking interface, based entirely on my own code (the "Window" API will be released pretty soon). See the attached screenshots, I'm very happy with how this has turned out :)
- Added "Stack Bank Items" into the menu, something that was lacking in the original gamepad interface
- It is still rough around the edges, so if there are any issues, report them in the comments

- Credit to ScotteYx for the code here: If you have multiple items with the same trait, it will come up as "Duplicate" in the interface, something requested by *many* people

- Fixed costume / disguise equipping in the Enhanced Inventory menu
- Fixed Guild Store issue where item category would reset upon searching
- Moved "Name Filter" to below the item category list for efficient Guild Store browsing
- Filtered out "Bound" items from appearing in the Sell Item tab of the Enhanced Guild Store

- Now includes a "Filter by Name" in the Guild Store browse panel!
- Fixes Main/Backup 2H weapon equipping

- Added status indicator icons to the [Enhanced Inventory], now new items can be distinguished!
- New option for [Enhanced Inventory]; you can now press the triggers to skip item types (like the default interface)

- Fixed group unit frame displaced background
- Fixed offline group members having "1 (100%)" health

- Fixed a major [Enhanced Guild Store] tooltip width issue

- Addon is automatically initialized if you turn the gamepad mode on during play
- no need to reload UI when switching between KB and gamepad now!

- Fixed the "Mark as Junk" item action not appearing
- Enabled the "Assign" button on the Quickslot panel in the Enhanced Inventory
- Fixed Guild Store Listings panel width issue

- Fixed a bug in ZOS' code to allow displaying individual stacks of items in tooltips!
- This fix makes selling stacks at the Guild Store *much* easier!
- Fixed "Split Stack" dialog in inventory
- Inventory categories are improved for armour, displaying the equip type, eg. "Chest", next to "Heavy" or "Medium"
- The stack number is now displayed next to the item name instead of as a seperate column
- Option to replace the inventory's "Value" with either MasterMerchant or dataDaedra's market price (the prices show up in yellow)

- Overhaul of the SavedVars system, which will enable future updates go much smoother!
- Causes the addon to reset to it's default values, so don't forget to re-enable the features you wish to use! :)

- Fixed SavedVariable issues. Your settings will be replaced with the default ones due to extreme changes in the recent versions.

- A completely redesigned Guild Store, which vastly improves upon the amount of information displayed
- dataDaedra integration (identical in my implementation to MM's, at vastly reduced resource usage! strongly recommend!)
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't "Use" quest items in the inventory
- Updated the API version to support the Thieves' Guild

- Altered the category list of the inventory to be identical to the keyboard's design (with an extra "All" category)
- New categories added: Consumables, Miscellaneous

- Major change to the interface's scale, now it will be a lot larger and easier to see! :)

- Fixed an issue where going into the Main Menu -> Inventory wouldn't allow you to use items
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't equip a necklace

- Redeveloped the Improved Inventory module to be compatible with other addons which use keybinds.
- Votan's Fisherman and Fish Fillet (among others) are now compatible with the new inventory!

- "General Interface" -> "Max Chat History Size" allows you to alter the buffer of the chat window

- New option (in the "Inventory" module) to reduce the font size of the LH tooltip, allowing you to see a lot more item information at once!

- Guild Store browse filter saving, with additional keybind "Left Stick Click" to reset them manually!

- Fixed empty "Junk" category crashing

- *Brand new Inventory interface* based on SkyUI, completely replacing the old Gamepad inventory
- Completely new modular design: each part of the mod is able to work independently, allowing you to completely customize the addon
- Mark as "Junk" functionality in the inventory, just like in the keyboard interface!
- Removed "Condensed GS listings" for future replacement :)

- Fixed non-updating reticleover unit frame text

- Fixed UI error on grouping

- Fixed "100/100 (100%)" displaying on the target frame when the option to display it is disabled.

- Group frame now has Character Name and health text

- Fixed crash when displaying "Ring" (no traits)
- Hides the trait tracker when the item doesn't have a trait

- The item tooltip now displays the item's style and whether the trait has been researched or can be used in research! The basics of a trait tracker have been scaffolded in :)

- Fixed an issue where the attribute bars wouldn't initialize correctly.

- Condensed guild store listings: much more information in one page!
- Can now swap A and X ("Sort" and "Select") in guild store, as having A = select is a lot more intuitive!
- Health, Stamina and Magicka attribute bar have text labels!

- All options toggle-able within Addon Settings!

- Fix location of health text (not over compass now!)
- Fix which allows the disabling of health text and doesn't disable the character name text

- Allow the health text functionality to be disabled (in Addon Settings -> BetterUI -> Target Frame Display)
- Health text display overlaid on the top of the target unit frame
- New custom character name colour and toggle display options
- Completely reworked and modularised code, and a reduction of global variables. Everything is neatly inside the namespace "BUI"

- Added a "Daily Writ" displaying on opening each crafting station - it only works in English at the moment! Soon to be fixed :) if anyone could comment on the addon with the names of each writ in other languages, that would be a great help
- Added new options menu toggles to disable displaying the account name on the target unit frame.

- Fixed error received when MM wasn't installed. MM is now not a necessary requirement, and the functions will be disabled if it isn't detected!

- Display the character name on target as well as the account name
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Unread 03/10/16, 03:41 PM  
prasoc's Avatar
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V1.5 is out

NEW IN V1.5:
  • Completely redesigned Guild Store interface!!! Notice any incompatibilities between BetterUI and other addons? Post about them in this thread, it is greatly appreciated!
  • dataDaedra integration - tired of the resource usage of MasterMerchant? Well now you can use dataDaedra instead! It's implemented into the tooltips and new Guild Store exactly the same way as MM is, so you will gain valuable resources at no cost
  • Guild Store Browse Filter saving, with additional reset keybind!


Last edited by prasoc : 03/10/16 at 04:29 PM.
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Unread 03/10/16, 12:30 PM  
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Hi everyone!

As the new version is taking longer than I anticipated, I will attach a sneak-peak as to what the next version's interface improvements will include!

Other changes include the fix to allow you to "Use" quest item in the inventory menu, and dataDaedra is functional which makes the whole game much smoother than with MasterMerchant. The screenshot below shows how DD is integrated into the guild store, it's identical to how MM is currently integrated!

@Ckau: I will check out RuESO and get back to you on the strings that need to be translated

-- check newer post --
Last edited by prasoc : 03/10/16 at 03:42 PM.
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Unread 03/10/16, 12:15 PM  
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Originally Posted by prasoc
@Ckau: Custom language support is extremely important; what language do you speak? I might need some translators on hand!
Russian (and use RuESO)=)
Last edited by Ckau : 03/10/16 at 12:18 PM.
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Unread 03/09/16, 01:38 PM  
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Originally Posted by MkSb
this error showed up while using a quest item (press "action")
On it! Thanks for reporting the issue
Last edited by prasoc : 03/09/16 at 01:38 PM.
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Unread 03/09/16, 12:02 PM  

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this error showed up while using a quest item (press "action")
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Unread 03/09/16, 10:58 AM  
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Hi everyone!
I have been extremely busy over the past few days, and after accidentally overwriting my development version using Minion, it will take slightly longer to get the update (as planned) out.

The upside to this is that I can redevelop the new features even better than they were before

I was also thinking of giving you an option to either: a) Use MasterMerchant, or b) Use DataDaedra instead. They will both be integrated into the menu the same exact way, so if you don't like MM being such a resource hog, you won't lose any features by migrating to DD! There will still be a price in the guild store (and a percentage) when using DD


@Ckau: Custom language support is extremely important; what language do you speak? I might need some translators on hand!

@KaneBunce: Yeah the central selection row is... less than perfect.. I'll see what I can do to improve this in the coming version.
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Unread 03/07/16, 11:35 PM  
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Hi, can add support other language (and custom language)?
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Unread 03/07/16, 02:01 PM  

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I have another suggestion. Instead of the items in the inventory starting half way down the UI, start them at the top. This would make the inventory much easier to read.
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Unread 03/07/16, 12:12 PM  
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Originally Posted by prasoc
A "new" indicator is a great idea, just have to find a good place on the inventory row to place it; I reckon that it'll be between the item's icon and the "equipped" icon (have to move the equipped icon over a bit)

Adding a "new" icon gives me a great idea to incorporate a system which lets you tag items, eg: allowing you to lock the item so deconstruction isn't possible, will keep you posted about that!
That sounds really great! This is getting more and more my most favorite addon right now! Thanks for the great work and the quick releases!
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Unread 03/04/16, 12:42 PM  
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@Daeymon: There are plans to extend the type column, I agree more details are needed! Regarding the "current equipped", I will re-enable the right tooltip as the gamepad has this feature already, it will be toggleable in the options menu

Also, I will fix "Split stack" in the next update, which will be out on Monday/Tuesday (with the Thieves Guild update)


@DerBombo: Thanks for the support! A "new" indicator is a great idea, just have to find a good place on the inventory row to place it; I reckon that it'll be between the item's icon and the "equipped" icon (have to move the equipped icon over a bit)

Adding a "new" icon gives me a great idea to incorporate a system which lets you tag items, eg: allowing you to lock the item so deconstruction isn't possible, will keep you posted about that!


@Mrtoobyy: Thank you for supporting my addon! It's still early days yet but there are 2,100 downloads and growing Next update will be out on Monday, or Tuesday latest. Busy this weekend, but have some great additions in the pipeline
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Unread 03/03/16, 05:49 PM  

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Two suggestions in terms of making management of gear easier with this UI.

First one is to expand out the "Type" of gear beyond simply "Heavy", "Medium" and "Light". What would be easier is if the type was something like "Heavy (Head)", "Medium (Waist)" etc. That way, with the current setup, where items are sorted by type, like for like gear is grouped together.

The second is some kind of comparison to come up, between the gear currently being viewed, and the gear currently equipped in that slot. I guess, a currently equipped tooltip next to the main inventory tooltip would suffice.

Otherwise, this addon is seriously going from strength to strength. Inventory and Guild Store UI are two big issues with the Gamepad UI, and I'm loving it that your tackling them.

Edit: Just found a bug as well. Splitting a stack does not seem to work on the BUI Inventory screen. Using it causes an error popup to show.
Last edited by Daeymon : 03/03/16 at 07:05 PM.
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Unread 03/03/16, 03:14 PM  
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Really great work! Once I've got some fish again, I'll test the inventory in regards of filleting some. Sorry for not providing the error message. Hadn't time to play the last few days..

Any plans of adding a "new" indicator to the inventory? Don't know, how possible it really is.

Looking forward to all the great additions this addon will undoubtably receive!
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Unread 03/03/16, 02:42 PM  

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No problem at all mate! I'm with you on this. I've spend MANY hours of my life playing Oblivion and Skyrim so a great gamepad experience is what I've wanted since april 2014 when ESO came. I'm checking this thread daily waiting eager for new updates =)
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Unread 03/03/16, 08:20 AM  
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Originally Posted by Mrtoobyy
I had the version with the slider. Is the slider included in the upcoming versions? Cause that would be great. That makes it easy to keep the general scale low but the inventory images and letters big.

Other than that the only thing left that I really want for now is all of the original categories and the same order for "weapon" armor etc like the original ESO inventory.


You're onto something big here man! I hope that Bethesda see this addon when it's finished.
In V1.2 (newest version), the slider has been taken out due to technical problems with implementing the function. I'll look into the lower levels of the base interface in order to sort that out, but for the moment, the interface has been scaled up by default to fit in with more resolutions and scales.

Having the categories identical to the KB layout actually seems to be the most natural choice, thanks for the suggestion - I will incorporate it into the newest version




V1.25 is out

Redesigned the category layout so it has "Consumables" and "Misc", in the same order as the keyboard layout

Much more intuitive to use, thanks Mrtoobyy
Last edited by prasoc : 03/03/16 at 08:44 AM.
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Unread 03/03/16, 08:09 AM  

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I had the version with the slider. Is the slider included in the upcoming versions? Cause that would be great. That makes it easy to keep the general scale low but the inventory images and letters big.

Other than that the only thing left that I really want for now is all of the original categories and the same order for "weapon" armor etc like the original ESO inventory. If it is possible using the original color on the icons would be awesome too.

You're onto something big here man! I hope that Bethesda see this addon when it's finished.
Last edited by Mrtoobyy : 03/03/16 at 08:12 AM.
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