(10 Kb)
Updated: 08/28/20 10:02 AM
File Info
Stonethorn (6.1.5)
Greymoor (6.0.5)
Harrowstorm (5.3.5)
Dragonhold (5.2.5)
Scalebreaker (5.1.5)
Updated:08/28/20 10:02 AM
Created:01/27/16 09:58 PM
Monthly downloads:185
Total downloads:14,492
Raffle Gold  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 18.23.5
by: calia1120, dlrgames, Mircalla1803
Edit 8/28/2020 - dlrgames
Updated the wording displayed when the addon is building the database.
Please see the comments channel for a VERY useful process to speed up processing of Guild bank records.

Edit 4/17/2020 - dlrgames

New version with API updated for Harrowstorm. No other changes have been made.
Please note that due to the Guild data API changes collecting all the deposit info for a Guild raffle can take a LONG time. Even a small number of records may require over an hour!
If the addon tells you it needs to update the database, please be patient and let it run. It will tell you when it is ready.

Edit 1/2/2020 - dlrgames

I've uploaded a new version updated for the new API introduced with Scalebreaker (U23) and made a few small corrections in the tooltips. All functionality remains the same.

The embedded libraries have been removed, you will need to install the latest LibAddonMenu-2.0 seperately.

If you need an updated version of the addon with the Regrouper Workaround slash commands, you can find it here.

Raffle Gold is a convenient method for handling raffle percentages for gold while in-game.

Invalid Start / End Date: If you receive a message about an invalid start and/or end date after an update to the API and/or game client, select a different date, choose your previously selected date and the addon will work as intended.

You can access Raffle Gold by going to Settings -> Addon Settings -> Raffle Gold
or type in your chat window: /rafflegold

How to manually install addons:
  1. Locate the "Elder Scrolls Online" folder in your Documents
    For Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\<version>\
    For Mac: ~/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/<version>/
    (replace <version> with the client you're using - "live" or "liveeu")
  2. You should find an AddOns folder, if you don't, create one.
  3. Extract the addon from the downloaded zip file into the AddOns folder.
  4. Log into the game, and on the character creation/selection screen you'll find the Addons menu. Enable your addons from there.

Raffle Gold offers two options for selecting raffle winners.

Option 1 - Basic Raffle Drawing
  • Entry Price: Amount required to purchase raffle tickets. Required only if not using Total Amount below.
  • 1st Place %: The percentage that the first place winner wins, based on the total amount of tickets purchased.
  • 2nd Place %: The percentage that the second place winner wins. (a zero amount will negate this, and 3rd, option)
  • 3rd Place %: The percentage that the third place winner wins. (see 1st and 2nd place for more information)
  • Total Entries: The total number of entries, not tickets, purchased.
  • Total Amount: The total amount generated from the raffle. Only required if Entry Price is empty above. If both Entry Price and this have values, then the addon will check the math.
  • Draw Raffle: This will check the information above and output the winning raffle ticket numbers and the amount that each place wins into the chat window.
Option 2 - Guild Bank Raffle Drawing
  • Entry Price: Amount required to purchase raffle tickets. (Required)
  • (OPTIONAL) Price per Ticket: The actual ticket price. Example: entry fee is $1k, but you get 10x tickets, this would be $100 per ticket
  • 1st Place %: The percentage that the first place winner wins, based on the total amount of tickets purchased.
  • 2nd Place %: The percentage that the second place winner wins. (a zero amount will negate this, and 3rd, option)
  • 3rd Place %: The percentage that the third place winner wins. (see 1st and 2nd place for more information)
  • Guild: The guild that you would like to use to draw the raffle.
  • Exclude Guild Rank(s) #: The guild rank(s) to exclude, in the order they appear in the guild pane, and above for any deposits made in increments of the "Entry Price". 1 = Guild Master
    For example: selecting #3 will exclude that rank as well as #1 and #2
  • Starting Amount $: This is the base amount being offered, without any raffle tickets even being purchased. (Any raffle tickets purchased will only build upon this amount, but can help if there is minimal participation for those that do enter)
  • Starting Date: This is the date that entries started being deposited for the raffle.
  • Starting Time: This is the time that entries started being deposited. (this should be based on your system time and not server)
  • Ending Date: This is the date that the entries finished being deposited for the raffle.
  • Ending Time: Any deposits made after this time, on the Ending Date, will be excluded from this raffle.
  • Prizes Per Username: The number of allowed prizes per username.
    • One: Can only win one of the 3 places
    • Multiple: Winners selected based on first ticket # drawn
  • Guild Raffle: This will compile the guild bank's history and output to the chat window when it is ready to continue.
    Clicking this again will let you know how many entries, the number of tickets (if different from entries), the amount, time remaining (if it hasn't ended yet), the username of each winner (once the raffle has finished), the ticket number and amount won.
  • Display Results: This does the same thing as Guild Raffle, but will include the amount that the guild earned, if the raffle has ended.
Slash Commands
/rafflegold - Opens the settings menu UI
/rg help - Displays the list of commands
/rg help set - Displays the command settings
/rg help list - Displays the commands for showing the current setting(s)
/rg help draw - Displays the commands for drawing the raffle
/rg help reset - Displays the commands for resetting the raffle
Raffle Settings
/rg set entry price <AMOUNT> - Sets the "Entry Price"
/rg set ticket price <AMOUNT> - Sets the "Ticket Price"
/rg set first place <PERCENT> - Sets the "1st Place" percentage
/rg set second place <PERCENT> - Sets the "2nd Place" percentage
/rg set third place <PERCENT> - Sets the "3rd Place" percentage
/rg set total entries <AMOUNT> - Sets the "Total Entries" for Basic Raffle
/rg set total amount <AMOUNT> - Sets the "Total Amount $" for Basic Raffle
/rg set guild <GUILD_NAME> - Sets the "Guild" for Guild Bank Raffle (case sensitive)
/rg set rank <GUILD_RANK_NUMBER> - Sets the "Exclude Guild Rank(s)" for Guild Bank Raffle (numeric value)
/rg set start amount <AMOUNT> - Sets the "Starting Amount $" for Guild Bank Raffle
/rg set start date <M/D/YYYY> - Sets the "Starting Date" for Guild Bank Raffle
/rg set start time <H:MM> - Sets the "Starting Time" for Guild Bank Raffle (military format)
/rg set end date <M/D/YYYY> - Sets the "Ending Date" for Guild Bank Raffle
/rg set end time <H:MM> - Sets the "Ending Time" for Guild Bank Raffle (military format)
/rg set prizes <One OR Multiple> - Sets the number of prizes a username can win per raffle
/rg set bonus <AMOUNT> <QUANTITY> - Gives QUANTITY of free tickets when AMOUNT of tickets purchased, per deposit, not username
/rg set bonus multi <YES or NO> - Sets whether a deposit can receive multiple bonuses, default is "YES"
List Raffle Settings
/rg list entry price - Displays the "Entry Price" amount
/rg list ticket price - Displays the "Price per Ticket" amount
/rg list percents - Displays the percentages for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
/rg list first place - Displays the "1st Place" percentage
/rg list second place - Displays the "2nd Place" percentage
/rg list third place - Displays the "3rd Place" percentage
/rg list basic settings - Displays the "Basic Raffle" specific settings
/rg list total entries - Displays the "Total Entries" for the Basic Raffle
/rg list total amount - Displays the "Total Amount" for the Basic Raffle
/rg list guild settings - Displays the "Guild Bank Raffle" specific settings
/rg list guild - Displays the "Guild" for the Guild Bank Raffle
/rg list rank - Displays the "Exclude Guild Rank(s)" for the Guild Bank Raffle
/rg list start amount - Displays the "Starting Amount" for the Guild Bank Raffle
/rg list start date - Displays the "Starting Date" for the Guild Bank Raffle
/rg list start time - Displays the "Starting Time" for the Guild Bank Raffle
/rg list end date - Displays the "Ending Date" for the Guild Bank Raffle
/rg list end time - Displays the "Ending Time" for the Guild Bank Raffle
/rg list prizes - Displays the "Prizes Per Username" for the Guild Bank Raffle
/rg list bonus - Displays all ticket purchase amounts and the number of free tickets for that amount
Raffle Drawing
/rg draw basic - This will draw the Basic Raffle
/rg basic results - Results from the last Basic Raffle drawing
/rg draw guild - This will run the Guild Bank Raffle\n(In-progress displays information; Ended displays winners)
/rg guild results - Results from the last Guild Bank Raffle drawing\n(A new draw will overwrite this information)
/rg entry <ENTRY_NUMBER> - Displays username, number of tickets, ticket numbers and amount deposited
/rg entry <USERNAME> - Displays all entries for the username, with a total deposited amount
/rg draw first - This will draw only the 1st place winner
/rg draw second - This will draw only the 2nd place winner
/rg draw third - This will draw only the 3rd place winner
Reset Raffle Settings
/rg reset all - Resets ALL of the stored information
/rg reset defaults - Resets only the default UI information
/rg reset bonus - Resets all bonus ticket amounts
/rg remove bonus <AMOUNT> - Removes bonus tickets for the specified amount

How does Raffle Gold work?
Raffle Gold does nothing more than simple math and selecting random numbers when using the basic raffle option.
The guild bank raffle utilizes the game's built-in API calls to query and compile the guild bank transactions within the timeframe specified. This does not interact with anything in the guild bank, whether items or currency. Using the guild bank raffle system ensures that there is a record available to all guild members of those that made a deposit.

For anyone concerned about Raffle Gold doing anything while in the guild bank, just keep in mind that you cannot access the settings menu, which is how you would interact with Raffle Gold, while using the guild bank.

The following Q and A directly pertains to the guild bank raffle option...

Can I make a deposit into the guild bank without buying raffle tickets?
Yes. You will just need to make a deposit that is not in increments of the entry price.
For example: if the entry price is $1k, $3,001 or $2999 would not count towards the raffle

Can I buy raffle tickets in bulk?
Yes. As long as the amount deposited can be divided by the entry amount it will be considered a raffle ticket purchase.
For example: if the entry price is $500, $9k and $16.5k would both be considered raffle ticket purchases

How are the raffle ticket numbers assigned?
In the order purchased, oldest to newest deposits.
For example: entry amount = 1k, price per ticket = zero
Guild Member #1 deposits 3k, they'd have ticket numbers 1, 2 and 3
Guild Member #2 deposits 1k, they'd have ticket number 4
Guild Member #3 deposits 5k, they'd have ticket numbers 5 - 9
Guild Member #1 deposits 2k, they'd also have ticket numbers 10 and 11

Why are there options to select just 1st, 2nd or 3rd place?
If you have any players that would like to donate to the raffle, but do not want to actually be selected during the drawing, you can use this feature to choose a different winner. It is recommended that you run for the entire raffle and update/replace anyone that was selected that didn't intend/want to be chosen.

Can I list items using Raffle Gold
No. But you could use the Raffle Unlimited addon that allows you to raffle items, gold (at a flat rate) and/or free raffle tickets (for the next raffle).

Will Raffle Gold interfere with other addons?
Raffle Gold will only scan your guild bank history when you draw and/or check the stats for the current raffle that is in-progress. It is a completely on-demand addon, and once it has compiled the information it will be dormant, until you run it again.

  • Deposits that are made within the last minute might not appear when using the "Guild Raffle" to get the (current) results.
    Try waiting ~1 minute to use the "Guild Raffle" ability, which should include the deposit(s) in question.
  • The guild history on the server stores only 10 days worth of information, so it is important that this tool is used in a timely manner once a raffle has ended, to ensure that the information isn't lost.
  • Guilds that have plenty of guild bank transactions can take longer to build the information, but Raffle Gold will let you know in the chat window when it has finished and is ready for use.
  • There currently is no method for exporting in-game data to an external file, but any of the saved variables are stored in a file. IF you would like to access the information for the entrants when using the Guild Bank Raffle Drawing, the SavedVariables\RaffleGold.lua contains the entrant's information, i.e. entry number, username, number of tickets, amount deposited and raffle ticket number(s).
    The only issue is you will need to parse this information, if you would like to post it anywhere in a readable format. A parsing tool for Raffle Gold can be found at, where you can upload the raw LUA data file, found in the SavedVariables folder, directly into it.
This addon requires the following library:
API bump
Changed the text displayed when building the database

Updated API version for Harrowstorm. No other changes.

Updated version for Dragonhold release.
Updated for U23 API changes that broke previous versions.
Removed embedded libraries. LibAddonMenu-2.0 must now be independently installed.
Corrected tooltip text for draw 3rd place functions.

Updated version number to Homestead API build

Updated to LibAddonMenu version: 2.0 r23
Revised version number to reflect Current_ZOS_API_Build.LibAddonMenuRevision.AddonRevisionNumber

Updated version number to One Tamriel API build

Updated to LibAddonMenu v 2.0 r22

Updated version number to Shadows of the Hist API build
Updated to LibAddonMenu v 2.0 r21

Updated to LibAddonMenu v 2.0 r20

Updated version number to Dark Brotherhood API build

Updated version number to Thieves Guild API build

Corrected an issue with the bonus ticket tiers not sorting properly.

Added bonus ticket option at multiple tiers.
Removed "Price per Ticket", replaced by bonus ticket option.
Updated to LibAddonMenu v 2.0 r19

Added a total deposited amount when using the slash command: /rg entry <USERNAME>

Added a saved variable for excluded guild ranks to be used in the parsing script to HTML.

Added the ability to exclude guild ranks from being included in receiving raffle tickets.

Added the ability to restrict usernames to only one prize.

Corrected an issue where any new transactions appeared above the oldest records retrieved.
Added additional slash commands.

Corrected an issue where the guild bank history was not retrieving any new transactions without logging out and back in.
Added slash commands for all elements of the UI.

Corrected the guild "Starting Amount" from not being included in the "Current Amount" when checking an in-progress raffle.

Added Starting Amount to the guild raffle option.

Changed Duration to a selectable Ending Date and Time.

Corrected folder issue that made the addon not install properly.

Corrected an issue if no guild bank deposits were made during the specified timeframe.
Optional Files (1)
File Name
06/27/19 08:07 PM

Archived Files (11)
File Name
04/17/20 01:56 PM
01/02/20 12:56 PM
02/06/17 08:00 AM
10/31/16 05:15 AM
10/05/16 05:10 AM
08/06/16 02:35 PM
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05/30/16 10:24 AM
03/07/16 06:30 AM
02/27/16 09:55 PM

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Unread 03/18/24, 10:17 PM  

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Re: Re: bugged

Originally Posted by Dr_Z
Originally Posted by Ashjunkie
Does anyone have a fix for this? Or another raffle addon that does work?
Originally Posted by mlq88
Currently the addon is broken; just in case you might want to fix it, here's the error:
With all the API changes to GUILD HOSTORY, a Total Overhaul to the addon's Globals and Functions is needed.
I have an updated version I overhauled that seems to be working without errors...

Here is a link to it: Raffle Gold Patch

Have a nice day
Thanks so much!
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Unread 03/18/24, 05:21 AM  
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Re: bugged

Originally Posted by Ashjunkie
Does anyone have a fix for this? Or another raffle addon that does work?
Originally Posted by mlq88
Currently the addon is broken; just in case you might want to fix it, here's the error:
With all the API changes to GUILD HOSTORY, a Total Overhaul to the addon's Globals and Functions is needed.
I have an updated version I overhauled that seems to be working without errors...

Here is a link to it: Raffle Gold (for Update 41)

Have a nice day
Last edited by Dr_Z : 03/24/24 at 03:50 AM.
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Unread 03/18/24, 12:42 AM  

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Does anyone have a fix for this? Or another raffle addon that does work?

Error =

user:/AddOns/RaffleGold/RaffleGold.lua:667: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/RaffleGold/RaffleGold.lua:667: in function 'RaffleGold:BuildHistory'
<Locals> self = [table:1]{displayName = "|cFFFFFFRaffle |cb38600Gold|r...", addonName = "Raffle Gold", name = "RaffleGold"}, gID = 144227, sT = 1709996400, cT = 1710743674, eT = 1710601200 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/RaffleGold/RaffleGold.lua:438: in function 'RaffleGold:GuildRaffle'
<Locals> self = [table:1] </Locals>
user:/AddOns/RaffleGold/RaffleGold.lua:237: in function 'func'
user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua:65: in function 'callback'
user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua:74: in function '(anonymous)'
<Locals> args = [table:2]{2 = 1}, callback = user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua:64 </Locals>
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Unread 03/15/24, 03:40 PM  
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Currently the addon is broken; just in case you might want to fix it, here's the error:

user:/AddOns/RaffleGold/RaffleGold.lua:667: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/RaffleGold/RaffleGold.lua:667: in function 'RaffleGold:BuildHistory'
<Locals> self = [table:1]{name = "RaffleGold", addonName = "Raffle Gold", displayName = "|cFFFFFFRaffle |cb38600Gold|r..."}, gID = 369982, sT = 1710097200, cT = 1710538739, eT = 1710529200 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/RaffleGold/RaffleGold.lua:438: in function 'RaffleGold:GuildRaffle'
<Locals> self = [table:1] </Locals>
user:/AddOns/RaffleGold/RaffleGold.lua:237: in function 'func'
user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua:65: in function 'callback'
user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua:74: in function '(anonymous)'
<Locals> args = [table:2]{2 = 1}, callback = user:/AddOns/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua:64 </Locals>
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Unread 01/09/23, 08:06 AM  
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Re: Ticket Sales in mid-raffle

Originally Posted by tyggerbob
Quick question.
Is there a way to have it parse the deposits for the time frame of the raffle and show the current ticket sales but not actually perform the draw, so we can see where things stand?
Like if I run it on Wednesday of a Saturday to Saturday raffle and show me that what tickets have been sold and to whom?
or when you click guild raffle, it just parses it at that time and you can ignore the winners at that time?
If you run the Draw Raffle command before the scheduled raffle end date, the add-on will output a summary to the chat window showing the total pot amount collected and the total number of tickets and unique players. You would have to look at the raw data in the Saved Variables folder to see the player names, their deposits and number of tickets issued.
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Unread 03/26/22, 05:37 PM  

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Ticket Sales in mid-raffle

Quick question.
Is there a way to have it parse the deposits for the time frame of the raffle and show the current ticket sales but not actually perform the draw, so we can see where things stand?
Like if I run it on Wednesday of a Saturday to Saturday raffle and show me that what tickets have been sold and to whom?
or when you click guild raffle, it just parses it at that time and you can ignore the winners at that time?
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Unread 03/26/22, 05:33 PM  

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Re: Re: Very useful! Suggestion to users...

Originally Posted by moonxdaughter
Originally Posted by Kelinmiriel
One thing I discovered that helps speed it up a lot, though - look through the guild bank history BEFORE running it, so the data is loaded into memory. Open guild bank history, and use "E" to show more until you've loaded the time period that's needed. (If you spam "E" as fast as you can, you'll just get kicked off - wait for the load to finish before pressing "E" to load more.)
I am not seeing how to do this, my UI doesn't seem to have the "show more" option. Do I need a separate addon for this?
I think that means you don't have enough guild history to require "show more" I have the same on one of my guilds, where as the other has it.
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Unread 03/20/22, 04:20 AM  

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Re: Very useful! Suggestion to users...

Originally Posted by Kelinmiriel
One thing I discovered that helps speed it up a lot, though - look through the guild bank history BEFORE running it, so the data is loaded into memory. Open guild bank history, and use "E" to show more until you've loaded the time period that's needed. (If you spam "E" as fast as you can, you'll just get kicked off - wait for the load to finish before pressing "E" to load more.)
I am not seeing how to do this, my UI doesn't seem to have the "show more" option. Do I need a separate addon for this?
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Unread 08/19/20, 03:02 PM  
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Very useful! Suggestion to users...

This addon will be saving us hours every week on doing manual data entry for our guild raffle into the spreadsheet, plus the info will be much more accurate - it's been a challenge to skim through all the entries and not miss any.

One thing I discovered that helps speed it up a lot, though - look through the guild bank history BEFORE running it, so the data is loaded into memory. Open guild bank history, and use "E" to show more until you've loaded the time period that's needed. (If you spam "E" as fast as you can, you'll just get kicked off - wait for the load to finish before pressing "E" to load more.)

When you've finished, THEN start the addon running. (I went to settings, addons, RaffleGold, scroll down and click "Guild Raffle", then close settings.)

It will show in the chat window that it's running. If it says it needs to build the database, just let it. It'll tell you when it's ready (also in the chat window.) Shouldn't take more than a few minutes, if you've already loaded the guild bank history.

After it's finished, all I want from it is for it to write all the data to SavedVariables. The game doesn't actually write to disk until you sign off that character, or at least /reloadui, so do that.

Hope that helps! Thanks so much for this!
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Unread 04/19/20, 09:30 PM  
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Originally Posted by Kaba40k
Hello Calia! I'm using RG few weeks and this week this addon do not make a database somewhy( I was waiting few hours and /reloadui and even restarting the game and PC. Nothing happens. It writes wait few second or more... and ten min/ hour after nothing changes and DB is not created. How it works? why its not working? Help please. Thanks
If you look on the note I added to the main page I warned that collecting guild data can take a really long time. Once you start the data collection you need to let it run until it finishes, so don't log off that toon, or reloadui until you get a notice in the chat window that says Raffle Gold is ready. You can play, change zones, just don't do anything that would cause the addon to stop or reload.

I'm using this regularly on my guild and I just fish while the addon is pulling the data. We typically have 800 - 1000 tickets sold a week and the data collection takes 1 - 2 hours. If you run the addon a few times in the week, then appending new records will be a little faster. If you've never had a successful data collection I suggest deleting the rafflegold.lua file in your saved variables (while the game is not running).

Next update I'll change the text in the addon to reflect the run time might take a while.
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Unread 04/19/20, 06:30 PM  
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Hello Calia! I'm using RG few weeks and this week this addon do not make a database somewhy( I was waiting few hours and /reloadui and even restarting the game and PC. Nothing happens. It writes wait few second or more... and ten min/ hour after nothing changes and DB is not created. How it works? why its not working? Help please. Thanks
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Unread 01/02/20, 01:00 PM  
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Originally Posted by calia1120
DlrGames hit me up in Discord re: a patch for this; I just added them to the team here as well.
I just posted the patched build and updated the main page and the change log. I posted a patched version for the Regrouper Workaround mod a few days ago.

If you find any issues, please let me know.
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Unread 12/31/19, 11:42 PM  
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DlrGames hit me up in Discord re: a patch for this; I just added them to the team here as well.
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Unread 11/26/19, 12:37 PM  

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The following replacements are necessary, (2) should have two matches to replace.

1.) RequestGuildHistoryCategoryNewest --> RequestMoreGuildHistoryCategoryEvents
2.) RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder --> RequestMoreGuildHistoryCategoryEvents
3.) guilds[guildId + 1] --> guilds[guild + 1]

Diff file to patch:

< guilds[guildId + 1] = guildName
> guilds[guild + 1] = guildName
< RequestGuildHistoryCategoryNewest(gID, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
> RequestMoreGuildHistoryCategoryEvents(gID, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
< RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder(gID, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
> RequestMoreGuildHistoryCategoryEvents(gID, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
< RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder(gID, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
> RequestMoreGuildHistoryCategoryEvents(gID, GUILD_HISTORY_BANK)
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Unread 09/23/19, 01:50 PM  

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We've been using this addon for a couple years or more now to manage our raffles.
Given recent comments, I should first point out that the opening RaffleGold.lua with Notepad, searching for (and finding the 3 (total) instances of either 'RequestGuildHistoryCategoryNewest' or 'RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder' and replacing those 3 instances with 'RequestMoreGuildHistoryCategoryEvents' worked fine until yesterday.

Yesterday had an issue. It initially worked as normal. The total seemed erroneously/uncharacteristically low, so (after waiting for 15 mins for the server to settle down and hopefully update records) I made the mistake of resetting the settings ("defaults" button), in the hopes that it would fix the apparent problem.

On the "screenshot 2 of 8" page, section title "GUILD BANK RAFFLE DRAWING", first row "Guild" ... the dropdown box traditionally showed the user's relevant guild names (pretty sure there was only one if like me, I only am a member of one guild with permissions to access banking info) ... I noticed that the field was 'blank' [no guild name/no characters whatsoever] (yet as mentioned earlier, the addon still gave a result [with my guild's name] in the ESO text chat box, when the GUILD RAFFLE and DISPLAY RESULTS buttons were pressed). I clicked on that Guild name dropdown and it only gave me the default value "-" ... even the blank was no longer available. It is now stuck on "-", and displays no other options [neither blank, nor guild name(s)]

Edit: Sept 23: Forgot to mention. Addon now returns (in bright red): "Required: Guild" error message in the standard ESO chat text (in place of where the raffle results would normally be posted).

It appears whatever logic was used to display guild names to permit the user to select one ... no longer works. I deleted and reinstalled the addon ... with no change. Since it retained the other settings I've been using, I then deleted the addon AND it's saved variables ... reinstalled ... with zero changes. I searched for (in File Manager) a saved variable file in the \live\savedvariables\ subdirectory, but found none. [I'm no expert, but it appears the logic is in the RaffleGold.lua program].

I searched for "Guild" text in the .lua file and found "function RaffleGold:GetGuilds(gName)" ... which may be the offending script, but again, just a layperson.

Stuck, and any help/advice would very much be appreciated.

Last edited by Wraith2018 : 09/23/19 at 02:13 PM.
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