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Updated: 08/19/24 06:36 PM
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Updated:08/19/24 06:36 PM
Created:01/28/16 02:34 PM
Monthly downloads:427
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FCO StarveStop  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 0.96
by: Baertram [More]
IMPORTANT CHANGE - Version 0.8.5
This addon depends on the following libraries:

FCO StarveStop

This addon will remind you to eat/drink your food buff.
And it is able to remind you to drink a potion.

It is able to do this by help of a customizable text(s) and/or an icon, combined with a possible sound alert!

Important new limitation - With U43:
As quickslots get initialized now as you open them first in the inventory -> click on qucikslos tab:
You'll only see "Quickslot 1" to "Quickslot 8" in the settings dropdowns until you have done that once.
The contents cannot be read if you did not do that first!

-Setup different texts for food / drinks / potions
-Setup the icon's texture, size and position for food & drinks, or potions
-Drag&Drop the icon with the left mouse button
-Hide the icon with the right mouse button
-Icon will be hidden if you eat/drink food buff / potion
-Icon will be shown if your food buff fades out / if your potion's buff fades out and your potions cooldown is gone
-Play sound alert (choose from > 600 different ingame sounds) as the warning appears
-Repeat the sound up to 10 times with a delay from 250ms to 10s
-Show the text/icon alert as you zone/reloadui
-Show a warning if your active food buff will expire soon (you can choose the minutes before expiration and the seconds to repeat the warning)
-Automatically switch to a food buff quickslot that you've chosen and after you've used your food buff switch back to the previous quickslot, or switch to a predefined quickslot (depending on your current situation)
-You can setup a timer which checks for your buff food every n seconds
-Setup the timer to only check for your food buff if you are:
In a PvP/PvE region
In a group/raid group
In a delve/a public dungeon/a group dungeon/a raid dungeon
Or all of the above mentioned.

-Automatically switch your quickslot to a pre-defined slot if your food buff is not active, the checkruns, and you are out of combat (will switch back to your previously active quickslot automatically if you enter combat)
-Differentiate the automatic quickslot switch between PvE and PvP (inside AvA region) areas
-Differenmtiate the automatic quickslot switch between normal quest areas, delves, public dungeons, group dungeons and raid dungeons
-Enable the automatic quickslot switch even if your food buff is active: This way you can let the addon switch your quickslots to a chosen one if you enter/leave combat, and again you can choose different slots for PvE and PvP.
-Choose the quickslot from a dropdown with your current quickslot's item name, item quality color, item count in [ ], item level so you do not have to open your quickslots and see which item is located in what slot and what is the item like
-Automatically change back to "the last quickslot before" if companion is called/released from the quickslot circle

In PvP you could switch to a tripod if you enter combat and to a stamina potion if you leave combat (longer hiding/running)
In PvE you could switch to a food buff if you are out of combat, and to a magicka+crit potion if you enter combat

-Or let the addon remember the currently used quickslot if you enter combat and switch bck to this quickslot if you leave combat again

Support for other addons:
AutoSlotSwitch (since version 0.54)

Chat commands
/fcosss Shows the settings panel

Many thanks to:
Wandamey for french translation assistance

Please report bugs or request features via the bugs/features panel as I'm not reading the comments of all addons!
Thank you

Wanna help me out with new food/drink buffs?
If you happen to see that new food/drink buffs appear in the game or your food reminder icon is not disappearing after you drink/eat something:
Check which food/drink you got active at the moment or cook/brew/get the new ones.
If you want to add them to the addon, you can support me by doing the following:

1. Eat/drink the new food/drink -> it should be shown as a buff on your character now
2. Open the chat and write the following into the chat text entry, followed by the RETURN key:
/script FCOStarveStop.debugActiveBuffs()
3. Check your active buffs that are listed in the chat window and watch out for the food/drink buff.
Tell me the number after the ", AbilityId: " string, e.g. 89955
Note this number down and tell it to me please.

Repeat this for each new food/drink you want to add to the addon.

To check if the abilityId that you noted down was the correct one you can use this function ingame.
Tpye this into the chat's textbox and press RETURN:
Replace "abilityId" with the number that you have noted for me, e.g. 89955
You'll see the popup tooltip for this food/drink now if you got the correct abilitId. if you got the wrong abilityId it'll either show nothing (only a non-functional tooltip tetxure) or it'll show you some other ability information, like an ability that exists in the game...)
0.96 2024-08-20
Updated API to U43
Fixed quickslots: As quickslots get initialized now as you open them first in the inventory -> click on qucikslos tab:
You'll only see "Quickslot 1" to "Quickslot 8" in the settings dropdowns until you have done that once.
The contents cannot be read if you did not do that first.

0.95 2022-07-06
Updated API to High Isle
Fixed quickslots: Support for new High Isle quickslot technical variables of ZOs

0.94 2022-02-01
-Fixed "switch to last-quickslot" after companion
-Improved the performance for the quickslot companion check

0.93 2022-02-01
-Updated API
-Added setting at quickslots: Automatically change back to "the last quickslot before" if companion is called/released from the quickslot circle

0.92 2021-10-17
-Updated API
-Removed dependency LibLoadedAddons

-Updated API
-Removed LibStub fallback calls
-Fixed translations
-Speed up translations in settings menu

-Changed detection of dungeons and delves. Delves got no own API function and are also detected as "Dungeon".
I've added a group and group size check and assume now that if you are in a dungeon and not in a group, you are in a delve.
Or if you are in a dungeon and in a group but no raid dungeon and the group size is smaller or equals to 4 then you are in a delve.
Maybe ZOs will add an API function to detect if we are in a delve one day.

-Added setting to show consumed food/drink name
-Fixed chat output of consumed food/drink to show the translated type properly, instead of always English descriptions "food" or "drink"
-Fixed chat output to only show if enabled
-Fixed test alert button to be disabled as a test is run
-Fixed test alert button to be enabled if only a sound alert is enabled
Tested and works on PTS (API 100029 Dragonhold)

-Updated API
-Fixed library LibFoodDrinkBuff parameter change: Food buff icon should hide properly again now after eating/drinking new food buff.

-Fixed library call to global variable of LibFoodDrinkBuff (without LibStub)
-Fixed chat output for repeated food buff checks
-Added setting to only show repeated food buff checks in the chat if the food buff is not active (standard state: off)

-Updated API for Elsweyr
-Updated library calls to support libraries without LibStub
-Removed old LAM event handlers and used new ones

Updated API and removed libraries.
You need to install them as standalone versions.
Check the description for infformation what a library is, what a standalone library is, what other addons are helping you to see the dependent libraries of an addon, and how you are able to install them properly as a standalone version.

-Fixed: Potion alert not showing correctly
-Added: Library libPotionBuff
-Raised API for Wolfhunter

-Updated: library libFoodDrinkBuff, libAddonMenu
-Updted: API version for Summerset

-Updated: library libFoodDrink
-Fixed: On screen message for reminders use the correct center screen announcements now
-Fixed: Time left calcaulated from active food buff was fixed so the "reminder before food buff runs out" is shown again

Added upon request:
-Roleplay setting to disable the warnings (text, icon, sound) for food buff/potions if you are inside a player's house

-Rebuild the whole code and separated it into multiple files (better readability)
-Removed a bug where the potion alert didn't work
-Removed ability id's and food/drink buff name checks form the addon
-Added library libFoodDrinkBuff
-Increased API for Dragon Bones

-Updated some food and drink ability ids
-Updated libraries

-Updated API
-Updated LAM
-Fixed text messages
-Added potion alerts to the "Test" button at the settings

Fixed an error where the alert icon was not hidden if you switched weapons and gained a new buff (prophecy e.g.) before eating new food/drinking a new drink.

Added some more food/drinks to the addon.

Added "Fish eye" and "Mud ball" food/drink

Added "Jester" food buff & drinks
-> Thanks to my helping guild hand s!

Fixed: Taking food buff if the food buff alert icon is enabled and the icon was blinking didn't hide the icon automatically in some cases.
It should be hidden now during the blink, or latest after it, if you directly use new food buff

Fixed: Potion alert text was sometimes not saved properly
Fixed: Potion alert will change to the chosen quickslot (which you've chosen in the addon settings) before the potion alert will be shown on screen (text and/or icon)
Changed: Potion alert text will show the currently active quickslot's icon and name after your chosen text

Updated the Japanese translations (Thanks to BowmoreLover)

-Api raise to Homestead
-Updated library LAM

Version 0.781
Added some more drinks & food (Thanks to Scootworks)
Fixed the potion buff cooldown
Added potion buff icon tooltip
Added potion buff alert sound

Version 0.78
Added special drinks & food from the fugly skull boxes (Thx to Ayantir and manavortex!)

Version 0.77
Updated Russian translations
Fixed a bug with the translations
Fixed potion alert shown out of combat after a fight
Fixed potion alert not shown after reloadui/login (if enabled out of combat)

Version 0.76
Updated library libAddonMenu 2.0 r23

Version 0.75
-Updated API
-Updated libraries
-Added new crown store food buff
-Added potion reminder. If activated in the settings this reminder will show a chooseable icon, and/or a text alert mesage, reminding you if a potion's buff expired AND the potion's cooldown is gone.
Good for some trials or group dungeons to keep your regen buffs up and running.

Version 0.747
-Updated LAM to 2.0 r25
-Updated API to Shadows of the Hist

Version 0.746
Added/Fixed: Food buff and drink buff names will be read from the ability IDs ingame now. So there shouldn't be missing any texts for the different game client languages anymore which won't make the "alert text" and "alert icon" not hide anymore.
If new food/drink buff ability IDs will be added to the game I'll need to add them though.

Version 0.744
-Added: Remember last used "out of combat" quickslot
-Fixed: Descriptions for the quickslot settings
-Fixed: French translations (thanks to Provision)
-Fixed: Veteran rank on quickslots shown as ChampionPoints now
-Fixed: Remember last used "Combat quickslot"

Version 0.743
Thanks to ZOs who changed the buff names again some of the buffs were not recognized anymore.
This should be fixed now (at least for english and german buff names).

Version 0.742
-API raised to Dark Brotherhood
-Added some custom size textures as a player request. These textures are bigger and will scale up to 500px

Version 0.741
-Fixed: Quickslots for out of combat slots were not changed properly if AutoSlotSwitch was activated

Version 0.74
-Fixed: Food buff quickslot for PvP was changing to PvE instead
-Fixed: Last quickslot before combat was not remeberes correctly all the time
-Fixed: Some other smaller bugs
-Added: Support for addon "AutoSlotSwitch" (AutoSlotSwitch version 0.54 or newer is needed! Plesae wait for it's update to make the setting in FCOStarveStop be available)
In the settings you can enable that AutoSlotSwitch will be used as the prefered quickslot changing addon.
If enabled FCOStarveStop will only:
-Change to food buff quickslots for you (in combat too, if enabled in the settings)
-Change back to last quickslot before fight if enabled
-Change back to out of combat quickslots after fight (dependend on the current location you are in: delve, pub. dungeon, group dungeon, raid dungeon, normal quest area, etc.

Version 0.7331
-Fixed: No alert messages and icons, and no food buff will expire message will be shown during a lockpick anymore
The messages will be shown directly after the lockpicking, if you have enabled them in the settings and if the appropriate setting apply (no food buff, food buff will expire soon, ...)

Version 0.733
-Added: Item tooltips are shown at the quickslot dropdown boxes inside the settings now

Version 0.732a
-Fixed: Food buff will expire soon message text was shortened as the Thieves Guild update truncated long center screen announcement texts :-(
-Updated the slider so you are able to choose up to 120 minutes for the expire announcement text

Version 0.732
-Updated: Library libAddonMenu 2.0 to version 20

Version 0.731
-Fixed: Sorcerer's ultimate skill "Overload" sometimes still showed the active food buff in the chat

Version 0.73
-Raised API to Thieves Guild

Version 0.725
-Fixed: Removed some glitched global variables
-Fixed: Last used quickslot was not remembered correctly
-Fixed: Activation of the sorcerer's ultimate skill "Overload" was posting the active food buff to the chat

Version 0.724
-Fixed: Removed forgotten chat debug message
-Added feature: Choose a quickslot for your PvP or PVE food buff separately now:
If your food buff expires this quicklsot will be actiavted automatically.
If you use this quickslot and the food buff gets activated again the quickslot will automatically switch to the quickslot you have chosen for the current situation (in combat/out of combat, in dungeon, in delve, etc.)
You can choose if the quickslot for your food buff should be changed during combat too.

Version 0.723
-Added feature: Differentiate the automatic quickslot switch so you are able to specify different quickslots to switch to for normal areas (e.g. open world quest zone), delves, public dungeons, group dungeons and raid dungeons.
This way you are able to change the qucikslots automatically in a dungeon to your tri-pods, and in normal quest zones to standard potions etc.

Version 0.722
-Updated: libAddonMenu 2.0 to version r19
-Added feature on request: Show a warning if your active food buff will expire soon (you can choose the minutes before expiration and the seconds to repeat the warning). This will help you to avoid expiring food buff during a boss fight e.g.

Version 0.721
-Updated: French translations. Many thanks to Wandamey again!
-Fixed: A small bug where the chat message was shown even if you disabled it

Version 0.72
-Updated: The settings menu shows you current quickslot contents now (icon, name, color by quality & count)
-Added: New feature to select a specific quickslot to switch to, if you enter combat (differentiated again between PvE and PvP)

You are now able to:
-Differentiate the automatic quickslot switch between PvE and PvP (inside AvA region) areas
-Enable the automatic quickslot switch even if your food buff is active:
This way you can let the addon switch your quickslots to a chosen one if you enter/leave combat, and again you can choose different slots for PvE and PvP.

In PvP you could switch to a tripod if you enter combat and to a stamina potion if you leave combat (longer hiding/running)
In PvE you could switch to a food buff if you are out of combat, and to a magicka+crit potion if you enter combat

-Or let the addon remember the currently used quickslot if you enter combat and switch bck to this quickslot if you leave combat again

Version 0.71
-Fixed: french & german food buff to increase all stats/increase regeneration for all stats was not recognized properly

Version 0.7
Added feature on request:
-Setup the timer to only check for your food buff if you are:
In a PvP/PvE region
In a group/raid group
In a delve/a public dungeon/a group dungeon/a raid dungeon
Or all of the above mentioned.
-Fixed: Chat output didn't work if only the icon warning was enabled

Version 0.6
-Translations: Changed & Added, thx again to Wandamey
-Added feature: Automatically switch your quickslot to a pre-defined slot if your food buff is not active, the checkruns, and you are out of combat (will switch back to your previously active quickslot automatically if you enter combat)
Differentiate the automatic quickslot switch between PvE and PvP (inside AvA region) areas

Version 0.5
-Translations: Added french translations. Many thanks to Wandamey!
-Added feature: Repeat the sound up to 10 times now
-Added feature: Delay the repeated sound with a value between 250 milliseconds and 10 seconds
-Fixed bug: The repeating check will not be activated as your food buff is currently active. It will automatically start afterwards again

Version 0.4
Fixed a bug: Changing the weapon bars always posted the active food buff to the chat (as the game seems to scan all active player buffs on weapon changes...)

Version 0.3
-Added feature: General text was added to the settings menu. This text will be shown as warning if you don't have active food buff (because you logged to a toon etc.) and the game doesn't know if your last food buff was food or a drink
-Fixed a bug: Icon was not hidden properly as you were using the food buff from your inventory, not the quick slot bar.
After closing the inv the icon was still shown.

Version 0.2
-Added feature: Choose from 550 different ingame sounds for the alert
-Icon alert will blink now as it appears
-Fixed: A bug with the test alerts at the settings panel

Version 0.1
Initial version
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Unread 02/14/17, 05:15 PM  
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Hmm, it doesn't seem to be saving my settings properly. O.o I changed the icon, and it remembered that, but anytime I try to change the text warnings, it just resets them back to the way they were by default.. :s Is this a bug, or something on my end that I'm doing wrong?
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Unread 02/15/17, 03:34 AM  
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Hi Kenza,

thanks for the feedback.

Does it reset the text directly in the settings, after you changed the text in the edit control?
Or does it only show the standard text if your food buff expires?
Could you show me a screenshot of your current settings (including the changed textcontrol), where I'm able to see all the settings of FCOStarveStop (except the quickslot settings).

Or are you talking about the "drink a potion" reminder text?

Thanks for your help.

Originally Posted by Kenza
Hmm, it doesn't seem to be saving my settings properly. O.o I changed the icon, and it remembered that, but anytime I try to change the text warnings, it just resets them back to the way they were by default.. :s Is this a bug, or something on my end that I'm doing wrong?
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Unread 02/15/17, 07:31 AM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
Does it reset the text directly in the settings, after you changed the text in the edit control?
Or does it only show the standard text if your food buff expires?
Or are you talking about the "drink a potion" reminder text?
Yes, it was the 'Drink a potion!' text, under Text Alert/Food Buff/Common expired text. I changed it, and it stayed the way it was for a while, but every time I /reloadui, it would reset back to "Drink a potion!" Just did some more testing today; when I change the 'Food expired text' or 'Drink expired text', they stay whatever I changed them to even after reloads, so seems like it's just the common string that's not saving.. But I'm not too concerned anymore, I just went into the .lua files and changed the text there to what I want, haha.

Thanks for the reply, hope it's not too annoying to fix, if it is a bug! And thanks for the mod, I never remembered to eat my food before!
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Unread 02/15/17, 08:42 AM  
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Now that I got your details I'm pretty sure I'll be able to test and fix it. Thanks

Originally Posted by Kenza
Originally Posted by Baertram
Does it reset the text directly in the settings, after you changed the text in the edit control?
Or does it only show the standard text if your food buff expires?
Or are you talking about the "drink a potion" reminder text?
Yes, it was the 'Drink a potion!' text, under Text Alert/Food Buff/Common expired text. I changed it, and it stayed the way it was for a while, but every time I /reloadui, it would reset back to "Drink a potion!" Just did some more testing today; when I change the 'Food expired text' or 'Drink expired text', they stay whatever I changed them to even after reloads, so seems like it's just the common string that's not saving.. But I'm not too concerned anymore, I just went into the .lua files and changed the text there to what I want, haha.

Thanks for the reply, hope it's not too annoying to fix, if it is a bug! And thanks for the mod, I never remembered to eat my food before!
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Unread 02/22/17, 09:55 AM  

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Does this also work for XP Scrolls? It never fails when I complete a quest, after submission I realize that the XP Scroll had expired. Would be nice to have an addon that could tell me that it was time to re-activate an XP Scroll.
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Unread 02/23/17, 01:24 PM  
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Originally Posted by A_Darklore
Does this also work for XP Scrolls? It never fails when I complete a quest, after submission I realize that the XP Scroll had expired. Would be nice to have an addon that could tell me that it was time to re-activate an XP Scroll.
Better check your scroll before returning in the quest
The addon isn't able to support you there, sorry.
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Unread 03/25/17, 07:28 AM  

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Jester's food

Really love this addon, great job! It doesn't unfortunately recognize the Jester's event food
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Unread 03/25/17, 07:43 PM  
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Re: Jester's food

Originally Posted by Xalure
Really love this addon, great job! It doesn't unfortunately recognize the Jester's event food
As the food is new please provide me the name or buff IDs of the new foods.
I wasn't able to play since 1 week so it might take some time to get the Jester food stuff and see which buff ID they use for it.
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Unread 03/26/17, 01:28 AM  
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Any reason for the food icon to stay all the time on the screen ? (the icon is always there, even after i eat)

To be more precise, the icon vanish once i eat but come back about 5 sec later and stick to the screen)

Thank you
Last edited by Anceane : 03/26/17 at 01:30 AM.
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Unread 03/26/17, 04:32 AM  

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Re: Re: Jester's food

Originally Posted by Baertram
Originally Posted by Xalure
Really love this addon, great job! It doesn't unfortunately recognize the Jester's event food
As the food is new please provide me the name or buff IDs of the new foods.
I wasn't able to play since 1 week so it might take some time to get the Jester food stuff and see which buff ID they use for it.

For addon authors, the recipe IDs are:
120767, 120768, 120769, 120770
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Unread 03/27/17, 01:56 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Jester's food

Thanks Xalure!

Originally Posted by Xalure
Originally Posted by Baertram
Originally Posted by Xalure
Really love this addon, great job! It doesn't unfortunately recognize the Jester's event food
As the food is new please provide me the name or buff IDs of the new foods.
I wasn't able to play since 1 week so it might take some time to get the Jester food stuff and see which buff ID they use for it.

For addon authors, the recipe IDs are:
120767, 120768, 120769, 120770
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Unread 03/27/17, 02:01 AM  
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Hi Anceane,

which food were you using as this happend? Anything of the new Jester food?
I'd need the food name (and what it increases, like "Max health + max magicka").

Under normal circumstances the icon should appear if you eat something and it shouldn't come back after a few seconds, if the food is recognized by the addon. If it's new food after an event e.g. the addon could have a problem as it doesn't recognize the food properly. But the icon shouldn't disappear at all the, even if you eat.

Some more questions:
-Is the icon re-appearing after the time that you've setup as check interval in the settings (e.g. you have chosen that the addon should check every 1 minute if food is active -> does the icon re-appear after 1 minute after you've eaten?)
-Do you eat something as your food buff is still active and will expire soon (like you've setup the addon to warn you 3 minutes before the food buff expires and you eat new food buff as the current one is still active?
Or does the error only happen if you have no food buff active and you just eat something to get the food's buff?

Many thanks for your help!

Originally Posted by Anceane
Any reason for the food icon to stay all the time on the screen ? (the icon is always there, even after i eat)

To be more precise, the icon vanish once i eat but come back about 5 sec later and stick to the screen)

Thank you
Last edited by Baertram : 03/27/17 at 02:01 AM.
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Unread 03/27/17, 03:48 AM  
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Hello, after all your questions i decided before to do further test with different foods.

So far, two are giving problems :
Food :
- Jagga Drenched mud ball (Increase max stamina max magicka by 2 hours - no level requirement
Drink :
- Hissmir Fish-eye Rye (increase magicka stamina recovery for 2 hours + grants insights for fishing - no level requirement)

so its seems its rather tied to particular recipes and not to your code

Tested on 5 characters with differents foods, and so far only those two that unfortunatly i used mainly on all characters since two weeks :P let me to think that it was an addon problem. My bad

For now i changed the food, and i will go fishing a little less anyway as i level another little one :P

Let me know if you still need the answer to your questions or the names of food / drink are enough to help you.

Got an hospital appointement this morning, but i will check once i come back.

Thank you

Originally Posted by Baertram
Hi Anceane,

which food were you using as this happend? Anything of the new Jester food?
I'd need the food name (and what it increases, like "Max health + max magicka").

Under normal circumstances the icon should appear if you eat something and it shouldn't come back after a few seconds, if the food is recognized by the addon. If it's new food after an event e.g. the addon could have a problem as it doesn't recognize the food properly. But the icon shouldn't disappear at all the, even if you eat.

Some more questions:
-Is the icon re-appearing after the time that you've setup as check interval in the settings (e.g. you have chosen that the addon should check every 1 minute if food is active -> does the icon re-appear after 1 minute after you've eaten?)
-Do you eat something as your food buff is still active and will expire soon (like you've setup the addon to warn you 3 minutes before the food buff expires and you eat new food buff as the current one is still active?
Or does the error only happen if you have no food buff active and you just eat something to get the food's buff?

Many thanks for your help!

Originally Posted by Anceane
Any reason for the food icon to stay all the time on the screen ? (the icon is always there, even after i eat)

To be more precise, the icon vanish once i eat but come back about 5 sec later and stick to the screen)

Thank you
Last edited by Anceane : 03/27/17 at 03:49 AM.
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Unread 03/27/17, 01:47 PM  
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Thanks for your support Anceane, it's related to the two foods then.
If you are so kind you could yupport me further more and tell me the food IDs that the addon writes to chat.

1. Use one of the two food/drinks that you told me are not working
2. Open the chat
3. Enter the following code and press the return key:
/script FCOStarveStop.debugActiveBuffs()
4. Look at the chat output and tell me the ability ID which is written behind the food/drink
5. Repeat this for the other food/drink please

Thank you very much!
I'll add them to the addon afterwards.


Originally Posted by Anceane
Hello, after all your questions i decided before to do further test with different foods.

So far, two are giving problems :
Food :
- Jagga Drenched mud ball (Increase max stamina max magicka by 2 hours - no level requirement
Drink :
- Hissmir Fish-eye Rye (increase magicka stamina recovery for 2 hours + grants insights for fishing - no level requirement)

so its seems its rather tied to particular recipes and not to your code

Tested on 5 characters with differents foods, and so far only those two that unfortunatly i used mainly on all characters since two weeks :P let me to think that it was an addon problem. My bad

For now i changed the food, and i will go fishing a little less anyway as i level another little one :P

Let me know if you still need the answer to your questions or the names of food / drink are enough to help you.

Got an hospital appointement this morning, but i will check once i come back.

Thank you

Originally Posted by Baertram
Hi Anceane,

which food were you using as this happend? Anything of the new Jester food?
I'd need the food name (and what it increases, like "Max health + max magicka").

Under normal circumstances the icon should appear if you eat something and it shouldn't come back after a few seconds, if the food is recognized by the addon. If it's new food after an event e.g. the addon could have a problem as it doesn't recognize the food properly. But the icon shouldn't disappear at all the, even if you eat.

Some more questions:
-Is the icon re-appearing after the time that you've setup as check interval in the settings (e.g. you have chosen that the addon should check every 1 minute if food is active -> does the icon re-appear after 1 minute after you've eaten?)
-Do you eat something as your food buff is still active and will expire soon (like you've setup the addon to warn you 3 minutes before the food buff expires and you eat new food buff as the current one is still active?
Or does the error only happen if you have no food buff active and you just eat something to get the food's buff?

Many thanks for your help!

Originally Posted by Anceane
Any reason for the food icon to stay all the time on the screen ? (the icon is always there, even after i eat)

To be more precise, the icon vanish once i eat but come back about 5 sec later and stick to the screen)

Thank you
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Unread 03/27/17, 03:46 PM  
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Here you go :

[17:39] -> Mud Ball, AbilityId: 86749
[17:44] -> Fish Eye, AbilityId: 86559

Not having a problem with it but i found this ID that may be can help you :

[17:39] -> Jester's Experience Boost Pie, AbilityId: 91369

Hope that can help you. If and i repeat if, i encounter the same problem, i will just post here the id as i learned today

Thank you very much, love all your work

Originally Posted by Baertram
Thanks for your support Anceane, it's related to the two foods then.
If you are so kind you could yupport me further more and tell me the food IDs that the addon writes to chat.

1. Use one of the two food/drinks that you told me are not working
2. Open the chat
3. Enter the following code and press the return key:
/script FCOStarveStop.debugActiveBuffs()
4. Look at the chat output and tell me the ability ID which is written behind the food/drink
5. Repeat this for the other food/drink please

Thank you very much!
I'll add them to the addon afterwards.


Originally Posted by Anceane
Hello, after all your questions i decided before to do further test with different foods.

So far, two are giving problems :
Food :
- Jagga Drenched mud ball (Increase max stamina max magicka by 2 hours - no level requirement
Drink :
- Hissmir Fish-eye Rye (increase magicka stamina recovery for 2 hours + grants insights for fishing - no level requirement)

so its seems its rather tied to particular recipes and not to your code

Tested on 5 characters with differents foods, and so far only those two that unfortunatly i used mainly on all characters since two weeks :P let me to think that it was an addon problem. My bad

For now i changed the food, and i will go fishing a little less anyway as i level another little one :P

Let me know if you still need the answer to your questions or the names of food / drink are enough to help you.

Got an hospital appointement this morning, but i will check once i come back.

Thank you

Originally Posted by Baertram
Hi Anceane,

which food were you using as this happend? Anything of the new Jester food?
I'd need the food name (and what it increases, like "Max health + max magicka").

Under normal circumstances the icon should appear if you eat something and it shouldn't come back after a few seconds, if the food is recognized by the addon. If it's new food after an event e.g. the addon could have a problem as it doesn't recognize the food properly. But the icon shouldn't disappear at all the, even if you eat.

Some more questions:
-Is the icon re-appearing after the time that you've setup as check interval in the settings (e.g. you have chosen that the addon should check every 1 minute if food is active -> does the icon re-appear after 1 minute after you've eaten?)
-Do you eat something as your food buff is still active and will expire soon (like you've setup the addon to warn you 3 minutes before the food buff expires and you eat new food buff as the current one is still active?
Or does the error only happen if you have no food buff active and you just eat something to get the food's buff?

Many thanks for your help!

Originally Posted by Anceane
Any reason for the food icon to stay all the time on the screen ? (the icon is always there, even after i eat)

To be more precise, the icon vanish once i eat but come back about 5 sec later and stick to the screen)

Thank you
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