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Updated: 06/11/21 07:26 PM
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Updated:06/11/21 07:26 PM
Created:07/18/16 01:11 PM
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TTMP: The Tamriel Mapping Project  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.5.1
by: SirAndy [More]
TTMP - The Tamriel Mapping Project
A simple AddOn that allows tracking of material nodes, chests, quests, lorebooks, treasure maps and much more!

- Most assets (wood/ore/cloth nodes, runes, chests etc) are added automatically to the map as they are interacted with.
- Custom map filters allow you to choose what assets are displayed on your map.
- You can choose between two icon sets and assign custom colors to each icon type.
- Can import data from other TTMP users (See TTMP Merge info below).
- Can import HarvestMap data.
- Supports the English, German, French and Russian version of the game (Although the interface and chat commands are still in English).

Needed Libraries

- "TTMP: Saved Variables" SavedVariables file for TTMP with over 63,000 assets already tracked, ready to go
- TTMP: Merge Merge TTMP SavedVariables files from other players with yours to add their discoveries to your map

Upload your TTMP SavedVariables file to the thread linked below and i will merge your data into the next release:

- Looking for help translating TTMP to Japanese
- Looking for help to fix the somewhat broken Russian translation
If you want to help, please contact me!

Latest Updates
- Fixed debug messages that were always showing
Thanks to @Mix for reporting the issue!
- Updated to API Version 100035
- Thanks to @dlrgames for sharing their SavedVariables file, it has been merged into this release!

If you want to start using TTMP with my latest Asset file that already contains over 63,000 tracked Assets, please download the latest "TTMP: Saved Variables" file and follow the installation instructions.

Known Issues
Ever since ZOS re-scaled the Auridon map a lot of nodes exist multiple times.
I cleaned up most of the map by now but there may still be some duplicates.

If you already have TTMP installed, do *NOT* overwrite your "SavedVariables" file with a newer version!
DON'T DO IT! There really is no reason to ever replace the "SavedVariables/TamrielMapping.lua" file directly.
You will lose everything you have ever mapped yourself!

Only touch the "SavedVariables/TamrielMapping.lua" file if:

- This is your first install of TTMP and you want to start with my latest asset file instead of creating your own (empty) file.
See "Using my latest Asset file" for instructions on how to use my latest "SavedVariables" file.

- You already have TTMP and you want to merge my latest asset file with yours. If so, follow the TTMPMerge instructions!

TTMP Chat Commands:
For a full list of TTMP chat commands, scroll down to the "TTMP Usage" section.

Currently tracked Assets:

Blacksmithing Nodes - automatic (Jewelry crafting uses the same spawn locations)
Woodworking Nodes - automatic
Clothing Nodes - automatic
Solvent Nodes - automatic
Enchanting Runes - automatic (Psijic Portals use the same spawn locations)
Alchemy Nodes - automatic
Treasure Chests - automatic
Backpacks - automatic (unless they are empty)
Heavy Sacks/Crates - automatic
Treasure Maps - manual
Dark Fissures - manual
Fishing Holes - manual
Skyshards - manual
Lorebooks - manual
Quests - manual
Crafting Surveys - manual
Points of Interest - manual
Thieves Troves - automatic
Safeboxes - automatic
Giant Clams - automatic
Antiquity Dig Sites - automatic

Simply unzip the download and copy the 'TamrielMapping' folder into your ESO "AddOns" folder and restart ESO.
If you're updating to a newer version, simply replace the whole folder.
If you also downloaded my latest saved Assets, see the section below.

Using my latest Asset file:
If you don't want to start fresh, you can use my latest "SavedVariables" file, which already has over 63,000 tracked assets.
Simply drop my "SavedVariables/TamrielMapping.lua" into your ESO "SavedVariables" folder.

TTMP - SavedVariables (v3.5.0)
File info: Last updated on 2021.06.06, contains 63,085 tracked assets

Please make sure your text editor supports utf8, especially if you're playing in French, German or Russian!

Updating your Asset file:
If you have already used TTMP, you can use my "SavedVariables/TamrielMapping.lua" file and the TTMPMerge AddOn to merge my latest asset file with your existing one.
In fact, you can merge files from any other TTMP user as well.

TTMPMerge AddOn (v3.5.0)

To use TTMPMerge you need to:

- Get my (or someone else's) "SavedVariables/TamrielMapping.lua" file
- Rename it to "TTMPMerge.lua"
- Copy it into your "SavedVariables" folder
- Open it with a text editor (make sure your text editor supports utf8!) and replace "TamrielMapping_Vars" in the first line with "TTMPMerge_Vars".
- Start ESO, enable TTMPMerge, load into a character and use the /ttmp merge command.

You can run a "test" by using "/ttmp merge test" which will process the new file but not make any changes to your local TTMP file.

Running a merge will freeze the game for several seconds, depending on how large the file is you're trying to import. This is OK!
It shouldn't take any longer than 5 - 10 seconds.

As always, please make sure you have a backup of your existing "SavedVariables" files before doing a merge!


TTMP Usage:
/ttmp cmd (comment)

TTMP Commands to add Assets:
ore wood cloth water rune reagent plant chest
backpack pack sack crate map fish fissure
shard book quest survey poi(nt) trove box clam site

Commands can be followed by an optional comment, for example 'shard 6' or 'book Manual of Spellcraft'.

Other TTMP Commands:
save -> Saves all your newly found Assets to disk. Note that this will also reload the UI.
By default newly found Assets are only saved to disk when you logout to the character select screen!

del xxx -> Deletes Asset xxx at your current position where xxx is the type. For example 'del backpack'

pos -> Lists your current position on the map.

list (all) -> List a count of all Assets in the current zone.
If you specify 'all', Assets are counted for all zones!

merge (test) (all) -> Merge new Assets from a merge file.
By default only Assets that don't already exist in your local file are imported.
If you specify 'test', info about the merger is displayed but nothing as actually imported.
If you specify 'all', everything is imported and your existing Assets may be overwritten!
Note: This requires the TTMPMerge AddOn to be installed.

importhm (test) -> Experimental HarvestMap importer.
This will try to import assets from your HarvestMap AddOn install.
If you specify 'test', info about the merger is displayed but nothing is actually imported.

TTMP Configuration:
/ttmpcfg -> Shows the TTMP Config menu.

By default certain nodes are *NOT* shown on your map!
Please go to your Map Filters (the funnel looking icon between the key and the pin) and select what icons you want to see on the map!


Change log:

## 3.5.1
- Fixed debug messages that were always showing
Thanks to @Mix for reporting the issue!

## 3.5.0
- Updated to API Version 100035
- Thanks to @dlrgames for sharing their SavedVariables file, it has been merged into this release!

## 3.4.0
- Updated to API Version 100034
- Thanks to @Jannish458 for sharing their SavedVariables file, it has been merged into this release!
- Added missing default icons for the latest assets

## 3.3.1
- Added Antiquity Dig Sites to the tracked assets

## 3.3.0
- Updated to API Version 100033
- Thanks to @Drio and @DramaKing for sharing their SavedVariables files, they have been merged into this release!

## 3.2.0
- Updated to API Version 100032
- Fixed bug with the new OnWorldMapChanged callback behavior that prevented correct map updates
- Fixed bug where Cloth nodes could be saved as Reagent nodes if they contained alchemical resin
- Added Crimson Nirnroot to the reagent loot table

## 2.7.1
- Fixed issue where the LibAddonMenu could cause errors with other AddOns that also implement it

## 2.7.0
- Updated to API Version 100027
- Merged over 1300 Elsweyr assets from the PTS

## 2.6.0
- Updated to API Version 100026

## 2.5.0
- Updated to API Version 100025
- Reworked loot display and options

## 2.4.1
- Fixed an issue with the HarvestMap import, updated to support their latest save format
- Added support for new HarvestMap asset types during import
- Fixed the missing "Psijic Portal" assets, they are now correctly added as rune nodes
NOTE: Psijic Portals share their spawn locations with regular rune nodes!
- Fixed issue with missing custom map pin icons, still need to find better images for two of them but at least they are there now

## 2.4.0
- Updated to API Version 100024
- Updated to the latest version of LibAddonMenu
- Added support for new "ore" types used for Jewelry Crafting
NOTE: Psijic Portals share their spawn locations with regular rune nodes!
- Added "Giant Clam" to the tracked assets and map filters
- Thanks to @alembiq for sharing their SavedVariables file, it has been merged into this release!
- Thanks to @darkwolf727 for additional map locations!
- Added menu option to turn on/off asset deletion on the map
NOTE: Switching this will automatically reload your UI to enable/disable the right-click delete

## 2.1.1
- Added manual delete option that allows for removal of assets by right-clicking on them on the map

## 2.1.0
- Updated to API Version 100021
- Updated to the latest version of LibAddonMenu
- Fixed a bug that didn't clear the last used interaction type when interacting with backpacks that had no items in them
This resulted in backpacks being added to the map erroneously, for example when opening writ reward boxes
- Added basic russian language support
Thanks to: @KiriX for the russian translations!

## 2.0.0
- Updated to API Version 100020
- Updated to the latest version of LibMapPins, LibAddonMenu

## 1.8.1
- Added a HarvestMap node importer
Thanks to: @Moosetrax for the idea and supplying me with his HM saved files!

## 1.8.0
- Updated to API Version 100018
- Added a minor tweak to how assets are handeled during a merge
- Updated the tracked assets, merged several user files, the total number of assets tracked is now over 32,000!
Thanks to: @Augestflex, @Drio, @Trippet

## 1.7.1
- Fixed crash when used in conjunction with the pChat AddOn.
pChat will crash and burn if one writes nested colorized strings to the chat window!
TTMP now detects if pChat is loaded and then omits some of the chat info coloring to prevent ESO from freezing.
Special thanks to @zasy99 and @msan for helping identifying the offending AddOn!
- Several minor bug fixes

## 1.7.0
- Updated to API Version 100017
- Removed the account based restriction on the SavedVariables file
This will also make merging SavedVariables files from other users easier
- Added code to automatically convert SavedVariables to the new format on load
- Added "Hello World" message to the AddOn loaded function

## 1.6.0
- Updated to API Version 100016

## 1.5.2
- Added function overload for FISHING_MANAGER.StartInteraction to get info about the last object we interacted with
- Fixed auto-loot bug, everything now works correctly with or without auto-loot turned on/off
- Streamlined some of the code and removed several redundant/unneeded calls

## 1.5.1
- Changed versioning numbers to be more in line with the ESO API version number
- (Partially) fixed bug where nodes were not added to the map when auto-loot was enabled.
Resource nodes like wood, ore, reagents etc. are now added correctly as are locked chests.
However, containers like backpacks, heavy sacks etc do not yet work with auto loot.
Neither OnLootUpdate() nor GetInteractionType() nor GetGameCameraInteractableActionInfo()
work with auto loot. :(

## 1.0.5
- Added basic support for localization. TTMP now works correctly in "en", "de" and "fr".
However, any display (menu, lables etc.) is still english only as are chat commands.
- Updated to the latest version of LibStub, LibMapPins, LibAddonMenu
- Adjusted some of the default settings
- Simplified the available /ttmp chat commands
- Changed the way the 'list' command counts Assets and added an 'all' option
- Added 'all' and 'test' options to the 'merge' command
- Fixed icon offsets in Hews Bane since ZOS decided to stealth change the map dimensions :(

## 1.0.4
- Added support for new resource types introduced with the DB patch (Dark Brotherhood)

## 1.0.3
- Added support for the Thieves Guild patch
- Added "Thieves Trove" tracking

## 1.0.2
- Added additional color settings for chat text output to the settings menu
- Added a 'merge' command that allows for merging of SavedVariables files from other users that contain additional map assets.
This requires the TTMPMerge AddOn to be installed. TTMPMerge is a simple stub that loads the new asset file into memory.
Once loaded, TTMP can access the new data and loop through it and add/update any new assets from the file.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Heavy Sacks/Crates from being added to the map
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Cloth nodes from being added to the map
- Fixed a bug that prevented backpacks that had no items in them after opening them from being added to the map
- Fixed a bug in the duplicate asset detection function that could result in assets being moved instead of being ignored

## 1.0.1
- Updated to the latest version of LibMapPins
- Fixed a bug in the code that prevented recognizing map changes when other AddOns are installed that
also look for map changes, like AUI's minimap for example
- Adjusted the distance for detecting duplicate entries in dungeons to better deal with smaller dungeons

## 1.0.0
- Added option to individually tint the map icons by type
- Added support for new resource types introduced with the Orsinium patch
- Updated to the latest version of LibMapPins, LibAddonMenu

## 0.1.1
- Added support for new resource types introduced with the IC patch (Imperial City)

## 0.1.0
- Added "Options" menu
- Added /ttmpcfg slash command for the options menu
- Added icon offset values for maps with incorrect icon placement (most notably Craglorn)
- Added second "Built-In" icon set using ESO native icons for map markers
- Added option to tint the map icons with a custom color
- Added map filters to allow custom filtering of the map icons

## 0.0.9
- Consolidated settings and added them to the SavedVariables

## 0.0.8
- Added ability to delete assets

## 0.0.7
- Added ability to list zone assets

## 0.0.6
- Added optional description field to all assets.
This allows the user to add custom comments when adding an asset through the chat window.
- Added labels to map icons that show custom comments on mouse over.

## 0.0.5
- Changed the current map detection to be event based.
The map name is now only updated whenever a zone/map changes.

## 0.0.4
- Added custom "Points of Interest"
- Added "loot" display functions, displaying received loot and gold in the chat window

## 0.0.3
- Added automated tracking for several assets:
ore nodes, wood nodes, cloth nodes, reagent nodes, runes,
water (both water sacks and pure water springs), locked chests,
backpacks, heavy sacks

## 0.0.2
- Added more assets to the tracking list

## 0.0.1
- Initial code
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Unread 11/27/16, 12:34 PM  
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Re: Re: New TTMP Won't load.

Originally Posted by msan
Originally Posted by Elmseeker
After updating to 1.7.0 with the merge, the game will not load while TTMP is enabled. No error, just during character load it goes to not responding and stays there until it finally crashes to the desktop.
I reverted to 1.6.0 and everything works fine. i've tried with and without merge. Also tried a completely fresh install with no savedvariables file at all. Same result.
I can confirm that. Also, with only TTMP 1.7.0 enabled, the game loads fine, as soon as i enable all other addons, the game hangs until it crashes.
@Elmseeker @msan
Woah, that's not good!

What other AddOns do you guys run? Please list them here. Seems like there's a conflict somewhere.
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Unread 11/23/16, 01:43 AM  

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Re: New TTMP Won't load.

Originally Posted by Elmseeker
After updating to 1.7.0 with the merge, the game will not load while TTMP is enabled. No error, just during character load it goes to not responding and stays there until it finally crashes to the desktop.

I reverted to 1.6.0 and everything works fine. i've tried with and without merge. Also tried a completely fresh install with no savedvariables file at all. Same result.
I can confirm that. Also, with only TTMP 1.7.0 enabled, the game loads fine, as soon as i enable all other addons, the game hangs until it crashes.
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Unread 11/22/16, 05:07 PM  
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New TTMP Won't load.

After updating to 1.7.0 with the merge, the game will not load while TTMP is enabled. No error, just during character load it goes to not responding and stays there until it finally crashes to the desktop.

I reverted to 1.6.0 and everything works fine. i've tried with and without merge. Also tried a completely fresh install with no savedvariables file at all. Same result.
Last edited by Elmseeker : 11/22/16 at 06:15 PM.
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Unread 11/18/16, 09:27 PM  
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Originally Posted by SirAndy
Originally Posted by Eloora
I think he means that it's a bit fiddly to open up your provided asset file, which contains all of the discovered map pins, and enter our account name in the lua file in order for them to show up for us in game. You probably know more about the necessity of this than I do, though.
The default way of how ESO saves AddOn data is by using the @AccountName tag in the SavedVariables files. From there you can go to "$AccountWide" data (which is what i did) or go down to the character level and store data for different characters.
I'm not sure if there is a way to get around that, all the LUA functions i have seen access saved data through functions that assume the @AccountName is present.
I found a way to get around the @AccountName issue, starting with version 1.7.0 TTMP uses a global asset list that does not require changing account names in the file anymore.
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Unread 08/05/16, 12:53 PM  
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also. check Destination addon, i think they already gather all Maiq and other achievement locations

but still lack of some usefull like achievement to find and save all undaunted brothers in Veteran city of Ash
Last edited by QuadroTony : 08/05/16 at 12:54 PM.
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Unread 08/05/16, 12:51 PM  
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Originally Posted by SirAndy
It would be easy to add cooking fires to the list of tracked assets.
Not sure how many people would be interested in that though? They seem to be everywhere ...
That reminds me, maybe i should have a setting to let people decide what they want to track, not just to filter the display (like currently).

That way, someone *could* track cooking fires while other people would not and it wouldn't clog up their map.
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Unread 08/05/16, 12:49 PM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
hmm but if you want some special feature... that any other addons dont have
mark all cooking fires around Tamriel
I'm already tracking all locations for:

I Like M'aiq
Give to the Poor

It would be easy to add cooking fires to the list of tracked assets.
Not sure how many people would be interested in that though? They seem to be everywhere ...
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Unread 08/05/16, 12:27 PM  
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hmm but if you want some special feature... that any other addons dont have

mark all cooking fires around Tamriel
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Unread 08/05/16, 11:55 AM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
actually all those already included in Harvest map addon since launch of the game... so i dont really see the point of another the same addon
only like just practice for beginner developer
for your own custom pins people usually using Harven's Custom Map Pins
"Beginner Developer" is cute, but doesn't really describe me.

Now, as i stated already, i started TTMP for myself and my guild members during the closed beta with a very specific purpose (Mapping all of Tamriel).

I posted it here because it's working well, it's easy to use and comes with over 20,000 tracked assets already loaded (Adding new ones daily).
Simple as that ...

I'm not forcing anyone to give up HM. You can keep using HM. That's perfectly fine with me.
Last edited by SirAndy : 08/05/16 at 11:56 AM.
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Unread 08/05/16, 11:35 AM  
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actually all those already included in Harvest map addon since launch of the game... so i dont really see the point of another the same addon

only like just practice for beginner developer

for your own custom pins people usually using Harven's Custom Map Pins
Last edited by QuadroTony : 08/05/16 at 11:36 AM.
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Unread 08/05/16, 11:28 AM  
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Originally Posted by kerb9729
What does this addon do that Harvestmap or other addons don't do?
Dunno, never used Harvest Map or any other mapping AddOn.

I started working on TTMP during beta.
The idea being to eventually map *all* resources across Tamriel (hence the name) in every zone and dungeon.

I'm not sure if Harvest Map allows you to place custom icons (poi = point of interest) on the map with your own description.

I also tried to keep the storage as small as possible (to avoid LUA memory issues). Compared to HM, my SavedVariables file is much smaller since i use a much more compact data format than the serialized storage used by HM.

Does it track all the assets listed below?

Currently tracked Assets:
Blacksmithing Nodes - automatic
Woodworking Nodes - automatic
Clothing Nodes - automatic
Solvent Nodes - automatic
Enchanting Runes - automatic
Alchemy Nodes - automatic
Treasure Chests - automatic
Backpacks - automatic (unless they are empty)
Heavy Sacks/Crates - automatic
Treasure Maps - manual
Dark Fissures - manual
Fishing Holes - manual
Skyshards - manual
Lorebooks - manual
Quests - manual
Crafting Surveys - manual
Points of Interest - manual
Thieves Troves - automatic
Safeboxes - automatic
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Unread 08/05/16, 07:23 AM  
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What does this addon do that Harvestmap or other addons don't do?
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Unread 07/26/16, 12:32 PM  
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Originally Posted by Eloora
I think he means that it's a bit fiddly to open up your provided asset file, which contains all of the discovered map pins, and enter our account name in the lua file in order for them to show up for us in game. You probably know more about the necessity of this than I do, though.
The default way of how ESO saves AddOn data is by using the @AccountName tag in the SavedVariables files. From there you can go to "$AccountWide" data (which is what i did) or go down to the character level and store data for different characters.
I'm not sure if there is a way to get around that, all the LUA functions i have seen access saved data through functions that assume the @AccountName is present.

Originally Posted by Eloora
This is exactly what I had requested to be done in my last post. You are already aware of how the Skyshards and Lorebooks mods function. They both "hide what you know", so to speak. Your response to me indicated that you weren't actually interested in mimicking the functionality of these mods, which would negate the need for users to keep them installed alongside yours. You seem to just want where everything is, I guess? Every pin in a given category is either shown or hidden. It's your mod, and certainly your prerogative to make it function the way you want, this is just going to be the common feedback from users on this topic.
I know this is pretty much what you asked for, the difference in my response was based on the fact that wolfeng mentioned that there are already AddOns out there that do that. That means that i may be able to find a way to do this without having to spend countless hours trying to find the right API calls. While this is still not what i had originally planned for TTMP, being able to look at code of other AddOns could provide a shortcut to implementing such a functionality.

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Unread 07/26/16, 12:24 PM  
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Originally Posted by votan
The addons are called Skyshards and Lorebooks. And I don't think you want to re-implement them. Believe me
No intention to re-implement a complete AddOn but it's worth having a look to see what and how they did this.

Originally Posted by votan
Use a First-In-First-Out (FiFo) list with a customizable number of max entries. If a node is in this "done" list, hide the pin.
A FIFO might just be the way. Something like 100 nodes should be plenty. By the time they start rolling over the first ones should have respawned already anyways.

Last edited by SirAndy : 07/26/16 at 12:35 PM.
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Unread 07/26/16, 12:22 PM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
looking for Changelog tab please!
on the addon's page
Doh, didn't even know that was an option. Added it, thanks for the reminder.
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