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Updated: 08/21/18 01:37 PM
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Summerset (4.0)
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Updated:08/21/18 01:37 PM
Created:10/31/16 04:51 PM
Monthly downloads:691
Total downloads:94,456
Set Tracker  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.0.1
by: Elephant [More]

Version 2.0.1 released.
  • API bump for Wolfhunter.
  • Updated LibCustomMenu to v6.6.


This addon tracks holdings of set items across all characters the account bank and optionally, all guild banks. It can also track holdings across different login accounts.

It also allows for a set to be tagged with one of five (or fifteen if the sub-menu option is enabled) possible tracking states. Each tracking state has an associated colour and label which can be configured in the addons settings menu.

The backpack free space for each character can be displayed as can the holdings of transmutation
geodes for each character. These two items can be accessed by a context menu on all non-set items,
by key binds or by slash commands. The slash commands are as follows.
/stcb Will display the geode holdings for all characters.
/stfs Will display the free space for all characters.
Both of these options are disabled by default and may be enabled in the settings menu.

Tooltip Enhancements

The Tooltip for a set item is modified to included holdings and tracking information for the set that the item belongs to. The Tooltip will either show "No Holdings" or "Holding nn items". The message is in displayed in one of 7(17) possible colours. The colours denote that the set is either
  • Crafted.
  • Tagged with one of 5(15) possible tracking states.
  • Not tracked.

The tooltips displayed by clicking on an item link in the chat window have been enhanced to display the holdings for the set the item belongs to. This behaviour is activated by clicking the RMB over the tooltip.

Inventory List Enhancements

Inventory lists can be optionally tagged with an icon for tracked set items. The icon will be displayed in the appropriate tracking state colour. Each tracking state can optionally have a unique icon and the icon textures can be optionally configured by the user. Each set can have user notes saved. These notes can be displayed from the item context menu, or as a tooltip on the tracking state icons.

Context Menu Enhancements

The context menu for inventory and bank item lists has some extra options added as follows. These options are only added for items that belong to a set.

"Track Set aaaaa"
This will mark the set as being tracked. There can be up to five(ten) tracking states configured and there will be one menu item for each configured tracking state. The tracking states are configured in the addons settings menu.
aaaaa is a name configurable for each tracking state in the settings window.
"Do Not Track Set"
This will erase the tracking state for the set, i.e set it back to default.
"Edit Set Notes"
This will bring up a text edit dialog allowing user notes to be saved against this set.
"Show Set Notes"
This will display any user notes saved against this set.
"Show Holdings"
This will display all the holdings for this set for all characters in the account as well as the account bank. It also includes holdings on any other login accounts used. Each character on each account must be logged in at least once to gather the inventory for an accurate listing.
Each trait in the holdings display can be shown in a different user configured colour.
The holdings can be displayed either in the chat window or in a separate custom window. The holdings window can be moved and resized at will, the position and size being saved and restored when the UI is restarted.
The level can be optionally included in the holdings list and another option is to have the item link displayed instead of the generic name.
A hotkey definition has been provided for toggling the holdings display window on and off.

ItemBrowser Addon Support

This addon provides full integration with the ItemBrowser addon by @code65536.

All ItemBrowser tooltips will have the Set Tracker information appended.

Left clicking the item in ItemBrowser will perform the default ItemBrowser action i.e. send the set to the chat window.

Right clicking the item will show the Set Tracker context menu.

Note that earlier versions of this addon required making changes to the ItemBrowser code for full integration to work. As of version, 1.1, these changes are no longer needed.

Multiple login account support

This addon can track the holdings for set items for any number of alternate login accounts. Previous versions of the addon required the support of an external application for this functionality. As of version 1.4 the external app is no longer required and it has been removed from the addon package.

To see the inventories of the characters on alternate accounts you must login to each character on each account so that SetTracker can scan the inventories into its database.

Access to SetTracker Data From Other Addons

Some global functions have been provided to allow other addons to access the SetTracker database.

local sTrackColour, sTrackName, sTrackTexture = ST.GetTrackStateInfo(_trackIndex)
--Returns SetTracker data for the specified track index
--sTrackColour - the user configured colour for the set ("RRGGBB")
--sTrackName - the user configured tracking name for the set
--sTrackTexture - the texture used for the track state icon

local iTrackIndex, sTrackName, sTrackColour, sTrackNotes = SetTrack.GetTrackingInfo(bagId, slotIndex)
--Returns SetTracker data for the specified bag item as follows
--iTrackIndex - track state index 0 - 14, -1 means the set is not tracked and 100 means the set is crafted
--sTrackName - the user configured tracking name for the set
--sTrackColour - the user configured colour for the set ("RRGGBB")
--sTrackNotes - the user notes saved for the set

local iMaxIndex = SetTrack.GetMaxTrackStates()
--Returns the current maximum number of tracked states. This can vary depending upon user settings.
--The track state index is 0 base (0 - SetTrack.GetMaxTrackStates()).
  • API bump for Wolfhunter.
  • Updated LibCustomMenu to v6.6.

  • Optionally track transmutation geodes.
  • Optionally track each characters free backpack space.
  • Fixed bug caused by lack of support for new jewellery traits.

1.9.6 Removed unwanted debugging chat messages.

  • API bump for Summerset.
  • Fixed some issues with house storage.
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r26.
  • Updated LibCustomMenu to v6.5.

1.9.4 Scan housing storage whenever player travels to a player house.

1.9.3 Fix for housing storage context menu.

1.9.2 Removed debugging messages introduced in 1.9.1.

1.9.1 More support for housing storage (no context menu yet - working on it).

1.9 Support for housing storage.

1.8.9 API bump for Dragon Bones.

1.8.8 Spanish translations - thanks to Kwisatz.

  • API bump for Clockwork City.
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r25.
  • Added option to force ESO+ behaviour.

1.8.6 Updated LibCustomMenu to v5.

1.8.5 Updated for Horns of the Reach.

1.8.4 Updated LibCustomMenu to 4.3.

1.8.3 Updated LibAddonMenu to r24.

1.8.2 Added option to turn off the extra info included on set item tooltips.

  • Fixed bank scanning issues for ESO+ subscribers.
  • Fixed a bug in the set items holdings count code.
  • Fixed a bug when equipping/unequipping set items.
  • Removed total set items count from tooltip display for performance reasons.
  • Removed legacy data updating code.

1.8 Internal build, never released.

1.7.1 API support for Morrowind.

  • Added optional support for guild banks (off by default).
  • Added option to allow changing the offset of the prefix icon.

1.6.5 Updated RU translations - thanks to KiriX.

1.6.4 Removed all alpha settings for the holdings window.

1.6.3 Updated JP translations - thanks to BowmoreLover.

  • API update for Homestead
  • Added option to set Alpha on the holdings window.
  • Bug fixes.

  • More optimisations to the scanning code.
  • Updated german tranlations - thanks to Baertram.

  • Full integration with FCO Item Saver by Baertram.
  • Added option to not keep 'Show Set Notes' on the main context menu.
  • Added option to not track crafted sets.
  • Added option to disable global settings (across account tracking).
  • Fix some minor documentation isues.

  • Initial support for InventoryGridView by Randactyl and ingeniousclown - this is a WIP.
  • Added global function SetTrack.GetTrackStateInfo() to return the data for a specified trackstate index.
  • Added global function SetTrack.GetMaxTrackStates() to return the current maximium trackstate index.
  • Updated German translation, thanks to Baertram.

1.5.3 Internal development version, not released.

1.5.2 Fixed the UI error on line 765.

1.5.1 Added global function to return tracking info for a specified bag item.

  • Add coloured prefix to decon and guild trader inventory list tracked set items.
  • Option to include item level in the holdings display.
  • Option to display item link instead of name in the holdings display.
  • Added ability to save user notes for each tracked set.
  • German translation thanks to Baertram.
  • Added FCOIS compatibility fix as requested by Baertram.
  • Changed some locale strings to use the in-game translations.
  • Fixed a LAM issue if ItemBrowser is not being used.

  • Russian translation thanks to ForgottenLight.
  • Japanese translation thanks to BowmoreLover.
  • Made saved inventory data locale agnostic.
  • Support for any number of alternate accounts, no longer needs external helper app - thanks to ForgottenLight for the clue on how to get this working.

1.3.1 Fix the UI error introduced in v1.3.

  • Localise all strings.
  • Add icons to the holdings display as suggested by Baertram.
  • Add configurable icons to the inventory listings.
  • Remove reloadUI requirement for a couple of settings.
  • Fix a couple of bugs including some API garbage appended to some text.

  • Add coloured prefix to inventory list tracked set items.
  • Add five more tracking states.
  • Add custom trait colours in holdings display.
  • Further optimisations to the inventory tracking code.

1.1.1 Included missing copy of LibCustomMenu - thanks to Baertram for pointing this out.

  • Option to use a submenu in the context menu.
  • Add support for 5 more Track States if the sub-menu option is used.
  • Full integration with the Itemisation Browser addon.
  • Changed the inventory scanning code to minimise system impact.

1.0.2 Bug fix for the "SetTracker.lua:1246: attempt to index a nil value" error

1.0.1 Minor cosmetic changes, fixed ItemBrowser integration instructions in UserNotes.ReadMe

1.0 Initial release
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Unread 12/10/16, 07:26 PM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
Many thanks

Send me the updated setting texts and I'll translate them to German for your next release, so you do not need to update twice.

Originally Posted by Elephant
Originally Posted by Baertram
Please move the "Show set notes" context menu entry to the context menu if the context menu is used. Thanks
Sorry but I like it where it is.
Edit: Changed my mind because it's you asking - added an option setting to do this
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_SETTRK_SETTINGS_NAME13"		, "Track Crafted Sets")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_SETTRK_SETTINGS_TT13"			, "If selected then crafted sets will be automatically tracked.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_SETTRK_SETTINGS_NAME14"		, "Leave 'Show Set Notes' on Main Menu")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_SETTRK_SETTINGS_TT14"			, "If selected the menu item for 'Show Set Notes' will be left on the main context menu and not placed on the sub-menu.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_SETTRK_SETTINGS_NAME15"		, "Use Account Global Settings")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_SETTRK_SETTINGS_TT15"			, "If ON then settings are global to all accounts and sets are tracked across all acounts.  If OFF then settings and tracking are restricted to all characters on a single account.")
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Unread 12/10/16, 01:30 PM  
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Many thanks

Send me the updated setting texts and I'll translate them to German for your next release, so you do not need to update twice.

Originally Posted by Elephant
Originally Posted by Baertram
Please move the "Show set notes" context menu entry to the context menu if the context menu is used. Thanks
Sorry but I like it where it is.
Edit: Changed my mind because it's you asking - added an option setting to do this
Last edited by Baertram : 12/10/16 at 01:31 PM.
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Unread 12/08/16, 09:42 AM  

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Originally Posted by Elephant

Of course - option to disable global settings will be in the next release.

Originally Posted by Baxpowa
Originally Posted by Elephant
Originally Posted by Baxpowa
Hi, thanks for the addon. Is there a way to disable tracking across accounts? I did not see the option in the settings menu. Thanks!
Not at the moment. I can't think of a reason why anyone would want to...
My girlfriend and I sometimes share the same computer and her holdings are showing up for me even though those pieces are account bound. No reason to see what she has if I cant even use it in my account right? Thanks.
Awesome! Thank you so much.
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Unread 12/08/16, 01:57 AM  
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Of course - option to disable global settings will be in the next release.

Originally Posted by Baxpowa
Originally Posted by Elephant
Originally Posted by Baxpowa
Hi, thanks for the addon. Is there a way to disable tracking across accounts? I did not see the option in the settings menu. Thanks!
Not at the moment. I can't think of a reason why anyone would want to...
My girlfriend and I sometimes share the same computer and her holdings are showing up for me even though those pieces are account bound. No reason to see what she has if I cant even use it in my account right? Thanks.
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Unread 12/08/16, 12:14 AM  

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Originally Posted by Elephant
Originally Posted by Baxpowa
Hi, thanks for the addon. Is there a way to disable tracking across accounts? I did not see the option in the settings menu. Thanks!
Not at the moment. I can't think of a reason why anyone would want to...
My girlfriend and I sometimes share the same computer and her holdings are showing up for me even though those pieces are account bound. No reason to see what she has if I cant even use it in my account right? Thanks.
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Unread 12/07/16, 04:13 PM  
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Originally Posted by Baxpowa
Hi, thanks for the addon. Is there a way to disable tracking across accounts? I did not see the option in the settings menu. Thanks!
Not at the moment. I can't think of a reason why anyone would want to...
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Unread 12/07/16, 12:30 AM  

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Hi, thanks for the addon. Is there a way to disable tracking across accounts? I did not see the option in the settings menu. Thanks!
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Unread 12/05/16, 03:27 PM  
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Re: Feature request

Originally Posted by Xego
Hey, great addon. However, one annoying thing is that it tracks crafted items. Why?

Please add an option to NOT track crafted items at all. Thanks.
Option to disable this in the nest release v1.6
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Unread 12/05/16, 03:27 PM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
Please move the "Show set notes" context menu entry to the context menu if the context menu is used. Thanks
Sorry but I like it where it is.
Edit: Changed my mind because it's you asking - added an option setting to do this
Last edited by Elephant : 12/05/16 at 03:49 PM.
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Unread 12/05/16, 01:43 PM  
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Please move the "Show set notes" context menu entry to the context menu if the context menu is used. Thanks
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Unread 12/05/16, 08:56 AM  

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Feature request

Hey, great addon. However, one annoying thing is that it tracks crafted items. Why?

Please add an option to NOT track crafted items at all. Thanks.
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Unread 12/05/16, 08:06 AM  
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You're welcome

Originally Posted by Elephant
Ok I sat down and thought harder about your post, looked closely at what my code was currently doing and the penny dropped.

I've now got the SetTracker context menu into the crafting decon and improvement lists.

Thanks for your help.

Originally Posted by Elephant
Sorry but none of this makes any sense. The first block of code is exactly the same as my current function and I have no idea what to do with those two constants/variables/functions you posted.

FCO does indeed manage to hook the decon menu but I can't for the life of me work out how it does it.

Originally Posted by Baertram
Deconstruction depends on inventory & bank items as well, so hooking zo_inventorycontextmenu should be enough. I'll check my code at FCOItemSaver as the context menu is working at decon too.

Your code should work properly if you change the line 1480 (inside your function AddContextMenuOptionSoon):
Lua Code:
  1. local function AddContextMenuOptionSoon(inventorySlot)
  2. ...
  3.     if(ZO_PlayerInventoryBackpack:IsHidden() and ZO_PlayerBankBackpack:IsHidden() and ZO_GuildBankBackpack:IsHidden()) then return end
  4. ...

At the deconstruction panel the 3 inventories are not shown.
You need to enhance it for the deconstruction panel and other wanted panels.

Originally Posted by Elephant
Originally Posted by ForgottenLight
Please add context menu into deconstruction window in crafting station. It would be very helpful.
If I can ever work out how to hook the decon context menu I will. No joy so far
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Unread 12/04/16, 04:55 PM  
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Ok I sat down and thought harder about your post, looked closely at what my code was currently doing and the penny dropped.

I've now got the SetTracker context menu into the crafting decon and improvement lists.

Thanks for your help.

Originally Posted by Elephant
Sorry but none of this makes any sense. The first block of code is exactly the same as my current function and I have no idea what to do with those two constants/variables/functions you posted.

FCO does indeed manage to hook the decon menu but I can't for the life of me work out how it does it.

Originally Posted by Baertram
Deconstruction depends on inventory & bank items as well, so hooking zo_inventorycontextmenu should be enough. I'll check my code at FCOItemSaver as the context menu is working at decon too.

Your code should work properly if you change the line 1480 (inside your function AddContextMenuOptionSoon):
Lua Code:
  1. local function AddContextMenuOptionSoon(inventorySlot)
  2. ...
  3.     if(ZO_PlayerInventoryBackpack:IsHidden() and ZO_PlayerBankBackpack:IsHidden() and ZO_GuildBankBackpack:IsHidden()) then return end
  4. ...

At the deconstruction panel the 3 inventories are not shown.
You need to enhance it for the deconstruction panel and other wanted panels.

Originally Posted by Elephant
Originally Posted by ForgottenLight
Please add context menu into deconstruction window in crafting station. It would be very helpful.
If I can ever work out how to hook the decon context menu I will. No joy so far
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Unread 12/04/16, 03:25 PM  
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Sorry but none of this makes any sense. The first block of code is exactly the same as my current function and I have no idea what to do with those two constants/variables/functions you posted.

FCO does indeed manage to hook the decon menu but I can't for the life of me work out how it does it.

Originally Posted by Baertram
Deconstruction depends on inventory & bank items as well, so hooking zo_inventorycontextmenu should be enough. I'll check my code at FCOItemSaver as the context menu is working at decon too.

Your code should work properly if you change the line 1480 (inside your function AddContextMenuOptionSoon):
Lua Code:
  1. local function AddContextMenuOptionSoon(inventorySlot)
  2. ...
  3.     if(ZO_PlayerInventoryBackpack:IsHidden() and ZO_PlayerBankBackpack:IsHidden() and ZO_GuildBankBackpack:IsHidden()) then return end
  4. ...

At the deconstruction panel the 3 inventories are not shown.
You need to enhance it for the deconstruction panel and other wanted panels.

Originally Posted by Elephant
Originally Posted by ForgottenLight
Please add context menu into deconstruction window in crafting station. It would be very helpful.
If I can ever work out how to hook the decon context menu I will. No joy so far
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Unread 12/04/16, 03:01 PM  
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Re: Feature requests or changes

Originally Posted by Baertram
Hey there,

got two more ideas:

If an item got no notes I'd love to see the "Show notes" context menu entry hidden.
Only show it if a note exists. And if no note exists just show the "Edit note" context menu entry.

And I got two more ideas about integration with other addons which I'll send you via PM, + updated translations.

Done for the next version and I've already replied to your PMs.
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