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Updated: 06/09/24 07:49 PM
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Gold Road (10.0.0)
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Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Updated:06/09/24 07:49 PM
Created:12/12/16 03:17 PM
Monthly downloads:995
Total downloads:24,061
FCO ChangeStuff  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 0.3.7
by: Baertram [More]
IMPORTANT CHANGE - Version 0.1.75
This addon depends on the following libraries:

FCO ChangeStuff

Simple tool to change a few UI related things.
You need to enable each setting in the LAM settings menu (Press ESC key inagme and choose "Addon settings" from the menu), otherwise they'll stay at their default value: disabled!

-Setting to show context menus (at small triangle, or gear/settings, buttons) at the "Mail send" panel. Provides last 10 used recipients/subjects/texts, favorites, and automatic load of last used upon next mail/open of the mail send panel
-Setting to hide your crown store points in the main menu
-Setting to hide the crown store button
-Setting to hide the crowns left
-Setting to hide the ESO plus member info in the main menu
-Setting to re-open the map again if you had the map opened while you are mounting
-Setting to show checkboxes at the map filter to enable all/disable all map filters
-Setting to "bounce the player icon" on the map upon opening it (works with Votans Minimap as well)
-Setting to hide the map's quest/zone helper (at the left)
-Setting to show the real champion points (> 561 currently) in your group list, guild rosters and friends list
-Setting to block training of the mount (speed, stamina or carry). If two of the 3 are maxed out the settings are disabled automatically.
-Setting to show an "AddOn" button in the main menu to directly open the addon settings panel
-Setting to show an "switch between light/medium armor" button in the clothing create crafting tab.
Click to switch between light/medium selected item type (e.g. light head->medium head) or SHIFT+click to slect the start of light/medium armor (the chest)
-Setting to remove the "new item" icon and animation in the inventories
-Setting to blacklist some chat messages according to keywords that you are able to specify (e.g. specify the word "wtt" and you'll never see the chat messages containing "wtt" anymore.
You're able to specify words, whole sentences or texts that should be searched for.
You're also able to specify if the messages should be filtered in whispers, groups and/or guilds too.
And you are able to actvate a setting to show who has posted a blocked text, containing a timestamp and the whole message + your specified keyword that was found in the message to analyze messages and build better keywords.
-Setting to show a warning message on screen if you are marked as offline and try to whisper to someone (no incoming whispers are available if you are offline!)
-Setting to mark skill lines as "not relevant"/"relevant again"
You are able to mark a skill line as "not relevant"/"relevant again". The entry will be grayed out and gets the status icon set to a red X if it's marked as not relevant. Right click the skill line to show the context menu.
-Setting to silence the "You are enlightened" sound
-Setting to hide the crown store advertisements upon login. Manually calling the advertisements from the mainmenu will work.
-Setting to make the battleground HUD movable and remember it's positon on the UI
-Setting to hide the chat's new notification animation
-Setting to mute the new notification sound
-Setting to mute several selectable sounds from a list (left = available sounds, right = muted/disabled ones)
-Setting to mute the game sound after mounting for x (choosable) milliseconds to suppress the loud mount sounds, like flames or crys
-Setting to auto-decline a ready check (will not be declined if in Cyrodiil/ImperialCity/Dungeons/Raids). This will stop the goofy ready checks that some farming group players start to annoy the others.
Also provides a keybind to toggle this setting.
-Settings to change the tooltips width and/or scale the text in the tooltips
-Settings for the new action slot timers backRow (currently not active weapon pair -> active skills timers):
--Move the backRow action slot timers up/down/left/right
--Show the time left in seconds in the center of the backRow texture
--> No other features planned so please do not ask for other fonts, sizes etc! Thank you
--Fixed ZOs stack number on active weapon bar: If no timer is active anymore the stack number will be hidden now
-Setting to show collectibe name & icon + known state at the collectibles tooltip of fragments (e.g. show if you currently already own the gryphon mount that the 3 fragments would provide you, and which can be morphed if you own the flying fire stone collectible)
-Setting to suppress the trading house cancel listing confirmation dialog
-Setting to show guild history navigation "First" and "Last" page buttons
Clicking the buttons will bring you to the first or last page of the currently selected guild history category.
Attention: Last page can only be determined if requested events of the history returned something properly.
If you use the "Get more" keybind to request new events and the request worked the history navigation will automatically advance to the last page for you so you can request the next events (if there are any) via the "Get more" keybind again (remember: only every 2 seconds!).
Tooltip of the last page button shows the currently last page number (could increase if you request more events via "Get more" keybind).

  • Show AddOns
  • Map: Player Ping-Pong effect
  • Settings: Compass quest givers
  • Sound: Mute/Restore audio SFX
  • Toggle auto-decline on/off (group electins)
  • Switch the active bank tab (deposit/withdraw)
  • Toggel settings "Do not attack innocents"
  • Toggle system menu/abort (ESC key behavior)

-Chat slash commands for:
  • Group leave
    • /gl
    • /ungroup
    • /leavegroup
  • Reload the User Interface (ReloadUI)
    • /rl
    • /rlui
    • /reload
  • Logout
    • /lo
  • Quit
    • /q

[*]Toggle system menu/abort
  • /esc

Settings can be saved account wide (default value) or for each character.

Simple and just for my needs. Maybe it helps someone else.
No other features planned.
Check the description of this addon for further details about needed dependencies please.

0.3.7 2024-06-10
-Updated API and dependencies versions
-Fixed guild history last/first page buttons to work again
-Fixed guild history last page button to consider the selected sub category (so it does not switch to page 6/3 where e.g. there are 3 pages bank deposit and 3 pages bank withdraw items)
-Added mail return bot to mail settings
Mail subject needs to be RE, RTS, RETURN, BOUNCE or RSVP (not case sensitive; but subject needs to "be" that, not only "contain" it) and attachments need to be added to the mail (player mails only).
Once the bot is enabled it will try to run as you open the mail inbox, and the chat will tell you if anything was send back automatically

0.3.6 2024-05-08
-Updated API
-Fixed whisper notification when invisible
-Fixed mail context menus to disable at recipient/subject/text if mail context menu buttons are disable
-Other small fixes

0.3.5 2024-03-31
-Fixed vertical scrollbar buttons at bank
-Fixed vertical scrollbar buttons at guild bank
-Fixed vertical scrollbar buttons at house bank
-Fixed vertical scrollbar buttons error if PerfectPixel is enabled

0.3.4 2024-03-28
-Added guild history navigation "First" and "Last" page -> Setting

Clicking the buttons will bring you to the first or last page of the currently selected guild history category.
Attention: Last page can only be determined if requested events of the history returned something properly.

If you use the "Get more" keybind to request new events and the request worked the history navigation will automatically advance to the last page for you so you can request the next events (if there are any) via the "Get more" keybind again (remember: only every 2 seconds!).
Tooltip of the last page button shows the currently last page number (could increase if you request more events via "Get more" keybind).

0.3.3 2024-03-24
-Fixed mail send favorites
-Fixed repeated hooks

0.3.2 2023-05-19
[Mail send panel]
-Fixed favorites auto-added after each send mail
-Fixed "last 10" lists not updating properly, not adding already used values, not truncating after 10 entries, and not inserting last send at the top (number 1.)

0.3.1 2023-05-19
[Mail send panel]
-Fixed mail recipients/subject/text favorites not properly removing if case sensitive text miss-matched
-Added new settings to show favorites context menu directly at the recipient/subject/text editfield (if thisfavorite is enabled)
-Added setting to group the favorites by alphabetical packages (A to E, F to J, ..., Others) to shorten the displayed context menu size/height
-Added support for MailBuddy: Import saved recipients and subjects via the FCOCS mail send panel settings menu button

0.3.0 2023-05-14
Fixed mail text auto load text from before current, if current sent text field was empty

0.2.9 2023-04-27
Added: Setting to show context menus (at small triangle, or gear/settings, buttons) at the "Mail send" panel. Provides last 10 used recipients/subjects/texts, favorites, and automatic load of last used upon next mail/open of the mail send panel

0.2.8 2023-04-05
-Fixed guild bank -> show character panel

0.2.7 2023-04-03
-Added keybind for ESC (toggle system menu, abort)
-Added slash command /esc (toggle system menu, abort)

0.2.6 2022-08-17
-Updated API
-Added option to suppress the "cancel trading house listing" dialog

0.2.5 2022-05-11
-Updated API
-Fixed quality improvement block

0.2.4 2022-01-12
-Added support for "No thank you". If you have this addon installed and enabled the "no player doll spin" and "nonstop-harvest" settigs of "No thank you" will be used, and the FCOChangeStuff settings of the same features will be disabled.

0.2.3 2022-01-11
-Added keybind to toggle the "Do not attack innocents" gameplay settings
-Added setting to allow continue in-world interactions like harvesting, as you open the menu/inventory. This will also stop the player doll spinning towards you if you open the inventory, once enabled.

0.2.2 2021-12-23 Merry christmas!
-Updated dependecy versions
-Added setting: Show collectibe name & icon + known state at the collectibles tooltip of fragments (e.g. show if you currently already own the gryphon mount that the 3 fragments would provide you, and which can be morphed if you own the flying fire stone collectible)

0.2.1 2021-11-17
-Updated API
-Added the new inventory filter category "glowing" to the "hide new item animation" settings

0.2.00 2021-10-20
-Updated API
-Removed dependency to LibLoadedAddons

Fixed "disabled sounds" bug which prevented the automatic disabling of sounds, w/o having to open the settings menu

Removed debug message left over if new settings were changed

-Updated API
-Added settings for the new action slot timers backRow (currently not active weapon pair -> active skills timers):
--Move the backRow action slot timers up/down/left/right
--Show the time left in seconds in the center of the backRow texture
--> No other features planned so please do not ask for other fonts, sizes etc! Thank you
-Fixed ZOs stack number on active weapon bar: If no timer is active anymore the stack number will be hidden now

-Updated API
-Added on request: Keybind to switch the active bank tab (deposit/withdraw)
Works for bank, guild bank (as long as no guild selection dialog is opened), and house bank

Added on request: Setting to position the cursor automatically into the lootwindow's 1st row if you loot something. Will only work if auto loot all is disabled!

Added settings to change the tooltips width and/or scale the text in the tooltips

Added: Setting to auto-decline a started group ready check. This is not declining if you are inside a dungeon/cyrodiil/IC or a raid. A keybind was added to toggle this setting.
Changed: LibAddonMenu-2.0 r32 needed, so please update! Custom control for LibShifterbox's "disabled sounds" will be created with new LAm possibilities now.
-Updated API and dependency versions

Added keybind to mute and restore (2nd press) the audio sfx volume.
This is a small helper for the "loud dragon sounds" in the trials. Muting and restoring the sfx volume seems to fix this problem temporarily until the next dragon shouts...

-Changed sound mute on mount to lower only the SFX volume not the total game volume
-You can choose via slider to what value the SFX sound should be lowered. To 0 is standard.

-Added setting to mute the game sound after mounting for x milliseconds (chosablke via a slider from 0 to 10 seconds) to supress these cries and flame and whatever mount related sounds

-Thie addon now needs LibShifterBox in addition!
-Updated API version
-Fixed MainMenu settings button added multiple times
-Added settings to disable chosen sounds. Scroll down to the bottom of the settings to see the list of sounds at the left. Move per drag&drop or click and use the > and < buttons to move the sounds from the left (avilable) to the right (disabled) sounds, or back.
Clicking the sound entries will play the sound. Not all soundss really play a sound so do not wonder if "nothing happens" upon clicking the entries!

-Added setting to show the equipped item + comparison panel at the bank deposit & withdraw
-Added setting to show the equipped item + comparison panel at the guild bank deposit & withdraw

-Updated API version
-Fixed chat message blacklist
-New option: Block improvement depending on the quality of the item.
e.g. set to quality purple and if you try to improve to qualities purple or higher it will disallow this and show a error message at the top right screen edge + chat.
-Added option to allow improvement if you hold the SHIFT key down, even if the block improvement setting is enabled

-Updated APIversion
-Removed FastAPI support
-Added settings for chat notification: Hide animation and remove new notification sound

-Updated APIversion
-Updated library calls to support global variables instead of LibStub

Fixed: Zone story hide settings will work without BeamMeUp and/or PerfectPixel addons too now.
Added: Setting to allow the BeamMeUp addon to show the zone guide per toggle again

Fixed: Backdrop of PerfectPixel addon (normally shown behind the zone story at the map) properly hidden now if zone story is hidden, and addon BeamMeup + PerfectPixel are enabled.

-Added option at "Map": Hide zone story
This will hide the zone story + background at the map. Should be compatible with addons like BeamMeUp and PerfectPixel
-Added option: Show warning if flagged offline and whispering to others
-> This will help you to see you are "still" offline as you won't be able to get answers per incoming whisper message.

-Added option: Show warnign on screen if you write a whsiper message but your current status is "offline".
Press "O" to change your status then in order to get incoming whisper messages. If you are offline noone will be able to write you whisper messages!
-Added option (on request): Keybind to toggle the settings for "quest givers on compass".
Enable the setting in the addon + define a keybind in controls

Raised API
Fixed: Wrong uploaded file contents

Fixed: API version depending crafting changes for PTS 100026

Fixed: If addon "Perfect Pixel" is loaded the map'S filter "enable/disable all" buttons will be shown again now
Fixed: Link to website in LAM menu was fixed from FCOLockpicker to FCOChangeStuff

Fixed: Player pin on map "PingPong effect" works without enabling setting "Remount on map open"

-PingPong size effect on map open for the player pin -> To easily find your position
-Keybind to use this PingPong effect as well
->Works on "Votans Minimap" too.

Removed libraries and fixed stuff.

-Updated API
-Updated libraries
-Added setting to hide the ugly "Not sellable item" icons in the inventories
-Fixed right click context menu + saved disabled/enabled state of the skillines at skill window

Hopefully final fix for the crown advertisements popup

Fixed: After enabling the "Hide crown advertisements popuP" settings the next login disabled the game main menu.

-Updated API to Summerset
-Updated libraries
-Setting to silence the "You are enlightened" sound
-Setting to hide the crown store advertisements upon login. Manually calling the advertisements from the mainmenu will work.

-Setting to put improvement to a 100% chance as it was added to the base game with Summerset

-Updated libraries
-Added option: Show "Enable/disable all filter" at the worldmap filters.
Should work with Summerset update.

Added option to enable a context menu at the skill type headers.
You are able to mark a skill line as "not relevant"/"relevant again". The entry will be grayed out and gets the status icon set to a red X if it's marked as not relevant.

ReAdded the chat blacklist and hopefully fixed the client crashs that happend after a zone change/wayshrine travel.

Had to remove chat blacklist as it seems to freeze the client somehow. It might depend on other addons but as long as this happens I have to remove the functionality again and test where the freezes come from.

-Added chat blacklist upon request:
-Added "do not show new item icon and animation in inventories" upon request:

Fixed: The button to switch between light/medium armor now only shows at teh clothier crafting station

Added: Setting to automatically set your improvement chance to 100% at the crafting stations

Added: A button was added at the clothing crafting station to switch directly to the medium/light armor parts.
If you click the button the list will autoscroll to the same item type that you have currentl selected (e.g. light head->medium head).
You can click the button with the SHIFT key pressed to directly select the start of light/medium armor (the chests).

A setting is given to enable/disable this button (Standard: Enabled)

Fixed slash command for "Leave group" -> Thx to manavortex!

Added chat slash commands for
logout: /lo
and quit: /q

You need to set the settings new as I needed to change some major way of saving them, sorry.

Fixed: Stable settings are now not blockable if you already trained the speed, carry, stamina settings to the max and all stable settings are disabled if 2 of them are already maxed out.
Fixed: Crown store points, state and crates icon are hidden correctly again
Added: Settings to hide the crown store icon (including the seperator line in the main menu if all icons of the crown store and crates are hidden)
Added: Settings to show a main menu entry "AddOns" (including keybind) to directly show the addon settings of all addons
Added: Chat slash commands.
Leave group: /lg or /ungroup or /leavegroup
Reload the UI: /rl or /rlui or /reload

-Added option:
Hide the feed buttons (speed, stamina, carry) at the stable. You can choose which button to hide so you do not accidantly click on another button if you try to level up only one specific type

-Api raise to Clockwork city
-Fixed player saved settings and default settings reset
-Fixed map reopening after mount

-Api raise to Homestead
-Updated library LAM

Updated the map scene for the gamepad mode so the map should be reopened again too, if the map was opened upon mounting in gamepad mode.
-> In gamepad mode: If you are not able to mount during the map is opened this addon won't and cannot change this restriction!
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Unread 02/21/18, 04:14 PM  
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Heya, love this addon, but I'm getting the same crashes, as far as I can tell it's happenning after using a wayshrine
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Unread 02/21/18, 05:50 PM  
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Yeah my wife and I are getting them too and this addon is the only change we've made. We are getting them while talking with an NPC during a Fighters Guild quest.

This shouldn't be related to the Inventory Change right?
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Unread 02/22/18, 05:18 AM  
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I think I found the problem and fixed it. Tell me if everyhting works as expected now.
You need to reloadui if you change the chat blacklist on/off. If you change the settings there is a reload button appearing directly, so just press it in order to enable/disable the chat blacklist! Disabling it speeds up the total checks if not needed.

Originally Posted by joshmiller83
Yeah my wife and I are getting them too and this addon is the only change we've made. We are getting them while talking with an NPC during a Fighters Guild quest.

This shouldn't be related to the Inventory Change right?
No seems to be related to the chat changes. If I remove them from the code everything works fine.
I'm going to release a new verison soon to remove the chat blacklist again and test where it's coming from.

Could you maybe all test if this happens too if you ONLY use FCOChangeStuff? I'm somehow sure this relates to the usage together with other chat addons.

Released new version where the chat blacklist got removed again. Sorry but I'm working on it to find out why the client freezes and if possible I'll bring the functionality back into the addon guys.
Had to remove chat blacklist as it seems to freeze the client somehow. It might depend on other addons but as long as this happens I have to remove the functionality again and test where the freezes come from.
Last edited by Baertram : 02/22/18 at 08:25 AM.
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Unread 02/22/18, 01:03 PM  
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Yeah I've had the freeze too once after travelling to a wayshrine. Happened after I removed everything (and left it empty) from the box where you put the filtered strings. (before today's update)
Last edited by HowellQagan : 02/22/18 at 01:03 PM.
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Unread 03/05/18, 09:34 PM  
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Question Is it possible to hide the New (!) in the Crown Store?

Is it possible to hide the New (!) in the Crown Store as well?
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Unread 03/06/18, 05:06 AM  
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Re: Is it possible to hide the New (!) in the Crown Store?

Nope sorry. Noa ccess for addons to the crown store or crown stuff.
And this is good as it is as otherwise I could think of many many harming addons which hide total categories or change crown prices shown to lower than they actually are

Originally Posted by joshmiller83
Is it possible to hide the New (!) in the Crown Store as well?
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Unread 05/29/18, 10:52 AM  
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FCO No Enlightened Sound?

Have you given any thought to sucking FCO No Enlightened Sound into this one? I tried it yesterday and it didn't seem functional with the current release. I too have grown weary of that noise.
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Unread 05/29/18, 10:31 PM  
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The "Show info in chat" option under Chat settings doesn't seem to structure those messages as system messages; they get posted to every chat tab regardless whether "System" is checked for that tab or not. I think it was pChat that added "System" as a tab setting? Is this a limitation of the chat system? It's not restricted to just this; other such addon messages are sent to every tab as well. I thought I had taken steps that could restrict them to just one designated tab, but no such luck.
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Unread 06/01/18, 03:22 AM  
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Re: FCO No Enlightened Sound?

Originally Posted by VulcanTourist
Have you given any thought to sucking FCO No Enlightened Sound into this one? I tried it yesterday and it didn't seem functional with the current release. I too have grown weary of that noise.
You can use NoThankYou to stop the sound appear. NoThankYou is providing some of the same features like FCOChangeStuff and "was there before" I'm combining the two to get the annoying stuff "fixed".
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Unread 06/01/18, 04:08 AM  
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Originally Posted by VulcanTourist
The "Show info in chat" option under Chat settings doesn't seem to structure those messages as system messages; they get posted to every chat tab regardless whether "System" is checked for that tab or not. I think it was pChat that added "System" as a tab setting? Is this a limitation of the chat system? It's not restricted to just this; other such addon messages are sent to every tab as well. I thought I had taken steps that could restrict them to just one designated tab, but no such luck.
It simply uses the output of the d() debug message which will print the info to the current active chat tab.
The tooltip tetx maybe misleading here then.
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Unread 06/01/18, 09:09 AM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
Originally Posted by VulcanTourist
The "Show info in chat" option under Chat settings doesn't seem to structure those messages as system messages; they get posted to every chat tab regardless whether "System" is checked for that tab or not. I think it was pChat that added "System" as a tab setting? Is this a limitation of the chat system? It's not restricted to just this; other such addon messages are sent to every tab as well. I thought I had taken steps that could restrict them to just one designated tab, but no such luck.
It simply uses the output of the d() debug message which will print the info to the current active chat tab.
The tooltip tetx maybe misleading here then.
That isn't what's happening: all the chat insertions by all mods are mirrored to ALL chat tabs at the same time, regardless whether they were focused at the time or not (they can't all be focused), in spite of only one tab (System) having the System type checked. Apparently output from mods isn't considered a "System" type?

I disabled TOM prior to this: it seemed like it and ChangeStuff were competing to hook certain chat events, preventing some of ChangeStuff's features from working, like the tab refocusing. I might have been wrong and just not understood what to expect and how. I have a lot more tinkering to do. I'd like to keep TOM just for the extended history if nothing else. Yesterday I also discovered that a fundamental misunderstanding of the chat tab options was preventing my Whispers tab from working: I didn't realize that "Tells" are actually whispers! Stupid inconsistent terminology....
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Unread 06/01/18, 01:33 PM  
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@FCONoEnlightenedSound: I'm going to include it to FCOChangeStuff.

@Blacklist messages in chat:
I don't get it sorry. Tells are whsipers? Not within my game client. They get it's own chat options and thus it's own chat channels where they are send. And this is not the whisper channel.

And about the messages:
FCOChangeStuff is just blacklisting some chat messages. If you enable the setting to show the backlisted messges in the chat it will simply show them with another info tetx in front of it.
I'm using the normal d() debug message was posted before:
Lua Code:
  1. d(zo_strformat("<<1>>: [FCOCS]Blacklisted \"<<2>>\" in message \"<<3>>\", posted by \"<<4>>\" in channel \"<<5>>\"", postingTime, keyWordFound, msgText, fromNameFormatted, chatChannelText))

This debug messages outputs to the system chat channel as standard, correct. It's not writing to any other chat channel. Forgive my false answer from before I thought it will write to the active chat tab which was wrong.

I've tested the following:
5 chat tabs in total.
Many addons active including pChat.

1st chat tab: System activate
All others: No system activated.
d() message get's posted on chat tab: 1

1st chat tab: System activate
3rd chat tab: System activated
All others: No system activated.
d() message get's posted on chat tab: 1 + 3


5 chat tabs in total.
All addons disabled except FCOChangeStuff
System chat option is missing (as pChat addon is adding it).

d() message get's posted on chat tab: 1

There is no system message to change this in the chat tab options. It always seems to be chat tab 1.

So I'm not sure if I understand you correctly but it works as intended.

Originally Posted by VulcanTourist
Originally Posted by Baertram
Originally Posted by VulcanTourist
The "Show info in chat" option under Chat settings doesn't seem to structure those messages as system messages; they get posted to every chat tab regardless whether "System" is checked for that tab or not. I think it was pChat that added "System" as a tab setting? Is this a limitation of the chat system? It's not restricted to just this; other such addon messages are sent to every tab as well. I thought I had taken steps that could restrict them to just one designated tab, but no such luck.
It simply uses the output of the d() debug message which will print the info to the current active chat tab.
The tooltip tetx maybe misleading here then.
That isn't what's happening: all the chat insertions by all mods are mirrored to ALL chat tabs at the same time, regardless whether they were focused at the time or not (they can't all be focused), in spite of only one tab (System) having the System type checked. Apparently output from mods isn't considered a "System" type?

I disabled TOM prior to this: it seemed like it and ChangeStuff were competing to hook certain chat events, preventing some of ChangeStuff's features from working, like the tab refocusing. I might have been wrong and just not understood what to expect and how. I have a lot more tinkering to do. I'd like to keep TOM just for the extended history if nothing else. Yesterday I also discovered that a fundamental misunderstanding of the chat tab options was preventing my Whispers tab from working: I didn't realize that "Tells" are actually whispers! Stupid inconsistent terminology....
Last edited by Baertram : 06/01/18 at 01:47 PM.
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Unread 06/02/18, 02:23 AM  
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I'm not drunk and not making this stuff up just to be a PITA! I'll post screenshots when I can. Of course I have no idea yet what is causing it, but there is no "Whispers" checkbox in any chat tab's options and the "Tell" checkbox is what affects them for me: the tab that has it enabled is the one that receives whispers. I have also repeatedly confirmed that all addon chat output is being directed to every single chat tab simultaneously, including the blacklisting messages from ChangeStuff. I've had days of intermittent network outages due to hardware failures and other things combined, otherwise I might have gotten to the bottom of it already; I've scarcely been able to play the game.

Curse of the mod gourmand, in any case....
Last edited by VulcanTourist : 06/02/18 at 02:28 AM.
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Unread 06/02/18, 06:46 AM  
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Haha yeah @curse
I just switched to the english client language to be sure we are not talking about different chat options within the chattab channels.
/script SetCVar("language.2", "en")

And you are right the "tell" option is the "whsiper" option in the German client. Didn't know of that difference in the naming

But I'm still not able to reproduce the chat messages on all chat tabs simultaneously. This must be some other addon allowing/doing this then?

Originally Posted by VulcanTourist
I'm not drunk and not making this stuff up just to be a PITA! I'll post screenshots when I can. Of course I have no idea yet what is causing it, but there is no "Whispers" checkbox in any chat tab's options and the "Tell" checkbox is what affects them for me: the tab that has it enabled is the one that receives whispers. I have also repeatedly confirmed that all addon chat output is being directed to every single chat tab simultaneously, including the blacklisting messages from ChangeStuff. I've had days of intermittent network outages due to hardware failures and other things combined, otherwise I might have gotten to the bottom of it already; I've scarcely been able to play the game.

Curse of the mod gourmand, in any case....
Last edited by Baertram : 06/02/18 at 06:48 AM.
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Unread 06/03/18, 09:19 PM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
And you are right the "tell" option is the "whsiper" option in the German client. Didn't know of that difference in the naming

But I'm still not able to reproduce the chat messages on all chat tabs simultaneously. This must be some other addon allowing/doing this then?
I expect that it is, and I will get to the bottom of it soon enough, but right now I just wanna play and immerse, after days of network outages that prevented it.
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