(127 Kb)
Updated: 09/05/20 07:06 AM
File Info
Stonethorn (6.1.5)
Greymoor (6.0.5)
Updated:09/05/20 07:06 AM
Created:12/30/16 10:11 AM
Monthly downloads:136
Total downloads:23,457
Categories:Bags, Bank, Inventory, Auction House & Vendors, Character Advancement, Chat Mods, Graphic UI Mods
SwissArmyKnife  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 5.7.2
by: homeopatix [More]
== language ==


== Description ==

This is a kind of little swiss army knife addon

I was boring of opening my bag every 10 min to find out how many DeadricEmbers i had, so i decided to write this little addon
- But now the addon is doing much more than only that

1 - It display a board on top right of your screen that display, The deadricEmbers that you have (inventory + bank), you can move it if you want, it's draggable, you can hide it too (when you have 60 of them text turn green and key becomes red)
- You can switch the display to potions, display lockpicks and soulgem
- You can switch the display Writ Crafting while doiing it
- You can switch the display Combat Potions
- Keybinding to change the display
2 - Deposite automatically your money and Tel Var stones when you open your bank (to be sure to not walk around with your pockets full)
- You can set how much you will keep on you
3 - Display the durability/charge and the quality of Armor and Weapon
- You can set the threshold of the durability of armor
- You can set the threshold of the charge of weapon
- When armor or weapon are broken, change the color of the border in red
- Display the repair's cost of the armor

4 - Show An Icon if you are Vampire or werewolf
- Display your vampire level
- Display if bite is available
5 - Show An Icon of your class, your race and your pvp rank
- Display your pvp rank level

6 - Display All the money and the Tel Var stones you have in bag and bank

7 - Display the current XP and the Needed XP for the next level, and your current champions lvl
- The xp bar has your current champions lvl color
- Display the enlightement pool in top of the xp bar
8 - Slash - Command to send PreSaved message to group, friends or Guild
- Ex.. /kh = Say Hello to group
- Ex.. /kh Hola = Save new text and Say Hola to group
- Ex.. /kg1 = Say Hello everyones to guild1
- Ex.. /kg1 Cheers mate = Save new text and Say Cheers mate to guild 1
9 - Display your total time played, the time played for the session, and the gold you make per hour
- You can change the display from gold to TelVar Stone or Alliance Points
10 - Fast travel to main House 100% free and cost of the next fast travel from house
- Keybindings for fast travel to main house
11 - Display your bounty when guards are looking for you
- Display the cost, the time left, the bounty, the heat, the number of stolen items, the number you can still sell and the value of the stolen items
12 - Display bag and bank max size and place left
- change the color when bag near full
13 - Display If mount training is available
- Display the time left while training
- Display le level of each stat of the mount training
14 - Auto sell the junk and auto place it in junk when looting
- Keybinding to set junk quickly
15 - Auto repair Armors and auto reload weapons
- You can switch it off or on
16 - Keybindings to switch helmet off or on

17 - Display the loot in chat
- You can switch it off or on
18 - Slashes command to set up you own parameters
- ex.. /kshow To set hidden or not, by default it shows up only in Imperial City
- ex.. /kall To set a display in the chat every time you loot a deadricCembers
- ex.. /kgl To leave a group
19 - Display a little window that help you doing the Writ Crafting daily quest
- It can display an Alert when garde a looking for you
- It can display a timer when looking for group
20 - Send in game gold for me
- You can send me comment or money direct from the options menu
== Slash command ==

/khelp : display help
/klanghelp : display help for language
/khide : hide the panel
/kshow : show the panel
/kall : display all the looted cembers in the chat
/knone : display nothing in the chat ( default)
/ksetgold : define how much gold you will kept on you
/ksetstones : define how much Tel Var stone you will kept on you
/kfs : Show the setting panel
/kgl : Leave group
/krep : Define the repair Threshold
/krepa : Define the charge Threshold
/kreset : Reset the gold per hour timer
/kj : fast travel to main house
/kjunk : Display the junk you have and the value of it

== Description ==

C'est une sorte de petit couteau suisse

J'étais ennuyé d'ouvrir mon sac toutes les 10 minutes pour savoir combien de DeadricEmbers j'avais, alors j'ai décidé d'écrire ce petit addon
- Mais maintenant l'addon fait beaucoup plus que seulement cela

1 - Il s'affiche en haut à droite de votre écran et affiche les deadricEmbers que vous avez (inventaire + banque), vous pouvez la déplacer si vous voulez, il est déplaçable, vous pouvez la cacher aussi (quand vous avez 60 fraguements le texte devient vert et la Clef devient rouge)
- Vous pouvez changer l'affichage en potions ou Crochet et Soulgem
- Vous pouvez changer l'affichage avec Le craft quotidien
- Vous pouvez changer l'affichage en potions de combat
- Raccourcis pour changer l'affichage
2 - Déposez automatiquement votre argent et les pierres de TelVar lorsque vous ouvrez votre banque (pour être sûr de ne pas marcher avec vos poches pleines)
- Vous pouvez définir combien vous garderez sur vous
3 - Afficher la durabilité / charge et la qualité de l'armure et de l'arme
- Vous pouvez définir le seuil de la durabilité de l'armure
- Vous pouvez définir le seuil de la charge de l'arme
- Lorsque l'armure ou l'arme sont cassées, change la couleur de la bordure en rouge
- Afficher le coût de la réparation de l'armure

4 - Afficher une icône si vous êtes un vampire ou un loup-garou
- Afficher votre niveau de vampire
- Affiche si la morsure est disponible
5 - Afficher une icône de votre classe, votre race et votre rang PVP
- Afficher votre niveau de rang pvp

6 - Afficher Tout l'argent , les pierres de TelVar et les Points d'Alliance que vous avez dans le sac et la banque

7 - Affiche le niveau d'XP actuel et l' XP nécessaire pour le prochain niveau, et le niveau de champion
- La bar d'XP a la couleur de votre niveau de champion
- Affiche une petite bar pour l'illumination au sommet de la barre d'xp
8 - Slash - Commande pour envoyer un message Pre-écrit au groupe, aux amis ou à la guilde
- Ex.. /kh = Dites bonjour au groupe
- Ex.. /kh Hola = Enregistrer le nouveau texte et dire Hola au groupe
- Ex.. /kg1 = Dites bonjour à tous à la guild 1
- Ex.. /kg1 Cheers mate = Enregistrer le nouveau texte et Say Cheers mate à la guilde 1
9 - Affiche le temps total que tu as joué, le temps joué pour la session et l'or que tu fais par heure
- Vous pouvez changer l'affichage de l'or à TelVar Stone ou Alliance Points
10 - Voyage rapide à la maison principale 100% gratuit et le coût du prochain voyage rapide
- Raccourcis pour le voyage rapide à la maison principale
11 - Affichez votre prime lorsque les gardes vous cherchent
- Afficher le coût, le temps restant, la prime, le niveau de recherche, le nombre d'objets volés, le nombre que vous pouvez encore vendre et la valeur des objets volés
12 - Affiche la taille et la place libre du sac et de la banque
- Change la couleur quand le sac est presque plein
13 - Affiche si l'entrainement de la monture est disponible
- Affiche le temps restant de l'entrainement
- Affiche les categories avec leurs stats pour l'entrainement de la monture
14 - Vente auto du junk et deplacement auto quand on loot
- Raccourcis clavier pour definir le junk
15 - Réparation automatique des armures et recharge automatique des armes
- Vous pouvez l'activer ou le desactiver dans le settings
16 - Raccourcis pour afficher le casque ou le cacher

17 - Affichage du loot dans le chat
- Vous pouvez l'activer ou le desactiver dans le settings
18 - Commande Slashes pour configurer vos propres paramètres
- ex.. /kshow Pour définir masqué ou non, par défaut, il apparaît uniquement dans la ville impériale
- ex.. /kall Pour définir un affichage dans le chat chaque fois que vous récupérez un deadricCembers
- ex.. /kgl Pour quitter un groupe
19 - Affiche une petite fenêtre qui vous aide à faire les quetes de craft journaliere
- peux afficher une alerte quend les gardes vous recherche
- peux afficher le timer quand en recherche de groupe
20 - Envoyer moi de l'or en jeu
- Vous pouvez m'envoyer un commentaire ou des gold directement depuis le menu des options
== Slash command ==

/khelp : Affiche l'aide
/klanghelp : Affiche l'aide pour le texte auto
/khide : Cache l'addon
/kshow : Montre l'addon
/kall : Affiche tous les fraguement ramassé dans le chat
/knone : N'affiche rien dans le chat (par default)
/ksetgold : Défini combien de gold tu garde sur toi
/ksetstones : Défini combien de pierre de TelVar tu garde sur toi
/kfs : Montre le panneau du menu
/kgl : Quitter un groupe
/krep : Défini le seuil de réparation
/krepa : Défini le seuil de charge
/kreset : Remise à zero de la stat, argent par heure gagné
/kj : Voyage rapide a la maison principale
/kjunk : Affiche le junk que vous avez et sa valeur de revente

== Beschreibung ==

Es ist eine Art kleines Schweizer Taschenmesser

Ich musste meine Tasche alle 10 Minuten öffnen, um herauszufinden, wie viele DeadricEmbers ich hatte, also entschied ich mich, dieses kleine Addon zu schreiben
- Aber jetzt macht das Addon viel mehr als nur das

1 - Es erscheint oben rechts auf deinem Bildschirm und zeigt dir die DeadricEmbers an (Inventar + Bank), du kannst sie verschieben, wenn du willst, es ist beweglich, du kannst es auch verstecken (wenn du 60 Fragmente hast, wird der Text grün und der Schlüssel wird rot)
- Du kannst die Anzeige für Zaubertränke oder Hook und Soulgem
- Sie können die Anzeige "Schreib-Crafting" wechseln, während Sie es tun
- Du kannst die Anzeige für Tränke des Kampfes
- Tastenkürzel um zur Anzeige zu wechseln
2 - Legen Sie Ihr Geld und Ihre TelVar Steine automatisch auf, wenn Sie Ihre Bank öffnen (um sicher zu sein, dass Sie nicht mit vollen Taschen gehen)
- Sie können definieren, wie viel Sie selbst behalten werden
3 - Haltbarkeit / Beladung und Qualität von Rüstung und Waffe anzeigen
- Sie können die Schwelle der Haltbarkeit der Rüstung einstellen
- Du kannst die Schwelle der Waffenladung einstellen
- Wenn die Rüstung oder Waffe gebrochen ist, ändern Sie die Farbe der Grenze zu rot
- Sehen Sie sich die Kosten der Rüstungsreparatur an

4 - Zeige ein Symbol, wenn du ein Vampir oder ein Werwolf bist
- Zeige deine Vampirstufe
- Anzeige, ob Biss verfügbar ist
5 - Zeigen Sie ein Symbol Ihrer Klasse, Ihres Rennens und Ihres Ranges an PVP
- Zeige deine Rangstufe PvP

6 - View All das Geld, TelVar Stones und Alliance Points hast du in der Tasche und Bank

7 - Zeigt den aktuellen XP-Level und den XP-Wert für den nächsten Level an und der Champion-Level
- Die XP-Leiste hat die Farbe deines Champion-Levels
- Zeigen Sie den Enlightement-Pool oben in der xp-Leiste an
8 - Slash - Bestellung, um eine Nachricht zu senden Der Gruppe, den Freunden oder der Gilde vorab geschrieben
- Ex.. /kh = Sag hallo zur Gruppe
- Ex.. /kh Hola = Speichere den neuen Text und sage Hola zur Gruppe
- Ex.. /kg1 = Hallo an alle in der Gilde 1
- Ex.. /kg1 Cheers mate = Speichere den neuen Text und Say Cheers mate an die Gilde 1
9 - Zeigt die Gesamtzeit an, die Sie gespielt haben, die Zeit für die Sitzung und das Gold, das Sie pro Stunde machen
- Sie können die Goldanzeige auf TelVar Stone oder Alliance Points
10 - Kurze Fahrt zum Haupthaus 100% frei und die Kosten für den nächsten Kurztrip
- Abkürzungen für einen schnellen Ausflug ins Haupthaus
11 - Zeigen Sie Ihren Bonus, wenn die Wachen nach Ihnen suchen
- Betrachten Sie die Kosten, die verbleibende Zeit, die Prämie, die Suchebene, die Anzahl der gestohlenen Artikel, die Anzahl, die Sie noch verkaufen können, und den Wert der gestohlenen Artikel.
12 - Zeigt die Größe und den freien Speicherplatz der Tasche und der Bank an
- Ändern Sie die Farbe, wenn die Tasche fast voll ist
13 - Anzeige Wenn das Training verfügbar ist
- Anzeige der verbleibenden Zeit während des Trainings
- Anzeigedes Levels jedes Stats des Mount-Trainings
14 - Auto verkaufen den Müll und Auto-Platz in Müll, wenn Plünderungen
- Tastenkürzel, um Junk schnell zu setzen
15 - Automatische Rüstungsreparatur und automatische Waffennachfüllung
- Sie können es in den Einstellungen aktivieren oder deaktivieren
16 - Tastenanschläge um den Helm aus- oder einzuschalten

17 - Zeige die Beute im Chat an
- Sie können es in den Einstellungen aktivieren oder deaktivieren
18 - Schrägstriche Befehl, um Ihre eigenen Einstellungen zu konfigurieren
- ex.. /kshow Um versteckt oder nicht, standardmäßig erscheint es nur in der Kaiserstadt
- ex.. /kall So stellen Sie eine Anzeige im Chat ein, wenn Sie DeadricCembers erhalten
- ex.. /kgl Fur Gruppe verlassen
19 - Zeigen Sie ein kleines Fenster an, das Ihnen bei der täglichen Aufgabenstellung der Schriftherstellung hilft
- Es kann eine Warnung anzeigen, wenn Garde nach Ihnen sucht
- Es kann den Timer anzeigen, wenn nach einer Gruppe gesucht wird
20 - Schick mir Gold im Spiel
- Sie können mir einen Kommentar oder Gold direkt aus dem Optionsmenü senden
== Slash command ==

/khelp : Zeigt Hilfe an
/klanghelp : Zeigt Hilfe für automatischen Text an
/khide : Das Addon ausblenden
/kshow : Zeige das Addon
/kall : Zeigt alle in der Katze aufgenommenen Fragmente
/knone : Nichts im Chat anzeigen (standardmäßig)
/ksetgold : Definieren Sie, wie viel Gold Sie selbst behalten
/ksetstones : Definiere, wie viel Stein von TelVar du bei dir behältst
/kfs : Zeigen Sie das Menüfeld an
/kgl : Eine Gruppe verlassen
/krep : Stellen Sie die Reparaturschwelle ein
/krepa : Stellen Sie die Lastschwelle ein
/kreset : Setzen Sie den Wert zurück, das verdiente Geld pro Stunde
/kj : Kurzer Ausflug zum Haupthaus
/kjunk : Zeigen Sie den Müll, den Sie haben, und den Wert davon an

== Thanks ==

special thanks to lepemetus for is code to save auto money and Tel Var stones to the bank in this little addon Automatic Bank Savings

special thanks to Scootworks for is work on the extended addon of lepemetus, that is Automatic bank saving extended

special thanks to quantinlamamy He give me the idea of writing this little addon with his addon Imperial City Tracker

== Contact ==

if you want to contact me, to leave a msg, to reporte bugs or even to send me some in game gold do not hesitate to contact me here or online @homeopatix on EU server, you can use the donations buttons in the settings of the addon too
Version 5.7.2
- Added options to desactivate the auto bank deposit for each currency

Version 5.7.1
- Added an option to desactivate the auto bank deposit
- Added the necromancer

- make it ready for Summerset

- Corrected a bug in the german language file i
- Corrected a bug that was not displaying correctly the combat potions from the settings menu

- Corrected a bug that was not displaying the window helper when crafting

- Corrected a little bug in the German lang file

Version 5.6.3
- You can display the time waiting for group in the little window helper

- Corrected a little bug in the english version

Version 5.6.2
- Added a little icon for unread/read mail
- Corrected a little display bug when setting an item to junk

Version 5.6.1
- Add an option to display or hide the little window helper for writ crafting
- Add an option to display the bounty in the little window helper
- Corrected a display bug in the window helper

Version 5.6.0
- Added a little windows helper for Writ Crafting
- Corrected a few bugs

- The lootDisplayer only shows your loot anymore

Version 5.5.9
- Corrected a little display bug while in Imperial City
- Cleaning some code and improving it (We can always do it ;))

Version 5.5.8
- Minor bugs fix

Version 5.5.7
- Set the max money to keep on you to 100 000 gold

Version 5.5.6
- Updated for Dragon bornes

Version 5.5.5
- Corrected some display bugs in the settings menu
- Cleaning some code and improving it (We can always do it ;))

Version 5.5.4
- Corrected a text bug in the EN and DE version
- Added a new band to help while Stealing

Version 5.5.3
- Corrected a bug with the junk value in bags
- Added an options to display the loot in chat

Version 5.5.2
- Added a keybinding to switch off or on helmet
- And corrected some display bugs...

Version 5.5.1
- Corrected a little display bug in the thief addon

Version 5.5.0
- Added an Auto repair at vendor
- Added an auto reload for weapon with treshold
- Corrected a little bug in the initialization menu at start

Version 5.4.3
- Added the WritVoucher in the Bank Addon part
- Corrected a display bug in auto set Junk
- Added a new Band to display Combat potions

Version 5.4.2
- Added a display option for the auto set Junk
- Corrected a display bug in the auto set junk

Version 5.4.1
- Corrected a little display bug in the setting menu

Version 5.4.0
- Rewrote the whole band display
- You can now choose what you want to display
- Added a Keybinding to switch the band display

Version 5.3.1
- Added a keyBinding to Lock Item
- Corrected a little text bug in the EN and DE version
- Added an options to verbose in chat for Junk and Lock item

Version 5.3.0
- Added a Writ Crafting part (Work in progress)
- You can Activated it from the display settings menu

Version 5.2.1
- Added a keyBinding to set Junk

Version 5.2.0
- Set auto junk when looting items
- Auto sell Junk
- You can desactivate it from the setting menu

Version 5.1.8
- Corrected some bugs

Version 5.1.7
- Cleaning some code and improving it (We can always do it ;))

Version 5.1.6
- Display the Crystal transmute you have

Version 5.1.5
- Cleaning some code and improving it (We can always do it ;))

Version 5.1.4
- Rewrote the whole settings menu
- Add more display options in the settings menu

Version 5.1.3
- Add more display options in the settings menu
- Rewrote the armor and weapon addon

Version 5.1.2
- Added a little bar for the enlightening pool
- Added the level of the training for the mount

Version 5.1.1
- Corrected a little display bug in the thief add-on

Version 5.1.0
- Added a little orange B on the vampire/werewolf icon if bite is available
- Added in the initialization menu, the time before bite is available

Version 5.0.9
- Corrected alittle bug in the english version

Version 5.0.8
- Corrected some bug, because of the Clockwork city addon

Version 5.0.7
- Corrected a little bug

Version 5.0.6
- Add a timer for the horse training, you can hide it from the settings

Version 5.0.5
- Add a new button to send me comment
- Corrected a little display bug

Version 5.0.4
- Forgot the translate in english and german, it's done

Version 5.0.3
- Add an option to choose what to display in the money per hour ( gold, telvar or alliance points)

Version 5.0.2
- Add an options to set an alarm if carrying too much TelVar stone
- Add the alliance points in autosaving and in the board

Version 5.0.1
- Corrected some text display bug

Version 5.0
- Change the name of the addon
- Add an option to show it in combat

Version 4.3.2
- Corrected a bug that made the library not loading

Version 4.3.1
- Corrected some bugs

Version 4.3.0
- Add some more options in the settings panel
- Corrected a little display bug

Version 4.2.8
- Add bag and bank size limit and size left

Version 4.2.7
- Corrected a little xp display bug for low lvl player

Version 4.2.6
- Add a little statusbar to make xp lvl more clear
- Make the addon ready for Clockwork City

Version 4.2.5
- Add more options for the thief addon in the settings panel

Version 4.2.4
- Add an options to minimize the informations of the addon at start
- Add an option to send me some gold in game ;) i am poor ;)

Version 4.2.3
- Add an option to switch off the Thief addon
- Add an option to switch off or on the blinking warning

Version 4.2.2
- Little display bug corrected
- Display how many left stolenitem you can still sell

Version 4.2.1
- Display the number of stolen item / the item you can still sell
- The value of the stolen items
- Display only if you have stolen items in you bag

Version 4.2.0
- Display a blinking WANTED message instead of the name when guards are looking for you
- Display the cost of the amnisty
- Display the estimate time for the bounty to run out
- Display your lvl of bounty
- Display your bounty value
- Display the heat of the bounty when available

Version 4.1.0
- Display lockpicks and soulgem for low lvl player

Version 4.0.8
- Updated the lib files to the latest version
- Corrected some bugs
- make it ready for Horns of the reach

Version 4.0.7
- Corrected a little display bug

Version 4.0.6
- Corrected some bugs

Version 4.0.5
- Change the display of the addon : on by default

Version 4.0.4
- Corrected a bug that was not displaying the icons correctly in imperial city

Version 4.0.3
- Cleaning some code
- Corrected a little display bug of the Deadricembers icon

Version 4.0.2
- Corrected a bug that was not displaying the addon correctly in imperial city

Version 4.0.1
- Display now the deadricembers only in imperial city
- Added an option to display Soulgem or potions when outside imperial city
- Make the addon ready for Morrowind
- Corrected some bugs

Version 3.1.3
- Added the new warden class to be used on the PTS

Version 3.1.2
- Corrected the zip file

Version 3.1.1
- Cleaning some code
- Cleaning few small bugs

Version 3.1
- Travel to home is free so
- Added the cost of the fast travel from home

Version 3.0
- Added slashCommand and keybinding for fast travel to main house

Version 2.5.6
- Homestead Ready

Version 2.5.5
- Added the level of the vampire buffs
- Added the PVP rank ( icon ) and level

Version 2.5.4
- Corrected a little bug for displaying text in german and english

Version 2.5.3
- Added a slash command to reset the timer
- Corrected a little bug
- Make the addon ready for HomeStead
- Remake the settings panel

Version 2.5.2
- Does not use the money from mail in the gold per hour stats anymore

Version 2.5.1
- Display the total time you played with the character
- Display the time played for the current session
- Display how much gold you are making per hour

Version 2.4.1
- Added the text options to be configure in the settings menu
- Making the setting menu more clear

Version 2.4
- Added Slashes command to send pre writted message to group, friends or guild
- Preparing the Addon for Homestead

Version 2.3
- Display the current XP and XP needed to reach next level
- Display an icon of the Veteran rank
- Display if enlightened or not
- Hide auto the addon while menus are open (any menus)

Version 2.2.3
- Clearing a little bug

Version 2.2.2
- Clearing some bugs
- Setting the threshold for money saving at 25 000 max
- Hide addon when crafting

Version 2.2.1
- Clearing some little bug
- Add more options in the setting menu
- hide cost repair text when no repair

Version 2.2
- Cleaning some code, and correcting a display bug of moving the addon
- Add a parameter to set your own color for the text of durability threshold
- Add a parameter to set the color of the border of the broken armor
- Hide durability text when no repair needed

Version 2.1.1
- Corrected a bug with the keybindings options
- Cleaning some code (again) and improving it (We can always do it ;))

Version 2.1
- Corrected a bug that could not show the addon outside imperialCity

Version 2.0
- Display the durability of armor
- Display the charges of weapon
- Display the quality of armor and weapon
- Display the armor repair's cost

Version 1.3.3
- Corrected a bug (I forgot to switch off a debug helper)

Version 1.3.2
- Correcting a bug that was displaying the wrong Alliance Icon
- Correcting a bug that was crashing the addon when not vampire or werewolf
- Cutting down the name of the player if it is longer then 18 chars
- Added Display of the race
- Added display of the Classe
- Added display of the Sigil of Imperial Retreat you have in your bag

Version 1.3.1
- Cleaning some code and improving it (We can always do it ;))
- Correcting a bug (Addon was not displaying correctly in Imperial City)
- Added a Slash Command for group leave (/kgl)

Version 1.3
- Added the options in the setting panel
- Added key binding for quick showing the Addon

Version 1.2.3
- Displaying the amount of cash and Tel var Stones in bank and in bag

Version 1.2.2
- Corrected some bugs where the /kall command was not displaying correctly the Deadric embers

Version 1.1
- Added hide in combat function

Version 1.0
- Initial release
Optional Files (0)

Archived Files (34)
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Originally Posted by Jeromy384
Hi! so I always loved this mod and used it alot. but as of late, I noticed I've been having a couple of errors involving the mod, I am unsure if you will be able to see it or not, but I made this account just to post here because I enjoy this mod. As of late, I recently tried out Imperial city, first time the swissarmy knife mod actually changed the items, but I have a large issue, as it took a little looking up, I'm trying to change the settings for it, and I get a huge line of an error as stated here :

EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:762: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:762: in function 'AreSelectionsEnabled'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:1517: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_SelectData'
|caaaaaa<Locals> data = [table:1]{name = "SwissArmyKnife", filterText = "swissarmyknife homeo"} </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/SwissArmyKnife/libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:769: in function 'lam:OpenToPanel'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{}, panel = ud, selectedData = [table:1] </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/SwissArmyKnife/libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:1017: in function 'fn'
EsoUI/Ingame/SlashCommands/SlashCommands_Shared.lua:204: in function 'DoCommand'
|caaaaaa<Locals> text = "/kfs", command = "/kfs", arguments = "", fn = user:/AddOns/SwissArmyKnife/libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:1016 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1785: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:3]{shouldMinimizeAfterEntry = F, ignoreTextEntryChangedEvent = F, currentChannel = 0, suppressSave = F, currentNumNotifications = 0, maxContainerHeight = 380, minContainerHeight = 170, maxContainerWidth = 550, isAgentChatActive = F, minContainerWidth = 300, allowMultipleContainers = F, numUnreadMails = 0, isMinimized = F, loaded = T}, text = "/kfs", valid = F, prefix = 47 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2503: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'
|caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud </Locals>|r
ZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?

I use this via minion by the way, if you needed that info as well.
Hello, thank you for your e-mail
but i am not playing this game for a long time now and i do not have it install

it will be difficult for me to do some update, sorry

i will release the code of the addon, maybe someone will take back on further developpement

sorry for this

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Unread 07/23/21, 05:56 AM  

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Hi! so I always loved this mod and used it alot. but as of late, I noticed I've been having a couple of errors involving the mod, I am unsure if you will be able to see it or not, but I made this account just to post here because I enjoy this mod. As of late, I recently tried out Imperial city, first time the swissarmy knife mod actually changed the items, but I have a large issue, as it took a little looking up, I'm trying to change the settings for it, and I get a huge line of an error as stated here :

EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:762: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:762: in function 'AreSelectionsEnabled'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:1517: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_SelectData'
|caaaaaa<Locals> data = [table:1]{name = "SwissArmyKnife", filterText = "swissarmyknife homeo"} </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/SwissArmyKnife/libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:769: in function 'lam:OpenToPanel'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{}, panel = ud, selectedData = [table:1] </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/SwissArmyKnife/libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:1017: in function 'fn'
EsoUI/Ingame/SlashCommands/SlashCommands_Shared.lua:204: in function 'DoCommand'
|caaaaaa<Locals> text = "/kfs", command = "/kfs", arguments = "", fn = user:/AddOns/SwissArmyKnife/libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:1016 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1785: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:3]{shouldMinimizeAfterEntry = F, ignoreTextEntryChangedEvent = F, currentChannel = 0, suppressSave = F, currentNumNotifications = 0, maxContainerHeight = 380, minContainerHeight = 170, maxContainerWidth = 550, isAgentChatActive = F, minContainerWidth = 300, allowMultipleContainers = F, numUnreadMails = 0, isMinimized = F, loaded = T}, text = "/kfs", valid = F, prefix = 47 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2503: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'
|caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud </Locals>|r
ZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?

I use this via minion by the way, if you needed that info as well.
Last edited by Jeromy384 : 07/23/21 at 05:56 AM.
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Unread 08/26/20, 02:35 AM  
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Re: Bank Option - Turn Off

Originally Posted by BringerOfOmens
Thank you for all your work on this very useful add-on.

I would very much appreciate an option to turn off each banking option. I find them useful but without a way to define amounts to keep on toons that perform a deposit or a withdraw as necessary to maintain that amount and without higher amounts available it would be nice to have the option to turn it off.

Many thanks in advance, I hope this is something you are able to do.

Hello there is now an option in the bank menu in the settings
where you can disable the autodeposit
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Unread 08/26/20, 01:24 AM  
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Re: Necromancer breaks mod

Originally Posted by Jp1224
Need an update to support necromancer class. Whole mod breaks when logging in with necromancer.

Sorry, I stoped playing for a while....

There is the new version that work for necromancer
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Unread 09/06/19, 05:45 PM  

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Necromancer breaks mod

Need an update to support necromancer class. Whole mod breaks when logging in with necromancer.
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Unread 02/10/19, 08:59 AM  

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Bank Option - Turn Off

Thank you for all your work on this very useful add-on.

I would very much appreciate an option to turn off each banking option. I find them useful but without a way to define amounts to keep on toons that perform a deposit or a withdraw as necessary to maintain that amount and without higher amounts available it would be nice to have the option to turn it off.

Many thanks in advance, I hope this is something you are able to do.
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Unread 12/11/18, 10:49 AM  
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Re: Perte de monnaie

Originally Posted by yavamayar

Ma monnaie d'alliance s'est bloqué à 996 674. J'ai donc enlevé la totalité avant d'en perdre plus et j'ai vu le surplus apparaitre 96 000 (environ) mais impossible de récupérer.
Alors j'ai changé de personnage mais là, la somme avait disparu. Je suis revenu avec le personnage précédent et toujours rien. Du coup j'ai desactivé sur tout mes perso.

Dommage c'était pratique.
La perte d'argent est impossible, c'est addon n'est que de l'affichage, c'est un affichage qui bug, mais l'argent est la, quelque part, il n'est pas perdu
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Unread 09/22/18, 10:39 PM  

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Perte de monnaie


Ma monnaie d'alliance s'est bloqué à 996 674. J'ai donc enlevé la totalité avant d'en perdre plus et j'ai vu le surplus apparaitre 96 000 (environ) mais impossible de récupérer.
Alors j'ai changé de personnage mais là, la somme avait disparu. Je suis revenu avec le personnage précédent et toujours rien. Du coup j'ai desactivé sur tout mes perso.

Dommage c'était pratique.
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Unread 06/17/18, 02:18 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: WEREWOLF BUG

Originally Posted by Tehuantl
Originally Posted by homeopatix
Originally Posted by Lazerkat789
Originally Posted by homeopatix
Originally Posted by Lazerkat789
It seems this addon is not letting me edit my skill bar when in normal form while I am cursed with lycanthrope. To be clear, I am trying to rearrange my normal skill tree liabilities, class/weapon/etc. This addon is somehow messing with the ui in a way that makes the game think I am still in werewolf form, quite annoying.
Hello, i did a few check and could not reproduce your probleme, it might come from another addon that you have installed, because this addon only shows informations but not interact with the normal Ui

try desactivate all the other addons and leave just mine running and then have a check, it should work

play well
I have done a little testing and it seems that even with only your mod selected I still get the bug. With what your addon does it is very odd that this is happening. I have tried disabling all addons and repairing the client yet to no avail. Maybe my WW just hates me having easy access to things lol. Considering its only on this one toon that this is happening (hes my only WW) Its not too bad, I'll try playing around with it a bit more and see if I can find a reason its acting up. Thanks for checking though

good luck searching, let me know if you found something


I love this add-on, but also have the werewolf bug. I do run other add-ons and immediately disabled and tried to find a conflict. That being said I had no issues until I did my first delve outside of Summerset (Yldzuun in Alik'r Desert). Even with Swiss being my only add-on it will not go away now until I disabled the add-on. I just started using this add-on yesterday June 14th. I have even wiped the saved variables and tried just loading this add-on. It's not too bad, the loading screen is the only downside.

I hope a solution is found, but thanks for the great add-on!

thanks for the feed back i will check that asap,
but i am a little bit short on free time those days,
but i will check that
Last edited by homeopatix : 06/17/18 at 02:19 PM.
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Unread 06/15/18, 09:33 PM  

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Originally Posted by homeopatix
Originally Posted by Lazerkat789
Originally Posted by homeopatix
Originally Posted by Lazerkat789
It seems this addon is not letting me edit my skill bar when in normal form while I am cursed with lycanthrope. To be clear, I am trying to rearrange my normal skill tree liabilities, class/weapon/etc. This addon is somehow messing with the ui in a way that makes the game think I am still in werewolf form, quite annoying.
Hello, i did a few check and could not reproduce your probleme, it might come from another addon that you have installed, because this addon only shows informations but not interact with the normal Ui

try desactivate all the other addons and leave just mine running and then have a check, it should work

play well
I have done a little testing and it seems that even with only your mod selected I still get the bug. With what your addon does it is very odd that this is happening. I have tried disabling all addons and repairing the client yet to no avail. Maybe my WW just hates me having easy access to things lol. Considering its only on this one toon that this is happening (hes my only WW) Its not too bad, I'll try playing around with it a bit more and see if I can find a reason its acting up. Thanks for checking though

good luck searching, let me know if you found something


I love this add-on, but also have the werewolf bug. I do run other add-ons and immediately disabled and tried to find a conflict. That being said I had no issues until I did my first delve outside of Summerset (Yldzuun in Alik'r Desert). Even with Swiss being my only add-on it will not go away now until I disabled the add-on. I just started using this add-on yesterday June 14th. I have even wiped the saved variables and tried just loading this add-on. It's not too bad, the loading screen is the only downside.

I hope a solution is found, but thanks for the great add-on!
Last edited by Tehuantl : 06/15/18 at 09:34 PM.
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Unread 05/24/18, 07:35 AM  
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Originally Posted by Seeker3010
Great add-on! I have used it since I discovered it several months ago. Keep up the great work.

Since the Summerset update, I cannot get SWAK to display as I had it set up: without the header, and just the information I was interested in. It now appears to be all or nothing. The auto-charge on my weapon has also stopped working. I REALLY miss that one

I keep it in the top right corner, with my mini-map just under it. One change I would love to see (but understand it may not be feasable) woud be to be able to move the information lines up if the header is not displayed. Thanks again for your great work!!
thanks for the feed back

i will check that asap
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Unread 05/23/18, 05:21 AM  

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Great add-on! I have used it since I discovered it several months ago. Keep up the great work.

Since the Summerset update, I cannot get SWAK to display as I had it set up: without the header, and just the information I was interested in. It now appears to be all or nothing. The auto-charge on my weapon has also stopped working. I REALLY miss that one

I keep it in the top right corner, with my mini-map just under it. One change I would love to see (but understand it may not be feasable) woud be to be able to move the information lines up if the header is not displayed. Thanks again for your great work!!
Last edited by Seeker3010 : 05/23/18 at 05:44 AM.
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Unread 05/15/18, 09:53 AM  
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Originally Posted by Random88
So i found a bug in the german language file a misplaced a "

it should be corrected, please update to the latest version V5.6.3.3

It should clear the problem, i have checked and everythings is fine...

thanks for the feed back anayway...
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Unread 05/13/18, 02:38 PM  

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Unread 05/13/18, 09:26 AM  
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Originally Posted by Random88
Originally Posted by homeopatix
Originally Posted by Random88
I get this error since today.

The last 2 weeks, your addon was awesome.
Corrected, Please have a try, and thank you for the feed back
Nope. I get the same error again.
in wich language are you playing ?
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