(1 MB)
Updated: 06/20/20 11:03 AM
File Info
Updated:06/20/20 11:03 AM
Created:06/03/17 02:13 PM
Monthly downloads:129
Total downloads:22,735
Categories:Graphic UI Mods, Discontinued & Outdated
CurvyHud  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 6.12 - END
by: vvarderen [More]
UPDATE : Jully 03 2020


Original author : Niocwy
Update author : DISCONTINUED

[center]Original mode is in top on "Change Log" tab

Niocwy is the original author of this mode, which has been overwhelmingly rewritten, maintained and completed by Vvarderen.

This add-on is for those who like having a HUD with vertical and curved bars instead of the default player and target unit frames.
CurvyHud also incorporates various functions described in a non-exhausting manner below.

FAQ and known errors :
  • How do I delete my old backup file? Delete CurvyHud.lua in X:\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables
  • If you are in the shop in Crown, and you are teleported in dungeon, the bars will not be displayed correctly anymore. To fix this bug, do a /reloadui.
  • The target healthbar disappeared (this sometimes happens in dungeons and PvP), how to make it come back? This is a known bug since the beginning of the addon which have not unfortunately corrected. To leave with a new bar, remember to assign a key on the keyboard.

You can :
  • Move the different elements where you want (left, right, nameplate, interaction prompt, interaction with players, combat aids, etc ...).
  • Modify all bars (position, color, width, height, opacity, anchor, display) and possibility of choosing a style among 3 (default (ex "ehanced") and oblivion (writing) and ghostly).
  • Edit the target information plate (breed, class, level, veteran rank, PVP rank, icon color, text size and font, display critters, etc ...).
  • Edit the text of each attirbut (format, font, size, color, anchor, display), set up warning thresholds.
  • Change the boss icons according to 5 styles (star, sword, Oblivion gate, skull, nothing) and color the guards.
  • Whether or not to introduce a combat notification system (compass that changes color and / or chat).
  • Whether or not to set up a combat support system (Customization - color, text size, font, and displacement).
  • Differentiate the health bar of allied players from your enemies (display and color) as well as neutral NPCs.
  • Change reticle.
  • Show or not a clock and activate or not a timer (beta).
  • Etc...
Profile guide to use quickly your favorite settings on your differents characters :
In menu :

You can create a profile (with name of your choice - example : Jean-Pierre). You set it and then save it.
Connect your second (or other) character.
You can apply "Jean-Pierre" on this character for quickly use your prefered settings. Selecte "Jean-Pierre" in profile list, and cliking on "load".
The profiles are not related to a particular character because one can apply (or not) an same profile to several characters.

Niocwy est l'auteur d'origine de ce mode, mode qui a été en très grande majorité réécrit, maintenu et complété par Vvarderen.

Cet add-on est destiné à ceux qui aiment avoir un HUD avec des barres verticales et courbes au lieu du jeu par défaut ainsi qu'un remaniement des informations de la cible.
CurvyHud intégre également des fonctions diverses décrites de manière non éxhaustives ci-dessous.

FAQ et Erreur connues :
  • Comment puis-je supprimer mon ancien fichier de sauvegarde? Supprimez CurvyHud.lua dans X:\ Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables
  • Si vous êtes dans la boutique à Couronne, et que vous êtes téléportés en donjon, les barres ne s'afficherons plus correctement. Pour résoudre ce bug, faites un /reloadui.
  • La barre de vie de ma cible à disparu (cela survient parfois en donjon et en pvp), comment faire pour qu'elle revienne? C'est un bug connu depuis le debut de l'addon qui n'est malheureusement pas encore corrigé. Pour repartir avec une nouvelle barre, pensez à assigner une touche du clavier.

Vous pouvez :
  • Déplacer les différents éléments où bon vous semble (barres de gauche, de droite, plaque d'information de la cible, interaction prompt, interraction avec les joueurs, aides au combat, etc...).
  • Modifier toutes les barres (position, couleur, largeur, hauteur, opacité, ancrage, affichage) et possibilité de choisir un style parmis 3 (par défaut ( ex-amélioré) et oblivion (écriture) et fantômatique).
  • Modifier le texte de chaque attribut (format, police, taille, couleur, ancrage, affichage), mettre en place des seuils d'alerte.
  • Modifier à souhait la plaque d'information de la cible (race, classe, niveau, rang vétéran, rang PVP, couleur des icônes, taille et police du texte, afficher les bestioles, etc...).
  • Changer les icônes des boss selon 5 styles (étoile, épée, portail d'Obivion, tête de mort, rien) et de colorer ceux des gardes.
  • Mettre ou non en place un système de notification de combat (boussole qui change de couleur et/ou chat).
  • Mettre ou non en place un système d'aide au combat (personnalisation - couleur, taille du texte, police de caractères, et déplacement).
  • Différencier la barre de vie des joueurs alliés de vos ennemis (affichage et couleur) ainsi que des PNJ neutres.
  • Changer de réticule.
  • Afficher ou non une horloge et activer ou non un chrono (en béta).
  • Etc...
Guide de profil pour utiliser rapidement vos paramètres préférés sur vos différents personnages :
Dans le menu :

Vous pouvez créer un profil (avec le nom de votre choix - exemple: Jean-Pierre). Vous le configurez, puis enregistrez-le.
Connectez votre deuxième (ou autre) personnage.
Vous pouvez appliquer "Jean-Pierre" sur ce personnage pour utiliser rapidement vos paramètres préférés. Sélectionnez "Jean-Pierre" dans la liste de profil, et cliquez sur "charger".
Les profils ne sont pas liés à un personnage en particulier car on peut appliquer (ou non) un même profil à plusieurs personnages.

Niocwy ist der ursprüngliche Autor dieses Modus, der von Vvarderen überwältigend neu geschrieben, gepflegt und vervollständigt wurde.

Dieses Add-on ist für diejenigen, die gerne eine HUD mit vertikalen und gebogenen Bars anstelle der Standard-Player und Ziel Einheit Frames.
CurvyHud integriert auch verschiedene beschriebenen Funktionen in nicht erschöpfende Weise unten.

FAQ und bekannte Fehler :
  • Wie lösche ich meine alte Sicherungsdatei? Löschen Sie CurvyHud.lua in X:\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables
  • Wenn du im Laden in Crown bist und du im Dungeon teleportiert wirst, werden die Balken nicht mehr richtig angezeigt. Um diesen Fehler zu beheben, führen Sie ein /reloadui aus.
  • Die Bar des Lebens meines Ziels verschwand (Das passiert manchmal in Dungeons und PvP), wie man es wiederkommen lässt? Dies ist ein bekannter Fehler seit dem Beginn des Addons, die leider nicht korrigiert wurden. Um mit einer neuen Bar zu gehen, Denken Sie daran, einen Schlüssel auf der Tastatur zuzuweisen.

Sie können :
  • Bewegen Sie die verschiedene Elemente wo immer Sie wollen (linke Leiste, rechts, Typenschild , schnelle Interaktion interraction mit den Spielern, die Bekämpfung von Aids, etc ...).
  • Ändern Sie alle Stäbe (Position, Farbe, Breite, Höhe, Deckkraft, Anker, Display) und die Möglichkeit, einen Stil unter 3 zu wählen (klassisch (ex-verbessert) und Vergessen (Schreiben) und Gespenstisch).
  • Ändern Sie den Text jedes attirbut (Format, Schriftart, Größe, Farbe, Anker, Anzeige), eingerichtete Alarmschwellen.
  • Bearbeiten Sie die Zielplattform Information (Rasse, Klasse, Stufe, Veteran Rang, PVP Rang, Symbolfarbe , Schriftgröße und Schriftart, zeigen die Lebewesen, etc.).
  • Ändern Sie den Boss-Symbole selon 5 Arten und färben die Wachen (Stern, Schwert, Oblivionstor, Schädel, nichts).
  • Unabhängig davon, ob ein Kampf Benachrichtigungssystem einführen Kompass, der Farbe und / oder Chat ändert).
  • Unabhängig davon, ob ein Kampfunterstützungssystem zu etablieren (Customization - Farbe, Schriftgröße, Schriftart und Bewegung).
  • Unterscheiden Sie die Lebensstange der Alliierten von Ihren Feinden (Anzeige und Farbe) sowie neutrale NPCs.
  • Absehen ändern.
  • Zeige oder nicht eine Uhr und aktiviere oder nicht einen Timer (Beta).
  • Etc...
Profil-Guide, um schnell Ihre Lieblings-Einstellungen auf Ihre verschiedenen Zeichen verwenden:
Im Menü :

Sie können ein Profil erstellen (mit Namen Ihrer Wahl - Beispiel: Jean-Pierre). Sie setzen es und speichern es dann.
Verbinde dein zweites (oder anderes) Zeichen.
Sie können "Jean-Pierre" auf diesen Charakter anwenden, um schnell Ihre bevorzugten Einstellungen zu verwenden. Selecte "Jean-Pierre" in der Profilliste und auf "Laden"
Die Profile beziehen sich nicht auf ein bestimmtes Zeichen, weil man ein bestimmtes Profil auf mehrere Zeichen anwenden kann (oder nicht).

Original addon by Niocwy is here

JULLY 2020

  • v6.12
    June 2020 :
    - Update of dungeon's database.
    - Update of visuals_effects's database.
    - New Stopwatch display on game and on chat.
    - Social function added: you can choose to display or not the status of your guildmates the chat in realm time (when will are online, offline, etc...), on all guilds or those of your choice.
    - Some minor tweaks to parts of the Update.lua file code
    - Changes to the stopwatch code that buged when midnight passed.
    - Added a tally of taunt effects to the right of the taunt icon when an enemy is taunted.
    - Ehanced reticle scale when target is targeted or not. Added function to rotate reticle at 180° when you skillsbar switched.

  • v6.11
    May 2020 :
    - LibMenu 2.0 dependency outsourcing.
    - Modifications of chat's informations edited by CurvyHud (Stopwatch and welcome message).
    - Modifications of codes concerning mechanics of calls of messages and execution of the various modes of the stopwatch.
    - Changes in clock container sizes, player and target attributes. Modification of the default positions of the clock, interactions with the environment and other players.
    - Bummped API to 100031.

  • v6.10
    February 2020 :
    - Bumped API to 100030.

  • v6.9
    November 2019 :
    - Updates of LibAddonMenu-2 r30
    - Bumped API to 100029.

  • v6.8
    August 2019 :
    - Bumped API to 100028.

  • v6.7
    August 2019 :
    - Added texutres to increase and decrease physical and migical armor of necro via datas's update.
    - Improvement of some lines of code like patch.lua (removed) and update.lua.
    - Added menu to activate or not troll text on chat.

  • v6.6
    April 2019 :
    - Fixed bug when an necro was targeted.

  • v6.5
    April 2019 :
    - Added necro class items.

  • v6.4
    April 2019 :
    - Bumped API to 100026 & 100027.

  • v6.3
    February 2019 :
    - Fixed error to show walls and doors's bars in PVP and fixed error to update HP.
    - Added "flat texture" in choice of textures's bars

  • v6.2
    November 2018 :
    - Added new choices in General Settings : show or not the decimal separator of current/max values and one digit after the decimal point in the percent values.
    - Added fix in EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD.
    - Fixed error in translate files.
    - Behavior of the chrono in auto mode and sp modified for greater automation.

  • v6.1
    November 2018 :
    - Reduced chat flood information.

  • v6.0
    November 2018 :
    - Reduced maximum of number local variable for minimize of the RAM occupation.
    - Reduced many comments and blank lines for the computer reading optimized speed.
    - Continuing debugging action of last version.
    - Creating a unique reticle for CurvyHUD. Add texture files, and moddification in depth of the code for integrated warning indicator to give the states in color "in combat", "disguised" and "hidden" and finally to color the new reticle according to the reaction of the target, or not. There is the possibility to keep the basic reticle and adapted the target reaction colors, or not. Many LUA files modified.
    - For fun, change the naughty sentence written by the addon at the death of the player by randomly chosen sentences depending on the place (dungeon or not).
    - Modification of the EVENTS disguised and hidden, noticeably the behavior of the sentences inscribed in the chat.
    - Integration of an indicator in the chat to give the difficulty of the dungeon in which you enter.
    - Added a dead counter, which resets each time the addon loads, teleports you, enters a dungeon, or activates manually by entering the "curvy_raz" command in the chat.
    - In the menu, choice to show critters and deads, are now separated.
    - When you are in combat state, critters and deads are not showing. They are will be only shows when you will be out of combat if you have selected show them.
    - The caption or player's title, is now above the target name and the level below the target name to improve readability.
    - The spacing between the elements composing the TargetName has been reworked for a better appearance. The size is now adjustable between 15 and 55.
    - Fixed a bug that occurred when you entered move mode with slah commands that caused the displayed TargetNamePlate to be wrong.
    - Reinforcement of the code to tend towards a disappearance of the bug which makes disappear the bar of life of the target.
    - Important menu changes. Changing the old menus for the compass, combat aid, fable attributes and options related to the various elements scatter. Added menu "Clock and Chrono" and "Compass, reticle and alert". Important update of language files.
    - Adding a new feature: the clock! You will like all elements of CurvyHud, customize this item via the menu! Format 24h00. It will not be planned to develop another format for displaying the time.
    - Implementation of a chrono (in clock frame) which, by the assignment of a key, can be started, paused and stopped. You can choice to select the manual mode or auto mode in slash command on the chat. The Chorno is in BETA mode state.
    - Now, if you are not in combat, the guards will no longer have their names in red (hostile) when they go into attack mode on another player.
    - Added a new file named "Patch.lua", it makes it possible to correct the impossibility of making work in combat the event "EVENT_MOUNTED_STATE_CHANGED" which generated the non disappearance of the bar of mounture whereas the avatar is no longer on a mount.

    New major version
  • v5.11
    September 2018 :
    - Fixed shield's bug on targetbar when target is an new targeted.
    - Fixed degen and regen's bug.
    - Text Correction in the menu.
    - Update LibAddonMenu-2.0r25 to LibAddonMenu-2.0r26. - Update all files
    - Testing in real condition of uses

  • v5.10b
    September 2018 :
    - Correction od several bugs with target filler and Shields

  • v5.10a
    September 2018 :
    - Correction of bug in compass color

  • v5.10
    September 2018 :
    - Big work of rationalization of the whole code.
    - The animation of the target life bar will be almost instantaneous when you change the target and animate as usual for the target in focus.
    - Corrections of several bugs in the move mode.
    - Reinstatement of choices of choose to display or not the titles and levels of the players, following my action of reduction of the menus in the previous version. From now on, when the titles are no longer present (either the target does not have one or the option is deactivated), the race icon takes the place of the title. Just as when the player level display option is disabled, the class icon is positioned instead of the level.
    - The nameplate frame has been expanded.

  • v5.9
    September 2018 :
    - Added and redisigned information in welcome chat information. Update of localization files.
    - Fixed a bug where the taunt icon did not disappear properly.
    - Major redisigned Nameplate (FLOOR 1 - CLASS, FLOOR 2 - LEVEL, FLOOR 3 - ALLAINCE,NAME,RANK, FLOOR 4 - TITLE/CAPTATION/RACE, FLOOR 4 - RACE, and colored level)
    - Deleted choice in menu :
    • - Level of player (It is always displayed in game)
    • - Level of NPC (it's never displayed in game)
    • - Show veteran icons
    • - Choice color of difficulty (The names will always be colored according to the reaction of the target and the level of the targeted player will always be yellow.
    - Modified in menu : The size range of Nameplate is now between 20 and 60
    - Modified CurvyHud:InitializeVisualsEffect function for better regen or degen animation

  • v5.8
    August 2018 :
    - Bumped API to 100024
    - Modified OnPlayerActivated
    - Ehanced OnTargetChanged code

  • v5.7
    june 2018 :
    - Rationalization of color compass and desaturation code (Visibility ans Update LUA flies : -2Ko per file) - in ColorCompass
    - Added menu option to hide or not the name of targets dead
    - In-depth rewrite of OnCombatStateChanged and OnDisguiseStateChanged, improved UpadteCompassColor code, rationalizing of all functions of color compass and thier fusion in one function named ColorCompass
    - Add information chat when you disguise state changed, rewiting chat combat state.
    - Remove Bindings.lua file (moved in BuildVisualizers)

  • v5.6
    june 2018 :
    - Add green color in database
    - Orange color has been modified
    - Add disguise color state on compass : green when disguised in an active zone, orange when you are spotted or the fight is engaged but you keep the disguise and red in combat without being disguised.

  • v5.5
    may 2018 :
    - Bumped API to 100023

  • v5.4
    february 2018 :
    - Bumped API to 100022
    - Try to fixed nil error on line 462 in update.lua when player is activated (fail)

  • v5.3
    october 2017 :
    - Modifications of the effects update in Updates.lua codings so that the selection / deselection of the options in the menu is effective. Also changes the life bars when you go into move mode.
    - New significant modification of the menu. Appear visual effects sub-menu where you can choose and see the different effects displayed on the bars, as well as color them.
    - Slight changes in the maximum and minimum ranges of the bars (width / length)
    - Rationalization of effect colors.
    - Repositioning some elements of the default bar style. Complete overhaul of the "Oblivion" bar style.
    - Reintroduction of ghost bars and reworking textures.
    - Update licence, Update and completeness Acknowledgment section.
    - Series of tests of operation of the bars during nearly 10h. The problem of disappearing from the target's life bar is still present, but lessen thanks to the hotkey key to reload the bars. I did not have any major bug.
    - Update pictures on
    - Update of Loc files

  • v5.2
    october 2017 :
    - Fixed bug with Libs and update LibAddonMenu 2.0r24 to 2.0r25.

  • v5.1
    october 2017 :
    - New Warden icon class.
    - Fixed a bug that caused an error when using the German language.

  • v5.0
    october 2017 :
    - Added part of GGFrames fixed addon by Agade to refresh all bars with choice. You can assign a key on the keyboard to force the refresh in the event of a malfunction of the target bar.
    - Grouping of the different targeting functions into the Main/Events.lua file into a single unique function (EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED, EVENT_BOSSES_CHANGED, EVENT_TARGET_CHANGED) nammed "OnReticleTarget".
    - Simplification of "UpdateTargetInfo" function into the Main/Controls.lua file.
    - Integration of "BuildBagSlot" function of Harven's Bag Space.
    - Changing the "OnPowerUpdated" function in Main/Events.lua file.
    - Changing the "InitTargetBar" function in Main/Initialize.lua file.
    - Fixed a bug that caused a LAM error when CurvyHud was played alone.
    - Adding choice in nameplate to see either the account name or the character name (default) or both.
    - Suppression of history default bar of Niocwy (dds files, textures config and her choice in menu).
    - Global reorganization of the addon.
    - Removed options to show or not the default ZO bar (player and target). Now, it is whether or not to display the specific CurvyHud attribute bars that will make the Zenimax base bars appear or not. The same applies to the name of the target.
    - Completeness of the "CurvyHud:ShowHud" function in Main/Visibility.lua file.
    - On panel Menu, MoveMode (Below the buttons to activate or deactivate the mode), you will now see an example of shield value and shield effect on the life bar, both on the player and the targetBar. By default, the dummy value is 4560. You will be able to see in "real time" the changes of option from the menu panel (display or not, color, size, etc ...). In Active Effects submenu you have choice to filter either the shields or armor increases / decreases
    - V.4 of CurvyHud savedvars.
    - Fixed bug that prevented the increase or decrease in the physical resistance of players and NPCs during retargeting.
    - Disappears in the menu the high and low value of the color of the borders of the bars. Instead, an dropdown option to display it (in white color) or not (invisible).
    - Adding function to show or not the increased and decreased magic resistances (as like armor increase or decrease). Therefore, integration of the EVENT "EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED", related functions as well as textures.
    - Adding all or part of the Srendarr database, adding code to see the increase and / or reduction of the magical resistance of the target and the player.
    - Major retouching of the textures files of the bars with also the addition of the textures of the increased and reduced magic resistance effects.
    - Modification of the code to add to this new function the increase and / or decrease of the physical resistance.
    - Added choice in menu to enable or not major/minor increase or decrease effects on bars (spell resist and physical resist).
    - Added function to show your target taunted. Adding taunt textures.
    - Fixed a bug when you were in motion mode that still displayed the default target frame bar when it was to be hidden.
    - Bumped API.
    - Removed Ghostly bar (I did not have time to rework it).
    - Retouching on the Oblivion bar et new "default" (ex ehanced) bar.
    - Update page's addon on

    New major version
  • v4.2
    september 2017 :
    - Rewiting function of low attribute alert.
    - Fixed bug that caused the target's shield value to still be displayed even if the target bar was not.
    - Fixed bug which made values not anchor themselves to the containers when they owed it.
    - Added new function : You can now change the opacity of the Allied player bar on two aspects: either when they are in combat or when they are out of combat.
    - Colors of target bars : if target is a neutral NPC (and not in combat of course), text and/or bar are same color than her name color (Yellow). When neutral target are entering in combat, all colors passed red. Elits Monsters (Boss and guards) are red too. Other Players are allways blue by default.
    - The result in the menu choices of the compass is changed: you can now display the compass, the boss bar and the texture.
    - New language files streaming

  • v4.1
    september 2017 :
    - Modification of certain lines (visibility.lua in particular) which generated minor errors in the behavior of the compass and inaction of certain menu parameters.
    - Rewriting and simplifying choices in compass options in the addon menu.
    - Fixed bug with move container bar.text when choice is color of bar.
    - Removing the LMP dependency, rewriting several lines of code accordingly in menu.lua and controls.lua. This results in a significant reduction in the number of fonts for readability. Retained fonts are those of the game, namely:
    • ProseAntique
    • Skyrim Handwritten
    • Trajan Pro
    • Univers 55
    • Univers 57
    • Univers 67
    - Reduced calls of the functions initPlayerBar and InitTargetBar for more optimized information and more less flood.
    - Modification of conditions of the abovementioned functions and rewriting certain lines for greater consistency for reduice flood of informations
    - Fixed bug to the player's life bar to be correctly displayed in the move mode instead of the target or 1000HP.
    - Fixed bug to correctly displayed the player's level in the move mode.
    - Rewiting Acknoledgement Menu, and integration of new submenu for reduice visuals/event.
    - Add new SubMenu for creat a new profil to gain space and visibility.
    - Merge the Armor Status submenu and the Active Effects submenu into a new submenu.
    - Suppression of the modification of the text format of the value of the shield, because not significant and without interest.
    - Modifying the tooltip of the text format the value of the attributes for better understanding.
    - Modifications of Loc files and complete revision.
    - Completeness of the fusion of the functions of animations of the bars and the shields into one function.
    - Adding a new feature: You can now assign a color to the life bar of allied players to differentiate them from your enemies in combat. You can also activate this feature or not.

  • v4.0
    september 2017 :
    - This version is a "back to basics" version in order to remain in the initial idea of CurvyHud and performance gains. (examples : Controls.lua : 80Ko before - 57Ko after : -28%, loc file : ~32 Ko before - ~16Ko after : -50%)
    - Heavy update loc files.
    - Fixed the bug that caused container texts to disappear when you made changes in the menu settings while displaying the move mode.
    - Rewriting, removal, adding, shifting of several lines and fixed minors bugs.
    - Removal Combat.lua file.
    - Removal of geolocalisation, try to show target name in combat, Result action and information of modification on chat. These functions were in no way useful, and ultimately was more intrusive than real help in anything.
    - Combat in chat modified, removal code to try display the name of target in chat.
    - Big rewite of Menu : (130Ko before - 51Ko after : -66%)
    • The text color of the attribute bars is now adjustable on two options via a dropdown ("default" in white or the color of the corresponding attribute).
    • Deleted the many SubMenu of bars and rewriting a single submenu, with a dropdown to select the bar of your choice as before in lasted version of Niocwy.
    • Rewiting code and added dropdown in ArmorInc or ArmorDec submenu, with a dropdown to select the Unit of your choixe (player or target).
    • Deleted on of two submenu of Visuals (shields settings), and rewriting a signle submenu, with a dropdown to select the Unit of your choixe (player or target).
    • Modified submenus of end of Menu to tow news subemu : submenu COMPASS TEXTURES, RETICLE AND LOW ATTRIBUTES and submenu of COMBAT ON CHAT AND COMPASS AND COMBAT TIPS. Big modifcation of submenu of TARGET NAMEPLATE.
    • Deleted many choice of icons colors. New Drowpdown choice to centralize the color change of the icons. You can colorize all icons of nameplate in white or gold, or silver or color of player's alliance targeted.
    • Modified position of Guards icons settings.
    - The color of low attributes is automatically the same as that of the corresponding attribute.
    - The color of critters is automatically the same as that other NPC reaction and option in menu are deleted (except the choice of displaying them or not).
    - Update LibAddonMenu (LAM) 2.0r23 to 2.0r24.
    - Deleted choice to modify the color of compass.
    - Delete \Visuals\Visuals.lua, deleted \Visuals\Event.lua
    - Modified settings of targetNameplate, and table associed in controls.lua file.

  • v3.1a
    august 2017 :
    - Fixed minor bugs
    - New rationalizing of code overall, and new annotations in the code
    - Added function to change color of compass to normal color when you are in fight and you are entenring in dungeon
    - Curent API : 100020
    - Code for critters are modified

  • v3.1
    august 2017 :
    - Suppression of HasTarget code and rewriting InitTargetBar function to try fixed a bug with the filler of targetbar
    - Suppression of CurvyHud.state.hastarget
    - Added color sections different from submenu color
    - Added sections in Low Attribute, help and resulting submenu
    - Rewiting some lines in french language and try to translate in English and German

  • v3.0i
    jully 2017 :
    - Ehanced code for combat tooltips
    - Integraly rewriting HasTarget and partialy update event in function.lua
    - Added in menu to choice display or not the level of NPC and indepandently the level of other players (level of NPC is hidden by default) - in information of target
    - When the level of player is hidden, the race Icon take his place
    - In event (boss, black anchor,etc...), the dead targets have their names in gray color, and their bars of life masked.
    - Code rewrited in part in event.lua, visuals/event.lua, combat.lua
    - Added choice to show or not of name of the critters, with pastel color to differenciate them all targets (green pastel for friendly critters and yellow pastel for neutral critters)
    - Added choice of color of name of the critters (neutral & friendly)
    - Added sections in nameplate menu & bar settings & compass

  • v3.0h
    jully 2017 :
    - Ehanced code for combat tooltips, correction name of result action
    - The low attributes will now properly hide when the player are dead
    - Fixed bug with aplha of texts of low attributes, combat helper and actions result
    - Fixed bug with hide action result container
    - Add function to refresh nameplate when your exinting on loading screen
    - Fixed bug for see other players when they are level one
    - Corrected minors bugs

  • v3.0g
    jully 2017 :
    - Rewite targe Nameplate update on combat
    - Added OnTargetChangedOnCombat for more rubust system to update target Nameplate
    - Added function and container to indicate low attributes (player health, stamaina and magicka) - with display manage, color manage, font manage, etc...
    - Added function and container to help player with combat tooltips indication (block, dodge, interrupt, and exploit) - with display manage, color manage, font manage, etc...
    - Added function and container to replace Zo basic information with combat tooltips always activated
    - Added function and container to indicate state of target and player (blocked, dodged, interrupted, missed, etc...) - with display manage, color manage, font manage, etc...
    - Added some informations in move mode
    - Some bugs fixed

  • v3.0f
    june 2017 :
    - Added function update target nameplate when target is a boss, and is dead (change color of icons and name) - in real time without move your reticle of your target
    - Debugged function in move mode when no text in coodrs
    - Amor_inc when Re-Works Correctly
    - Debugged "none" inCombat state in the chat
    - changelog file has been created to receive and contain the change history for CurvyHud
    - Resize CoordsPanels in move mode and add CurvyHud Logo with version
    - Added to MenuChat Logo with version
    - Added update target Nameplate when player out the combat - in real time without move your reticle of your target
    - OnPlayerActivated and OnPlayerMoved and associated functions has been rewritten

  • v3.0e
    june 2017 :
    - Correct bug action with hide Alert&Notification.
    - Added rewrited Interraction Prompt, adjust poistion texts and buttons.
    - Added full german localization.
    - Added function show/hide text when you are hidden/discovered in Stealth mode on reticle in "Compass, Boss and Combat Status" options.
    - Debugging Color compass in combat when smallUi and rename "hight wisibility".
    - Decrease armor on Ehanced and Oblivion bars slightly modified.
    - Rewriting a part of code in event.lua, visibility.lua, menu.lua, loc_XX.lua, CurvyHud.lua, visuals/events.lua.
    - Added Player to player interrection prompt on new container movable.
    - Added choice for combat state in the chat and ehanced code (L.default(...) with just state In/Out - try to display name of target - L.none(...) don't show).
    - Rationalization of the size of icons (race, veteran and class) .
    - You can henceforth choice color of Zone and SubZone Text in Center Screen among ten pastel colors (white in default).

    The German-language patch is no longer useful because it is integrated in v.3.0e

  • v3.0d
    june 2017 :
    - Logo Ehanced on addon.
    - Geoposition ehanced on chat and Menu choice for diplay in chat and/or on Center Screen Annoucement, Loc files updated.
    - Add Alert Text notification menu choice for display.
    - Debugging MigackaBar Text value.
    - Adjust player regen on ehanced and oblivion bars
    - Return to Font 'Univers 67' by default, 22 for text value attribute and 26 for TargetNamePlate, and barWidth default 60.
    - Add "NoneIcon_boss" in choice for Boss Icon + loc files + textures file
    - Code rationalized
    - Rewrited code for Center Screen Annoucement, Hide/show Alert&Notification.
    - Rewrited code compass and delete compass.lua file
    - Added OnPlayerActivated function
    - Opacity of bars in Combat debbuged (error with attributeUsedAlpha)
    - Added targetName update reaction when you attacking a neutral mob (becomes red without move off/on reticle on target)
    - Correct german by Raghor - Zones and SubZones is still missing.

  • v3.0c
    june 2017 :
    - Bugs with English name of race (again... sorry). Ehanced logo! on webSite, in v3.0d for addon in game.

  • v3.0b
    june 2017 :
    - Correct bug with race icon, correct bug with in chat information

  • v3.0a
    june 2017 :
    - Correct name of Elve in English

  • v3.0
    june 2017 :
    - Morrowind update, icon of warden added, armor_Inc and armor_Dec separated, test with enhanced bar.
    - Ghostly style bars added, Oblivion style bars added, Loc_En and Loc_De updated.

  • v.2.3
    may 2017 :
    - Rewrited full Menu to adapt Controls LAM 2.0 v.23, add ZO_xxxx userdata to testing reaction in Game (main, menu, loc_fr, compass),
    - Rewrited full french file location
    - bug correction of button and savedvars (migration), Intensive testing save user config.
    - On chat add information when an parameter are changed on menu, profil loaded, charged, saved, and created.
    - Licence added, choice of display veteran icon of NPC and/or other players added.
    - News icons of Alliances (3), Races (10), Veteran (1) and class (4) added.
    - News textures for Boss difficulty added (2). Add zo_string with SI_ translate to nameplate (name, caption and maps in chat)
    - News Slash command added and colors. Debug armor Inc et Dec (on Visuals\Visuals.lua and Controls.lua) and choice RGBA added in saved vars and menu. Error404 added.

  • v.2.2
    april 2017 :
    - Correction bugs and colorpicker to compasss combat, hide or not the bossbar elements on compass,
    - Attempts to add anchor elements, but to no avail.

  • v.2.1
    march 2017 :
    - Texture's test (name : ehanced aka ehan) file added and menu to selected style of bars. Intensive Global Testing.
    - Menu interagly writed for Controls LAM 2.0 v.6 (originally by Niocwy).

  • v.2.0
    february 2017 :
    - Select compass red in combat and hide bossBar added. Warden class added.

  • v.1.3
    january 2017 :
    - Cleaning and markup lines in files, color choice and Loc.DE added.

  • v.1.2
    december 2016 :
    - debug and delete lines on errors.

  • v.1.1b
    november 2016 :
    - update first files by Vvarderen.


... Learn LUA ...
  • v.1.1a
    last version of Niocwy - thanks to him!

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Unread 11/29/22, 03:24 PM  
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using and loving this addon. Is there any news on your next project or have you stopped playing eso?
Also willing to chip in if it helps xD
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Unread 06/20/21, 06:48 PM  
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ty hcpookie for the heads up, never got the error but changed it preemptively.
this amazing addon still works great as of latest update, BLACKWOOD

but where is VVARDUI? really looking forward to any news on the matter
willing to buy you a beer or coffee if that makes a difference @vvarderen
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Unread 12/09/20, 09:39 AM  

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I found a popup error when the player dies. After reviewing the log, I found a fix that works.

In the Events.lua file, change this line:

CurvyHud.state.playerDeadCount = CurvyHud.state.playerDeadCount + 1

... to this:

CurvyHud.state.playerDeadCount = CurvyHud.state.playerDeadCount

Presto, no more popup errors on death.

(I can also confirm the Ghostly mode lag issue...)
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Unread 08/12/20, 02:15 PM  
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Point information :


L'addon avance bien, j'ai rencontré quelques difficultés (surmontées) et j'ai implémenté de nouvelles fonctions et graphismes.

Il ne sera malheureusement pas livré avant au mieux la première semaine de septembre, dans une version v.1.0 la plus jouable et la plus stable possible.

Les différences avec CurvyuHud :

- Un nouveau nom : VVARDUI et un nouveau Logo.

- Le mode move sera repensé pour que du premier coup d'oeil, le joueur vois directement les modules actifs des modules inactifs. Une couleur et un alpha spécifique à chaque état fera cette différenciation. Il sera aussi déclenché en mode automatique ce que peuvent produire l'ensemble des modules.

Il n'y aura également plus aucune erreur lors de l'insertion de caractères autres que numérique dans le tableaux des coordonnées des modules.

- Les barres sont réajustées, la barre de base (arrondie) et la barre flat sont fonctionnelles et calibrées. Les boucliers aussi.
- Les graphismes de certains éléments sont compléments revus comme la résistance, la regen et degen ainsi que l'enchantement d'arme qui altère la résistance de l'adversaire. Avec des graphismes empreintés d'Oblivion (TES IV).
- Le chronomètre a été réécris, il perd le mode "automatique" qui était inutile.
- Le menu est intégralement réécris et complètement repensé.
- Le module de provocation fait peau neuve, avec un nouveau logo, animation et décompte (pour les TANK)
- Le réticule VVARDUI, même si il ne semble pas différent que celui que j'avais implémenté dans CurvyHud a été intégralement réécris.
- Un module message vois le jour qui capitalise l'ensemble des textes déversés dans le chat, avec une fonctionnalité de rappel de bienvenue pour les joueurs ne disposant pas de PCHAT par exemple.
- Il y a une légère diminution des options pour éviter de perdre du temps à la personnalisation. La fonctionnalité de faire un profil pour ou ou x personnage a été maintenu.
- Le module guilde n'a pas trop changé car c'était le plus récent.
- Le module bagslot voit le jour
- Le module interaction vous permettra de changé la couleur et la police de caractères des blocs d'interattractions.
- Le module nameplate est quasi inchangé.
- le module tips non plus

- Actuellement, j'ai achevé 95% de l'écriture initialement prévue. Le nouvel addon pèse actuellement moins de 2Mo.


Information point:


The addon is progressing well, I encountered some difficulties (overcome) and I implemented new functions and graphics.

It will unfortunately not be delivered until the first week of September at best, in the most playable and stable version possible.

The differences with CurvyuHud:

- A new name: VVARDUI and a new Logo.

- The move mode will be redesigned so that at first glance, the player can directly see the active modules of the inactive modules. A color and an alpha specific to each state will make this differentiation. It will also be triggered in automatic mode, which can be produced by all the modules.

There will also no longer be any errors when inserting characters other than numeric in the module coordinates table.

- The bars are readjusted, the base bar (rounded) and the flat bar are functional and calibrated. The shields too.
- The graphics of certain elements are revised complements like resistance, regen and degen as well as the weapon enchantment which alters the resistance of the adversary. With graphics infused with Oblivion (TES IV).
- The chronometer has been rewritten, it loses the "automatic" mode which was useless.
- The menu is completely rewritten and completely redesigned.
- The provocation module has a new look, with a new logo, animation and countdown (for TANKs)
- The VVARDUI reticle, although it doesn't look different than the one I implemented in CurvyHud has been completely rewritten.
- A message module is emerging which capitalizes all the texts dumped in the chat, with a welcome reminder feature for players without PCHAT for example.
- There is a slight decrease in options to avoid wasting time on customization. The functionality of making a profile for or or x character has been maintained.
- The guild module has not changed too much because it was the most recent.
- The bagslot module is born
- The interaction module will allow you to change the color and the font of the interaction blocks.
- The nameplate module is almost unchanged.
- neither the tips module

- Currently, I have completed 95% of the writing initially planned. The new addon currently weighs less than 2MB.

Last edited by vvarderen : 08/12/20 at 02:18 PM.
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Unread 07/02/20, 03:44 PM  
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merci à tous pour vos nombreux retours.

Je ne ferai pas nouvelle mise à jour du mode.
Je suis en train de réécrire intégralement un nouvel addon qui ragdera l'esprit de "CurvyHud".

Voila déjà une semaine que je suis sur l'écriture de ce nouvel addon.

Je travail très fortement à l'optimisation de l'ensemble du code et est une baisse drastique du poids des fichiers images.
Je l'écris également pour rendre plus optimal le non fonctionnement des fonctionnalités que les utilisateurs ne souhaitent pas utiliser.
J'ai repris tous les blocs principaux de CuvyHud en les repenssants complétement.
Mes premiers tests sont assez concluant pour le moment. J'ai à mon avis encore 2 à 3 semaines d'écriture et de tests avant de livrer la première version du nouvel addon.

Comme d'habitude, je ferai de mon mieux pour répondre aux différents retours.


thank you all for your many returns.

I will not do new mode update.
I'm in the process of completely rewriting a new addon that will add to the spirit of "CurvyHud".

It's been a week already that I'm writing this new addon.

I am working very hard on optimizing the whole code and is drastically reducing the size of the image files.
I am also writing it to make the non-functioning of features that users do not wish to use more optimal.
I took over all the main blocks of CuvyHud and completely redesigned them.
My first tests are quite conclusive at the moment. I think I still have 2 to 3 weeks of writing and testing before delivering the first version of the new addon.

As usual, I will do my best to respond to various feedback.

Last edited by vvarderen : 07/02/20 at 03:46 PM.
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Unread 06/28/20, 04:07 AM  
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possible fix

so like many others i to have been plagued by the massive lag spikes due to this mod being enabled
but thanks to some very easy deducing i think ive found one of many possible issues that could be causing this:

GHOSTLY-freaking bars

can confirm that having your BAR CONFIGURATION set to GHOSTLY under the General Settings tab in CurvyHUD
AND then pointing your cursor at a player or enemy will in fact induce the frame loss.
flip that baby onto anything BUT Ghostly and youre good to ride once more!

side note - thank you so much to the mod author for this mod, been a much appreciative fan since youve launched this and im sure im not that only one that hopes you continue your hard work bro bro
Last edited by izsak1031 : 06/28/20 at 04:26 AM.
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Unread 06/27/20, 10:52 PM  

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Originally Posted by rodneyregis
Hi there. since update Curvy drops my frame rate to <5fps and lag goes to 999+ - if I disable it game runs fine.
The exact same thing happens to me.
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Unread 06/25/20, 11:25 AM  
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Originally Posted by rodneyregis
Hi there. since update Curvy drops my frame rate to <5fps and lag goes to 999+ - if I disable it game runs fine.

Network Lags cannot in any way come from CurvyHUD.
The frame code has not been reviewed. c.f. change logs tab.

However, I will do some tests when the game allows it ...


Have you updated all the dependencies of your addons?

P.S. :
No frame drop in dungeon, with 3 of my characters, inside and outside.
With or without third party addons.

exemple at this time : no lags in the midst of many players.

new test : no lags.
even with the stopwatch started.
Last edited by vvarderen : 06/25/20 at 11:49 AM.
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Unread 06/25/20, 07:02 AM  

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Hi there. since update Curvy drops my frame rate to <5fps and lag goes to 999+ - if I disable it game runs fine.
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Unread 06/20/20, 11:00 AM  
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Update version : 6.12 available

Update version : 6.12 available. Detail in change log tab.

Thanks for all your feedback
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Unread 05/27/20, 02:48 PM  
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Update version : 6.11 available

Update version : 6.11 available. Detail in change log tab.

Thanks for all your feedback
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Unread 02/29/20, 04:49 PM  
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Update version : 6.10 available

Update version : 6.10 available. Detail in change log tab.

Thanks for all your feedback
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Unread 09/16/19, 12:25 PM  
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Je cherche un repreneur pour poursuivre la vie de l'addon.

I'm looking for a buyer to continue the life of the addon.

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Käufer, um das Leben des Addons fortzusetzen.
Last edited by vvarderen : 05/27/20 at 02:47 PM.
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Unread 08/21/19, 12:52 PM  
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Update version : 6.8 available.

Update version : 6.8 available. Detail in change log tab.

Thanks for all your feedback

Originally Posted by DreamsUnderStars
Thank you for the update!
Last edited by vvarderen : 08/21/19 at 12:52 PM.
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Unread 08/08/19, 02:53 PM  

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Thank you for the update!
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