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Updated: 10/21/18 07:25 AM
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Murkmire (4.2)
Updated:10/21/18 07:25 AM
Created:06/06/17 04:34 PM
Monthly downloads:536
Total downloads:193,062
FCM Quest Tracker  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
by: DesertDwellers [More]

Fully Customize-able Multi Quest Tracker

See below in Orange for recent enhancements!

Make your tracker your own! Show as little or as much as you want! You are in control of so many options to make it look how you want!

Features :

More than 50 options !!!

Compatible with CraftStore Fixed and Bandits UI!
  • Show more than one quest ! You can decide how many quests you want to display.
  • Box fully modifiable ! Choose your Titles and Texts Fonts, Colors, Overall Background Color and Transparency through a dedicated menu, adjust your box to the desired position and size !
  • Share quests, Remove quests, Filter quests by zone, Show quest on the map, Focus a quest directly with your mouse ! (Set the actions you want with the integrate mouse controller settings !)
  • Select witch quests types you want to display : Show/Hide Guilds Quests, Main Story Quests, Cyrodill Quests...
  • Show hidden quests info ! (Force all information for optional quests or hints)
  • Auto Focus for the newest quest or the last updated quest
  • Sort Quests by Focused+Zone+Name or Zone+Name, if displaying zones is disabled then sorts will change to Focused+Name or just Name.
  • Have a quests listed by name or zone and name, two different zone views.
  • Use Keybinds to change your view on the fly!
  • Displays the current number of quests
  • and more ^^

Version 1.5 Enhancements

Quest Step Icons - Default is Off - Icon size will adjust to text size.
  • Objective - Gold Quest Marker
  • Objective Completed - Gold Quest Marker with Green Check Mark
  • Or/Multiple Objective - Gold "+" sign
  • Optional Objective - White Quest Marker
  • Hint - Gray Dialog Icon
  • Hidden Hint - Red Eye Icon
  • Note if you have any issues seeing Icons, log out to desktop and back in.
Quest Step Text Indicators (If Icon option is not selected in Objectives/Hints Option
  • * = Objective
  • + = Or/Multiple Objective (could be a choice or multiple locations to compelte step)
  • ** = Optional Objective
Quest Options Menu - Need to assign this in mouse settings to a mouse button.
  • Change Assisted Quest
  • Remove Quest
  • Share Quest
  • Show On Map
Hide Objectives/hints EXCEPT
  • This option is a drop down, choices are "Disabled", "Focused Quest", "Focused Zone"
  • "Disabled" will display all objectives and hints, other filters in settings will be applied.
  • "Focused Quest" will display objectives and hints ONLY for the focused quest, other quests will just list quest name.
    "Focused Zone" will display objectives and hints for all quests in the same zone or category of the focused quest.
  • NOTE: Upon first upgrade of to version 1.5 this option is set to "Disabled", so you may need to update it to your preference.
Auto Hide Zone Revamp
  • When enabled zones/categories will be filterd (collasped) except zone/category of focused quest.
  • Collapsed zones/categories can be clicked on to view quests within it.
  • Clicking and expanded zone will collapse it.
  • Using the mouse to select a quest to focus will collapse all other zones/categories.
  • Collapse all zones/categories except focused.
  • Right clicking the expanded zone/category will collapse all zones/categories except focused.
  • All filter options "Objective/Hints Settings" will apply to the viewable quests.
  • Currently using the default "T" key, clicking on map icon, or using Journal will not collapse other zones automaitcally.
  • At times when quests complete, the game will assign the next quest if not in your current zone/category it will open the the new zone/category and the original zone will be still expanded
Zone/Category Right Click Menu - Available as long as Zones/Categories are displayed
  • Collapse All Zones/Categories - Collapse all zones excelpt focused zone.
  • Expand All Zones/Categories - Expand all zones to see all quests.
  • Auto Hide Zones/Category On/Off - Turn on or off the Auto Hide Zones feature.
  • Change Zone/Category View - Change between Zone View and Category View.
  • Hide Hint and Hidden Hint On/Off - Turn Hints and Hidden Hints on or off for all quests.
Custom Titles
  • FCM Quest tracker supports custom titles, if you do not wish the support install the add on Disable Custom Titles (

How to use FCMQT :
  1. Download - Use Minion it makes it far easier, then skip to step 3.
  2. Unzip the directory "FCMQT" to : Addons folder
  3. Launch the game.
  4. Go to "Settings" -> "Addons" -> "FCMQT settings" and set the window width, position your window where you want.
  5. Lock the position to enable mouse interactions.

Future 1.6+ release
  • Improve Chat Output, tracker messages and quest info.
  • Show an update window at the initial load of a new release, to see items changed.
  • Look into options to get more control over the default change quest key.
  • Look into options to control what quest gets selected when a quest is completed.
  • Restructure Language output to more efficient system.
  • Need translations.
  • Fix for Locked Quest Bug.

For the Future, comment any new features you would like to see:
  • Add additional sort options and presets.
  • Display in more directions.
  • Track/Untrack specific quests.
  • Add a Tool Tip to see more indepth quest information without opening the journal

Known issues in latest releases :[list]
Known Bug - Locked Quest Bug
Occasionally after completing a quest a random quest will not be selectable. This bug is present in prior versions, I wanted to squash this bug but I am still digging and did not want to wait any longer on all the other updates. The bug will go away if you do one of the following:
  • Another quest updates.
  • Another quest gets completed.
  • Or you log out and back in
  • I am currently working on a final solution for this.
It appears this bug has been present since the beginning of the Add On. I will be working to finally get this one resolved.

Show Quests in Current Zone
Technically not a bug, as there is little that can be done about it. When using this feature you may notice that your quests will not appear. This happens because you are in a location that is another zone or a sub zone of where the quest says it should be. Dungeons it happens a lot in. Nothing can be done about this at this time. Example Brass Fortress, the quest's zone ID is not the same as the zone. This means you may be in the zone for the quest but it will not show. Working for a resolution, redoing the way it treats zones.

Credits :
Thanks to
- Baetram and Dolgubon for assisting me with questions
- Blackstorm for all his hard work.
- Seerah : for the libs : LibStub, LibAddonMenu and LibMediaProvider, Wiki, Forum...
- Wykkyd : for its buffer function and recommendations in the Wiki threads ^^
- Zerorez : for its original idea
- Thanks to the ESOUI Addon Dev Community - They really are a great bunch of people.
## ##
-- Reverted update to LibCustomMenu to older version because of conflict between the newest version of that libaray and AGS

If you do not use Awesome Guild Store, this update is not necessary.


-- Updated LibCustomTitles
-- Updated LibCustomMenu
-- Updated LibDialog
-- Updated Manifest with new AddOnVersion variable.
-- API Bump

This is a maintenance release for support for Murkmire. Currently the 1.6 version is under development and should be released shortly after Murkmire goes live.


## ##
-- Updated libCustomTitles to newest version, to fix any issues with RUEso.


## ##
-- Fixed issue with starting with new SavedVars


## ##
Major Changes
-- Added choice to display Icons or Text indicators for quest steps/conditions.
-- Added Icons for quest steps (see below for break down)
-- Added "Quest Options Menu" to the mouse setup, provides a list of actions to perform. (see below for actions)
-- Added Zone Category right click menu (See below)
-- Revamp option "Hide Objectives/Hints EXCEPT when focused" is replaced with "Hide Objectives/hints EXCEPT". See Below.
-- Revamp option "Auto Hide Zone (see Below)
-- Added when tracker is not locked, on initial load of addon it will give a message on screen.
-- Added Custom Titles library, see below.

Minor Fixes
-- API Bump
-- Clean QuestLoop Coding
-- Added chat message to keybind Toggles to indicate what the new state is.
-- Changed that you cannot filter/collapse the zone with the focused quest.
-- Fixed condition that setting to apply transparancy to quests not in the focued zone.
-- Created base code for chat output for future release.

Quest Step Icons - Default is Off - Icon size will adjust to text size.
-- Objective - Gold Quest Marker
-- Objective Completed - Gold Quest Marker with Green Check Mark
-- Or/Multiple Objective - Gold "+" sign
-- Optional Objective - White Quest Marker
-- Hint - Gray Dialog Icon
-- Hidden Hint - Red Eye Icon
-- Note if you have any issues seeing Icons, log out to desktop and back in.

Quest Step Text Indicators (If Icon option is not selected in Objectives/Hints Option
-- * = Objective
-- + = Or/Multiple Objective (could be a choice or multiple locations to compelte step)
-- ** = Optional Objective

Quest Options Menu - Need to assign this in mouse settings to a mouse button.
-- Change Assisted Quest
-- Remove Quest
-- Share Quest
-- Show On Map

Hide Objectives/hints EXCEPT
-- This option is a drop down, choices are "Disabled", "Focused Quest", "Focused Zone"
-- "Disabled" will display all objectives and hints, other filters in settings will be applied.
-- "Focused Quest" will display objectives and hints ONLY for the focused quest, other quests will just list quest name.
-- "Focused Zone" will display objectives and hints for all quests in the same zone or category of the focused quest.
-- NOTE: Upon first upgrade of to version 1.5 this option is set to "Disabled", so you may need to update it to your preference.

Auto Hide Zone Revamp
-- When enabled zones/categories will be filterd (collasped) except zone/category of focused quest.
-- Collasped zones/categories can be clicked on to view quests within it.
-- Clicking and expanded zone will collapse it.
-- Using the mouse to select a quest to focus will collapse all other zones/categories.
-- colllapse all zones/categories except focused.
-- Right clicking the expanded zone/category will collapse all zones/categories except focused.
-- All filter options "Objective/Hints Settings" will apply to the viewable quests.
-- Currently using the default "T" key, clicking on map icon, or using Journal will not collapse other zones automaitcally.
-- At times when quests complete, the game will assign the next quest if not in your current zone/category it will open the the new zone/category and the original zone will be still expanded

Zone/Category Right Click Menu - Available as long as Zones/Categories are displayed
-- Collapse All Zones/Categories - Collapse all zones excelpt focused zone.
-- Expand All Zones/Categories - Expand all zones to see all quests.
-- Auto Hide Zones/Category On/Off - Turn on or off the Auto Hide Zones feature.
-- Change Zone/Category View - Change between Zone View and Category View.
-- Hide Hint and Hidden Hint On/Off - Turn Hints and Hidden Hints on or off for all quests.

Custom Titles
-- FCM Quest tracker supports custom titles, if you do not wish the support install the add on Disable Custom Titles (

Future 1.6+ release
-- Improve Chat Output, tracker messages and quest info.
-- Show an update window at the initial load of a new release, to see items changed.
-- Look into options to get more control over the default change quest key.
-- Look into options to control what quest gets selected when a quest is completed.
-- Restructure Language output to more efficient system.
-- Need translations.
-- Fix for Locked Quest Bug.


## ##
-- Fixed intermitent issue with Quest Conditions not updating.

I apolgoize for another update on the heels of one yesterday, but I was finally able to duplicate an instance where a quest did not update quest conditions count, that has been reported. It is resolved. Please remember if you find a problem, no matter how minor give me any details you can. Especially the Quest, it will make diagnosing the issue much easier. In this case it was not every quest, but once I found one it failed it I was able to find the root cause.

Again, I wish I had found this sooner so I would not do another update right now.


## ##
-- Moved "Or" items to Objective, using the symbols of "+ " but of the objective color.
-- Changed labels on Quest Steps.
* = Objective
+ = Choice Objective (Or Objectives, or choice of location)
** = Optional Objective/Comments

I apologize, the game actually has it "Or" items labeled as objectives, I put them under a different category so they would stand out more in the tracker. I did not take into account that some people could be hiding hidden, hints, or optional items. I also discovered because of feedback from users, that the "Or" items are not only used when you have a choice of which NPC to talk to for example, it can also be used when you have a choice of where to go to complete this, or there are multiple locations and yo may only have to go to some of them not all of them.

So I moved these items back to being a Objective, but instead of being proceeded by a "*?" it is proceeded by a "+". For example in the Madness in Shadowfen quest at the end you are to speak with Alvur Baren, it is showing up as he is actually in multiple location, you can actually turn the quest in at three different locations, as he is in Mages Guild in Elden Root, Wayrest, and Mournhold. This is not limited to just quest turn ins but also cases where you have multiple locations but only have to get one or a few but not all locations.

I still want to mark this quest as something different especially when you do have the original intent of a choice between two people. So these quests steps will now be proceeded with a "+", indicating you do have choices. If actual independent choices show up, you only will need to complete one. If only one step shows as a "+" then you have a choice where to obtain that objective.


## ##
-- Added display of "OR" quest items for when you have multiple possible objectives but only need to complete 1.
-- Optional quest notes or optional objectives will be preceeded by "**" and of the optional color.
-- Cleaned up code that controlled visibility of the tracker
-- Added option to hide tracker in combat - Keybind to hide tracker will override this.

"OR" display of quests os for quests where you have more than one objective, but only need to complete one. For example you need to speak to one of two people. These will show under the "Optional Objectives" The color will be the optional color, and the quest condition will be lead by two "*". Once you complete one of the them, it will update to the next phase of the quest. For Example, *? Talk to Skorvild, the "**" indicats it is "Or" quest stage.

New option to hide tracker in combat will be overriden by the keybind. That is, if you already selected the keybind to hide the tracker it will not become visibile again until you press the keybind again. Did this so that the game is making it visible when you want it to be.

I found many issues with the tracker hiding, cleaned up the code and it appears to be functioning correctly. It should hide when the side menu is opened, the top menu is opened, in any of the character views, when any of the crafting windows are open, including CraftStore crafting windows. If there is any issues please let me know.


## ##
-- Fixed two registrations of same event.
-- Forced Quest Timer to hide upon completion of quest.

This should fix the intermitent problem of not able to choose a quest.

-- Fixed feature to hide zone with mouse click.
## - The Fixer Upper Edition
-- Fixed Category Zone View sorting*
-- Fixed Keybinds that would save it's toggle state to the SavedVars.
-- Added two events to improve Quest Timer performance**
-- Added requested feature to reset tracker position, both a slash command and keybind. "/fcmqt_resetpos"***
-- Added slash command and keybind to Toggle lock for quest tracker "/fcmqt_lock"
-- Other miscellaneous performance fixes.

* Note if you use the focused sort, any quest in a category will appear at the top as well. For example if you have 5 guild quests, and one in the zone you are in. In Category view it will place the one quild quest at the top under the heading of Guild. Further down the list you will see Guild listed again, with the remaing 4 Guild quests.

** Still have a problem with counter in DB continuing after successful completion of quest. Does not affect the game, it is just an annoying astetic I want fixed :(

*** The feature to move the tracker will unlock the tracker, and bring it to position 200,200. Close to the top left of your screen. It will also leave it unlocked, a message in chat will advise you that it is unlocked. Rememmber, when unlocked you cannot use the mouse functions in the tracker.

Please be aware, if you have less quests in the tracker than you have in your journal, then the zones that you do not have quests listed in the tracker will be displayed. For example, if you have 13 quests but only show 9 of them, the tracker will determine which 9 to show. The zones the other 4 quests are in will show in the tracker with no quests listed. This is by design.

In a future release I will look at the logic behind how it picks the quest to view, I only know for sure the quest you have focused, and as many of the quests in the zone you are in. Then it seems to be random.


-- Fixed Timer causing game to freeze.
-- Looking at stopping the timer early instead of it running down on successfully getting out before Overseer shows up.

-- Fixed so that Optional Objectives show.
-- Expanded settings
----- Added color choices for Hints and Hidden Hints, including a complete option.
----- Added ability to toggle the following visibility in the tracker
--------- Optional Information
--------- Optional Objectives
--------- Hints
--------- Hidden Hints
-- Ability to for the toggle to turn off all of the above to disable the Settings of each of the above.
-- Changed the Quest Time to read "Time:" instead of "Time Remaining:" to allow for more compact designs of the tracker.

-- Known bugs, quest sorting not working when using Category view, will work on immediately.

Originally it was pointed out to me that some tracker elements were no longer showing, in my testing it had been that way for a while. After fixing the problem, I disovered it made the output of the tracker much longer. There was an options to hide hints, to hide all hints and optional info, and only see optional and hidden information on the focused quest. What I did not have was individual control. As was pointed out to me, the Dark Brotherhoos and the Theives Guild quest lines depend heavily on the Optional Objectives, as it increases the reward, and influences the time allowed. Therefore, I did not want to have the users that would need this feature to have a tracker that looked cluttered if it was not their desire.

So I added the addtional toggles, so for example, if you do a lot of DB quests, you could turn off all optional information except the Optional Objectives. Then all you would see is who you need to kill, and what optional objectives you have to complete. However, if you want the hints and optional information you can get them.

I know I promised a few people various tweeks, and this started out as fixing an existing problem, which always takes priorty, and expanded into features that would be needed in my opinion. It would be far easier to do it now since a lot of it involved the same code area I was working on.

I have tested this version, however it was a major rewrite of how every quest element is handled, so I may have missed something. Please report them either as comment or as a bug immediately.

Thanks to all of you that find this tracker useful.

Quest Timer for quests that have a completion time is now live.
-- Quest timer for the remaining time will be displayed at the top of the tracker.
-- Quest timer is only visible during the portions of the quest that the timer applies.
-- In the settings you can change the following items:
------ Turn the time on or off, if off then if a quest with time comes up it will not display.
------ Set the Font
------ Set the Font Style
------ Set size of the font
------ Set color of the font

You will notice space at the top of the tracker where the timer will appear, this space will be either even if you do not have the quest timer on. Due to how the UI window is built, in order to not have the space it would require the quest list to be refreshed about every 10 milliseconds, which is a bit excessive. I needed a fixed position that will not move with every update of the quest tracker as well.

If that is a concern, I will look at later on redoing the UI window in the tracker.

## -- The Add On Compatibility Patch
-- Now compatible with CraftStore Fixed Add On. When crafting enchantments or food, it will recognize the CraftStore Fixed UI windows and hide the tracker just like all of the other crafting windows.
-- Now compatible with Bandits UI. When FCM Quest Tracker sees Bandit UI is loaded it will skip the code that was causing issues.

Next up for 1.3 is Quest Timer. Please comment or enter bugs in the portal for anything you find. Bugs always take a priority.

-- Fixed Show Quests in Current Zone Only when Show Category Zone View is off.

-- Fixed error caused by a typo in group quests.
-- Fixed spelling of Trajan Pro

## 1.1.23
Feature Added: Settings for Category Zone View

Added a requested feature that when using the Category Zone feature (default for tracker), that you can select by quest type for it not to include the zone in title. For example, if you have a dungeon quest in Glenumbra and Bangkorai, currently with default settings you would see the categories "Dungeon - Glenumbra" and "Dungeon - Bangkorai" in the tracker.

If in the Settings for Category Zone View for dungeons is set to "Off", now the two dungeons will appear under the "Dungeon" category.

If you have "Show Category Zone View" in the Zones Quest Settings turned off, then these options have no effect.

-- Updated LibAddonMenu
-- Started testing solution for CraftStore when using it for crafting Runes or Food, hopefully solution soon.

## 1.0.23
-- New Versioning numbers, xx.yy.zz (x = Major, y = Minor, z = API Supported)
-- API Bump
-- Coding changes for API 100023 support

## 0.95.b17
-- Fixed issue with duplication of objectives/hints, and objectives appearing under wrong quest.
-- Moved the following three options under Objectives/Hint Settings.
------ Hide Objectives/hints Except when Focused
------ Hide Hidden Info/Hints
------ Hide Completed Hints and Objectives
-- Cleaned up coding on how content is handled.

If you run into any issues, or settings are not the same since last login, you may need to redo some of the settings. If you continue to have problems please log out, deleted the saved vars file, and then log back in. This will reset all settings to default.

I doubt you will have to reset, but if you do have issues this should fix it.

Please post a comment with any bugs or feature requests, or send me a PM.

## 0.95.b15
--Fixed option to hide hidden into and hints. It has been renamed to "Hide Optional/Hidden Quest Infos/Hints"
--Added option to not apply transparancy to quests in the same zone as the focused quest.
--See notes in Comments for in depth details.

## 0.95.b14
- Fixed a bug that caused quests not to be selected by mouse with a certain options selected.
- Still working on full Summerset compatibility.

## 0.95.b13
- Fixed issue with Summerset thanks to help from manwoodsal for testing for me.
- Updated LibCustomMenu to newest version
- Sorting has been revised. Options are Focused+Zone+Name or Zone+Name
----- Selecting Focused+Zone+Name will put the focused quest at the top of the list, along with the zone if zones are enabled
----- Selecting Zone+Name is the normal sort.

## 0.95.b12
- Revamped Menu Options
- API Bump, ready for Summerset
- Started rework of Zones in the coding, please provide feedback.
- Added new Zone View
- Shows only Zone names, so all guild quests, crafting quests, will show under the zone the quest is in.
- Turn off the option "Show Classic FCMQT Zones (Hybrid)"
- Quests will now have their Quest Type included in their Title
- Example "Shadow of Sancre Tor (Main Story)" instead of "Shadow of Sancre Tor"
- This does not show when "Show Class FCMQT Zones (Hybrid)" is turned on.
- Created new Menu Option, "Show Quest Types"
- If "Show Quests Area Name" is turned off then all options for zone are disabled.
- Renamed "Titles" in menu options to "Quest Names", find that more appropriate.
- Settings (Menu) is separated into own LUA file

Fixed problem with library folder structure, and out of date notifications on them.

Added a suggested feature to hide hidden objectives and hints.

Added a suggested feature to hide the objectives/hidden info of quests that are not focused. With this option only the quest (and zone if selected) will show in the list, except for the quest that is focused then all of the objectives and hidden info will be displayed.

Fixed errors while trying to create color pickers on removed code from last release. Sorry guys.


Basically a maintenance release, removed some coding, and some options in the add on menu. Added the Show Quest Timer option, though it has not been implemented. Started working on a testing Quest Timer.

* Added option to Show Quest Timer - Does not function yet.
* Removed Level option since Tameriel One the quest level is equal to the character level.
* Removed sort option "Zone+Level"

As a precaution you may want to back up your savedvars file, however in testing I did not find any problems created by the changes in this update.


API Update 100022
Libs are updated.
Holiday events showing properly is tested.
French and German language updates to Quest Types is included.

0.91.3 Libs Updated

0.91.2 I did put in coding for Holiday Events in the coding, it is untested that it will work at this point, however the addon is working

0.91 Fixed problem with 0.90c not loading, and registering as out of date.

0.90c Updated API 100020
Optional Files (0)

Archived Files (34)
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Unread 05/08/18, 10:03 PM  
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Re: Summerset Status

Originally Posted by DesertDwellers
All major issues have been resolved, working on a mouse problem other than that the tracker is compatible for Summerset!

I will not be able to push an update though until it goes live, the code changes cannot both exist in same LUA coding so I cannot make it compatible for both the current API and the Summerset API.

I will upload the changes as early as I can once Summerset is live.

If anyone wants to play on PTS and use the tracker there, send me PM and I can send it to you.
Mouse problem was resolved, FCM Quest Tracker is currently compatible with Summerset.
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Unread 05/08/18, 08:48 PM  
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Re: Summerset Status

Originally Posted by DesertDwellers
All major issues have been resolved, working on a mouse problem other than that the tracker is compatible for Summerset!

I will not be able to push an update though until it goes live, the code changes cannot both exist in same LUA coding so I cannot make it compatible for both the current API and the Summerset API.

I will upload the changes as early as I can once Summerset is live.

If anyone wants to play on PTS and use the tracker there, send me PM and I can send it to you.
Mouse problem resolved. From all my testing so far it is compatible for the new API for Summerset.

I will update live version once Summerset is live.
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Unread 05/08/18, 04:35 PM  
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Summerset Status

All major issues have been resolved, working on a mouse problem other than that the tracker is compatible for Summerset!

I will not be able to push an update though until it goes live, the code changes cannot both exist in same LUA coding so I cannot make it compatible for both the current API and the Summerset API.

I will upload the changes as early as I can once Summerset is live.

If anyone wants to play on PTS and use the tracker there, send me PM and I can send it to you.
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Unread 05/05/18, 03:01 PM  
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New version 0.95.b15

## 0.95.b15
--Fixed option to hide hidden into and hints. It has been renamed to "Hide Optional/Hidden Quest Infos/Hints"
--Added option to not apply transparancy to quests in the same zone as the focused quest.
--See notes in Comments for in depth details.

First, I fixed the option to hide the optional/hidden/hints for a quest. In the process of fixing it, I also renamed it so it was more consistent with other items in the menu. It is in the Quest Settings, and it is called "Hide Optional/Hidden Quest Info/Hints". This option and the option right above it, "Hide Objectives/Hits except on Focused (it hides all objectives and hints except for the focused quest), these options help reduce how big the tracker can get and make it more visually appealing.

This update continued on from b12/b14 where sorting was redone, allowing you to sort with the focused quest at the top of the list, along with any quests in that same zone (depending if you are using hybrid zones or not, more on that further.

Goal here was to give an option like some trackers I have seen with the current focused quest at the top, with the added benefit of quests in that same zone.

Many of you may use the option, "Enable Transparancy for No Focused Quests", that has been available since even before I took over this add on. What this does is you can set your transparncy of quests that are not being focused, making the focused quest stand out.

Now you have an option "Focused Quest Zone Not Transparent", may sound a little confusing. What is does, is takes your transpency settings, and instead of applying it to all quests except the one in focus, it applies the transparancy to all quests NOT in the same zone as your focused quest. So for example, if your focused quest is in Auridon, and you have quests in Grahtwood. If you have both options enabled, then it will show all the Auridon quests not using the transparency, so they will be at the full brightness.

Hybrid Zone sorting is what I am calling the original sort this add on started with, where if it is a guild quest for example in Grahtwood, it would appear instead in a zone or area of "Guild". So the guild quest area or zone could contain quests scattered through out the map. In B12 I came out with a new option, that instead of breaking out some quests by type and rest by zone, I put them all in the zone they belong. You get to this feature by turning off the option under zone settings, "Show classic FCMQT Zones (Hybrid)". And in the guild name I would add in parenthesis at the end the quest type if it has one. So for example "Dark Anchors in Stormhaven (Guild)". So with the Hybrid zones turned off, this quest would appear in the zone Stormhaven, since that is the zone the quest is in.

The goal of this addon that is it is fully customizeable. You are not restricted to just what the author wanted and that is it. So anything I change, even if I may feel that change is for the better will be put in as an option. What is important to me may not be what is important to you.

Of course having so many options, can make the addon unwieldy. So after I am finished with the Summerset compatibility, I will start putting together some documentation for this Add On, so you can better understand all the options, and how they affect each other.

I have always loved this addon, and that is why I decided to take it over when it became out dated.
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Unread 05/05/18, 11:54 AM  
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Originally Posted by SpeedHighway
I apologize for coming back to a previous subject. I finally got around to updating and I see that the "hint" feature that you added was hiding completed hints (which isn't a bad touch.) The feature that I keep adding back, on my end, though, is the ability to hide hints for quest that are not being tracked (I still want to see the objectives, just not the hints, because they take up the entire screen).

Would you consider adding that in or should I just go ahead and keep modding it on my end?

The option is there, but it is not working. There is an option to only show hidden info and objectives if it is the current quest.

Right now finishing one item on my list, and will look at this right after that.
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Unread 05/05/18, 09:38 AM  

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I apologize for coming back to a previous subject. I finally got around to updating and I see that the "hint" feature that you added was hiding completed hints (which isn't a bad touch.) The feature that I keep adding back, on my end, though, is the ability to hide hints for quest that are not being tracked (I still want to see the objectives, just not the hints, because they take up the entire screen).

Would you consider adding that in or should I just go ahead and keep modding it on my end?

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Unread 05/04/18, 06:31 PM  
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Update 0.95 b14 - Bug Fix for Live

I did find a bug in the live version of the addon, that could cause the mouse not able to select a quest. Still working on full compatibility with Summerset. Taking longer than I thought, however we got plenty of time for release.
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Unread 05/02/18, 08:30 PM  
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Sorry I missed you said vertical.

The tracker technically has no vertical limit other than the screen itself, one thing this tracker does that no other does is it shows all the text by wrapping it instead of shrinking it or cutting it off.

However if it gets too big there are options you can do to manage the size. Three options I use all the time are.

Under the quest settings, I turn on Hide Objectives Except on Focused. So you do not see the objective of every quest.

Some quests have a lot of hidden info, so below that is an option to turn that off as well.

Also in the Zone settings, I usually select Enagle Auto Hide Zone. So you see the zone names, but do not see the quests except in the zone you currently have your focused quest on. I am looking into opening the zone up with a mouse click, but have not got there yet. But you can use the "T" key.
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Unread 05/02/18, 08:22 PM  
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Originally Posted by RavenMind
Hello. This looks like a really neat quest tracker. I downloaded and tried it today. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. The big thing I'd like to be able to do is to click on a quest displayed on the tracker and have that become my focused quest. I believe I enabled the left-click to the correct setting, and I've locked the frame. However left-clicking doesn't seem to have any effect. I am able to right-click & have it display the map though. Do you have any suggestions?
Also, is there a way to decrease the vertical size? I believe I read it could be clicked & dragged, but I don't seem to be able to do this, and the list is very long & goes off the screen, overlapping other UI elements I have below. Settings only seems to have an option for width.

Thanks very much!
If you have the mouse button set for "Change Assisted Quest" and it is locked it should be working. It is working for me at the moment. If it is not PM me the settings you have, unfortunately there is so many options in this tracker I find it difficult to duplicate the problem. At the very least copy your savedvars file into a PM.

Alternatively, you can cycle through the quests as well. The default key is "T", pressing that it will cycle through the quests. You can change that key in the Controls menu in the game menu.

You can set the window width in the global settings in the settings menu.

Right now I am working on the PTS to finish some compatibility issues with Summerset, however if there is some functionality not working I will address it ASAP.
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Unread 05/02/18, 08:18 PM  
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Originally Posted by RavenMind
Hello. This looks like a really neat quest tracker. I downloaded and tried it today. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. The big thing I'd like to be able to do is to click on a quest displayed on the tracker and have that become my focused quest. I believe I enabled the left-click to the correct setting, and I've locked the frame. However left-clicking doesn't seem to have any effect. I am able to right-click & have it display the map though. Do you have any suggestions?
Also, is there a way to decrease the vertical size? I believe I read it could be clicked & dragged, but I don't seem to be able to do this, and the list is very long & goes off the screen, overlapping other UI elements I have below. Settings only seems to have an option for width.

Thanks very much!
To decrease the list you can choose the number of quests you are tracking.

As for the rest, i would rather say to be patient, as actually the author is working hard on the addon to get a lot of changes ready for Summerset (21 days left)

BUt do not worry i am sur in the meantime he will answer your questions better than me concerning the left-clicking
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Unread 05/02/18, 07:29 PM  
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Hello. This looks like a really neat quest tracker. I downloaded and tried it today. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. The big thing I'd like to be able to do is to click on a quest displayed on the tracker and have that become my focused quest. I believe I enabled the left-click to the correct setting, and I've locked the frame. However left-clicking doesn't seem to have any effect. I am able to right-click & have it display the map though. Do you have any suggestions?
Also, is there a way to decrease the vertical size? I believe I read it could be clicked & dragged, but I don't seem to be able to do this, and the list is very long & goes off the screen, overlapping other UI elements I have below. Settings only seems to have an option for width.

Thanks very much!
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Unread 05/02/18, 07:28 PM  
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I am still trying to resolve an issue with the world map and the tracker for Summerset on the PTS. So if on the PTS be patient, I think I have the bug cornered.
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Unread 05/02/18, 06:23 PM  
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Re: mouse ?

Originally Posted by BeaM
I use the addon but i can't find a way to make working Right click / Left Click / Middle Click / Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 .... i've param the mouse button in the FCM Quest Tracker Menu but it's not working, what can i have forget ? Thanks

Update : i've find the trick ^^ Only when the map is open, not usable directly on the screen when using ";"
BeaM, mouse functions should work without the map being open, however they do not work if you have not locked in position in settings.
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Unread 05/02/18, 03:39 PM  
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Re: Changing position of window

Originally Posted by Padlina
A bit noob question but I can't find option in addon settings to move quest tracker window to other position.
It is in the middle and I would like to have it on right side where the regular tracker is.
there is an option to unlock the tracker in the settings of the tracker addon, that will allow you to move it where you want
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Unread 05/02/18, 02:41 PM  

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Changing position of window

A bit noob question but I can't find option in addon settings to move quest tracker window to other position.
It is in the middle and I would like to have it on right side where the regular tracker is.
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