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Updated: 08/12/14 02:58 PM
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Updated:08/12/14 02:58 PM
Created:04/09/14 05:40 PM
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Teh Inept Looter
Version: 0.11.0
by: ItseyBitsey [More]
Teh Inept Looter.

An almighty hero wanders through the wastes of Tamriel, forever haunted by Stale raddishes and murky numb-all-over. What can be done!? there's only one answer, and its an inept one. Use teh inept looting addon to show you what you loot, and to banish those stale raddishes to the junk pile or destroyed forever!

Getting Started:
See the FAQ entry on getting started.
See this FAQ Entry on how SendToAFriend works.
See this FAQ Entry on what all of the options are.

Quick Feature List:
Automatically Banish stale raddishes to teh JUNK! (On pickup mark items as junk)
Turn a healthy profit on Stale Raddish sales! (Auto sell junk and trash at vendors)
Single out specific Stale Radishes for punishment! ( Mouse over press a key to toggle junk status in inventory)
Spy on your friends as they gather Radsishes for their own nefarious purposes ( group loot view)
Destroy the Raddishes, DESTROY! ( When bags are full delete low cost items)
Spam your Friends with Raddish related email (Quickly empty bags to email)
Quickly Counter Raddish Email and bounce it back (Autoreturn friendly "please return") emails.

Most recent version notes:

0.11.0 - GunStore Great Work Edition.
Quick release to capitalise on the awesome work of GunStore. Not only did GunStore raise a bug but also fixed the problem and even told me all about it - all before I could log in. THANK YOU!

New Features:
  • Compatibility with most recent patch.

Previous editions: See Change Log For Details.
0.11.0 - GunStore Great Work Edition.
0.10.0 - Grumlocks Gripes Edition
0.9.2 - Zarrae Zaps Bugs Edition
0.9.0 - Patch n SendToAFriend Edition
0.8.7 - Flak Fix Special Edition
0.8.6 - Fing3rz Special Edition

Enjoy, teh Inept Society.

Known Issues:
Resizing the window does not make the text fit. (Workaround use /reloadui) ( bug Link )
Some names have funny characters on the end. ( Bug Link )
0.10.0 - Grumlocks Gripes Edition
Quick release to support the new patch and nail a bug in quick settings. Please Note due to an issue with the new patch all of your settings will default back to how they were. See this link for more info.

New Features:
  • Compatibility with most recent patch.

0.9.2 - Zarrae Zaps Bugs Edition
Erm, that last release was, frankly, embarrassing. This one should fix most of the most terrible and torrid bugs. Documentation update coming shortly.

New Features:
  • Version and Edition now written out on startup.

- Thanks to Zarrae for helping me squish the bugs.

0.9.0 - Patch n SendToAFriend Edition
Compatible with the new patch this version also brings SendToAFriend to teh inept looter.
New Features:
  • SendToAFriend is Live. See this FAQ on Send To A Friend and what it does.
  • STAF - feature, only operate on LootedItems
  • STAF - feature, QuickSend 6 items from your bag to your friend
  • STAF - feature, AutoReturn STAF emails to your buddy
  • STAF - feature, Select Enchants, Woordwork, Cloth, Food items and attach to email.
  • Updated to use the LAM library, full credit to LAM for making my settings suck less. (Bug fix forthis bug ).

- Thanks to Grumlock for Alpha testing SendToAFriend and helping get it working
- Thanks to Talyanna for Alpha testing (unwittingly) and helping to get it working (without knowing).
- Thanks to Seerah for providing and supporting the LAM library.

0.8.7 - Flak Fix Special Edition
Supreme ineptness on my part led to an issue with settings. The QA Crawdad has been fired! Thanks Flak for pointing it out and showing me the error of my ways. 0.8.7 should address this issue.

0.8.6 - Fing3rz Special Edition
Is the mouse too inept for your liking? All those right clicks to mark items junk? Time to change, time for teh inept way to mark junk. Just mouse over and press your favourite key - well a key to toggle the junk status of an item..... Its so awesome you can junk your entire inventory in seconds. What could be more inept than that?

New Features:
  • Keybinding for toggle Junk (Mouse over an item in your backpack and press the key to quickmark as junk)
  • Removed ^ element of character names on group loot.
  • /teh commands added (/teh loot /teh set) ( see FAQ )
  • Bugfix, SemiSales Reciept now works as intended. ( bug link )
  • Bugfix, Siding cost of items to delete now works as intended. ( bug link )

0.8.4 - Jealousy Edition
Do your eyes glow green with envy!? Spy on your colleagues loot teh inept way!
New Features
  • Group Loot display.
  • Acutally remembers where you put the window without some sort of rain dance being peformed.
  • Tansparancy, bit ghosty for my tastes but its truely inept (Turn of header AND set transparancy to yes)
Known Issue - Omg is the settings window ugleee.
Known Issue - OutputSemiSales Reciept does not work (removed from options now)
Known Issue - Resizing the window does not make the text fit. (Workaround use /reloadui)
Known Issue - Some names have funny characters on the end.

0.8 - Settings Still Sux Edition
Version 0.8 introduces auto delete, when your bags get too full, why not shred that trash? Its not good enough to pick up that Stale Raddish and mark it as junk? ohhh no, your a mighty adventurer no one has time for stale radishes - purge the evil! destroy it, without even a dialogue.
Use the power of 0.8 ( SSS edition) to purge those raddishes once and for all! download now and purge the loot the inept way !
New Feature - Auto delete cheap items when bags get full.
New Feature - Settings slider to set threshold not to delete below.
Changed Feature - Smaller font for better display.

0.7 - Cookin On Gaz Edition
New features - Auto Junk Common Food / Drink / Armour / Weapons on loot!

0.6 - Not As Good as anyone elses Edition.
Bugfix Release, no longer errors when opening vendor.

0.5 - Fingers Crossed Edition
Added settings window. Settings are:
AutoSellJunk - Anything flagged as Junk is sold upon opening vendor.
AutoSellTrash - Anything which is classified as Trash is sold upon opening vendor.
OutputTrashLooted - Includes items classified as trash in the loot window when you pick them up.
OutputSemiSalesReciept - Gives you a report of the auto sold items when you open vendor.
OutputTotalSalesReciept - Gives you a report of all items sold (yours + auto) when you close vendor.
ShowLootWindowOnStartup - Auto show the window on startup.
WarnLowInventory - Write messages at <5 then <2 then 0 inventory free spaces.
HideOnCursor - Hide the window whenever the mouse goes into "free" mode.

Added "release mode" to strip debug information.

0.4 - This Sux Edition
Added HideOnCursor option - with this enabled each time the reticle is hidden the window hides too.
Added separate window to display outputs, no longer uses chat.

0.3 - Bigboy Edition
Added Persistant settings - preferences are now saved.

0.2 - Ohh, funky Edition.
Added autosell. Junk items and Trash items are now autosold on opening a vendor.

0.1 - Not Worth Releasing Edition
Added loot dump to output.
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Unread 05/27/14, 01:04 PM  
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Doh, thanks for pointing out that the FAQ is on the portal, I foolishly linked to the edit page not the FAQ display page as I'm a muppet. I've sorted it now so they should all work.

If you want to use my code to learn about addons / write your own then go ahead- although contact me via private message and ill give you the real code. The code that is in the addon you download here is optimised, I strip out all the debugging information to make it lighter for the users but it also makes it much harder to read. The debugging library I use does just write to a movable frame so your welcome to that code too if you would like.

Two things to bear in mind though - 1) I'm inept and therefore my code probably sucks 2) I don't have much time to research others libraries so don't know if there are better ways of doing things. The one that I do use is the LAM one for options now.

I personally found Wykkds stuff a little heavy going too - I've been tempted to write a lightweight skills swapping addon as I found you needed rather a lot of stuff to get just that functionality, however I'm sure that Wykkd has a lot more experience than me in writing for TESO

Originally Posted by DuchessOfKvetch
As a note, your links to the FAQ on the description page all seem to go to an admin page that most of us do not have access to.

Also, I am considering using your little box to learn how to "write" messages to a moveable frame. But Wykkd's Framework, I believe, also has some built-ins for writing to a frame as well (albeit probably requiring a ton of lib folders). What method is preferable, using shared libraries or rolling your own (not looking for "pretty" here, more a learning device). The Wykkd stuff is a bit scary because it looks like you have to re-include EVERYTHING constantly - LUA add-ons don't seem to be able to share anything between themselves, or use any kind of inheritance.
Last edited by ItseyBitsey : 05/27/14 at 04:15 PM.
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Unread 05/27/14, 09:57 AM  

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As a note, your links to the FAQ on the description page all seem to go to an admin page that most of us do not have access to.

Also, I am considering using your little box to learn how to "write" messages to a moveable frame. But Wykkd's Framework, I believe, also has some built-ins for writing to a frame as well (albeit probably requiring a ton of lib folders). What method is preferable, using shared libraries or rolling your own (not looking for "pretty" here, more a learning device). The Wykkd stuff is a bit scary because it looks like you have to re-include EVERYTHING constantly - LUA add-ons don't seem to be able to share anything between themselves, or use any kind of inheritance.
Last edited by DuchessOfKvetch : 05/27/14 at 09:57 AM.
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Unread 05/26/14, 03:57 PM  
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Re: Errors

Originally Posted by ItseyBitsey
Hi Zarrae

Thanks so much for using Teh Inept Looter, I'm sorry that there are errors. I've been investigating and this has to be my worst release ever! so sorry I had a major update under way for SendToAFriend, and then the patch came. I thought I could release the update with the patched version but no, that was definitely not a good plan.

All of your bugs look like proper issues with TIL, I'll put out an update this evening - I'm just working through the last of them now.

[UPDATED - New release made, as soon as its available this should replace 0.9.0 totally]
Thanks for your patience!
No worries from this end. The hubby and I were trying to be helpful, responsible mod-users and report bugs. We're both grateful that you've worked so hard to keep this going!
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Unread 05/26/14, 10:19 AM  
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Hi Zarrae

Thanks so much for using Teh Inept Looter, I'm sorry that there are errors. I've been investigating and this has to be my worst release ever! so sorry I had a major update under way for SendToAFriend, and then the patch came. I thought I could release the update with the patched version but no, that was definitely not a good plan.

All of your bugs look like proper issues with TIL, I'll put out an update this evening - I'm just working through the last of them now.

[UPDATED - New release made, as soon as its available this should replace 0.9.0 totally]
Thanks for your patience!
Last edited by ItseyBitsey : 05/26/14 at 03:50 PM.
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Unread 05/25/14, 09:26 AM  
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Send To A Friend errors

When attempting to use the new send to a friend feature, the husband and I both got this error:

Checking type on argument aText failed in EditControlSetTextLua
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'SetText'
user:/AddOns/ineptLooter/tis_common.lua:17: in function 'tis.SetControlText'
user:/AddOns/ineptLooter/ineptLooter.lua:180: in function 'isl.ActivateSendToAFriend'
user:/AddOns/ineptLooter/il_gui.lua:207: in function '(anonymous)'

Thanks for all that you've done on inept looter, the hubby and I both use it. I hope these error messages help iron out the bugs.
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Unread 05/24/14, 09:25 PM  
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I also seem to be getting an error randomly and cannot reproduce or pin down exactly what I'm doing to trigger it.

Checking type on argument aText failed in EditControlSetTexLua
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'SetText'
user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/lib/LibAddonMenu-1.0/LibAddonMenu-1.0lua:281: in function 'lam:AddEditBox'
user:/AddOns/ineptLooter/il_gui.lua:13: in function 'isL.AddSettingsMenu'
user:/AddOns/ineptLooter/il_settings.lua:20: in function 'isl.PerformIneptSetup'
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Unread 05/24/14, 09:22 PM  
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Originally Posted by ItseyBitsey
Newly updated for compatibility with the patch and featuring SendToAFriend, teh inept looter is more inept than ever before Enjoy - as soon as it gets through the approvals on this Page.
I seem to be having the old problem of the box not remaining where I put it. Is it just me (switched to a different computer) or did something go hinky with the changes?

Either way, thank you for all of your hard work!
Last edited by Zarrae : 05/24/14 at 09:22 PM.
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Unread 05/24/14, 11:49 AM  
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Newly updated for compatibility with the patch and featuring SendToAFriend, teh inept looter is more inept than ever before Enjoy - as soon as it gets through the approvals on this Page.
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Unread 05/04/14, 11:41 AM  
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Hi Safsuse, Yes in teh pursuit of true ineptness that is possible If you set "UseHeaderOnBox" to false then it should hide the buttons and the banner. You will probably want to use teh slashcommands to change settings after you hide teh buttons though. (See this FAQ entry).

For the path to full ineptness try hiding the background too - set "IsBackgroundTransparant" to yes....

For all of the settings see this FAQ entry.

Hope your "see-through goodness" shows you teh Inept way

Originally Posted by Saftsuse
Is it possible to remove the headliner, the option button and close button in the UI? I would like it to be as invisible as possible, only show the loot text. I think that would make me even more Inept
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Unread 05/04/14, 04:22 AM  
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Is it possible to remove the headliner, the option button and close button in the UI? I would like it to be as invisible as possible, only show the loot text. I think that would make me even more Inept
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Unread 05/02/14, 05:34 PM  

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LOL Fing3rz Special Edition. I love it!
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Unread 05/02/14, 10:31 AM  
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Ohhh woe is me, what supreme ineptness. A syntax error of all the low, schoolboy inept failures to fail to thats one of the worst. thanks so much for pointing it out Flak. A new special edition in your honour has been released (0.8.7 - Flak Fix Special edition). I'll now be hanging my head in shame for the rest of the evening and actually do some leveling Thanks for your support in being Teh Inept Looter!
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Unread 05/01/14, 09:01 PM  

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Received the following when trying to adjust anything in the Settings window that is opened from the loot window.
Last edited by Flak : 05/01/14 at 09:01 PM.
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Unread 04/25/14, 09:44 PM  

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Works great... now if someone can just figure out how to make the loot in the seperate window clickable
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Unread 04/25/14, 01:25 AM  
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0.8.4 Released:
@Flak/Saftsuse - Group loot now in (although some names display funny).
@Zarrae/Natorum/Flak - Saving window position on size is now MUCH more reliable.

Thanks all for your support and persuit of true ineptness....
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