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Updated: 07/31/24 04:45 PM
File Info
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Updated:07/31/24 04:45 PM
Created:01/07/18 02:57 PM
Monthly downloads:1,491
Total downloads:250,531
Categories:RolePlay, Character Advancement, Graphic UI Mods, Miscellaneous
LovelyEmotes  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 5.0.1
by: ShinyBones [More]
This addon provides quick and easy access to emotes. (For mouse/keyboard users)

Aren't you tired of remembering each emote and typing its name into the chat? With this addon you can search a list of all available emotes and save up to 240 of your favorite emotes spread over 16 tabs. You can play emotes using a list, key bindings, or a radial/wheel menu.

I will improve the addon from time to time and add more features. If you have any problems, ideas or other feedback, feel free to let me know.
Thanks to all the people who helped me with comments to find bugs and improve this addon.

Depends on:
- LibAddonMenu

- Future emotes, categories and personalities are automatically added to the list
- Emote categories
- Supports all languages supported by ESO (translation of emotes, categories and personalities by ZeniMax)
- Fast and comfortable access to personalities
- Highlights emotes that are overridden by a personality
- Increase or decrease the number of favorites
- Radial quick menu to play your favorite emotes more comfortable
- Display localized names or slash names in the emote list (both in alphabetical order)
- Search bar: Search the emote list for a string to find your desired emote faster
- Synchronize emotes with other players (optional)
- Favorite commands: Add and play any available chat command as a favorite or in the emote list.
- Key bindings
- More in development...

Slash Commands:
- /letoggle (toggles the main window)
- /lesettings (opens the AddOn Settings menu)
- /lefavoritecommands (opens the favorite commands window)
- /lerandom (plays a random emote)

Favorite Commands:
In LovelyEmotes, you can add pretty much all the chat commands you want to use frequently as favorites.
To do this, open the favorite commands menu with the chat command "/lefavoritecommands". All chat commands added there will appear in the emote list under the category "Custom".
Note: When you select a command as a favorite, remember that a left click will also execute the command. Use the right mouse button for selection.

Modify Emotes:
If you want to rename emotes, have a look at LovelyEmotes - EmoteModification.

Settings can be changed in the game under "Settings -> Addons -> LovelyEmotes".
Modify your key bindings under "Controls -> General -> LovelyEmotes".
See the pictures for a better overview of how this addon works.
For more information about new features, see the Change Log.
Version 5.0.1:
- Possible ScrollList error fix at startup

Version 5.0:
- Reworked most of the base functionality
- Added 8 new tabs (now 16 in total which provides up to 240 slots for favorite emotes)
- Added key bindings for the new tabs
- Added a submenu for the emote settings in the settings menu
- Added tab names: Each tab can be named individually in the settings menu under the "Emote Settings" submenu. Named tabs display their name as a tooltip above the main window when the mouse is moved over the corresponding button
- Added Chinese translation
- Added Spanish translation
- Emote data now uses IDs instead of slash names, resolving long-standing duplicate issues
- Adjusted the position of the tab buttons to make more tabs available in a second row
- Slightly increased the main window width to provide enough space for long emote names and the new tabs
- The lock button in the main window no longer locks the position of the emote selection window
- Improved performance when LovelyEmotes is forced to rebuild its data
- Previous settings updates are no longer executed every time the add-on is loaded
- Fixed a bug that caused the emote list dropdown window to be displayed too small
- Fixed: The emote list no longer rebuilds its entries while inactive
- Fixed an error when creating a second instance of the emote list
- Removed a redundant entry for ignoring the duplicate "/pray" emote
- Removed the "EmoteDataMod.lua" file. Emote data should now be changed by a separate addon to prevent configuration loss after updates. I have uploaded an add-on for this to ESOUI, which is linked on the LovelyEmotes info page.
- Added loop icon to: "/eatintimidate"

Version 4.28:
- API Version 101042
- Added endless loop icons to: "/bagpipes", "/catcontemplation", "/dancecelebration", "/dancejig", "/eliteseat", "/handpan", "/idlemagic", "/leafshade", "/livingstatue", "/lookatthis", "/mimetugofwar", "/plantyourself", "/playglassarmonica", "/pyromancer", "/ritualcasting", "/teebadribble", "/trumpetsolo", "/warmhands"

Version 4.27:
- API Version 101037
- Added a setting that places a button in the chat window to toggle the main window (disabled by default).
- Added a setting to move the chat window button (use it for compatibility).
- Added endless loop icons to: "/keyharp", "/panflute"

Version 4.26:
- API Version 101036
- Added endless loop icons to: "/palelord", "/spyglass", "/teebawarmup"

Version 4.25:
- API Version 101035
- Complete rework of the emote list
- Refactoring of the settings menu code
- Replaced the red icons of the radial menu
- Entries in the radial menu are now ordered clockwise
- The radial menu now shows the currently displayed tab index
- Added a setting which is called “Radial Menu: Shown Tab” to bind the radial menu to a specific tab (default is the currently active tab of the main window)
- The maximum amount of favorite commands have been limited to 100 (this value can be increased later if necessary)
- Tab buttons now have a separate sound for successfully changing the tab and for being pressed repeatedly
- The "Show Tab" key bindings no longer play a sound if the associated tab is already active
- Fixed a bug that caused the preview of the copy function in the settings menu to show empty entries as unknown emotes
- Added endless loop icon to “/conchshell”

Version 4.24:
INFO: If you have already added commands, the IDs may have changed. If this is the case for you, don’t worry they are still available in the emote list. You only have to reassign them as favorites.
- Renamed “CustomButtons” into “FavoriteCommands” to better describe its purpose
- FavoriteCommands menu completely reworked
- Replaced the chat command “/lecustombuttons” with “/lefavoritecommands”
- Added endless loop icons to: /feedbird, “/sworddance”

Version 4.23:
- API Version 101033
- Fixed missing icons
- Fixed missing copy choices
- Added endless loop icons to: "/banneraldmeri", "/bannercovenant", "/bannerebonheart", "/qanun", "/ragnarthered"

Version 4.22:
Info: Due to the changes, the size of the radial menu has been reset.
- The radial menu can now be freely scaled.
- The setting "Radial Menu Variant" has been replaced by "Radial Menu Scale". It no longer requires reloading the user interface.
- New radial menu animation.
- Added endless loop icons to: "/stargazer", "/juggleyarn"

Version 4.21:
- API Version 101032
- Fixed a bug that prevents uppercase arguments in the custom buttons window.
- Added endless loop icons to: /crochet, /marshmallowtreat

Version 4.20:
- API Version 100034
- Added endless loop icons to: "/alinorallemande", "/bannerkarthwatch", "/bannermorthal", "/bannersolitude", "/barkeep", "/dayoflights", "/ownthrone"

Version 4.19:
- API Version 100033
- Added endless loop icon to: "/scarecrow", "/firespinning"
- Updated to support "Custom Idle Animation" version 1.6.4 or above.

Version 4.18:
- Updated the workaround for a concurrency issue with another addon.

Version 4.17:
- API Version 100032
- Removed the shipped LibAddonMenu. You have to install and update it separately from now on.
- Added endless loop icon to: "/falkreathfrolic"
- Refactoring

Version 4.16:
- API Version 100031
- Added a smaller/optional variant of the radial quick menu. Search for "Radial Menu Variant" in the settings menu of LovelyEmotes.

Version 4.15:
- API Version 100030
- The number of tabs for favorite emotes has been increased from 4 to 8.
- The width of the main window and selection window has been slightly increased to make room for the new tabs.
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/festivebellring", "/mistletoeposterior", "/mistletoe", "/arachnophobia", "/eggscramble", "/onyourmark", "/egghatch", "/lichen", "/angrydustoff"
- Refactoring

Version 4.14:
- API Version 100029
- The shipped LibAddonMenu has been updated to version 2.0 r30.
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/slapknee", "/summonbat", "/wardingsymbol", "/drinkfromskull"

Version 4.13:
- The copy function has been reworked and now gives information about the selected tabs.
- Copy buttons are now disabled if an empty tab is selected.
- Added Russian translation (unfinished).
- Fixed a bug that caused the first account-wide tab to never have less than 5 emotes after reload.
- Fixed a bug that caused some new emotes not localized correctly.

Version 4.12:
- API Version 100028

Version 4.11:
- It is now possible to mark favorite slots as "empty". The idea behind this is that you can create space between favorite emotes and sort them in the individual tabs.
- A button has been added to the emote selection window to empty the selected favorite slot.
- Missing favorite emotes (e.g. emotes removed from the API) are no longer selectable.
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/salty", "/rollingpin", "/esraj", "/goutfang", "/whisperingclaw", "/guarstomp", "/slicefood", "/desertrain", "/brightmoonsgreeting"
- Fixed a bug that caused interactions with controls located behind the custom buttons window.

Version 4.10:
- Added a setting to add personalities to the emote list. This can be useful to save personalities as favorites and to switch them via hotkeys or the radial menu. (disabled by default)
- Activated personalities are highlighted with an individual color.
- More efficient emote list.
- Added a missing German string.
- Fixed a bug that caused the emote list not to reset properly after a personality was activated or deactivated.
- Refactoring

Version 4.9:
- API Version 100027
- Added a setting to add locked emotes to the available emotes list. (enabled by default)
- Added a slider to resize the minimized window.
- Some settings were assigned to the wrong header.
- Fixed a bug that caused some ignored emotes to appear after closing the custom buttons window.

Version 4.8:
- LibAddonMenu is now included as a standalone. If you don't want to use the included version of LibAddonMenu (currently 2.0 r29), you can simply delete it in the subfolder "Dependencies".
- Compatibility with the latest version of LibAddonMenu and some older versions.

Version 4.7:
- Added a button in the main window to show and play unlocked personalities.
- Added a setting to enable/disable the minimized window state.
- The minimum value of the "Visibility (Minimized)" slider has been increased from 0 to 20.
- The size of the emote list button in the main window has been slightly increased.
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/handpuppet", "/mimewall"
- The second "/crouch" emote does not seem to work properly and has been removed.
- Updated LibAddonMenu to version 2.0 r29
- The Reload UI button has been removed from the settings menu because it is no longer needed.
- Fixed a bug that caused emotes to update multiple times after switching personalities.

Version 4.6:
- Locked emotes in the emote list are no longer clickable.
- Locked emotes are now more visible in the emote list.
- Added French translation.
- Updated LibAddonMenu to 2.0 r27
- Refactoring

Version 4.5:
- The chat string check of the emote synchronization has been reworked and limited to the first two words to avoid possible misbehaviour.
- Synchronized emotes via whisper chat have been fixed and should now work as intended.
- Custom Buttons: When an empty slot is selected, the input field of the command is automatically focused.
- Favorites selection: The display name is now hidden if the display name and the slash name are identical.
- Added a fade animation to the selection window.
- Chat messages when copying emotes have been replaced by alerts.
- Added an alert for successful copy.
- Added an alert when a missing favorite emote is triggered by a hotkey.
- Implemented a workaround for a concurrency issue with another addon.

Version 4.4:
- API Version 100026
- Added some sounds.
- Added a setting to replace some of the default click sounds with alternative sounds. (enabled by default)
- Fixed: The number of custom buttons is no longer added to the number of available emotes.

Version 4.3.1:
- Fixed: Synchronized emotes can no longer be accidentally played through unauthorized chats.

Version 4.3:
- Added custom buttons.
* Custom buttons are similar to emote buttons, but they can execute chat commands.
* Created custom buttons are shown like emote buttons in the emote list and can be saved as favorites.
* Once custom buttons are defined, a new category named "Custom" is created in the emote list.
- Added a slash command "/lecustombuttons" to open the custom buttons window.
- Added emote synchronization. You can sync emotes via chat with other people who are using LovelyEmotes.
- Added a submenu in the settings menu to configure the emote synchronization.
- Refactoring

Version 4.2:
- Added key bindings for each tab.
- Added key bindings to select the next and previous tab.
- You can now also select tabs in the radial/wheel menu using the key bindings.

Version 4.1:
- Added a setting to change the number of tabs available in the main window. (default 4)

Version 4.0:
- Added 4 tabs in the main window for your favorite emotes. Each of these tabs contains up to 15 emotes and can be customized in the settings menu.
- The saved emotes of previous versions are moved to the first tab.
- The radial/wheel menu displays the saved emotes of the currently selected tab.
- Key bindings play the emotes of the currently selected tab.
- Depending on the settings, the last tab displayed is saved account wide or locally for the character.
- Reworked and improved settings menu.
- "Character Wide Settings" has been replaced by "Emotes Settings".
- "Account Wide Settings" have been renamed to "General Settings".
- Added sliders for the new emotes tabs.
- Sliders of the emote settings now manage both account wide and local values.
- Copying emotes no longer requires reloading the user interface.
- Some names and descriptions have been changed.
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/gladiatortaunt"
- The default position of the windows on the vertical axis has been changed from 3/4 to 3/5 of the screen height.
- Updated ingame description.

Version 3.8:
- Automated updating of LovelyEmotes windows when new emotes are unlocked. (I couldn't test this, but it should work. If someone finds out, please let me know.)
- Some changes in preparation for the next update.

Version 3.7.1:
- Fixed the "View All" function in the category dropdown of the emote list.

Version 3.7:
- Emotes that are overridden by a personality are now highlighted.
- Changed the default emote category icon of the radial menu.
- General improvements.
- Fixed: The property "ReplaceName" in the EmoteDataMod.lua file no longer hides unchanged default entries.

Version 3.6:
Note: A new internal command has been added to replace the display names provided by ZeniMax.
- The "/eat2" and "/eatbread" emotes are basically the same, but at different speed. The provided English display names were wrong and has been corrected.
- Added an option to highlight locked emotes in the emote list (enabled by default).
- Added a way to modify emotes yourself.
- The random emote function does not try to play locked emotes anymore.
- The "Show Endless Loop Icons" option no longer resets the emote list.
- Refactoring
- Fixed a bug that made it difficult to drag the main window after switching between favorites and emote list.

Version 3.5:
- API Version 100025.

Version 3.4:
- You can now switch between account-wide (shared) favorites and character-specific favorites without reloading the user interface.
- You can now change the number of favorite buttons without reloading the user interface.
- Warning icons have been removed from the "Is Using Shared Favorites", "Favorite Emotes Count" and "Shared Favorite Emotes Count" settings.
- Added right-click behavior to all buttons.
- A right click on an emote in the emote selection window selects the emote without playing it.
- Settings that have no effect due to another setting will be deactivated.
- Fixed a minimize/expand bug.

Version 3.3:
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/festivalbeggar", "/jugglepumpkin", "/skullponder", "/throweggs", "/throwtreats", "/tracker"
- Refactoring

Version 3.2.1:
- Fixed: The addon stopped working after the "Is Using Shared Favorites" option was disabled.

Version 3.2:
- Added a new button design which is now the default.
- Added an option to change the button design of the favorite emotes in the main window.
- Added an option to change the button design in the emote list.
- Improved performance of the emote list for a more stable frame rate on weaker computers.
- The code of the main window has been reworked.
- The position of the emote list has been corrected.
- The background of the main window is now less transparent.
- The entry to ignore "/testme" is now obsolete and has been removed.
- Changed the default value of the "Visibility (Minimized)" setting to 50.
- Some optimizations.

Version 3.1:
- API Version 100024.

Version 3.0.1:
- Fixed: Search bar was not working.

Version 3.0:
- Added a button in the main window to switch the list between all emotes or favorites only.
- Changed the main window render order to show in front of the default UI. The main window has a lower tier when minimized.
- The emote selection menu now also shows the display name of the selected emote.
- Updated ingame description.
- Fixed: An issue of the emote list build code.
- Fixed: Several bugs where the emote list was not correctly reseted.

Version 2.9:
- Added localization support for the settings menu and the key bindings.
- Added localized strings for the German language for the settings menu and key bindings.
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/glowglobe", "/showtime"
- Some renamings and text changes in the settings menu.

Version 2.8:
- Added an option to show/hide the endless loop icons (enabled by default).
- Added an information text in the addon settings menu to show how many emotes are currently available.
- Refactoring
- Fixed: Redundant emote list initialization.

Version 2.7:
- API Version 100023.
- Added a button in the upper right corner of the main window to lock/unlock the positions of the windows.
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/tada", "/happyface", "/sadface"
- Updated LibAddonMenu to 2.0 r26

Version 2.6:
- Improved code for faster and more efficient emote playback.
- Better performance when playing emotes by pressing a key.
- Added endless loop icon data for: "/kickthedirt", "/comegetsome", "/iseeyou", "/lineinsand", "/flipthebird"
- Added a slash command "/lerandom" to play a random emote.
- Fixed: An issue after changing the alpha value of the minimized main window.

Version 2.5:
- Empty emote categories are now hidden in the emote list window.
- Refactoring

Version 2.4.1:
- Fixed: Executing emotes using keys.

Version 2.4:
- Improved minimize/expand code.
- Reduzed the size of the minimized window.
- New button for the minimized window.
- Windows that can be moved are now highlighted.
- New (unique) buttons for save and cancel in the emote list window.
- Fixed: Initialization issue.

Version 2.3:
- Added a search bar to search in the emote list for a string. Display names of the current language and slash names are considered.
- When the emote list is displayed, it no longer resets each time a favorite is selected.
- Added a reset button in the bottom right corner of the emote list window.
- Refactoring
- Fixed: The emote list is no longer sorted over and over again.

Version 2.2:
- API Version 100022.
- The position of the minimized window is now saved separately.

Version 2.1:
Note: Don't worry, your old favorites are still available. All you have to do is turn off the "Is Using Shared Favorites" setting. You can also copy your old favorites to the shared list (see the "Copy Favorites" submenu in the addon settings menu).
- Added an option to save favorites account wide (enabled by default). You can disable this option for each character individually if you have characters that need different emotes.
- Added a submenu in the addon settings menu to copy favorite emotes from and to your specific or account wide favorite emote list.
- The "Toggle Cursor" option is now enabled by default.
- A few text changes in the addon settings menu.
- Refactoring
- Fixed: Radial Quick Menu show/hide bug.

Version 2.0:
NOTE: Because of the changes it is unfortunately necessary to reassign your keys once.
- Added a "Radial Quick Menu" for mouse/keyboard users to make emoting more convenient. The radial menu will display all available favorites from the main window. This radial menu works like any standard radial menu in the game, but you have to assign a key first.
- Added a key binding for the new Radial Quick Menu.
- Added a slash command "/letoggle" to toggle the main window. The idea is that you can switch the invisible main window without having to bind a second key when using the addon as a simple quick menu.
- Added a slash command "/lesettings" to open the "AddOn Settings" menu.
- Removed obsolete code.
- Some code changes to avoid possible conflicts with other addons.
- Fixed: Rare error message when using a key to execute emotes.

Version 1.10:
- Added an option to display the slash names in alphabetical order instead of the localized names in the emote list (disabled by default).
- Added a link to the LovelyEmotes website on ESOUI.
- Fixed: Menus are no longer accidentally closed by pressing the "Toggle Main Window" key.

Version 1.9:
- Added a setting to change the visibility of the main window and the emote list.
- Fixed: The main window should no longer appear in menus.
- Fixed: Duplicates are no longer invisible.

Version 1.8:
- Added an option to automatically minimize the main window when the cursor is hidden (disabled by default).
- Added an option to toggle the cursor by pressing the key binding "Toggle Main Window" (disabled by default).
- Removed the "Use cursor key" option.

Version 1.7:
- Added setting to set the visibility of the minimized main window. Set the value less than 10 to hide the window instead of minimizing it.
- Support for character name changes.

Version 1.6.1:
- Fixed combat event bug.
- Refactoring

Version 1.6:
- Key bindings for favorites: You can assign a key for each selected favorite (up to 15 favorites can be selected). Even hidden favorites can still be played by pressing the set key.

Version 1.5.1:
- Added a keybind to toggle the main window (again and now forever).

Version 1.5:
- Highlight selected favorites: Whenever the emote list opened, the selected favorite button is highlighted to give you a better overview of which favorite to be replaced.
- I have decided to remove the keybind for toggling the main window. Instead, I added an additional setting in the "Addons" menu to toggle the main window using the ESO's own "Toggle In-Game Cursor" keybind. The main window expands and the mouse becomes visible at the same time. This is probably the more convenient solution. (Disabled by default)

Version 1.4:
- Added a keybind to toggle the main window (can be found under "Controls -> General -> LovelyEmotes").
- Fixed: Some button textures and sounds.

Version 1.3:
- I added a category box at the top of the emote list to make it easier to find the desired emotes. The categories are updated automatically. Translation by ZeniMax.
- Refactoring

Version 1.2:
- Added an option to start minimized (disabled by default).

Version 1.1:
- Minimizes in combat and shows up again when you leave the fight (enabled by default). Has no effect if the window is minimized by the player.
This is optional and can be disabled in the menu "AddOn Settings".
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Unread 01/10/18, 10:12 AM  

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Minimised view

Hi ShinyBones! Love your addon!

Is there a way to start it minimised, so it can be extended, once I need it?

Keep up the good work!
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Unread 01/10/18, 10:45 AM  
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Re: Minimised view

Originally Posted by Aeqior
Hi ShinyBones! Love your addon!

Is there a way to start it minimised, so it can be extended, once I need it?

Keep up the good work!
Hello "Aeqior", I'm glad you like my addon. I like your idea and will add an option soon.
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Unread 01/10/18, 12:52 PM  

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Thumbs up Re: Re: Minimised view

Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by Aeqior
Hi ShinyBones! Love your addon!

Is there a way to start it minimised, so it can be extended, once I need it?

Keep up the good work!
Hello "Aeqior", I'm glad you like my addon. I like your idea and will add an option soon.
Thank you so much for the quick implementation!!
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Unread 01/11/18, 02:45 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Minimised view

Originally Posted by Aeqior
Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by Aeqior
Hi ShinyBones! Love your addon!

Is there a way to start it minimised, so it can be extended, once I need it?

Keep up the good work!
Hello "Aeqior", I'm glad you like my addon. I like your idea and will add an option soon.
Thank you so much for the quick implementation!!
You are welcome. Feel free to ask.
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Unread 01/14/18, 04:25 AM  

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Hi there,

I have tried this addon and I like it! Thank you

I have just one suggestion, it could be possible to add the possibility to bind a key to the show/hide of the main window?
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Unread 01/14/18, 06:03 AM  
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Originally Posted by and
Hi there,

I have tried this addon and I like it! Thank you

I have just one suggestion, it could be possible to add the possibility to bind a key to the show/hide of the main window?
Hello "and", I'm glad you like my addon. I will soon add a way to toggle the main window by pressing a key.
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Unread 01/14/18, 02:30 PM  

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Is there anyway to add keybinds to the favorites list?
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Unread 01/15/18, 03:16 AM  

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Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by and
Hi there,

I have tried this addon and I like it! Thank you

I have just one suggestion, it could be possible to add the possibility to bind a key to the show/hide of the main window?
Hello "and", I'm glad you like my addon. I will soon add a way to toggle the main window by pressing a key.
thanks for the addon and for bind, I would like to when you activate the bind was active mouse to select the emotion ( sorry for my English)
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Unread 01/15/18, 07:44 AM  
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Originally Posted by Granpafishy
Is there anyway to add keybinds to the favorites list?
Hi Granpafishy, I will be adding keyboard bindings for favorites in future updates (in the near future ).
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Unread 01/15/18, 07:47 AM  
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Originally Posted by stribog
Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by and
Hi there,

I have tried this addon and I like it! Thank you

I have just one suggestion, it could be possible to add the possibility to bind a key to the show/hide of the main window?
Hello "and", I'm glad you like my addon. I will soon add a way to toggle the main window by pressing a key.
thanks for the addon and for bind, I would like to when you activate the bind was active mouse to select the emotion ( sorry for my English)
Hello stribog, am I right in assuming that you want to activate the mouse with the "Toggle" hotkey?
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Unread 01/16/18, 06:41 AM  

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Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by stribog
thanks for the addon and for bind, I would like to when you activate the bind was active mouse to select the emotion ( sorry for my English)
Hello stribog, am I right in assuming that you want to activate the mouse with the "Toggle" hotkey?
Yes . Now I press the "open favorites" and then press "." to activate the mouse and choose the emotion
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Unread 01/16/18, 08:38 AM  
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Originally Posted by stribog
Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by stribog
thanks for the addon and for bind, I would like to when you activate the bind was active mouse to select the emotion ( sorry for my English)
Hello stribog, am I right in assuming that you want to activate the mouse with the "Toggle" hotkey?
Yes . Now I press the "open favorites" and then press "." to activate the mouse and choose the emotion
I just released an update. Now you can toggle the main window by pressing the cursor key (default "."). For more information, see the Change Log. I hope you like it.
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Unread 01/16/18, 12:40 PM  

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Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by and
Hi there,

I have tried this addon and I like it! Thank you

I have just one suggestion, it could be possible to add the possibility to bind a key to the show/hide of the main window?
Hello "and", I'm glad you like my addon. I will soon add a way to toggle the main window by pressing a key.
The keybind was working like a charm! Let me try the new version to see what id does The only minor issue is that the minimized window is a bit too big, taking up bit too much space in my UI.
Last edited by and : 01/16/18 at 12:41 PM.
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Unread 01/16/18, 12:51 PM  

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Originally Posted by and
Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by and
Hi there,

I have tried this addon and I like it! Thank you

I have just one suggestion, it could be possible to add the possibility to bind a key to the show/hide of the main window?
Hello "and", I'm glad you like my addon. I will soon add a way to toggle the main window by pressing a key.
The keybind was working like a charm! Let me try the new version to see what id does The only minor issue is that the minimized window is a bit too big, taking up bit too much space in my UI.
Uhm... I don't think removing the keybind and replace it with the "cursor" option, because this way the window pops up when I have different addons open, overlapping with them, which is not convenient.

Any chance you could reimplement the keybind?

BTW, how can I change the favorites???

Last edited by and : 01/16/18 at 12:54 PM.
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Unread 01/16/18, 01:18 PM  
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Originally Posted by and
Originally Posted by and
Originally Posted by ShinyBones
Originally Posted by and
Hi there,

I have tried this addon and I like it! Thank you

I have just one suggestion, it could be possible to add the possibility to bind a key to the show/hide of the main window?
Hello "and", I'm glad you like my addon. I will soon add a way to toggle the main window by pressing a key.
The keybind was working like a charm! Let me try the new version to see what id does The only minor issue is that the minimized window is a bit too big, taking up bit too much space in my UI.
Uhm... I don't think removing the keybind and replace it with the "cursor" option, because this way the window pops up when I have different addons open, overlapping with them, which is not convenient.

Any chance you could reimplement the keybind?

BTW, how can I change the favorites???

Hi "and", it's nice to read from you again. I'm sorry the change didn't live up to your expectations. You can move the window to another position on the screen by holding down the left mouse button in the free area of the main window. Would that solve your problem? An extra keybind simply means another occupied key. That was the reason for the change.

You can replace the favorites by clicking on the button to the left of a favorite button. Then select an emote in the opened emote list and find the "Save" button in the upper right corner (it looks like a sheet of paper).
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