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Updated: 04/18/18 06:05 PM
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Updated:04/18/18 06:05 PM
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Pocket Apocrypha
Version: 015-100022
by: Werewolf Finds Dragon, joshmiller83

Please read this.

I'm taking another break for a while. My anxiety isn't holding up well and I need to take some time for myself to recover. Frankly, modding can be a thankless job and some of the people one is forced to interact with can be... deeply unpleasant at best, to put it in the kindest way I can and not as I truly want to. For now, I feel like my mods don't need any further work done to them. They're fine as they are. See you later, folks.

I'll be back! I'm not gone for good, I just need to set this aside for now. That's all.

One thing I will say as a final note is that it'd be nice if one could turn off the comments system and only have a bug tracker in the vein of Nexus Mods. That'd be handy for people like myself who do deal with anxiety. And I deal with a lot of anxiety.

See you around, folks. My thanks to those who were kind.

Notice: Please download the addon from this location for now, and report back in the comments if you crash while trying to import from the lore library, thank you.

Click here to check out my other addons.

The Now Actually Working edition! Sorry about that.
Wouldn't it be nice if you had a Lore Library, but for every book you encountered across your travels? Recorded, readable at any point, with a way to keep track of which books you have/haven't read, sortable by various factors (such as alphabetical, the time you found the book, et ceteara), and searchable for when you're seeking out that specific bit of lore? Welcome to Pocket Apocrypha, your own little slice of Hermorah's own realm right in your proverbial pocket!

Now you don't have to stop to read every single book along the way, you can rest easy and trust that they're all being stored in your own little pocket realm to be retrieved later.

This is a port of Librarian. For more information, see the FAQ below.
In the hallowed words of our dear Commandant Lassard, Pocket Apocrypha can do many, many fine things for you.
  • Captures a book (in its entirety for you to read later, accessible from a user-friendly interface;
  • When you do come back to your book, it'll look exactly as it did in the world as the addon uses the same UI for displaying books that the game itself does;
  • Whenever you collect a book the time of collection is recorded, you can then sort books to be displayed by their collection date so you can see what's new and what's old;
  • With a keypress or the push of a button (either clicking the binding or right-clicking the item in the list) you can easily mark books read or unread, to know which titles you've absorbed into your concept organ;
  • A marker in Pocket Apocrypha's interface and in the very book itself which shows you whether a book is read or unread;
  • Books can be easily imported from your Lore Library collection at the push of a button;
  • You can toggle between whether you want to show all of the books you've seen or just the books you've seen on your current character with the push of a button;
  • You can search the titles and/or the contents of books for when you have a need to find a certain old book or do a little scholarly lore research;
  • The interface can be opened via a key bind or a slash command (/apocrypha);
  • Books in Pocket Apocrypha can be sorted by a variety of factors -- title, time found, book size (word count), and unread/read;
  • Alert options for when you find a new book (center screen message, chat message, or none);
  • A reminder can be set (or not, whichever you desire) to reload your UI after a configurable amount of discovered books (so, for example, it'll remind you after 5 books found);
  • The ability to mark all of your books read/unread at the press of a button;
  • You can view the options by clicking the gear in the addon's interface, by going into the usual addons menu, or via a slash command (/apocryphaoptions);
  • It's fully localisable in every respect (only English thus far, but other languages might arrive later);
  • An incredibly safe database system which properly tracks books (including those with the same titles) via their IDs.
That is a lot of things, isn't it? Well, it's all very friendly and easy to understand, as you can see from the screenshot.

It also has a collection of utilities!
  • Backup -- Make instantiated backups of your database;
  • Restore -- Restore your latest database backup;
  • Merge -- Merge two databases together;
  • Export -- Dump a list of names of books you've read to a text file;
  • Update -- For when the database needs to be updated (I'll let you know).
There's an instructions file in the Utils folder to get you started in understanding what each utility does, along with detailed steps for their use.

If you have any further ideas, let me know in the comments.
Q: Why port? What's wrong with Librarian?

A: That's tricky to answer. I could point at how a change in the handling of
book meidums has rendered Librarian broken, anyway, and databases ruined; I could point at how it has a number of existing bugs which I wanted to fix; I could also point at the new functionality and improved features of Pocket Apocrypha; I could... but none of those are the reason you should switch.

The main reason is that Librarian was storing books by their titles, rather than the internal book IDs supplied by Zenimax Online Studios. Here are the problems that can occur with that:
  • If two books have the same title, the new book you've encountered won't be stored even if the contents are completely different;
  • If ZOS changes the title of a book for any reason, it means you'll now have a false copy of that book under a different title which erroneously bloats your collection;
  • If ZOS changes the contents of a book (typos, corrections, changes to the book medium, et cetera), those changes will never be incorporated back into Librarian.
This is all fixed in Pocket Apocrypha. Every book you find will be stored by its unique book ID, so you won't encounter any of the above problems. Furthermore, thanks to using IDs, Pocket Apocrypha will update your books as you find them in the world again to match any changes ZOS might've made.

The release of Pocket Apocrypha was necessary. Not desirable, perhaps, but absolutely necessary.

Q: I'm a user of the original Librarian addon. Can I use my old database with Pocket Apocrypha?

A: No. I'm sorry. Due to the books being stored by title, there's absolutely no means to salvage that database. It's ruined. The sooner you start over, the better. I'm sorry to have to say it, but Librarian's database is simply that broken, you're better off going at it with a fresh start, knowing each book is stored by its ID and thus is future-proofed against any cataclysmic changes (like the ones that befell Librarian).

Q: I used the builds of Librarian you released under the comments section, can I use that database?

A: Yes. It will need to be converted but that database is 100 per cent compatible due to its use of book IDs. Use the database update utility to convert your old Librarian database over Pocket Apocrypha standards.

Q: Will you setup a system where people can share their books so that we can all have a complete database?

A: No. It'd be far too easy to inject nonsense into it as I have no means of verifying what is or is not a real book. So someone could include a book about penises, and if it were written well enough we'd be none the wiser that it wasn't in the game itself.

This would lead to people talking about ESO having books about penises. That'd be bad for everyone involved. So, sadly, this can't happen.
My ever patient beau who manages to sometimes raise my courage to the point where I can post things online.
::Version 014-100022

Fix: Book mediums being updated from CWC standard weren't properly storing their medium.

::Version 013-100022

Improvement: Changing character names in books that store character names would result in Pocket Apocrypha reporting an updated book whenever you found that on a different character. This is hardly ideal. Instead, PA now strips out the name when storing a new book and replaces it with a placeholder. When viewing the book, the placeholder is replaced with the name of the character viewing the book. I felt this was the most apt way to deal with this, and solves the problem. From now on, you should only see those books being updated once more (to get the name replaced with the placeholder), then you won't see that again.

::Version 012-100022

I noticed that the Clockwork City pro-grammatically changes the medium of its books, this is a problem since any books you already have will be updated to CWC standard when you view them there. I've included an option (which defaults to off) which doesn't update the medium for CWC books, it's off by default and it should stay that way unless a medium-related database corruption event has occurred.

I moved the main files out of the root, leaving only the initialization txt there. This is just for cleanliness's sake.

::Version 011-100022

* Updated: Changed names of dropdowns to be more descriptive.
Fix: Forgot to update locale files.

::Version 010-100022

* Update: PA now notifies you if ZOS has updated a book in any way, and there are now new options to handle how this notification occurs. If this isn't your first time using the addon, check those out and be sure to set them.
* Fix: PA used to use the character time stamp for books even if the 'Show All Books' option was enabled, this has been fixed so that now the Universal time stamp is properly used.
* Fix: PA would sometimes notify you of a new book if it was new for your character even when the 'Show All Books' option was toggled on, whereas with that option on it now only notifies you when you find a new book Universally regardless of character.

:: 006-100022

o Added a version to the txt launcher.
o ???

:: 005-100022

o Fixed issue where the keybind to open Librarian wouldn't work (SCENE_MANAGER typo).
o Fixed issue where import would cause the import function to crash (RefreshData being called with every AddBook, it isn't doing that any more).
o Fixed issue which would occur on trying to add a book (????) (not sure why this was happening but it appears to be fixed, too).

:: 004-100022

o You can now right-click on a book in the list to mark it as read/unread.

:: 003-100022

o Oops, forgot to remove an old Librarian test backup. Nothing sensitive in there other than character names; If you saw that... feel free to yell at me in-game, if you like!

:: 002-100022

o Removed a couple of localisation lines I don't need any more.

:: 001-100022

o First release. And it's size is the number of the beast. That's amazing.
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Unread 04/05/18, 03:15 PM  
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Alos not sure whats going on but even with the latest version I am NOT able to use my keybind.

Also Pocket Apocrypha is NOT showing up in the AddOn Settings menu.
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Unread 04/05/18, 03:19 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Apocrypha being a new mod will require you to redo the keybind. If you haven't done that since you were using Librarian, that's why.

Failing that? It sounds like it could be a corrupted database issue. Perhaps the update function didn't run properly? If you could upload your database, I could fix it for you. Just throw it in a zip and toss it up on Mediafire, or put it on Pastebin. If you like, you can do a find and replace for your character names to replace them with nonsensical data, then switch them back in once I'm done making repairs.

As for the Minion issue? No clue.
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Unread 04/05/18, 03:31 PM  
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Yep. Bound the key using the new keybind spot.

That would not affect the AddOn Settings Menu though. It was there in Librarian... Very odd.

My database I converted via the program. My wife's as well.
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Unread 04/05/18, 03:32 PM  
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Originally Posted by Werewolf Finds Dragon
As for the Minion issue? No clue.
I think it might be related to not haveing a version listed in your .txt file?
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Unread 04/05/18, 03:34 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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If the addon menu isn't showing, then it's definitely a database issue.

The mod very specifically won't load anything unless it's been properly initialised, to try and cut down on bugs. That includes the addon menu.
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Unread 04/05/18, 03:35 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Originally Posted by joshmiller83
Originally Posted by Werewolf Finds Dragon
As for the Minion issue? No clue.
I think it might be related to not haveing a version listed in your .txt file?
Poop. I never remember to update version numbers. I have a blind spot for that. I'll start doing that in the next version, then, and I'll try to remember.
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Unread 04/05/18, 03:38 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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If you're feeling nervous about other people knowing your character names? You can email me the databases:

[email protected]

I'm putting my mail here like this as a show of trust, as that kind of thing is mutual. I've never had bad intent with any of my work, and I absolutely won't remember anything I read in there because my memory is awful.

If you feel comfortable with doing so, mail me your databases and I'll fix them.
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Unread 04/05/18, 06:04 PM  
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I think you might need to re-upload with the option to ignore version checked. I just manually installed the current download after deleting the folder and saved vars and still crash on import.
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Unread 04/05/18, 07:28 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Yeeeah. I just downloaded it myself. That's not the latest version.


I'll upload again, and verify this time.
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Unread 04/05/18, 07:35 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Reuploaded and confirmed to be 005. I redownloaded it and even checked the lua file myself.

I don't know why 005 didn't originally upload, sorry!!
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Unread 04/06/18, 02:22 AM  
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Exclamation Still crashing for me

So, running v005-100022 I'm still getting a CTD (crash-to-desktop) when I attempt to import my main's huge lore library:

Main/crafter, with Eidetic Memory: 2038/3653 books
  • Crashes to desktop

Relatively new character: 160/297
  • No issues observed.

Thought you should know.
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Unread 04/06/18, 02:43 AM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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That's absolutely bizarre. I tried it with fake data over thousands of books and I couldn't get it to crash, so I'm not sure what's going on, there. Are you sure it's the latest 005 release, did the zip say 005? If it did, I'll continue working on it.

Edit: I think for some reason people are getting stuck with the 004 release. The correct one should say 005. If you're using Minion, could you try doing a manual update? I'll see what I can do about this in future releases. I'm fairly sure though that this is the cause.

Logically, there cannot be a crash issue in 005. If you insist there is, after a manual update, I'll absolutely look into it but I'd be genuinely baffled.
Last edited by Werewolf Finds Dragon : 04/06/18 at 02:45 AM.
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Unread 04/06/18, 02:53 AM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Let's do this the way I did prior.

Does anyone have any issues with the above version of the mod? Specifically that one. Does that still crash people?
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Unread 04/06/18, 03:23 AM  
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Exclamation Still still crashing

Originally Posted by Werewolf Finds Dragon
If you're using Minion, could you try doing a manual update?
  • Moved Pocket Apocrypha addon folder out of AddOns tree
  • Downloaded file via ESOUI download link
  • Extracted zip file into AddOns
  • Booted game
  • Attempted import of lore library
  • Crash to desktop

Originally Posted by Werewolf Finds Dragon
Let's do this the way I did prior.

Does anyone have any issues with the above version of the mod? Specifically that one. Does that still crash people?
  • Moved (new) Pocket Apocrypha addon folder out of AddOns tree (again)
  • Downloaded
  • Extracted 7z file into AddOns
  • Booted game
  • Attempted import of lore library
  • Crash to desktop

Originally Posted by Werewolf Finds Dragon
Logically, there cannot be a crash issue in 005. If you insist there is, after a manual update, I'll absolutely look into it but I'd be genuinely baffled.
*shrug* It's still crashing. I've not done the full disable-all-other-addons thing, but I did try in both standard and gamepad modes (the latter of which I play in) with no change.
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Unread 04/06/18, 06:32 AM  

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Just downloaded V 006. Just did import of Lore Library on 2 characters. It worked with no problems .
Thanks for the quick response to problem and fixing it.
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