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Updated: 08/19/24 02:59 AM
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Update 43 (10.1.0)
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
Necrom (9.0.0)
Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Updated:08/19/24 02:59 AM
Created:04/15/18 10:31 AM
Monthly downloads:1,944
Total downloads:228,821
Categories:Group, Guild & Friends, Homestead
Guild Hall Button  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.3.18
by: BoarGules [More]
Guild Hall Button

by Boar Gules
[email protected]

Many players of Elder Scrolls Online® have hankered after guild halls of the sort provided by Guild Wars.

When Zenimax announced Homestead, the ESO housing framework, many guilds immediately co-opted it as a way to set up guild halls. Typically, though not always, the guild hall is the guild leader’s primary residence. Often, such houses are not furnished as residences at all: they have full catering facilities, crafting stations, and other things you would not expect to find in a private home, however wealthy the owner might be. And frequently, the sleeping quarters, if any, call a barracks to mind, rather than a residence.

You can quite easily travel to such a guild hall: simply pick your guild leader’s name out of the guild roster and select Visit Primary Residence from the context menu.

The Guild Hall Button add-on does little more than that. It is a simple way to reduce the number of mouse-clicks required, and also expresses the intention of the guilds that such houses are not residences at all, but guild halls.

To Install

Most people use Minion to install add-ons, but if you want to do a manual install, that is very straightforward. Open the zipfile and you will see a folder called GuildHallButton. Extract this folder to your ESO add-ons folder.

• On a PC that will typically be C:\Users\username\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns. If you have installed ESO on another drive, or have chosen another location for your Documents folder, you will presumably know what to substitute for C:.
• On a Mac that will typically be ~/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns.
Once you have done this you should have a new folder in AddOns called GuildHallButton. There should be 11 files and 2 subfolders inside it:
• GuildHallButton.lua and Version.lua
• GuildHallButton.txt and GuildHallButton.xml
• this documentation in two forms (GuildHallButton.pdf and readme.txt)
• 5 screenshots (.jpg)
• subfolders lang (for internationalization) and lib (for library files).


Following a successful install, if you press G for Guild, you should see Guild Hall shown on the bottom left of your Guild home screen. Press the button Travel to Guild Hall and you will be moved to the “primary residence” of that guild’s leader.


This add-on was intended to be zero-configuration software. But some guilds have castellan-officers, and it is their primary residence that is the guild hall, not the guild leader’s, and this situation needs to be manually configured. Otherwise, pressing the button will either take you to the wrong place, or simply yield the warning The house you attempted to visit is unavailable.

It is not uncommon for a single management team to run a group of related guilds with a shared guild hall. But, according to ESO rules, a player may be leader of only one guild, so the shared guild hall will not always belong to the leader of the guild you are in.

An add-on cannot discover this situation from the game API, because from the game’s point of view, there is no such thing as a guild hall. Even as a player, you can only find this out by reading your guild’s message of the day, website, or Facebook page. In such cases, you need to enter the information manually.

Fortunately, configuration is simple. Start by going to the game menu Settings | Addons | Guild Hall Button.

This will list your guilds, with three fairly self-explanatory option settings for each.

• Override default guild hall. Set this to on if you need to configure the Guild Hall Button. This will enable the remaining 2 settings:
• Castellan officer. This is the name of the guild officer who is the formal owner of the guild hall. The default value is (guild leader) because that is the usual situation. A drop-down list will offer you a list of the senior officers in the guild to choose from. If the name you want is not on the list, see Extras below.
• Name of guild hall. The default value for this is (principal residence) and you will hardly ever need to change it. A drop-down list will offer the names of notable houses, which are the only ones likely to be guild halls. If the house you want is not on the list, see Extras below, which also suggests why you might possibly want to do this.

Leaving and Joining Guilds

When you leave a guild or join a new one, the configuration screen will not show your changed membership until the next UI reload. This happens when you log out or issue the /reloadui command.

You can choose to have the Guild Hall Button do an automatic UI reload when you leave or join a guild. Then the configuration screen will always reflect all of your guild current memberships.

But switching this on will mean that if you join or leave two guilds in succession, you will get two /reloadui commands. This may not be what you want.
If in doubt, leave these options switched off.

Error Reporting

If something unexpected happens in an ESO add-on, the game will normally display a UI Error window with the traceback of the code leading up to the Lua error.
Tracebacks are vital to the developer. Without them, solving the problem is close to impossible. But they are meaningless to the end-user. For this reason, this add-on traps and stores the traceback, and simply issues a message saying that what you were trying to do did not work, and that you can retrieve the traceback using the command /guildhall traceback.

You can do this at any time, so that you can compose a bug report when it suits you, instead of having to choose between composing a bug report at that very moment, or closing the UI Error window and destroying the evidence. The Guild Hall Button stores your last 9 tracebacks, numbered 1 to 9. Traceback 1 is the most recent.


Bypassing the Settings menu

You can use slash commands to bypass the Settings menu. You may need to do this if the drop-down lists on the configuration screen don’t show you the player or the house that you want. It may also be helpful in special situations, such as when playing on the Public Test Server, where it can happen that other add-ons (including ones that the Guild Hall Button depends on) may not always be up to date.

Start by typing the command /guildhall list and you will see a dialogue box showing the guilds you are a member of.

Now suppose that the guild hall of Rangiest Rangers is not the guild leader’s primary residence but is instead the primary residence of castellan-officer @Slartibartfast. Type this command:
/guildhall 2 @Slartibartfast

That will take you to the guild hall, so that you can be sure that your configuration is correct. After that, the next time you press the guild hall button, it will take you to the right place without having to be told a second time. If you see the warning Can’t identify @slartibartfast as a guild member, it indicates you have typed the name wrong. Names are case-sensitive, and the leading @ is required.

To reverse this configuration, simply do the same thing, but supply the guild leader’s name.

For people who dislike taking their fingers from the keyboard, you can also use the command /guildhall (alternative spelling /gh), without a player name, to take you to the guild hall, and you can optionally type a number between 1 and 5 (for example /guildhall 2) to specify which guild. If you omit the number then the command takes you to the guild selected on the guild home screen.

A guild leader whose primary residence is a guild hall will generally have other, more modest accommodation elsewhere. If you have permission to visit one of those other houses, you can go there using the following command:

/guildhall number name

where number is the number of the guild as shown above (not optional), and name is the name of the house, or part of it. For example, typing /gh 1 sleek is enough to identify Sleek Creek. The name you type must be long enough to match exactly one house.

You can combine the two forms of the /guildhall command to permanently set the guild hall for a guild to something other than a primary residence, for example:

/guildhall 2 @Slartibartfast sleek

though it is unlikely that you would want to do this in normal circumstances, because that would mean that guild 2’s guild hall could only be reached by using the Guild Hall Button, or another add-on with similar facilities, because there would be no way for guild members to go there using the game’s normal UI. The only use-case for this would be as a convenience when playing on the Public Test Server.

Visiting houses other than guild halls

If you want the ability to go to any house of any player, but not set it as a nonstandard guild hall, use the command /visit instead of /guildhall. This was an extra requested by some users and it is disabled by default. After enabling it in the configuration screen, you can use this command:

/visit @Slartibartfast sleek

which will simply take you to @Slartibartfast’s house at Sleek Creek but won’t affect guild hall settings. If you don’t specify a house then the /visit command will take you to that player’s principal residence. If you specify a house but not a player the command will take you to your house of that name.

Version checking

The command /gh version will show a dialogue box giving

• The version of the add-on. The version numbers follow the principles of semantic versioning, fully described at
• The version of the game API that is currently running. This version is determined by Zenimax and generally changes after a major update. If this number is higher than an add-on supports, then the game will mark that add-on as out of date.
• The versions of the API that the add-on supports. Add-ons can support two successive API versions. This can be helpful when the Public Test Server is running a later version of the API than the live game.

This happens for some weeks before each major update.

Slash Command Reference

The two commands /guildhall and /gh are equivalent. They take the subcommands shown below:

| Possible subcommands | Example | Effect |
| blank | /gh | Go to guild hall of current guild |
| guild-number | /gh 3 | Go to guild hall of guild 3 |
| guild-number house-id | /gh 1 sleek | Go to the guild 1 leader’s house called Sleek Creek |
| | /gh 1 23 | |
| guild-number @player | /gh 2 @Slartibartfast | Go to @Slartibartfast’s principal residence and make that the guild hall of guild 2 |
| guild-number @player house-id | /gh 2 @Slartibartfast sleek | Go to @Slartibartfast’s house Sleek Creek and make that the guild hall of guild 2 |
| | /gh 2 @Slartibartfast 23 | |
| list | /gh list | List all guilds and guild halls in a pop-up window |
| ? | /gh ? | |
| version | /gh version | Give add-on version number and API compatibility in a pop-up window |
| traceback | /gh traceback | Display the most recent traceback in a UI Error window |
| traceback sequence-number | /gh traceback 1 | |
| | /gh traceback 3 | Display traceback 3 |

The companion command /visit is only available if you enable it in Settings | Addons | Guild Hall Button. Use it as shown below:

| Possible subcommands | Example | Effect |
| @player | /visit @Slartibartfast | Go to @Slartibartfast’s principal residence |
| @player house | /visit @Slartibartfast sleek | Go to @Slartibartfast’s house Sleek Creek |
| house | /visit sleek | Go to your house Sleek Creek |
| outside house | /visit outside sleek | Go to the outside of your house Sleek Creek |


ESO 8.2.5 Update 36 rendered this add-on’s namesake button mostly superfluous. Guild leaders can now put a link to their guild hall in the guild’s Message of the Day, which essentially duplicates the functionality of the button, on the same screen. The link mechanism is more convenient, and also allows several houses to be listed, made desirable after it became impossible to fit everything that should be in a guild hall into one house. And, of course, there is no need to install an add-on because the link is managed by the guild leader (which is where the control should lie) and not by individual players.

I will maintain the add-on for continuity and because its /visit command is still useful and popular. It was originally an extra, but now becomes the add-on’s primary justification.

My thanks to everyone over the past 5 years who participated in the long beta test, who conscientiously reported bugs, and who contributed translations, and to the thousands of players who downloaded and used it.



Warm thanks to Narian of the now-disbanded Cervanteso team. That team did such a good job that eventually Zenimax came out with an official Spanish version of the game, in June 2022. It is almost certain that the availability of the Cervanteso translation drew more Spanish speakers to the game, which in turn made it worthwhile for Zenimax to support the language officially. You can read the story of the project here:


Warm thanks to mouton.


Warm thanks to GJSmoker.

2.3.18 Update 42. New API version 101043. Display only notable houses in the configuration to keep the drop-down list within the capabilities of the form framework.
2.3.17 Gold Road (update 42). New API version 101042.
2.3.16 Scions of Ithelia (update 41). New API version 101041.
2.3.15 Endless Archive (update 40). New API version 101040.
2.3.14 Base game patch (update 39). New API version 101039. The outside keyword of the /visit command was case-sensitive and cranky about delimiting spaces. Fixed.
2.3.13 Necrom and Base-game Patch. New API version 101038.
2.3.12 Scribes of Fate. New API version 101037.
2.3.11 Firesong. New API version 101036. Obsolescence notice.
2.3.10 Lost Depths. New API version 101035.
2.3.9 High Isle. New API version 101034.
2.3.8 Ascending Tide. New API version 101033.
2.3.7 Deadlands. New API version 101032.
2.3.5 Russian language support, with warm thanks to GJSmoker.
2.3.4 Waking Flame. New API version 100131.
2.3.3 Fix issue with invalid house indicator being treated as "house indicator missing" after issuing error message.
2.3.2 New "outside" option on /visit command, as in "/visit outside sleek". Only works for your own houses: this is an API restriction. New API version 100034.
2.3.1 New API version 100033.
2.3.0 French language support, with warm thanks to mouton. Further work on leaks of grammatical tags on place names into the UI.
2.2.2 Stopped grammatical tags on place names in French and German from leaking into the UI. Markarth.
2.2.1 Fixed bug in searching for houses with a hyphen in the name.
2.2.0 Spanish language support, with warm thanks to Narian of the Cervanteso team. Stonethorn. New API version 100032.
2.1.0 Positioned Guild Hall Button controls relative to the View Bids button. The static positioning previously used was causing collisions and no amount of tweaking could fix it. Eliminated a stray debug trace that accidentally got released.
2.0.0 Send the output of /guildhall list and /guildhall version to a dialogue box instead of the chat window. This was imposed by the fact that any other add-on may now require LibDebugLogger and that diverts all messages sent to the chat window to a log that the user may have made invisible, or disabled. Fixed validation failure in slash commands of the form /gh @user house. This was always invalid (guild number is required) but was not trapped for and led to an unhandled exception. New API version 100031. Major version number because the behaviour of two slash commands has changed.
1.10.1 Remove remaining call to LibStub. Update minimum supported versions of LibSlashCommander (36) and LibAddonMenu-2.0 (30). New API version 100030.
1.10.0 Further changes to embedding of library add-ons in line with new library version facilities. Will now use LibSlashCommander if available, but will not fail if it is not. Dependency is satisfied by version 6 of this library in API version 100029 but not in API version 100030 (coming soon with Harrowstorm).
1.9.1 Amend /guildhall and /visit commands to accept a house name substring that contains a space. Changes to embedding of library add-ons in line with new library version facilities introduced by ZOS with Summerset. Now requires LibAddonMenu-2.0 revision 30. Dependency is not satisfied by earlier versions. New API version 100029.
1.9.0 Not released
1.8.3 New API version 100027. Elsweyr.
1.8.2 Fix display of candidate castellan officers in guilds where members don't have ranks
1.8.1 Fix to command /visit without a player name defaults to current player
1.8.0 Command /visit without a player name defaults to current player
1.7.4 New API version 100026. Cosmetic change of positioning of button on guild screen required by changed layout.
1.7.3 New API version 100025. No substantive changes.
1.7.2 Will not overwrite a slash command that is already assigned
1.7.1 Command /visit without a house name defaults to player's principal residence
-- Compatible with Murkmire
-- New optional slash command /visit
-- Hints provided for /guildhall subcommands traceback, list, version
1.6.1 Eliminate spurious failure message on joining a guild
-- Fixes to a pervasive bug between leaving/joining a guild and the next /reloadui that in the worst case led to a corrupted SavedVariables file, which just kept the defect alive past /reloadui. (Warm thanks to RavenMind for a comprehensive bug report.)
-- Measures (inspired by Python) to stop stack traces from leaking out to the player as a UI Error window. Code defects are hard to avoid, but they should be handled more gracefully than popping up a debug window on a player's screen.
-- New /guildhall subcommands: /gh version and /gh traceback.
-- Fix to the configuration of house names.
-- Better validation to prevent the configuration of a house override without castellan name.
-- Better validation to prevent a castellan's name differing in case from the real player name.
-- Option to do an automatic /reloadui after leaving/joining a guild, to refresh the config screen.
-- Internal changes: further preparation for gettext-style internationalization support.
1.5.6 Partial rollback of changeset 259.
1.5.5 Additional misconfiguration trap
1.5.4 Cosmetic change (trace in chat window removed)
1.5.3 Wolfhunter compatibility. Update to API version. Largely internal changes: preparation for gettext-style internationalization support; start of migration to more robust error-handling scheme.
1.5.2 Not released.
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Unread 04/15/18, 06:17 PM  

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Exclamation Great Idea ....

This add-on is an excellent tool. However, out of the five guilds of which I am a member, three have "guild halls". Only one of the three is actually the "primary residence" of the Guild Master. Both of the others are identifiers which do not correspond to an identifiable player per se. (Note that ZOS also allows Guilds to have an e-mail address(es) which is an alias for the Guild Master and/or one or more Guild Officers.) Enabling the player (user) to configure the add-on with the actual identifier to which the player's character can "travel" in order to arrive at the Guild Hall is absolutely necessary.
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Unread 04/16/18, 04:09 AM  

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Re: Great Idea ....

Originally Posted by Shadowshire
This add-on is an excellent tool. However, out of the five guilds of which I am a member, three have "guild halls". Only one of the three is actually the "primary residence" of the Guild Master. Both of the others are identifiers which do not correspond to an identifiable player per se. (Note that ZOS also allows Guilds to have an e-mail address(es) which is an alias for the Guild Master and/or one or more Guild Officers.) Enabling the player (user) to configure the add-on with the actual identifier to which the player's character can "travel" in order to arrive at the Guild Hall is absolutely necessary.
Well, two addons supporting this feature exist for almost a year:

So if you don't need a fancy icon, you could as well just keep using those.
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Unread 04/21/18, 11:59 AM  
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Re: Re: Great Idea ....

Originally Posted by mychaelo
So if you don't need a fancy icon, you could as well just keep using those.
The ideal solution would be for this add-on to support the "<GH" syntax used by the other two add-ons to detect who has the guild hall from the player notes. This would also be easier to implement than writing a new customization method.
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Unread 04/28/18, 03:47 PM  
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Thanks for the warm comment.

I was always aware that a configuration option was necessary, and version 1.01 uploaded today offers a somewhat basic way to do this. You can issue a /guildhall command in chat that will permanently modify the default behaviour.

But you do need to know which player's house it is. There is not an obvious way to travel to houses using identifiers which do not correspond to an identifiable player.

I do understand about email addresses with multiple addressees, but that isn't really an implementation option for this add-on. The API offers two functions, JumpToHouse(playername) and JumpToSpecificHouse(playername,housename). Both of them require the programmer to know who owns the house. And that isn't so very unreasonable. Given an email address with multiple addressees, whose house is it that you want?

So the new version may only go part of the way to what you have in mind. The only real solution is to make it possible for houses to be attributes of guilds not players, but that is a significant change to the data model that I think we cannot reasonably expect anytime soon.
Last edited by BoarGules : 04/29/18 at 01:14 PM.
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Unread 05/19/18, 03:45 AM  
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Re: Great Idea ....

Originally Posted by Shadowshire
Enabling the player (user) to configure the add-on with the actual identifier to which the player's character can "travel" in order to arrive at the Guild Hall is absolutely necessary.
I have released a new revision of this add-on to coincide with Summerset. It is now fully configurable via the Settings | Addons menu.
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Unread 07/05/18, 11:59 PM  
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Thank you sir. This looks like a very hand addon. Downloading now!
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Unread 07/06/18, 09:38 PM  
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Re: Re: Great Idea ....

Originally Posted by BoarGules
I have released a new revision of this add-on to coincide with Summerset. It is now fully configurable via the Settings | Addons menu.
Thank you, that made it quite a bit more user friendly. Though I did have to do some "manual" configuration via slash commands. No big deal with the instructions you provided. Wonderful addon, thanks a lot!
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Unread 08/18/18, 06:35 PM  
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Thank you for the update! This is one of those "quality of life" addons that I'd hate to go without!
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Unread 08/19/18, 02:12 AM  
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Awesome but

bad argument #1 to 'string.gsub' (string expected, got boolean)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'string.gsub'
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:307: in function 'GuildHallButton.GoToGuildhall'
|caaaaaa<Locals> cmd = "", guild_id = 1, house_specified = false, leader_name = true, guild_name = "My Sweet Moon", house_override = "Earthtear Cavern" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:112: in function 'GuildHallButton.OnClicked'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = tbl, button = ud </Locals>|r
GoToGuildHallButton_Clicked:2: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, ctrl = false, alt = false, shift = false, command = false </Locals>|r
So actually its because Gleader not owner of GH ))) so need text box for paste a owners id / not only Gleader

So if we edit JumpToSpecificHouse(leader_name, house_id or house_override) for non gleader name and hall, probably it's work... I mean try this after work.
Last edited by TheYcUtS : 08/19/18 at 09:45 PM.
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Unread 08/21/18, 02:04 PM  
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Thanks for reporting this. Working on a fix. I understand from your report that (1) the error is in response to a button press, not a /gh command; (2) you are guild leader (3) the guild hall is not your house. This situation has been tested and was believed to work correctly. How have you configured Settings | Addons? There is already a drop-down list for the owner's name there and the traceback doesn't show that it has been set.

Originally Posted by TheYcUtS
Awesome but

bad argument #1 to 'string.gsub' (string expected, got boolean)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'string.gsub'
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:307: in function 'GuildHallButton.GoToGuildhall'
|caaaaaa<Locals> cmd = "", guild_id = 1, house_specified = false, leader_name = true, guild_name = "My Sweet Moon", house_override = "Earthtear Cavern" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:112: in function 'GuildHallButton.OnClicked'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = tbl, button = ud </Locals>|r
GoToGuildHallButton_Clicked:2: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, ctrl = false, alt = false, shift = false, command = false </Locals>|r
So actually its because Gleader not owner of GH ))) so need text box for paste a owners id / not only Gleader

So if we edit JumpToSpecificHouse(leader_name, house_id or house_override) for non gleader name and hall, probably it's work... I mean try this after work.
Last edited by BoarGules : 08/21/18 at 02:24 PM.
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Unread 08/21/18, 02:40 PM  
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Originally Posted by BoarGules
Thanks for reporting this. Working on a fix. I understand from your report that (1) the error is in response to a button press, not a /gh command; (2) you are guild leader (3) the guild hall is not your house. This situation has been tested and was believed to work correctly. How have you configured Settings | Addons? There is already a drop-down list for the owner's name there and the traceback doesn't show that it has been set.

Originally Posted by TheYcUtS
Awesome but

bad argument #1 to 'string.gsub' (string expected, got boolean)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'string.gsub'
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:307: in function 'GuildHallButton.GoToGuildhall'
|caaaaaa<Locals> cmd = "", guild_id = 1, house_specified = false, leader_name = true, guild_name = "My Sweet Moon", house_override = "Earthtear Cavern" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:112: in function 'GuildHallButton.OnClicked'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = tbl, button = ud </Locals>|r
GoToGuildHallButton_Clicked:2: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, ctrl = false, alt = false, shift = false, command = false </Locals>|r
So actually its because Gleader not owner of GH ))) so need text box for paste a owners id / not only Gleader

So if we edit JumpToSpecificHouse(leader_name, house_id or house_override) for non gleader name and hall, probably it's work... I mean try this after work.
Thx work but our Guild Hall owner not officer )))))
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Unread 08/21/18, 03:44 PM  
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Thx work but our Guild Hall owner not officer
Oh, now I understand. You can configure that also, but it is an unusual situation so it's not provided for in the GUI, only via a slash command. There are full instructions in the docs, but briefly it is /gh 1 @owner-name house-name.
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Unread 08/21/18, 04:44 PM  
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Originally Posted by BoarGules
Oh, now I understand. You can configure that also, but it is an unusual situation so it's not provided for in the GUI, only via a slash command. There are full instructions in the docs, but briefly it is /gh 1 @owner-name house-name.
Np ill fix it! Great job mate
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Unread 08/22/18, 12:32 AM  
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I'm now receiving a LUA error. I did drop two guilds, re-add one of them, and added a new one. Which changed the ordering of the guilds, if that even matters. Also the Settings menu has nothing in it now. I've reloaded UI, logged out, deleted savedvars, and logged back in, but am still getting the error. Full error indicates it may have a problem with one specific guild, but it may be it only triggers the first error it comes across then stops running the addon? IDK.
I'll try to look at the line myself & see what I can do, but I'm no coder and know nothing about LUA.
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:503: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:503: in function 'BuildLAMPanel'
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:628: in function 'BuildLAM'
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:100: in function 'GuildHallButton:Initialize'
user:/AddOns/GuildHallButton/GuildHallButton.lua:109: in function 'GuildHallButton.OnAddonLoaded'
Full Error:
Warning: Spoiler

Edit: Can't see a problem in the code. /guildhall ? does nothing. Doesn't bring up an "invalid command", as if it were an invalid command, and also doesn't return anything to the chat window.
Interestingly trying /guildhall 1 @xxxxx brings up a message at the top-right, stating, "Command /guildhall 1 invalid: you do not have a guild numbered 1".
In my Savedvars, (freshly created), I have Guild Halls: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, & 14. I don't know if that's indicative of anything, but thought I'd provide the info.

Edit-2: After some digging, I found my guild numbering has been thrown off somehow. Should be guilds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. In that order, they are now guilds 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. After using "/gh 10 @xxxx" for each guilds, 10-14, the button now works fine.
"/guildhall ?" still returns nothing, while mistyping such as /guildhall?, returns "Warning: Invalid chat command '/guildhall?'!"
So while there's nothing wrong with the functionality of the button itself, I thought this was an interesting thing to have happen. Incidentally, after I manually set all guildhalls with the slash commands, and reloaded UI to save the variables, the settings menu is now populated.
Also, no more LUA errors once manually configured!
One more thing, I wanted to thank you for including that .pdf in the archive. Too few authors include ReadMe's or any documentation, so it's really appreciated that you did!!

Update (Final, I think.): I logged out & went into the savedvars after having manually set the guildhalls. I renumbered the now-populated guilds 10-14 to 1-5, and deleted the old guilds 1-5. (oddly, guild 1 had been populated now..). Saved & logged in again. No LUA error, the button works on each guild, and I am not getting the correct return with the /guildhall ? command. Yay! I don't know if this is something you still want to look into. My suspicion is that it has to do with me having left 2 guilds, then rejoining 1 and adding another. *shrug*
Instead of deleting this whole post, I've decided to leave it up, in-case it might be helpful to others who might have done something similar. Feel free to delete to tidy up the thread if you feel so inclined.
Thanks for your time!
Last edited by RavenMind : 08/22/18 at 02:33 AM.
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Unread 08/23/18, 01:51 PM  
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Thank you for the friendly, detailed, thoughtful and extremely helpful defect report. I can see one issue straight off, which is that the code thinks guild numbers go from 1 to 5, maybe with gaps. I really wasn't aware they could go from 10 to 14. That in itself will break things, such as the build of the configuration screen (in BuildLAMPanel), and the /guildhall ? command. That assumption about numbering of guilds came straight from ZOS's own code (or so I thought: closer inspection suggests otherwise). So I will have to cast about for a more robust way to enumerate them.

I'm glad you managed to solve the problem on your own (especially as you found the defect for me in the process), but I will have to fix this, even if it is now not urgent. If it happened to you it will sooner or later happen to someone else, and that someone else is unlikely to be as resourceful.

Regards and thanks again

Originally Posted by RavenMind
Update (Final, I think.): I logged out & went into the savedvars after having manually set the guildhalls. I renumbered the now-populated guilds 10-14 to 1-5, and deleted the old guilds 1-5. (oddly, guild 1 had been populated now..). Saved & logged in again. No LUA error, the button works on each guild, and I am not getting the correct return with the /guildhall ? command. Yay! I don't know if this is something you still want to look into. My suspicion is that it has to do with me having left 2 guilds, then rejoining 1 and adding another. *shrug*
Instead of deleting this whole post, I've decided to leave it up, in-case it might be helpful to others who might have done something similar. Feel free to delete to tidy up the thread if you feel so inclined.
Thanks for your time!
Last edited by BoarGules : 08/23/18 at 02:05 PM.
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