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Updated: 09/01/24 08:54 AM
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Update 43 (10.1.0)
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Updated:09/01/24 08:54 AM
Created:08/07/18 07:17 PM
Monthly downloads:3,000
Total downloads:63,838
Categories:Group, Guild & Friends, Chat Mods, PvP, Raid Mods, Miscellaneous, Utility Mods
LGM - Lilith's Group Manager  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 4.3.2
by: Drummerx04, code65536
As a spiritual successor to AutoInvite, LGM is designed to fit the needs of anyone who forms a group ever, with savable groups, simplified automatic invites, offline kick, and an in depth group death recap tracker... because why not?

The LGM interface is connected to the in-game Group Window, and can be selected from the List on the left of the same window. LGM is further split into Invite, Raid, and Death panels accessible from the Menu Bar at the top of the LGM window. (See Images)

Here's a tutorial video I threw together for the people who like to see things: It is slightly outdated, but still enough to get the gist of it

  • Chat Scan invites - Specify multiple invite strings for each guild, zone, and whispers. Each alphanumeric word entered into each field will scan incoming chat messages for any of those words that appear anywhere in the chat message... and then instantly invite them to the group. (See Images)
  • Offline Autokick - Group Members that go offline will be automatically kicked after a configurable amount of time (5 - 120 seconds)
  • Alt Character auto kick - When someone in your group logs off while in group, then joins the group with another character on the same account, the offline character will be kicked automatically. (toggle off with slash command)
  • Max Group Size - Set a soft group size limit (2-24). Invites attempted while your group is at the selected size will fail, but previously sent invites can still be accepted (and will breech the set limit).
  • Invite Feedback - The response to your group invites will no longer beep at you and appear in the upper right briefly. The responses are now a part of the invite panel and remain there until you reload ui, clear the list, or crash to desktop. Any invite that does not go through for any reason can be resent with a simple button click.
  • Raid Groups - You can now form raid groups ahead of time and batch invite them at your leisure. New members are added to the raid group by right clicking their name from the Vanilla Group List, Friends List, or Guild Roster and selecting the new option "Add to Raid Group" from the resulting menu. Multiple Raid Groups are supported. Your raid group can then be invited with a single button click, and LGM will automatically invite raid group members as they log in.
  • Active Invite Lists - Each list provides can mark a member as "active" or "inactive" by simply left clicking on their respective entry in LGM. This allows them to stay in the Raid or Invite lists, but they will be skipped by the batch invite features. This feature is designed for raid groups that have regular filling players in addition to the standard 12 man group.
  • Invite Suggestions - A new option to automatically scan @names from group and whisper chat. The names will be added to the Invite Panel for easy access.
  • Re-invites - Everyone that enters your group (or is sent an invite by you) is added to the LGM invite list until removed by a reset, clear, crash etc. Any failed invites for any reason can be resent together with the batch invites. This is also a defacto group reform feature. Simply disband, and then batch invite the group again. This even works if you were not initially the group leader.
  • Track Online Status - As visible in the images, the online status of your raid groups are easily visible from the Raid Panel so you always know who to yell at for being absent with a simple glance.
  • Invite people hiding offline - This is almost an accidental feature, but the raid batch invites can catch people hiding offline. None can hide from the Raid Leader!
  • Death Recap - Tracks and saves the total deaths and cause of death for all nearby group members (and yourself). Death recaps can be viewed in a clean and orderly fashion from a standalone panel within LGM with a breakdown of what killed who and how often. There are multiple ways to share death info via group chat. Check the tooltip on the button in the Deaths Panel.
  • Group Death Recap Timeline - View the time of death and death recap for every member of your group. Finally track down what's actually killing your people.
  • Wipe Indicators - Intermediate death recaps are stored automatically every time your group wipes
  • Real Time Death Recaps - The death recaps can be configured to appear on screen during gameplay at a configurable length and position. (See Slash Commands)
  • Group Healing - The death recaps now include healing received between damage taken events. The healing received will be sorted by the largest healing source to smallest.
  • Updated Death recap

Slash Commands
  • /lgm - Prints help menu for /lgm slash command
  • /lgm togglemove - Makes the recap window appear so it can be given a new default position.
  • /lgm s|summary - Populate group chat with the current display in the death panel (order and format are based on the list in the Death Panel)
  • /lgm recap #number - specify a number of history items in the death recaps. Takes effect on new death recaps.
  • /lgm liverecap #number - specify a number of rows to be displayed on the real time popup window. 0 = off
  • /lgm trackdeaths - toggle whether or not LGM tracks your group's deaths
  • /lgm altkick - toggles whether or not alt characters are kicked automatically (independent of offline kick timer)
Version 4.3.2
  • The automatic offline and alt kick features will now work only if there are at least three members in the group, to avoid disbanding the group
Version 4.3.1
  • Automatic invites from the preset raid list will now be disabled upon the completion of a scored trial
Version 4.3.0
  • Markers indicating the start of a veteran trial or arena will now appear in the death panel's timeline, to make it easier to see where instance resets fit into the timeline; this feature is enabled by default and can be disabled via the /lgm marktrialstart chat command
Version 4.2.5
  • Addressed an issue with ability names on non-English game clients
Version 4.2.4
  • The death recap popup has been re-positioned; this was done to work around the problem of certain other UI elements overlapping the death recap due to a new game issue in Update 34 with draw tiers being incorrectly computed prior to the user clicking on the UI
  • The default number of damage entries in the death recap has been increased from 5 to 10; this change affects only new installations of LGM, and existing users who wish to change the number of entries can do so using the chat command documented at the bottom of the addon page
Version 4.2.3
  • Fixed a Lua error resulting from combat event sequences that could occasionally break an atomicity assumption surrounding damage shield events, particularly noticeable in Dreadsail Reef
  • In the future, errors resulting from unexpected irregularities in damage shield events will fail more gracefully rather than generate Lua errors
  • Made an attempt to alleviate the problem where a player who should have been in range for combat events has "Unknown Cause" in their death recap
Version 4.2.2
  • Fixed a Lua error resulting from spurious damage shield events during the Tideborn Taleria encounter in Dreadsail Reef
  • Fixed the misalignment of controls in the Death Panel that had resulted from changes in Update 33
  • Updated the API numbers
Version 4.2.1
  • Updated the API numbers
  • Made a change to prevent a rare lua crash. Basically while iterating through the group, GetUnitDisplayName() is returning nil which causes a crash down the line as other logic is expecting a valid string. I am not sure why this is happening, and I've only seen two reports of the error being thrown.
Version 4.2
  • Fixed an issue where adding members by name to a raid group would fail if the names contained international characters or '-', '_'
  • Adjusted damage reports to once again include overkill damage in the recap displays. This was caused by an API change.
  • Added extra info to the Raid and Invite panels when mousing over a player in the list.
  • Fixed an issue where player online/offline status was no longer updating and displaying correctly. This was due to an API change.
  • Reworked unneeded redraws of the invite and raid list panels when the addon was not currently displayed. This should be a minor performance improvement (not the LGM is overly intensive to begin with)
  • Hotfix: Fixed an oversight that may cause a crash during the UI Building phase of the addon loading
  • Hotfix: Added a smoother handling of absent data from the new character info popups

Version 4.1
  • Added a real time death recap feature. The new window will pop up whenever someone dies to give the same information found on the timeline. The popup window is off by default (liverecap = 0) and can be toggled on by giving it a new length between 1 and the max row length of the timeline recap.
  • Added new "/lgm" arguments. "/lgm togglemove" allows the real time window to be relocated. "/lgm liverecap <integer>" gives the recap window a configurable length or turns the feature off.
  • Added a debug statement to Auto Alt Kick to make it clear what is happening when someone gets booted. I believe there is still a bug in the feature related to the ****ty API reliability around forming groups. I may have to approach the feature from a different angle.
  • Updated death recaps to remove the time difference label on healing rows. Since healing rows are a summary of all healing between 2 damage rows, the time field didn't really add anything usable.
  • The recaps are no longer anchored to the row that spawn them. They will now be anchored near the top of the timeline list.
  • Added a space for more general information at the top of the timeline. Currently just has the player name at the top for convenience with the real time popup.

Version 4.0
  • Updated the positioning of controls in the Death Panel. It is now standardized to the other two panels
  • Added Healing Taken events to all death recaps. This is to provide healing context to the deaths in the timeline. Healing sources are sorted by raw amount and aggregated between damage occurrences.
  • Adjusted the font used across all lists in LGM to be a little smaller and less blocky.

Version 3.8
  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 is no longer included, so you must install it separately.
  • Updated the timeline to include group wipe markers that also store the intermediate death summaries leading up to that wipe. Now it is vastly easier to get a clear image of which deaths belong to which pull.
  • Added a new function to the Death Reset Button. Shift+M1 will now place a uniquely indicated marker that also includes an intermediate death recap. It's like the wipe indicator, but you can place it whenever you want (to clean up the timeline before a boss fight without deleting all the previous data for instance)
  • The wipe markers act as buttons to access the summary data. M1 will toggle total/intermediate player deaths, and M2 will toggle between total/intermediate cause summaries.
  • Added an option (off by default) to automatically select LGM (instead of the default group frame) during the first time the UI is loaded. Subsequently bringing up the group menu will still default to the last selected node, so this only affects the initial opening of the group window. Toggle this feature with "/lgm autoselect"
  • Shortened the Label for this addon in the group menu "Lilith's Group Manager" --> "L.G.M."

Version 3.6.1
  • Fixed an bug where Auto Alt Kick would automatically remove offline players upon the initial (re)load of the game UI. Offline characters should now only be kicked by this feature if they are actually "Alts"
  • Added a new entry box to the Raid panel to add new @names to the raid list directly. The "Add Member" field can handle multiple display names and supports common delimiters. (@name1, @name2 @name3 - @etc)

Version 3.6
  • Fixed Auto Alt Kick. The menu option now properly toggles the AAK, and AAK now more properly detects the presence of an Alt and kicks the alt reliably.
  • Added a developer toggle on the Death Panel. Shift+M2 on the Reset/clear button will now set the recap displays to also display ability ids before the ability name. (Useful mostly for developers to discover the IDs of moves that are killing the group)
  • Fixed an issue where invite responses sent to character names were not properly detected and displayed.
  • Added an option to clear the Invite List of all non grouped members in the list (Shift+Mouse 2 on invite button)
  • Added an indicator to the Raid Panel to display (selected players) / (total players) in the raid group. This mostly exists to see how many will be invited at a glance.
  • Updated tooltips to properly reflect what the buttons actually do.
  • General code efficiency improvements.
  • API bump for Wrathstone (100026)

Version 3.5
  • In the invite list, Shift+Right Click will now add the player to the current Raid Group.
  • Updated the "Invite Group" button in the invite panel. Shift+Left click will now add all active players in the Invite List to the current raid group. This is effectively an instant "Save Current Group" feature. The button tooltip documents this feature.
  • The Friend, Guild Roster, and Vanilla group lists can now add players to the current Raid Group by clicking Mouse 3,4, or 5 in addition to right clicking and selection "Add to Raid Group"
  • Leaving/disbanding/getting kicked from your group will now disable all Automatic inviting features. (Feedback provided by YudaiNao). The chat scan invites are not yet disabled automatically if you log out while in group.
  • The automatic alt kicking feature can now be toggled from the Invite Panel in addition to the slash command

Version 3.2
  • Added a beta version of alt character autokick (independent of*timed kick, more useful for PvE raids when people are changing characters). Toggled with "/lgm altkick"
  • Added the ability to filter the death timeline on causes as well as names.
  • LGM now remembers which panel you were on and defaults to it upon a game refresh
  • Group members can now be kicked with Shift+right click
  • Fixed a bug with missing textures in the raid panel. (caused when a member of the raid list is no longer a friend or guildie)
  • Changed the definition of "Unknown Cause" to damage that happened more than 1.5 seconds ago.
  • Fixed a minor bug where your character revives would show up in the timeline as "Unknown Cause" if you were not grouped when dying.
  • Remade the summary popups in the death panel to be a little better formatted.
  • The chat scan AutoInvite will now invite a player that has an offline character in your group.

Version 3.0
  • Improved the death recap display with textures and actual formatting (awaiting feedback on shielded icons)
  • Added class and role indicators to the invite list
  • Replaced the Online/Offline labels with standard textures in the raid frame
  • Improved internal consistency between all death tracking lists
  • "Unknown Cause" is now defined as a death that occurs if more than 0.5 seconds has passed since the last detected damage on a given group member
  • Added filter functionality to the timeline. Click a username in the summary list to immediately filter the timeline on that name. Multiple names are supported simultaneously. Click the name again to disable one filter, or right click the button at the top to clear all filters.
  • Death summary list now keeps itself sorted (which fixes the chat print ordering)
  • Added a "Visit Primary Residence" option to the Raid List members
  • The death tracker is now active when you are not grouped
  • Added a new slash command for (dis|en)abling the death tracker (/lgm trackdeaths)
Version 2.2
  • Added an invitation shortcut to the Invite Panel. Shift+Left Clicking on a name in the list will instantly send and invite.
  • Added group suggestion support. @names placed in group chat or whispers will be added to the Invite List and marked as "Suggest"
  • Added the ability to toggle the suggestion feature.
  • Improved the shield damage aggregation function. Now multiple layers of shields are supported, and which shield is damaged and by what will always be shown.
  • Added a time delta to the death recaps so the timeframe over* which damage occured to cause the death is now visible.

Version 2.1
  • Added an automatic kick feature and slider to the Invite Panel. A setting of 0 seconds disables the Auto Kick, but all other values will kick after the selected amount of time has passed.
  • Added a Max Group Size slider to the Invite Panel. Group invites attempted while the group is already at the Max Value will fail and show up in the Invite List as "LGM Max" Names in the invite List can be used to bypass this limit by right clicking on a name and choosing "Invite Override"

Version 2.0
  • Fixed a bug with the invite list, where certain features would become desynced when a group members left the group
  • Added tracking of the group leader in the invite list (if it isn't you)
  • Added an indicator for offline Grouped members in the invite list. ("Grouped" now turns red)
  • Added a mouse over in the invite list to display the character name for grouped members.
  • Added an automatic invite feature to the Raid Inviter. Will now send an invite to anyone active in the current raid list. This occurs 2 seconds after they log in.
  • Invite Raid Button in Raid Panel now supports a Mouse 2 click to disable the raid auto invite.
  • Added a death timeline to the death panel. Now every death your group suffers is saved in a new list that stores the last X sources of damage and whether or not that damage was blocked or mitigated with a shield.
  • Added a SLASH command to change the length of the death recaps. (/lgm recap #integer) Default is 5
  • Added a button to reset the Death Panel
  • Shortened the height of all lists by 100 pixels
Version 1.1.2
  • Hotfix: Removed testing data from death list... (don't release updates at 1AM)
  • Fixed row highlighting for all lists
  • Improved death tracking (now also tracks pvp related deaths)
  • Fixed crashes related to groupfinder/bgs
  • Added group functionality to key bind strip
  • Added group related options to the invite list
  • Added dialog box to disband button
  • Saved Variables are now bound to account name rather than character name. This means your previously saved raids are now lost unless you edit your savedVars "GroupManager.lua" file
  • If you are feeling adventurous, you can save your raid lists by finding your character settings in the saved variables and changing the character name to "$AccountWide" before loading the game
  • Wolfhunter API Update

Version 1.1
  • Added Death Panel and death tracking/sharing
  • Added preliminary Leader handling on the Invite Panel
  • Added /lgm c and /lgm s slash commands
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Unread 09/28/24, 04:14 PM  

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Re: Re: extra function

To my understanding TTC uses an external program to update from its shared servers and read/modify it's own saved variables file.

ESO's LUA API doesn't allow you to open arbitrary files for reading or writing nor does it allow network connections. This is likely to guard against liability issues, since enabling those features comes with risks.[/quote]

Yeah the client updates the lua files with data. Im on linux for my home computer and steamdeck when im at work so i cant run the client, instead i use wget to pull the data from TTC which is stored in the addon folder instead of the saved variables. The issue im trying to get around is its hard to read names on the steamdeck for inviting. Ive created a program that parses the names from raid helper on discord and currently puts them in clipboard to be pasted into LGM which works fine on my home linux pc but steamdeck doesnt allow for the clipboard from my program to carry over to ESO. It was just something niche i was trying to accomplish but wasnt sure if it could be done other than editing the saved variable while the game was shut down.
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Unread 09/13/24, 10:42 AM  
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Re: extra function

Originally Posted by djsnapper
Would it be possible to add a button on the tab where you can create new groups that when pressed would pull the names from a file in the addon folder either in json or lua format? And would this file be able to be edited with new names prior to pressing the button without have to perform a reload? I know it cant be done with the saved variables, but seams that TTC is able to do something similar to what im looking for.
To my understanding TTC uses an external program to update from its shared servers and read/modify it's own saved variables file.

ESO's LUA API doesn't allow you to open arbitrary files for reading or writing nor does it allow network connections. This is likely to guard against liability issues, since enabling those features comes with risks.
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Unread 09/07/24, 06:15 AM  
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Re: extra function

Originally Posted by djsnapper
Would it be possible to add a button on the tab where you can create new groups that when pressed would pull the names from a file in the addon folder either in json or lua format? And would this file be able to be edited with new names prior to pressing the button without have to perform a reload? I know it cant be done with the saved variables, but seams that TTC is able to do something similar to what im looking for.
The only way to get external data into an addon is via its SavedVariables, and this can only be done when the player is logged out.

In which case, why even bother with the unnecessary hoop jumping of pressing a button and just edit the saved group rosters directly in the SV file.
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Unread 09/04/24, 03:51 PM  

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extra function

Would it be possible to add a button on the tab where you can create new groups that when pressed would pull the names from a file in the addon folder either in json or lua format? And would this file be able to be edited with new names prior to pressing the button without have to perform a reload? I know it cant be done with the saved variables, but seams that TTC is able to do something similar to what im looking for.
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Unread 10/15/23, 01:01 PM  
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Re: Re: Chat Invites Disabled???

Originally Posted by Drummerx04
IIRC LGM disables automatic inviting automatically under a few conditions, one of them being the end of a dungeon or trial. The assumption being that you are done with the group and don't need to be inviting random people from chat anymore.
Not quite. When the player leaves the group or the group is disbanded, both chat and raid list invites are disabled. But the completion of a trial will not trigger this.

That said, I think this is something that LGM should have, since I've often forgotten to disable raid invites after the completion of a trial, so people are still getting invited after they leave group and relog.

So as of 4.3.1, raid list invites will stop when a vet trial is completed. (Chat invites will not be disabled in such a case, though, since those still require the invitee to make contact with the group lead, unlike raid list invites.)
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Unread 10/15/23, 03:19 AM  

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Re: Re: Bug: players unintentionally being added to active raid group

Originally Posted by Drummerx04
Originally Posted by rohdaa
Having an active raid group selected and
then clicking using MouseButton4 and MouseButton5 "Side mouse buttons"
on users from the Friend list / Guild Roaster they will be added to the active raid group

IDK if this is intended or a bug but it shouldn't be this way , the context menu is enough,
as I use those side buttons a lot I find myself adding people to the active raid group mistakenly everyday

Thank you for this amazing addon I hope this gets addressed
(Sorry for the late reply, I don't play the game any more and only periodically look in on my addons)

If it is still bothering you, then you will probably need to remove it yourself. You would be looking the following code in "GroupManager.lua" in your addons folder. It should be around line 140.

Lua Code:
  1. elseif button == 3 or button == 4 or button == 5 then
  2. return AddName(data.displayName)  -- Delete this line
  3.  end

Delete the line I pointed out, and the funcitonality will be disabled.

Thank you very very much, that did it!
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Unread 10/13/23, 06:28 PM  
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Re: Bug: players unintentionally being added to active raid group

Originally Posted by rohdaa
Having an active raid group selected and
then clicking using MouseButton4 and MouseButton5 "Side mouse buttons"
on users from the Friend list / Guild Roaster they will be added to the active raid group

IDK if this is intended or a bug but it shouldn't be this way , the context menu is enough,
as I use those side buttons a lot I find myself adding people to the active raid group mistakenly everyday

Thank you for this amazing addon I hope this gets addressed
(Sorry for the late reply, I don't play the game any more and only periodically look in on my addons)

If it is still bothering you, then you will probably need to remove it yourself. You would be looking the following code in "GroupManager.lua" in your addons folder. It should be around line 140.

Lua Code:
  1. elseif button == 3 or button == 4 or button == 5 then
  2. return AddName(data.displayName)  -- Delete this line
  3.  end

Delete the line I pointed out, and the funcitonality will be disabled.
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Unread 10/13/23, 06:11 PM  
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Re: Chat Invites Disabled???

Originally Posted by Marcus
Just started using LGM, and saw this notice in the upper right of my screen at the end of a dungeon: L.G.M. Chat Invites Disabled.

Can't find any reference to it in the slash commands or the ESOUI page. Can someone enlighten me?
LGM has multiple invite tools in its arsenal. One of them is to invite when reading a specific word out of the game chat.

IIRC LGM disables automatic inviting automatically under a few conditions, one of them being the end of a dungeon or trial. The assumption being that you are done with the group and don't need to be inviting random people from chat anymore.
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Unread 09/05/23, 02:24 PM  

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Chat Invites Disabled???

Just started using LGM, and saw this notice in the upper right of my screen at the end of a dungeon: L.G.M. Chat Invites Disabled.

Can't find any reference to it in the slash commands or the ESOUI page. Can someone enlighten me?
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Unread 09/01/23, 07:51 AM  

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Bug: players unintentionally being added to active raid group

Having an active raid group selected and
then clicking using MouseButton4 and MouseButton5 "Side mouse buttons"
on users from the Friend list / Guild Roaster they will be added to the active raid group

IDK if this is intended or a bug but it shouldn't be this way , the context menu is enough,
as I use those side buttons a lot I find myself adding people to the active raid group mistakenly everyday

Thank you for this amazing addon I hope this gets addressed
Last edited by rohdaa : 09/01/23 at 01:19 PM.
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Unread 10/24/22, 11:39 AM  

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Whenever I log in, Auto_inv is on OFF .. is it possible that it should always be ON? .. torche annoys me turning it on after each login ..
Last edited by xhoustonx : 10/28/22 at 12:33 PM.
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Unread 09/26/22, 10:36 AM  

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Any way to set the duration for on screen popup death info?

Would like an option to have it on screen a little longer
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Unread 09/11/22, 03:47 AM  

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Re: Re: Nice Addon

Originally Posted by Drummerx04
Originally Posted by Honestaly
Wish I could start it up with just command line though.

/lgm g1 keyword


/lgm "g1,g2,g3,z,w" keyword

for guild 1,2,3, zone and whisper to all listen for the keyword
I had considered having the command line interface for invites, but the syntax for it would be kind of bulky because of the way the invite strings are handled. Multiple strings can be set simultaneously to listen on each chat channel, the invite strings get saved and loaded upon reloadui/game start, and it's very much a fire and forget system so it didn't seem too obtrusive to just pop open the group menu and then configure the invites once.

It might make sense to add a command line toggle for the chat scanning though.
Maybe just a hotkey, as an alternative to the "start inviting" button? The invitation often does not work, I have to push it 10 times
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Unread 05/06/22, 11:40 PM  
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Re: Nice Addon

Originally Posted by Honestaly
Wish I could start it up with just command line though.

/lgm g1 keyword


/lgm "g1,g2,g3,z,w" keyword

for guild 1,2,3, zone and whisper to all listen for the keyword
I had considered having the command line interface for invites, but the syntax for it would be kind of bulky because of the way the invite strings are handled. Multiple strings can be set simultaneously to listen on each chat channel, the invite strings get saved and loaded upon reloadui/game start, and it's very much a fire and forget system so it didn't seem too obtrusive to just pop open the group menu and then configure the invites once.

It might make sense to add a command line toggle for the chat scanning though.
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Unread 05/06/22, 04:43 PM  

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Nice Addon

Wish I could start it up with just command line though.

/lgm g1 keyword


/lgm "g1,g2,g3,z,w" keyword

for guild 1,2,3, zone and whisper to all listen for the keyword
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