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Updated: 08/19/24 04:54 PM
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Updated:08/19/24 04:54 PM
Created:09/02/18 12:15 PM
Monthly downloads:1,051
Total downloads:122,083
ChampionPointsSlots  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.3.0
by: Jodynn [More]
CP Slots for CP 2.0
You can make different cp slots to save, load, edit, rename, clone, and transfer between.

Everything has tooltips and shows you all the information you need to know without using the actual Champion Perks Default UI, or you can use it in the Champion Perks Default UI.

Keybindings to load from your User and Account saved slots
You can summon the UI with a keybinding or a UI button or a slash command or have it automatically open with Champion Perks Default UI.

Tooltips to show you the path to get to disabled CP.

Ability to slot Champion Skills using checkboxes

Detailed Version
Basic Functionality
Shows your current CP.
- Shows you the slot you loaded if you used my addon to do so

Shows your custom CPs you build.
- You create these from scratch with the New option.
- Once created you can Rename them.
- You can clone these

Shows your custom CPs you build account wide
- You create these from scratch with the New option.
- Once created you can Rename them.
- You can clone these

Check Boxes
These will show you if you have certain CP Skills slotted in your hotbar, when viewing your CP and not in edit mode, you can change these around as long as you have the appropriate amount of CP in that star. When you load this slot, it will slot these.

Edit Boxes
Just click the Edit checkbox and it will reveal a lot of EditBoxes, just type in the number you want and it will update the CP automatically.

During this time you can move your mouse around to see other tooltips so that you can see required stars to unlock, as soon as you quit hovering over the item you can start typing again.

However! Do note if you don't have the available amount of points you can NOT enter the number, it will give you the highest available. For example let's say you have 50points available, and you type in 500, well first off, 500 will be reduced to whatever the max is, then secondly it will check your available, since you only have 50it will then change it to 50.

The exception to this rule is that if you already have points in a slot, so if you have 56 points in something, and have 0 points available, if you type in 100, it'll give you 56 back, so that you can reduce it to 0 and get those points back, likewise you can type in 1~56 to get how many points you want back.

Jump points and navigation
While inside of an Edit Box
- Up arrow increase jump point
- Down arrow decreases jump point
- Shift-Tab/Tab moves up and down
- Shift-Space/Space left and right
- Enter/Esc loses focus

If you aren't in edit mode and you are on one of your CPSlots you'll see a dropdown beside each tree.
When you click this it will expand and you'll see all your CPSlots you currenlty have.
On selection, it will transfer that CP tree to your current tree INSTANTLY.

- Open CPSlot's UI on Champion Perks scene load.
Toggles whether or not you want to show by default when you load the CP scene.
- Show image button to open CPSlot's UI.
Toggles whether or not you want to show the icon that tells you the keybinding and a button to open the UI and move around.
- Auto Metic : Auto Meticulous Deconstrcutor slotting on crafting scene. Make sure you have points slotted into whatever your current CP setup is. ( The points actually affecting your character )
- Show Star IDs: Useful for debugging but can be verbose if you don't need it
- Show Logging : Log when things happen

Slash Commands
/cpslottoggleui : Toggle the CP Slot ui

UI Info
Everything has tooltip pretty much, if you are curious or forget something just hover over it.
The window can be moved wherever you want and it'll remember.

If you have any questions feel free to message me or comment.
Same with any bugs you find.

Finally, thank you so much for looking into my addon.

Donation Link
Remove temp functions I had to use before and fixed a dimension as well as CP hiding it religiously.

Remove a temporary testing thing that is currently breaking the functionality of auto-metic..

Only set temp array if we don't already have one.

Auto-metic now waits 1 minute after leaving a crafting station to reslot your old CP; the reason for this is because ZOS made a change that if you attempt to change your CP with a 15 second cooldown it won't let you.. So.. yeah.. ZOS'd. It will now also log whenever it reslots your old CP if you were to reload ui or port away before that minute expires, so you aren't just hanging around town after deconing for no reason. NOTE!! If you decon then get into combat, it will probably fail and you'll need to reslot manually! I am thinking of an option to "reslot on failure" or something with a 15 second cooldown to match ZOS, along with managing the updated stars in from the new CP on the PTS.

Fix for tooltip clipping stars

Fix for the new stars

You can now change which slots you have in Current mode by clicking on the checkboxes as long as you have the minimum required for the slot in question.

It should now only cost you gold if you need to respec, as in if you need to subtract points from youn CP, as in that's the only time you need to respec, adding points should not cost you gold, this includes on toons you have not set CP for yet as well.

Update the Load Button if you change your CP

Whenever it won't cost you anything the Load button now turns green and says free of charge.
Refer to addon images

Do not take money if it doesn't change star amount
This will fix auto metic costing you gold
If you load a cp slot and all the star values are the same it will not longer cost you gold either
This effectively lets you change the slots without costing gold, but not changing the stars
Also updated some logic in other places to make transferring handle better ( this was worked on before I learned of the gold problem )
Next patch will be the gamepad UI errors.
I want to sincerely apologize for all of you who lost gold, I lost a fair bit testing it after learning of it and it's one of my worst fears is that my work causes issues and turmoil rather than helping them. The whole reason I write addons is to help people, not cause them trouble.

Fix UserAccount to UserAccount not UserAccountWide
This enables loading and deleting successfully
If you had saved files with UserAccount read my comment post

Fix trying to recreate controls, setup only once.

Updated tooltips to use help box, Fixed Pathing, Fixed Metic trying to slot if you didn't have the required minimum amount ( 50 ) to be able to slot it.

Fix Logging for normal messages

Massive Update For CP 2.0

Removed Stat Window as there are better options out there
This will fix the werewolf error, transformed myself into one to test on my magDK.

Fixed stat window close button not working
Updated a few things for the stat window

Updated nefas cp, thanks wambo!

Fix export bug for current if done nothing else beforehand.

Fix Exporting/Importing errors as well as random set name weird errors

Couple methods for Alphagear
Fix icon button anchorage

Fix minor bug when loading Addon

Added keybindings for Users
Added Stat window, it's currently beta and incomplete but it shows some basic information so far.

Updated nefas and removed libs

Add nefaqs, thanks wambo!!
some of the cp may be incorrect or misallocated, he will be updating and sending me an update, for now pushing just to make sure it gets in live and everything is working on the technical side.

Fix some nil exceptions via helper method
Change the way we handle levels, it will use max CP due to a few factors causing issues, will update with a fix soon.

Add names for trial and alcast

CP Slots : vSS : Thick Skinned 40 Hardy 37 Elemental Defender 64 Ironclad 72 Spell Shield 57

Better printing for export commands

Sunspire CP, run /cpslotresetalltrials

Actually now use you max CP as the max allowed CP for users under max CP

UI settings are now account wide, you will have to set these again, am sorry, but only once for your entire account.

Now use you max CP as the max allowed CP for users under max CP

Fix tenacity, it doesn't have jump points
Add a small text field in current pane to show what set was loaded via the addon last.

Show a warning to set your CP if you are in a vet trial with a setting to disable

Fixed bug where if you haven't loaded the Champion Perks scene yet it would throw an error and may get in a weird state with the default UI, so just go ahead and load the ChampionPerks deferred initialization on player activated to avoid such an error and proper loading handling.

V2.0 Massive update, description reflects changes.

Boost CP to max CP for each of my Trial CPs ( CP chart that is passed around form raid guilds ) to what I think would be beneficial in each, once the new chart is out I will switch them.
Fixed a bug where reset button wasn't showing.
Fixed a bug when trials by alcast was selected it would throw and error the first time.

CP charts and Alcast CP separated.
New cp will be updated next, as well as a rework of the addon info. page and then probably account saved things.

Import/Export UI

Change slash command names and scale range

Add options and scaling
Fix cloning error nil var

Importing and Cloning
/importslotredcp = Reset red and import into red
/importslotgreencp = Reset green and import into green
/importslotbluecp = Reset blue and import into blue
/importslotcp = Reset current build and insert imported data
/importnewcp = Make a new CP build based on import

Move the help label below the window so it's out of the way... probably do something better with it later.

Increase label size for numbers so they scale correctly on smaller windows.

Simple jump point warning with tooltip, meant to be unobtrusive.

- Show faded stars
- Add many tooltips

- Show message when we edit something
- Start from whatever your slot cp is on up/down
- move checkboxes and less padding for special stars

V1.8 Unlocked special stars now shown
You can hover over them and they give you the name and description.

V1.7 Jump points and navigation
- Up arrow increase jump
- Down arrow decreases jump
- Tab moves forward an Edit
- Space moves backwards an Edit

V1.6.3 Minor bug fixes and now you can print your CP in your current slot
/resettrialcpslots = resets all the trials cp
/togglecpslotui = open and close window
/printslotredcp = Print red and put in chat box
/printslotgreencp = Print green and put in chat box
/printslotbluecp = Print blue and put in chat box
/printslotcp = Print all and put in chat box

V1.6.2 Fix malformed number.

V1.6.1 Actually Fix custom checkboxes using incorrect path.

V1.6 Edit boxes!!
Update description and images.
Complete refactor of the XML, now most everything is virtual to save 1000 or so lines of code and frustration when changing something.
Different language limit strings length.
More work on the offsets to make it look cleaner for all the languages I know of, I know I'm forgetting some.

V1.5.2 Move numbers to be on left so its easier to see them, include separate offsets and widths based on languages, and disable resizing until it's more stable.

V1.5.1 Fix custom checkboxes using incorrect path.

V1.5 Add resizing and custom checkboxes

V1.4 All Presets are updated to current CP, slightly modified from Alcast in favor of quick recovery. Thanks Tonyleila for updating them.
If you want your trial CP's to reflect you will need to /resettrialcpslots, note, that this will erase any changes you have made thus far to the trial cps, so if you have done any work you can back up your saved file and I can show you how to manually change them, or just save them to a user CP, which will be easier soon.

V1.2 Fix the things I broke in a refactor, if you made a new User slot in v1.1 just delete it, if you need to salvage it for whatever reason message me and I'll help you. You'll get a UI error if you selected a v1.1 but it's okay, just close it, and delete it, and you should be good, optionally you can just delete the entire save file. VERY SORRY @_@.

V1.1 Fixed vMoL CP and added /resetalltrialscp

V1.0 Added a delete button and a warning text if you try to save while respecing.

Updated description

Put it in a folder
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Unread 11/25/19, 05:42 PM  
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Originally Posted by wambo
When the original Trial presets get updated (addon update), does it automatically do a /resetalltrialsbyalcast ?
Or do we have to do it manually (on every char) ?
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Unread 11/23/19, 11:52 AM  
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When the original Trial presets get updated (addon update), does it automatically do a /resetalltrialsbyalcast ?
Or do we have to do it manually (on every char) ?
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Unread 11/22/19, 05:41 PM  
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Re: exception if i click

Originally Posted by Micke2nd
value of dropdown "CP slots" is "Current"

short message:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2583: operator .. is not supported for nil .. string
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2583: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:printCP'
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1378: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:updateUI'
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1689: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:importToggle'
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2262: in function '(anonymous)'
stack trace:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2583: operator .. is not supported for nil .. string
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2583: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:printCP'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{LEN_15 = 17, TRIALS = "Trial", COLOR_RED = "EF8142", THE_ATRONACH = 6, STR_35 = " 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, ...", REFIRE = "Refire", CHECK_INDEX = 6, THE_SHADOW = 8, COLOR_TEXT_BLUE = "ADDCE9", THE_WARRIOR = 3, EXAMPLE_TEXT = "Example: Bastion 100 Tenacity ...", IGNORE_SPECIAL_SKILLS = 4, IsZero = F, COLOR_TEXT_GREEN = "E2EBAF", NEFASQS = "TrialbyNefasQS", THE_RITUAL = 5, THE_LORD = 2, MouseOverCount = 184, currentItemIndex = 1, THE_TOWER = 1, COLOR_DISABLED_BLUE = "1C434F", COLOR_BLUE = "53C8E9", CURRENT = "Current", STR_15 = " 0, 4, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, ...", layerIndex = 1, LEN_25 = 27, currentType = "Current", ACCOUNT_PROF = "UsersAccountWide", COLOR_DISABLED_WHITE = "696969", miniDisplayNameRaw = "CP Slots", SKIP_INDEX = 5, currentlyShowingSlot = F, ALCAST = "TrialByAlcast", THE_THIEF = 1, LEN_35 = 37, categoryIndex = 13, COLOR_WHITE = "ffffff", LEN_0 = 0, LEN_55 = 57, COLOR_DISABLED_GREEN = "5C652B", bindingStartingIndex = 11113, version = 2.62, THE_STEED = 4, importState = T, THE_MAGE = 2, miniDisplayName = "|c53C8E9C|r|cD6EB63P |r|cEF814...", actionIndex = 1, STR_25 = " 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18...", COLOR_GREEN = "D6EB63", USER_PROF = "Users", STR_55 = " 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,...", displayName = "|c53C8E9Champion|r|cD6EB63 Poi...", THE_APPRENTICE = 7, THE_LADY = 3, COLOR_DISABLED_RED = "723E1F", name = "ChampionPointsSlots", COLOR_TEXT_RED = "EFCAB5", statState = F, LOG_ERROR_TYPE = "Error", NEW = "+  - New - +", THE_LOVER = 9}, attrib = 1, noD = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1378: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:updateUI'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], slot = [table:2]{}, max = 270, thief = 256, warrior = 257, mage = 256, availThief = "|c0101010|r|cE2EBAF14|r", availWarrior = "|c0101010|r|cEFCAB513|r", availMage = "|c0101010|r|cADDCE914|r" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1689: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:importToggle'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], bailEarly = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2262: in function '(anonymous)'
i can mail also a screenshot if needed
Fixed sorry about that!
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Unread 11/22/19, 05:40 PM  
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Re: Error when trying to import CP

Originally Posted by BS Artist
Hi guys, I have been trying to import some CP into my slots, but I receive this error:

I tried it several different ways, including just trying to import a single value (eg. Bastion 100)

Please suggest how I can make it work, I absolutely love the add-on.
Fixed sorry about that!
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Unread 11/14/19, 02:37 AM  
BS Artist
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Error when trying to import CP

Hi guys, I have been trying to import some CP into my slots, but I receive this error:

user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1028: operator .. is not supported for nil .. string
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1028: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:Log'
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1682: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:importToggle'
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2262: in function '(anonymous)'
I tried it several different ways, including just trying to import a single value (eg. Bastion 100)

Please suggest how I can make it work, I absolutely love the add-on.
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Unread 11/05/19, 02:40 PM  
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exception if i click "export show"

value of dropdown "CP slots" is "Current"

short message:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2583: operator .. is not supported for nil .. string
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2583: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:printCP'
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1378: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:updateUI'
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1689: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:importToggle'
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2262: in function '(anonymous)'
stack trace:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2583: operator .. is not supported for nil .. string
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2583: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:printCP'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{LEN_15 = 17, TRIALS = "Trial", COLOR_RED = "EF8142", THE_ATRONACH = 6, STR_35 = " 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, ...", REFIRE = "Refire", CHECK_INDEX = 6, THE_SHADOW = 8, COLOR_TEXT_BLUE = "ADDCE9", THE_WARRIOR = 3, EXAMPLE_TEXT = "Example: Bastion 100 Tenacity ...", IGNORE_SPECIAL_SKILLS = 4, IsZero = F, COLOR_TEXT_GREEN = "E2EBAF", NEFASQS = "TrialbyNefasQS", THE_RITUAL = 5, THE_LORD = 2, MouseOverCount = 184, currentItemIndex = 1, THE_TOWER = 1, COLOR_DISABLED_BLUE = "1C434F", COLOR_BLUE = "53C8E9", CURRENT = "Current", STR_15 = " 0, 4, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, ...", layerIndex = 1, LEN_25 = 27, currentType = "Current", ACCOUNT_PROF = "UsersAccountWide", COLOR_DISABLED_WHITE = "696969", miniDisplayNameRaw = "CP Slots", SKIP_INDEX = 5, currentlyShowingSlot = F, ALCAST = "TrialByAlcast", THE_THIEF = 1, LEN_35 = 37, categoryIndex = 13, COLOR_WHITE = "ffffff", LEN_0 = 0, LEN_55 = 57, COLOR_DISABLED_GREEN = "5C652B", bindingStartingIndex = 11113, version = 2.62, THE_STEED = 4, importState = T, THE_MAGE = 2, miniDisplayName = "|c53C8E9C|r|cD6EB63P |r|cEF814...", actionIndex = 1, STR_25 = " 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18...", COLOR_GREEN = "D6EB63", USER_PROF = "Users", STR_55 = " 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,...", displayName = "|c53C8E9Champion|r|cD6EB63 Poi...", THE_APPRENTICE = 7, THE_LADY = 3, COLOR_DISABLED_RED = "723E1F", name = "ChampionPointsSlots", COLOR_TEXT_RED = "EFCAB5", statState = F, LOG_ERROR_TYPE = "Error", NEW = "+  - New - +", THE_LOVER = 9}, attrib = 1, noD = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1378: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:updateUI'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], slot = [table:2]{}, max = 270, thief = 256, warrior = 257, mage = 256, availThief = "|c0101010|r|cE2EBAF14|r", availWarrior = "|c0101010|r|cEFCAB513|r", availMage = "|c0101010|r|cADDCE914|r" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:1689: in function 'ChampionPointsSlots:importToggle'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], bailEarly = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/ChampionPointsSlots/ChampionPointsSlots.lua:2262: in function '(anonymous)'
i can mail also a screenshot if needed
Last edited by Micke2nd : 11/06/19 at 01:53 AM.
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Unread 11/05/19, 09:33 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: How to make addon work for leveling

Originally Posted by Jodynn
Originally Posted by neijek
maybe there could just be a "leveling" option and it saves what points you put into what constellation and the order you apply them as you make the build and this way when you load it it tries to follow that order, would make it perfect for some one setting up their leveling up builds so they dont need to re/check their builds ever time they get a champ point to assign
Hmm... I will give it some more thought including your suggestion, thank you
Hi Guys,
i like the idea of a target setup, which is filled while leveling, too.
From my view Jodynn, you can leave the UI as it is for this. The input fields would just change their message from "current values" to "aspire to values".

Allocate points in the order user set it up, is certainly possible, but way to complex to maintain. Not only by the code, but also with user interface. Because how shall a macro look like, if the user increase and decrease field values ? What if you want to update a recorded setup ? etc.

My suggestion would be, the code only cares about to increase/allocate the points. The order or increment range shouldnt matter. Linear or first found first served, whatever is easier to implement.
priorities, order, jump points .... should be managed by the user outside of the addon. And this is easy by splitting the big picture build into sub steps. Furthermore is this only relevant for a subgroup of users, because the others are already beyond a CP level where this matters.
Last edited by Micke2nd : 11/06/19 at 05:46 AM.
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Unread 09/25/19, 12:23 PM  
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Re: image button does not save location

Originally Posted by Tamelon
just a minor problem, the image button to open the UI does not save its vertical position. its does save the horizontal position though. i can move where wherever i want, but every time after logout its at the top of the screen again.

Thanks for your time.
That's, weiiiiird, I will look into it, thank you!
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Unread 09/25/19, 12:23 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: How to make addon work for leveling

Originally Posted by neijek
Originally Posted by Jodynn
Originally Posted by neijek

So i wanted to setup my 300cp build, right now I have some 190cp but it be nice to have my 300 build all set so as i lvl i can just hit 1 button and it applies the CP to the right slots based on my build.

I setup a simple

100/100/100 point distribution and saved it as a new account wide profile. , i used the LOAD button to have ti distribute (i had to pay 1 respec as i had some points assigned badly).. the issue is it always gives this error

NOT enough gold or respect failed

What it seamed to do is apply SOME CP points but it left the majority of them unassigned.. i tried multiple times and it just never assigns them.

I think the issue it can't figure out how to assign them corectly as the build is for 300 but it only had 190ish so i can't figure out where to assign the first 190 points based on the 300cp build. Is there some way to get this to work to help as i lvl up or it's only useful once i reach x CP ?
Currently doesn't try to solve for less CP for many reasons such as jump points and what would be more efficient and what would be favoured/ignored.

I've played around with the idea but there isn't necessarily a great solution as it varies from build to build, it's a wicked problem and there isn't a perfect answer for it.

I'm still trying to process what would be a good answer for this but I'm struggling how to best divide it up and it be an all working solution for every 300 cp build to scale down; and everytime I look at it it's always the same thing that there is no way to divide it evenly and correctly and it be what is needed, it's just hacky.

But I will give it more thought, but that's the issue i keep running into.
Hey man,
I wanted to first off say, thank you for such a quick and complete reply.

I totally get theres no "clean way" per say to have it do it, as ya i know there is very important "distribution" nodes (jump points) one should follow.. maybe there could just be a "leveling" option and it saves what points you put into what constellation and the order you apply them as you make the build and this way when you load it it tries to follow that order, would make it perfect for some one setting up their leveling up builds so they dont need to re/check their builds ever time they get a champ point to assign
Hmm... I will give it some more thought including your suggestion, thank you
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Unread 09/14/19, 09:11 AM  

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image button does not save location

just a minor problem, the image button to open the UI does not save its vertical position. its does save the horizontal position though. i can move where wherever i want, but every time after logout its at the top of the screen again.

Thanks for your time.
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Unread 09/07/19, 12:59 AM  

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Re: Re: How to make addon work for leveling

Originally Posted by Jodynn
Originally Posted by neijek

So i wanted to setup my 300cp build, right now I have some 190cp but it be nice to have my 300 build all set so as i lvl i can just hit 1 button and it applies the CP to the right slots based on my build.

I setup a simple

100/100/100 point distribution and saved it as a new account wide profile. , i used the LOAD button to have ti distribute (i had to pay 1 respec as i had some points assigned badly).. the issue is it always gives this error

NOT enough gold or respect failed

What it seamed to do is apply SOME CP points but it left the majority of them unassigned.. i tried multiple times and it just never assigns them.

I think the issue it can't figure out how to assign them corectly as the build is for 300 but it only had 190ish so i can't figure out where to assign the first 190 points based on the 300cp build. Is there some way to get this to work to help as i lvl up or it's only useful once i reach x CP ?
Currently doesn't try to solve for less CP for many reasons such as jump points and what would be more efficient and what would be favoured/ignored.

I've played around with the idea but there isn't necessarily a great solution as it varies from build to build, it's a wicked problem and there isn't a perfect answer for it.

I'm still trying to process what would be a good answer for this but I'm struggling how to best divide it up and it be an all working solution for every 300 cp build to scale down; and everytime I look at it it's always the same thing that there is no way to divide it evenly and correctly and it be what is needed, it's just hacky.

But I will give it more thought, but that's the issue i keep running into.
Hey man,
I wanted to first off say, thank you for such a quick and complete reply.

I totally get theres no "clean way" per say to have it do it, as ya i know there is very important "distribution" nodes (jump points) one should follow.. maybe there could just be a "leveling" option and it saves what points you put into what constellation and the order you apply them as you make the build and this way when you load it it tries to follow that order, would make it perfect for some one setting up their leveling up builds so they dont need to re/check their builds ever time they get a champ point to assign
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Unread 09/06/19, 11:38 AM  
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Re: How to make addon work for leveling

Originally Posted by neijek

So i wanted to setup my 300cp build, right now I have some 190cp but it be nice to have my 300 build all set so as i lvl i can just hit 1 button and it applies the CP to the right slots based on my build.

I setup a simple

100/100/100 point distribution and saved it as a new account wide profile. , i used the LOAD button to have ti distribute (i had to pay 1 respec as i had some points assigned badly).. the issue is it always gives this error

NOT enough gold or respect failed

What it seamed to do is apply SOME CP points but it left the majority of them unassigned.. i tried multiple times and it just never assigns them.

I think the issue it can't figure out how to assign them corectly as the build is for 300 but it only had 190ish so i can't figure out where to assign the first 190 points based on the 300cp build. Is there some way to get this to work to help as i lvl up or it's only useful once i reach x CP ?
Currently doesn't try to solve for less CP for many reasons such as jump points and what would be more efficient and what would be favoured/ignored.

I've played around with the idea but there isn't necessarily a great solution as it varies from build to build, it's a wicked problem and there isn't a perfect answer for it.

I'm still trying to process what would be a good answer for this but I'm struggling how to best divide it up and it be an all working solution for every 300 cp build to scale down; and everytime I look at it it's always the same thing that there is no way to divide it evenly and correctly and it be what is needed, it's just hacky.

But I will give it more thought, but that's the issue i keep running into.
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Unread 09/05/19, 12:24 AM  

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How to make addon work for leveling


So i wanted to setup my 300cp build, right now I have some 190cp but it be nice to have my 300 build all set so as i lvl i can just hit 1 button and it applies the CP to the right slots based on my build.

I setup a simple

100/100/100 point distribution and saved it as a new account wide profile. , i used the LOAD button to have ti distribute (i had to pay 1 respec as i had some points assigned badly).. the issue is it always gives this error

NOT enough gold or respect failed

What it seamed to do is apply SOME CP points but it left the majority of them unassigned.. i tried multiple times and it just never assigns them.

I think the issue it can't figure out how to assign them corectly as the build is for 300 but it only had 190ish so i can't figure out where to assign the first 190 points based on the 300cp build. Is there some way to get this to work to help as i lvl up or it's only useful once i reach x CP ?
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Unread 08/29/19, 08:11 AM  
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Originally Posted by Lakashi
I can get this to work at all. Saving isn't working. Loading isn't working. What am I doing wrong? I get no errors...
What cp are you?

Hmm I'm not sure how you are using it or what workflow you are using I'll go by a small tutorial for you.

1. Click on the dropdown to go to user
2. Click the the new option
3. If you currently have cp set hit save and it should fill in the slot, saving is just for taking your current cp and putting into the slot.
4. Click on the edit checkbox then you can change the cp directly by typing in, or hitting the up or dosn arrow keys to flip through jump points, it saves automatically do not hit save, that is not what save does.
5. Hit load, as long as you have 3k gold it will load that slot into your current cp.

This is assuming you have enough cp.

Hope that helps!!
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Unread 08/27/19, 08:22 PM  
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I can get this to work at all. Saving isn't working. Loading isn't working. What am I doing wrong? I get no errors...
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