(416 Kb)
Updated: 05/29/24 01:02 PM
File Info
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Updated:05/29/24 01:02 PM
Created:09/14/18 02:07 PM
Monthly downloads:46,287
Total downloads:2,155,784
Categories:Map, Coords, Compasses, Group, Guild & Friends, Miscellaneous, Utility Mods
BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.5.5
by: @DeadSoon, Gamer1986PAN

This addon allows you to use the fast travel functionality of the game in a comfortable and highly-customizable way. All fast travel options you have through your guilds, friends and group are listed in a clear way and are usable with different search and filtering features. To get the most out of it, as with any other addon, it is recommended to check the settings after initial installation.


LibAddonMenu-2.0 (to manage the addon settings)
LibCustomMenu (to manage context menus (right-click))
LibZone (zone data)

Optional dependencies
The following libraries/addons are not necessary, but extend the features of BeamMeUp (integration):

Port to Friend's House (display of your guild halls or friends houses in BeamMeUp)
LibSets (see your set item collection progress directly in the zone name's tooltip in BeamMeUp)
LibMapPing (to use MapPings)
LibSlashCommander (improved auto-completion, color coding and short descriptions for chat commands)
LibChatMenuButton (the BMU chat button will be handled by a separate library (for harmonization with other addons))
IsJusta BeamMeUp Gamepad Plugin (gamepad plugin for BeamMeUp)


BeamMeUp Community is live
We run 4 BeamMeUp guilds on NA and EU server. Everyone is welcome, no requirements or obligations! With your membership and activity we all benefit from free fast travel options! You find our guilds by clicking on the guild button in the upper left corner of the addon interface (2) or via the guild finder.

Furthermore, we also have a Discord where everyone is welcome to communicate with us and other players:

All features:
  • Search, Filter, Favorite, Customize
    • Search by player or zone names
    • Easily port to Group Leader or Group Members in Dungeons (always on top) and see if they are in the same game instance as you
    • Set specific players or zones as favorites and easily port to them via keybinding
    • Use the different tabs to find Fast Travel options to the open/displayed map (world map) and also to the Delves located there
    • Use filters and blacklists and many other options to customize your personal filtering
    • Change the sorting and configure the number of entries (number of visible lines)

  • Navigate and optimize your journey by many additional information
    • Identify different types of zones by its icon (Delve, Dungeon, House, ...)
    • Check how many skyshards and wayshrines you have already discovered
    • Check your set collection progress of the zone (if ou have LibSets installed)
    • Easily navigate through the maps by clicking on the zone name
    • Location/Entrance of Delves, Houses, Dungeons etc. are zoomed or will be marked with a MapPing
    • Discover all the features in the context menus

  • Discover wayshrines automatically
    • Discover unknown wayshrines fully automated
    • Depending on your fast travel options BMU will travel you automatically from wayshrine to wayshrine in to discover as much as possible wayshrines

  • Connect Treasure & Survey Maps, Leads and Tribute Clues with found Travel Options
    • See where your Treasure and Survey maps (from inventory and bank), scryable leads and Tribute Clues (for the card game) are located and travel to them immediately with just one click

  • Connect Active Quests with found Travel Options
    • As with Treasure and Survey Maps, see in which zones you have active quests
    • Identify repeatable quests by its blue color

  • Find and travel to Dungeons more easily
    • See all Arenas, Trials and Dungeons, their acronyms and corresponding DLC names in a sorted list
    • See where the dungeon is located (parent map) and toggle the dungeon difficulty (normal/veteran)

  • Visit and manage your own houses
    • See all your houses with additional information
    • Easily rename your houses and change your primary residence without you having to enter the house
    • Arrange the list of houses as you like

  • Access your guild halls and friends' houses via the integration of "Port to Friend's House"
    • The addon Port to Friend's House must be installed separately
    • Your houses and guild halls configured in PTF are displayed in a separate list

  • Interact with players appearing in your list
    • By right clicking on a player/zone name in the list several actions are available
    • Favorite Actions
      • Add a Player or a Zone to a Favorite slot
      • Remove Player or Zone Favorite
    • Group Actions
      • Invite to Group
      • Kick from Group
      • Leave Group
      • Vote to Kick
      • Promote to Leader
      • Vote to Leader (especially useful for large random groups (e. g. in Cyrodiil) to set up a new leader if the old one leaves; this function is exclusive accessible with this Addon because the function is implemented by the game but not available by the basic game interface)
    • Miscellaneous
      • Whisper
      • Send Mail
      • Add / Remove Friend
      • Visit Primary Residence
      • Invite to the card game (Tribute)

  • Many Keybinding Options to personalize your usage

  • Many Chat Commands for advanced users
    • All available chat commands are listed at the end of the settings menu!
    • Use /bmutp/<zone name> to port to any zone (auto-completion, Hint: when you type /<zone name> the Addons suggestion will also appears on top)
    • /bmutp/house to port to own primary residence
    • /bmutp/leader to port to group leader
    • /bmutp/quest to port to the focused quest destination
    • Manually add a player to favorites (e.g. /bmu/favorites/add/player @DeadSoon 1) (player name and slot)
    • Manually add a zone to favorites (e.g. /bmu/favorites/add/zone 57 1) (zoneId of the specific zone and slot)
    • Create custom elections/votes in your group (e. g. /bmu/vote/custom_vote_unanimous Do you like BeamMeUp?)
      • Use /bmu/vote/custom_vote_unanimous to create elections where 100% are necessary
      • Use /bmu/vote/custom_vote_supermajority to create elections where >=60% are necessary
      • Use /bmu/vote/custom_vote_simplemajority to create elections where >50% are necessary
    • Change the game client language (e.g. /bmu/lang en)

  • Extras / Special features
    • Set a second language for searching for zone names
      • Set another main language in the options
      • You can search by zone names in your client and in this second language at the same time
      • The Tooltip of zone names shows also the name in the second language
    • Receive a notification when a player favorite comes online
      • Enable this option to see a short notification/center screen message when a favorite player enters the game
    • Intelligent error handling
      • Detection of errors while porting and output of a note in the chat
      • When an error occurs while porting (player you try to port to is in the loading screen) the Addon automatically starts a port process to another player
    • Share your travel destination via the chat
      • If you right-click on the travel button, the teleport will start as usual but, additionally a clickable Link will be printed into the group chat (you have to press Enter!). Your group member can follow you by clicking on the Link (this also allows you to share your houses)
    • Integration into Bandits User Interface
      • A button for BeamMeUp is automatically inserted into the sidebar of Bandits User Interface Addon
    • Useful notification while mining a survey map
      • If you mine a survey map and there are still some identical maps (same location) in your inventory, a notification (center screen message) will inform you (disabled by default).
    • Useful offline reminder
      • If you stay offline for a while while using BMU or whispering to someone, a discrete screen message will remind you that you are still set to offline. This feature helps to avoid unwanted blocking of replies and accidentally staying offline (enabled by default!).

  • Meaning of Colors:
    • GOLD = player and zone favorites
    • ORANGE = Group members
    • GREEN = Friends
    • BLUE = current zone (where your character actual is)

  • No players you can port to / empty result list
    • Remember, free fast travel is only possible to your personal group members, friends or guild members. So first of all, you should check if any of your contacts are online and in a "normal" zone (no instance or pvp zone).
    • If you still cannot see any port options, check your addon settings. You can also try resetting them to defaults.
    • Finally, disable all other addons except BMU and its libraries and test again. Especially, language patches can corrupt ingame functions that are used by BMU.
  • Missing icons
    • If you still cannot see any icons/buttons after the installation of the addon, please restart the complete game. Unfortunately, ESO loads custom icons only once at game start.
    • Also, please check if you installed the addon correctly and that the addon folder BeamMeUp is placed correctly in \Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\
    • If you then still cannot see the icons/buttons, please close the game and delete the file ShaderCache.cooked in the live folder.
    • In rare cases, the McAfee antivirus solutions can delete/block the icon files in the addon folder. You can try to disable the protection while downloading and installing the addon. You can also check if dozens of .dds files are in the /BeamMeUp/media/ folder.
  • Issues with Pan&Zoom
    • When using BeamMeUp together with the outdated addon Map Tools, the Pan&Zoom feature might not work correctly. You can disable Map Tools or the Pan&Zoom feature in BeamMeUp.
  • Gamepad mode
    • The gamepad mode is currently not supported! Gamepad Mode users have to use the mouse (or keybind) to open the addon interface manually. If you notice any bugs while using the Gamepad Mode, please let us know!

Thank you
  • This Addon is based on the well-known "Luminary - Teleporter". Special Thanks to awesomebilly for his pioneering work.
  • Thank you for your translation support:
    Hypnos882382 & Provision & TGCGeek & Oakiyo & igx31 (FR)
    Siegtime & shinntarou & DoubleMean (JP)
    KLISK & M-ree & bopogatop & Th3M3nT0r (RU)
    Jarogniewa (PL)
    Sairiin (IT)
    Telmatoscopus (PT-BR)
    Kushina & Whasabi (SP/ES)
    Damifan (ZH)
  • Thank you for bug reporting and suggested solutions: Baertram & igx31

Your feedback (bug reports or suggestions for improvements or new features) is always welcome!

GitHub Repository:
- added new data of the upcoming chapter update
- new option in the settings to set a default tab/list (when opening BMU)
- new keybind to open the own houses tab
- show guild trader info in guild tooltip
- added new partner guilds on NA server
- updated translations - Many thanks to: Jarogniewa (PL)

- favorite zones are now sorted by their slot number
- restructured favorites context menu
- existing favorite slot is displayed in player/zone tooltip
- new loop option (alphabetical) for automatic wayshrine unlocking
- LibChatMenuButton as optional library - see "Addon Extensions" menu (addon settings) for more information
- added new partner guilds on NA & EU server
- several minor improvements
- updated translations - Many thanks again to: The Mentor (RU), igx31 (FR), Telmatoscopus (BR), shinntarou & DoubleMean (JP), Whasabi (ES)

- NEW: small panel that displays the total number of maps and leads (enabled by default)
- added new chat command to travel to the parent zone "/bmutp/parent_zone"
- added new zones of the upcoming Update 41
- fixed and improved antiquity lead filter
- added new partner guild on EU server

- new filter / separation between scryable and already scried antiquity leads
- added chat commands for switching the players online status
- cancel and restart teleport when fast travel to a house was reinitiated
- added new partner guilds on EU & NA servers

- added public dungeon group event completion (skill point) in tooltip of overland zones and public dungeons
- added new keybind to travel to any available zone
- added new houses and endless dungeon of the upcoming update
- added new partner guilds on NA & EU

- new option in the settings to display currently viewed zone (world map) and subzones always on top
- new context menu option to sort dungeons by release descending (newest first)
- new context menu option for custom sorting of own houses
- added new zones (houses) of the upcoming Update 39
- fix missing dungeon "Scalecaller Peak"
- fix travel to solo arenas
- refresh list on world map change
- added developer and maintenance information to README (GitHub)

- revised Dungeon Finder tab
-- added release info to zone tooltip
-- sort by release by default
-- extended the context menu of the tab button with display and sort options
-- display fast travel costs in tooltip
- LibSlashCommander is now an optional library
- updated chat commands (see description in the settings)
- fix travel to delves via chat command

- fixed keybinds in gamepad mode
- zone favorites can be set via chat command by id or name, e.g. "/bmu/favorites/add/zone 1 Deshaan"
- show recall costs in the tooltip of the buttons in the dungeon tab (as with the "red" zones, travel is free when you interacting with a wayshrine)
- smaller improvements

- added/categorized new zones/maps/clues of the upcoming chapter
- allow favoriting of one dungeon in the dungeon tab (simple coloring)
- added new partner guilds
- the BMU gamepad plugin is now displayed under "Addon Extensions"

- updated treasure map list
- small improvement of the chat outputs - Thanks to Masteroshi430

- "Port To Friends House" tab is now automatically refreshed
- added new partner guild on NA server
- added/categorized new houses and dungeons of the upcoming DLC "Scribes of Fate"

- fixed fast travel for gold if you are interacting with a wayshrine
- PTF tab: houses in the current/displayed zone are highlighted in blue
- PTF tab: context menu option to show zone names instead of the house names
- dungeon tab: context menu option to show zone names instead of the instance names
- new sorting option to display overland zones without free travel options after the ones with players/houses
- added new partner guild on NA server

IMPROVED AUTO DISCOVERY (now, a real afk feature)
-- choice of different effective methods to discover zones in a loop
-- chat logging to see how many wayshrines were discovered in which zone
-- improved dialogs (incl. display of gained XP)

NEW option to display ALL zones, even if there are no players or houses
-- you can travel for gold, tooltip shows the costs
-- enabled by default and can be disabled in the addon settings

- several bug fixes and smaller improvements
- NA sever: new guild hall with all set tables and all mundus stones - Thanks to @ladytala
- general translation updates - Thanks to igx31 (FR), Th3M3nT0r (RU), shinntarou & DoubleMean (JP), Jarogniewa (PL), Telmatoscopus (BR), Kushina & Whasabi (ES)


- added Chinese translation - Many thanks to Damifan

- added/categorized all new zones/maps/clues of the upcoming DLC 'Firesong'
- Wayshrine Auto Unlock: display of gained XP
- it is now possible to control which of your own houses are preferred in the main list (the house with "lower" nickname; you can edit the nickname in the house tab)
- added new partner guilds on EU server
- some code improvements (thanks to otac0n)

- auto refresh is paused when hovering over list entries
- added new partner guild on NA server
- utilization of new functions of LibZone library (lib:GetZoneMapPinInfo + lib:GetZoneGeographicalParentZoneId)

- improved Automatic wayshrine unlocking:
-- recognize and skip zones to which the player does not have access (DLC)
-- detect and handle some types of fast travel errors that can occur during automatic unlocking
- increased number of zone favorites to 10 (keybinding only for the first 5)
- added/categorized all new zones of the upcoming DLC
- added new partner guild on EU server
- fixed typo - Thanks to Trenton_B

- NEW: Implemented a new experimental feature to automatic unlock wayshrines in random zones in an automatic loop (afk feature) -> see the confirmation dialog when you click the wayshrine button or use the keybind (feedback is welcome)
- NEW: added player action to invite to the card game - "Tribute Invite" (right-click the player name in the list)
- NEW: added Spanish translation - Many Thanks to Kushina & Whasabi
- removed dependency on library LibDialog -> now you don't need to have this installed to use BMU
- fixed guild tooltip in the guild list (mouseover the language/number of members)
- added new partner guilds on NA and EU server
- updated Polish translation - Many Thanks to Jarogniewa

- NEW: "Tribute Clues" (for the card game, must be collected like treasure maps) are now displayed in the Maps/Items tab (seperate filter in the right-click menu)
- fast travel for automatic wayshrine discovery in random order
- fixed a LUA error that occured when your list was sorted by the number of players
- removed incompatibility message when using BeamMeUp together with GuildShrines (there is no incomp. anymore -Thanks to Valve)
- changed to a more reliable method for retrieving the wayshrine completion data (should have no change for the user)
- cleaned up translation files

- Pan&Zoom and MapPing:
--- replaced the default Map Ping with Pan & Zoom feature (when you click on dungeons, houses etc.)
--- LibMapPing is now optional only, if installed you can also use the Map Ping feature
--- see section "Extra Features" in the adddon settings (you can use none, one or both options)
- new way of retrieving the house data -> fixed issues with other addons that hides your houses on the map
- new section "Addon Extensions" in the addon settings that explains which optional addons extend the functionality of BeamMeUp (integration)
- click on group members in the list to zoom to their location or ping on them
- added new partner guild an EU server
- translation updates (Thanks to Telmatoscopus, DoubleMean & shinntarou, Th3M3nT0r, igx31)
- several minor improvements

- API update incl. fix for PTS
- added/categorized new zones of "High Isle" + added all survey/treasure maps
- wayshrine unlocking of zones is now also possible via the context menu of the zone names
- new option to hide the BMU button in the header of the chat box
- several smaller improvements and code cleanups - special thanks to IsJustaGhost
- use of the ingame strings as often as possible to get better and uniform translations
- updated French translation - Thanks again to igx31
- added new partner guilds on NA and EU server

- NEW: re-implemented automatic wayshrine unlocking: Fully automated travel to all players in your zone to unlock the wayshrines as comfortable as before (this feature will be improved and extened in future releases)
- NEW: if you have LibSets installed, you now see the set collection progress in the zone's tooltip, you can also jump directly into the set collection menu via context menu and you can sort your travel options by the number of missing set items
- NEW: improvement of the lead/treasure/survey map tab: You now can filter by the different survey types
- NEW: if you start a fast travel via BMU, you will now see a cool teleport animation ("Finvir's Trinket"), enabled by default but can be disabled in the addon settings - Thanks to Jammet/FrostByghte who came up with the idea ;)
- added new partner guild on EU

With the update 7.3.5 (Ascending Tide), ZOS has unfortunately decided to prevent the unlocking of wayshrines without a complete teleportation process. We are working on finding an alternative to make it possible for you to unlock wayshrines again in the best possible way.

2.6.1: (fixed/re-uploaded v2.6.0)
- global/server/character dependent savedVars:
-- all quick settings (accessiable via the context menus) and the sorting are reset and now character dependent
-- favorites zones, favorites players and guild prioritization are now server dependent (guild prios are also reset)
- added codex information to lead tooltips
- added/categorized zones of the upcoming DLC "Ascending Tide"
- fixed sorting by undiscovered skyshards/wayshrines
- several smaller UI improvements
- added two new partner guilds on EU
- translation updates - Special Thanks to Th3M3nT0r & shinntarou & DoubleMean & Jarogniewa & Telmatoscopus

- fixed auto refresh in the list of own houses
- added new sortings: "last/recently used"
- option to remove articles applies to the list of own houses also
NEW: section with personal statistics in the settings menu

While this release provides bug fixes only, we will add new cool features with the next release.
- improved/fixed display of players in Fargrave & The Shambles in "displayed zone" tab
- smaller bug fixes and several code improvements

NEW: keybind and chat command (/bmutp/quest) for porting to the currently focused quest
- fixed/improved wayshrine unlocking in Fargrave
- added new partner guilds on NA and EU server

- fixed interface overlapping with "Harvest Map" farm tour editor
- added new partner guild on EU

- map of Fargrave is now displayed correctly when you click on its name
- minor code improvements

- NEW: right-click menu for the delves button to display all delves/public dungeons in all zones
- fixed lua error when trying to unlock wayshrines in "Fargrave"
- added new partner guilds

- NEW: when searching for zones, regions/main zones are displayed even if there are no players
- search results are now sorted correctly (by relevance/text match)
- general smaller improvemts of the player/zone search
- major technical improvement of the wayhrine unlocking feature
- wayshrine unlocking stops automatically once all wayshrines are unlocked
- fixed wrong counting of wayhrines in rare cases in Glenumbra, Stonefalls & Auridon
- fixed wrong counting of wayhrines in a few specific zones (bug of version 2.4.8)

- added/categorized new zones of the upcoming Deadlands DLC
- fixed: "Snow Globe Home" is now showing in Eastmarch
- fixed wrong counting of the wayshrine unlocking in Glenumbra, Stonefalls, Auridon
- discreet screen message to reminding you if you stay offline for a while while using BMU or whispering to someone
- smaller code improvements
- added new partner guild on NA
- NOTE: We are still looking for Italian translation help!

- fixed error message when listing delves on Cyrodiil map
- improved Map Ping algorithm (the rally point ping when you click on the zone name)
- added new partner guilds on EU and NA server

- DLC "Waking Flame" update (support for new dungeons & houses)
- added new partner guild

- fixed internal table handling -> all guilds should be displayed now
- tooltip of the maps-and-leads tab is set according to your selection

- fixed stucking in the guild list
- own houses are considered as real travel option (used for hotkey and backup)

- try to fix kicking from the server when accessing the guild list (flag button upper left corner)

- added new partner guilds
- updated PL translation - Many thanks to Jarogniewa
- updated FR translation - Many thanks to igx31
- updated RU translation - Many thanks to bopogatop
- minor improvements

- fixed the "delves in current zone" tab
- you can now toggle the dungeon difficulty (normal/veteran) via right-click menu of the dungeon tab or teleport button
- added Brazilian translation - Many thanks to Telmatoscopus
- updated Japanese translation - Many thanks to shinntarou & DoubleMean
- smaller code improvements and fixes

- NEW TAB "Arenas/Trials/Dungeons" where you find all the instances sorted and easy accessible in one single list inclusive their acronyms (feedback on the acronyms are welcome!)
- Blackwood update (maps, zones etc.)
- improvement of the UI and consolidation of databases

TODO for next updates:
- translation updates
- further technical improvements
- user feedback

- major improvement of the "only current zone" tab (compass symbol)
-- works now more reliable and as intended in delves and other subzones
-- in subzones it displays additionally the parent zone

- added/categorized all new zones coming with Blackwood chapter
- a dialog will now warn you if you use the addon "GuildShrines" with incompatible settings
- added Italian translation - Many thanks to Sairiin
- updated Japanese translation - Many thanks to shinntarou & DoubleMean
- updated French translation - Many thanks to igx31
- updated Polish translation - Many thanks to Jarogniewa

- fixed a bug (error message) when triggering the same dialogs in a row

- added option in the settings to blacklist own houses in the main list
- added new keybind and chat command for fast traveling outside the primary residence
- fixed a bug where the survey map notification appeared when moving survey maps into/from bank
- several smaller improvements
- added new partner guilds

- NEW: With update 29 you now can travel inside or outside of your own houses. In BMU you also have now the choice to port into or outside your houses. Furthermore, your houses (outside) appear in the main list as an additional travel option for the parent zone (zone where your house is located). This new feature will be improved in future releases. Your feedback is always welcome!

- new keybind: fast travel to current zone
- improved tooltip behavior of the wayshrine unlock button (no map resetting any more)
- fixed a bug in the gamepad mode that appeared if the wayshrine auto-confirmation was enabled
- added new partner guilds

- API update
- categorized new zones that come with DLC "Flames of Ambition" (currently PTS)
- support for the coming feature to travel inside or outside own houses
- added new partner guilds

- fixed a small bug that the lead was sometimes not on top in huge groups
- fixed some other smaller bugs
- added new partner guild on EU -> Please contact us if you want to see your guild in the list

- major code optimization -> general performance improvement of all features about 40%
- several improvements for the maps/leads tab (fixed wrong sorting, coloring)
- smaller bug fixes (filtering of guilds)
- updated FR translation - Many thanks to igx31

- fast travel while mounted will now work more reliable
- small optimizations of the wayshrine unlock feature
- updated translations - Many thanks again to bopogatop (RU), shinntarou & DoubleMean (JP), Jarogniewa (PL)

- added two new partner guilds

- emergency fix to prevent being kicked from the server directly after login
(should be really fixed now, please let me know if the issue still exists)

- new option to display the current zone always on top of the list
- bug fix to prevent being kicked from the server directly after login (please let me know if the issue still exists)

- several small bug fixes

- categorized new zones that come with DLC "Markarth" (PTS)
- updated French, Russian, Japanese and Polish translations - Many thanks again to igx31, bopogatop, shinntarou & DoubleMean, Jarogniewa
- minor bug fix

- NEW: PARTNER GUILDS - because the official BMU guilds are crowded, the addon now display partner guilds of the community (different scopes and languages). Thanks for your support and feel free to contact me if you want to see your beginner friendly guild in the list as well.
- new option to skip (auto confirm) the dialog when you travel to other wayshrines (auto confirm fast travel)
- new option to disable the sound of the survey map notification (sound was also changed)

- categorized new zones that come with DLC "Stonethorn" (PTS)
- fixed small UI bug
- improvement of the feature to remove articles of zone names - Many thanks to igx31
- updated French translation - Again many thanks to igx31

- new right-click menu of the "Treasure & Survey Maps" tab/button where you can decide which types are displayed
- new option in the settings to show/hide leads in the "Treasure & Survey Maps" tab
- added the expiration time behind the lead name
- translation updates - Thanks again to shinntarou & DoubleMean, bopogatop, Jarogniewa

- NEW: scryable Leads are now displayed in the "Treasure & Survey Maps" Tab (listed in tooltip like any other treasure or survey map; Beta feature - more improvements will follow; your feedback is welcome)
- updated Japanese translation - Many thanks to shinntarou & DoubleMean
- the toggle button on the Map Completion window is now also scaled

- updated Japanese translation - Many thanks to shinntarou & DoubleMean
- fixed a minor bug of the guild button

- updated Japanese translation - Many thanks to shinntarou
- new chat command: "/bmutp/current_zone" to port quickly to the current zone
- minor bug fix

- major improvement of the mapping of treasure & survey maps with the corresponding zones
- fixed a bug with LibDialog which can occur together with FCMQT and maybe other addons
- added Polish translation - Many thanks to @Jarogniewa
- tooltip of the zone names now displays how many skyshards are collected
- added sorting by the number of collected skyshards (Beta)

- significantly faster porting to the group leader in the same zone - Many thanks to igx31
- added option to disable the text button in the upper left corner of the world map
- fixed an error when using BMU to port to a PTF entry with character name
- updated French translation - Many thanks to @Oakiyo
- updated Russian translation - Many thanks to @bopogatop
- added sorting by the number of discovered wayshrines (Beta)

- tooltip of the zone names now displays how many wayshrines are discovered
- added and categorized all new zones of Greymoor
- several minor improvements and clean up of code

- NEW: Integration of "Port to Friend's House". Your houses and guild halls configured in PTF are now displayed in a separate list. Feel free to give feedback!
- when you try to port to the group leader, but you are the leader and the group consists only of you and your partner, then you automatically port to your partner
- fixed wrong number of players (the number in brackets)
- Testserver (PTS) ready

- new option to reduce the chat output when using the Auto Unlock feature
- new option to disable the scan of the bank for treasure and survey maps
- new option to prioritize your guilds (which should preferably be used for fast travel)
- improved display of how many treasure and survey maps are in bank and inventory
- reorganized the settings menu into submenus
- new chat command "/bmu/advertise" to advertise the addon (feel free to recommend BMU)

- treasure & survey maps: now the bank is also scanned and you can see if the item is in the inventory or in the bank
- wayshrine-Unlocking: additional info, which wayshrines you still need to visit physically to discover them properly and to get discovery XP. You can click on the links to get a map ping on the wayshrines on the map. (The next update brings a option to disable this additional chat output)
- NEW experimental feature for sharing teleport destinations: When you right-click on the teleport button, a link is printed into the group chat (you have to be in a group and you have to press Enter). Other BMU users in the group can follow your teleportation by clicking on the link. We look forward to your feedback :)
- fixed a rare bug related to LibStub

- holiday icon fix
- API bump / DLC Harrowstorm ready
- categorization of new zones of the Harrowstorm DLC

- new algorithm to determine quest destinations (please do not hesitate to give feedback)
- sorting and coloring of the tracked quest
- minor improvements and bug fixes

- fixed a rare bug/crash caused by incorrect data from the guild roster

- NEW: added button for traveling to the BeamMeUp guild house
- NEW: added new extra feature for special situations while mining survey maps
- several code optimizations and performance improvements

- updated French translation, many thanks to @TGCGeek
- tooltip of the button for wayshrine unlocking displays now how much wayshrines in the current zone are already unlocked (works only in overland zones and with a short intentional delay)
- wayshrine unlocking is no longer possible if all wayshrines are already unlocked
- shortened chat output during wayshrine unlocking process + displaying total number of discovered wayshrines in the zone
- favorite players are displayed even if they are in blacklisted zones
- minor bug fixes and improvements

- fixed a bug that the new DLC zones (e.g. Southern Elsweyr) were not available in chat commands

- added right-click action for zones in quest tab to display the respective quest marker on the map
- added right-click action for zones in map tab to view the respective map item

- fixed a bug where you got a lua error when you have no own houses
- warning dialog when BeamMeUp detects an incompatible setting of the addon "No Thank You"
- tooltips are now updated on scrolling / mouse wheeling

many improvements for the house section:
- the tootlip of your houses in the list displays now relevant information like nickname, location and house type
- option to show nicknames of houses instead of the standard names (available via settings menu or "right-click" menu)
- easily rename houses or change primary residence through the "right-click" menu

- API bump / DLC Dragonhold ready
- NEW: added right-click action for zones in the quest tab to display the quest marker on the map
- the guild button redirects you to the secondary BMU guild when the main guild is full
- categorization of new zones of the Dragonhold DLC
!! We still need translation help (FR, RU, JP). Just replace the strings in the specific localization file and send it to me. Thanks !!

- own houses are displayed in the scrollable list and can be clicked for localization
!! Everyone is welcome to supplement the translations (FR, RU, JP). Just replace the strings in the specific localization file and send it to me. Thanks !!

- several performance improvements provided by Baertram - Thank you

- fixed minor visual bug when using Votan's Minimap (BMU window could not be moved in front of the map)
- minor improvements

- API bump / DLC Scalebreaker ready
- categorization of all new zones of the coming DLC
- added chat command to port to group leader (/bmutp/leader)
- added chat command to port to own primary residence (/bmutp/house)
- all available chat commands are listed at the end of the settings menu!

- categorization of Eld Angavar as battleground (PVP zone)
- changed the functionality of the "Visit Primary Residence" button: You get now a list of all of your houses. Primary Residence is on top. In upcoming updates we plan to improve the feature to port to your own houses. Your feedback is always welcome.

- added guild button next to the feedback button which leads you to the official BeamMeUp guild (existing on NA & EU server) (If you can't see the button, just restart the game)
- added player right-click action for Inviting to BeamMeUp guild (of course you must be in the guild)

ANNOUNCEMENT: We started the BeamMeUp guild only for the purpose of sharing fast travel options. Everyone is welcome, no requirements or obligations! Check it out by clicking on the guild button in the upper left corner.

- font fix (RU)

ANNOUNCEMENT: We started the BeamMeUp guild only for the purpose of sharing fast travel options. Everyone is welcome, no requirements or obligations! If you want to be one of the first, send me a mail via the feedback button, I will invite you immediately or wait until the next update where we will place a button linked to the guild.

NOTE: This update resets the offset of the chat button and map docking once

- NEW: UI Scaling: Now you can adjust the size of the BMU window to your needs by setting a scaling factor
- added Polish to the list of second search languages
- minor improvements
!! Everyone is welcome to help with translations (FR, RU, JP). Just replace the strings in the specific localization file and send it to me. Thanks !!

- fixed a rare bug that occurs together with Bandits User Interface

- NEW: Filtering by each guild your are in, separately (right click menu of player name)
- fixed a bug that occurs, when Bandits Gear Manger is installed

- NEW: Integration into "Bandits User Interface" Addon: BeamMeUp button will be displayed in the sidebar
- added "Pariah's Pinnacle" and "Sugar Bowl Suite" to the list of houses


- major code and performance improvements and cleanup of old code and unnecessary files (Many Thanks to Baertram for helping to revise the code architecture)
- NEW: Option to receive a notification when a player favorite comes online (disabled by default!)
- NEW: When you are set to offline and you whisper someone, you will get a note in the chat, that you cannot receive any whisper messages. This feature helps to avoid unwanted blocking of replies (enabled by default!)
- The Option "Open / Close BeamMeUp with map" is now separated into two individual options
- "Elsweyr" compatibility (API V100027)
- added/categorized all new zones coming with Elsweyr
!! Everyone is welcome to help with translations (FR, RU, JP). Just replace the strings in the specific localization file and send it to me. Thanks !!

- code/performance improvements
- minor bug fix

1.4.4: (reupload, wrong ZIP in the last update - sorry)
- NEW: option/dropdown to configure the sorting of the list
- added several sorts like sort by "most used" or "number of players"
- improved the search for players (now you can find every player online in your guild/friend lists, group)
- option to search also for character names when searching by player names
- fixed visual overlapping with PerfectPixel
- improved behavior of the delves/dungeon tab
- button in the settings to reset all zone counters (for sort by most used)
- right click action to reset the counters for specific zones (sort by most-used must be enabled)

- fixed a visual bug

- player name tooltip shows now all sources/connections to you (group, friend, guilds)
- close and swap button are merged to one dynamic button
- button to dock on the map (enabled by default!)
- separate positioning of the UI when its open with or without the map
- updated Russian translation - Thanks to M-ree
- extra option to customize the map docking position
- fixed a bug that in rare cases the Zone Guide stays open
- MANY THANKS for over 12 k downloads already in the first 6 months!

- fixed a visual bug where the swap button also appeared in some other scenes
- added keybinds for traveling to your Primary Residence and the Quest Tab
- translation updates (DE & EN) | We would be happy about any translation help (FR, RU & JP)
- improved port process if you accidentally click the port icon more than once

- "Wrathstone" compatibility (API V100026)
NEW: Toggle button to swap between BeamMeUp and the new Zone Guide (map completion)
NEW: Small Button in the header of the chat box to open BeamMeUp (horizontal offset can be customized)
NEW: Tab for active quests and their zones
NEW: Display of the number of players per map (clickable, can be disabled)
NEW: Button to port to own primary residence
NEW: Zone name tooltip of group members contain information whether they are in the same game instance or not
- Japanese and Russian are now available for slash commands and also for "Second Language" (see Extras) - Many Thanks to Baertram for his Library LibZone
- added a lock icon to fix/unfix the BeamMeUp window
- displaying of zones (clickable) with Treasure & Survey Maps/Quests even if there is no player you can port to
- many code and performance improvements and UI adjustments

- updated Russian translation - Many thanks to "KLISK"
- fixed a bug, that Murkmire Treasure Maps do not show up in the "Treasure & Survey Maps" list

- NEW: Intelligent error handling: When an error occurs while porting (player you try to port to is in loading screen) the Addon automatically starts a port process to another player
- added option to close the UI and the map automatically after port process is started
- added Russian translation - Many thanks to "KLISK"
- minor improvements

- configured fallback language (EN), so that the Addon now works properly on clients that have not yet been localized
- The feature "Treasure and Survey Maps" now works on all clients properly (language-independent) !!
- updated French translation - Many thanks to "Provision"
- added Japanese translation - Many thanks to "Siegtime"
- fixed LUA error on startup on some clients

- NEW: Porting via slash commands: /bmutp/<zone name> (currently all zones will be displayed regardless of your real port options. After selection the Addon tries to find a player and initiate the port process. By this no background processing is necessary)
- NEW: Option to set a second language for zone names (you can search by zone names in your client and this second language at the same time, Tooltip of zone name shows also the name in the second language)
- NEW: right click sub menu "Filter" (to filter only by group members or friends or guild members)
- NEW: Option to change the pure alphabetical sorting to "sorting by zone type/category" (currently fixed order)
- Added keybind option to port to group leader
- Added new right click actions to "Miscellaneous": Add/Remove Friend & Send Mail
- Added Feedback Button
- minor improvements & updated translation

- NEW: You can set player and zone favorites by right clicking on them (5 slots for each). Favorites will be displayed on top and are marked with gold color. It is also possible to set keybinds for each favorite (in controls).
- NEW: Option to set the number of visible lines / entries in order to control the total height of the Addons main window
- NEW: Option to fix the main window / elements
- NEW: Additional actions in right click menu of player names (Invite to Group, Leave Group, Whisper, ...)
- NEW: Slash commands for manual adding of favorites, creating custom elections, ... (see description for more info)
- updated French translation (Thanks to @Hypnos882382)

- NEW: Option to hide articles of zone names to get a better sorting (especially useful for German and French clients)
- Using of new API function -> Opening of parent map and Map Ping at entrance will now work for any Delve, House or Dungeon (by clicking on the zone name)
- zone names will be displayed in chat when porting
- fixed a bug where the MapPing does not display
- updated zone lists (Murkmire)
- minor improvements

- NEW: Clicking on zone names will open the specific map
- NEW: Clicking on Delves or Public Dungeons will open the parent map and a Map Ping will show you the exact position of the entrance (Group Rally Point - remove i.e. via "SHIFT+right mouse click"; with our first patch shortly after Murkmire release this feature will be greatly improved and will work for all Locations/Subzones)
- NEW: Auto Refresh when the Teleporter stays open
- Group Leader and Group Members who are in Group Dungeons will always be displayed on the top
- fixed bug where an error occurs when LibAddonMenu is not installed separately
- more keybind options
- more Blacklists and configuration options
- various major improvements

- fixed bug that the counter how many wayshrines you have unlocked is lower than the real value
- fixed singular/plural text bug in the wayshrine-unlock feature chat output
- click on "Brass Fortress" now opens the map of "Clockwork City"
- saved gold counter counts only ports to overland wayshrines

- fixed bug that treasure maps in Wrothgar were not displayed (EN/FR client)
- fixed bug that very rarely survey/treasure maps did not show up in the list
- fixed lua error that appears when the player did not belong to any guild

- fixed visual bug which appears together with "Votan's Minimap" (unwanted button frame)
- new keybind options
- information about how many wayshrines you have unlocked will be displayed
- minor improvement of the logging of saved gold
- several minor improvements

- removed incompatibility issues with Votan's Minimap - Thanks to Votan
- API bump to Murkmire 100025 as there were no lua-Errors for me while testing (still need to categorize new zones)

- added French translation - Thanks to @Hypnos882382
- Keybinding - the UI can now be used standalone without the world map
- Option to show only overland maps / regions
- few improvements
- added incompatibility issues with Votan's Minimap (hope we can find a quick fix)

- Bugfix for Wayshrine-Unlock feature - that's why you should not delete files if they are necessary - hopefully we learned our lesson ;)

- Bugfix in English and French client (survey maps) - Thanks to Chivana for the report

- First Release
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Unread 03/12/20, 11:20 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Problems with Autodiscovery

Originally Posted by Gamer1986PAN
Originally Posted by Oliviander

for example
Northern Elsweyr
Only Jode's Embrace and Rimmen is known
but Beam me up shows 7 of 7
(and I just cleared the saved Vars)

When I remenber correctly an older Version of Beam me up
didn't check wether the wayshrines were known.
So why not just omitt that check or just let me override it.
I don't see any use for that - If i don't search for a wayshrine I won't press the button anyway

I rmember having problems in ther zones that were either character or
account dependent.
Sometimes correct and sometimes not.

Did you change on any of those characters the name or something like that?
No the chars that make problems are new ones that I am leveling up.
And I did delete the saved Vars recently - so it shouldn't be an issue I guess
It looks like the one char I amm currently are playing has this issue in all zones !

If I call the ports manually from the list everything is working fine even if I do that really fast.
Last edited by Oliviander : 03/12/20 at 11:48 PM.
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Unread 03/12/20, 07:41 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Problems with Autodiscovery

Originally Posted by Oliviander
Originally Posted by @DeadSoon

Hey Oliviander,

please tell me in which zones you have these problems and also please tell me which wayshrines are the missing ones which are not considered in the autodiscovery!

The list of wayhshrines is generated automatically and in some zones there could be special situations. However, usual it should have nothing to do with the last patch.
for example
Northern Elsweyr
Only Jode's Embrace and Rimmen is known
but Beam me up shows 7 of 7
(and I just cleared the saved Vars)

When I remenber correctly an older Version of Beam me up
didn't check wether the wayshrines were known.
So why not just omitt that check or just let me override it.
I don't see any use for that - If i don't search for a wayshrine I won't press the button anyway

I rmember having problems in ther zones that were either character or
account dependent.
Sometimes correct and sometimes not.

Did you change on any of those characters the name or something like that?
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Unread 03/12/20, 04:21 PM  
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Re: Re: Problems with Autodiscovery

Originally Posted by @DeadSoon

Hey Oliviander,

please tell me in which zones you have these problems and also please tell me which wayshrines are the missing ones which are not considered in the autodiscovery!

The list of wayhshrines is generated automatically and in some zones there could be special situations. However, usual it should have nothing to do with the last patch.
for example
Northern Elsweyr
Only Jode's Embrace and Rimmen is known
but Beam me up shows 7 of 7
(and I just cleared the saved Vars)

When I remenber correctly an older Version of Beam me up
didn't check wether the wayshrines were known.
So why not just omitt that check or just let me override it.
I don't see any use for that - If i don't search for a wayshrine I won't press the button anyway

I rmember having problems in ther zones that were either character or
account dependent.
Sometimes correct and sometimes not.
Last edited by Oliviander : 03/12/20 at 04:24 PM.
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Unread 03/12/20, 09:52 AM  
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Re: Problems with Autodiscovery

Originally Posted by Oliviander
1. Thx fer that useful addon

2. Since last patch I have problems wirth the autodiscoevery feature of unknown wayshrines.
Sometimes it tells me that all wayshrines are discovered even if there are quite e few undiscovered ones
in that zone.
Hey Oliviander,

please tell me in which zones you have these problems and also please tell me which wayshrines are the missing ones which are not considered in the autodiscovery!

The list of wayhshrines is generated automatically and in some zones there could be special situations. However, usual it should have nothing to do with the last patch.
Last edited by @DeadSoon : 03/12/20 at 02:50 PM.
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Unread 03/12/20, 06:57 AM  
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Problems with Autodiscovery

1. Thx fer that useful addon

2. Since last patch I have problems wirth the autodiscoevery feature of unknown wayshrines.
Sometimes it tells me that all wayshrines are discovered even if there are quite e few undiscovered ones
in that zone.
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Unread 02/24/20, 04:18 AM  
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Before posting bugs related to the Harrowstorm update on February 24, please read this troubleshooting guide first.
  1. Check for addon updates
    You have to update many addons to get them running after the Harrowstorm update (including LibSlashCommander, which is required for BeamMeUp). Use the addon manager minion to update your addons automatically or download the latest version here from the esoui website.

  2. Re-Enable "Allow out of date add-ons"
    After the update you may have to re-enable this option in the upper right corner of the add-ons menu. Please check that all your addons and the required libraries are selected/activated again.

  3. Be patient and post bug reports in the comment section of the correct addon
    If you still receive a lua error message or are affected by an bug, please be patient and wait a day or two. In some cases the developers update one day later. Furthermore, you will usually find the name of the addon in the error message. Please post bug reports in the comment section of the correct addon. Otherwise your bug report will be in vain.
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Unread 02/11/20, 04:22 PM  
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We are uploading the patch right now. Sorry again for the inconvinience. Wont happen again i guess

btw the patch is also ready for harrowstorm on PTS but there is a problem with the current live LibSlashCommander on PTS.
There is an inofficial beta for us that is working fine from Baertram (if you install this lib in the normal live folder it will throw bugs so do only use it on PTS):

you can also update the LibZone from Baertram
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Unread 02/11/20, 03:47 PM  
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Sorry for the late post but i wanted to give you several options:

Option 1 (Change without code disable the valentines-rose everywhere):
Close your game
Go to your BeamMeUp addon folder and open the folder "media"
search for the files: "" and ""
delete both of this files
copy the file "" and rename it to ""
copy the file "" and rename it to ""
restart your game - you are done

Option 2 (less work if you are ok with simple code changes):
go to your BeamMeUp addon folder
edit the file TeleporterGlobals with any editor/notepad
change line 141 from
Lua Code:
  1. -- Special textures for event days

Lua Code:
  1. --[[ Special textures for event days

change line 163 from
Lua Code:
  1. end
Lua Code:
  1. end]]
reload game - done (all event-icons are disabled everywhere - you can see what eventicons we did add here in the lines between [[ and ]])

Option 3
go to your BeamMeUp addon folder
edit the file TeleporterGlobals with any editor/notepad
change line 143 from
Lua Code:
  1. if ld.month == 2 and >= 11 and <= 14 then
Lua Code:
  1. if ld.month == 2 and >= 30 and <= 31 then
save reload game - done (the rose would only show up between february 30 and 31 what is never going to happen

there are more options and we will release a patch for this issue very soon (where we are only changing the teleport unlock wayshrine instead of additional the icon in the chatbox and - if installed - in the bandits UI.

Sorry, we thought it would be kinda refreshing to make some automatic changes to the teleport icon.
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Unread 02/11/20, 03:31 PM  

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Originally Posted by Gamer1986PAN
Originally Posted by CooLow
Originally Posted by juZob
There's some red rose icon on top of the beammeup icon now. How do I disable this? I don't want to see red icons that don't mean anything in my chat window.
Im having the same here. But that is strange, since the addon isnt updated. Maybe is has something to do with the game...
That Icon is kind of an easteregg for the upcoming valentines day. It only comes from 11.2 to 14.2. I didn't think it would upset some users, sorry about that. When i am back on PC i will show you how to change the icon back to normal with my next posting in here.
It's just the red color that's really distracting to me. Looks like I have a tab with new messages or something.
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Unread 02/11/20, 11:14 AM  
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Originally Posted by CooLow
Originally Posted by juZob
There's some red rose icon on top of the beammeup icon now. How do I disable this? I don't want to see red icons that don't mean anything in my chat window.
Im having the same here. But that is strange, since the addon isnt updated. Maybe is has something to do with the game...
That Icon is kind of an easteregg for the upcoming valentines day. It only comes from 11.2 to 14.2. I didn't think it would upset some users, sorry about that. When i am back on PC i will show you how to change the icon back to normal with my next posting in here.
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Unread 02/11/20, 10:56 AM  

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Originally Posted by juZob
There's some red rose icon on top of the beammeup icon now. How do I disable this? I don't want to see red icons that don't mean anything in my chat window.
Im having the same here. But that is strange, since the addon isnt updated. Maybe is has something to do with the game...
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Unread 02/11/20, 06:10 AM  

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There's some red rose icon on top of the beammeup icon now. How do I disable this? I don't want to see red icons that don't mean anything in my chat window.
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Unread 01/04/20, 08:56 AM  
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Originally Posted by Maelynn
However, from what it seems this addon just makes a neat overview of currently online guildies/friends/party members and where they are, so that you can see in one glance what teleport options you have at that moment. I don't see it mention undiscovered waypoints in an area where nobody is.
Exactly. The addon collects all the teleport options ("travel to player") and provides additional filtering and search features and further features like connecting these options with your active quests or treasure and survey maps and so on.

Originally Posted by Maelynn
- is it true that I can use this addon to travel to an unknown area without any guildie/party member present there?
No. If there is no friend/party or guild member, you cannot travel there. Thats why it is very beneficial when you have many friends or you are in several big guilds. We also have 2 BeamMeUp guilds on each server (NA and EU) just for the purpose of sharing each other fast travel options.

Originally Posted by Maelynn
- will it all be free travel just like the 'travel to player' option?
Yes, the addon utilizes the build-in 'travel to player' feature and enriches them with all the described features.

Originally Posted by Maelynn
Or does this addon merely unlock the unknown waypoints so that you can teleport there for its cost?
The "unlock wayshrine" feature is a special one. For example, when a new chapter is published, new zones are added. You travel to this zone and of course, you dont know all the wayhsrines there because you first need to discover them by riding to each of them.

And this is where the addon comes in. If you and some of your friends/party and guild members are in this zone, the "unlock wayshrine" feature helps to unlock the hidden/undiscovered wayshrines without riding to them. It starts a 'travel to player' process to each available player (depending on your 'travel to player' options) in this zone. When one of your friends/party or guild members are in the near of an undiscovered wayshrine, the wayshrine will be unlocked for you. This means you can travel to this new wayhsrine e.g. from an already discovered wayshrine.

This feature is practical for discovering all the wayshrines in new zones but also when you create a new character and you want to discover the most relevant wayhsrines in the basic zones as fast as possible.

In summary there are 2 requirements for this feature:
1. You need to be physically in the zone where you want to unlock undiscovered wayshrines
2. You need friends/party or guild members who are actually distributed in this zone

I hope this description answers your questions
Last edited by @DeadSoon : 01/04/20 at 09:03 AM.
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Unread 01/03/20, 04:35 AM  

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I have a few questions about this addon that I can't seem to answer by reading the description or the changelog/comments.

When I asked in guild if someone could spare a moment to travel to Betnikh so I could tp there on an alt, a guildie told me that I should get this addon and never have to ask again.

However, from what it seems this addon just makes a neat overview of currently online guildies/friends/party members and where they are, so that you can see in one glance what teleport options you have at that moment. I don't see it mention undiscovered waypoints in an area where nobody is.

- is it true that I can use this addon to travel to an unknown area without any guildie/party member present there?

- will it all be free travel just like the 'travel to player' option? Or does this addon merely unlock the unknown waypoints so that you can teleport there for its cost?
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Unread 12/23/19, 12:49 PM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
I get the message " You have on of this survey maps left..." in English with the German client, if I collect a survey map and got another same one in my inventory.
Intended or missing translation?
Yes, translation is still missing.
Some crafters hoard the survey maps in their inventory in order to mine them all together later. This new feature shall help by notifying when there are more of the same survey maps left after you mined one.

That the message comes when you just collect another same survey map is unintended. Thanks for reporting.

If this message bothers you, you can simply turn it off in the settings.
Last edited by @DeadSoon : 12/23/19 at 12:53 PM.
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