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Updated: 09/16/24 08:18 PM
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Update 43 (10.1.0)
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
Necrom (9.0.0)
Updated:09/16/24 08:18 PM
Created:11/06/18 02:45 PM
Monthly downloads:2,668
Total downloads:96,446
Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.13.5
by: Pollox, g4m3r7ag, notnear
Update from notnear


Get a quick and easy overview of all the daily quests you care about, across all your characters.

Tracks which daily quests you've completed today, and which ones you're still eligible for. Also gives you a timer to show when quests reset. Find out what today's pledges are. See which alts still need to do crafting. Or which Summerset World Boss quests you're still eligible to have shared. Or just to be a daily completionist.

Lib-AddonMenu 2.0

Includes support for the following daily quests:
  • Undaunted Pledges
  • Crafting
  • Daily Random Dungeon
  • Daily Random Battlegrounds
  • Mount Training
  • Shadowy Supplier
  • Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, and Undaunted Delve
  • Craglorn
  • Imperial City
  • Cyrodiil
  • Wrothgar
  • Thieves Guild
  • Dark Brotherhood
  • Vvardenfell
  • Clockwork City
  • Summerset
  • Murkmire
  • Southern Elsweyr
  • Northern Elsweyr
  • Western Skyrim
  • The Reach
  • Blackwood
  • The Deadlands
  • High Isle
  • Galen
  • Telvanni Peninsula
  • Infinite Archive
  • West Weald

To use, first set a keybinding to show/hide the window under the Controls menu. If you have multiple characters, I recommend Votan's Keybinder addon to set the keybinding once for all your characters.
You can also toggle the window by using the command /dqt in chat. Then in your addon settings, turn on the quests you want to track.

Note: not compatible with the addon "Daily Quest Tracker". Please disable or uninstall that before enabling this one. It can create a large file in your saved variables folder, which can crash your game.

Limitations and Known Issues
  • Might not work correctly on Mac. I don't have one to test on. If you see an incorrect "time until reset", quests sometimes might not be checked off correctly when completed.
  • "Too many anchors processed": This is a limitation of ESO. Try disabling any addons you don't need, and turn off off displaying any daily quests you don't care about.
  • It will only track quests you picked up after you installed the addon.
  • The addon currently does not distinguish between a quest you picked up, and one that someone shared with you.
  • You must exit battlegrounds before it will record it. Don't log off directly from the battlegrounds.
  • If you pick up a quest one day, but don't turn it in until the next day, the app will assume you are eligible to do your daily quest still. This is usually true, but in some cases you might get assigned the same daily quest that next day (e.g. same world boss), in which case the game actually won't give you a new daily quest.

  • Arch-kain - French translation
  • Baertram - German translation
  • Siegtime - Japanese translation
  • zelenin - Russian translation, various translation work

If you'd like to contribute, the code is available on github under GPLv3.

Update from g4m3r7ag

I have been posting updates to this addon in the comments of this addon, as well as the patch that DarkPhalanx had posted. Admins graciously added me as a TeamMember on this addon so I can post the updates here, so Minion will work again.

In addition to the zones that DarkPhalanx added with his patch, I have added The Deadlands and High Isle, as well as updated all of the quests to use the new API functions as opposed to LibMultiLingualName. There are still some functions that use it so it is still a new dependency.

I condensed the Upper/Lower Craglorn quests into a Group PvE type under just "Craglorn"

I condensed the Murkmire/Elsweyr Prologue quests into a Prologue quest type under their respective zones

This allowed increased vertical spacing between the individual quests to allow for longer quest names

A 20-hour timer was also added for the Shadowy Supplier Dark Brotherhood passive.
  • Version 1.13.5 - notnear
    • Fix pledge names issue, thanks to sooperbeans!
    • API bump to U43
  • Version 1.13.4 - notnear
    • Fix missing West Weald quests not showing on the menu (sorry admins)
  • Version 1.13.3 - notnear
    • Added missing West Weald quests
    • Fixed leaking "quests" global
  • Version 1.13.2 - notnear
    • Fixed scaling issue
  • Version 1.13.1 - notnear
    • Temporary fix for the U42 issue so that smaller scale is at least a bit more usable, beware it is still cutting some things out
  • U42 Known issue: if using a scale smaller than 1 the last quests are getting cropped, temporary fix is using scale 1
  • Version 1.13.0 - notnear
    • Added West Weald quests
    • API bump to U42
  • Version 1.12.1 - notnear
    • Fixed colorize error
    • Fixed disabled texture too similar to unchecked
    • Fix timer section not updating immediately
      - "Other Timers" now updates immediately when completing a quest with the window open
  • Version 1.12.0 - notnear
    • Added scale setting
    • Added color setting
    • Updated "Other timers" to use checkbox
    • Code optimizations
  • Version 1.11.1 - notnear
    • Fixed Galen world boss and delve quests being switched
    • Attempt to fix pledges not displaying names on some clients (need feedback because I can't replicate the issue)
  • Version 1.11.0 - notnear
    • Added Oathsworn Pit and Bedlam Veil pledges
    • API bump to U41
  • Version 1.10.4 - notnear
    • Removed LibMultilingualName dependency
    • Fixed support for Japanese client (thanks to naok)
    • Fixed some strings for all supported languages
    • Code optimizations
  • Version 1.10.3 - notnear
    • Updated DE strings (thanks to Schakarus)
  • Version 1.10.2 - notnear
    • Fixed pledges not showing up on EU
  • Version 1.10.1 - notnear
    • Reset times are now automatically configured to the current server
    • Saved variables are now organized by server, you can delete the old file (PolloxsDailyQuestTracker.lua) at "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables" before updating
    • Removed redundant strings and fixed some
    • Fixed quest names so they do not break across two lines
  • Version 1.10.0 - notnear
    • Added Endless Archive quest
    • Added the multiple IDs for Necrom Bastion Nymic now that the names are different, need confirmation if its working properly
    • API bump to U40
  • Version 1.9.3 - notnear
    • Fixed error "DailyQuestTracker.lua:169: attempt to index a nil value" if the window is open when completing a quest
  • Version 1.9.2 - notnear
    • Added Cyrodiil bounty quest for Arcanists
  • Version 1.9.1 - notnear
    • Fixed 18th character's timers being slightly cut
    • Fixed characters 19 and 20 being blank
  • Version 1.9.0 - notnear
    • Added Necrom daily quests
    • Added Bal Sunnar and Scrivener's Hall pledges
    • Updated for 20 character limit
    • Updated timers for new reset time (10AM UTC)
    • Minor fixes
    • API bump to U38

Changelog from g4m3r7ag updates

Added Galen Quests
Added new slash command to toggle display, both "/dqt" and "/dailyquest" will now toggle the display
Bumped API to 101036

Lost Depths Pledge Order

Fixed Dragon Hunt quests

Moved Cyrodiil quests to bottom of list to match since Whitestrake event has ended.

Fixed Spanish language files

Added Cyrodiil Quests
Moved Cyrodiil and IC Quests near the top for event
Bumped API

Added High Isle

Condensed Upper/Lower Craglorn into just Craglorn with a Group PvE Quest Type
Moved Cyrodilic Collections in to Prologue Quest Type under Murkmire
Moved Northern Elsweyr Defense Force in to Prologue Quest Type under Northern Elsweyr

These changes allowed reverting the vertical spacing between the quest sections/types, so the only large vertical spacing for long quest names is contained in the quest type drop downs.

Reverted the horizontal dimension changes that were cutting off more than 16 characters
Increased the vertical dimensions in the layout to allow long names to wrap to a second line without overlapping the checkboxes
Updated the Pledges for Ascending Tide.

Bumped version to 1.8.19 and API to 101033 (Ascending Tide PTS).
Added Timer for Shadowy Supplier.
Increased vertical spacing in UI so Quests/Checkboxes are not directly on top of each other.
Removed display names in favor of quest titles.
Increased indentation to first character column to account for long quest titles, some of the translations are especially long.
Replaced all manually defined and LibMultilingualName calls for quest titles in favor of new API call, GetQuestName(id), this will make translations work easier and more consistent.
Where possible, replaced manually defined names for sections/quest types with ZO strings and various API calls. This will make translations work easier, but has an unfortunate side effect. Some of the API calls add a ^ followed by a random character or two at the end of the name as far as I can tell in the fr and de languages. Not sure why, if anyone has some input on that I would appreciate it. This will likely also cause some sections that were previously enabled to become disabled because of the change in title, once re-enabled in settings they should remain that way.
Added the missing sections to ru/fr/de to make them consistent with en.lua.
Changed the default behavior for sections to show to be true rather than false. This doesn't seem to default to true on the renamed sections mentioned above, but I tested by removing my saved vars file and they then all defaulted to shown. I'm hoping new sections/quests added going forward will also default to shown. If I find that is not the case I'll increase the savedvars version in a later release, which will unfortunately reset everyone's settings.
I verified en/ru/fr/de do not have any overlapping quest titles/checkboxes, you may need to adjust your window size.

Updates to RU files for crafting dailies

Updated Crafting Writs to use API instead of LibMultilingualName

Bumped Version to 1.8.16
Bumped API to 101032
Added Deadlands daily quests
Updated Undaunted Pledges
Renamed "Resistance" to "Wayward Guardian" under The Reach
Removed two blank checkboxes under Undaunted Delve quests

Versions from Dark Phalanx's patch

1.8.15. - Fixed multi language issues.

1.8.14. - Fixed Blackwood dalies (thanks Yachoor!)

1.8.13. - Added Blackwood dailies

1.8.12. - Added Craglorn dailies
- Fixed keybinding setting
- Updated APIVersion

1.8.11. - Added The Reach dailies and new Pledges. (Thanks M-Ree for your contribution).

1.8.10. - Updated APIVersion and removed old libstub reference.

1.8.9. - Updated APIVersion and removed old libstub reference.

1.8.8. - Added multi-language support for crafting writs.

1.8.7. - Added Imperial City dailies.

1.8.6. - Added missing translations for the new pledges.

1.8.5. - Added missing pledges.

1.8.4. - Rearranged the newly added quests according to this resource:

1.8.3. - Added multi-language support which requires LibMultilingualName.

1.8.2. - Added English translations for RU, DE, ES, JP, FR, so they won't appear blank in the interface (translation will come later).

Original Changelog Below

  • updated pledges for scalebreaker dungeons

  • added Elsweyr quests

  • api bump for Elsweyr
  • updated for 18 characters
  • fixed shroud hearth quest

  • fixed pledges not showing dungeon name

  • Added Elsweyr Prologue quests (beta: needs testing)

  • Added Wrathstone dungeons with schedule from
  • API bump for Wrathstone

  • show "-" instead of time remaining for mount training if mount training is maxed out
  • improved Japanese translation (by Siegtime)
  • Added dungeon, battlegrounds, and mount timers
  • Highlight current character
  • improved German translation (by Baertram)
  • Undaunted pledges, including what today's pledges are (English only for now)
  • french translation
  • added toggle to show quests where there are multiple quests that can be shared for a given quest type
  • added slash command /dqt to toggle display
  • Russian translation (by zelenin)
  • partial French and German translations
  • gui fixes and improvements
    • ensure the window is always wide enough to hold all the columns
    • fixed quest status not updated when window is open when turning in quest
    • fixed quests appearing in a different order each time you reloaded
  • added daily crafting quests
  • added options to filter by character and section
  • overhauled user interface: shows all your characters in a scrollable, movable window
  • added undaunted daily delve
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Unread 06/03/19, 09:07 AM  

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Those are both good ideas if I get to making new features. You are also welcome to make a pull request on github if you end up implementing that yourself.
... That totally sailed a few feet above my ears I know what github is, but that's it

... Also, I have modified my copy of the add-on to include the Elsweyr zone dailies (minus dragons, which are not up yet).
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Unread 06/15/19, 10:22 AM  

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Love this addon

any chance for adding Elsweyr Dailies to this as well? love this addon!
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Unread 06/15/19, 10:58 AM  
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Re: Love this addon

Originally Posted by karigan55
any chance for adding Elsweyr Dailies to this as well? love this addon!
Looking into it, yep. Although I don't have Elsweyr to test them out.
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Unread 06/15/19, 11:00 AM  
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Originally Posted by M-ree
... That totally sailed a few feet above my ears I know what github is, but that's it

... Also, I have modified my copy of the add-on to include the Elsweyr zone dailies (minus dragons, which are not up yet).
It's a way for you to share your changes. Check out:

I will be adding them soon myself anyway. I was looking into including support for other languages, but that might have to wait a while longer.
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Unread 06/16/19, 05:47 AM  

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Originally Posted by Pollox
Originally Posted by M-ree
... That totally sailed a few feet above my ears I know what github is, but that's it

... Also, I have modified my copy of the add-on to include the Elsweyr zone dailies (minus dragons, which are not up yet).
It's a way for you to share your changes. Check out:

I will be adding them soon myself anyway. I was looking into including support for other languages, but that might have to wait a while longer.
I see. Dragon dailies are apparently gonna drop with Southern Elsweyr (AKA Pellitine), so in a few months, but I have also added Imperial City dailies to my copy in the meantime. The thing with them is, though, that there are 6 of them and you can do all every day (you pick them separately), so it's not the usual shareables logic... But you only get the Siege of Cyrodiil Merit once a day, on the first one turned in -- so there's some sense in tracking them as a group.

And I am looking into that github thing, too
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Unread 06/18/19, 06:15 PM  

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Awesome addon!
I've got a small feature suggestion: Have more detailed toggle settings for individual items.
For example, there's no point displaying (and checking) for jewelry writs if you don't have summerset. Or you don't want to know about the DLC dungeon undaunted dailies...etc
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Unread 07/05/19, 02:56 AM  

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Originally Posted by Pollox
Originally Posted by M-ree
... That totally sailed a few feet above my ears I know what github is, but that's it

... Also, I have modified my copy of the add-on to include the Elsweyr zone dailies (minus dragons, which are not up yet).
It's a way for you to share your changes. Check out:

I will be adding them soon myself anyway. I was looking into including support for other languages, but that might have to wait a while longer.
Created a pull request with all 6/6 Northern Elsweyr dailies, Dragon Hunt, and Imperial City dailies.
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Unread 07/23/19, 09:07 AM  

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Elsweyr quests not updating


As written as subject, I encounter issues with Elsweyr's dailies (only). They are never marked as 'done'.

So far, I have tried with different characters, and it remains the exact same. Could that come from the fact that the quests not translated on the addon's window? I play the game in French and didn't try switching to English yet.

Have a great day,
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Unread 07/23/19, 09:46 AM  
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Originally Posted by M-ree
Created a pull request with all 6/6 Northern Elsweyr dailies, Dragon Hunt, and Imperial City dailies.
Thanks! I'll look at this next time I have a chance to work on the addon.
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Unread 07/23/19, 09:48 AM  
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Re: Elsweyr quests not updating

Originally Posted by castel2511

As written as subject, I encounter issues with Elsweyr's dailies (only). They are never marked as 'done'.

So far, I have tried with different characters, and it remains the exact same. Could that come from the fact that the quests not translated on the addon's window? I play the game in French and didn't try switching to English yet.

Have a great day,
Yes, the Elsweyr quests, and some of the other newer quests, are not currently translated into French. If you'd like to provide translations, I'd be happy to include them.
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Unread 07/24/19, 02:39 AM  

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Elsweyr daily quests' French translation

I managed to get the French translation for all Elsweyr dailies. I know nothing about github and all so here it is :

DELVE_DAILIES_01 = "Wisdom in the Winds" -- Desert Wind Caverns (ADAD)
DELVE_DAILIES_01 = "La sagesse aux quatre vents" -- Les Cavernes des Vents du désert

DELVE_DAILIES_02 = "Tangled Tea Leaves" -- The Tangle (AWN)
DELVE_DAILIES_02 = "Feuilles de thé emmêlées" -- Le Sac-de-Nœuds

DELVE_DAILIES_03 = "Dousing the Daedric Flame" -- Darkpool Mine (TSoD)
DELVE_DAILIES_03 = "Moucher la flamme daedrique" -- La mine de Noirbassin

DELVE_DAILIES_04 = "Rifling Through Ruins" -- Abode of Ignomity (SotS)
DELVE_DAILIES_04 = "Fouilles dans les ruines" -- La demeure de l'Ignominie

DELVE_DAILIES_05 = "The Hungry Cat's Favor" -- Predator Mesa (TTT)
DELVE_DAILIES_05 = "La Faveur du Chat affamé" -- Mesa du prédateur

DELVE_DAILIES_06 = "The Serpent's Stampede" -- Tomb of the Serpents (ADD)
DELVE_DAILIES_06 = "La cavalcade du Serpent" -- La tombe des serpents

BOSS_DAILIES_01 = "Another Day, Another Death" -- Na'ruzz the Boneweaver
BOSS_DAILIES_01 = "À chaque jour son cadavre" -- Na'ruzz le Tisse-os

BOSS_DAILIES_02 = "A Waking Nightmare" -- Zalsheem
BOSS_DAILIES_02 = "Un cauchemar éveillé" -- Zalsheem

BOSS_DAILIES_03 = "The Senche of Decay" -- Thannar the Graveprowler
BOSS_DAILIES_03 = "Le senche des convenances" -- Thannar le Rôdeur sépulcral

BOSS_DAILIES_04 = "Sword of the Serpent" -- Vhysradue
BOSS_DAILIES_04 = "Le sourire du serpent" -- Vhysradue

BOSS_DAILIES_05 = "The Traders' Terror" -- Wily Keeva
BOSS_DAILIES_05 = "La terreur des travailleurs" -- Kee'va la retorse

BOSS_DAILIES_06 = "A Dastardly Duo" -- Azv'i and Akumjhargo
BOSS_DAILIES_06 = "Un duo déterminé" -- Akumjhargo et Zav'i

PS: Dragon hunt quest name is 'Chasse au dragon'
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Unread 09/03/19, 11:34 AM  
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I'm getting an error when I turn on this addon now:

Too many anchors processed. Tail of anchor list:

Thank you.
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Unread 09/08/19, 06:59 PM  

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Seems to be missing the following dailies from Elsweyr
  • Delve: Wisdom in the Winds
  • Boss: Another Day, Another Death
  • Boss: A Waking Nightmare
Last edited by SneakyWitchTheif : 09/08/19 at 08:33 PM.
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Unread 10/07/19, 03:22 AM  

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Downloaded your addon 2 days ago, have had Error 307 (booted from server) 3 times since then. Deleted the addon, no more DCs.

I don't know which part is causing it, but you may want to look into that. My guess is that it happens when the addon is fetching information from the server, since the DCs happened only when logging in.
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Unread 10/22/19, 05:52 PM  
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This is a great addon for me. Thanks a lot

The only extra info I would like to see is the world boss names as players normally use the boss name in chat when looking to form a group and then you get the quest share after.

So maybe the listed entries down the left side of your window for these quests could be something like,
Quest Name (World Boss Name)
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