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Updated: 07/17/24 07:07 PM
Update 43 (10.1.0)
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Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
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Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Updated:07/17/24 07:07 PM
Created:12/30/18 04:39 PM
Monthly downloads:8,505
Total downloads:1,187,839
LibSFUtils  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 53
by: Shadowfen [More]
Depends on the following (separately installed) library: LibDebugLogger

A library of common convenience functionality that I use with most of my addons.


Convenience color tables
Defines values for : junk, normal, fine, superior, epic, legendary
as well as some other colors that I commonly use

LibSFUtils.colors - master table of colors in both hex and rgb
LibSFUtils.hex - an alias table for just the hex color values
LibSFUtils.rgb - an alias table for just the rgb color values


function LibSFUtils.str(...)
Concatenate varargs to a string. Uses table concatenation to combine the parameters to be slightly more efficient to multiple uses of the .. string concatenator.
function LibSFUtils.dstr(delim, ...)
Concatenate varargs to a delimited string. Uses table concatenation to combine the parameters separated by the specified delimiter to be slightly more efficient to multiple uses of the .. string concatenator.
function LibSFUtils.GetIconized(prompt, promptcolor, texturefile, texturecolor)
Create a string containing an optional icon (of optional color) followed by a text prompt. (Without the parameters, it simply prepares and optionally colorizes text.)
The prompt parameter is a string or a localization string id.
The color parameters are all hex colors.
function LibSFUtils.ColorText(prompt, promptcolor)
Create a string containing a text prompt and a text color. The text color is optional, but if you do not provide it, you just get the same text back that you put in.
The prompt parameter is a string or a localization string id.
The color parameter is a hex color.
function LibSFUtils.bool2str(bool)
Turn a boolean value into a string suitable for display. Returns the string "true" or "false".
This function uses LibSFUtils.isTrue() to decide if bool is true - which will have different results from the lua standard definition of "true". Lua decides that anything not false (or nil) must be true (including 0). This function decides that anything not true (or 1) is false.

Function Wrapping

function LibSFUtils.WrapFunction(namespace, functionName, wrapper)
Used to be able to wrap an existing function with another so that subsequent calls to the function will actually invoke the wrapping function.

The wrapping function should accept a function as the first parameter, followed by the parameters expected by the original function. It will be passed in the original function so the wrapping function can call it (if it chooses).

Can be called with or without the namespace parameter (which defines the namespace where the original function is defined). If the namespace parameter is not provided then assume the global namespace _G.

WrapFunction(myfunc, mywrapper)
will wrap the global function myfunc to call mywrapper

WrapFunction(TT, myfunc, mywrapper)
will wrap TT.myfunc with a call to mywrapper

Saved Variables and Defaults

(All of the Saved Variables functions work on the variables for the
current server that you are logged in on.)

Note: You should only ever use one of the functions getToonSavedVars(), getAcctSavedVars(),
or getAllSavedVars() because they are loading saved variables from files (that only get changed
when you log out or /reloadui) and so are very slow and you don't want to waste time doing it
multiple times for no good reason.

function LibSFUtils.getToonSavedVars(saveFile, saveVer, saveDefaults)
Get saved variables table toon only. In addition to calling the appropriate ZO_SavedVars function, it will call LibSFUtils.defaultMissing().
Note: This does NOT automatically add an accountWide variable to the table if it is not already there!
function LibSFUtils.getAcctSavedVars(saveFile, saveVer, saveDefaults)
Get saved variables table account-wide only. In addition to calling the appropriate ZO_SavedVars function, it will call LibSFUtils.defaultMissing().
function LibSFUtils.getAllSavedVars(saveFileName, saveVer, saveAWDefaults, saveToonDefaults)
Get saved variables tables when we deal with both toon and account-wide settings.

Toon and account-wide can have different default tables (but don't have to). If you only specify one default table it will be used for both account-wide and toon.

An "accountWide" variable will be automatically added to the toon table if it does not already exist, because the currentSavedVars() function works off of that. It is used to designate whether the settings for account-wide are currently in effect or the toon settings are in effect.
function LibSFUtils.currentSavedVars(aw, toon, newAcctWideVal)
Return the currently active table of saved variables.
If newAcctWideVal is not nil, then the toon.accountWide value will be set to the new value before deciding which of the tables aw or toon will be returned (based on if toon.accountWide evaluates to true or false).
function LibSFUtils.defaultMissing(svtable, defaulttable)
Recursively initialize missing values in a table from a defaults table. Existing values in the svtable will remain unchanged. This function is needed because the ZO_SavedVars functions do not recurse into a table inside the defaulttable if the table itself exists in svtable.

Basic Utility Functions

function LibSFUtils.isTrue(val)
Returns true if val was some value equivalent to true or 1. Any other value will return false.
(This is different from the lua standard definition of "true". Lua decides that anything not false (or nil) must be true (including 0).
This function decides that anything not true (or 1) is false.)
function LibSFUtils.nilDefault( val, defaultval )
Return the value of val; unless it is nil when we then will return defaultval instead of the nil.

The lua standard "var = val or default" does not do the same job, because if val evaluates to false according to lua then the default value would still be assigned.
Here we specifically only want the default value if val == nil.

Messages and Debug

function LibSFUtils.initSystemMsgPrefix(addon_name, hexcolor)
Create a prefix to use in front of your messages (so that users can tell your messages from some other addon's). (If you are not using addonChatter.)
function LibSFUtils.systemMsg(prefix, text, hexcolor)
Send a message to the chat window prefixed by the prefix that you pass in.
function LibSFUtils.addonChatter:New(addon_name)
Create an addonChatter table and set up the prefix to use in front of your messages (so that users can tell your messages from some other addon's messages).
function LibSFUtils.addonChatter:systemMessage(...)
Print normal messages to chat
function LibSFUtils.addonChatter:debugMsg(...)
Print debug messages to chat if debug messages are enabled.
function LibSFUtils.addonChatter:enableDebug()
Turn on the printing of debug messages.
function LibSFUtils.addonChatter:disableDebug()
Turn off the printing of debug messages.
function LibSFUtils.addonChatter:toggleDebug()
Toggle on/off the printing of debug messages
function LibSFUtils.addonChatter:getDebugState()
Return the string "true" if debug messages are enabled. Otherwise return the string "false".

Slash Commands

function LibSFUtils.addonChatter:slashHelp(title, cmdstable)
Display in chat a table of slash commands with descriptions (using the addonChatter you have previously created)
The language localization functions have been duplicated into their own library LibLanguage. The function signatures remain the same. At some later point the language functions here will be removed.

function LibSFUtils.LoadLanguage(localization_strings, defaultLang)
Add strings to the string table for the client language (or the default language if the client language did not have strings defined for it). The localization_strings parameter is a table of tables of localization strings, and defaultLang defaults to "en" if not provided.

For example: You could have the following string table defined:

local localization_strings = {

de = {
AC_IAKONI_TAG= "Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_1_DESC= "#1 Set aus dem AddOn Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_2_DESC= "#2 Set aus dem AddOn Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_3_DESC= "#3 Set aus dem AddOn Iakoni's Gear Changer",

en = {
AC_IAKONI_TAG= "Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_1_DESC= "#1 Set from Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_2_DESC= "#2 Set from Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_3_DESC= "#3 Set from Iakoni's Gear Changer",

zh = {
AC_IAKONI_TAG= "Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_1_DESC= "#1 号装备配置 Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_2_DESC= "#2 号装备配置 Iakoni's Gear Changer",
AC_IAKONI_CATEGORY_SET_3_DESC= "#3 号装备配置 Iakoni's Gear Changer",

and then in your initialization function call:
or you can split the definitions of
AC_localization_strings["en"], AC_localization_strings["de"], and AC_localization_strings["zh"]
into separate files (strings.lua for the default, de.lua, zh.lua, etc) and then include your default language lua file (strings.lua), and $(language).lua in your addon manifest. This way you can only load the strings for two languages (at most) instead of all of them you have available.

Version Checker
Used to check if the dependent libraries that are loaded have at least a minimum version. (These functions depend on the libraries using the
## AddOnVersion: 23
marker in the library's manifest (.txt file).
These functions are designed to work with the LibDebugLogger, however you can provide your own version of a logger by providing a object table that at least provides the functions
When working with the LibDebugLogger, it will send error messages to the logger when a library is found with an older version than required, a warning message if a required library is missing, and an info message if no version information is available for the library.

local VC = LibSFUtils.VersionChecker
function VC:New(addonName) (or VC(addonName)
Create a new instance of a version checker.
function VC:Enable(logger)
Enable the VersionChecker instance and set the logger that the instance is to use.
For instance, you would call
function VC.Disable(self)
Disable the VersionChecker instance so that none of the other VC functions do anything.
function VC:NewCheckVersion(libname, expectedVersion)
Check if the library is 1) loaded, and 2) has a version that is equal to or greater than the version you expect to have.
function VC:NoVersion(libname)
Specify that you know that no version information is available for the library - (only an info message).
function LibSFUtils.GetAddonIndex(libname)
This utility function will return the ZOS addon index for the library named libname (if it is loaded). If it is not loaded, it will return -1.
function LibSFUtils.GetAddonVersion(name)
This utility function will return the addon version (as specified in the manifest ##AddOnVersion: line) for the library named libname (if it is loaded). If it is not loaded, it will return -1. If it is loaded but does not have a ##AddOnVersion: then it will return 0.
Example of use:
    function myaddon.checkLibraryVersions()
        local vc = LibSFUtils.VersionChecker("myaddon")
        local logger = LibDebugLogger.Create("rChat")
        vc:CheckVersion("LibAddonMenu-2.0", 30)
        vc:CheckVersion("LibMediaProvider-1.0", 12)
        vc:CheckVersion("libChat2", 12)
        vc:CheckVersion("LibSFUtils", 23)
    local function OnAddonLoaded(_, addonName)

        if addonName ~= then return end
        -- do important stuff
  • Fix random "810: operator < is not supported for nil" in LibSFUtils when used from rChat.

  • Added the nilDefaultStr() function to return the default value if the primary value is either nil or an empty string. (The companion function nilDefault() only returned default if the primary was nil.)
  • Split the Guild-related functions into a separate source file for ease of maintenance. They are still part of the LibSFUtils library so no changes from a use standpoint.

  • Updated some function comments and removed obsolete (initial implementation of) DDValueTable functions.
  • API bump.

  • Reorganized some of the code into new lua files.
  • Performed additional testing on the library.

  • Moved LibDebugLogger from an optional dependency to a required one. LibDebugLogger must now be installed for this library to use.

  • Added utility class to help with managing lists of events that get registered or unregistered.
  • Added a new convenience color for TT/TTFAS to use.

  • Added utility class to help with creating lists for dropdown UI elements.

  • API bump.

  • Added a "safe" wrapper function LibSFUtils.safeClearTable(tbl) for ZO_ClearTable(tbl) to ensure that it still works if nil is passed in as the table tbl. For a nil tbl, it will return an empty table {}.

  • Added convenience color for ThiefTools to use.
  • API bump (Necrom).

  • API bump (Scribes of Fate).

  • Added convenience convert seconds to HH:MM:SS string function LibSFUtils.secondsToClock(seconds)

  • API bump (High Isle).

  • API bump.

  • Fix lua error reported for rChat with wierd characters in the chat message reported by
    GregariousJB in rChat comments.

  • Splitting out existing colorizing functions to SFUtils_Color. Addition of new SF_Color object (interoperable with ZO_ColorDef).
  • Version number 37 skipped because, oops?

  • API bump.

  • Add in some simple MsgWindow enhancement functions (creates dependency on LibMsgWindow when used).
  • Fix some errors in the addon info functions

  • Fixed error reported by Damolann.

  • API bump (Flames of Ambition).

  • Split the Sounds-related functions into a separate source file for ease of maintenance. They are still part of the LibSFUtils library so no changes from a user standpoint.

  • API bump (Blackwood).

  • API bump (Flames of Ambition).
  • Added some convenience guild functions.
    Given an index between 1 and 5, get a guild name for that index and return both the guild name and the guild id for that index. Guild name is guaranteed to be non-nil, but if there was an error then the guild id returns IS nil.
    Get a list of names of active guilds in order by guild index (1-5)
    Get a list of ids of active guilds in order by guild index (1-5)
    The GetActiveGuildNames() and GetActiveGuildIds() can be used as a pair to set the choices and choicesValues fields respectively of a dropdown menu so that you see guild names but actually deal with guild ids.

  • Added some more color conversion functions hex->RGBA & RGB->hex. While the original LibSFUtils.colorHexToRGBA(colourString) is still available, the new LibSFUtils.ConvertHexToRGBA(colourString) is recommended because it can convert from rrggbb hex strings, |crrggbb hex color strings, and aarrggbb hex strings into r, g, b, a where as the original colorHexToRGBA() could only convert from rrggbb strings.

  • API bump (Markarth).
  • Added some minor color conversion functions hex->RGBA & RGB->hex.

  • API bump.

  • Fixed a chat message issue caused by the previous minor code cleanup. Oops.

  • Minor code cleanup.

  • API bump, preparing for Greymoor.
  • Added a couple of new convenience colors.

  • Added new functions for checking the versions of loaded libraries. These functions will work in conjunction with LibDebugLogger (or some other logger) to print messages to the specified logger if a library is either not loaded or does not meet the minimum version requirement for the library to be used with an addon. See ReadMe for more details.
  • Split related functions into separate source files for convenience. There are no changes to the API or functionality in doing so - only in making the code easier to inspect and change.

  • Some new functions for delimited string splitting and color marker stripping or correction.
    LibSFUtils.gsplit(str, pat)
    Split a string into sections using a pattern as a delimiter
    When delimiter starts or ends the string, an empty string is considered
    to be before/after the delimiter. When two or more delimiters are together,
    there is considered to be empty strings between them.
    Returns table of strings that were separated by delimiters
    (The delimiters are NOT included in the table.)

    Get the positions of all of the color markers (|c and |r) in a string
    Return a table where each entry has the index into the string (start)
    and the type of marker (code = "c" or "r", lower case)
    Havok allows "|" escape character for "|" (user input) so we must handle doubled pipes for chat.
    Returns the markertable for the markers that are in the string
    (can be empty but never nil)

    LibSFUtils.regularizeColors(markertable, str)
    Evaluate and correct the color markers in the string so that
    empty colors are marked for removal, "|c" markers are
    always balanced by "|r" markers, and we don't have extra "|r"
    Uses the source string and a marker table as produced by
    getAllColorDelim(). The marker table is modified by this function.
    Returns the modified markertable for the markers that are in (or should be in) the string

    Strip all of the color markers out of the string.
    Uses the source string and a marker table as produced by
    Returns a string which is the source string with all of the color
    markers removed.

    LibSFUtils.colorsplit(markertable, str)
    Splits the string into sections corresponding the color markers themselves
    and the text around the markers. Doing a table.concat() will join the contents
    of the returned table into a properly color-marked string.
    Returns the table of sections

  • Added a LibSFUtils.LibVersion variable which contains the current version number of the library. This can be used by addons that depend on this library to ensure that a minimum version of the library is loaded and accessible.

  • Added functions supporting an array of sounds since I now have more than one addon doing it.
  • Update defaultMissing() to properly check for a nil value and return the default if found.

  • API Bump

  • API bump

  • More adjustments to the LibSFUtil enhanced version of SafeAddString() to support the LoadLanguage() function.

  • Modified and tested the LibSFUtil enhanced version of SafeAddString() to support the LoadLanguage() function.
  • Fixed error in loading of default language strings in LoadLanguage().

  • Removed dependency on LibStub. This library can no longer be accessed through LibStub.
  • Added new ##IsLibrary to manifest.
  • Added new Localization function LoadLanguage().

    function sfutil.LoadLanguage(localization_strings, defaultLang)
    Add strings to the string table for the client language (or
    the default language if the client language did not have strings
    defined for it). The localization_strings parameter is a table of tables
    of localization strings, and defaultLang defaults to "en" if not

    An example of a localization_strings table might be:

    MyAddon.localization_strings = {
    ["en"] = {
    MYADDON_RANDOM_TEXT = "This is a test",
    ["de"] = {
    MYADDON_RANDOM_TEXT = "Dies ist ein Test",
    ["fr"] = {
    MYADDON_RANDOM_TEXT = "C'est un test",

    Then the sfutil.LoadLanguage(MyAddon.localization_strings, "en") would load
    the appropriate strings table for the client language, or the "en" strings
    if there isn't a table for the language (say it was "jp").
  • Added a deep copy function for a table - deepCopy(orig) returns new table.

  • API Bump

  • Hybridize library to provide both LibStub access for addons still using it while providing direct access for addons that have transitioned away from using LibStub. The LibSFUtils library will still depend on LibStub to provide backwards compatibility until LibStub support/access is discontinued (basically when I've converted all of my addons to the new paradigm).
    While LibStub access is still supported, users of it typically have something like
    local SF = LibStub("LibSFUtils")
    New users of the library should not do this however. Instead, you should use the direct access method such as
    local SF = LibSFUtils
    Current addons using this library should convert their LibStub("LibSFUtils") to the second version of this line (to minimize the amount of changes required to their own code).

  • First release as a standalone library.
  • Added the slashHelp() function to addonChatter. This will allow you to pass in a table of slash commands and descriptions and have them printed to chat with colorization and the [...] addon prefix.
    For example,
    chatter:slashHelp("my title", { 
        { "/xx.init", "Reinitialize"}, 
        {"/xx cute", "Display cute remark"} } )
    Will display
    [myaddon] my title
    [myaddon] /xx.init = Reinitialize
    [myaddon] /xx cute = Display cute remark
    in the chat window.
  • Breaking change Removed sfutil.copy() - deep table copy as ZO_DeepTableCopy(source, dest) can be used instead.
  • Wrote documentation.

  • Beta as an standalone library.
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Unread 11/16/23, 12:06 AM  
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Originally Posted by Balierg
Hi there, updated yesterday and BugCatcher is catching this:

user:/AddOns/LibSFUtils/LibSFUtils_Global.lua:10: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LibSFUtils/LibSFUtils_Global.lua:10: in function '(main chunk)'
Install LibDebugLogger. I forgot that I made it required instead of the previous setting of optional.
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Unread 11/15/23, 08:57 PM  

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Hi there, updated yesterday and BugCatcher is catching this:

user:/AddOns/LibSFUtils/LibSFUtils_Global.lua:10: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LibSFUtils/LibSFUtils_Global.lua:10: in function '(main chunk)'
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Unread 08/31/21, 03:02 PM  

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Newest version throws an error

I let Minion update my addons and it gives the following error every time I log into ESO. It can be dismissed with no obvious problems.

It looks like a problem between LibSFUtils and rChat so I'll crosspost to both addons.

user:/AddOns/LibSFUtils/LibSFUtils.lua:801: operator + is not supported for nil + number
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LibSFUtils/LibSFUtils.lua:801: in function 'sfutil.colorsplit'
|caaaaaa<Locals> markertable = [table:1]{}, str = "|t15:15:esoui/art/tutorial/smi...", t2 = [table:2]{1 = "|t15:15:esoui/art/tutorial/smi..."}, cs = "FFFFFF", k = 5, v = [table:3]{code = "c", estr = 98, start = 91}, code = "c" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/rChat/rChat.lua:1618: in function 'ReformatSysMessages'
|caaaaaa<Locals> text = "|t15:15:esoui/art/tutorial/smi...", t1 = [table:1] </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/rChat/rChat.lua:1631: in function 'AddLinkHandlerToLine'
|caaaaaa<Locals> text = "|t15:15:esoui/art/tutorial/smi...", chanCode = 11, numLine = 192 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/rChat/rChat.lua:1677: in function 'AddLinkHandler'
|caaaaaa<Locals> text = "|c606060[15:56:23]|cffff70 |c2...", chanCode = 11, numLine = 192, formattedText = "|c606060|H0:p:192:11|h[15:56:2...", crtext = "|c606060[15:56:23]|cffff70 |c2...", cr = 68, lines = [table:4]{1 = "|c606060[15:56:23]|cffff70 |c2..."}, first = F, numRows = 2, _ = 3, line = "|t15:15:esoui/art/tutorial/smi..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/rChat/rChat.lua:1919: in function 'FormatSysMessage'
|caaaaaa<Locals> statusMessage = "|c606060[15:56:23]|cffff70 |c2...", ShowTimestamp = user:/AddOns/rChat/rChat.lua:1887, entry = [table:5]{channel = 11, timestamp = 1630443383, rawTimeString = "|c8F8F8F[15:56] |r", rawLine = "", displayed = ""}, ndx = 192 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/rChat/ZOS_Rewrite-5.3.lua:49: in function 'CHAT_ROUTER:AddSystemMessage'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6]{fireCallbackDepth = 0}, text = "|c606060[15:56:23]|cffff70 |c2...", k = 1, chatContainer = [table:7]{allowSettingsSave = T, isMinimizingOrMaximizing = F, hiddenTabStartIndex = 3, minAlpha = 0, maxAlpha = 1, primary = T, id = 1, fadeInReferences = 0} </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/rChat/ZOS_Rewrite-5.3.lua:64: in function 'EmitMessage'
|caaaaaa<Locals> text = "|c606060[15:56:23]|cffff70 |c2..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/rChat/ZOS_Rewrite-5.3.lua:109: in function 'd'
|caaaaaa<Locals> i = 1, value = "|c606060[15:56:23]|cffff70 |c2..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/Toolbox/Toolbox.lua:457: in function 'd'
|caaaaaa<Locals> argc = 1, i = 1 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/UndauntedPledgesUtilities/UPU_Utils.lua:32: in function 'UPU.Msg2Chat'
|caaaaaa<Locals> stringToDisplay = "|c2020F0Undaunted Daily Pledge..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/UndauntedPledgesUtilities/UPU.lua:452: in function 'UPU.InitDailiesManagement'
user:/AddOns/UndauntedPledgesUtilities/UPU.lua:493: in function 'func'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Globals/globalapi.lua:227: in function '(anonymous)'
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Unread 05/05/19, 07:43 PM  
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Originally Posted by fostot
I actually have completely uninstalled and reinstalled using Minion and i still get the same error. Clearly something isn't right . I get the same error mentioned before. Maybe you forgot to upload the new Slasher version to EsoUI that removes the need for LibStub?? As you mentioned it shouldn't be needed now and I still see it trying to use it.
Okay, I've just remade and reuploaded the archive for Slasher-1.5 so if you could uninstall and reinstall one more time, and let me know if it works...
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Unread 05/05/19, 04:08 PM  

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I actually have completely uninstalled and reinstalled using Minion and i still get the same error. Clearly something isn't right . I get the same error mentioned before. Maybe you forgot to upload the new Slasher version to EsoUI that removes the need for LibStub?? As you mentioned it shouldn't be needed now and I still see it trying to use it.
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Unread 05/05/19, 02:15 PM  
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Originally Posted by dlrgames
The new version of the lib isn't working for me. Slasher throws an error on login and Fast Ride doesn't activate.
The problem is that you likely have outdated addons or have not installed the library addons separately.
For Slasher, it is likely that you have an out-of-date LibSFUtils that still requires LibStub (which is no longer provided).

For Fast Ride, you should make sure that you have installed LibAddonMenu-2.0 as a separate standalone addon (just install it from Minion). The latest version of that addon is required for this version of FastRide (and the latest version of LibAddonMenu-2.0 is only available separately - it is not included with other Addons now).
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Unread 05/03/19, 08:21 AM  
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The new version of the lib isn't working for me. Slasher throws an error on login and Fast Ride doesn't activate.
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Unread 12/31/18, 11:21 AM  
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Oh right, you are using it already. This changes things a bit Yes, you'd need to adopt your addons using the lib then to not use LibStub and only use your lib's "global variable name" + change the lib to have "global variable name".

Originally Posted by Shadowfen
Originally Posted by Baertram
Hey Shadowfen,

What I heard from other devs (untested):
New libraries should not use LibStub anymore but ONLY apply the ##AddOnVersion: tag in the manifest txt file.

As you are using "##AddOnVersion" in the manifest txt file of your library you normally do not need to use LibStub anymore. So you could remove the ##DependsOn: LibStub line!

You could simply strip it from your library and the game will assure that the ##AddOnVersion given will be loaded with the maximum value (the part which libStub was doing before).
How do you then use the library in addons? Does that still require LibStub?

While it might not need LibStub to control which version got loaded, it seems that it is still required until I either change the library's namespace to match what was being passed into LibStub:NewLibrary() or else I change all of the addons which use the library to use the library's real namespace instead of the LibStub string. So, not really a quick change.

(Also, it is not a new library - just a newly published library. )
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Unread 12/30/18, 08:42 PM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
Hey Shadowfen,

What I heard from other devs (untested):
New libraries should not use LibStub anymore but ONLY apply the ##AddOnVersion: tag in the manifest txt file.

As you are using "##AddOnVersion" in the manifest txt file of your library you normally do not need to use LibStub anymore. So you could remove the ##DependsOn: LibStub line!

You could simply strip it from your library and the game will assure that the ##AddOnVersion given will be loaded with the maximum value (the part which libStub was doing before).
How do you then use the library in addons? Does that still require LibStub?

While it might not need LibStub to control which version got loaded, it seems that it is still required until I either change the library's namespace to match what was being passed into LibStub:NewLibrary() or else I change all of the addons which use the library to use the library's real namespace instead of the LibStub string. So, not really a quick change.

(Also, it is not a new library - just a newly published library. )
Last edited by Shadowfen : 12/30/18 at 09:05 PM.
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Unread 12/30/18, 07:59 PM  
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Hey Shadowfen,

What I heard from other devs (untested):
New libraries should not use LibStub anymore but ONLY apply the ##AddOnVersion: tag in the manifest txt file.

As you are using "##AddOnVersion" in the manifest txt file of your library you normally do not need to use LibStub anymore. So you could remove the ##DependsOn: LibStub line!

You could simply strip it from your library and the game will assure that the ##AddOnVersion given will be loaded with the maximum value (the part which libStub was doing before).
Last edited by Baertram : 12/30/18 at 07:59 PM.
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