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Updated: 06/06/18 11:32 PM
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Updated:06/06/18 11:32 PM
Created:04/13/14 11:38 AM
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MailR  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
by: calia1120, pills, Ravalox Darkshire
Author: Ravalox
Guild: Brotherhood of Redemption, Daggerfall Covenant

Follow me on Twitter for updates, upcoming changes & more


Calia and i have located the exact point of the issue and (for the moment) bypassed the problem.

For now "sent" mail will not be displayed on the screen (inbox). All of your saved messages will still be in the savedVariables file, and any new messages sent will *still* be saved in the file.

We believe the issue is due to changes ZOS is making to the inner workings of the mail system. We will be able to work around this by creating a separate interface window to list, read, and copy the sent mail.

This feature change should come within the next week or so. sorry for the inconvenience!




MailR (pronounced mailer) is an overhaul of ESO's Mail interface with additional functionality to allow saving of sent messages, replying and forwarding of messages and sending messages to your entire guild.

*** News ***
MailR will continue to be supported, and additional features will be added (over time). One of the first things that I am aiming to accomplish is merge MailR with Wykkyd Mailbox (bringing in Return To Sender functionality). This will bring all the best mailbox features together in one addon!
Special Thanks: Wobin, Xrystal, Cr4x, Halja, Mael Thagg (French Translation), BeAFrog (German Translation), and Garkin

Mailr/Wykkyd Mailbox interoperability:
Both MailR and Wykkyd Mailbox are "aware" of each other when both are running, so they should not conflict. Please let me know if any isues arise when using both addons together.

Can Sending Guild Mail get you banned?
I have been told that ZOS will not suspend your account for this, but I heard it from a random dude on the internet....sooo.....take that for what it is worth.

Note: If you receive Error 318 (excessive messaging error) or get dropped from the game while sending Guild Mail, then you should increase the delay between messages to prevent this from occuring. You can change the Guild Mail Throttle to whatever number of seconds you want in the settings menu (the default is set to 1 second).

The messages referred to in the error are client communications with the server, not individual mail. Nor is it referring to the content of your mail being spam. This is actually a defensive mechanic the ESO server has to prevent a DDOS attack or a malfunctioning client from flooding the server.


  • Provides "forward" button for mail items in inbox. Forward mail messages to other players.
  • Provides "reply" button for mail items in inbox. This allows quick response to messages.
  • Sent mail is saved and displayed in the mail inbox. Sent mail can be deleted or forwarded to other players.
  • Right Click names in chat window to send mail
    Slash commands (see below for usage) to display only inbox messages, sent messages, or both
  • Send Guild-wide messages
    To use Guild Mail:
    * Set the guild mail keybind ESC->Controls->MailR->GuildMail
    * Open the Send Mail tab (usually ' key followed by clicking the send mail icon in the upper right)
    * Press the Guild Mail keybind (or click the button at the bottom). This will open the"Guildies" window.
    * Select the guild you wish to mail in the top right of the "Guildies" window.
    * You can sort the fields by clicking the header entries (e.g name, status, recipient)
    * Click individual guildies to change the recipients status (whether or not they will be included in the guild will see the recipient field change).
    * Click button at the bottom of the "guildies" window to add the guild to the "to" field.
    * Fill out your message and hit send as normal.

    *There is no indication of who you are in the message other than your display name. E.g. Some Guildies may not know who you are, so you may want to include a signature in the mail.

    * If mail is unsuccessful (mail box full or similar) this will not be reflected in the recipient count in the saved message.

    * ZOS may to boot you for exceeding the "message rate limit" if you send too many mail messages at once. Therefore there is a "throttle" which is set to 1 second per mail message by default (adjustable in the settings menu). The delay between messages may take longer than the delay configured if there is high latency and the ZOS server takes a long time to reply with whether the message was sent successfully or not

    NOTE: if MailR is waiting on ZOS it will be indicated in the status dialogue. This means if you have a large guild it can take quite awhile to send mail to everyone.

    Sometimes it can take a really really long time for ZOS to respond with whether or not the message was sent successfully or unsuccessfully. so be patient.

    * When all mail is sent, MailR will create a single saved sent message which will be available in your inbox. The "to" field will contain the guild you sent the message to and how many people recieved it.

    If you exit out of the mail system before all guildies have been sent mail the guild mail will cancel itself, thus to successfully send mail to everyone you need to leave it open.

    * If you hit the cancel button it will finish the current message then exit. If you exit by canceling or closing the mail window, the saved mail message will tell you how many people you sent the message to out of the total number of total expected recipients.

    * You cannot send attachments via guild mail. You will be able to add them to the message, but they will not be sent!
  • Save received messages (no expiry)
    Note: The in-game mailbox is limited to about 80 messages (+/-),
    this feature does not expand the mailbox size.

    Note: Saved messages are considered "sent" messages for the
    purpose of slash commands

    You can right click on received mail and select "Save Message" from the menu. This will create a new duplicate message in your inbox. This new message will not expire until you delete it.

    If you Save A Message prior to taking attached items/gold those items will be logged in a text list within the saved message body (not the actual items or gold). If you select Save Message after you take attached items/gold those items/gold will not show up in the text list.
    You can reply/forward saved messages as usual.

    Please note: This feature is something that has been on the table for awhile but I finally had some free time to get it in MailR. It has had very minimal testing and there will probably be large turnaround times to fix any discovered issues, so if it sucks please revert to a previous version.

Slash Commands:
  • /mailr ... Slash command help menu
  • /mailr inbox ... Display only received inbox messages
  • /mailr sent ... Show only messages you have sent
  • /mailr all ... Show both sent and received messages
  • /mailer ... Directly access the settings menu
  • /mailr settings ... Directly access the settings menu

Setup/Install Notes:
Make sure to change the keybinding (see attached images) for hotkey access to the reply button. If you dont do this you will see 'Unbound' or something similar when the button appears. You can still click the button for functionality, but no keybinding will be assigned.

Bugs or Limitations:
There is a maximum character limit in the message body send field so if you forward messages a lot you may notice your message gets cut off or you cant add to the message. AFAIK I cannot change this limit above a certain point (appears to be ~1000 characters, not verified).

The forward button will appear when a mail inbox item has an attachment, however, the forwarded message will not contain the attachment (you will need to take the original attachment and then reattach it to the forwarded message)

As usual please help with any bad translations.
Change Log

* Updated to API version 23
* Updated LAM to 2.0 r26

* Updated to API version 18

* Updated to LAM 2.0 r23
* Fixed issue due to ZOS API update 2.6.8 on 2016-10-31 that was causing issues with saved variables loading and displaying sent mail. Sent mail data is still stored, but cannot be displayed as it was previously.

* Updated to API version 17

* Updated to API version 16

* Updated to API version 15

* Internal version update (nothing to see here)

* Updated to API version 14 (1.9)
  • Modified method used to define keystrip in send mail tab to allow for better compatibility with other addons.
    (Keybinds from other addons loaded into ESO memory after MailR were not being displayed)
  • added /slash commands for accessing the settings menu and other misc stuff.
  • Updated the ESOUI MailR Description page
  • Fixed Item Links in Saved Sent Mail
  • Updated version num for orsinium release
  • Fixed Sent Gold label from showing up offset to right.
  • Updated for IC (Update 7, 1.7.0/2.1.4) - note limited testing on PTS so please let me know if something is broken and I will do my best to fix it in a timely manner.
  • When sending guild mail successful recipients will have their "send status" switched to no. Unsucessfull recipients will still have their recipient status set to "yes". You can then sort by recipient column in guildie window to see what guildies were unable to receive your mail and then use the "add guildies to mail" button to try resending. Most likely they did not get your mail because their inbox is full (players who have not signed on for awhile are the biggest culprit) so resending wont do much good.
  • Add guild mail throttle timer to addon settings
  • Added option in settings to disable donation button.
  • Added a donation button. might help encourage new features/support until new management arrives.
  • Fixed bug when clearing mail from send screen
  • Fixed issue with deleting MAILR sent messages when next message in list is ZoS message
  • Fixed issue with wrong mail ids being selected
  • Incorporated Changes from Garkin.
  • Updated to work with 1.6
  • Track postage/Cod amounts better.
  • fixed @ name not showing up in send mail UI when rightclicking name in chat window
  • Fixed issue with menu when right clicking names in chat box (e.g. names not showing up in addfriend dialog)
[list][*] Small fix to interoperate with Wykyyds Mailbox if you werent using fix suggested on its comments page. You still shouldnt need to use that fix now, but it shouldnt hurt to use it either.[/LIST
[list][*] Added a workaround to be able to use Wykkyd's Mailbox and MailR. Please be VERY VERY cautious initially as i have only done minimal testing.[/LIST
[list][*] Added Send Mail function to radial up to someone and press 'f' to display the radial menu. There should be an option to send mail to that could obviously just trade with them right there, but hey...why not?[/LIST
  • Fixed issue with mail inbox displaying multiples of the same message
  • Added option to disable guild mail in addon settings
  • Added ability to right click on names in chat window and select "Send Mail" to create new mail message for that player
  • fixed/added some functionality per other dev requests
  • Added ability to save received messages
  • API Changes. Thanks Garkin!!!
  • removed txt extension from README so it doesnt show up as an addon
  • Updated for v1.4.3 patch
  • Fixed non-MailR mail from displaying received and expired text
  • Updated for 1.2.3 patch.
  • Added ZoS required agreement
  • Updated Guildies window. Looks a tad nicer.
  • Added Rank info in addition to other guildies headers
  • added filters to select guildies by rank and or status. the filters should read logically. e,g [Guild][>=][Rank][AND][Status]
  • Fixed bug where I was getting Guild Ids incorrectly so i wouldnt be surprised if 2.0.0 didnt work at all for some people.
  • Initial beta release
  • API changes. Thanks Garkin!!!
  • removed txt extension from README so it doesnt show up as an addon
  • Updated for v1.4.3 patch
  • Fixed non-MailR mail not displaying received and expired text
  • Updated for 1.2.3 patch. Mail Inbox system changed slightly so mirrored in MailR.
  • Added ZoS Required Agreement in README.txt
  • Updated for Craglorn patch (changed API version number)
  • Thought I had fixed the COD error in 1.3.1. I was wrong. Should be fixed now.
  • some error message text updates
  • wont send message if queued message is nil, this means that if somehow mail is getting sent some other way than through the sendmail UI MailR is not guaranteed to save it.
  • fixed mouse over icon not resetting in inventory slots in received mail ('X' texture still visible in received mail)
  • Changed way forward/reply buttons are handled. Should no longer show up in weird places or cause other buttons to be misplaced.
  • Changed SavedMail SavedVariable version/format to allow for saving of expired inbox messages. Note, these are not actually saved yet.
  • Fixed sent mail with no subject showing up as what looks like an empty row in the mailbox. The subject will say "(No Subject)" like normal received messages without a subject.
  • Added delete button for sent mail so you can now delete sent mail (there is not confirmation so be careful)
  • you no longer have to refresh the inbox when running the slash commands to filter message types or after you send/delete mail...yay!
  • added 'X' icon over sent mail attachment icons to indicate they are not interactable
  • fixed mouse click/double click of sent mail attachment icons causing lua error
  • Added slash commands to display only certain types of mail in inbox list (see notes below)
  • Fixed issue when adding multiple attachments to a send mail message and the attachments are not placed in order (e.g. slot1=item, slot2=empty, slot3=item, etc).
  • Fixed problem when removing an attachment prior to sending mail
  • Restored autocomplete functionality in "to" field in send mail UI
  • Updated French Translation
  • Repackaged zxip file so contents in MailR folder instead of loose.
  • MailR now saves mail you send! Its saved as a SavedVariable in your ESO/SavedVariables/ directory as MailR.lua
  • Regular MailInbox window will display mail that you have sent. The subject will appear as blue and the body will contain headings for postage, who you sent it to, the date, and any attachments.
  • Attachments you send are clickable via the link in the body, right now the attachment icon at the bottom is only for looks (no tooltip is displayed)
  • Sent Mail cannot be deleted through the GUI. You can however modify the SavedVariable if you are so bold (make a copy first)
  • No way to turn off the display of Sent Mail or Search.
  • Sent Mail can only be forwarded to another player.
  • Fixed forward button showing up in other UI frames besides Mail inbox
  • Added Locale info for EU (French, German) players. Note this feature is heavily untested and some translations may need work. Please let me know.
  • Added Forward Mail option.
  • Initial release. EN language support only and Reply to message option.
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Unread 07/15/16, 06:44 AM  

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Would it be possible to add a mail refresh button so we don't have to relog to get our mail every time?
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Unread 06/28/16, 09:42 AM  
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not compatible with Postmaster
i reported this like 6 month ago or more

then pres take or take all and if mailr mails present
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Unread 06/20/16, 07:05 AM  
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Hello pills/Ravalox,

I'm writing again to let you know there still is a bug within your addon which prevents other addons to add keybinds to the mail sent panel the proper way.
I'd like you to fix this in your addon as it does not seem to be an issue with other addons.
-> Have a look at my comment from 02/21/16 06:07 PM (see quote below).

If your addon MailR is active it will overwrite the keybindings at the "mail sent" panel of other addons!

You are somehow overwriting the standard keybind strip, or redefining it.
Thus all additional added keybindings, which will be added to the mail sent keybindings "after your addon has loaded" won't be shown aynmore.

Could you please recode the keybinding stuff so your addon is not disabling other addon's keybindings feature (which are using the ZOs standard)!
Even making other addons dependant on your MailR addon, or the other way around, won't fix this

Thank you for fixing this so we can use the standard keybind strip and functions properly again.

Originally Posted by Baertram
Hey Ravalox darkshire,

in this case it seems to be MaiLr which is "redefining" the total keybind descriptos for the MAIL_SEND panel and thus is dropping all other addon#s keybinds which are created there the regular way.

chekc the function "function MailR.OverloadMailSend()" please and have a look why other keybindings added to the mail_send panel are dropped.

For me it looks like "local initKB = MAIL_SEND.InitializeKeybindDescriptors" will save the original function to initialize the keybinding descriptor tables.
It is saved into "initKB" here, but won't be used anymore afterwards.

Originally Posted by Ravalox Darkshire
Originally Posted by QuadroTony
When MailR active button "Attach All" from DoItAll addon not visible
You may want to advise the author of the addon affected by the issue.

If you are using more than one addon that affects the same functionality, you can expect to have compatibility issues.
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Unread 06/03/16, 01:20 PM  

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Checking type on argument mailId failed in IsMailReturnable_lua
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'IsMailReturnable'
	user:/AddOns/MailR/MailR.lua:912: in function '(anonymous)'
	(tail call): ?
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_KeybindStrip/ZO_KeybindStrip.lua:838: in function 'IsVisible'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_KeybindStrip/ZO_KeybindStrip.lua:844: in function 'ZO_KeybindStrip:SetUpButton'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_KeybindStrip/ZO_KeybindStrip.lua:515: in function 'ZO_KeybindStrip:AddKeybindButtonGroup'
	EsoUI/Ingame/Mail/Keyboard/MailInbox_Keyboard.lua:39: in function 'callback'
	EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:111: in function 'ZO_CallbackObject:FireCallbacks'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:248: in function 'ZO_Scene:SetState'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_SceneManager.lua:179: in function 'ZO_SceneManager:ShowScene'
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Unread 04/07/16, 03:12 PM  
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Re: bug?

Originally Posted by uladz
Guys, "[X] Delete" button does not work after I install this addon. The only other addon I use that changes mailbox behavior is "Postmaster" (which is outdated). Naturally I suspected this Postmaster at fist, but turns out that it's MailR. With only MailR enabled delete function does not work for me. Nor clicking with a mouse, nor pressing X button. Any suggestions?
Please ignore, turns out it was a conflict with "No, thank you" addon that has an options to remove "Delete mail" dialog. The same tweak (I assume) does MailR as well, and when both are enabled [Delete] button just stops to work. Disabling this option in "No, thank you" effectively solves the problem.
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Unread 03/31/16, 10:17 PM  
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Exclamation bug?

Guys, "[X] Delete" button does not work after I install this addon. The only other addon I use that changes mailbox behavior is "Postmaster" (which is outdated). Naturally I suspected this Postmaster at fist, but turns out that it's MailR. With only MailR enabled delete function does not work for me. Nor clicking with a mouse, nor pressing X button. Any suggestions?
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Unread 03/09/16, 01:54 AM  

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One more issue I have and haven't been able to track down - I can't get the "B" key (reply to mail) to work. Shissu's Guild Tools does have right click functions for reply and answer and so on, so it might also be that, but there is no way I can turn off those functions inside of Shissu's Guild Tools.

Is there any chance you could have a chat with Shissu and find some way of reducing any conflicts between these two addons?

Thanks in hopeful advance

EDIT: I have no idea what was blocking the B key when I assigned it, but found I am able to use other keys instead (I use Emacs so can assign combinations of keys). So I tried SHIFT + B and that worked fine. Go figure.

Only thing I can think of is with the new whisper target function, and me already having an addon that handled it before ZOS made it part of the game...well I'd assigned B for that function in the addon, then later removed the addon and let the native function handle it - again using the B key. Maybe that?

There's no way to strikethrough on text in my original message, so made it comic sans as it's now useless and silly, and pink to indicate the blushing I'm now doing for posting without first testing properly
Last edited by babylon : 03/15/16 at 11:08 AM.
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Unread 03/09/16, 12:19 AM  
Ravalox Darkshire
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Originally Posted by babylon
Originally Posted by babylon
Originally Posted by Ravalox Darkshire
Originally Posted by babylon
MailR is preventing mail (empty mail with no attachments) deletion using the keybind to delete mail. Can still use rightclick to delete mail, so it's just blocking the keybind.

Tried without Wykkyd's Mailbot running, and MailR still prevents deletion of empty mails, so it wasn't a conflict with Wykkyd's Mailbot. MailR just won't let me delete empty mails.

When I disabled MailR addon, was once again able to delete the empty mails using the keybind, and I also noticed Wykkyd's "force delete" appeared again to the delete keybind inside the mail window (with MailR running it just said "delete" instead of "force delete" which is something Wykkyd's functionality adds, but didn't do anything at all when key was pressed).
The Force Delete label is still suppressed when running MailR; once MailR and Mailbox are merged that interaction issues will be eliminated.

I cannot re-produce the deletion issue. I can delete empty mail by clicking on the keybind label, or the keybind key. Is this re-producible all the time for you? and (if so) have you tried having only MailR loaded (all other addons disabled - even those not likely to conflict) to see if it still occurs.
I'll reinstall and test later and get back to you. Could well be something unexpected interfering there.
I found the conflict - Shissu's Guild Tools - there's a strangely worded setting in there (called "Note: Delete E-Mail") that is supposed to remove dialogue on deleting mail ("enable/disable confirmation dialog E-mail to delete" OFF/ON)...and apparently ON is the correct setting (total coinflip there, no idea what that was trying to say). So in Shissu's Guild Tools - "Note: Delete E-Mail" should be set to ON (you'd think you'd want the note to delete email to be off but whatever).

Works fine with Shissu's Guild Tools enabled and ON for that setting.
Great! I'll keep this one in the filing cabinet for future reference. Thanks for the info!!
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Unread 03/08/16, 09:10 PM  

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Originally Posted by babylon
Originally Posted by Ravalox Darkshire
Originally Posted by babylon
MailR is preventing mail (empty mail with no attachments) deletion using the keybind to delete mail. Can still use rightclick to delete mail, so it's just blocking the keybind.

Tried without Wykkyd's Mailbot running, and MailR still prevents deletion of empty mails, so it wasn't a conflict with Wykkyd's Mailbot. MailR just won't let me delete empty mails.

When I disabled MailR addon, was once again able to delete the empty mails using the keybind, and I also noticed Wykkyd's "force delete" appeared again to the delete keybind inside the mail window (with MailR running it just said "delete" instead of "force delete" which is something Wykkyd's functionality adds, but didn't do anything at all when key was pressed).
The Force Delete label is still suppressed when running MailR; once MailR and Mailbox are merged that interaction issues will be eliminated.

I cannot re-produce the deletion issue. I can delete empty mail by clicking on the keybind label, or the keybind key. Is this re-producible all the time for you? and (if so) have you tried having only MailR loaded (all other addons disabled - even those not likely to conflict) to see if it still occurs.
I'll reinstall and test later and get back to you. Could well be something unexpected interfering there.
I found the conflict - Shissu's Guild Tools - there's a strangely worded setting in there (called "Note: Delete E-Mail") that is supposed to remove dialogue on deleting mail ("enable/disable confirmation dialog E-mail to delete" OFF/ON)...and apparently ON is the correct setting (total coinflip there, no idea what that was trying to say). So in Shissu's Guild Tools - "Note: Delete E-Mail" should be set to ON (you'd think you'd want the note to delete email to be off but whatever).

Works fine with Shissu's Guild Tools enabled and ON for that setting.
Last edited by babylon : 03/08/16 at 09:18 PM.
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Unread 03/07/16, 01:40 AM  

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Originally Posted by Ravalox Darkshire
Originally Posted by babylon
MailR is preventing mail (empty mail with no attachments) deletion using the keybind to delete mail. Can still use rightclick to delete mail, so it's just blocking the keybind.

Tried without Wykkyd's Mailbot running, and MailR still prevents deletion of empty mails, so it wasn't a conflict with Wykkyd's Mailbot. MailR just won't let me delete empty mails.

When I disabled MailR addon, was once again able to delete the empty mails using the keybind, and I also noticed Wykkyd's "force delete" appeared again to the delete keybind inside the mail window (with MailR running it just said "delete" instead of "force delete" which is something Wykkyd's functionality adds, but didn't do anything at all when key was pressed).
The Force Delete label is still suppressed when running MailR; once MailR and Mailbox are merged that interaction issues will be eliminated.

I cannot re-produce the deletion issue. I can delete empty mail by clicking on the keybind label, or the keybind key. Is this re-producible all the time for you? and (if so) have you tried having only MailR loaded (all other addons disabled - even those not likely to conflict) to see if it still occurs.
I'll reinstall and test later and get back to you. Could well be something unexpected interfering there.
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Unread 03/03/16, 01:41 PM  
Ravalox Darkshire
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Originally Posted by babylon
MailR is preventing mail (empty mail with no attachments) deletion using the keybind to delete mail. Can still use rightclick to delete mail, so it's just blocking the keybind.

Tried without Wykkyd's Mailbot running, and MailR still prevents deletion of empty mails, so it wasn't a conflict with Wykkyd's Mailbot. MailR just won't let me delete empty mails.

When I disabled MailR addon, was once again able to delete the empty mails using the keybind, and I also noticed Wykkyd's "force delete" appeared again to the delete keybind inside the mail window (with MailR running it just said "delete" instead of "force delete" which is something Wykkyd's functionality adds, but didn't do anything at all when key was pressed).
The Force Delete label is still suppressed when running MailR; once MailR and Mailbox are merged that interaction issues will be eliminated.

I cannot re-produce the deletion issue. I can delete empty mail by clicking on the keybind label, or the keybind key. Is this re-producible all the time for you? and (if so) have you tried having only MailR loaded (all other addons disabled - even those not likely to conflict) to see if it still occurs.
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Unread 03/02/16, 11:45 PM  

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MailR is preventing mail (empty mail with no attachments) deletion using the keybind to delete mail. Can still use rightclick to delete mail, so it's just blocking the keybind.

Tried without Wykkyd's Mailbot running, and MailR still prevents deletion of empty mails, so it wasn't a conflict with Wykkyd's Mailbot. MailR just won't let me delete empty mails.

When I disabled MailR addon, was once again able to delete the empty mails using the keybind, and I also noticed Wykkyd's "force delete" appeared again to the delete keybind inside the mail window (with MailR running it just said "delete" instead of "force delete" which is something Wykkyd's functionality adds, but didn't do anything at all when key was pressed).
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Unread 02/27/16, 09:56 AM  
Ravalox Darkshire
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Originally Posted by Baertram
Hey Ravalox darkshire,

in this case it seems to be MaiLr which is "redefining" the total keybind descriptos for the MAIL_SEND panel and thus is dropping all other addon#s keybinds which are created there the regular way.

chekc the function "function MailR.OverloadMailSend()" please and have a look why other keybindings added to the mail_send panel are dropped.

For me it looks like "local initKB = MAIL_SEND.InitializeKeybindDescriptors" will save the original function to initialize the keybinding descriptor tables.
It is saved into "initKB" here, but won't be used anymore afterwards.

Originally Posted by Ravalox Darkshire
Originally Posted by QuadroTony
When MailR active button "Attach All" from DoItAll addon not visible
You may want to advise the author of the addon affected by the issue.

If you are using more than one addon that affects the same functionality, you can expect to have compatibility issues.
Sent you a note on this. Should have an update posted tonight that hopefully will prevent the dependency issue.
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Unread 02/21/16, 10:07 AM  
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Hey Ravalox darkshire,

in this case it seems to be MaiLr which is "redefining" the total keybind descriptos for the MAIL_SEND panel and thus is dropping all other addon#s keybinds which are created there the regular way.

chekc the function "function MailR.OverloadMailSend()" please and have a look why other keybindings added to the mail_send panel are dropped.

For me it looks like "local initKB = MAIL_SEND.InitializeKeybindDescriptors" will save the original function to initialize the keybinding descriptor tables.
It is saved into "initKB" here, but won't be used anymore afterwards.

Originally Posted by Ravalox Darkshire
Originally Posted by QuadroTony
When MailR active button "Attach All" from DoItAll addon not visible
You may want to advise the author of the addon affected by the issue.

If you are using more than one addon that affects the same functionality, you can expect to have compatibility issues.
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Unread 02/09/16, 01:25 AM  
Ravalox Darkshire
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
When MailR active button "Attach All" from DoItAll addon not visible
You may want to advise the author of the addon affected by the issue.

If you are using more than one addon that affects the same functionality, you can expect to have compatibility issues.
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