(112 Kb)
Updated: 09/06/24 11:14 AM
File Info
Update 43 (10.1.0)
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
Necrom (9.0.0)
Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Updated:09/06/24 11:14 AM
Created:03/13/19 07:00 PM
Monthly downloads:11,914
Total downloads:848,984
Categories:Plug-Ins & Patches, Bags, Bank, Inventory
Auto Category - Revised  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 4.2
by: Shadowfen [More]
Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu-2.0, LibMediaProvider-1.0, and LibDebugLogger

The following (separately installed) library is recommended (but not required): LibCharKnowledge

Auto Category adds categories to your inventory, bank, guild bank, craft bag, and crafting station screens. Fully customizable!

  • Pre-defined rules and settings for beginners, download and use with no more settings required. Just that easy!
  • A nice header is added for each category. Get a clear view of your inventory.
  • Auto group for your set items without adding rules one by one.
  • Use pre-defined or your own rules, applying them to your backpack/bank/guild bank/craft bag/craft station/home storage, it will refresh categories immediately without reloading.
  • Fully customizable rules based on LUA, for advanced users you can categorize items as the way you want.
  • Rule checking to assist you in writing rules that can work.
  • Wiki documentation for learning to create rules.
  • [For Developers] Supports creation of separate plugin addons to integrate between other Addons and AutoCategory. See the new embedded Plugins files (FCOIS, Iakoni, ItemSaver, etc) for examples of simple and complex plugin integration.
  • Believed to auto integrate with all interfaces. Keyboard is fully supported. Gamepad supports most of them. (Gamepad with BetterUI is not supported.)

Integrates with the following addons:

Based on: RockingDice's Auto Category
4.2 (107):
  • Fix error being thrown by the fence launder window. The latest version of ZOS code needed to be replicated and modified to allow the Launder window to work with category headers without erroring out.

4.1.9 (106):
  • Fix error being thrown by delete category. Reported by Teroh.

4.1.8 (105):
  • Fix German name formatting for combined_autoset().

4.1.7 (104):
  • Added back in the HooksGamepad.lua file that somehow disappeared from the last (broken) release package.

4.1.6 (103):
  • Default bag settings will not be loaded in as long as you already have bag settings in your saved variables.

4.1.5 (102):
  • Update version number displayed on addon Settings page.
  • Releasing this version because in testing, categories remain "removed" from bag settings after logout or reloadui. (I think that the problem was fixed in v4.1.4, but I know it's not in this version.)

4.1.4 (101):
  • After consideration, I've added the variable AutoCategory.Inited to the AutoCategory_API.lua to signify that it is protected from deletion the next time that I'm cleaning out unused code. Addon and plugin developers can now rely on it continuing to exist.
  • Fix error thrown when deleting a category.

4.1.3 (100):
  • Fix typo.

4.1.2 (99):
  • Adds back in the AutoCategory.Inited variable for BetterUI users even though AutoCategory does not use it itself. Warning: This variable WILL go away again sometime in a later release because it is unused. Credit to Daeymon for finding this.
  • Refactoring.

4.1.1 (98):
  • Fixed the sptype("script") convenience match to properly match against any affix, focus, or signature scripts.
  • Fix saving newly created categories.
  • Fixed lack of tags in dropdowns.
  • Fixed rule duplication in conversion from 3.6.7.

4.1 (97):
  • Integration with GridList returns!!

4.0.2 (96):
  • Fix a problem in rule conversion where a required bag is missing from the old saved variables. (Reported as: AutoCategory.lua:288: attempt to index a nil value)

4.0.1 (95):
Sometimes I hate git. Had to release another version that had all of the files.

4.0 (95):
WARNING: BEFORE YOU UPGRADE - be sure to back up (make a copy of) your SavedVariables\AutoCategory.lua file. The way that your category rules are stored has changed. This backup will preserve your old rules for you to be able to refer to if necessary.
  • Documentation in the wiki (help) has been updated and expanded.
  • Requires the latest version of LibSFUtils (version 52)
  • A new function acctname("@name",...). This function takes one or more account names ("@name"s) as parameters and returns true if the current account matches any of the listed names. It returns false if the current account does not match any name in the list. This can be useful for "locking" rules only to trigger on specific accounts if you happen to have multiple accounts.
  • A new function combined_autoset(). This function behaves similarly to the autoset() function except that perfected set pieces will now be grouped together with their non-perfected set brothers under the non-perfected set name. For instance, the "Saxhleel Champion's Perfected Cuirass" will then get grouped with other "Saxhleel Champion" set items. You should not have both autoset() and combined_autoset() rules assigned to a bag, as the one with the highest priority will win, and the lower priority will have nothing to do (but will still take time to not do it). Requested by Tazmyr.
  • Added a menu item to the inventory context menu to get the item id for the inventory item that you are hovering over. Bring up the context menu while hovering (usually a right click) and look for the menu item "AC: Get Item Id" to select. It will display a message in chat with the name of the inventory item and its item id (suitable for use with the isitemid() rule function). The item id is identifying the type of the item - not that unique item - so the id will match against other stacks of the same thing in your inventory when evaluating the rule.
  • User category definitions (rules) have all been made accessible account-wide. (See Category Rule Changes below.) Predefined rules are no longer saved because they don't change.
  • Made the "Hide Category" ON/OFF only extend halfway across, so that it is not as easy to hit it accidentally while changing the category priority.
  • The collapses (+/-) on the categories in inventory are going to be reset to Uncollapsed All to begin with. Due to a bug with removing rules from a bag in the bag setting, and removing the corresponding collapse settings for the now removed rule, the saved collapses had become corrupted and filled with settings for rules that weren't even there.
  • Fixed initial load after first install to provide bag rules for use.
  • Lots of changes to the UI implementation to make it easier and less fragile (hopefully).
  • Code cleanup and refactoring. Lots and lots of testing.
  • Convert to use LibSFUtils event management. (Change should be transparent to users.)
New Scribing-related abilities
  • Update to the UnknownTracker Plugin is provided by keera to look for scripts.
  • Added the following values for look for in the item types function type(): "grimoire", "scribing", "scribing_ink". Some were provided by saenic and g0thicicecream. Thanks!
  • Added the following values to look in the specialty item function sptype(): "scribing_ink", "script", "script_focus", "script_signature", "script_affix".
Category Rule Changes
  • Character-specific category definitions (rules) are converted into accountwide rules when that character logs in. The old accountwide rules are converted to the new accountwide list when you log in any one of your characters for the account.
  • Because of consolodating all of the character and account rules into a single account-wide collection, some of the rules might have been renamed in the conversion (by adding a number after the original name - for instance your customized "Container" category may have been renamed to "Container1".). This has the potential of causing problems with your Bag Settings which also works off of rule names. If you are having a problem, check through the defined categories to find the specific one that you want to be running and add it to your bag as appropriate. (Don't forget to Remove from Bag the old rule that was incorrect!)
  • Plugins: For any of you that have privately-built plugins for AutoCategory, the AutoCategory.RegisterPlugin() now has an additional parameter - a list of the predefined rules for your plugin (typically named .predefinedRules). The Initialize() function can still add the predefinedRules to AutoCategory as it has before. The additional parameter is so that AutoCategory can access the plugin pre-defines before the plugin is initialized (to allow the pruning out of plugin predefines from the saved variables). If you do not have any predefines for your plugin, register as before with only the plugin name and the initialize function (or pass in nil for the new third parameter). For examples, see the Plugin files included with AutoCategory.
  • The saved variables layout has changed. The section "AutoCategorySavedVars" still saves the toon-specific variables and some of the account-wide variables - however, rule definitions have been removed from this section. There is a new section "AutoCatRules" which contains all of the rules accessible to all of the toons of the account.
  • When you login each toon the first time after upgrading AutoCategory, rule definitions from the old account-wide and old character rules are moved to the new "AutoCatRules" and the pre-defined rules are stripped away.
  • User-defined rules may be editted and deleted as usual. All user-defined rules are account-wide so that they are available to any toon in an account without having to redefine them over and over again.
  • Predefined rule/categories are no longer stored in the SavedVariables file. Instead, they are recreated/loaded in when you log in to the game. This allows new or improved pre-defined categories to be available with upgrades to AutoCategory, or upgrades to plugins.
  • Predefined rules/categories can no longer be editted or deleted. Instead, you can make a copy of a particular predefined rule (changing the name and making it a user-rule) so it can be renamed, editted, or enhanced. The predefined rule will still exist with the old name.

3.6.7 (94):
  • New function isitemid(). This function takes one or more itemId numbers as arguments and returns true if the inventory item being checked has an item Id that matches any one of the ids provided as arguments. Getting itemIds can require advanced skills (or a friend with advanced skills), or else, finding "rule recipes". An example of usage is my new rule called "Thief Supplies" which has the rule definition "islockpick() or isitemid(73753, 73754, 71779, 79504)". The islockpick() is self-explanatory. The item id's are 73753 - Grand Amnesty Edict, 73754 - Leniency Edict, 71779 - Counterfeit Pardon, and 79504 - Unmarked Sack. Note that the advantage to isitemid() over itemname() is that isitemid() is faster (when you have the itemids) and it does not depend on which language your client is set to.
  • Increased the max wait for update time in order to prevent randomly placed items in inventory categories.
  • Reduce the number of times that a font is fetched from LibMediaProvider so that it only happens when the font setting is changed - instead of every time a category header is created.
  • Tested what happens when a font that was set in the Appearance settings disappears from the game because the other addon that installed it was uninstalled. (It defaults back to use the ESO default text font - so it is still readable when you look at the inventory.)
  • API bump.

3.6.6 (93):
  • Removed item type "spellcrafting_tablet" since it no longer seems to be supported by ZOS. If you use this in item() in your rule(s), it will fail.
  • Added a new item filter type "quest_quickslot" as a possible parameter for filtertype() since it has been added by ZOS. Don't really know what it does.
  • Updated required minimum versions of dependencies.

3.6.5 (92):
  • API bump.

  • Fixed UI error relating to the loading of saved variables for a character that is using character-based rather than account-wide configuration. (Bug reported by Gork)
  • Added in new aliases for the old ismarked(), isfcoisprotected(), and isfcoisgear() FCOIS functions to be fco_ismarked(), fco_isprotected(), and fco_isgear(). Changed the default FCOIS/AC rules to use fco_ismarked() instead of ismarked(), etc. The old names of functions will still work, but may someday go away.

  • Fixed "Collapse All" context menu option so that it collapses the categories in the inventory when selected. (Bug reported by ZoLatKam)

  • Fixed addon settings so that you do not get a bunch of extra (possibly missing) categories listed in the Bag Settings categories drop down menu. This error was traced down to only occurring when you do not use Account-Wide - it added them anyway. (Reported most recently by Saint-Ange.)

  • Removed debug message that was reporting "throwing away collapse status of ...". (Reported by Slane420). Sorry.

  • Added an Appearance Setting for a new "Hidden Category Text Color" which allows you to choose what color that a category that was set as Hidden will be displayed as. This will make it readily apparent when you have turned Hidden ON for a category or for "ungrouped" which is where Others is listed as it will make the category name a different color from the non-hidden ones. (Hopefully, this will assist in telling the difference between addon bugs and unfortunate unintended settings.)
  • Modified the storage of collapsed categories in Saved Variables so that it takes up less space in the file.

  • Possibly corrected a problem reported by Kiasmalyn regarding a UI error getting thrown in AddonMenu.lua.

  • Corrected a problem with cannotdecon() that only affected players who do not have ESO+. For some reason, it just wasn't working properly.

  • Increased the size of the rule definition edit box to 10 lines (up from 3).
  • New function cannotdecon(). This function will return true or false depending on if the item can be deconstructed or not. Examples of things that cannot be deconstructed are: jewelry acquired before the Summerset Chapter was released, companion gear, food, potions, etc. Obviously, this is most useful for a rule that picks out items to be deconstructed.
  • The function isinquickslot() has been fixed.
  • API bump for Necrom.

  • Changed functions ck_isunknown() to work for characters in all accounts on the same computer for the current ESO server (NA, Europe, etc.). The ck_isunknown() and ck_isunknowncat() functions require you to have installed the LibCharacterKnowledge addon by @code65536.
  • Increased the available range of priority numbers for rules to 1-1000. This does not change the already assigned rule priorities, but you now have room to spread out your rules. Just note that if you have hundreds of rules, your inventory/bank access will be SLOW!
Added alternate names for several addon integration commands. Both the old and new commands are available and the new commands take the same parameters as the old ones:
  • * Old command getpricemm() - alternate command mm_getprice() - integration with MasterMerchant
    * Old command getpricettc() - alternate command ttc_getprice() - integration with Tamriel Trade Centre
    * Old command getamountttc() - alternate command ttc_getamount() - integration with Tamriel Trade Centre
The update to the ck_isunknow() function is particularly useful for this event as you can set up an "is unknown to your crafter toon" such as the following "ToMyCrafter" rule
ck_isknowncat() and not ck_isknown("My crafter toon name here")
to get a category "ToMyCrafter" with all of the recipes, furnishing recipes, and motifs in your current toon's inventory that your crafter does not know.

  • API bump for Scribes of Fate.

  • API bump for Firesong.

  • Remove debug print statement that was accidentally left behind.

  • New function istag() requested by BastionNtB. This function will allow you to match against one or more of the "Treasure Types" listed in the tooltip window for the item. This can help you to write rules to look for specific item types you need to acquire for some of the crow quests in Clockwork City.
    For instance, some of the Treasure Types you might see are:
    Artwork, Cosmetics, Dolls, Drinkware, Fishing Supplies, Games, Grooming Items, Musical Instruments, Oddities, Ritual Objects, Statues, Tools, Trifles and Ornaments, Wall Décor
    (If your client runs a language other than English you will see language-appropriate versions of the above.)
    You can create a rule to look for items that are games or dolls with the rule "istag('dolls','games')".
    The tags that you specify must exactly match the name of the tag type (except that upper-case is ignored). "grooming" will not match "grooming Items" because the second word is missing. Also, "Wall Decor" will not match "Wall Décor" (which has a UTF-8 character instead of a plain 'e').
    If you do not specify any tags to look for (just "istag()"), then the function will revert back to the istreasure() function's behaviour.
  • The additional companion jewelry traits "jewelry_quickened" and "jewelry_focused" have been added. The rest of the companion jewelry traits were already there.

  • Fixed error message during handling of damaged rules.

  • Repair a paste error in the French translations file.

  • New French translations for text in AutoCategory provided by XXXspartiateXXX. Note that you may need to delete your saved variables for AutoCategory in order for the new translations to be used inside your rules.
  • Fixed visibility so that when changing inventory sorting such as sort by status, name, value or even add-on sorting like quality sort add-on, collapsed categories are hidden, only revealed back when collapsing another category. (Reported by Anntauri)

  • Fix for a nil function call specific to using the Rag Picker.

  • Fix for the handling of craftstation rules (contributed by Kip).

  • Fixed broken isinquickslot() function so it works with the new quickslot system.
  • Fixed reported missing items when opening up a collapsed category.

  • Fixed a typo (as identified by Kyp).

  • New function armorybuild(). (Contributed by MA3o.) This function that categorizes items based on the armory builds set up for the current character. It mimics the AlphaGear integration in behaviour, but instead of grouping items that belong to a AlphaGear set, it groups items that belong to an armory build.

    As an example, if you had an armory build called "Testing", the rule
    will group items that are used in this armory build in a category called "-Category name- (Testing)".
  • Prevent categories that have been hidden (per the bag settings) from being displayed anyway. Note that hiding a category does not disable the rule - it prevents items that match the rule from appearing in the inventory while that rule is applied to the bag. To disable a rule, remove it from the bag that you don't want it to be evaluated in.
  • Very minor speedup of most of the rule functions.

  • Changed item count color to the same color as the rest of the category header. (Contributed by kueqvzzv.)
  • Prevent category headers with no items under them.
  • Code cleanup.

  • Issue with the header collapse/uncollapse at the deconstruct stations and the Rag Picker is fixed. (Reported by IsharaMeradin, AlbertVonMoosseedorf, SamBF1991, and others)
  • Adding checking to gracefully complain about a rule that has an empty definition instead of just throwing an error. (reported by SerLoras)
  • Raised the minimum version for LibSFUtils that AutoCategory requires. (Thanks Saenic!)

  • Fixed remaining issues with High Isle (at least on the PTS server since NA megaserver is still down).

  • Comment out the Quickslots hook that was changed in High Isle until I can take a look at it.

  • Major rewrite of rule processing to enable speed ups for guild bank handling - heavily based on the code contributed by Bwadrochit -. Thank you!
  • The problem with stacksize() == 200 should be fixed.
  • The empty New category is no longer reproducable.
  • API bump (High Isle)

  • Fix the category headers in Giladil's deconstruction list so that they will expand and contract the categories properly.

  • Add AutoCategory sorting to Giladil The Rag Picker's deconstruction screen.

  • New function isunknowncollectible(). This function matches style pages, runeboxes and collectible fragments the user hasn't collected yet. Previously this was only possible with Unknown Tracker integration. Code provided by jkhsjdhjs.
  • API bump

  • Added "armor_invigorating" to the list of traittypes that you can check for. It is actually an alias for the already existing "armor_prosperous" which the game used to use as a different trait type. When Zenimax removed the "prosperous" trait type and introduced the "invigorating" one, they did not actually change the internal name from ITEM_TRAIT_TYPE_ARMOR_PROSPEROUS to something that more accurately expressed what it now represents.

  • Fixed traittype("ornate") so that it will work again.
  • Added ability for the integration with UnknownTracker to tell us when Style Pages are unknown.
  • In addition to adding style pages to the UnknownTracker Plugin function isunknown(), we have a New function isstyleunknown() specifically to look for style pages from UnknownTracker.
  • Fixed multiple errors in the new bulkmode code when running with GridList.
  • Keyboard-mode only. Added a "BulkMode" capability for an inventory manager addon to turn off AutoCategory sorting in the Guild Bank while moving items to or from the guild bank - thereby speeding up the process immensely. Your inventory manager addon will need to set and release BulkMode inside of the addon to temporarily disable guildbank sorting and categorizing. To start, the author needs to set that their addon has an optional dependency on AutoCategory
    ## OptionalDependsOn: AutoCategory
    and then to turn on bulk mode:
    	if AutoCategory then
    		AutoCategory.BulkMode = true
    before starting the automated guildbank management process. Once the process is done, the author then needs to reenable AutoCategory sorting and categorization with the following code.
    	if AutoCategory and AutoCategory.BulkMode and AutoCategory.BulkMode == true then
    		AutoCategory.BulkMode = false
    (Note: If the author does not do this second part, the sorting and categorization that AutoCategory provides will be reenabled when the Guild Bank window is closed.)
  • Other performance enhancing changes.

  • Reverting changes to previous working version while I work on the integration with GridList bug. This version is identical to previous 2.30 except the change in version number.

  • Version changes removed.

  • Enahncement to function ck_isknown() to accept an optional parameter specifying the character name in the same account who is your crafter and returns true or false if the item in question is marked as known by the specified character by CharacterKnowledge. If you do not specify a character name, then it assumes that you want ck_isknown() to use the current character. If you misspell your character name, or provide a character from a different account, it will ignore the parameter and assume you meant the current character.
        ck_isknowncat("recipe") and not ck_isknown("My Crafty Crafter")

2.29 (56):
  • New - Integration with CharacterKnowledge addon, requested by tralce.
  • New function ck_isknowncat() returns true or false if the item in question belongs to one of the categories recognized by CharacterKnowledge - "recipe", "plan", or "motif". You may specify one or more of these categories to restrict the membership you are looking for, or if you leave it empty then the function will check membership against any of the known categories.
  • New function ck_isknown() returns true or false if the item in question is marked as known for the current character (and server) by CharacterKnowledge. Note that this function will return false when tested against an item (such as a piece of armor, or a potion) that is not tracked by CharacterKnowledge. A recommended rule for checking unknowns would be
        ck_isknowncat() and not ck_isknown()
    More specifically, you can look for unknown recipes only by the following:
        ck_isknowncat("recipe") and not ck_isknown()

2.28 (55):
  • New - Spanish language translation courtesy of MasterZiggy.

2.27 (54):
  • New setting to change category names from "Set (God Gear)" to simply "God Gear" when using the autoset rule. The default setting (ON) is to behave as it always has before. Turning it off will enable the display of "God Gear" instead of the old "Set ( )". Note that changing this setting will change all of your collapsed categories back to expanded in your inventory because those are stored by name.
    Categories are usually named "rule name" or "rule name (sub-name)" when there is a sub-name provided. Typically the autoset(), the FCOIS plugin, and the AlphaGear plugins are known to provide sub-names. If a subname is not provided, then we always display the only the rule name as the category.
  • FCOIS users, this new setting will also affect category names for FCOIS rules (in particular the Dynamic rules.)
  • AlphaGear users, this new setting will also affect category names for AlphaGear rules.
  • ANNOYING CHANGE for Plugin authors: Where previously, you would append " (sub-name)" to the AutoCategory.AdditionCategoryName, now you should simply assign your subname to it (AutoCategory.AdditionCategoryName = subname). The AutoCategory addon will be responsible for putting the subname in parentheses as necessary for display.
  • Translations of:
    	SI_AC_MENU_GS_CHECKBOX_SHOW_CATEGORY_SET_TITLE = "Show 'Set(name)' for autosets",
    	SI_AC_MENU_GS_CHECKBOX_SHOW_CATEGORY_SET_TITLE_TOOLTIP = "Show 'Set(name)' instead of 'name' in inventory for autosets",
    are requested for German, French, Russian, and Chinese to update the new strings for those languages

2.26 (53):
  • New function isinzone() returns true or false if the name of the item in question contains the name of the current zone. (Primarily useful for treasure maps and surveys!)
  • New function zone() returns the name of the current zone.
  • API bump.
Gamepad changes from Friday-the13-rus.
  • Fix for gamepad guild bank and updated gamepad inventory keybinds position to match vanilla inventory

2.25 (52):
  • Require minimum version of installed LibAddonMenu to be at least 32. Earlier versions break the user interface.

2.24 (51):
  • Implemented minor speedup suggested by Klingo. Thanks!
  • Update minimum versions of required libraries checked for.
  • API bump.

2.23 (50):
FCOItemSaver integration enhancements: (requested by Baertram)
  • New function isfcoisprotected() checks if the item is protected by FCOIS.
  • New function isfcoisgear() checks of the item is marked as gear in FCOIS.

2.22 (49):
  • New function getamountttc() to get the number of sales for the current item from TTC.

2.21 (48):
  • Put in a fix addressing the lag issue with banking.
  • Commented out the remains of the old (nonsupported) Inventory Grid View addon integration. For using a grid inventory view with AutoCategory, I recommend the GridList ( addon.

2.20 (47):
  • Merged in code from @Saenic to turn on/off the display of the plus/minus to expand/condense individual categories within the inventory.
    The default setting is to have the display of plus/minus be ON (as it worked before).
  • Added the following new item trait types introduced with the companions:
    o armor:
    armor_aggressive, armor_augmented, armor_bolstered, armor_focused, armor_prolific, armor_quickened, armor_shattering, armor_soothing, armor_vigorous
    o jewelry:
    jewelry_aggressive, jewelry_augmented, jewelry_bolstered, jewelry_focused, jewelry_prolific, jewelry_quickened, jewelry_shattering, jewelry_soothing, jewelry_vigorous
    o weapon:
    weapon_aggressive, weapon_augmented, weapon_bolstered, weapon_focused, weapon_prolific, weapon_quickened, weapon_shattering, weapon_soothing, weapon_vigorous
  • Added the following item type (type): group_repair
  • Added the following specialized item types (sptype):
    collectible_style_page, container_currency, container_style_page, siege_lancer, trophy_dungeon_buff_ingredient
  • Removed the former item filter type (filtertype) reuse that was removed by ESO.

2.19 (46):
  • New function iscompaniononly() allows you to select companion gear.
  • New operand for filtertype(...) which now also allows you to specify companion as one of the filters.

2.18 (45):
  • Reworked rule matching to continue matching against other rules after a rule errors out. Previously it would stop trying to match and just toss everything after that item into "Others".
  • Rules that fail to run because of errors now send those errors to LibDebugLogger.
  • Fixed problem reported by RufusRedBeard that turning off a AutoCategory plugin addon would cause errors when the previously created plugin-reliant rule was evaluated anyway.

2.17 (44):
  • Reworked the inventory sorting to avoid errors with new Blackwood chapter.
  • API bump (Blackwood)

2.16 (43):
  • New function isreconstructed() allows you to select gear that has been reconstructed using the transmute station.
  • New function istransmuted() allows you to select gear that has had the trait changed using the transmute station.
  • New function isunbound() is a convenience function which is essentially equivalent to
    not isbound()
Gamepad changes from Friday-the13-rus.
  • Fixed assigning and removing item to quickslot using Extended Supplies Category.

2.15 (42):
From Friday-the13-rus.
  • Update 29 compatibility
  • Added gamepad Fence (sell and launder)
  • Fixed gamepad Buy back

2.14 (41):
From Friday-the13-rus. New gamepad functionality and fixes, and Russian language updates:
  • Fixed error when opening container if it on the first place
  • Fixed error when equipping poisons
  • Fixed situation when all items shown in poisons category
  • Added compare mode to "Extended" Supplies category (can compare current and equipped item).
  • Fixed sorting for bank
  • The addon categories are applying to all gamepad inventory categories
  • Added option to disable "Extended" Supplies category
  • Updated RU translation

About the gamepad "Extended Supplies":
"Extended" Supplies category is Supplies category that contains all items from inventory.
The gamepad settings for the addon contains 2 options: "Enable inventory support" and "Enable extended Supplies category".
If the first option disabled, the addon is not affect gamepad inventory at all.
If the first option enabled, the addon categories are applying to whole gamepad inventory.
If the second option disabled, gamepad inventory contains all default categories (Materials, Furnishings and Slottable items) and default Supplies category.
If the second option enabled, Supplies category transforms to "Extended" Supplies category. Materials, Furnishings and Slottable items categories are hiding.

2.13 (40):
  • Added a setting to Enable the new gamepad support introduced by 2.12. (The setting is OFF/DISABLED by default.)
  • Separated the gamepad and the keyboard hooks code into separate files.

2.12 (39):
  • New gamepad support. Code provided by Friday-the13-rus. I do not have a gamepad to be able to test with, so I have no idea how well it will work for you.

2.11.1 (38):
  • Modified function isnotcollected() so that it returns true if the gear is non-crafted set gear that is not collected. Returns false if the gear is not collectable set gear or it has already been collected.

2.11 (37):
  • New function iscollected() allows you to select set gear that you have already collected. Returns true if the gear is set gear that is collected. Returns false if the gear is not set gear or it has not yet been collected.
  • New function isnotcollected() allows you to select set gear that you have not yet collected. Returns true if the gear is set gear that is not collected. Returns false if the gear is not set get or it has already been collected.

2.10 (36):
  • API bump (Markarth).
  • Zenimax compatibility enum and function updates.

2.9 (35):
  • New value added for
    : "container_currency" allows you to identify a container of transmute crystals. Requested (and code provided) by Drakhyr.

2.8 (33):
  • New function isinbackpack() allows you to check if items is in your backpack or is currently being worn. Requested by AlbertVonMoosseedorf. An example of use for this new function could be a "deconstruct inventory" to list things that you want to decon that ignores the items in the bank. For instance:
    isinbackpack() and not ismonsterset() and traitstring("intricate","invigorating","training") and ((type("armor","weapon") and not isset()) or equiptype("head","shoulders"))

2.7.2 (32):
  • Corrected the text for Home Storage Chests in German thanks to report by AlbertVonMoosseedorf.

2.7.1 (31):
  • Parameter values "mythic" or "orange" for the function quality() now really does allow you to check if items are mythic quality. (Finally got a mythic item to test with!)

2.7 (30):
  • New parameter values "mythic" or "orange" for the function quality() allows you to check if items are mythic quality.

2.6 (29):
  • New function istreasure() allows you to check if items are considered Treasure (i.e. random junk that you can sell for good money).

2.5 (28):
  • Updated the ITEM_QUALITY_ values to correspond to the change to ITEM_DISPLAY_QUALITY_ values that was brought in by Greymoor.

2.4.6 (27):
  • API bump.

2.4.5 (26):
  • Added Russian language strings courtesy of Ckau.

2.4.4 (25):
  • Set up the character default settings to the same as the account-wide default settings.
  • Add in minimum version checking for UnknownTracker.
  • Removed version checking for a library that we don't even use.

2.4.3 (24):
  • Add in predefined rules for UnknownTracker integration plugin.

2.4.2 (23):
  • Remove annoying debug printout.

2.4.1 (22):
  • Fix problem with isunknown() returning false where none of the toons knew the item.
  • Fix addon version.

2.4 (21):
  • Now integrated with the Unknown Tracker Addon to allow you to write rules about if a recipe, motif, style page, furnishing recipes, or runeboxes are unknown to your character(s). Requires version 0.63 of the addon "Unknown Tracker" to be installed for this to work. (Thanks to kadeer for modifications to "Unknown Tracker" to allow this to work!)
  • New function isunknown() with zero or more strings to match knowledge of the recipe to the named characters (names are case sensitive). If you use isunknown() without any parameters, it will return true if the learnable item (recipe, etc) is unknown to ANY of your toons. If you use isunknown("me") with the special parameter "me" then it will return true if the learnable item is unknown to the toon that you are currently logged in on. Finally you can specify specific toon names as parameters so you can tell if the learnable item is unknown to your specific "crafter" toons. (Note that the options for Unknown Tracker to turn off displaying for specific types of items will also turn off AutoCategory's ability to detect them with this rule.)
  • New function isrecipeunknown() which does the same thing as isunknown() except only for food and drink provisioning recipes.
  • New function isfurnishingunknown() which does the same thing as isunknown() except only for furnishing recipes.
  • New function ismotifunknown() which does the same thing as isunknown() except only for motifs.
For those of you who are new to the Unknown Tracker addon, it will add lists of characters to the inventory item information boxes (tooltips) with colors distinguishing the toons who know if from the toons that do not know it. That cannot be turned off at this time. If you have another addon also doing that, it might be possible that the other addon will allow you to turn those off. In particular, ESO Master Recipe List will add character lists to the Recipes, and TraitBuddy will add them to motifs - and both can be turned off.

2.3.1 (20):
  • Set AddonVersion in manifest file.
  • Now checks dependent library versions (where possible) and will write error messages to LibDebugLogger to indicate when a dependent library is out-dated for the current version of AutoCategory. Messages can be viewed with the DebugLogViewer (recommended addon).

2.3 Changes:
  • Added an itemstyle() with one or more strings that are the names of motifs. This function will return true if the style of the item matches one of the names in the parameter list of itemstyle(...). Capitalization is ignored, but spelling of the motif name must be correct - to include spaces and punctuations marks - for instance "dro-m'athra" must include both the "-" and the "'", and "dark brotherhood" is two words separated by a space. (Note that with multi-word motif names, the rule checker will probably warn that it does not recognize the words after the first word of the name.)

2.2.2 Changes:
  • Added sort key conflict resolution by request of Mladen90.

  • Fix version to prevent being listed as "Out of Date".

2.2 Changes:
  • Added an charname() with one or more strings that are the names of your characters. This function will return true if the current character name matches one of the names in the parameter list of charname(...). This will allow you to write rules which apply to specific characters only.

  • API Bump

2.1 Changes:
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed problem with islockpick() not being recognized as a function. (reported by Amber1019)

  • Modified islockpick() so that it only gets lockpicks (lockpick tools) instead of lockpicks and repair kits (the "other" tools).
  • Added an ischarbound() to items that are marked as "Character Bound" in inventory. Note that items that match ischarbound() will also match isbound() since character bound is a type of binding. If you want bound that are not also character bound, you will need to specify "~ischarbound() and isbound()" for account bound items only.

2.0.5 Changes:
  • Fixed problem with getmaxtraits() returning one more than the number of traits on a crafted potion. (reported by TheMikrobe)
  • API bump

2.0.4 Changes:
  • Fixed bug that was causing bag categories that had been changed in priority or removed from the bag to be replaced or duplicated (with the original priority) if they were part of the default set. (reported by rhaeven and LeinadOrarogep)

2.0.3 Changes:
  • Fixed bug that was causing getpricettc() (reported by Ivo_ESO), getpricemm(), and alphagear() to not work in rules.

2.0.2 Changes:
  • Fixed minor bug in Bag Export.
  • Fixed bug in type() and sptype() where it was ignoring any arguments after the first one.

2.0.1 Changes:
  • Fixed loading bug in integration for SetTracker, TTC, and Master Merchant.

2.0 Changes:
Breaking Changes
  • Now requires the libraries LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu-2.0, and LibMediaProvider-1.0 to be installed separately.
  • The SavedVariables for version 2.0 have changed formats from 1.37 in order to support multiple servers and character name changing. This means that 2.0 will not be able to read in your 1.37 category definitions. I recommend that you move your live\SavedVariables\AutoCategory.lua somewhere else (or print it) so that you can refer to your old rules to enter them back into the new AutoCategory.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed error that prevented AutoCategory from working with the Quality Sort addon. (Thanks to Silvereyes for the corrected code.)
  • Included in the patch for Inventory Grid View integration by Provision to properly display the default icons for Ornate, Intricate, Research, etc. on the grid cells instead of next to them.

  • Elsweyr support.
  • Changed the AutoCategory settings page to try to make it easier to understand and use.
  • Created a wiki based on Rockingdice's which I have permissions to update. Updated and revised help content.
  • NEW: Added a "Check" button to the Add Category section so that you can test to see that your rule will compile properly when you write it. If it does not compile correctly, the area to the left of the Check button will show an error message to try to tell you what was wrong with it.
  • Added a "Hide ungrouped items" option to the Bag Settings which will turn on/off the display of inventory items which do not match any of the Categories which you have assigned to that particular bag. These are the items that are typically listed in "Other" (unless you've changed the name in the Appearance Setttings).
  • Modified iscrafted() so that it will return true for crafted potions or poisons so you can:
    type("poison","potion") and iscrafted()
  • Added the base ability to use some convenience items that are actually combinations of several base game items.
  • Added convenience items:
    Item Types (type):
    o enchanting_rune - this will match against enchanting_rune_aspect, enchanting_rune_essence, or enchanting_rune_potency
    Specialized Item Types (sptype):
    o glyph - this will match against glyph_armor, glyph_weapon, or glyph_jewelry
  • Added an islockpick() to detect lockpicks in inventory since, due to a Zenimax bug, lockpicks do not belong to type("lockpick").
  • Added some convenience values to traittype() that combines existing values:
    o intricate - this will match against armor_intricate, jewelry_intricate, or weapon_intricate
    o divines - this will match against armor_divines
    o infused - this will match against armor_infused, jewelry_infused, or weapon_infused
    o ornate - this will match against armor_ornate, jewelry_ornate, or weapon_ornate
    o nirnhoned - this will match against armor_nirnhoned, or weapon_nirnhoned
  • Added support for the development of addon integrations to AutoCategory as separate plugins. Rewrote three of the internally provided integrations (FCOIS, Iakoni, and ItemSaver) in the form that standalone plugin integrations would take to demonstrate how to register the plugin with AutoCategory, provide additional rule functions, predefined rules, and localization strings where necessary.

Predefined Rules
  • Changed the way that predefined rules are loaded so that they are always loaded first and then your customizations are loaded afterwards. This allows you to get new predefined rules automatically added as they come out with addon or plugin updates. It also means that if you accidentally delete a predefined rule, you can get it back by simply reloading ui.
  • Changed the way that predefined rules are loaded so that predefined rules for addon integrations such as FCOIS and Iakoni Gear Changer are only loaded when you have those particular addons installed. (Note that this applies when the addons are first installed - once the predefines get loaded once, they will get saved to your saved variables. Rules in SavedVariables are always loaded after that until they are deleted. A planned enhancement that did not make this version is to only save customized categories that are actually customized, since now predefines always get loaded.)
  • Added predefined rules for FCOIS dynamics 11-30 for when you are starting AutoCategory without preexisting saved variables.

  • Expanded the remaining alternative language files to include strings for the FCOIS dynamics 11-30.
  • Added additional localization strings for German from Baertram's git pull request.
  • Removed the alternative language files which were still in English. When we get translations, we can add them back with appropriate values.
  • Converted the way that language strings are defined to use the new LibSFUtils.LoadLanguage() function to load the particular language required (or the specified default if the client language is not available).

Internal (non-visible) Changes
  • Moved FCOIS integration into an included plugin file.
  • Moved ItemSaver integration into an included plugin file.
  • Moved GearChangerByIakoni integration into an included plugin file. Moved the GearChanger language strings into the plugin and load them separately using the AutoCategory.LoadLanguage() to supplement the existing string tables. While not strictly necessary, it acts as both a proof-of-concept and an example for how external plugins to AutoCategory can work.
  • Removed specific integration code for DoItAll addon as that integration was moved to the DoItAll addon instead of residing in AutoCategory (Baertram's pull request).
  • Adopted by Shadowfen after prolonged lack of response from the previous authors. Renamed to "AutoCategory - Revised".

1.37 Changes:
Released by Shadowfen
  • New filter function: getmaxtraits()
    When used with posions and potions, such as this rule:
    type("poison","potion") and getmaxtraits() <=2
    it can tell you which are crafted (i.e. having more than one trait).
    This new feature is courtesy of Tonyleila.
  • Updated the specialized item types. This adds:
    Specialized Item Types (sptype):
    o trophy_toy
    o holiday_writ

1.36 Changes:
Released by Shadowfen
  • Updated the item types, specialized types, filter types, and trait types lists with the latest values from Wrathstone. This adds:
    Item Types (type):
    o jewelry_booster
    o jewelry_material
    o jewelry_raw_booster
    o jewelry_raw_material
    o jewelry_raw_trait
    o jewelry_trait
    o recall_stone
    Specialized Item Types (sptype):
    o furnishing_attunable_crafting_station
    o furnishing_material_jewelry
    o recall_stone_keep
    o recipes_jewelry_sketch_furnishing
    o trophy_collectible_fragment
    o trophy_upgrade_fragment
    o weapon
    Filter Types (filtertype):
    o jewelry
    Trait Types (traittype):
    o jewelry_bloodthirsty
    o jewelry_harmony
    o jewelry_infused
    o jewelry_intricate
    o jewelry_protective
    o jewelry_swift
    o jewelry_triune

1.35 Changes:
Released by Shadowfen
  • Bumped API version for Wrathstone
  • LibStub and LibAddonMenu-2.0 must now be installed separately from AutoCategory.
  • Added support for FCOIS dynamics 11-30.
  • Merged in Provision's integration fixes for IGV.
  • Added jewelry crafting materials, raw materials and boosters for the sptype() check
  • Fixed a crash when a rule could not compile.

1.34 Changes:
  • Added itemname() to match items by name. Returns true if the item name contains any of the provided strings (case insensitive), e.g. itemname("Maelstrom", "Alkosh")

1.33 Changes:
  • Bumped API version for Murkmire.

1.32 Changes:
  • More huge performance improvements! Thanks again to Shadowfen who did all the work here. (Pre-compile rules as they are changed)
  • Replaced Set Tracker support function GetSetTrackerState() with IsTracked(). If you used the old function, you will need to update your rule (sorry). This was done to bring the usage inline with the way the other similar functions work. Usage, e.g.: IsTracked("Sell/Decon", "Collecting")

1.31 Changes:
  • Big performance increase (2x or better for me), thank you to Shadowfen for the code change suggestion!
  • Updated libraries

1.30 Changes:
  • Added French translation. Big thanks to Hasgaad!

1.29 Changes:
  • HOTFIX - resolve errors at merchant due to Wolfhunter API changes.

1.28 Changes:
  • Bumped API version for Wolfhunter.

1.27 Changes:
  • Bumped API version for Summerset.
  • Added support for jewelry crafting ingredients. Note: you will need to either create a new rule yourself, or reset AutoCategory to default settings to grab the new default rule.
    To create your own rule, use
    Lua Code:


    To reset to default settings: In the Auto Category add-on menu, use the Defaults button. Then use the /reloadui command. Important: this will remove any custom rules/settings you have defined.
  • New API function "IsMarkedIS()" - use to test whether an item is marked with Item Saver. Note that FCO ItemSaver users should continue to use "IsMarked()"

1.26 Changes:
  • New API function "islocked()" - use to test whether an item has been locked.

1.24 Changes:
  • Resolve circular dependency issue with DoItAll (requires matching update to DoItAll).

1.23 Changes:
  • Added Set Tracker support! Use "getsettrackerstate()" to retrieve the name of the Set Tracker category, if an item is tracked.
  • Added charlevel() and charcp() to pull current character level and CP. Can be used to compare item level to your character level with a custom rule. (Thanks to VulcanTourist)

1.22 Changes:
  • You can now define separate settings for your home storage chests (they will take their initial settings from your bank settings, but can be customized at will).

1.21 Changes:
  • Added support for home storage chests (big thanks to raj72616a). Currently, they will use the settings selected for your bank (no custom settings for home chests yet).
  • Bumped API version for Dragon Bones.
  • New maintainer (crafty35a).

1.19 Changes:
  • Fixed Localization.
  • New Feature: Collapsed/Expanded status can be saved now. You can turn it on in the general setting menu.

1.18 Changes:
  • Fixed Bug: IGV will show the last category correctly.
  • Fixed Bug: Items Count can be turned off permanently.
  • Fixed Bug: Quest Panel will not complain about lua error.

1.17 Changes:
  • Removed debug logs in destruct/improvement panel

1.16 Changes:
  • New Feature: Collapsible Category. You can now click the header to fold all items inside. Get an overall view of your inventory! Context Menu is available, you can collapse/expand all headers with one click.
  • New Feature: Hide-able Category. You can hide some categories to focus on the items you need to deal with. Also you can hide the items that are not matched in the 'Other' category. Can be set in bag setting menu.
  • New Feature: Items Count. You can get a total number about how many items inside the category. This can be turned off in the general setting menu.
  • Account Wide setting changed: You can switch account wide/character wide for each of your characters. (* Need to select again if you use character setting before, don't affect the bag settings)
  • Fixed bug: Removed duplicated rules in bag setting.
  • Fixed bug: German set names should be able to be matched now.
  • Changed api:keepresearch()
  • After a lot of tests, the api is not working fine. So I decided to make the api work more simple: It will match all the items can be researched. If you want better result, please use it with other api together. This is a basic idea to filter the item that is not part of a set and can be researched:
    Lua Code:

    keepresearch() and not isset()
  • New api:isset() api:ismonsterset()

1.15 Changes:
  • New feature: Category header's height is customizable!
  • New feature: You can change the name of ungrouped Category.
  • New feature: Added a message in chat when toggling the add-on's function, and a switch for it to turn on/off.
  • Fixed bug: Toggling in Inventory Grid View should not result a bad layout.
  • Fixed bug: Removed tag should not to be restored after relog.
  • New Add-ons Integrated!
    Do It All: You can now use it with AC together.
    Alpha Gear: Added a new api:alphagear
    Master Merchant: Added a new api:getpricemm
    Tamriel Trade Centre: Added a new api:getpricettc
  • New api:isinbank

1.14 Changes:
  • CwC is supported!
  • Fixed integration for Inventory Grid View(3.2).

1.13 Changes:
  • Fixed Bug: Setting for Craft Station is not working.
  • Added API:


    please see api:getquality
  • Updated localization for Chinese.

1.12 Changes:
  • New Function: Export to all bag settings. You can now replace all bag settings by one of them.
    Added API:


    please see api:quality
  • Fixed Bug: Import from bag setting will incorrectly make settings be linked together.

1.11 Changes:
  • New bags supported: Guild Bank / Craft Bag / Craft Station for both keyboard and gamepad mode.
  • New function: Import from bag setting: you can import from a bag setting to replace current one. No need to create it from the beginning. Make backups by copying your AutoCategory.lua in SavedVariables folder!
  • New add-on supported: Quick Menu you can toggle Auto Category by Quick Menu to save a key binding, check it out!
  • Added API:


    please see api:sellprice and api:islearnable for more info.

1.10 Changes:
  • Added custom names from FCO Item Saver
  • Added API:


    please see api:armortype and api:weapontype for more info.
  • Added deconstruct & improvement support for keyboard mode.

1.09 Changes:
  • Integrated FCO Item Saver
    Added API:


    please see api reference and tutorial and examples for more info.
    Added Keybinding to toggle on/off.

1.08 Changes:
  • Fixed Category 'Trait/Style Gems' (If not changed, please try to restore to defaults)
  • Added Localization support.

1.07 Changes:
  • Fixed a rare issue of IGV integration.

1.06 Changes:
  • Fixed Quest tab issue.
  • Adjusted the height of header to the same as item row.
  • Added custom appearance of header text. You can set up them in the setting menu (or type /ac)

1.05 Changes:
  • Fixed multiple add-on compatible issue.
  • Fixed auto set name in different languages.
  • Added API:


    please see api reference and tutorial for more info.

1.04 Changes:
  • Added gamepad trade inventory support. Thanks @catsith105 for testing!

1.03 Changes:
  • Integrated with 'Inventory Grid View'
  • Added a tutorial button.
  • Added a wiki home page and tutorial page.

1.02 Changes:
  • Fixed banking issue with deposit/withdraw items.

1.01 Changes:
  • Updated lib: LibAddonMenu to r24
  • Refined Addon Setting Menu
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Unread 09/26/24, 04:42 AM

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Re: Re: Re: Minor bug during take/put item in bank

Originally Posted by Pamplamouss
Originally Posted by Shadowfen
Originally Posted by Pamplamouss
Hi ! I have i little bug when I want take or put an item in banks. If the item is under my category "treasure map" I will up automatically on this category. I don't know why, I have tried to reinstall the addon, set by default but it doesn't work. I didn't see someone talk about this bug. Do you have a possible answer ?

Thank you for your job !
Sorry but I do not understand your problem report. Please clarify.
Yes sorry, I don't really know how to explain it. When I am on my bank. If I want take 1 item in a category which is very low (for exemple 100) the scroll bar go everytime to the middle of my inventory.
1 other player in my guild has the same bug.
Same problem when using this addon with Grid list addon.
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Unread 09/10/24, 04:00 AM  

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Re: Re: Transmute and Tel Var Containers

Originally Posted by Shadowfen
(It is listed in the help wiki.)
Silly me was looking for tel var or transmute, not currency.
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Unread 09/09/24, 03:29 PM  

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Re: Re: Minor bug during take/put item in bank

Originally Posted by Shadowfen
Originally Posted by Pamplamouss
Hi ! I have i little bug when I want take or put an item in banks. If the item is under my category "treasure map" I will up automatically on this category. I don't know why, I have tried to reinstall the addon, set by default but it doesn't work. I didn't see someone talk about this bug. Do you have a possible answer ?

Thank you for your job !
Sorry but I do not understand your problem report. Please clarify.
Yes sorry, I don't really know how to explain it. When I am on my bank. If I want take 1 item in a category which is very low (for exemple 100) the scroll bar go everytime to the middle of my inventory.
1 other player in my guild has the same bug.
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Unread 09/07/24, 06:10 PM  
AddOn Author - Click to view AddOns

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Re: Transmute and Tel Var Containers

Originally Posted by afxmac
how do I identify transmute crystals and tel var containers?
A while back something was changed and I no longer find them under containers.

Not near a computer so cannot test, but try
(It is listed in the help wiki.)
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Unread 09/07/24, 02:59 AM  

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Transmute and Tel Var Containers

how do I identify transmute crystals and tel var containers?
A while back something was changed and I no longer find them under containers.

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Unread 09/06/24, 03:14 PM  
Magic Charmer

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Re: Re: Re: Error at Fence in the Launder menu

Originally Posted by Magic Charmer
Originally Posted by jenorthar
I have started receiving an error when accessing the Fence and using the Launder menu. My husband is also receiving the exact same error. I did a debug session to pinpoint which addon was causing the issue and it came down to Auto Category.
It's not serious enough to disable the plugin. I can dismiss the error and launder as normal, but wanted to let you know about the error being thrown.


I disabled Auto Category and the error went away, then I put Auto Category back and the error came back.
So I deduced that the error is related to Auto Category.

For now I will stop here, but if further information is needed as explained in Troubleshooting&HowTo I will certainly and promptly provide it!

I am using the revised version.

Thank you!

Thanks for the information. I'm able to reproduce the error and am now investigating it.
Thank you Shadowfen.
After your update, it works fine, bug fixed!

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Unread 09/06/24, 11:15 AM  
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Re: Minor bug during take/put item in bank

Originally Posted by Pamplamouss
Hi ! I have i little bug when I want take or put an item in banks. If the item is under my category "treasure map" I will up automatically on this category. I don't know why, I have tried to reinstall the addon, set by default but it doesn't work. I didn't see someone talk about this bug. Do you have a possible answer ?

Thank you for your job !
Sorry but I do not understand your problem report. Please clarify.
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Unread 09/06/24, 06:42 AM  

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Minor bug during take/put item in bank

Hi ! I have i little bug when I want take or put an item in banks. If the item is under my category "treasure map" I will up automatically on this category. I don't know why, I have tried to reinstall the addon, set by default but it doesn't work. I didn't see someone talk about this bug. Do you have a possible answer ?

Thank you for your job !
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Unread 09/03/24, 10:14 PM  
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Re: Re: Error at Fence in the Launder menu

[quote=Magic Charmer]
Originally Posted by jenorthar
I have started receiving an error when accessing the Fence and using the Launder menu. My husband is also receiving the exact same error. I did a debug session to pinpoint which addon was causing the issue and it came down to Auto Category.
It's not serious enough to disable the plugin. I can dismiss the error and launder as normal, but wanted to let you know about the error being thrown.


I disabled Auto Category and the error went away, then I put Auto Category back and the error came back.
So I deduced that the error is related to Auto Category.

For now I will stop here, but if further information is needed as explained in Troubleshooting&HowTo I will certainly and promptly provide it!

I am using the revised version.

Thank you!

Thanks for the information. I'm able to reproduce the error and am now investigating it.
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Unread 09/03/24, 10:12 PM  
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Re: Error at Fence in the Launder menu

Originally Posted by jenorthar
I have started receiving an error when accessing the Fence and using the Launder menu. My husband is also receiving the exact same error. I did a debug session to pinpoint which addon was causing the issue and it came down to Auto Category.
It's not serious enough to disable the plugin. I can dismiss the error and launder as normal, but wanted to let you know about the error being thrown.

/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: in function 'ZO_CurrencyControl_SetCurrencyData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:174: in function 'ColorCost'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2282: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Inventory.lua:2388: in function 'ZO_InventoryManager:RefreshBackpackWithFenceData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:180: in function 'ZO_Fence_Keyboard:OnEnterLaunder'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Base.lua:19: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:132: in function 'ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Manager.lua:71: in function 'ZO_Fence_Manager:OnEnterLaunder'
(tail call): ?
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:106: in function 'additionalCallback'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:69: in function 'existingCallback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_SceneFragmentBar.lua:108: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:287: in function 'MenuBarButton:Release'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:657: in function 'ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseUp'
ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1_MouseUp:3: in function '(main chunk)'
I am investigating it. Thanks!
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Unread 09/03/24, 01:36 PM  

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Re: Re: Error at Fence in the Launder menu

I'm getting this error as well.

Originally Posted by Magic Charmer
Originally Posted by jenorthar
I have started receiving an error when accessing the Fence and using the Launder menu. My husband is also receiving the exact same error. I did a debug session to pinpoint which addon was causing the issue and it came down to Auto Category.
It's not serious enough to disable the plugin. I can dismiss the error and launder as normal, but wanted to let you know about the error being thrown.

/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: in function 'ZO_CurrencyControl_SetCurrencyData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:174: in function 'ColorCost'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2282: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Inventory.lua:2388: in function 'ZO_InventoryManager:RefreshBackpackWithFenceData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:180: in function 'ZO_Fence_Keyboard:OnEnterLaunder'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Base.lua:19: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:132: in function 'ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Manager.lua:71: in function 'ZO_Fence_Manager:OnEnterLaunder'
(tail call): ?
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:106: in function 'additionalCallback'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:69: in function 'existingCallback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_SceneFragmentBar.lua:108: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:287: in function 'MenuBarButton:Release'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:657: in function 'ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseUp'
ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1_MouseUp:3: in function '(main chunk)'


When I approached a Fence and chose the "Launder" tab I received this error:

/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: in function 'ZO_CurrencyControl_SetCurrencyData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:174: in function 'ColorCost'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2282: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Inventory.lua:2388: in function 'ZO_InventoryManager:RefreshBackpackWithFenceData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:180: in function 'ZO_Fence_Keyboard:OnEnterLaunder'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Base.lua:19: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:132: in function 'ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Manager.lua:71: in function 'ZO_Fence_Manager:OnEnterLaunder'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:106: in function 'additionalCallback'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:69: in function 'existingCallback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_SceneFragmentBar.lua:108: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:287: in function 'MenuBarButton:Release'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:657: in function 'ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseUp'
ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1_MouseUp:3: in function '(main chunk)'

I read
Inventory Mods Not Working
Master Merchant not working

and I totally understand what happened with U43 especially after reading this:

Originally Posted by Baertram View Post
To add more details:

ZOs moved some of the child controls of scroll lists, where there is a currency, to use a container control around the actual label control.
[ container for position and anchors [ label wth text ] ]

e.g. in inventory list local selllPriceContainer = rowControl:GetChildByName("SellPrice") will provide the container now and NOT the actual label control anymore (as before U43)!
The label is rowControl:GetChildByName("SellPriceText") now, or selllPriceContainer:GetChildByName("Text")

You need to anchor and position the container control
but you need to use SetText and SetFont etc. on the label control!

So you sometimes need both controls now for your addon, and not only "SellPrice" anymore alone.

I disabled Auto Category and the error went away, then I put Auto Category back and the error came back.
So I deduced that the error is related to Auto Category.

For now I will stop here, but if further information is needed as explained in Troubleshooting&HowTo I will certainly and promptly provide it!

I am using the revised version.

Thank you!

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Unread 09/02/24, 11:01 AM  
Magic Charmer

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Re: Error at Fence in the Launder menu

Originally Posted by jenorthar
I have started receiving an error when accessing the Fence and using the Launder menu. My husband is also receiving the exact same error. I did a debug session to pinpoint which addon was causing the issue and it came down to Auto Category.
It's not serious enough to disable the plugin. I can dismiss the error and launder as normal, but wanted to let you know about the error being thrown.

/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: in function 'ZO_CurrencyControl_SetCurrencyData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:174: in function 'ColorCost'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2282: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Inventory.lua:2388: in function 'ZO_InventoryManager:RefreshBackpackWithFenceData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:180: in function 'ZO_Fence_Keyboard:OnEnterLaunder'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Base.lua:19: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:132: in function 'ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Manager.lua:71: in function 'ZO_Fence_Manager:OnEnterLaunder'
(tail call): ?
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:106: in function 'additionalCallback'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:69: in function 'existingCallback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_SceneFragmentBar.lua:108: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:287: in function 'MenuBarButton:Release'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:657: in function 'ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseUp'
ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1_MouseUp:3: in function '(main chunk)'


When I approached a Fence and chose the "Launder" tab I received this error:

/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: in function 'ZO_CurrencyControl_SetCurrencyData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:174: in function 'ColorCost'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2282: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Inventory.lua:2388: in function 'ZO_InventoryManager:RefreshBackpackWithFenceData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:180: in function 'ZO_Fence_Keyboard:OnEnterLaunder'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Base.lua:19: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:132: in function 'ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Manager.lua:71: in function 'ZO_Fence_Manager:OnEnterLaunder'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:106: in function 'additionalCallback'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:69: in function 'existingCallback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_SceneFragmentBar.lua:108: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:287: in function 'MenuBarButton:Release'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:657: in function 'ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseUp'
ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1_MouseUp:3: in function '(main chunk)'

I read
Inventory Mods Not Working
Master Merchant not working

and I totally understand what happened with U43 especially after reading this:

Originally Posted by Baertram View Post
To add more details:

ZOs moved some of the child controls of scroll lists, where there is a currency, to use a container control around the actual label control.
[ container for position and anchors [ label wth text ] ]

e.g. in inventory list local selllPriceContainer = rowControl:GetChildByName("SellPrice") will provide the container now and NOT the actual label control anymore (as before U43)!
The label is rowControl:GetChildByName("SellPriceText") now, or selllPriceContainer:GetChildByName("Text")

You need to anchor and position the container control
but you need to use SetText and SetFont etc. on the label control!

So you sometimes need both controls now for your addon, and not only "SellPrice" anymore alone.

I disabled Auto Category and the error went away, then I put Auto Category back and the error came back.
So I deduced that the error is related to Auto Category.

For now I will stop here, but if further information is needed as explained in Troubleshooting&HowTo I will certainly and promptly provide it!

I am using the revised version.

Thank you!

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Unread 09/01/24, 07:17 PM  

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Error at Fence in the Launder menu

I have started receiving an error when accessing the Fence and using the Launder menu. My husband is also receiving the exact same error. I did a debug session to pinpoint which addon was causing the issue and it came down to Auto Category.
It's not serious enough to disable the plugin. I can dismiss the error and launder as normal, but wanted to let you know about the error being thrown.

/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Currency/Currency.lua:144: in function 'ZO_CurrencyControl_SetCurrencyData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:174: in function 'ColorCost'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2282: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_RefreshVisible'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/Inventory.lua:2388: in function 'ZO_InventoryManager:RefreshBackpackWithFenceData'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:180: in function 'ZO_Fence_Keyboard:OnEnterLaunder'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Base.lua:19: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:132: in function 'ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Fence_Manager.lua:71: in function 'ZO_Fence_Manager:OnEnterLaunder'
(tail call): ?
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:106: in function 'additionalCallback'
/EsoUI/Ingame/Fence/Keyboard/Fence_Keyboard.lua:69: in function 'existingCallback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_SceneFragmentBar.lua:108: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:287: in function 'MenuBarButton:Release'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_MenuBar/ZO_MenuBar.lua:657: in function 'ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseUp'
ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1_MouseUp:3: in function '(main chunk)'
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Unread 08/30/24, 12:10 PM  

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Could we please have an option to disable the "AC: ItemID" thingy on our rightclick menu?
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Unread 08/22/24, 09:46 PM  
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Originally Posted by Zuleyus
Thanks again for this absolutely essential addon. I have no errors of any kind, but since the rework I see tons of "found duplicate rule name [...] / 1 Dropped duplicate rule [...]" pairs on every single UI load, both char loaded and /reloadui. My understanding was that the process should be a one-time replacement, and then only fire if I'd created new rule dupes somehow. Am I wrong or is this a so far unnoticed issue? I get it's just debug spam and not really in the face of most users, but the non-persistence got me to ask the question.
Actually what is happening is that the plugin predefined rules are attempting to be added to the working ruleset twice and being ignored the second time. Annoying, but not really a lasting problem. Just a matter of seeing how to avoid doing that twice.
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