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Updated: 08/20/24 11:28 AM
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Update 43 (10.1.0)
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Updated:08/20/24 11:28 AM
Created:06/11/19 09:55 AM
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BSCs-AdvancedSynergy  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.1.2
by: BloodStainCHild [More]
This Addon allows you to block some Synergys for example "Portal in Cloudrest as Healer"

You are able to fully customize it and also can create "Presets" this allows you to have on every character different settings

1. Option to Lokke Check, block Synergy if you dont have 5th bonus
2. Option to Resource check
3. Option to Only Main bar check

Additional 1: you can Enable the Alkosh UI to see if the Boss did get the debuff
Additional 2: you can Enable the Major Slayer UI to see if you got
Additional 3: you can Enable the Tracking UI to see YOUR synergie cooldowns
Additional 4: you can Enable the Tracking UI to see Group synergie cooldowns
Additional 5: you can Enable the Tracking UI to see Target of one Group member synergie cooldowns




- (Nothing yet)

- Maybe changing to compare skill by texture and not by name 
(I will not change the detection to texture since some are have the same icon and the name is currently unique)

- Setting for Portal Synergy in Cloutrest to block while debuff is active
(This option is now on testing)

- Tracking cooldown UI?
(is now inside) 

- donlup: Option for sound volume [Done]
- m.ati: pop-up window for Destructive Outbreak synergy on Warrior hard mode, Hel Ra Citadel [Testing]

Special Thanks:

Wheels i did take the basic information and ideas from his Synergy addon.

init3 (Skill ID List)

This addon was requested from the Guild "Grenzwächter" "EU Server"
v 2.1.2
+ changed HRC Confirm Window only "Confirm" Button
+ added Info on the HRC Confirm Window how many player in range
+ fixed synergy count on target tracking UI error
v 2.1.1
+ fixed error on Init trying to call the removed libdialog..
+ fixed removed the testing for HRC Outbreak

v 2.1.0
+ added Target tracking of Synergys (individual tracking of one person in group)
+ added Lucent Citadel Mirror synergy to block and also to block while you have the debuff (will show as ? on live)
+ added Lucent Citadel Tracking players who have the debuff of mirror synergy (will show as ? on live)
+ added Tracking Inner Fire Synergys/group/Target
+ fixed HRC Outbreak Confirm window (thx for report)
+ removed the need of libdialog

v 2.0.0
+ removed the hook of "OnSynergyAbilityChanged()" function
+ added using now the event EVENT_SYNERGY_ABILITY_CHANGED to catch synergys to block
+ added unregister the orginal event for EVENT_SYNERGY_ABILITY_CHANGED
+ fixed "purge soul" RG synergy name on settings
+ fixed the "ignor check" function, i recommend to have this setting turned "ON" of the synergys you want to be ignored by blocking causing by sets like ressources..
+ change some function improvements and upcomming api changes for synergy info

v 1.9.0
+ added import/export function - so you can make the settings as raidlead and pass em to your group..
+ added lua garbage collector after you port or going to an door it will clear unused lua memory for better performance
+ added command "/bscas mem" to enable disable print in chat cleared memory
+ added command "/bscas memc" to clear momery right now

v 1.8.1
+ added option to enable Blop Alert for Rockgrove Trail

v 1.8.1
+ fixed some tracking issue from the reef in DSR CD

v 1.8.0
+ fixed WizardsWardrobe Plugin to not set the preset back to default after changing gear/cp/food or skills
+ fixed The Count of item sets checking like Alkosh (thx for reporting @necco889)

v 1.7.9
+ change Major update to saved Presets, you can also now save the settings of resource settings or sets check
+ added the option to block the Synergys of Rockgrove Blop with a timer to enable it after 2 seconds (Be sure to disable the ignor option)
+ added the option to block the Synergys of the new trail (Sanity's Edge)
+ added the option to Track Portals cooldown also on Group Tracking Window (CR, DSR, SE Portals)
+ Cleaned up the code

v 1.7.8
+ fixed Some issue with presets that caused error while deletet but still was saved ionto the settings
+ added Setting for choose when to precast alkosh (Only works on bosses)

v 1.7.7
+ fixed Tracking empty "?" icon's for next big patch "Arkanist" should now be hidden untill the update

v 1.7.6
+ fixed Alkosh mode, should work now..
+ added Arkanist synergys to settings and tracking (this option will automatically shown on ESO update)
+ added Wizard's Wardrobe Plugin to load Preset on setup change ( Option is inside the window you choose the Trash/Boss Name )

v 1.7.5
+ fixed "Set Check" option (still could use synergies while this was enabled)
+ added Option to autoblock the Sorc Atronach while you have Major Berserk to Optimise Uptime (in General settings)
+ added Option to Track Group Synergy (not fully tested plz report any issue)

V 1.7.4
+ fixed blocking Boneyard synergy
+ fixed blocking trapping web
+ change on "Ignore Checks" turned "on" will also ignore the "Synergy only in Combat"
+ added set detection for "Martial Knowledge"

V 1.7.3
+ added low resource setup to set limit for both resources not only the resource with the highest value
+ added Set detection for Bahsei's Mania and Coral Riptide

V 1.7.2
+ some improvements with blocking synergys on only one bar

V 1.7.1
+ added DSR Block synergy from reef and autoenable it after xx seconds (start wehn you jump down)
+ added Preset Loading if you change role, you have to setup this on each character if you want to use it

V 1.7.0
+ added UI Transparency
+ added Option to block synergy while out of combat
+ added "Alkosh mode" while buff is on Boss you cannot use synergy unless you have enabled ignore check on the synergy
+ fixed Seed synergy cooldown ID

V 1.6.1
+ added RU Language thx to GJSmoker
+ fixed "Purify" synergie blocking (Templar Skill)

V 1.6.0
+ added Option to block the Werwolf synergie "Devour"
+ added Option barsettings of each synergy... keep in mind the prio system of synergies from ZOS
+ added Font Option for the Tracking UI

V 1.5.9
+ fixed finaly fixed the issue with "Too many anchors processed." on the Slayer UI

V 1.5.8
+ fixed some issues with Anchor

V 1.5.7
+ fixed on some UI size settings font did not show up
+ added Sets that provides an Synergie ("Lady Thorn", "Haven of Ursus" and "Kraglen’s Howl") got now a second cooldown on bottom of the icon to see the cooldown of this set (countdown color is yellow).
+ added a new setting to change the brackground size for the tracking UI

V 1.5.6
+ fixed Tracking setting for Lady Thorn
+ fixed Alkosh UI (still did display when fight was over)
+ fixed Keybinds
+ fixed?? hopefuly the Popup window will now display in HRC HM (could still not test it myself feedback would be great)
+ added "Ursus set" to the tracking list
+ note sets with synergys like "Lady Thorn" will also be tracked if you dont did take the synergy by urself so you know when its posible to spawn again

v 1.5.5
+ added a new setting to each synergy too ignore the checks like Lokke, only main bar and resource check
+ added Alkosh value print to chat averg. min. max. + option to disable it
+ added tracking kraglens cooldown if yourself have the set quipt and procs

v 1.5.4
+ changed some menu settings
- removed "Show UI" button, automatical shows up when menu is selected
+ added alkosh value on top of the UI (pen. value)

v 1.5.3
+ added item sets synergies for blocking (Ursus, Heed the call, Saguine Burst)
+ added item set synergie tracking (Heed the call)

v 1.5.2
+ fixed automatical disable of portal in cr and not activating again
+ added an option to choose if you want to autoblock while you have the debuff

v 1.5.1
+ fixed the filter of Major Slayer
+ Added hotkey to toggle portal synergies
- removed the test setting block portal on debuff
v 1.5.0
+ Requies now LibDialog
+ alot of code rewrite and cleaning out unused stuff
+ Changed Menu name to "Advanced Synergie - (Module Name)"
+ Every "Module" got now it's own Menu
+ Disabling any "Module" doesn't need to reload the client + it will be unloaded to not use any resources
+ Module "1. Blocking" - still the same options as before
+ Module "1. Blocking" - No more reload needed on adding new Presets
+ Module "1. Blocking" - Hel Rar Citadel "Outbreak UI" added (Still need testing!!)
+ Module "1. Blocking" - Added a temp setting for testing "Outbreak UI" and Cloutrest "Intelligent Portal Block"
+ Module "2. Alkosh UI" - Complet new UI Style and Tracking of Alksoh aka "Linebreaker" debuff
+ Module "2. Alkosh UI" - Bosses will ALWAYS be on the top line (max 5 bosses)
+ Module "2. Alkosh UI" - You can adjust how many mobs you will see Minimum 5 and maximum 25 (5 because there can be 5 bosses at once)
+ Module "2. Alkosh UI" - Sound only can Plays for bosses
+ Module "2. Alkosh UI" - Added a new Option Sound volume
+ Module "2. Alkosh UI" - Added a new Option to show a marker where you want to refresh Alkosh
+ Module "3. Slayer UI" - Complet new UI Style and Tracking of Major Slayer
+ Module "3. Slayer UI" - Added a new Option Sound volume
+ Module "3. Slayer UI" - Added a new Option to show a marker where you want to refresh
+ Module "4. Tracking UI" - New Module to track synergie cooldown
+ Testing Setting for Outbreak UI Hel Ra Citadel
+ Testing Setting for Cloudrest "Intelligent" Portal to not use the portal while you have the debuff active

v 1.4.5
+ hopefuly fixed some issue to block the "Execration" (vKA Endboss)

v 1.4.4
+ fixed synergy check of NB ultimate "consuming Darkness" (Testing required whenservers up again..)

v 1.4.3
+ Trail Kynes Aegis Endboss "Execration" debuff option added

v 1.4.2
+ Option portal in Trail Kynes Aegis (second boss ship portal)

v 1.4.1
+ fixed the preset setting (creating a new one will force a reload)
- removed the "load preset" button
= switching preset on dropdown will directly load the setting

v 1.4.0
+ error fixed UI error.. while disabled UI but sound on

v 1.3.9
+ UI not need to be enabled anymore to get the sound

v 1.3.8
+ UI Settings (size)
+ Able to Play a sound (options)
+ fixed shard synergie could be taken always ( was still enabled for testing )
+ fixed double option

v 1.3.7
+ New window to track "Major Slayer" (Lokke) also includes all other id's where you could get this buff
+ Disabling tracking window will remove the events to not get fired while not using (performance increase)
+ hopefully fixed some issue where it was not possible to take synergies (example: timeshift "gates" / sigil )
+ if there still be problems with taking synergys try bar swap to force recheck

v 1.3.6
- Removed HRC Confirm window since it didnt work
+ Changed Alkosh tracking ID
+ Getting synergy name now by ID so every language should work now :)

v 1.3.5
+ smal improves
= known issue: when you have seen one synergy on frontbar you can still take it on backbar even if you blocked it (since last big update)

v 1.3.4
+ Added the Option to Track Alkosh on bosses over UI
+ Added icons the the Option on each skill

v 1.3.3
+ fixed an issue where the blocked synergy could not be used but icon/annoucment was there
+ fixed an issue where syngergys that was on cooldown still shown as "able to use"

V 1.3.2
+ improved some code (forced refresh)
+ fixed a problem where it was not possible to use synergys for mechanics while frontbar or lokke check was on
+ added resource check

V 1.3.1
+ forces reload if savedata is still old version
+ force refresh synergy data on bar swap

V 1.3
+ Preset added (account wide)
+ Fixed an issue with BanditsUI that would not make it work
+ Settings now in submenus

V 1.2
+ Lokke Check fixed

V 1.1
- Removed the override function
+ Using PreHook now
+ Debug option "/bscas debug" to enable and logging unknown syngery names "/bscas" prints all unknown syngerys
+ Check PvP area "OnPlayerActivated"
+ Orbs and shards got now a seperate otion
+ Lokke Set check (if 0 lokke items are checked the setting will be ignored)
+ Using Globals insteed of "LibStub"
+ HRC Outbreak Dialog fix
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Unread 02/23/23, 04:43 AM  

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can't block

can't block boneyard and trapping webs.
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Unread 02/11/23, 01:36 PM  

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Can't block shadow silk

Can't block shadow silk , even if i turn off the synergy to not use it it still pops up to use the synergy. This goes for all 3 variations of the skill, both unmorphed and morphed ones.
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Unread 01/17/23, 12:38 PM  
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Out of Combat Synergies in Dreadsail Reef


I was using BSCs AdvancedSynergy in DSR, and with "Only Synergy in Combat on," I cannot synergy up the waterspouts out of combat or downstairs on Reef Guardian.

I was wondering if u could implement a work around for this mechanic.

I could also get u the IDs for those synergies if it would help.
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Unread 08/21/22, 12:39 PM  

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Originally Posted by BloodStainCHild
Originally Posted by deviantsel
Originally Posted by BloodStainCHild
Thanks for the id's, only needed the name
Will be added soon, with some special feature, like autoenable of a period of time, currently in testing state.

But keep in mind healing/purge synergy may be displayed but you will take "Surging Waters" since its higer priority and i can not change this.
Thanks for your great work!
Does that means if I disabled the "Surging Waters", but I can still active the "Surging Waters" synergy if there's healing/purge synergy?
Not sure about the order of this synergy but for example, if there 2 synergy's one is supporting you other is doing dmg the supporting will allwys higer prio even if you have blocked this synergy and it showed the other one.
but you could test this before you start the fight, but dont forget to turn of "only while combat" if you have turned it on
thank you!
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Unread 08/21/22, 11:26 AM  
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Originally Posted by deviantsel
Originally Posted by BloodStainCHild
Thanks for the id's, only needed the name
Will be added soon, with some special feature, like autoenable of a period of time, currently in testing state.

But keep in mind healing/purge synergy may be displayed but you will take "Surging Waters" since its higer priority and i can not change this.
Thanks for your great work!
Does that means if I disabled the "Surging Waters", but I can still active the "Surging Waters" synergy if there's healing/purge synergy?
Not sure about the order of this synergy but for example, if there 2 synergy's one is supporting you other is doing dmg the supporting will allwys higer prio even if you have blocked this synergy and it showed the other one.
but you could test this before you start the fight, but dont forget to turn of "only while combat" if you have turned it on
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Unread 08/21/22, 10:50 AM  

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Originally Posted by BloodStainCHild
Thanks for the id's, only needed the name
Will be added soon, with some special feature, like autoenable of a period of time, currently in testing state.

But keep in mind healing/purge synergy may be displayed but you will take "Surging Waters" since its higer priority and i can not change this.
Thanks for your great work!
Does that means if I disabled the "Surging Waters", but I can still active the "Surging Waters" synergy if there's healing/purge synergy?
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Unread 08/20/22, 04:40 AM  
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Originally Posted by deviantsel
Is there a chance to block the synergy "Surging Waters" in Dreadsail Reef? There're 2 different ids for Surging Waters (163544 and 163547)
And it's best to make it can be disabled/enabled with a hotkey as cr/ss/ka portal
Thanks for the id's, only needed the name
Will be added soon, with some special feature, like autoenable of a period of time, currently in testing state.

But keep in mind healing/purge synergy may be displayed but you will take "Surging Waters" since its higer priority and i can not change this.

Originally Posted by Szalord
For a while, i've been having some issues with the synergy blocking feature. It appears that when a synergy is blocked, it indeed does not appear on the screen / prompt, but apparently it can still be taken sometimes if you use the synergy keybind. I haven't figured out any real pattern to that yet, but it happens with any synergy so far.
Yes this issue is nothing new especially if you only block the synergy on one bar and not rly know how to solve this problem, its since they added the synergy priority system.
Also this will happen more often if you have multiple synergy blocker addons installed, i recommend only use one at the same time to avoid some issues.

Originally Posted by TireN
A big problem for me is to switch saved settings manually.
I often forget even if I change the character, and if I change the role on the character, I forget even more often.

Can I make the settings change automatically if I set the role to dd settings #1, if I set the role to tank is settings #2?
Will be added soon, currently in testing state. But settings have to be done on each character to make it work correctly.
I was thinking to add raid setting but the setting menu is already very big and would be bigger if i add all Raids.
Last edited by BloodStainCHild : 08/20/22 at 04:43 AM.
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Unread 08/17/22, 08:51 AM  

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Is there a chance to block the synergy "Surging Waters" in Dreadsail Reef? There're 2 different ids for Surging Waters (163544 and 163547)
And it's best to make it can be disabled/enabled with a hotkey as cr/ss/ka portal
Last edited by deviantsel : 08/17/22 at 12:34 PM.
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Unread 07/19/22, 02:09 PM  

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For a while, i've been having some issues with the synergy blocking feature. It appears that when a synergy is blocked, it indeed does not appear on the screen / prompt, but apparently it can still be taken sometimes if you use the synergy keybind. I haven't figured out any real pattern to that yet, but it happens with any synergy so far.
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Unread 05/18/22, 06:34 PM  

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A big problem for me is to switch saved settings manually.
I often forget even if I change the character, and if I change the role on the character, I forget even more often.

Can I make the settings change automatically if I set the role to dd settings #1, if I set the role to tank is settings #2?
Last edited by TireN : 05/18/22 at 06:37 PM.
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Unread 06/20/21, 01:36 PM  
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Re: profiles

Originally Posted by firvain
when i set the slider of take synergy at e.g. 30% of resources it does not get saved in profile. am i missing something?
sadly i didn't add this to the preset option only the synergy settings are inside of the presets
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Unread 06/20/21, 12:39 PM  
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when i set the slider of take synergy at e.g. 30% of resources it does not get saved in profile. am i missing something?
Last edited by firvain : 06/20/21 at 12:39 PM.
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Unread 03/05/21, 07:39 AM  
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sorry for late reply..

next patch i will bring an updat with more settings like color font and more...

on wich synergy did this happen? maybe i have the wrong id on my data

Originally Posted by mlq88
Currently I have something I'm quite happy with, however... I still see the 0.0 after the first time using the synergy, which won't quite reset.
Where would I got to not have 0.0 actually appear? I assume it's got to do with the printed value from the countdown being 0, meaning it needs a text override?
Last edited by BloodStainCHild : 03/05/21 at 07:39 AM.
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Unread 01/30/21, 06:11 AM  
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Currently I have something I'm quite happy with, however... I still see the 0.0 after the first time using the synergy, which won't quite reset.
Where would I got to not have 0.0 actually appear? I assume it's got to do with the printed value from the countdown being 0, meaning it needs a text override?

		<TopLevelControl name="BSCASTackingUI" resizeToFitDescendents="true" clampedToScreen="true" movable="true" mouseEnabled="true" >
			<Anchor relativePoint="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="GuiRoot" point="TOPLEFT"/>
				<Texture name="$(parent)Texture" color="000000">
					<Anchor relativePoint="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" point="TOPLEFT"/>
			<OnMoveStop> BSCASynergy.TrackOnMoveStop()	</OnMoveStop>
		<Control name="BSCASTackingCD" virtual="true" hidden="true">
				<Texture name="$(parent)Icon" textureFile="esoui/art/icons/">
					<Anchor relativePoint="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" point="TOPLEFT"/>
					<Dimensions y="5" x="5"/>
				<Label name="$(parent)SynCD" color="ffffff" text="" font="$(CHAT_FONT)|$(KB_8)|soft-shadow-thick">
					<Anchor relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" point="LEFT"/>
				<Label name="$(parent)SetCD" color="ffffff" text="" font="$(CHAT_FONT)|$(KB_8)|soft-shadow-thick" hidden="true">
					<Anchor relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)Icon" point="LEFT"/>
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Unread 01/27/21, 11:40 AM  
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Very good addon! I would ask though for a more appealing font choice or adjustable font choice for the synergy countdown; the green is.... not great....
The standard countdown font from skillbar would be fine too.
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