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Updated: 12/09/23 07:37 PM
File Info
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
Updated:12/09/23 07:37 PM
Created:06/06/20 07:06 PM
Monthly downloads:981
Total downloads:165,041
LootDrop Reborn  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 4.59
by: Phinix, Pawkette
LootDrop Reborn

(Click your flag to translate the page. Addon includes in-game support for all listed languages.)

REQUIRED LIBRARIES: LibAddonMenu LibAnimation LibMediaProvider

SAD NEWS: After a 3 month struggle following a massive stroke and other health issues, my father has passed away (8-21-24). He was my light, my best friend and role model. Every day seemed like being a part of something truly special because of him and I will cherish the last 25 years we shared this journey together forever. I am thankful we had time to say farewell but the loss is devastating. I was with him every day until the end and it was so hard. My younger brother only just recently passed as well. I know they are together again somewhere, and I hold on to their memories every day. But I cannot help feel the absence, and the loneliness is almost too much to bear. Having to deal with the hard material side of funeral expenses and the like is also incredibly difficult. I will try and get back to modding when I am able but for the moment it is all I can do to just keep going on my own without them.

Addon Description:

This is the original LootDrop, updated for Ascending Tide & High Isle with bug fixes and many new features and options. Includes support for many more loot types, guilds, skill lines, and the new Antiquities, Companion, and Endeavor systems! Pawkette's original LootDrop is a legendary ESO addon which I believe is still preferable to use even now that ESO has included its own built-in version of a loot tracker. It is my intent to maintain a current build that functions with all new game systems and mechanics as well as provide bug fixes and new features (in the spirit of the original author's intent of course).

(Sorry about the first half of this older video & choppiness in general. OBS hates full screen windowed mode).

NEW:Added options to set chat output tab for each individual loot type under Chat Log Options!
(For example, set your gear drops to one tab, group gear drops to another, etc.)

  • MAJOR UPDATE! LootDrop Reborn now includes full loot appearance customization with modular toggles and preview mode for each individual type!
  • NEW: Added a preview mode selection menu which allows you to pick individual loot types to preview while changing settings.
  • Preview now automatically docks with addon settings and returns to your previously saved location automatically when closing.
  • Added name toggle, XP progress/extended progress, prefix/suffix, custom color, custom name, and many other options to each individual loot type.
  • Added new Loot option to show a collection icon next to set drops you have not yet collected, in both the loot window and chat.
  • Added new option to show lore book library progress and per-zone completion status.
  • Added tradeable status icon to the loot window.
  • Added new option to show loot traits in the loot window.
  • Improved value options to always apply to all numerical displays within the loot window.
  • Many improvements, bug fixes, and re-writes of old code to generally improve and optimize the addon.
Type /ldrlock to toggle locking/unlocking the loot window.
Can also set a keybind under LootDropReborn from the game menu -> Controls (Addon Keybinds submenu if you use Votan's Keybinder).

  • Added a new filtering system to select specific types of loot to show/hide in LootDrop and chat separately!
  • Added keybinds you can set under Controls -> Addon/Keybinds to toggle LootDrop filters and chat filters on/off globally.
    (Example: turn it on for writs, and back off to see everything again while questing).
  • Added quality level limits for certain types of loot so when you turn them off, you can still show them if they are above a certain quality level (recipes, crafting mats, etc.).
  • Fixed display of item totals to now show actual total in your bags, not just the total for the current stack.
  • Re-docked LootDrop option tooltips to the right of the settings window for better readability.
  • Moved default preview window position when in options to allow space for the relocated tooltips.
  • Improved tooltips for Lock/Unlock to better describe behavior and mention /ldrlock option for toggling lock outside addon settings.
  • Improved Preview tooltip to explain the LootDrop window is temporarily moved while in options and that you can move it around without changing your saved position.

  • Added new method of preventing duplicate loot items. Method in LootDrop Deluxe used OnUpdate() to do expensive functions which ran every frame, and was fairly performance intensive. The alternative method in LootDrop Reborn is event-driven and very performance friendly. In addition to preventing duplicates, it also enabled some awesome new features (see below).
  • Added item total and value stacking for repeat-looted items. For example when you are doing a crafting survey, instead of just replacing a previous Rubedite Ore entry with the current one, LootDrop Reborn will increment the total Rubedite Ore looted since the item appeared in your LootDrop window and update the value displayed, until your timer expires for that item. Additionally, the value and Guild Trader values are also stacked, according to your value display options (stack value is added per loot if set). What this means is that at the end of looting all the items at the crafting survey, you will see: The total items looted, the total vendor value of those items (per item or per the whole stack looted) and the total Guild Trader value (again per item or per stack looted according to value settings). This works similar to how gold and XP gain values are stacked as you repeatedly acquire them.
  • Added new method of limiting on-screen loot window items, different from LootDrop Deluxe. More accurate + better performance. Can choose anywhere between 1 to 20 items shown at once before others scroll waiting their turn. Items that are scrolled past your limit waiting to be shown will not expire before showing, and instead will display for their full set duration once scrolled in and shown. (Item number and value stacks will be tracked even for items that aren't shown yet.)
  • Added new option to show the number of loot items remaining to be shown (based on your Max Loot Items setting above). Can be moved.
  • Significantly improved performance by adding a 100ms buffer to the OnUpdate() function.
  • Fix for prematurely vanishing loot items (similar to LootDrop Deluxe plus setting expired controls to nil and eliminating _inactive pool altogether.
  • Added new custom icon for Guild Trader value, to differentiate it from the gold value icon.
  • Improved the display of gold and Guild Trader value so the icons appear to the left of the total like with other loot items.
  • Added "g" to the gold values added by the item value settings (vendor and Guild Trader values) for consistency with gold gains.
  • Added option to Value section to show/hide the comma separator when showing both vendor and guild loot.
  • Removed embedded LibAnimation and linked the required library on the addon page.
  • Increased the allowable width of the loot window to allow for longer item names and option strings to show.
  • Added new Preview Mode so you can see example loots scrolling constantly while setting your display options. Enable in addon settings or by keybind.
  • Many other maintenance tweaks and improvements behind the scenes.
  • Added language translations for new setting strings and edited for spelling/grammar.
  • Fully supports Gamepad UI mode.
  • Updated API for Ascending Tide and High Isles clients.

FEATURES FROM 'DELUXE' (Masteroshi430):
  • New ESO Classic visual style featuring alternate icons for several loot types plus many background override options.

  • Added new Skills section for controlling whether to display progress of certain skill trees in the LootDrop window.
  • Added various options for configuration (can hide skill tree name, show extended percent completion text, etc.).
  • Enabling 'World Skill Tree' will show Excavation, Scrying, Soul Magic, Vampire & Werewolf progress.
  • Enabling 'Weapon Skill Tree' will show Two-Handed, 1-Hand & Shield, Dual Wield, Bow, Destruction Staff & Restoration Staff progress.
  • Enabling 'Armor Skill Tree' will show Light, Medium, & Heavy armor progress.
  • Enabling 'AvA Skill Tree' will show Assault, Emperor, & Support progress.
  • Added support for soul gems gained by Soul Trap, Soul Lock passive, or other such means.
  • Added support for gaining a new collectible (like a costume or skin).
  • Added new section to set and configure showing gold value for drops (vendor, guild trader, or both).
  • Added new Chat option to set how group names are displayed in chat loot (character name, account name, or both).
  • Added new option under loot window settings to "Hide Loot Drop GUI" to only show loot results in chat (now also includes a keybind option under Controls).
  • Added new option to show item trait in the chat output.
  • Added event filters to EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE for improved performance.
  • Added full Companion XP and separate Rapport tracking. Can be enabled separately for loot window and chat.
  • Added full support to enable/disable showing all loot types in the loot window and/or chat log separately, so you don't have to enable one to see the other.

  • Added support for discovery of new Antiquity Leads with proper icons in the loot drop window & chat log.
  • Added support for Psijic Order guild progress.
  • Improved guild progress support in general.
  • Added support for Jewelcrafting experience.
  • Added support for Writ Vouchers
  • Added support for Undaunted Keys
  • Added support for Transmute Crystals
  • Added support for Event Tickets
  • Cleaned up the in-game settings menu.
  • Fixed item style not displayed in chat debug output when selected.
  • Fixed extended display experience option showing fractional percentage gains as 0%.
  • Removed dependency on old LibStub and cleaned up libraries in general.
  • Added proper localization with support for French, German, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and English of course. (Need human translations!)
  • Various other cleanup and adjustment.

Below is the original mod page description:

Warning: Spoiler

Click here to view my other addons.
Hi all, I’m back and working on addons again. I'd really appreciate it if you could read the sticky post in the comments, and if anyone can help, or knows anyone that can help, or can possibly feature some of my work on their stream to help drive support my way, I would be immensely grateful. It will help me to continue to bring cool content and updates to you all!

Version 4.59: ~Phinix
  • Re-wrote the code for companion rapport values when extended display is enabled, and also for how the percent complete value is calculated. Since the range of values for each rapport tier can go from negative to positive numbers, the code now accounts for the actual range from the minimum to maximum value in the tier, and the real number of points you have made progress in the tier, when computing values and percentages.
  • Re-wrote much of the code for handling skill-up events to prevent (hopefully) situations where the value is not properly (bounced) when gaining value on an already displayed skill. Specifically each skill has been given a unique identifier rather than relying on procedural names, and additional checks are made to avoid erroneous data generation. Also, there was an error where certain tables of skills such as the table that has the values for all weapons were resetting the entire table's values when a single weapon type was released. This was the case for weapons, armor, AvA, and World skill trees, and could have contributed to doubling of these displays.
  • Some other code maintenance and cleanup.

Version 4.58: ~Phinix
  • Updated rapport tier values to current game values. Percent progress should now be correct.
  • Fixed General Options setting to reset Chat Output Tab globally. This setting will now also effect loot types for which there is not an individual chat tab option. Additionally, I added an indicator on the option text that shows what this default tab is currently set to, and added to the description popup to explain that when an individual loot type isn't set to a specific tab it will default to this tab value.

Version 4.57: ~Phinix
  • Updated API for Endless Archive.
  • Added full loot tracking and customization support for new Archival Fortunes currency.

Version 4.56: ~Phinix
  • Fixed toggle loot window not functioning since update.
  • Added chat debug message indicating when loot window or chat log display of loot is toggled on and off.
  • Various code maintenance.

Version 4.55: ~Phinix
  • Added options to set chat output tab for each individual loot type under Chat Log Options!
    (For example, set your gear drops to one tab, group gear drops to another, etc.)
  • Added option to set LootDrop chat output tab globally from General Options, resetting all the above to a selected tab.
    (NOTE: If set to a non-existing tab output will default to the main chat tab.)
  • Added an option under General Options to toggle hiding all LootDrop chat output, like the toggle for hiding the loot window.
  • Added new keybind option under game Controls to toggle the above option. This is useful for turning off all chat output in big PVP fights where having a lot of them running might cause a server disconnect (not sure if applicable to client-side addon debug output but still)) without changing all your individual loot type configurations.
  • Many performance and stability updates. Fixed several instances where callbacks to register/unregister for loot events weren't synced up between chat and loot window options.
  • EDIT: Re-uploaded without version change; fixed some inconsistent behavior with the option to auto-hide the default game loot history. This will now function as expected, ensuring the game's loot history is disabled on reload when enabled, regardless of the LootDrop window being hidden or other settings which should have been unrelated but could in fact cause the default loot history not to hide before this change.

Version 4.54: ~Phinix
  • Small change to prevent companion XP/Rapport gains from stacking when they are from different companions.

Version 4.53: ~Phinix
  • Updated for Necrom.
  • Added ability to use custom fonts in the loot window by request!
    (NOTE: You can set a global custom font under the Appearance Settings section by enabling the option and picking a font. You can also set a custom font for any individual loot type under Loot Window Options sub-menus. Setting a custom font in one of these sub menus does not require enabling the global custom font option and will apply to just that loot type. If using a global custom font, sub-category options will overwrite it when enabled and set.)
  • Increased the maximum size you can set fonts globally.

Version 4.52: ~Phinix[list][*]Updated for Scribes of Fate.

Version 4.51: ~Phinix
  • Updated previous error fix to properly account for Master Merchant.

Version 4.50: ~Phinix
  • Updated API for Firesong.
  • Fixed possible error related to sending plain text item name to 3rd party price addons (Arkadia, Tamriel Trade, Master Merchant) to check prices. Will now only send value to these addons if item has an actual link.

Version 4.49: ~Phinix
  • Fixed looted mail items showing 0 for total amount.

Version 4.48: ~Phinix
  • Fixed a bug that was causing displayed values in chat to show the stack value from the loot window when looting the same item repeatedly (crafting surveys, etc.). Chat will now show the value for the individual item/stack per line as intended rather than cumulatively.

Version 4.47: ~Phinix
  • Fixed a bug with the new filtered loot system that could cause some of a mail item's attachments not to register.
  • EDIT: Minor Japanese language fix for transmute crystals (thanks sora0v0).

Version 4.46: ~Phinix
  • Fixed full name options for companions. Those with only one name (Ember) will no longer cause errors.
  • Finished non-English translations (to help with human translations send PM!
  • EDIT: Removed some testing functions.

Version 4.45: ~Phinix
  • Added a new filtering system to select specific types of loot to show/hide in LootDrop and chat separately!
  • Added keybinds you can set under Controls -> Addon/Keybinds to toggle LootDrop filters and chat filters on/off globally (example: turn it on for writs, and back off to see everything again while questing).
  • Added quality level limits for certain types of loot so when you turn them off, you can still show them if they are above a certain quality level (recipes, crafting mats, etc.).
  • System has been fairly extensively tested but I am only one person with a ton of addons (including major work on Srendarr) so please report any bugs with the new system!
  • Currently the new options are only in English. I will work on updating language translations over time (huge time sink).
  • Fixed display of item totals to now show actual total in your bags, not just the total for the current stack.
  • Re-docked LootDrop option tooltips to the right of the settings window for better readability.
  • Moved default preview window position when in options to allow space for the relocated tooltips.
  • Improved tooltips for Lock/Unlock to better describe behavior and mention /ldrlock option for toggling lock outside addon settings.
  • Improved Preview tooltip to explain the LootDrop window is temporarily moved while in options and that you can move it around without changing your saved position.

Version 4.44: ~Phinix
  • Fixed missing Companion Rapport icons in ESO Classic mode (game path changed).
  • Improved skills icon in ESO Classic Mode.
  • Added slash command /ldrlock to toggle lock/unlock of the loot window. You can also set a keybind under LootDropReborn controls (Addon Keybinds submenu if you use Votan's Keybinder).

Version 4.43: ~Phinix
  • Added Legerdemain to previous list of new color skill loot icons.
  • Fixed incorrect German "Level" translation.

Version 4.42: ~Phinix
  • Added new color icons the game now provides for skill XP gains (thanks Masteroshi430 for bringing them to my attention).
  • Added new option under Loot Window Options -> Skill Display to use "Old Skill Icons." Enable this if you prefer LootDrop's old non-color icons for skills.
  • Renamed saved variable for "Old Guild Icons" (same location and functionality as above, only for guilds). If you want to use LootDrop's old guild icons you'll need to re-enable this option.
  • Un-commented initialization of non-English client language translations from the manifest which had somehow been disabled. Non-English translations will now work again.

Version 4.41: ~Phinix
  • Fixed bug introduced by previous update that prevented group loot showing.

Version 4.40: ~Phinix
  • Added new Loot option to show a collection icon next to set drops you have not yet collected, in both the loot window and chat.
  • Cleaned up some variable names in the loot event to be more intuitive.

Version 4.39: ~Phinix
  • Added new option to show lore book library progress and per-zone completion status.
  • Updated option and tooltip text for book knowledge option to indicate it is to show skill-ups gained through books.
  • Updated chat output to include names of things like "Seals of Endeavor."
  • Various other under-the-hood updates.

Version 4.38: ~Phinix
  • Added new Loot Window option to show actual RP gains with AP gains. Repeat RP gains will "bounce" increment value until faded.
  • Added same option as above to chat options. Chat values are always for single gains not cumulative.
  • Rebuilt AP chat options to allow modular enable/disable of AP rank, RP gains, and extended progress info.
  • Added new Value option to show vendor gold value when set to only show trade and no trade data is available.
  • Fixed display of trade only gold values to use the trade house hammer icon rather than the vendor gold icon.
  • Various minor cleanup and maintenance.
  • EDIT: Re-upload to make display of RP value obey the prefix/format settings for AP.

Version 4.37: ~Phinix
  • Fixed typo causing companion rapport progress to show incorrect values in the "cordial" range.
  • Fixed nothing showing for preview mode when "Loot" type was selected.
  • Changed behavior of Luck/Unlock so that the loot window will move to your current saved position when unlocked, and re-dock with the addon settings window when locked again, saving your position.
  • Added assorted fake gear to the "Loot" preview category so you can preview showing traits, etc.

Version 4.36: ~Phinix
  • Changed rapport display to increment total gains and modify the icon based on it being a net gain or loss, instead of showing a separate rapport gain total.
  • Added new Loot Window Option to show relationship status ("Cordial", etc.) after rapport changes.
  • Added new Loot Window Option to show rapport level progress (or extended progress) after rapport changes.
    NOTE: This will only show for rapport levels above "Warry."
  • Added new Chat Log Option to show the description of your companion relationship in chat after rapport changes.
  • Added new Chat Log Option to show extended progress values for rapport gains.

Version 4.35: ~Phinix
  • Fixed missing data field for new value causing mail and some other loot to show tradeable icon incorrectly.
  • Minor changes to certain event code for improved reliability.
  • Also fixes stack icons not showing craft bag when stacks are added there and showing bag held is enabled.

Version 4.34: ~Phinix
  • Fixed hide default loot window not being maintained.
  • Will now automatically hide default loot window if LootDrop window is set to show.
  • Test fix for tradeable icon showing for loot when it shouldn't.

Version 4.33: ~Phinix
  • Finished the remaining non-English language translations.
  • Added tradeable status icon to the loot window (thanks Masteroshi430 for the idea!)
  • Included stolen and tradeable status icon in the chat log display as well.
  • EDIT: Re-upload for tiny format change; removed +/- from total bag carried.
  • EDIT: Fixed typo in chat log change that caused non-stolen/tradeable loot to not show names.
  • Fixed missing condition check causing tradeable icon to show for non-group loot.

Version 4.32: ~Phinix
  • Fixed show/hide keybind not saving setting due to not being updated to new saved variable location and pointing at a non-existent value (oops!).

Version 4.31: ~Phinix
  • Added checks to prevent additional currencies (Telvar, AP, Writ Vouchers, etc.) from displaying on login if you have any in your bags.
  • Improved chat log display for many types. Added '+/-' indicator where loot can be both gained and lost.
  • Cleaned up the display of AP gains in chat and (hopefully) eliminated strange values (now matches Loot Window).
  • Added new option to show loot traits in the loot window.
  • Updated German & French translations to latest version. Others will come later.

Version 4.30: ~Phinix
  • MAJOR UPDATE! LootDrop Reborn now includes full loot appearance customization with modular toggles and preview mode for each individual type!
  • NEW: Added a preview mode selection menu which allows you to pick individual loot types to preview while changing settings.
  • Preview now automatically docks with addon settings and returns to your previously saved location automatically when closing.
  • Added name toggle, XP progress/extended progress, prefix/suffix, custom color, custom name, and many other options to each individual loot type for total freedom how you want to display your loot!
  • Improved value options to always apply to all numerical displays within the loot window.
  • Many improvements, bug fixes, and re-writes of old code to generally improve and optimize the addon.

Non-English language translations are currently incomplete and will come in a later release. Please let me know if you encounter any bugs so I can squash them. I have done extensive testing however this was a MASSIVE code overhaul so there could still be some minor typos/quick fixes to make.

Version 4.29: ~Phinix
  • Fixed an issue where group member loot would cause a white blank loot entry to appear.
  • Fixed negative gold/other values not obeying new delimiter settings due to ZOS function limitation.
  • Increased max allowable loot window stack size to 50.
  • Fixed bug when changing stack size setting while loot was in the window or preview was running.
  • Various minor code adjustments to facilitate above fixes.

Version 4.28: ~Phinix
  • Corrected some display bugs that crept into the initial massive update (thanks for the reports!).
  • Restored missing display mode options for many of the individual loot types.
  • Changed "Half Extended" to "Alt Extended" to better reflect varied behavior.
  • For XP gains, "Extended" mode will no longer show the current level, but all other info is the same as "Alt Extended."
  • Added new currency formatting configuration section to Display Window settings to add delimiter or truncate currency values.
  • Added another option to the above settings to also apply these settings to the vendor and guild trader values shown for loot.
  • EDIT: Snuck in another new option to also apply these settings to XP (Including companion XP).
  • EDIT: Applied above settings to bag totals when set to apply to loot item values for consistency.
  • EDIT: Fixed typo causing consecutive XP gains not to build stacks.
  • Added new option to disable adding 'g' after vendor and guild trader values in the display window.
  • Further improvements to the core function code.

Version 4.27: ~Phinix
  • Merged in Masteroshi430's ESO classic theme and some other options and additions (like Seal of Endeavor tracking) from LootDrop Deluxe.
  • Added new method of limiting on-screen loot window items, different from LootDrop Deluxe. More accurate + better performance. Can choose anywhere between 1 to 20 items shown at once before others scroll waiting their turn. Items that are scrolled past your limit waiting to be shown will not expire before showing, and instead will display for their full set duration once scrolled in and shown.
  • Added new option to show the number of loot items remaining to be shown (based on your Max Loot Items setting above). Can be moved.
  • Added new method of preventing duplicate loot items. Method in LootDrop Deluxe used OnUpdate() to do expensive functions which ran every frame, and was fairly performance intensive. The alternative method in LootDrop Reborn is event-driven and very performance friendly. In addition to preventing duplicates, it also enabled some awesome new features (see below).
  • Added item total and value stacking for repeat-looted items. For example when you are doing a crafting survey, instead of just replacing a previous Rubedite Ore entry with the current one, LootDrop Reborn will increment the total Rubedite Ore looted since the item appeared in your LootDrop window and update the value displayed, until your timer expires for that item. Additionally, the value and Guild Trader values are also stacked, according to your value display options (stack value is added per loot if set). What this means is that at the end of looting all the items at the crafting survey, you will see: The total items looted, the total vendor value of those items (per item or per the whole stack looted) and the total Guild Trader value (again per item or per stack looted according to value settings). This works similar to how gold and XP gain values are stacked as you repeatedly acquire them.
  • Significantly improved performance by adding a 100ms buffer to the OnUpdate() function.
  • Added experimental fix for prematurely vanishing loot items (similar to LootDrop Deluxe only eliminating _inactive pool altogether and setting expired controls to nil.
  • Added new custom icon for Guild Trader value, to differentiate it from the gold value icon.
  • Improved the display of gold and Guild Trader value so the icons appear to the left of the total like with other loot items.
  • Added "g" to the gold values added by the item value settings (vendor and Guild Trader values) for consistency with gold gains.
  • Added option to Value section to show/hide the comma separator when showing both vendor and guild loot.
  • Removed embedded LibAnimation and linked the required library on the addon page.
  • Increased the allowable width of the loot window to allow for longer item names and option strings to show.
  • Added new Preview Mode so you can see example loots scrolling constantly while setting your display options. Enable in addon settings or by keybind.
  • Many other maintenance tweaks and improvements behind the scenes.
  • Added language translations for new setting strings and edited for spelling/grammar.
  • Fully supports Gamepad UI mode.
  • Updated API for Ascending Tide and High Isles clients.

Semi-beta release. Stable in testing, but please report any issues with specific errors (if any) and steps to reproduce if possible.

Version 4.26: ~Phinix
  • Updated for Deadlands. Fixed error related to changed function name.

Version 4.25: ~Phinix
  • Updated API for Waking Flame update.

Version 4.24: ~Phinix
  • Fixed the function to turn off the LootDrop GUI and only show loot in chat. Previous major update allows full configuration of what you want to see in chat separate from the loot window, so being able to toggle the GUI window completely off makes more sense now. You could also toggle off LootDrop's GUI and only show chat, but also enable the game's default loot history (though this makes less sense as LootDrop's is better.) Hide GUI option is under Loot Window Options in addon settings, or you can set a keybind to toggle it.
  • Removed automatic disabling of the game's loot history, which may have caused problems for some people and limited configuration options.
  • Other random updates and maintenance.

Version 4.23: ~Phinix
  • Enabled separate loot window/chat display options for every loot type. Now you can enable showing loot in chat or in the loot window or both without having to enable one to see the other.
  • Completely rebuilt settings to fit the above change, with a separate Loot Window and Chat option section.
  • Fixed the option to show the name of skills next to level up information not working.
  • Added keybind option to show/hide the loot window, in addition to the GUI option.
  • Many changes to the underlying code to support new features. Please report any bugs!
Version 4.22: ~Phinix
  • Fixed telvar stone total popping up on login/zone change.
  • Fixed a typo affecting transmute crystal display.
  • Improved the display of skill updates with more information.

Version 4.21: ~Phinix
  • Improved companion xp/rapport display and fixed some previous bugs.
  • Improved AP/RP to display "RP +0" with no additional info when adding/removing bank AP, when RP doesn't change.
  • Fixed unchanged undaunted keys, transmute crystals, and event tickets showing in the loot window when traversing oblivion portals.
  • Numerous improvements to display conditions for different types of loot/XP. Previously needed global tracking variables were eliminated where events return old and new values to compare.

Version 4.20: ~Phinix
  • Further AP improvements: Added separate tracking of Rank Points to AP gain display strings.
  • Fixed typo that made AP display use display setting for normal XP instead of AP.

Version 4.19: ~Phinix
  • Fixed AP gains not properly reflecting increased values from AP increasing buffs. (Thanks Marazota for helping troubleshoot.)
  • Fixed AP and Companion Rapport not showing correct gains the first time they change after a reload.
  • Fixed Companion Rapport not properly updating resulting in wrong display values over time.

Version 4.18: ~Phinix
  • Improved Companion XP support and added full Rapport support as well.
    Either can be enabled to show in the loot window and/or chat, without the limitation of other options
    where you must have it enabled in the loot window to see it in chat.
  • Re-wrote much of the AP and XP tracking and display functions. Chat output will now show numerical gains and the percent to next level.
  • Other general improvements and assorted maintenance for Blackwood release.

Version 4.17: (PTS test only.) ~Phinix

Version 4.16: ~Phinix
  • Fix for double soul gem bug. Also fixed some cases where empty soul gems were not being shown.
  • Version with companion XP support for Blackwood PTS is linked in the description.

Version 4.15: ~Phinix
  • Fixed errors on XP gain experienced on PTS (or if at CP3600).
  • API updated to support Blackwood.

Version 4.14: ~Phinix
  • Added event filters to EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE for improved performance.
  • Various cleanup and maintenance.

Version 4.13: ~Phinix
  • Fixed LootDrop list being mouse enabled even when hidden which was causing it to block mouse clicks if the window was moved over something clickable.
  • Added new option under Chat Options to "Hide Loot Drop GUI" to only show loot results in chat.

Version 4.12: ~Phinix
  • Added new option to show the item trait in the chat output (thanks Hasenwarrior for the suggestion).
  • Updated the Russian translation (thanks Friday_The13_rus).

Version 4.11: ~Phinix
  • Fixed double display of soul gems looted from chests, mail, and other places.
  • Marginally improved the performance of looting.
  • Other minor adjustments.

Version 4.10: ~Phinix
  • Fixed AP display (hopefully). Thanks Lexynide!
  • API bump for Flames of Ambition.

Version 4.09: ~Phinix
  • Fixed (hopefully) problem of totals for multiple item stack loot not displaying in Russian and possibly other non-English clients. Removed old string class filter from original addon function for displaying totals and replaced with compatible function which preserves the original addon behavior displaying multiples when looting stacks and not for single item loot.
  • Added new Chat option to set how group names are displayed in chat loot (character name, account name, or both).

Version 4.08: ~Phinix
  • Fixed an oversight that caused guild rep gains to ignore addon setting to stack multiple gains, and to always return 0 to the function that defines which guild the gain was for. This was especially annoying with Fighters Guild rep spam when killing many undead enemies, but all guilds have been properly linked up now as well.

Version 4.07: ~Phinix
  • Added update routine to switch old boolean variable to new digit-based selection for value format to avoid errors when user had not yet manually changed the value. Also a couple other minor tweaks.

Version 4.06: ~Phinix
  • Added new section to addon settings: Value.
  • Can opt to show vendor price, or the average of any/all trade addons you have installed. Supports Master Merchant, Arkadius Trade Tools, & Tamriel Trade.
  • There is also an option to show both vendor & trade value.
  • Option to set number of decimal places to round trade value average.
  • Option to show values as per item or for the total number looted combined when looting mutliple of the same item at once.
  • Added a new option "Show No Data Value" to the new Value section. Enabling this option (off by default) will display (No Data) when a trade value is displayed and none of your trade addons have data for the item. Turning this option Off will display nothing for these cases.

Version 4.04: ~Phinix
  • Changed method of soul gem support to name matching which should make it work universally (hopefully).

Version 4.03: ~Phinix
  • Added support for soul gems gained by Soul Trap, Soul Lock passive, or other such means.
  • Added new option to show gold value of loot items (loot and chat separate).
  • Updated API for Stonethorn.
  • Some minor housekeeping.

Version 4.02: ~Phinix
  • Removed final lingering dependencies on LibStub from the embedded animations library.
  • Some other minor code maintenance.

Version 4.01: ~Phinix
  • Added support for gaining a new collectible (like a costume or skin). Working colors and links in chat output can be clicked to see item details.

Version 4.0: ~Phinix
  • Corrected issue where actual loot drop entries for antiquity leads would not display in the appropriate color for their quality level like chat output.

Version 3.9: ~Phinix
  • Fixed game reports vampire XP gain even when you don't have vampirism. Game bug? Added check if skill line is active, and also if already maxed rank, so skill tree XP should now never show when not appropriate even if reported by the game.
  • Fixed bug in last version that would generate errors when loot was received and chat output was enabled.

Version 3.8: ~Phinix
  • Added option to only show your loot in chat (when enabled) when above a selected quality color level (like group loot option).

Version 3.7: ~Phinix
  • Added new Skills section for controlling whether to display progress of certain skill trees in the LootDrop window.
  • Added various options for configuration (can hide skill tree name, show extended percent completion text, etc.).
  • Enabling 'World Skill Tree' will show Excavation, Scrying, Soul Magic, Vampire & Werewolf progress.
  • Enabling 'Weapon Skill Tree' will show Two-Handed, 1-Hand & Shield, Dual Wield, Bow, Destruction Staff & Restoration Staff progress.
  • Enabling 'Armor Skill Tree' will show Light, Medium, & Heavy armor progress.
  • Enabling 'AvA Skill Tree' will show Assault, Eperor, & Support progress.

Initial release (3.6): ~Phinix
  • Added support for discovery of new Antiquity Leads with proper icons in the loot drop window & chat log.
  • Added support for Psijic Order guild progress.
  • Improved guild progress support in general.
  • Added support for Jewelcrafting experience.
  • Added support for Writ Vouchers
  • Added support for Undaunted Keys
  • Added support for Transmute Crystals
  • Added support for Event Tickets
  • Cleaned up the in-game settings menu.
  • Fixed item style not displayed in chat debug output when selected.
  • Fixed extended display experience option showing fractional percentage gains as 0%.
  • Added proper localization with support for French, German, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and English of course. (Need human translations!)
  • Various other cleanup and adjustment.
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Unread 04/27/22, 02:04 PM  

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Re: Update & fixes...

There is an option to show 'g' after gold values under the Value Display section, and "Alt Extended" display adds 'xp' for experience gains. Not sure if I like the idea of the whole words showing but I will consider adding it and maybe rearranging some of the display options.
Gave those a try, but am not interested in the value of materials showing just to get a suffix as I'm not a trader. I have the CP bar to see my progress, so the XP % is superflous also. Basically, would like it to display as the Gamepad UI loot history does, like "1000 Experience" or " 50 Gold", as that's what I'm used to seeing after 2 years, the whole words are already shown.
Last edited by MarcusUK : 04/27/22 at 02:05 PM.
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Unread 04/27/22, 11:57 AM  
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Update & fixes...

Version 4.29: ~Phinix
  • Fixed an issue where group member loot would cause a white blank loot entry to appear.
  • Fixed negative gold/other values not obeying new delimiter settings due to ZOS function limitation.
  • Increased max allowable loot window stack size to 50.
  • Fixed bug when changing stack size setting while loot was in the window or preview was running.
  • Various minor code adjustments to facilitate above fixes.
@Poalima - Done.

@bizzy401 - Should be fixed in 4.29, thanks for reporting.

@MarcusUK - There is an option to show 'g' after gold values under the Value Display section, and "Alt Extended" display adds 'xp' for experience gains. Not sure if I like the idea of the whole words showing but I will consider adding it and maybe rearranging some of the display options.
Last edited by Phinix : 04/27/22 at 12:14 PM.
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Unread 04/27/22, 11:22 AM  

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Is there an option to display "gold" and "experience" after the values received in the loot window, as opposed to just raw numbers when using Standard gains? If not, could you please add the option to display these suffixes (maybe even with a choice of long and short formats: "gold"/"g", "experience"/"XP"), as seeing words is sometimes easier than looking at icons, especially during combat. Thanks.
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Unread 04/27/22, 10:02 AM  
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Error in 4 man dungeons

When I am running a dungeon and another player loots something I get a white block. See attached pictures

Using v4.28
Last edited by bizzy401 : 04/27/22 at 12:53 PM.
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Unread 04/27/22, 09:56 AM  

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Is there a way to disable the new item/stack max showing?

I understand that some folks wanted to limit the height of the list/number of items shown at once, but I prefer the old style (showing it all fairly quickly). I hate waiting so long for the listing to finish. Is there a way to either turn this feature off, or increase the number shown from a max of 20 to something like 40 or 50? Thanks.
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Unread 04/27/22, 05:48 AM  
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Version 4.28: ~Phinix
  • Corrected some display bugs that crept into the initial massive update (thanks for the reports!).
  • Restored missing display mode options for many of the individual loot types.
  • Changed "Half Extended" to "Alt Extended" to better reflect varied behavior.
  • For XP gains, "Extended" mode will no longer show the current level, but all other info is the same as "Alt Extended."
  • Added new currency formatting configuration section to Display Window settings to add delimiter or truncate currency values.
  • Added another option to the above settings to also apply these settings to the vendor and guild trader values shown for loot.
  • Added new option to disable adding 'g' after vendor and guild trader values in the display window.
  • Further improvements to the core function code.

@Octopuss - There were a lot of "Standard" options that got left out by accident. 4.28 re-enables them all and also the "Half Extended" (now "Alt Extended") option that was left off a couple others. The different options show different information for different loot types. I will try and collect screenshots in the future.

@LoneStar2911 - I think something maybe went wrong with the update. In the version I uploaded, line 3392 is "local stackval = self.db.stackval" which doesn't contain the '..' string concatenation the error references, and is just setting a local variable to a saved variable which doesn't attempt to index and would not error even if the value was nil.

Can you try deleting your whole \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\LootDrop folder and re-installing LootDrop Reborn? There may be remnants of another version in the folder, or else Minion didn't update something properly.
Last edited by Phinix : 04/27/22 at 06:17 AM.
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Unread 04/27/22, 05:34 AM  

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Thanks for the updates, Phinix!!!
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Unread 04/27/22, 03:01 AM  
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Got this when harvesting a runestone.
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3392: operator .. is not supported for string .. nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3392: in function 'LootDrop:LootPrint'
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3169: in function 'LootDrop:OnLootReceived'
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:2182: in function '(anonymous)'
also this when looting random corpse
Last edited by Octopuss : 04/27/22 at 03:14 AM.
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Unread 04/27/22, 01:57 AM  
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Could you add an explanation of differences, possibly with screenshots, between all those standard, extended, half extended etc. settings? I still don't have the slightest idea what this does 4 years later.
edit: I got it now, but I had to take several screenshots and compare them. A simple examples in the addon description would be nice

Also how do I get rid of the level indicator? I just want to see the XP gains. I mean I do know what my level is.
Also on similar note, guild XP gains show the current level. Is there a way to remove that? There's nothing inbetween. Either the gains are not shown at all or I see this. I think half extended option would do the trick?

Companion XP could use another option too. Just like my previous point.

Basically, could you add at least "standard" to those categories that only have no/extended please?
Last edited by Octopuss : 04/27/22 at 04:02 AM.
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Unread 04/27/22, 12:53 AM  
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LoneStar2911 - Problem was new value function nested in exclusive context. Fixed & re-uploaded.

Masteroshi430 - Oops, removed from options table unintentionally. Restored in re-upload.
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Unread 04/27/22, 12:45 AM  
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Originally Posted by LoneStar2911
Updated to latest version. Got this when picking up a quest item:
I added a quest item icon in Lootdrop Deluxe, maybe some part of the code is half removed?

I am missing an half extended setting for the companion exp (with only the exp percentage) if you don't mind re-adding it
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Unread 04/26/22, 11:51 PM  
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Updated to latest version. Got this when picking up a quest item:

user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3392: operator .. is not supported for string .. nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3392: in function 'LootDrop:LootPrint'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{currentXP = 0, _eticketLastVal = 0, _apLastVal = 0, current_ap = 0, current_Endeavor = 5905, _coinId = 5, lastRankXP = 0, nextRankXP = 0, _undauntedLastVal = 0, _rpLastVal = 0, _skillMageXpLastVal = 0, _xpId = 4, current_rp = 5949, ScreenMaxHeight = 1440, ScreenMaxWidth = 2560, current_transmute = 346, _tvLastVal = 0, _skillPsijicXpLastVal = 0, current_eticket = 11, _skillUndauntedXpLastVal = 0, _skillFenceXpLastVal = 2, current_undaunted = 30, current_writv = 0, _skillXpLastVal = 0, _xpLastVal = 455, _skillFenceXpId = 4, _wVoucherLastVal = 0, _controlId = 81, _skillFighterXpLastVal = 0, _transmuteLastVal = 0, _skillBrotherhoodXpLastVal = 0, _coinLastVal = 7, _xpCompanionLastVal = 0, current_telvar = 2000, _EndeavorLastVal = 0, _skillThievesXpLastVal = 0, _rapportLastVal = 0, loaded = T}, lootEntry = [table:2]{sval = 0, tval = 0, name = "", timestamp = 0, quantity = 0}, aIndex = 1, icon = "/esoui/art/icons/quest_summers...", c = [table:3]{a = 1, r = 0.76470595598221, g = 0.76470595598221, b = 0.76470595598221}, quantity = 1, text = "Dawnstar Gem", mine = T, unitName = "Klepto Katlyn^Fx", lootType = 2, itemId = 6481, isStolen = F, isUpdate = F, color = "c3c3c3", guiName = "Dawnstar Gem", pName = "", quality = 0, cQuantity = 1, label = " Dawnstar Gem", tag = "QUEST" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3169: in function 'LootDrop:OnLootReceived'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], unitName = "Klepto Katlyn^Fx", itemLink = "Dawnstar Gem", quantity = 1, _ = 0, lootType = 2, mine = T, _ = F, _ = "/esoui/art/icons/quest_summers...", itemId = 6481, isStolen = F, pName = "", icon = "/esoui/art/icons/quest_summers...", color = [table:3], lootEntry = [table:2], aIndex = 1, isUpdate = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:2182: in function '(anonymous)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> _ = 131193 </Locals>|r
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Unread 04/26/22, 09:41 PM  
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Re: White fields & error...

Hey all. Please re-download after the update I just posted. No version change, but it should fix these issues. I had a control release queue to catch these but I had it commented in the last release. It should fix the error as well which is related to old controls not being fully cleared before the next OnUpdate() processes the loot stack table, which this should now catch.

It may also be related specifically to skill tree gains which I am investigating. I am also adding a new set of debug commands that will let me generate any type of supported loot for testing purposes, which will make finding these sort of things easier in the future.

@LoneStar2911 - I added a new option in the Value section to toggle comma separator on/off, so you can still use a comma between the gold values. You just have to enable the option now.

EDIT: Misread, you were asking about separators for high gold values! I can add an option for this next update. I believe ZOS has a built-in number formatter which takes different clients into account. I can add a toggle which enables this, and an override with a list of options if you want to use something other than your region's default.
Last edited by Phinix : 04/26/22 at 09:49 PM.
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Unread 04/26/22, 07:47 PM  
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Getting white UI fields on Artaeum. Also, getting errors.

user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3392: operator .. is not supported for string .. nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3392: in function 'LootDrop:LootPrint'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{_undauntedLastVal = 0, _skillUndauntedXpLastVal = 0, _skillBrotherhoodXpLastVal = 0, current_writv = 0, _skillFenceXpLastVal = 0, _coinId = 4, ScreenMaxWidth = 2560, nextRankXP = 0, _tvLastVal = 0, _EndeavorLastVal = 0, lastRankXP = 0, ScreenMaxHeight = 1440, _xpLastVal = 0, _coinLastVal = 362, _eticketLastVal = 0, _rpLastVal = 0, _apLastVal = 0, loaded = T, current_Endeavor = 5905, current_transmute = 346, current_rp = 5949, current_undaunted = 30, current_telvar = 2000, current_ap = 0, _controlId = 447, _wVoucherLastVal = 0, _skillXpLastVal = 0, _skillThievesXpLastVal = 0, _rapportLastVal = 0, _xpCompanionLastVal = 0, current_eticket = 11, _skillPsijicXpLastVal = 0, _skillMageXpLastVal = 0, _skillFighterXpLastVal = 0, currentXP = 0, _transmuteLastVal = 0}, lootEntry = [table:2]{timestamp = 0, name = "", sval = 0, quantity = 0, tval = 0}, aIndex = 1, icon = "/esoui/art/icons/quest_potion_...", c = [table:3]{a = 1, r = 0.76470595598221, g = 0.76470595598221, b = 0.76470595598221}, quantity = 1, text = "Amplification Elixir", mine = T, unitName = "Klepto Katlyn^Fx", lootType = 2, itemId = 6520, isStolen = F, isUpdate = F, color = "c3c3c3", guiName = "Amplification Elixir", pName = "", quality = 0, cQuantity = 1, label = " Amplification Elixir", tag = "QUEST" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:3169: in function 'LootDrop:OnLootReceived'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], unitName = "Klepto Katlyn^Fx", itemLink = "Amplification Elixir", quantity = 1, _ = 0, lootType = 2, mine = T, _ = F, _ = "/esoui/art/icons/quest_potion_...", itemId = 6520, isStolen = F, pName = "", icon = "/esoui/art/icons/quest_potion_...", color = [table:3], lootEntry = [table:2], aIndex = 1, isUpdate = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LootDrop/LootDrop.lua:2182: in function '(anonymous)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> _ = 131193 </Locals>|r
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Unread 04/26/22, 04:22 PM  
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White fields

I'm getting white fields also. Thanks for your hard work on this. Love the addon!
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