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Updated: 08/20/24 11:20 AM
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Update 43 (10.1.0)
Updated:08/20/24 11:20 AM
Created:10/25/20 04:32 PM
Monthly downloads:18,285
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Categories:Libraries, Data Mods
LibHistoire - Guild History  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.5.0
by: sirinsidiator [More]
New guild history
The original guild history API was written more than 10 years ago and never had any of the things addons (ab)use it for in mind.
A few years ago in 2020 the amount of requests generated by addons reached the point where it destabilized the game servers and as a result the API was even disabled completely for a while, until ZOS implemented limits on how many requests can be sent.
This was when I wrote the first version of LibHistoire to provide a cache for guild history data, which different addons could use to avoid sending unnecessary requests to the server and avoid even more restrictions for addons.

Starting with Update 41 in early 2024, the game finally received its own guild history cache. Due to that the library won't need to store event data any more and instead just offers features to inspect and manage the ingame cache as well as a compatibility layer to make transitioning old addons to the new API easier.
Any data that was collected by old versions of LibHistoire in the past will be deleted the first time you log in with version 2 enabled, in order to improve loading times.

Currently the game stores its cache files outside of the usual live folder and they can be found in the following location:
%UserProfile%\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\GuildHistory
~/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/CachedData/GuildHistory
You should always back them up together with your LibHistoire saved variable file to ensure proper operation.
The cache is stored per account, so data received for a guild on one account currently won't be shared with another who's in the same guild and will have to be requested again from the server.

The new API allows to receive up to 500 events (from previously 100) with each request, but at the same time the cooldown for addon requests has been increased to 2 minutes (from 30 seconds).
This means automated requests will be effectively 25% faster for busy categories, but may currently take a bit longer overall to finished for all categories.
Depending on how well the new history performs on the server, this cooldown is subject to change and we may see less waiting time between requests in the future.

So what is this library for now?
The main purpose of the library is currently to coordinate server requests and event processing between different addons via a common interface, to reduce waiting time and improve game performance.
It also provides a variety of functions and settings for users to see what is going on in the background and to interact with and control the cache behaviour.

The following dependencies are required by LibHistoire:
  • LibAsync - to minimize fps loss while processing history events
  • LibCustomMenu - for the options menu of the status window
  • LibDebugLogger - for logging useful debug information in case something goes wrong
  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 - Provides settings menus for addons

User Interface

The status icon on the bottom right of the guild history symbolizes the link status of the currently viewed category in the selected guild. On hover it will show a tooltip that gives information about the stored history and unlinked events.

The new guild history status panel will provide an overview of the cache status for each guild and category.

On the left side it will show each guild and the overall progress, on the right side it will show the individual categories for the currently selected guild.
Clicking on a guild or category will update the selection in both the status window and the guild history menu accordingly.

The category status bar shows all the time ranges which are stored in the cache, as well as queued requests and currently processed events. It also uses different colors to symbolize different states for each segment.

Guild status colors:
Pink - Waiting for server requests to finish
Red - No more requests queued, but not everything is linked
Yellow - Processing events
Green - Everything is linked up

Category status colors:
Blue - Linked range, but has not been connected with newest events yet
Red - Events after the linked range, but not connected to the linked range
Green - Linked range is up to date with newest events
Dark green - Last part of the linked range which does not contain any events
Grey - Events before the linked range, or events in a category with no listeners or which is forced off
Purple - Pending server request
Pink - Part of the request range which already contains events
Yellow - Already processed events
Dark Yellow - Events to be processed

Examples for all the colors:
Warning: Spoiler

When you hover over any of the entries, a tooltip will show you the same information as the tooltip in the guild history menu.
The category entries also offer a menu with some options.
On the bottom of the panel you can see an icon which symbolizes the overall state and gives some general information about what is happening when you hover over it.
The cog button on the top right will open a context menu with an option to unlock the window so it can be moved and an option to hide it (same as the button on the bottom left of the guild history)

The library also features a settings menu to control various game settings that are currently not exposed in the vanilla UI, a feature to mark gaps in the history data in the ingame history UI, as well as the possibility to jump directly to either the first page, or the first page with missing history data by holding shift while clicking on the previous or next page ingame UI buttons.

Special Thanks
FooWasHere who helped me test how the history behaves on rank and permission changes
ZOSDanBatson and ZOSSethL for answering my many questions about the history API
Everyone else who helped me test this and gave me feedback

For Developers
Why should you use it?
  • It minimizes the cooldown for server requests sent by addons to the absolute minimum and if every addon starts using it, everyone gets their data faster.
  • It takes care of all the complexity that comes with requesting the history. There are many special cases you probably didn't even think about. The lib will handle them all for you.
  • It makes it easy to process a specifc time range, or continuously follow the history in chronological order.
  • It automatically spreads out event processing over multiple frames via LibAsync, so you don't have to worry about fps impact.

How does it work
The library keeps track of which events have already been sent to listeners and ensures that it doesn't skip anything in case newer events are received before it caught up.
When a listener starts, it will first iterate over available "linked" events, then wait for "unlinked" events to get linked before it iterates over those and finally start passing along newer events whenever they arrive. This is all done via LibAsync, so you will only get as many events per frame as you can safely process without affecting performance.
To ensure an addon only starts processing from where it left off, it offers ways to select a starting point either by specifying an eventId or a timestamp.

If you find a problem, feel free to open an issue over on github, or leave a comment here on ESOUI.

Migration Guide
Here is a short guide on how to migrate your addon to the new processor api.

The GUILD_HISTORY_* and GUILD_EVENT_* constants used by the old history api are not compatible with the new processor api and need to be replaced with the appropriate new constants.
You can use the mapping for the legacy listener api found in compatibility.lua as a starting point to figure out what to replace them with.

The new processor class is very similar to the legacy listener class, but has a few key differences:
  • You now have to specify an addon name which is shown in the status UI and debug information to help identify who is registered to a category.
  • SetBeforeEventTime has been changed to exclude the specified time. Keep that in mind when updating code that uses this function directly.
  • The iterationCompletedCallback has been removed in favor of a new onStopCallback which passes a StopReason to inform you why the processor has stopped.
  • SetStopOnLastEvent has been renamed to SetStopOnLastCachedEvent to better communicate what it does.
  • A new registeredForFutureEventsCallback was added to inform you when the processor has finished passing all cached events and is now waiting for new events to arrive.
  • A new receiveMissedEventsOutsideIterationRange flag was added to give you a way to listen to incoming events that are not included in the specified iteration range.
  • SetTimeFrame was removed in favor of StartIteratingTimeRange which simplifies configuration and directly starts the processor.
  • A new StartStreaming function was added to simplify the most common use case of processing cached events since the last time the addon was loaded and then waiting for new events to arrive.
  • The event callbacks now directly receive the new event objects specified in the ingame ui code. These are shared between all addons and can point to a different event after the callback has ended, so make sure you do not modify or store them and instead extract the information you need in the context of the callback.
Check the examples and the API reference section below for more details on how you can use the new processor api.

In case you have stored any eventIds received via the legacy listener api, you will also want to convert these the first time a user starts the new version of your addon.
You can use the new LibHistoire:ConvertArtificialLegacyId64ToEventId() function to attempt converting id64 eventIds to the new id53 values.
Keep in mind that the original id64s from the old history api cannot be mapped to the new id53s, so the function may return nil for values that are not produced by the legacy listener api.

The library now also offers a new OnReady function which simplifies ensuring that it has fully loaded before you start using it.

There are now also new callbacks for when the library has linked a category to present events, as well as when the managed range has been lost, or a new managed range has been established.
Check the MANAGED_RANGE_LOST, MANAGED_RANGE_FOUND and CATEGORY_LINKED callbacks in the API reference section below.

Iterating a specific time range
This example outlines how a processor can iterate over all currently cached events in a specific time range. It will automatically stop in case the time range is not fully cached, so make sure to handle early stops as needed.

This could for example be used together with LibDateTime's GetTraderWeek function to iterate over all donations in a specific trading week and do something with them.
Lua Code:
  1. LibHistoire:OnReady(function(lib)
  2.     local guildId = GetGuildId(1)
  4.     local addonName = "MyAddon"
  6.     local processor = lib:CreateGuildHistoryProcessor(guildId, category, addonName)
  7.     if not processor then
  8.         -- the processor could not be created
  9.         return
  10.     end
  12.     local started = processor:StartIteratingTimeRange(startTime, endTime, function(event)
  13.         local info = event:GetEventInfo()
  14.         assert(info.currencyType == CURT_MONEY, "Unsupported currency type")
  16.         local eventType = info.eventType
  18.             local amount = info.amount
  19.             local displayName = DecorateDisplayName(info.displayName)
  20.             ProcessDeposit(guildId, displayName, amount)
  21.         end
  22.     end, function(reason)
  23.         if (reason == LibHistoire.StopReason.ITERATION_COMPLETED) then
  24.             -- all events in the time range have been processed
  25.         else
  26.             -- the iteration has stopped early for some reason and not all events have been processed
  27.         end
  28.     end)
  29.     if not started then
  30.         -- the processor could not be started
  31.     end
  32. end)

Listening to all events in a category
This example shows how to use the new processor api to start a processor for each guild and process guild store events starting from the last time the addon was loaded and without an explicit end.

The processor may still be stopped in case the user does something that requires to evaluate how to continue without data loss. You can either handle that case by registering the onStopCallback before calling StartStreaming, or just ignore it and let the addon resume the next time the user logs in.
Lua Code:
  1. LibHistoire:OnReady(function(lib)
  3.     local addonName = "MyAddon"
  5.     local function SetUpListener(guildId)
  6.         local processor = lib:CreateGuildHistoryProcessor(guildId, category, addonName)
  7.         if not processor then
  8.             -- the processor could not be created
  9.             return
  10.         end
  12.         local key = processor:GetKey()
  13.         local started = processor:StartStreaming(saveData.lastEventId[key], function(event)
  14.             local info = event:GetEventInfo()
  15.             if info.eventType == GUILD_HISTORY_TRADER_EVENT_ITEM_SOLD then
  16.                 ProcessItemSold(info)
  17.             end
  18.             saveData.lastEventId[key] = info.eventId
  19.         end)
  20.         if not started then
  21.             -- the processor could not be started
  22.         end
  23.     end
  25.     for i = 1, GetNumGuilds() do
  26.         SetUpListener(GetGuildId(i))
  27.     end
  28. end)

API Reference
You can also use the api.doc.lua file in the addon folder to get autocompletion with IDEs that support it.
Warning: Spoiler
- updated cache location info for MacOS in settings (thanks nightstrike2!)
- fixed link state not getting detected correctly in some cases
- fixed quick navigation error in Update 43
- fixed quick navigation jumping to wrong page in categories with subcategories
- fixed quick navigation potentially causing prolonged cooldowns
- NOTE: It will now no longer automatically request data and you will instead have to navigate to the next page without pressing shift to trigger a load via ingame code
- fixed another new error during event processing
- fixed history list entries sometimes getting stuck when switching categories while the gap marker feature is active

- fixed new error during event processing

- added feature to mark gaps in the ingame history list + setting to turn it off
- added setting to enable ingame guild history logging feature
- added setting to keep cache data after leaving guilds
- NOTE: this will only prevent the data from getting deleted, but it won't be accessible in the game unless you rejoin the guild
- updated cache path in the settings menu
- NOTE: Please let me know if the path for MacOS is still correct
- fixed currently selected guild not showing properly in the status window in some cases
- fixed an error that could occur when shift clicking the next page button in the history window
- fixed performance issues when navigating categories with a large amount of events
- fixed unlinked events not getting processed in some situations
- fixed errors when no managed range is available when processing events

- added new LibAddonMenu settings panel with
- sliders to set how long the guild history cache should retain data
- a button to allow resetting all caches at once
- the path to the cache files
- fixed managed range reset not working correctly in some cases
- fixed assertion errors during processing not getting displayed
- now it will properly explode instead of silently getting stuck when invalid timestamps are received
- fixed error when resetting managed range while a legacy listener is registered

- re-enabled the selection of guilds and categories via the status window, now that the game has been fixed
- NOTE: switching guilds and categories via the status panel won't send requests automatically. You'll have to manually hit E or use the ingame ui to do so
- added new entry to status window menu to show debug information
- added new API callback "CATEGORY_LINKED" for when a category has been linked to present events
- added new API functions "IsReady" and "OnReady" for easier initialization
- added new guild history event processor API
- NOTE: it's still a bit experimental, so let me know if you encounter any issues and be prepared to update your code if necessary
- check the addon description for more information and a migration guide
- there is also an api.doc.lua file which can be used with language servers to provide autocompletion without having to include the full source code
- fixed legacy listener SetBeforeEventTime, SetTimeFrame and iterationComplete callback behaving slightly different from version 1
- fixed default position for status window

- made status window more compact
- fixed link status icon being rendered behind the background
- fixed logout dialogue unintentionally showing up in some cases when it should not
- added workaround for error in ATT until it can be fixed properly

- renamed "linked range" to "managed range" and "listener" to "processor"
- NOTE: legacy listeners will continue to be called just that
- changed exit warning dialogues to show up less frequently and be more clear about why you should care
- added exit warning dialogues to slash commands and gamepad mode logout
- added assertion to check incoming events for invalid timestamps
- NOTE: everything will explode for now when it happens. Please make sure to report it, so I can get an idea when and how often it occurs and decide what to do about it
- added shift modifier to pagination buttons in the vanilla history UI to allow jumping to the first or last page quickly

- improved warning text for "reset linked range" and "clear cache" actions with some explanations
- fixed automated requests not getting discarded when they already got their range received via manual requests
- fixed errors after restoring a backup of the cache without restoring a backup of the library save data
- fixed incorrect zoom mode getting used when linked range is reset
- fixed status bar not properly showing progress when processing events older than the linked range

- added version label to status window
- fixed a case where automated requests did not properly fill in gaps
- fixed automated requests getting discarded too early in some cases

- fixed automated request getting queued for categories that are forced off
- fixed categories not getting linked properly in some cases
- fixed problems when switching between different accounts that share one or more guilds
- fixed incorrect status color for linked range that has not been connected to latest events yet
- fixed and improved information shown in status tooltip

- fixed error while processing events

- added request prioritization to prefer sending requests that matter the most first
- as long as the guild history menu is open, LibHistoire will now prefer requests for the currently visible guild
- other than that it will prioritize requests by how many listeners are registered for a category as well as a base priority (trading > bank gold > bank items > roster > others)
- further reduced amount of automated requests by not sending them to categories that won't produce any events (e.g. guild without bank or store)
- fixed various cases of automated requests getting stuck
- fixed an issue where requests used the wrong time range when the game has just been started
- fixed requested time ranges not showing correctly in the category status bars
- fixed how linked status is determined for categories
- fixed no new linked range getting selected on reset
- fixed linked range getting lost on login when the game has pruned data from the cache

- fixed error when listener tries to iterate over a range without any events
- fixed "missing range" zoom mode not showing the intended range, making it appear as if there is no data stored at all
- fixed request time optimization producing incorrect time ranges
- reduced how often empty categories are requested to once a week

- added option to delete all pending automated requests
- temporarily disabled the selection of guilds and categories via the status window
- fixed manual requests getting stuck with the addon cooldown of 2 minutes
- fixed automated requests blocking manual requests
- removed some unused code

- rewrite for the new history api (check this post for more details)
- automatic removal of old history save data
- removed rescan and force link features
- compatibility layer for old history api
- new api callbacks
- smart history requests
- skip requests for categories with no listening addons
- fetch oldest events first after prolonged absense
- new category cache menu
- reset linked range button
- clear cache button
- request mode setting
- improved cache status bar
- cache segmentation display
- automated request visualization
- animated progress bar
- zoom level setting (in main menu)
- new colors
- fixed issue that prevented other addons from receiving data

- added warning about upcoming changes
- added code to disable current library version in update 41
- updated for Secret of the Telvanni

- fixed progress bar not updating when linking starts

- fixed history rescan not updating the status window
- added rescan progress metrics in tooltip
- improved rescan speed dramatically (~100 times faster)
- added warning on exit and UI reload when events are currently being processed
- updated for Necrom

- fixed error due to unused event types being removed in the latest game update
- fixed HISTORY_RESCAN_ENDED callback not firing when no events are detected during a rescan
- added stopOnLastEvent flag which makes the library stop the iteration when the last stored event is reached, instead of waiting for new events to appear
- updated for Firesong

- fixed error when serializing unexpected event types

- fixed an error preventing events from getting stored for new users or when joining a new guild
- fixed progress bars flickering yellow on initial load
- fixed event listener getting stuck in a loop in some cases
- fixed game freezing when storing missing events during a rescan in categories with lots of stored events
- fixed typo in logout warning dialog

- fixed an issue that would cause some players to get kicked from the PTS (public test server)
- fixed progress bar not immediately filling to 100% when the last batch of missing events are received in a category
- fixed a rare error that could occur when stored data is deserialized and added some assertions to find the underlying reason
- changed progress bars on status window to show in a red color while events are missing and yellow while events are being processed
- added a confirmation dialog when trying to logout or quit the game while history events are not yet linked, which will send players to the history menu
- updated api version

v1.1.3 (dedicated to Sharlikran who found all these problems)
- fixed codec storing item links in an uncompressed form
- fixed several codec bugs that caused item links to get decoded into invalid links
NOTE: No data was lost and I believe I've found and fixed all incorrect cases and added unit tests to guard against regressions. As an additional measure the lib will now also throw an assertion error if it encounters links that cannot be decoded. Please make sure to report these so I can add them to the test cases and fix them!

- fixed several more bugs in the new GetPendingEventMetrics function

- fixed error when rescanning a category

- fixed error in new GetPendingEventMetrics function

- improved event decoding speed
- changed some logging to reduce log spam
- fixed afterEventTime not returning the correct event when multiple events have the same timestamp
- fixed status tooltip not updating when linking process begins
- added progress info to tooltip while linking
- added log warning when trying to start a listener without an event callback
- added new functions to EventListener API
- GetKey - returns an identifier which can be used to store the last seen eventId for a listener
- GetGuildId - returns the guildId of a listener
- GetCategory - returns the category of a listener
- GetPendingEventMetrics - returns
the amount of stored or unlinked events that are currently waiting to be processed by the listener
the average processing speed in events per second or -1 if not enough data is yet available
the estimated time in seconds it takes to process the remaining events or -1 if no estimate is possible
- SetBeforeEventId, SetBeforeEventTime
these can be used to limit the iteration range and automatically stop the listener when they are passed
they will also ensure the correct data is returned by the GetPendingEventMetrics function when only a subset of the data is requested (otherwise it will consider all available events)
- SetIterationCompletedCallback
when an end criteria is set, this callback will fire when the listener has stopped automatically
- SetTimeFrame(startTime, endTime)
a convenience method to specify a range which includes the startTime and excludes the endTime
- added new callback for when Histy is ready

v1.0.1 - initial release
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Unread 03/22/24, 07:44 PM  

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Re: Re: Way to turn off categories entirely?

Most of the guilds are this way, except for my own guild (which is all green accept Alliance War which still refuses to link bc it's sparse)
Even if I clear cache and manually request the data (resetting the dates) it still NEVER links in guilds where I don't have view perms.
On this account these categories have been FORCE OFF for several days now.

Originally Posted by sirinsidiator
Originally Posted by thatlaurachick
This may have already been covered but I couldn't find it.
LibHistorie is functioning for most guilds/categories - especially those where I am GM or a senior Officer.
What I'm having issue with is guilds where I am only a member, and blocked from bank gold/trader history etc.
I've set these categories to Forced OFF and cleared the cache, yet I still get "LibHistorie cannot link some categories for over a week" every time I log out. 20 sets of writs a day, it's kind of annoying

Is there any way to tell LibHistorie NEVER EVER update this because I don't care? Eg - roster. Even though FORCED OFF is enabled, every time I clear the cache some data downloads and then "cannot link". Even "Reset Linked Range" does not force a link.

I have a feeling this is a ZOS issue, but would be nice if it could be fixed.

Thank you for all your work on this!
When a category is forced off, it won't ever be considered as unlinked in the context of the exit dialog. Could you please post a screenshot of your status window?
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Unread 03/22/24, 06:41 PM  
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Re: Way to turn off categories entirely?

Originally Posted by thatlaurachick
This may have already been covered but I couldn't find it.
LibHistorie is functioning for most guilds/categories - especially those where I am GM or a senior Officer.
What I'm having issue with is guilds where I am only a member, and blocked from bank gold/trader history etc.
I've set these categories to Forced OFF and cleared the cache, yet I still get "LibHistorie cannot link some categories for over a week" every time I log out. 20 sets of writs a day, it's kind of annoying

Is there any way to tell LibHistorie NEVER EVER update this because I don't care? Eg - roster. Even though FORCED OFF is enabled, every time I clear the cache some data downloads and then "cannot link". Even "Reset Linked Range" does not force a link.

I have a feeling this is a ZOS issue, but would be nice if it could be fixed.

Thank you for all your work on this!
When a category is forced off, it won't ever be considered as unlinked in the context of the exit dialog. Could you please post a screenshot of your status window?
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Unread 03/22/24, 05:11 PM  

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Way to turn off categories entirely?

This may have already been covered but I couldn't find it.
LibHistorie is functioning for most guilds/categories - especially those where I am GM or a senior Officer.
What I'm having issue with is guilds where I am only a member, and blocked from bank gold/trader history etc.
I've set these categories to Forced OFF and cleared the cache, yet I still get "LibHistorie cannot link some categories for over a week" every time I log out. 20 sets of writs a day, it's kind of annoying

Is there any way to tell LibHistorie NEVER EVER update this because I don't care? Eg - roster. Even though FORCED OFF is enabled, every time I clear the cache some data downloads and then "cannot link". Even "Reset Linked Range" does not force a link.

I have a feeling this is a ZOS issue, but would be nice if it could be fixed.

Thank you for all your work on this!
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Unread 03/22/24, 04:29 PM  

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Since the update, it seems the Lib deaktivates rightclick menus after about 1-2 seconds.

I can't port to someone or add an item to XLGearBanker set profiles as the menu keeps vanishing. It seems to happen only when ATT is loaded. I disabled all other addons and loaded only the Lib and it was all OK. Then I loaded ATT (+purchases, Sales, Statistics) and the issue ocurred again. Disabling the Lib removed the issue.
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Unread 03/22/24, 04:26 PM  
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Originally Posted by Jysoul
See if this is an ATT issue. Bought 3 items from a Trader. Last item purchased is not listed under ATT's Purchase view

After purchasing more items later, it appears in ATT's Purchase view
Remember LibHistorie has no data in any file SavedVariables or whatever. Anyone saying something along the lines of LibHistorie missing data, it isn't because it doesn't have any. All the data is from ZOS in the binary cache.

So you keep asking about this and that, does MM have the information? If not you can't use the refresh button because the old functionality is broken. Let me know if you need to try a reset anyway.
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Unread 03/22/24, 04:05 PM  

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Warning popup - disable option?

Bigger issue - is there way to disable this warning popup? Can not logout with easy slash command without this error warning popping up. Makes 20 char craft daily much more annoying, with another mandatory screen to get around.

Looked under guild history and trade addons *MM, and no option toggle I can see.

Second issue - it is a false positive. Both TGs I am in has history loaded, linked, and for far more than 7-10 days. For Trader, have manually pulled and linked 17-18 days worth. As much as possible for all other categories like Roster. Yet the popup warning keeps coming up. *my linked status shows all green, no errors, so this popup is false positive.

Either way, deserved or false positive, would love way to disable or toggle this as optional. Mandatory popup to add another step before / logout for daily 20 char craft writs is beyond annoying. *this step, not the author or addon. Am very thankful for the work, just stating the obvious - it is irritating to force step another action before logout.
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Unread 03/22/24, 02:07 PM  
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Originally Posted by sirinsidiator
I believe with version 2.0.7 I have fixed everything that can be fixed on my end right now and it should work most of the time.

However there is one case where the game "bricks" your history. You can recognize it when the status bar has a blue and a red segment that nearly touch and the ingame UI won't show the "Show more" button on the last page.

I actually have that behavior sometimes, but by then all of the missing events are displayed and
I can,t see why they aren't getting linked ?

The time of the last linked and the first unlinked event are nearly the same so I guess there aren't any events actually missing.

But sometimes I have another behavior too, the E for more events is showing, but when I press it it
says that I can only do that every 2 seconds. And clearing all Requests doesn't help.
Last edited by Oliviander : 03/22/24 at 02:08 PM.
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Unread 03/22/24, 06:53 AM  

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error in other error

I got the error bellow from Arkadius after upgrading the LibHistoire to Version: 2.1.0, I'm rolling back to Version: 2.0.7 in order to make Arkadius words again

user:/AddOns/ArkadiusTradeTools/ArkadiusTradeTools/ArkadiusTradeTools.lua:131: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/ArkadiusTradeTools/ArkadiusTradeTools/ArkadiusTradeTools.lua:131: in function '(anonymous)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> setOne = F, i = 1, guild = [table:1]{id = 435978, linked = F} </Locals>|r
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Unread 03/22/24, 05:59 AM  
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Only for info:

looks like libhistory works now fine.

guilds gets easy without invinitive loading circle the new listings.
also i logged out for more than 2 hours, everything sync after i log in.

in the moment its looking very good.

thanks for your good work
Last edited by FWSWBN : 03/22/24 at 05:59 AM.
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Unread 03/22/24, 03:50 AM  

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Re: Clicking on fields of the addon window doesn't do anything

Yes, it was intentionally disabled:

Top comment by the author in page 7 explains it (apologies, I have no idea how to link a post in this forum).

Originally Posted by Zeratoxx

So, afaik my instance of libHistoire is loading everything fine.. but i cannot click on any of the fields there.
The cog menus do work!

I don't know if this got already asked, I searched for such comments in the last few comment pages, didn't found anything.

I can navigate around with the original menu from ZOS, the menu in the addon window follows those navigations, but clicking on any guild or category in the addon window doesn't work.
Is this behaviour known?

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Unread 03/22/24, 03:01 AM  

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Clicking on fields of the addon window doesn't do anything


So, afaik my instance of libHistoire is loading everything fine.. but i cannot click on any of the fields there.
The cog menus do work!

I don't know if this got already asked, I searched for such comments in the last few comment pages, didn't found anything.

I can navigate around with the original menu from ZOS, the menu in the addon window follows those navigations, but clicking on any guild or category in the addon window doesn't work.
Is this behaviour known?

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Last edited by Zeratoxx : 03/22/24 at 03:09 AM.
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Unread 03/22/24, 02:15 AM  

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Re: @DruiD

Originally Posted by Sharlikran
I understand that's fine but you will loose out on some information. Maybe nothing significant but depends on how long you keep it disabled.
Its not getting it now, traders etc - see below, so i guess.. in scheme off things..disabling even for a day or two may not do anything but cant be worse.

Originally Posted by Sharlikran
I think the main thing is people are for some reason waiting for the tooltip to change or the popup to not appear before you log out. This is very much a situation where you know what you are doing, so when the computer program says you didn't do something you know you just did, then just log out.
Agree - a non issue in all reality, not my issue I am trying to fix, dont even notice it now, just another click to exit - but yes, as it never fully syncs up I always get this dialog.

Originally Posted by Sharlikran
I have most of the categories set to Force Off so I don't care if I'm told that they are linked or not. As long as I know I have all the sales data for the Trader categories then it's fine.
I also have some off, limiting unecessary stuff (alliance war, unlocks, that sort of thing - usually its minimal data anyhow, but every bit helps right?)

Originally Posted by Sharlikran
Another thing I think some people do is simply play for hours and not request the data manually as recommended.....[SNIP FOR QUOTE] ......So if you don't have the data you need then get it, yourself, by interacting with the UI. It's not that LibHistoire can't request it automatically, that's based on server load. Just do it yourself. If you know you have all the data then log out.
- Yes, excactly - what I am trying to, slow, methodical, manually- each catagory I need etc.

I followed all those screenshots and unless I am missing something, my catagories, in particular my traders( all traders) - eg rosters are often fine, green, synced up - STAY RED.

EXAMPLE - Trader
- Linked managed -923 events, unmanaged events, 1951.
- I do NOT get the page > icons on the bottom to advance, page by page to retreive the data.
- "Retrieving data" just sits there also - (This i assume is Server load?).
- I dont close the page \ catagory for 30 or 40 mins but eventually give up and try again next login - but a different guild\trader
- I use the CLEAR CACHE button on a broken trader catagory, it reloads ui - and ALL catagories reset, redownload - this time it can be worse, not all ROSTERS even link up etc.

- Red Message re linking is "Waiting for Request to be sent" and I am not spamming the catagories, guilds etc, thats the first "drop down" i select from my first guild.

- The data just isnt there, should have days and days, pages of data, nada events. (Major sole purpose trading guild.. defintely have those 1900+ events missing etc)

I honestly apprecaite all the effort , forum responsses whilst coding, etc etc, I will simply perssist with the clear cache and maybe force off or other the traders, I understand the manual update process - its just not linking \ waiting to link indefnitenly.

Good tip - will also make doubly sure I have no other mods like trhat, but pretty sure those 3, ATT, MM etc are it, I couldnt find others a few days ago but will re-verfiy. The guild catagory drop downs trying either synced\green or red or other - all just say "1 Legacy Listener."

Thanks again,
Last edited by DruiD : 03/22/24 at 02:36 AM.
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Unread 03/22/24, 12:34 AM  
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Why is Master Merchant called legacy listener when it's fully updated? What's legacy listener anyway? I'm just curious.
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Unread 03/21/24, 10:46 PM  

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Thank you for all the hard work.

Sorry that ZOS has made this such a tremendous PITA for you guys (and the many grateful users of these excellent tools). I'm sure ZOS meant well and are doing the best they can to make the game as pleasant and functional as possible, but sadly this has been quite the hiccup along that road.

Anyhow, I was wondering if in a sticky post (if possible at this point) you can summarize a list of best practices and procedures for the time being until all these things get sorted out by ZOS. I've read through most of the posts here, and there are good tidbits of advice and what to do throughout, but it could be hard to find for others, or those of us with terrible memories wondering what it was I need to do.

Thanks again.
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Unread 03/21/24, 09:44 PM  
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I understand that's fine but you will loose out on some information. Maybe nothing significant but depends on how long you keep it disabled.

I think the main thing is people are for some reason waiting for the tooltip to change or the popup to not appear before you log out. This is very much a situation where you know what you are doing, so when the computer program says you didn't do something you know you just did, then just log out.

I have most of the categories set to Force Off so I don't care if I'm told that they are linked or not. As long as I know I have all the sales data for the Trader categories then it's fine.

Another thing I think some people do is simply play for hours and not request the data manually as recommended. Which could add to the confusion. This has been an ongoing misperception for years now where people think for some reason they just sit there doing nothing and everything will just work.

With update 41 LibHistoire is reading the ZOS cache now not its own. So if you don't have the data you need then get it, yourself, by interacting with the UI. It's not that LibHistoire can't request it automatically, that's based on server load. Just do it yourself. If you know you have all the data then log out.

These are all old screenshots and while it would be simple to get new ones I'm busy with coding. The points I'm making are still the same.
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Last edited by Sharlikran : 03/21/24 at 09:49 PM.
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