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Updated: 05/21/18 12:12 PM
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Summerset (4.0)
Updated:05/21/18 12:12 PM
Created:04/19/14 12:19 PM
Monthly downloads:462
Total downloads:248,949
Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Auction House & Vendors, Mail, TradeSkill Mods, Miscellaneous
Item Saver  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
by: Randactyl, ingeniousclown
This started as a simple mod that allowed you to place a little marker on your items so you could remember to not accidentally sell or deconstruct them.

With Item Saver, that simple functionality is extended with some awesome new features:
  • Choose whether items are saved in general or uniquely - Save multiple stacks of the same item or give duplicates their own sets!
  • Choose to filter marked items from any combination of vendors, the deconstruction list, the research list, the guild store tell tab, the send mail window, and the trading window.
  • Create as many different sets of items as you like, all with their own save type, marker texture, color, and filtering rules.
  • Add your own marker textures to use for Item Saver sets (details below).

Full feature list:
  • Create a new item set with the "+ Create Set" context menu option.
  • Choose your set's name, save type, marker, color, and filters.
  • Choose your default save set.
  • Keybind for saving items to the default set.
  • Choose one of nine possible marker positions.
  • Item sets are listed in a submenu when right clicking an item.
  • The context submenu can be deferred until there are more than a specified number of sets created (1 - 5).
  • Edit created sets. Any changes will update immediately without needing a UI reload.
  • Quickly clear all items from a set.
  • Delete sets you no longer need.

Want some more marker textures to choose from? Check out Item Saver - Advanced Filters Marker Textures or see below to create a new texture pack for yourself. It's super easy!


Item Saver features an API for other addons to integrate with Item Saver's functionality. The full Item Saver API is listed here:
Lua Code:
  1. ItemSaver_AddSet(setName, setData)
  2. --returns true if the set was successfully registered.
  3. --returns false if the set name is an empty string or already in use.
  5. ItemSaver_GetDefaultSet()
  6. --returns the default set name
  8. ItemSaver_GetFilters(setName)
  9. --if the given set exists, returns a table with the following keys: store,
  10. --deconstruction, research, guildStore, mail, trade.
  11. --each will have a value of true if they are filtered or false if they are not.
  12. --if the set does not exist, returns nil
  14. ItemSaver_GetMarkerAnchor()
  15. --returns preferred anchor position for markers.
  17. ItemSaver_GetMarkerInfo(bagId, slotIndex)
  18. --returns texturePath, r, g, b if the item is saved.
  19. --returns nil if the item is not saved.
  21. ItemSaver_GetMarkerOptions()
  22. --returns array of the names of available markers.
  24. ItemSaver_GetMarkerTextures()
  25. --returns table with key/value pairs of markerName/markerPath
  27. ItemSaver_GetSaveSets()
  28. --returns an alphabetically sorted array of the names of available save sets.
  30. ItemSaver_GetSetData(setName)
  31. --[[
  32.     returns a table with the full info of the provided set name.
  33.     returns nil if the set doesn't exist.
  34.     example:
  35.         setData = {
  36.             ["markerColor"] = "ff0000",
  37.             ["filterMail"] = true,
  38.             ["filterResearch"] = true,
  39.             ["filterGuildStore"] = true,
  40.             ["filterDeconstruction"] = true,
  41.             ["filterTrade"] = true,
  42.             ["filterStore"] = true,
  43.             ["markerTexture"] = "Two-Handed",
  44.         }
  45. ]]
  47. ItemSaver_IsItemSaved(bagId, slotIndex)
  48. --returns true and the string set name if the item is saved. Returns false if
  49. --the item is not saved.
  51. ItemSaver_IsSubmenuDeferred()
  52. --returns true and the maximum number of sets that will be shown without a submenu
  53. --if submenu creation is deferred.
  54. --returns false if submenu creation is not deferred.
  56. ItemSaver_RegisterMarker(markerInformation)
  57. --returns true if the marker was successfully registered, false if it was not.
  59. ItemSaver_ToggleItemSave(setName, bagId, slotIndex)
  60. --returns true if item was saved successfully. Returns false if item was unsaved.
  61. --if setName is nil, the default set will be used.


The new API for adding marker textures takes its inspiration from Inventory Grid View's skins and Advanced Filters' dropdown filters.

There are code examples in the markertextures folder in Item Saver's root directory.

You may submit your markers as plugins for Item Saver on ESOUI.
Do this by:
  1. Go to (this page).
  2. Click on "Other Files" between "Change Log" and "Comments"
  3. Click on "Upload Optional Addon"
  4. Enter all relevant information and attach a .zip file containing the folder that contains your plugin.
  5. Submit

The archive hierarchy should look something like:
Remember to include all readme and disclaimer information required by ZOS.

Your addon manifest should look similar to the following:
## Title: Item Saver - My Marker Texture
## Author: Randactyl
## Version:
## APIVersion: 100012
## DependsOn: ItemSaver

Your title should retain the leading "Item Saver - " in order to keep things organized in the game's addon menu.
ItemSaver must always be included in the DependsOn line.


If you like my work and feel the urge to contribute, I'm always willing to accept in-game gold sent to @Randactyl

If you REALLY like my work and want to help me out with ESO Plus, I won't say no to Paypal donations
v3.4.1.0 - Randactyl
- added jewelry to the deconstruction and research filters
- fixed research filters not being applied on set creation (during the current session)
- updated LibFilters to version 2.0r3.6
- updated minimum API version to 100023 (ESO 4.x, Summerset)

v3.4.0.0 - Randactyl
- added French translation from lexo1000
- updated LibFilters to version 2.0r3.1

v3.3.2.0 - Randactyl
- temporarily disabled the color picker on the create set dialog box. Color will default to yellow and you can edit it in the settings menu after you've created a set.
- updated LibAddonMenu to version 2.0r24
- updated LibCustomMenu to version 4.3
- updated LibCustomTitles to version 20
- updated minimum API version to 100020 (ESO 3.1.x, Horns of the Reach)

v3.3.1.0 - Randactyl
- changed IsItemSaved lookup precedence to Unique > General

v3.3.0.1 - Randactyl
- updated minimum API version to 100019 (ESO 3.x, Morrowind)

v3.3.0.0 - Randactyl
- added customizable marker x & y offsets
- added four more keybinds and setttings to assign a set to each keybind
- fixed create set context entry in certain situations
- updated German strings (thanks, Baertram)
- added libAddonKeybinds version 2
- updated LibCustomTitles to version 16
- updated LibFilters to version 2.0r3.0
- support API version 100018 (ESO 2.7.x, Homestead)

v3.2.1.0 - Randactyl
- updated LibFilters to version 2.0r2.3
- moved LibFilters initialization to the proper place
- fixed craft bag markers
- fixed research filter toggle error
- updated LibCustomTitles to version 15
- updated LibCustomMenu to version 4.2
- updated LibAddonMenu to version 2.0r23

v3.2.0.1 - Randactyl
- updated API version

v3.2.0.0 - Randactyl
- made settings page more dynamic, removing the need to ever reload the UI when creating/deleting sets.
- fixed initial equipment marking
- updated LCT to version 12
- updated LAM to version 2.0r22

v3.1.0.0 - Randactyl
- updated to LibFilters-2.0r2
- added new isDangerous flag to dangerous LAM buttons

v3.0.2.0 - Randactyl
- fixed index nil value error on list dialogs (enchanting, charging, research)
- fixed index nil value error when keybind was pressed while the cursor was not over an item

v3.0.1.0 - Randactyl
- fixed blank German strings for save type options (translation pending)

v3.0.0.0 - Randactyl
ESO 2.4 & 2.5
- finished refactor into "namespace" style
- implemented hybrid saving
- updated API
- updated description

v2.5.1.0 - Randactyl
ESO 2.4 & 2.5
- fixed error when opening the deconstruction tab at smithing stations

v2.5.0.0 - Randactyl
ESO 2.4 & 2.5
- huge code refactor
- updated LibAddonMenu to version 2.0r21
- added LibCustomTitles version 11
- updated API version
- changed the way items are saved in the saved variables file. This allows duplicate items to be treated uniquely and keeps an item from "unsaving" when minor details like quality or enchantment change. Due to this change, you will need to re-save all of your items. If you need to see what you had saved previously, you can manually install version

v2.4.0.0 - Randactyl
- updated LibAddonMenu to version 2.0r20.2
- added markers to the improvement, alchemy, and craft bag windows
- added context menu option to improvement, alchemy, and craft bag windows
- fixed the keybind save toggle

v2.3.1.2 - Randactyl
- updated LibAddonMenu to version 2.0r20

v2.3.1.1 - Randactyl
- updated API version
- updated LibCustomMenu to version 4.1

v2.3.1.0 - Randactyl
- fix visible rows calculation for the icon picker controls

v2.3.0.0 - Randactyl
- updated LAM to version 2.0r19
- removed requirement to reload the UI after the default set is changed
- changed the marker texture's anchor target to the item's icon. This gives it a nice animation and allows you to chose its position even without using Inventory Grid View
- added filters to Item Saver's response for EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE in order ignore superfluous calls during combat
- added more marker anchor positions bringing the total number of options from 4 to 9

v2.2.0.0 - Randactyl
- brought back marker texture previews in the settings panel and create set dialog
- added buttons to remove all items from a set
- fixed stale markers on equipment slots
- restored marker visibility and ability to save items from the quickslot inventory
- fixed the timer icon

v2.1.1.0 - Randactyl
- keep the "Default" set from having its user set options overridden with defaults on UI load

v2.1.0.0 - Randactyl
- alphabetically sort sets in the settings menu and context menu
- added option to defer the creation of the submenu until there are more than a specified amount of sets (1 - 5)
- added option to choose the default set
- made it more clear which options needed a reload by removing the "Apply" button
- alphabetically sort API returned set names
- removed outdated API functions
- added return values to ItemSaver_RegisterMarker and ItemSaver_AddSet

v2.0.2.1 - Randactyl
- updated libFilters to version 1.0r16
- updated API version

v2.0.2.0 - Randactyl
- fixed sets only being partially deleted
- added German strings
- strings will now default to English if the client's language is unsupported.

v2.0.1.1 - Randactyl
- removed errant chat spam

v2.0.1.0 - Randactyl
-fixed toggled filters applying to all sets

v2.0.0.0 - Randactyl
- added ability to save an unlimited number of save sets each with different markers and filtering rules
- expanded filtering options
- expanded API for getting information about saved items
- added API for registering custom marker textures
- updated LibStub to 1.0r4
- updated LibAddonMenu to 2.0r18
- updated libFilters to 1.0r15.2
- added LibCustomMenu 4.0.0
- updated API version

v1.3.0.0 - Randactyl
- add choices for save marker position

v1.2.0.1 - Randactyl
- updated API version
- updated embedded LAM version to 2.0r17

v1.2.0.0 - Randactyl
- added global function ItemSaver_ToggleItemSave(bagId, slotIndex) for other addons to use
- added Spanish translations from Kwisatz and German translations from Baertram
- updated libFilters to v1.0r13

v1.1.3.0 - Randactyl
- update libFilters to v1.0r12
- fix local function for increased compatibility

v1.1.2.3 - Randactyl
- update to libFilters v1.0r11. No functionality changes.

v1.1.2.2 - Randactyl
- update API version

v1.1.2b - Randactyl
- Update API version to 100009

v1.1.2 - Randactyl
- includes new version of libFilters which fixes runes being hidden if you've enabled the deconstruction filter.

v1.1.1 - Randactyl
- The two functions I removed in 1.1 broke the keybind. Sorry! My mistake :( They have been readded.
- Changed global function name from ItemSaver_IsSavedItem(bagId, slotIndex) to ItemSaver_IsItemSaved(bagId, slotIndex).
- Reordered function declarations so ItemSaver_IsItemSaved should no longer produce an error.

v1.1 - Randactyl
- Added French localization thanks to Khrill!
- Added Enchanting support via an update to libFilters
- Added four new global functions for use by addons that overhaul the deconstruction/store/research screens. These are detailed near the bottom of Item Saver's description
- Removed two unused functions and two unused variables

v1.0.5 - Randactyl
- Fixed all equipped items being marked/unmarked if you toggled an equipped item's save state
- Reset saved variables to ensure proper filtering

v1.0.4 - Randactyl
- Moved API version to 100008
- Updated settings to LAM-2.0r14

-Updated to LibAddonMenu-2.0r8
-Updated to API 100007 and requisite README

-Updated to LibAddonMenu-2.0

-Updated to libFilters1.0r7

-Updated to libFilters1.0r6 to fix a bug related to initialization... again.

-Updated to libFilters1.0r5 to fix a bug related to initialization.

-Incremented to 1.0.0, as this is mostly bug-free and feature complete now
-Fixed an error when attempting to save an empty equipment slot
-Added an option for a keybind; set your keybind in the Controls menu under "User Interface Shortcuts > Item Saver"
-Updated the API version number

-Removed git files from zip because I'm a noob
-Updated manifest because, again, I'm a noob :P
-Fixed the error when trying to research items
-Filters should now work correctly when toggling them from the settings menu.

-Removed the "/itemsaver alternate" function. "/itemsaver filters" is still available for easy access.
-Added a settings menu in which you can customize your icon, color and filtering options.
-The "Save item" command should no longer show up for many windows that cause errors with it.
-Updated to libFilters 1.0r4

-Added "/itemsaver alternate" for an alternate color/icon scheme
-Fixed the add-on-breaking bug that broke the deconstruction menu filter.
-The research list no longer needs to be reloaded when using "/itemsaver filters" to toggle the filter.

-Fix for nil value error in libFilters

-Exported filter logic to libFilters
-Changed the wording in the context menu from "Mark" to "Save". This IS ItemSAVEr, after all, not ItemMARKer!
-Fixed an issue that caused the save context menu item to show up in the guild store browse and listing sections.

-Applied filter on/off setting to the research window.
-Marked soul gems realized that they were born to be used by you and now offer their services for weapon charging even if you have them marked.

-Added "/itemsaver filters" to toggle the hiding/filtering for marked items.
-Added saved setting for the filters, which defaults to OFF.

-Added filtering to shops and deconstruction windows to make the marked items not show up at all in these windows.
-Marked items will be "redded out" in the Research window, and the mouse will be disabled for that item.
-With the previous two additions, added full support for the additional filters created by Advanced Filters.

-Fixed interaction with InventoryGridView.
-Marker will now show up over the item in Grid View.

-Fixed the error that happened when right clicking an inventory item.
-Added equipped item (paper doll) support for the markers.

-Added the marker to the list that pops up when choosing an item to research.

-Initial release
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Unread 06/30/16, 12:46 PM  

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Something like this started appearing on log in today:

user:/AddOns/InventoryGridView/lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua:294: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/InventoryGridView/lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua:294: in function 'SetColor'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryGridView/lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua:432: in function 'LAMCreateControl.iconpicker'
	user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/ItemSaverSaveDialog.lua:200: in function 'ItemSaver_InitializeDialog'
	user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/ItemSaver.lua:311: in function 'ItemSaver_Loaded'
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Unread 06/30/16, 09:51 PM  

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Ah ok, so it is not just me.

Originally Posted by MagiczneTornado
Something like this started appearing on log in today:

user:/AddOns/InventoryGridView/lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua:294: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/InventoryGridView/lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua:294: in function 'SetColor'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryGridView/lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua:432: in function 'LAMCreateControl.iconpicker'
	user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/ItemSaverSaveDialog.lua:200: in function 'ItemSaver_InitializeDialog'
	user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/ItemSaver.lua:311: in function 'ItemSaver_Loaded'
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Unread 07/01/16, 11:26 AM  
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@radicalb21 et al., it's a conflict with the most recent version of AwesomeGuildStore. AGS has a higher LibAddonMenu version and loading an icon picker from a lower version is causing problems.

I'll update in a bit. In the mean time you can either revert AGS or copy its version of LAM to ItemSaver.
Last edited by Randactyl : 07/01/16 at 11:27 AM.
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Unread 07/01/16, 10:03 PM  

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even after the update (i use minions auto-update) i still get those errors.
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Unread 07/02/16, 04:18 AM  

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In addition to the LUA errors, the addons menu in the game still indicates that this is out of date. Not sure why that would be.
Last edited by BlackPete : 07/02/16 at 09:53 AM.
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Unread 07/02/16, 12:29 PM  
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The updates to LAM are throwing errors left and right with a lot of addons, it's not just AGS.

A Lib update probably isn't going to fix this, you may have to redo whatever section's throwing the error. Some addons are throwing their own errors even after the LAM lib is updated due to incorrect implementation of features. FCO Item Saver's having problems with a settings function, for instance.
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Unread 07/03/16, 11:15 AM  
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Originally Posted by DarkRuler2500
even after the update (i use minions auto-update) i still get those errors.
There may be another safeguard needed in LAM, but my immediate reaction to that is the newer version of LAM in IS is not being loaded over the older version in LB. Maybe the stack traceback is not reliable in determining the version of a library in use, but rather just the last addon that tried to load it.

Originally Posted by BlackPete
In addition to the LUA errors, the addons menu in the game still indicates that this is out of date. Not sure why that would be.
I neglected to update the API version in the manifest. The only thing that would change is that label going away. I'll rectify it as soon as I can.

Originally Posted by UltimateZero
The updates to LAM are throwing errors left and right with a lot of addons, it's not just AGS.

A Lib update probably isn't going to fix this, you may have to redo whatever section's throwing the error. Some addons are throwing their own errors even after the LAM lib is updated due to incorrect implementation of features. FCO Item Saver's having problems with a settings function, for instance.
There's nothing to redo in my addon. The error is thrown when the iconpicker is created in initialization and the source of the error is within LAM. And I'll save you the trouble of armchair developing for me; if that's what you're going to do you can just go fly a kite instead.

I have zero concern for errors in FCOIS, and as per my advice to you, I'm not going to speculate on it unless Baertram asks for help directly or in our dev chat.
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Unread 07/05/16, 06:04 PM  
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Originally Posted by Randactyl
Originally Posted by UltimateZero
The updates to LAM are throwing errors left and right with a lot of addons, it's not just AGS.

A Lib update probably isn't going to fix this, you may have to redo whatever section's throwing the error. Some addons are throwing their own errors even after the LAM lib is updated due to incorrect implementation of features. FCO Item Saver's having problems with a settings function, for instance.
There's nothing to redo in my addon. The error is thrown when the iconpicker is created in initialization and the source of the error is within LAM. And I'll save you the trouble of armchair developing for me; if that's what you're going to do you can just go fly a kite instead.

I have zero concern for errors in FCOIS, and as per my advice to you, I'm not going to speculate on it unless Baertram asks for help directly or in our dev chat.
Mentioning FCOIS was just as an example, it isn't the only one having problems pop up with the new LAM. LAM's update was apparently due to an error in a non-english (Japanese?) client.

There were a number of possibilities that could have been at work here:
- The changes are minor but specific features certain addons use were modified, so old methods are incorrect
- The problems popping up are due to the mix of the different versions in addons installed
- As you're suggesting, there is actually some problem in LAM
The last however didn't explain why many other addons that DO utilize Iconpicker weren't having problems. I have a hell of a long addon list, several of which using Iconpicker functionality without complaining about the 20.1 version of LAM.

I'm not attempting to armchair develop for you. I'm not claiming to know your addon better than you do. I have done scripting work in the past and I've sworn before that it wasn't my mistake when something was going wrong, when it was. It happens. I was suggesting, based on quite a bit of testing and gathering what info I could about the problem within my addon list (and a few extras that friends use) that I had in front of me, that there may still have been a problem on your end.

There's no need for the attitude. It may be hard to believe, but there are some people out there that really are just trying not help, not just tell you how to do something. I didn't think there was anything in my message suggesting that I was telling you what to do, but if I'm mistaken I apologize. I was just trying to bring to your attention what we already figured out with FCOIS/Skyshards in case you hadn't seen it, and what seemed to be happening in a few other addons' cases.
Last edited by UltimateZero : 07/05/16 at 06:38 PM.
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Unread 07/05/16, 07:40 PM  
Randactyl's Avatar
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Originally Posted by UltimateZero
Mentioning FCOIS was just as an example, it isn't the only one having problems pop up with the new LAM. LAM's update was apparently due to an error in a non-english (Japanese?) client.

There were a number of possibilities that could have been at work here:
- The changes are minor but specific features certain addons use were modified, so old methods are incorrect
- The problems popping up are due to the mix of the different versions in addons installed
- As you're suggesting, there is actually some problem in LAM
The last however didn't explain why many other addons that DO utilize Iconpicker weren't having problems. I have a hell of a long addon list, several of which using Iconpicker functionality without complaining about the 20.1 version of LAM.

I'm not attempting to armchair develop for you. I'm not claiming to know your addon better than you do. I have done scripting work in the past and I've sworn before that it wasn't my mistake when something was going wrong. I was suggesting, based on quite a bit of testing and gathering what info I could about the problem within my addon list (and a few extras that friends use) that I had in front of me, that there may still have been a problem on your end.

There's no need for the attitude. It may be hard to believe, but there are some people out there that really are just trying not help, not just tell you how to do something. I didn't think there was anything in my message suggesting that I was telling you what to do, but if I'm mistaken I apologize. I was just trying to bring to your attention what we already figured out with FCOIS/Skyshards in case you hadn't seen it, and what seemed to be happening in a few other addons' cases.
You're right, I apologize. I could cite a handful of excuses for the outburst, but the bottom line is I should not have assumed the worst and lashed out.

Your three bullet points are actually all tied up together.

This is the diff for LAM 20/20.1

This just added a localized string for the panel header when the client language is set to "jp" and removed the 1 April 2016 easter egg code.

This is the diff for LAM 20.1/20.2

This came about because I had determined that when a higher version of LAM was loaded from any source than the one contained in IS, the lam.util table was reinitialized. When that was the case, the new lam.util can potentially not include the function the iconpicker adds to it, leaving us with the error "function expected instead of nil"

Now, as you can see in the diffs, no files other than LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua were modified between versions. The iconpicker widget has stayed at version 5 the whole time.
Since this is the case, I'm lead to believe that the issue lies with differing versions of LAM not gracefully handing over data created when the files are loaded. This is rather than an issue in my initialization of a LAM iconpicker, since I've not made any changes along that execution path and neither have there been any changes in LAM along that execution path.

The last thing sirinsidiator said about LAM's involvement is "the problem is that every version before r20.1 overwrites LAM.utils with an empty table. could be that it is necessary to increase iconpicker's version by 1 too so it always loads when r20.2 is loaded. I'll have to think about it in the evening."
I'm inclined to believe this is the last fix needed, as LAM widgets are not reloaded unless their widget version is higher than the previously loaded one.

I've yet to test that last bit as I'm just returning from vacation, but that is the only thing on my agenda tomorrow morning.

Also, last I saw of the error in FCOIS was "[LAM2] Could not create iconpicker 'Icône' of FCOItemSaver."
My immediate judgement is this is usually accompanied by a complaint from the WINDOW_MANAGER about failure to create a duplicate control or when bad initialization data is passed for the iconpicker.
That's all that was ever presented in our dev chat and as I said, I generally don't take it upon myself to investigate issues further than what is presented (especially when I don't use the addon).

I want to reiterate that I'm not unwilling to accept collaboration. If you want to go through the stack traceback in grueling detail, please let me know if you find something I've missed.
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Unread 07/05/16, 08:40 PM  
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Originally Posted by Randactyl
- script-related snip -
Oh hell. I love seeing this, and I love hearing explanations. I apologize if I came off as aggressive in any way. Like I said, I have done some scripting work before, but hell if I know what's going on in ESO's language! All I have going for me is past general experience, so I'd been fussing about with comparison tools to see if I could track down the issue, but I was looking at all the wrong things. Truthfully I had no idea what I was looking for, I was just comparing current with previous versions of both the Lib and the addons and hoping something stuck out. Was worth a shot, you never know!

I was stuck with my laptop until this morning, which was using a copy of what my desktop had installed when I left. When I was able to update both the client and the addons on my desktop today I noticed that, at least in my case, FCOIS' issue seems to have disappeared. I tested Item Saver as well but I couldn't get that error to trigger either. Some of the updated addons had LAM 20.2 in them, but since there was also a game patch, I was completely clueless what exactly may have fixed it.

I appreciate the work you put into that explanation, I wasn't expecting that at all. It's frustrating when you want to help but have no idea where to start, but at least it sounds like it's being (or been) handled.
Last edited by UltimateZero : 07/06/16 at 12:54 PM.
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Unread 07/06/16, 06:46 PM  
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Originally Posted by UltimateZero
Oh hell. I love seeing this, and I love hearing explanations. I apologize if I came off as aggressive in any way. Like I said, I have done some scripting work before, but hell if I know what's going on in ESO's language! All I have going for me is past general experience, so I'd been fussing about with comparison tools to see if I could track down the issue, but I was looking at all the wrong things. Truthfully I had no idea what I was looking for, I was just comparing current with previous versions of both the Lib and the addons and hoping something stuck out. Was worth a shot, you never know!

I was stuck with my laptop until this morning, which was using a copy of what my desktop had installed when I left. When I was able to update both the client and the addons on my desktop today I noticed that, at least in my case, FCOIS' issue seems to have disappeared. I tested Item Saver as well but I couldn't get that error to trigger either. Some of the updated addons had LAM 20.2 in them, but since there was also a game patch, I was completely clueless what exactly may have fixed it.

I appreciate the work you put into that explanation, I wasn't expecting that at all. It's frustrating when you want to help but have no idea where to start, but at least it sounds like it's being (or been) handled.
No problem

If you want to put some of your general experience to use here, check out sirinsidiator's ongoing tutorial series to get you immersed in the ESO environment. There are a few old addons that could use an active maintainer and it's always nice to see fresh ideas as well.
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Unread 07/06/16, 06:51 PM  
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Originally Posted by Randactyl
No problem

If you want to put some of your general experience to use here, check out sirinsidiator's ongoing tutorial series to get you immersed in the ESO environment. There are a few old addons that could use an active maintainer and it's always nice to see fresh ideas as well.
I may actually do that! I'm getting back into ESO again after bailing out soon after launch, really enjoying it now. Maybe I can make myself useful. :P
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Unread 07/23/16, 02:48 PM  

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hallo, im just asking, why after the last update ''changed the way items are saved in the saved variables file. This allows duplicate items to be treated uniquely and keeps an item from "unsaving" when minor details like quality or enchantment change. Due to this change, you will need to re-save all of your items. If you need to see what you had saved previously, you can manually install version''

everytime i save my potions, then when i have 0 potion, i need to redo save it again? same goes to foods. and now when i save it on 1 char, it doenst save it on the others. so its like for me going complicated not like before. ty
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Unread 07/24/16, 08:49 AM  
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@NyPetiwowp - I get that saved variable resets are annoying, but they don't happen that often. If you can't think of a civil and mature way to make a request then why should an addon author bother doing free work for you?

You come on here and throw a temper tantrum of all-caps entitlement, hurling insults while making demands?

Yeah, that'll get you far in life buddy.
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Unread 07/24/16, 08:55 AM  
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Originally Posted by benawaw
hallo, im just asking, why after the last update ''changed the way items are saved in the saved variables file. This allows duplicate items to be treated uniquely and keeps an item from "unsaving" when minor details like quality or enchantment change. Due to this change, you will need to re-save all of your items. If you need to see what you had saved previously, you can manually install version''

everytime i save my potions, then when i have 0 potion, i need to redo save it again? same goes to foods. and now when i save it on 1 char, it doenst save it on the others. so its like for me going complicated not like before. ty
At the moment that is correct. Item Saver now marks individual stacks, so for consumables (and really items that aren't equipment) it is a bit annoying. This is not the final iteration of this change, though. I have some more reorganizing to do and I have an idea for a hybrid of the new and old systems.
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