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Updated: 07/30/23 12:04 AM
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Updated:07/30/23 12:04 AM
Created:04/30/21 07:33 AM
Monthly downloads:783
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Categories:Buff, Debuff, Spell, Combat Mods
Hyper Tools  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 0.12f
by: Hyperioxes, QuantumFate
Hyper Tools is a framework that allows you to create and display graphics that help you track buffs, debuffs and other important information. The addon is somewhat similar in functionality to AuraMastery though my main inspiration was WoW addon WeakAuras2. You can also export trackers to share them with other people and import pre-made trackers

The addon allows you to create Icon Trackers and Progress Bar Trackers, put them inside regular groups

or groups attached to your group members that will follow their movements on your screen.

To all trackers you can add Load conditions (load trackers only when using certain classes, roles, in certain zones, only when certain skills are slotted, only when certain sets are equipped etc.)

and regular Conditions which change tracker's behaviour based on situation (for example hide a tracker when buff's duration is higher than 3 seconds, make tracker glow when duration equals 0, etc)

/htshow - displays settings window
/hthide - hides settings window
/htevent - displays/hides event viewer
/hteffect - displays/hidessettings effect viewer

GitHub Wiki with more detailed tutorials on creating trackers

-Added hook that replaces Stone Giant's icon
-Added support for Arcanist (done by B7TxSpeed)

-Fixed issues with texture layers

-Fixed a bug that would occur when doing a ready check on following bosses: Z'Maja, Oaxiltso, Falgravn, Olms

-Fixed a bug that would occur when tracker had no events
-Fixed item set detection

-Fixed a bug with not detecting Perfected item sets caused by Waking Flame update
-Fixed a bug that would occur when ready-checking next to bosses mentioned in 0.12a changelog below

-Added hook to GetUnitName function - it will now return proper names on mini-bosses that are not considered bosses:
-Oaxiltso fight, GetUnitName("boss2") will return "Havocrel Annihilator"
-Lord Falgravn fight, GetUnitName("boss2") will return "Lieutenant Njordal"
-Z'Maja fight, GetUnitName("boss2") will return "Shade of Siroria", GetUnitName("boss3") will return "Shade of Relequen", GetUnitName("boss4") will return "Shade of Galenwe",
-Saint Olms the Just fight, GetUnitName("boss2") will return "Saint Llothis the Pious", GetUnitName("boss3") will return "Saint Felms the Bold"

-Added new type of tracker - Progress Texture
-Created keybinds for opening Effect Viewer and Event Viewer
-Increased size of + and - buttons in General tab
-Text inside editbox will now be removed upon clicking plus
-Added vertical mode for progress bars
-Added sound effect to buttons and checkboxes
-Fixed a bug with newly created Group Member trackers not working properly
-Fixed a bug with checkboxes not updating their true value
-Fixed a bug with keybind opening wrong window
-Fixed a bug that would allow user to set an empty tracker name
-Fixed a bug with some labels in settings being cut off

-Fixed a bug with some labels in settings being cut off
-Fixed a bug with copied trackers not working without reloading UI
-Fixed a bug with tracker icon not updating on the left side until you click on it
-Fixed a bug with events being registered even if a tracker the event was coming from was turned off
-Fixed a bug with colorpickers starting with wrong color
-Fixed a bug with colorpickers saving the change even if you click Cancel
-Fixed a bug with changes in Event tab not applying without reloading UI
-Fixed a bug with boss dropdown not displaying added bosses
-Fixed a bug with colorpicker in Condition tab not hiding for certain result (Show Proc, Hide Tracker)
-Fixed a bug with Icon Tracker background being too small
-Added new option for events - if you add Id = 0 to Ids dropdown it will catch every event regardless of its Id

-Added event viewer (/htevent)
-Added effect viewer (/hteffect)
-Added ability slot ID to skill tooltips
-Added 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracker' prompt when deleting tracker

-Fixed a bug with importing trackers

-Optimization improvements
-Fixed a bug page number showing wrong value after renaming a tracker

-Fixed a bug when you exit an editbox using ESC key
-Fixed a bug with newly created trackers that get placed on page other than 1st overlapping with other trackers
-Removed redundant data from import strings making them smaller
-Fixed a bug that would occur when copying trackers inside of a 'Group Member' tracker

-Fixed a bug occuring when you tried to import a tracker while having no trackers prior to that

-Added 'Always' checkbox in Load tab which makes tracker visible no matter other conditions allowing you to adjust its position
-Added condition 'Distance to target'
-Fixed results 'Set Border Color' and 'Set Background Color'
-Added event 'Entering/Exiting Combat'

-Added option to add custom lua code to events that executes when event fires
-Moved Ids from General Tab to Events Tab
-Added 'X' in top right corner that closes settings
-Added keybind for switching settings window

-Fixed a bug with not tracking effects that were applied before the game loaded
-Fixed a bug with not being able to change Events in trackers that don't have any condition

-Groups you select in settings will now be highligthed on your screen
-Fixed a bug with equipment in your offbar being ignored when checking gear conditions (for example if you had a tracker set to only show with Vateshran's SnB equipped and you had it equipped on frontbar, the tracker would disappear when you go switch to backbar)

-Reversed border changes - switched back from using textures to using backdrops and fixed bugs that were the reason for this change back version 0.2
-'Overwrite effects when shorter duration is applied' setting has been changed to 'Don't overwrite effects when shorter duration is applied'. Overwriting is now on by default since in huge majority of cases you'll want it on (turning off the 'overwrite' is only useful in rare cases where same effect has different durations, like for example regular Engulfing Flames and elfbane Engulfing Flames)
-Added cooldowns to Icon Trackers - texture on top of Icon Trackers that will decrease in size from top to bottom based on duration, you can change its color in Display settings
-Importing trackers from import strings from previous versions will now work properly, applying default values to properties that are missing in old import strings

-Fixed a bug with pages (page number setting to 0 when importing your first tracker)
-Fixed a bug that would occur when adding Group Member type trackers with names of previously deleted trackers
-Trackers' positions are now locked when settings window isn't opened
-Settings window is now above other trackers

-Fixed a bug with renaming Group Members and trackers placed inside Group Members

-Cooldowns now have a "Only your cast" checkbox, before that they would always only trigger on your casts, now you have a choice if you want to track all casts or only yours, this was done to make it possible to create cooldown trackers for bosses' abilities
-Added another Load condition called "Bosses" - the tracker will only load if current bosses' name is in that table, this was done so you could hide boss specific trackers outside of fighting that exact boss

-Added draw levels - you can now set level at which tracker will be drawn, allowing you to put some trackers above others
-Added checkbox in Events tab "Overwrite effects when shorter duration is applied" - normally, applying same effect with shorter duration wont override the previous effect (example applying 13sec engulfing flames wont override a longer 18sec engulfing flames with elfbane); in some cases (example Stonefist buff on you - when you use up all 3 stacks the effect's duration changes to 0 which normally wouldn't override the already existing duration, this checkbox will allow you to override older longer duration)
-Event type "Get Effect Duration only your cast" has been removed, it's now an option you can add to regular "Get Effect Duration" event type
-Fixed a bug with some textures of old trackers remaining when you change their names
-Fixed a bug that would occur when you changed tracker's name to a name some other tracker used to have in that session
-Changed Icon Tracker's borders, instead of using backdrops that would sometimes anchor to wrong places, borders are now textures which should anchor fine but their thickness can't be changed (for now)
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06/12/22 11:33 AM
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04/30/21 07:33 AM

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Unread 08/11/24, 01:24 PM  
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FAB+ Compatibility Issue Inquiry

Hey Hyper, I've been made aware that FAB+ isn't currently able to use your custom Stone Giant Stomp icon. After looking into it it seems like this is because FAB+ is setting action bar icons using GetAbilityIcon (so that we can do things like support the proper Destro staff icons on the back bar), rather than GetSlotTexture which is what you're overriding to supply the modified icon. I've taken a couple cracks at rewriting the necessary portions of FAB+ to use GetSlotTexture with little success, so I had to go a different route to get it to work and instead check for HT/HTT being installed and then supplying your icon path if it is. Since this requires multiple checks to the global table, do you think it'd be possible to add an additional override for GetAbilityIcon into HyperTools instead?

Alternatively, perhaps we could get permission to redistribute this icon texture and then just implement support on our end independently?
Last edited by Anthonysc : 08/11/24 at 01:59 PM.
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Unread 06/25/24, 09:49 AM  

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Channel tracker

Hiya, I really enjoy the flexibility of Hypertools. Often I only like 1 aspect of X tracker's integrated feature, but I cant customise it (placement, appearance etc.).

Is there a way to track the channel time of skills, such as Templar Radiant Oppression and Arc Fatecarver? Crutch Alerts has a text tracker but I would like to customise a visual bar for myself. I tried using "Effect Duration" and the the ability IDs (listed in CMX) but it's not functioning as I would like.

Can Hypertools track channelled skills and how should I build a tracker for that?
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Unread 04/15/24, 07:50 AM  
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Originally Posted by Axmeshion
Show&Hide in combat set in general setting is seems not working
and check itemsets I try part name,set name both not working
A strange issue is when I control tracker by ability sometimes the traker will be hide in combat
For items link one item of the set in chat and copy paste this into the field (it will be some iD with some | in between)

Not sure about the other issues, I think some of the hide/show are a bit buggy...
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Unread 02/08/24, 04:17 PM  

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Hyper & Crutch Issue.

Great addon. However recently started experiencing an issue thats happening between this addon and Crutch Alerts were its showing active vertical health bars in trials with mini bosses such as Cloudrest and Asylum. I'll post a picture of the issue. Ive also posted this in Crutch Alerts addon because not sure which addon is having the issue. The problem goes away when I turn off hyper tools otherwise i have to disable the vertical health bar.
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Unread 01/25/24, 11:41 AM  
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Show&Hide in combat set in general setting is seems not working
and check itemsets I try part name,set name both not working
A strange issue is when I control tracker by ability sometimes the traker will be hide in combat
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Unread 11/04/23, 09:25 PM  
Tiara Ra
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Gui Warning: control 'HT_SettingsbackgroundselectedTrackerSettingsBackdropdisplayBackgrounddisplayColorpickerOutlinebackdropdisplayColorpickerOutline' truncated: Name exceeds max length.

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'CreateControl'
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Controls.lua:97: in function 'createColorpicker'
<Locals> parent = ud, name = "displayColorpickerOutline", sizeX = 70, sizeY = 30, xOffset = 100, yOffset = 275, fromAnchor = 3, toAnchor = 3, color = [table:1]{4 = 1}, colorpickerFunction = user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Settings.lua:916, labelText = "Outline", control = ud, colorpicker = ud </Locals>
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Settings.lua:916: in function 'HT_Settings_initializeUI'
<Locals> HT_Settings = ud, background = ud, eTB = ud, buttonIcon = ud, returnButton = ud, pageCounter = ud, counter = 3, typesByNumber = [table:2]{2 = "Progress Bar"}, iconsByNumber = [table:3]{2 = "HyperTools/icons/ProgressBarIc..."}, textsByNumber = [table:4]{2 = "Shows a progress bar with time..."}, newTrackersBackdrop = ud, newProgressBarBackdrop = ud, nameEditboxPB = ud, iDDropdownPB = ud, idEditboxPB = ud, targetNumberDropdownPB = ud, targetDropdownPB = ud, typeDropdownPB = ud, colorpickerPB = ud, widthEditboxPB = ud </Locals>
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Main.lua:93: in function 'OnAddOnLoaded'
<Locals> _ = 65536, addonName = "HyperTools" </Locals>

0Gui Warning: control 'HT_SettingsbackgroundselectedTrackerSettingsBackdropdisplayBackgroundcolorpickerCooldownColorpickercolorpickerCooldownColorpick' truncated: Name exceeds max length.

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'CreateControl'
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Controls.lua:69: in function 'createColorpicker'
<Locals> parent = ud, name = "colorpickerCooldownColorpicker...", sizeX = 70, sizeY = 30, xOffset = 185, yOffset = 405, fromAnchor = 3, toAnchor = 3, color = [table:1]{4 = 0.7}, colorpickerFunction = user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Settings.lua:974, labelText = "Cooldown", control = ud </Locals>
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Settings.lua:974: in function 'HT_Settings_initializeUI'
<Locals> HT_Settings = ud, background = ud, eTB = ud, buttonIcon = ud, returnButton = ud, pageCounter = ud, counter = 3, typesByNumber = [table:2]{2 = "Progress Bar"}, iconsByNumber = [table:3]{2 = "HyperTools/icons/ProgressBarIc..."}, textsByNumber = [table:4]{2 = "Shows a progress bar with time..."}, newTrackersBackdrop = ud, newProgressBarBackdrop = ud, nameEditboxPB = ud, iDDropdownPB = ud, idEditboxPB = ud, targetNumberDropdownPB = ud, targetDropdownPB = ud, typeDropdownPB = ud, colorpickerPB = ud, widthEditboxPB = ud </Locals>
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Main.lua:93: in function 'OnAddOnLoaded'
<Locals> _ = 65536, addonName = "HyperTools" </Locals>
Last edited by Tiara Ra : 11/04/23 at 09:27 PM.
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Unread 10/18/23, 02:27 PM  

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How to Load based only on an equipped set?

I'm trying to track Relequen's harmful winds (107203), I was able to find the event id with event viewer but I'd like the tracker to only show up when I have the 5 piece set equipped. What should I enter where it says Item Sets in the Load section of the config? Is it a 6 digit item ID like the event ids? If so where do I get the set ID from? I've tried 107203, 110504 (this is the other event id that pops up when you proc harmful winds), Harmful Winds, Arms of Relequen, Perfected Arms of Relequen. When I enter any of these it still shows the tracker if I take the set off.
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Unread 08/04/23, 04:54 PM  

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I can't seem to get this to work for Death Dealers.
It remains at one stack and if I hide tracker if stacks are 0 it doesn't show back up.
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Unread 07/30/23, 04:53 AM  

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Is there any way to track player health, stamina or magicka?

Would be a sweet way to customize those with the new custom texture fill feature.

Also a small observation : In the event viewer you need to use Yourcharname^Fx to filter correctly.

Not a big deal, just kinda unintuitive.

Might be good to use sth. similar to ContainsString(x,y) rather then doing SameString(x,y).

Other then that : Fantastic addon. No idea how i never found this before. Thank you very much for your work on it!
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Unread 07/22/23, 12:16 PM  

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Arcanist Class

Would like to see the Arcanist class added to the addon
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Unread 03/18/23, 02:01 PM  

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Update 37 breaks group trackers

Hi, I'm trying to add the Power Assult group tracker (per the tutorial) and once I add the PA tracker to the group it no longer shows on screen. Seems Update 27 broke this?
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Unread 01/07/23, 05:09 PM  

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support for new baff id

Please add the ability to display buff with id 122729 in addon
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Unread 07/23/22, 02:14 AM  

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Is there a way to make a tracker that just shows me my stamina percent, so I don't need to look at my stamina bar to know how high the percentage is? I couldn't figure it out
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Unread 07/04/22, 10:13 PM  
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Is the checkbox to only show in combat completely broken? Every tracker just stops working if I check it, whether I'm in combat or not.

edit: Yeah looks like it's broken, tried just about everything. This is really unfortunate, since it works in AuraMastery, but the function that shows/hides trackers in AuraMastery based on whether they're slotted or not is also broken, which works in HyperTools. Oh well. Hopefully it can be fixed soon, I really appreciate the effort you've put in so far.
Last edited by ecru : 07/04/22 at 11:01 PM.
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Unread 07/04/22, 08:54 PM  
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edit: I don't know what caused the error below, but it's no longer happening with a new tracker that I've made. I can import a copy no problem now. Weird. Perhaps I missed a character when copying or something.

First off, thank you for creating this addon, it works great, especially hiding or showing trackers based on whether an ability is slotted or not, which seems to be broken in AuraMastery. I am having one problem though. I'm trying to make a set of trackers, and what I've done is create one, and then copied the export string and tried to paste it into the import string. I got an error and assumed this was because a duplicate name, but changing the name in the string does not really help.

When creating a set of trackers, I'm basically creating a template, and then copying that template for a bunch of different abilities, and just changing the ability ID/position. This is how I created sets in AuraMastery. Unfortunately because of this error, I have to individually create every single tracker. It's not a big deal, but it would be a huge time saver if I could just export/import the same tracker over and over again to use it's template. Alternatively, a simple copy function inside of the editor would also work, rather than having to export/import. If I missed the copy function somewhere in the UI, I apologize (where is it if I did though?). Anyway, here's the error:

bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table/struct expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Settings.lua:122: in function 'removeDuplicateNamesFromImportedTable'
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Settings.lua:754: in function 'buttonFunction'
user:/AddOns/HyperTools/Controls.lua:11: in function '(anonymous)'
Last edited by ecru : 07/04/22 at 09:13 PM.
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