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Updated: 08/06/24 06:53 PM
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Update 43 (10.1.0)
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Updated:08/06/24 06:53 PM
Created:09/10/21 10:55 AM
Monthly downloads:254
Total downloads:9,641
StoreHelper - maintain stocks of basic craft style mats  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 0.16
by: Rexorn [More]
Requires: LibAddonMenu-2.0

When you open a merchant store Store Helper is will check your inventory (bag, bank, and craftbag) and buy basic style materials to meet your set goal.

You can select a different stock level for each of the basic mats.

There is also an option to have an overall quantity accross all types of basic style mats. This is checked after specific mats are purchased and will buy the type that matches the race of the purchasing character to make sure they can be used by that character. Basically a "I don't care what mats I have as long as I have # of them" box.

Setting this to 9 would NOT buy 9 of all types! It would notice if you had only 2 bone and 1 flint and try to buy 6 more mats to bring the total to 9.

The Imperial style is expensive to purchase. Buying nickel for you imperial could leave you with a style mat your other toons could not use. To prevent this there is an option for Imperials to override the all types filler mat purchased.

A purchase message is sent to chat by default but can be disabled in the options panel.

Settings are account wide by default but some/all toons can use character specific settings.

StoreHelper will look to see if Personal Assistant Junk/Repair are in use and will delay 0.2 seconds on store open to allow them to finish before it starts to process.

StoreHelper is set to spend gold only and will ignore stores that accept telver/ap/event currency. It will run at the Imperial City Sewers Style Master as that store is gold only.

Thank you to TeilzeitLegende & Jakki for the inspiration.

****** German/Deutsch ******
***Mein Mitgefühl, wenn Sie eine maschinelle Übersetzung meiner schlechten englischen Grammatik in die deutsche Sprache lesen.***
Benötigt: LibAddonMenu-2.0

Wenn Sie ein Händlergeschäft eröffnen, überprüft Store Helper Ihr Inventar (Tasche, Bank und Basteltasche) und kauft grundlegende Stilmaterialien, um Ihr gesetztes Ziel zu erreichen.

Sie können für jede der Grundmatten einen anderen Lagerbestand auswählen.

Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, eine Gesamtmenge für alle Arten von Matten im Basisstil festzulegen. Dies wird nach dem Kauf bestimmter Matten überprüft und kauft den Typ, der der Rasse des kaufenden Charakters entspricht, um sicherzustellen, dass sie von diesem Charakter verwendet werden können. Im Grunde eine "Es ist mir egal, welche Matten ich habe, solange ich # davon habe".

Wenn Sie dies auf 9 setzen, würden Sie NICHT 9 aller Typen kaufen! Es würde auffallen, wenn Sie nur 2 Knochen und 1 Feuerstein haben und versuchen, 6 weitere Matten zu kaufen, um die Gesamtzahl auf 9 zu bringen.

Der imperiale Stil ist teuer in der Anschaffung. Der Kauf von Nickel für Ihren Imperialen könnte Sie mit einer Stilmatte zurücklassen, die Ihre anderen Toons nicht verwenden könnten. Um dies zu verhindern, gibt es für Imperials die Möglichkeit, die gekauften Füllermatten aller Art zu überschreiben.

Eine Kaufnachricht wird standardmäßig an den Chat gesendet, kann jedoch im Optionsfeld deaktiviert werden.

Die Einstellungen sind standardmäßig accountweit, aber einige/alle Toons können charakterspezifische Einstellungen verwenden.

StoreHelper prüft, ob Personal Assistant Junk/Repair verwendet wird und verzögert das Öffnen des Stores um 0,2 Sekunden, damit der Vorgang abgeschlossen werden kann, bevor die Verarbeitung beginnt.

StoreHelper gibt nur Gold aus und ignoriert Geschäfte, die Telver/ap/Event-Währung akzeptieren. Es wird beim Imperial City Sewers Style Master laufen, da dieser Laden nur Gold ist.

Danke an TeilzeitLegende & Jakki für die inspiration.

****** French/Français ******
***Ma sympathie si vous lisez une traduction automatique de ma pauvre grammaire anglaise vers la langue française.***
Nécessite*: LibAddonMenu-2.0

Lorsque vous ouvrez un magasin marchand, Store Helper vérifie votre inventaire (sac, banque et sac d'artisanat) et achète des matériaux de style de base pour atteindre l'objectif que vous vous êtes fixé.

Vous pouvez sélectionner un niveau de stock différent pour chacun des tapis de base.

Il existe également une option pour avoir une quantité globale sur tous les types de tapis de style de base. Ceci est vérifié après l'achat de tapis spécifiques et achètera le type qui correspond à la race du personnage acheteur pour s'assurer qu'ils peuvent être utilisés par ce personnage. Fondamentalement, une boîte "Je me fiche des tapis que j'ai tant que j'en ai #".

Régler ce paramètre sur 9 n'achèterait PAS 9 de tous les types*! Il remarquerait si vous n'aviez que 2 os et 1 silex et essayez d'acheter 6 tapis supplémentaires pour porter le total à 9.

Le style impérial est cher à l'achat. Acheter du nickel pour vous impérial pourrait vous laisser avec un tapis de style que vos autres toons ne pourraient pas utiliser. Pour éviter cela, les Impériaux ont la possibilité de remplacer tous les types de tapis de remplissage achetés.

Un message d'achat est envoyé au chat par défaut mais peut être désactivé dans le panneau d'options.

Les paramètres s'appliquent par défaut au compte, mais certains/tous les toons peuvent utiliser des paramètres spécifiques aux personnages.

StoreHelper cherchera à voir si Personal Assistant Junk/Repair est en cours d'utilisation et retardera 0,2 seconde à l'ouverture du magasin pour leur permettre de terminer avant qu'il ne commence à être traité.

StoreHelper est configuré pour dépenser de l'or uniquement et ignorera les magasins qui acceptent la devise telver/ap/événement. Il fonctionnera au Imperial City Sewers Style Master car ce magasin est uniquement en or.

Merci à TeilzeitLegende & Jakki pour l'inspiration.

****** Russian/русский ******
***Мои соболезнования, если вы читаете машинный перевод моей плохой английской грамматики на русский язык.***
Требуется: LibAddonMenu-2.0

Когда вы откроете торговый магазин, Помощник магазина проверит ваш инвентарь (сумку, банк и сумку для рукоделия) и купит основные материалы для стиля, чтобы достичь поставленной цели.

Вы можете выбрать разный уровень запаса для каждого из основных матов.

Существует также возможность иметь общее количество для всех типов матов базового стиля. Это проверяется после покупки определенных ковриков и покупает тот тип, который соответствует расе приобретаемого персонажа, чтобы убедиться, что они могут быть использованы этим персонажем. По сути, это поле «Мне все равно, какие коврики у меня есть, если у меня есть их #».

Установка этого значения на 9 НЕ приведет к покупке 9 всех типов! Он бы заметил, если бы у вас было только 2 кости и 1 кремень, и попытался бы купить еще 6 циновок, чтобы довести общее количество до 9.

Имперский стиль стоит дорого. Покупка никеля для вас, империал, может оставить вас с ковриком стиля, который ваши другие мультяшки не смогут использовать. Чтобы предотвратить это, у имперцев есть возможность переопределить купленный наполнитель всех типов.

Сообщение о покупке отправляется в чат по умолчанию, но его можно отключить на панели параметров.

Настройки по умолчанию распространяются на всю учетную запись, но некоторые/все мультяшки могут использовать настройки для конкретного персонажа.

StoreHelper проверит, используются ли ненужные/восстановленные персональные помощники, и задержит открытие магазина на 0,2 секунды, чтобы позволить им завершиться до того, как начнется обработка.

StoreHelper настроен на трату только золота и будет игнорировать магазины, которые принимают валюту telver/ap/event. Он будет работать в Мастере стиля канализации Имперского города, так как в этом магазине только золото.

Спасибо TeilzeitLegende & Jakki за вдохновение.

****** Spanish/Español******
***Mis condolencias si está leyendo una traducción automática de mi pobre gramática inglesa al español.***
Requiere: LibAddonMenu-2.0

Cuando abra una tienda comercial, Store Helper verificará su inventario (bolsa, banco y craftbag) y comprará materiales de estilo básicos para cumplir con su objetivo establecido.

Puede seleccionar un nivel de stock diferente para cada una de las alfombrillas básicas.

También hay una opción para tener una cantidad total en todos los tipos de tapetes de estilo básico. Esto se verifica después de comprar tapetes específicos y comprará el tipo que coincida con la raza del personaje que compra para asegurarse de que ese personaje pueda usarlos. Básicamente, una caja de "No me importa qué tapetes tengo, siempre y cuando tenga # de ellos".

¡Configurar esto en 9 NO compraría 9 de todos los tipos! Se daría cuenta si tuviera solo 2 huesos y 1 pedernal e intentara comprar 6 esteras más para llevar el total a 9.

El estilo imperial es caro de comprar. Comprar níquel para tu imperial podría dejarte con una alfombra de estilo que tus otros toons no podrían usar. Para evitar esto, hay una opción para que los imperiales anulen todos los tipos de tapetes de relleno comprados.

Se envía un mensaje de compra al chat de forma predeterminada, pero se puede desactivar en el panel de opciones.

La configuración es para toda la cuenta de forma predeterminada, pero algunos/todos los toons pueden usar configuraciones específicas de personajes.

StoreHelper buscará si el asistente personal Junk/Repair está en uso y retrasará 0,2 segundos en la tienda abierta para permitirles terminar antes de que comience a procesarse.

StoreHelper está configurado para gastar solo oro e ignorará las tiendas que aceptan moneda telver/ap/event. Funcionará en Imperial City Sewers Style Master ya que esa tienda es solo de oro.

Gracias a TeilzeitLegende & Jakki por la inspiración.
0.16 API versions 101042 (Update42) 101043 (Update43)
removed RunTimes from saved variables listed in manifest
- hold over from original timing testing

0.15 API versions 101041 (Update41) 101042 (Update42)
0.14 API versions 101041 (Update41)
removed dropdown disable if LSM found.
TY to IsJustaGhost for everything you did for LSM
0.13 API versions 101040 (Update40) 101041 (Update41)
if LibScrollableMenu found will disable Imperial Race Mat Override dropdown
avoids compatibility issue between SH, LAM2, U41 and LibS.M.
0.12 API versions 101039 (Update39) 101040 (Update40)
0.11 API versions 101038 (Update38) 101039 (Update39)
Update39 changed Crafting Mat sell price from 0 to 1.
removed item sell price from match criteria.
Matching on ItemID#, ItemName, Price<=20, and buy stack of 1 sufficient to prevent buying wrong item
0.10 API versions 101037 (Update37) 101038 (Update38)

0.9 API versions 101036 101037
fix option menu: All Mat Types tool tip which listed wrong slider range

0.8 converted option menu input boxes to slider/box combo
the purchase limit was raised from 200 to 250 on the slider
you can exceed the limit by using the box directly if you wish
-- TY Troodon80 for the suggestion and proof of concept

0.7 API versions 101035 101036
consolidated logic for purchase limit into variable
max_allowed_mat_buy - a one line change if you find the 200 limit to small

if anyone would be interested in seeing the input boxes replaced with sliders
please see the comments section!

0.6 replaced material price match with item id number match
StoreHelper.shared.find_store_entry_id_num(store_entry) shared function added
to return item id number for a store entry
replaced internal logic for max number buyable
API versions 101034 101035

0.5 style mat price changed from 15 to 13 possibly for the Zenithar event
thank you GwynneBleidd/foxes-in-gloves/Navarill for finding & researching issue

in attempting to prevent wrong-item-purchase issue I allowed another :(
match already includes internal ZoS name for style mat name (Bone) not style name (Wood Elf)
opened price restriction to anything between 1-15
0.4 added 101034 to API version for Update34-High Isle

0.3 added 101033 to API version for Update33-Ascending Tide
added German translation (entschuldigt bitte den armen Deutschen)
added French translation (veuillez excuser le pauvre Français)
added Russian translation (пожалуйста, извините бедного Pусского)
added Spanish translation (por favor disculpe mi pobre Español)
corrected spelling "insead" to "instead" in options panel toon settings tooltip
added a few comment lines to code to help remember things later.
I once read a technical manual so poorly translated the original language was easier to understand. May this translation be better.

0.2 add 101032 to API version for Update32-Deadlands
removed erroneous comma from inventory file ## OptionalDependsOn:

0.1 original release
Optional Files (1)
File Name
08/06/24 06:51 PM

Archived Files (9)
File Name
05/25/24 09:17 AM
03/11/24 12:20 PM
03/10/24 07:46 PM
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10/25/22 12:33 AM
07/18/22 02:55 PM

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Unread 10/26/22, 02:37 AM  

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Originally Posted by Rexorn
Do you use 500 routinely or was that just for demonstration?
There are times when I go through quite a lot doing master writs, but never 500 of one style ingredient. The number was just for demonstration of clamping versus setting a number higher than what the sliders say the maximum number is; e.g. slide it all the way right for 200 or you can type something higher if you want. Plus, there's no conversion from text to integer on your end, and you don't need your own checks (i.e. if number > 200 then number = 200), it's handled by the addon menu library and just makes things a little easier for you, removes some superfluous script, and gives a bit more in terms of options for users of your addon.

Again, it was out of curiosity rather than a request. Appreciate the efforts you've made with it.
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Unread 10/25/22, 12:52 AM  
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Opinion time: Sliders instead of an entry box ?

Who would like to see sliders?
Would you like to see the the 200 mat limit overridable in the slider number box?

You can see what it would look like in Troodon80's spoiler below.
Last edited by Rexorn : 10/25/22 at 12:53 AM.
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Unread 10/25/22, 12:24 AM  
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Originally Posted by Troodon80
Just out of curiosity, and I know it doesn't really matter considering the minimum aspect... 200 is more than enough, especially if you don't have a craft bag, but is there a particular reason why you opted for text boxes with a function to convert and reset to 200 rather than using type="slider" with max=200 and potentially clamping disabled? Sliders would allow users to set more than 200 if you don't use clamping. If you use clamping, then it will automatically do the reset to whatever minimum/maximum you have defined (e.g. with min=0 and max=200, -10 would go to 0 while 500 goes to 200).

You can reduce the controls script to something like this (e.g. Orc):
Apologies for the tardy reply, I went out of town for a week...

I had originally used the box because I have a tendency to fidget with slider bars as a player and didn't realize the ClampInput option would handle range checking for me. And I was having fits learning how to make a menu...

Also the original addon that inspired me to try an addon used an input box not a slider.

Not really the best reasons, just what I did.

The 200 limit was very arbitrary. I just didn't want someone to make a typo and spend all their gold buying 20,000 mats

I had actually updated the 200 hard-coded limit to a changeable variable for users in 0.7 to make larger limits an easier/one-line change.

Do you use 500 routinely or was that just for demonstration?

Thank you for the suggestion and for doing the research on what would be needed.
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Unread 10/18/22, 04:24 AM  

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Really nice addon. It's a staple for me now to ensure I always have enough basic style materials for daily writs. After a couple months of doing writs I end up needing to buy more, but this completely removes that.

Just out of curiosity, and I know it doesn't really matter considering the minimum aspect... 200 is more than enough, especially if you don't have a craft bag, but is there a particular reason why you opted for text boxes with a function to convert and reset to 200 rather than using type="slider" with max=200 and potentially clamping disabled? Sliders would allow users to set more than 200 if you don't use clamping. If you use clamping, then it will automatically do the reset to whatever minimum/maximum you have defined (e.g. with min=0 and max=200, -10 would go to 0 while 500 goes to 200).

You can reduce the controls script to something like this (e.g. Orc):
	table.insert(optionsData, {type = "slider", name = L.SH_OptMenu_orc,
			default = 0, min = 0, max = 200, clampInput = false,
			tooltip = L.SH_OptMenu_box_genMat_tooltip,
			getFunc = function() return savedVarsUsing.StyleMatsToStock.Manganese end,
			setFunc = function(val) savedVarsUsing.StyleMatsToStock.Manganese = val end})
You could remove the references to set_boxnum, the check if over 200, local needOptionsRefresh, local boxnum, FireCallbacks, the warning string for setting over 200, and the set_boxnum function itself, as well as removing isMultiline = false, textType = TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC_UNSIGNED_INT, maxChars = 3, etc.

Warning: Spoiler

Potentially makes it neater and easier for you in the script while also giving access to over 200 if the player wants. Just a thought (not a request).
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Unread 07/09/22, 07:23 AM  

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Re: Re: Zeal of Zenithar and auto buying styles

Originally Posted by Rexorn
Thank you all for finding this issue and looking at it to find the price change from 15 to 13. I did not notice until today and having your comments saved me a LOT of time.

I had the price check as an extra safe guard against item mismatch, especially at a lux vendor. The store match already includes the exact item name not just a match on having the same style. I opened the price range up to allow anything between 1 and 15. This will cover the Zenithar event and hopefully any other events with different discounts.

GwynneBleidd, I hope the code was not to painful to search through.
Thanks for the fix! and no worries about the code, it was fun to read through (and I like how the debug statements work!)
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Unread 07/08/22, 03:15 PM  
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Re: Zeal of Zenithar and auto buying styles

Thank you all for finding this issue and looking at it to find the price change from 15 to 13. I did not notice until today and having your comments saved me a LOT of time.

I had the price check as an extra safe guard against item mismatch, especially at a lux vendor. The store match already includes the exact item name not just a match on having the same style. I opened the price range up to allow anything between 1 and 15. This will cover the Zenithar event and hopefully any other events with different discounts.

GwynneBleidd, I hope the code was not to painful to search through.
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Unread 07/05/22, 10:12 PM  

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Zeal of Zenithar and auto buying styles

I've had the same problem with the storehelper not buying anything anymore. It is indeed the event.
The Storehelper.lua needs to be updated as it looks specifically for the 15 gold. For my local copy I just changed the (price==15) to be ((price==15) or (price==13)) in the (Find_and_Buy) function.

Hopefully that will help others
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Unread 07/05/22, 02:46 AM  

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Re: No Purchases

Originally Posted by Navarill
Installed and working fine... until about a week ago. It's not buying anything at all from the vendor anymore. To make sure it's not affected by another addon, this is what I did today:

1) Disabled all addons in-game.
2) Exit game completely.
3) Uninstall StoreHelper & StoreHelperRune.
4) Delete saved variables for both.
5) Re-start game.
6) Check craft bag. There are <10 basic style stones for each of the races.
7) Enable only StoreHelper addon along with LibAddonMenu-2.0 dependency. No other addons enabled.
8) Change StoreHelper settings to "100" for each individual race.

Went to clothing and blacksmithing vendors in locations that the addon previously worked fine. Nothing is getting purchased.

Did ZOS change something last week? Is anyone else having issues with StoreHelper?
It's not just you, I came here wondering if anyone else had been experiencing issues. Made an account just to report in.

I've tried reinstalling the add-on, disabling, re-enabling, refreshing the UI, logging in/out, etc. Everything you listed too.

I'm wondering if the event changed something somehow, but that guess is based purely on timing. I don't have it active all the time, full-disclosure, I enable it on my main probably about once a week when the lot needs restocked, so precisely when it began's a bit unclear.

Hope sharing this helps somehow, if there's anything (logs?) that may help fix it faster, lmk.

eta- Someone just pointed out to me the 10% discount is messing with the store prices library, so it's not the add-on, it is the event, yeah.
Last edited by foxes-in-gloves : 07/05/22 at 02:49 AM.
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Unread 07/04/22, 12:22 PM  

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No Purchases

Installed and working fine... until about a week ago. It's not buying anything at all from the vendor anymore. To make sure it's not affected by another addon, this is what I did today:

1) Disabled all addons in-game.
2) Exit game completely.
3) Uninstall StoreHelper & StoreHelperRune.
4) Delete saved variables for both.
5) Re-start game.
6) Check craft bag. There are <10 basic style stones for each of the races.
7) Enable only StoreHelper addon along with LibAddonMenu-2.0 dependency. No other addons enabled.
8) Change StoreHelper settings to "100" for each individual race.

Went to clothing and blacksmithing vendors in locations that the addon previously worked fine. Nothing is getting purchased.

Did ZOS change something last week? Is anyone else having issues with StoreHelper?
Last edited by Navarill : 07/04/22 at 12:24 PM.
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Unread 06/03/22, 05:34 AM  

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Cool idea; really helpful AddOn to make life easier!
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