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Updated: 01/14/23 06:17 PM
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Firesong (8.2.5)
Updated:01/14/23 06:17 PM
Created:05/08/22 03:33 PM
Monthly downloads:1,067
Total downloads:52,987
HarvestRoute for HarvestMap  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.1.0
by: generic [More]
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english description 🇬🇧 🇺🇸
🇫🇷 français traduit par XXXspartiateXXX
🇫🇷 Traduzione italiana di @horizonxael
🇩🇪 deutsch weiter unten

This AddOn adds a quality-of-life feature to the great HarvestMap Addon:
With a click of a button, you can now simply start collecting resources, and the HarvestRoute Tracker will create or update your farming tour for HarvestMap on the fly!

This way, you will end up with a tour that you can actually follow: no cliffs and no walls in between.
That tour might not be perfectly optimized, but it works and the creation is plain simple.
How to use:

Open the Map, then the HarvestMap editor (quest marker icon in top menu) and click the [Activate tracking] button on the "Generate new tour" page.

(Click it again to stop tracking at any time.)

If no tour is active and you start the HarvestRoute Tracker, it will automatically create a new tour as soon as you've visited 3 resource nodes.

With an active tour the HarvestRoute Tracker will add any new node (that is not yet included) into the tour.
It will be inserted between the last visited node from the tour, and the next node in the tour.
If SmartPath is enabled, it might decide to insert before or after the last added node instead, if the resulting path is shorter.

This may look similar to this animation:

By default, the Tracker window will be shown when you start tracking and will display
  • state of the Tracker
  • the current tour (node count and length)
  • direction and distances for the nearest resource that has not yet been added to the tour
  • direction and distances for the active tour node after which new nodes will be inserted

Bonus Feature:
You can even start the tour by clicking on a tour node, and get statistics and the indicator for the next node.
New nodes will still be added to your tour on the fly by visiting them.

The indicator will always lead you to the next node in your tour loop.

Do not forget to save your tour!

Happy Farming!

Some Addon Lore:

Impact on Performance? No worries.
Tested this together with Votans Minimap and HarvestMap including all of HarvestMapData on a "Lenovo E50" notebook with an i3 CPU, 4GB Ram, and only integrated graphics.
Stable 15-20 FPS no matter if the addons were active or not.

Additional info on the known behaviour of the HarvestRoute Tracker:
  • Tracker stays active when using wayshrines in the same zone
  • Tracker deactivates on a zone change
  • Tracker will stay active when loading/saving/deleting/generating a tour
  • Tracker will create a new tour when the user deleted the current tour
  • Tracker will detect if the same tour got reloaded, and know the last visited node from that tour
  • Tracker will "forget" the last visited node from the tour if direction is reversed

HarvestMap d'oh and LibAddonMenu, which is required by HarvestMap as well

Deutsche Beschreibung 🇩🇪

Dieses Addon erweitert das großartige HarvestMap Addon um eine hilfreiche Funktion:
Mit einem Button-Klick könnt ihr jetzt einfach Ressourcen sammeln, und der HarvestRoute Tracker wird euch ganz nebenbei eure Farming-Tour erstellen oder aktualisieren.

So könnt ihr ganz einfach eine Route erstellen, die ihr auch ablaufen könnt: Keine Klippen oder Wände im Weg.
Diese Tour ist vielleicht nich perfekt und optimiert, aber sie funktioniert und die Erstellung ist kinderleicht.

Öffnet die Map, dann den HarvestMap-Editor (Quest-Marker-Symbol im oberen Menü) und klickt dann auf den [Aktiviere Tracker] Button auf der "Neue Tour erstellen" Seite.

(Einfach nochmal klicken um den Tracker wieder abzuschalten)

Wenn keine Tour aktiv ist und ihr den HarvestRoute Tracker startet, wird er automatisch eine neue Tour erstellen sobald ihr an 3 Ressourcen vorbeigekommen seid.

Mit einer aktiven Tour wird der HarvestRoute Tracker jede neue Ressource (die noch nicht in der Tour enthalten ist) in eure Tour einfügen.
Die Position, an der die Ressource eingefügt wird ist zwischen der letzten Position der Route, die ihr besucht habt, und der darauffolgenden.
Sollte SmartPath eingeschaltet sein, kann vom Tracker die zuletzt eingefügte Ressource verwendet werden, sollte der entstehende Pfad kürzer sein.

Das kann etwa so aussehen:

In der Voreinstellung wird das Tracker Fenster angezeigt, wenn ihr das Tracking startet. Dort sind folgende Infos sichtbar:
  • status des Trackers
  • aktuelle Tour (Anzahl Ressourcen und Länge)
  • Richtung und Entfertnung zur nächstgelegenen Ressource, die noch nicht in der Tour enthalten ist
  • Richtung und Entfertnung zur letzten Ressource, die auf der aktuellen Tour liegt, und hinter der neue Ressourcen eingefügt werden

Bonus Feature:
Ihr könnt einfach eure Tour starten, indem ihr auf einen Punkt der Tour klickt, Infos über die gesammelten Ressourcen und die Richtung der nächsten Ressource auf der Tour erhalten.
Neue Ressourcen werden wie oben beschrieben trotzdem einfach in die Tour eingefügt.

Der Richtungspfeil zeigt euch dann immer die nächste bereits im Pfad enthaltene Ressource an.

Nicht vergessen eure Tour zu speichern!

Happy Farming!

Etwas Addon Lore:

Performance-Probleme? Keine Sorge.
Das Addon wurde zusammen mit Votans Minimap und HarvestMap inklusive aller Daten von HarvestMapData auf einem "Lenovo E50" Notebook mit i3 Prozessor, 4GB Ram, und nur integrierter Grafik getestet.
Stabile 15-20 FPS, egal ob die Addons aktiv waren oder nicht.

Zusatzinfos zum bekannten Verhalten des HarvestRoute Trackers:
  • Tracker bleibt aktiv, wenn man zu Wegschreinen im gleichen Gebiet reist
  • Tracker schaltet sich bei Gebietswechsel ab
  • Tracker bleibt aktive wenn eine Tour geladen/gespeichert/gelöscht/generiert wird
  • Tracker erstellt eine neue Tour falls die aktuelle Tour vom Spieler gelöscht wurde
  • Tracker erkennt, ob eine Tour einfach neu geladen wurde, und erkennt ob die zuletzt besuchte Ressourcevon aus dieser Tour stammt
  • Tracker "vergisst" die zuletzt besuchten Ressourcen wenn die Richtung der Tour umgedreht wird

HarvestMap d'oh und LibAddonMenu, die auch von HarvestMap benötigt wird
- fixed a bug that prevented the tracker window to be closed
- added some salt
- had a coffee with milk

- fixed a bug when no resource was close
- italian translations (thx @horizonxael)
- updated API number
- baked bread and ate it with cheese.

- fix for Tracker Window close Button
- update for french translations (thx XXXspartiateXXX)
- took a walk outside (there is LIGHT out there, did you know?)

- fix for SmartPath distance calculation
- additional SmartPath feature: Nodes can now also be inserted prior to the last node, if the resulting path is shorter to further reduce zigzags.
- switched to GIT update process
- minor internal refacturing and code comments

- the Tracker window now remembers its position
- added path heuristics ("SmartPath") to reduce zigzags in path creation (see addon description)
- drank the gin tonic

- French translation added by XXXspartiateXXX
- fixed a bug with automatic tour creation when map pins where disabled (XXXspartiateXXX)
- fixed a bug with unknown resources when harvestdata was missing and NodeDetection was active (XXXspartiateXXX)
- put some gin tonic into the fridge

- added the Tracker window - get useful information about your tour and the state of the Tracker
- fixed a problem with the addon settings. they can now actually be saved

- fixed some issues when tour gets changed/deleted/loaded/generated while the tracker is active (Shinni)
- removed a feature from 1.0.1, where HarvestMap strings got overwritten

- added ability to use the farm helper while tracking new nodes (that cute window with the arrow)

- added support for localization
- fixed minimap update issues

- first version with basic node detection
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Unread 07/06/24, 05:33 PM  

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UI Error: 87C365EB

I believe this addon is defunct. Happens on every load in. Here is the latest from my ESO.

user:/AddOns/HarvestRoute-1.1.0/HarvestRoute/HarvestRoute.lua:22: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/HarvestRoute-1.1.0/HarvestRoute/HarvestRoute.lua:22: in function '(main chunk)'

ETA: I believe I fixed the issue. Addon was not properly installed. ESO Addon settings is still saying its out of date though I no longer have this error.
Last edited by unbeltedllama33 : 07/10/24 at 05:40 PM.
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Unread 12/19/23, 05:53 AM  
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Update of Spanish translations for your addon were done here:
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Unread 02/04/23, 09:15 AM  
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Re: Gold per minute?

Originally Posted by eglon
There used to be a window that calculated the TTC/MM value in gold per minute of your harvested items. It also included looted items off of mobs. I am not seeing this anymore. Has this been removed or is there something wrong on my end?

Thanks for everything
The window you are talking about is the original harvest map tracker.
Simply open your map, and click on one of the node-markers of your current route to activate it.
Then you should get that window (with a large arrow) that helps you to follow a route.
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Unread 02/03/23, 12:40 PM  

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Gold per minute?

There used to be a window that calculated the TTC/MM value in gold per minute of your harvested items. It also included looted items off of mobs. I am not seeing this anymore. Has this been removed or is there something wrong on my end?

Thanks for everything
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Unread 01/14/23, 07:03 PM  
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Re: A little help please

Originally Posted by GingerNorth
Love the idea of this plugin so I added it but I can't seem to get it working. Obviously, I'm doing something wrong but can someone help me? I can see all the pins on the map, but when I open my map, I don't see any top menu bar or filter option so I can't access the HarvestRoute at all. I'm paying on PC.
If you are playing in accessibility/gamepad mode, you can currently not open the tracker or harvest map window.

You can disable the accessibility/gamepad mode, open "Addon Settings", open the "HarvestRoute" settings and activate both settings "enable Tracker Window" and "alyways show Tracker Window".
Then you can re-enable the accessibility mode, and the window will stay there until you close it.

Sadly I have no idea how you can access the HarvestMap dialog to save/load your farming tour, without disabling the accessibility mode.
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Unread 01/14/23, 06:54 PM  
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Re: Error Closing mini window

Originally Posted by Yoda_33
if i click X for closing the mini window (Tracking window)
I get this error
Pls help

Thank You
Hi, this should be fixed now
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Unread 01/03/23, 06:47 PM  

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Error Closing mini window

if i click X for closing the mini window (Tracking window)
I get this error

Checking type on argument aHidden failed in TopLevelWindowSetHiddenLua
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'SetHidden'
user:/AddOns/HarvestRoute/HarvestRoute.lua:565: in function 'HarvestRoute.SetTrackerHidden'
|caaaaaa<Locals> value = [table:1]{settingsVersion = 3, displayName = "HarvestRoute for Harvestmap", author = "generic", version = "1.0.9", name = "HarvestRoute"} </Locals>|r
HarvestRouteTrackerClose_Clicked:3: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, command = F </Locals>|r

Pls help

Thank You
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Unread 12/19/22, 09:03 PM  

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A little help please

Love the idea of this plugin so I added it but I can't seem to get it working. Obviously, I'm doing something wrong but can someone help me? I can see all the pins on the map, but when I open my map, I don't see any top menu bar or filter option so I can't access the HarvestRoute at all. I'm paying on PC.
Last edited by GingerNorth : 01/01/23 at 12:06 PM.
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Unread 11/18/22, 05:55 AM  
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Re: translate italian

Originally Posted by horizonxael
hello I translated add on ita, you can see if it suits you
Hi, sorry for the delay.

Your translations are included in version 1.0.9 together wit a small bugfix. Thank you very much!
Last edited by generic : 11/20/22 at 01:26 PM.
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Unread 11/08/22, 09:25 AM  

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translate italian

hello I translated add on ita, you can see if it suits you
Last edited by horizonxael : 11/08/22 at 09:26 AM.
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Unread 05/18/22, 04:18 PM  

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Thanks for the lock in the tracker window.
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Unread 05/18/22, 01:24 PM  
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Originally Posted by ChrisK
Thanks for your HarvestRoute - love the idea... it's really helpful
Thanks, glad you like it!
I just improved two small things - window position now gets saved, and the path creation has become a bit smarter.
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Unread 05/14/22, 08:51 PM  

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Thanks for your HarvestRoute - love the idea... it's really helpful
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Unread 05/09/22, 01:55 AM  
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Originally Posted by Shinni
This is a great idea. I added a link to your addon in the HarvestMap description.
Thank you!

Originally Posted by Shinni
I tested it a bit and there seems to be an issue when you use your tool for a route, then delete the route, then create a new route and try to modify this new route with your tool.
I got this error:
I believe pathNodeId references a node from the old route that does not exist in the new route. So Farm.path:GetIndex(pathNodeId) in line 132 returns nil.
Good find! And you are correct.
Currently there is no handling if the path changes from "outside".
I will look into it, you made it easy with the TOUR_CHANGED event.
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Unread 05/08/22, 05:15 PM  
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This is a great idea. I added a link to your addon in the HarvestMap description.

I tested it a bit and there seems to be an issue when you use your tool for a route, then delete the route, then create a new route and try to modify this new route with your tool.
I got this error:

stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Tour/Helper.lua:286: in function 'Helper:UpdateToNextTarget'
<Locals> self = [table:1]{startTime = 254358, enabled = T, lastAnnouncement = 0, numFarmedNodes = 0} </Locals>
user:/AddOns/HarvestRoute/HarvestRoute.lua:134: in function 'HarvestRoute:OnUpdate'
<Locals> self = 260084, nodeId = 1836, x = 0.36761575937271, y = 0.73366588354111 </Locals>

I believe pathNodeId references a node from the old route that does not exist in the new route. So Farm.path:GetIndex(pathNodeId) in line 132 returns nil.
Last edited by Shinni : 05/08/22 at 05:15 PM.
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