(72 Kb)
Updated: 08/24/24 07:25 PM
File Info
Update 43 (10.1.0)
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Updated:08/24/24 07:25 PM
Created:01/24/23 03:57 PM
Monthly downloads:10,758
Total downloads:300,525
LibScrollableMenu  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.31
by: tomstock, Baertram
Library for scrollable menus and nested submenus at ComboBoxes.
Originally developed by Kyoma for Kyoma's Titlizer, now updated by IsJustaGhost, Baertram and tomstock1337.
Example addons using this library: Improved Titleizer, AddonSelector, AdvancedFilters, merTorchbug updated.

It features:
  • Scrollable menus at comboBoxes, or any other control (context menu)
  • (Nested) submenus
  • Menu header collapsible (with a default collapsed state and saved state to SavedVariables) with custom title, subtitle and search/filter editbox (with an optional custom filterFunction) -> all optional per menu, controlled via the options
  • Custom options for each scrollable menu (maximum height, number of visible rows, menu header, search/filter enabled, custom XML row templates, narration callback functions, ...)
  • Header entry
  • Divider entry
  • Checkbox entry (can be added to a button group, which shows a default context menu to "Select all", "Deselect all", "Invert selection")
  • Radio button entries (at least 2 are needed and must be added to a buttonGroup)
  • Button entry
  • Scrollable context menu at an entry
  • MultiIcon at entries (multiple icons, looping through)
  • "Is new" state icon (to show a changed/new entry)
  • Callbacks fired at menu created (manipulate options), menu open, close, submenu open close, entry mouse enter, entry mouse exit, entry selected, checkbox checked state change, isNew state change
  • API functions to build, show, hide and help looping entries at context menus
  • Narration: Call custom function of addon to narrate or return a string to be narrated via the ESO accessibility mode UI narration feature
Radiobutons, checkboxes and buttons normally keep the dropdown opened if clicked. All other entryTypes (depending on if enabled and selectible) will close the dropdowns.

Important information - Context menus
LSM cannot work in combination with normal context menus created via ZO_Menu, as this is not scrollable.
As for example all inventory context menus use ZO_Menu you cannot use LSM there, only LibCustomMenu (which is based on ZO_Menu).

You can use LSM as scrollHelper on a ZO_ComboBox control, or as new context menu at any custom control, or at least any control where another context menu via ZO_Menu wasn't added yet. Both cannot be used in combination!
What you can do though is replace your LCM implementation with LSM so you remove ZO_Menu context menus and make them scrollable.
But using both on the same control in combination won't work.
-> It's planned to make it compatible in the future

Known Issues

Developer reference
Read the Github readme file and check file LSM_test.lua for example code

Add a scrolhelper (dropdown scrollable) to a ZO_ComboBox:
API syntax:
--Adds a scrollable dropdown to the comboBoxControl, replacing the original dropdown, and enabling scrollable submenus (even with nested scrollable submenus)
--	control parent 							Must be the parent control of the comboBox
--	control comboBoxContainer 				Must be any ZO_ComboBox control (e.g. created from virtual template ZO_ComboBox -> Where ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer can find the m_comboBox object)
--  table options:optional = {
--> === Dropdown general customization =================================================================================
--		number visibleRowsDropdown:optional		Number or function returning number of shown entries at 1 page of the scrollable comboBox's opened dropdown
--		number visibleRowsSubmenu:optional		Number or function returning number of shown entries at 1 page of the scrollable comboBox's opened submenus
--		number maxDropdownHeight				Number or function returning number of total dropdown's maximum height
--		boolean sortEntries:optional			Boolean or function returning boolean if items in the main-/submenu should be sorted alphabetically. !!!Attention: Default is TRUE (sorting is enabled)!!!
--		table sortType:optional					table or function returning table for the sort type, e.g. ZO_SORT_BY_NAME, ZO_SORT_BY_NAME_NUMERIC
--		boolean sortOrder:optional				Boolean or function returning boolean for the sort order ZO_SORT_ORDER_UP or ZO_SORT_ORDER_DOWN
-- 		string font:optional				 	String or function returning a string: font to use for the dropdown entries
-- 		number spacing:optional,	 			Number or function returning a Number: Spacing between the entries
--		boolean disableFadeGradient:optional	Boolean or function returning a boolean: for the fading of the top/bottom scrolled rows
--		table headerColor:optional				table (ZO_ColorDef) or function returning a color table with r, g, b, a keys and their values: for header entries
--		table normalColor:optional				table (ZO_ColorDef) or function returning a color table with r, g, b, a keys and their values: for all normal (enabled) entries
--		table disabledColor:optional 			table (ZO_ColorDef) or function returning a color table with r, g, b, a keys and their values: for all disabled entries
--		boolean highlightContextMenuOpeningControl Boolean or function returning boolean if the openingControl of a context menu should be highlighted. Only works at the contextMenu options!
--												If you set this to true you also need to set data.m_highlightTemplate at the row and provide the XML template name for the highLight, e.g. "LibScrollableMenu_Highlight_Green"
-->  ===Dropdown header/title ==========================================================================================
--		string titleText:optional				String or function returning a string: Title text to show above the dropdown entries
--		string titleFont:optional				String or function returning a font string: Title text's font. Default: "ZoFontHeader3"
--		string subtitleText:optional			String or function returning a string: Sub-title text to show below the titleText and above the dropdown entries
--		string subtitleFont:optional			String or function returning a font string: Sub-Title text's font. Default: "ZoFontHeader2"
--		number titleTextAlignment:optional		Number or function returning a number: The title's vertical alignment, e.g. TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER
--		userdata customHeaderControl:optional	Userdata or function returning Userdata: A custom control thta should be shown above the dropdown entries
--		boolean headerCollapsible			 	Boolean or function returning boolean if the header control should show a collapse/expand button
-->  === Dropdown text search & filter =================================================================================
--		boolean enableFilter:optional			Boolean or function returning boolean which controls if the text search/filter editbox at the dropdown header is shown
--		function customFilterFunc				A function returning a boolean true: show item / false: hide item. Signature of function: customFilterFunc(item, filterString)
--->  === Dropdown callback functions
-- 		function preshowDropdownFn:optional 	function function(ctrl) codeHere end: to run before the dropdown shows
--->  === Dropdown's Custom XML virtual row/entry templates ============================================================
--		boolean useDefaultHighlightForSubmenuWithCallback	Boolean or function returning a boolean if always the default ZO_ComboBox highlight XML template should be used for an entry having a submenu AND a callback function. If false the highlight 'LibScrollableMenu_Highlight_Green' will be used
--		table XMLRowTemplates:optional			Table or function returning a table with key = row type of lib.scrollListRowTypes and the value = subtable having
--												"template" String = XMLVirtualTemplateName,
--												rowHeight number = ZO_COMBO_BOX_ENTRY_TEMPLATE_HEIGHT,
--												setupFunc = function(control, data, list)
--													local comboBox = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(comboBoxContainer) -- comboBoxContainer = The ZO_ComboBox control you created via WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControlFromVirtual("NameHere", yourTopLevelControlToAddAsAChild, "ZO_ComboBox")
--													comboBox:SetupEntryLabel(control, data, list)
--													-->See class comboBox_base:SetupEntry* functions above for examples how the setup functions provide the data to the row control
--													-->Reuse those where possible by calling them via e.g. self:SetupEntryBase(...) and then just adding your additional controls setup routines
--												end
--												-->See local table "defaultXMLTemplates" in LibScrollableMenu
--												-->Attention: If you do not specify all template attributes, the non-specified will be mixedIn from defaultXMLTemplates[entryType_ID] again!
--		{
--			[lib.scrollListRowTypes.LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_NORMAL] =	{ template = "XMLVirtualTemplateRow_ForEntryId", ... }
--			[lib.scrollListRowTypes.LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBMENU] = 	{ template = "XMLVirtualTemplateRow_ForSubmenuEntryId", ... },
--			...
--		}
--->  === Narration: UI screen reader, with accessibility mode enabled only ============================================
--		table	narrate:optional				Table or function returning a table with key = narration event and value = function called for that narration event.
--												Each functions signature/parameters is shown below!
--												-> The function either builds your narrateString and narrates it in your addon.
--												   Or you must return a string as 1st return param (and optionally a boolean "stopCurrentNarration" as 2nd return param. If this is nil it will be set to false!)
--													and let the library here narrate it for you via the UI narration
--												Optional narration events can be:
--												"OnComboBoxMouseEnter" 	function(m_dropdownObject, comboBoxControl)  Build your narrateString and narrate it now, or return a string and let the library narrate it for you end
--												"OnComboBoxMouseExit"	function(m_dropdownObject, comboBoxControl) end
--												"OnMenuShow"			function(m_dropdownObject, dropdownControl, nil, nil) end
--												"OnMenuHide"			function(m_dropdownObject, dropdownControl) end
--												"OnSubMenuShow"			function(m_dropdownObject, parentControl, anchorPoint) end
--												"OnSubMenuHide"			function(m_dropdownObject, parentControl) end
--												"OnEntryMouseEnter"		function(m_dropdownObject, entryControl, data, hasSubmenu) end
--												"OnEntryMouseExit"		function(m_dropdownObject, entryControl, data, hasSubmenu) end
--												"OnEntrySelected"		function(m_dropdownObject, entryControl, data, hasSubmenu) end
--												"OnCheckboxUpdated"		function(m_dropdownObject, checkboxControl, data) end
--												"OnRadioButtonUpdated"	function(m_dropdownObject, checkboxControl, data) end
--			Example:	narrate = { ["OnComboBoxMouseEnter"] = myAddonsNarrateComboBoxOnMouseEnter, ... }
--  }
function AddCustomScrollableComboBoxDropdownMenu(parent, comboBoxContainer, options)
Added new API functions to create the scrollable (nested) context menus at any control,like LibCustomMenu does.
API syntax:
Entry types:

--Adds a new entry to the context menu entries with the shown text, where the callback function is called once the entry is clicked.
--If entries is provided the entry will be a submenu having those entries. The callback can be used, if entries are passed in, too (to select a special entry and not an enry of the opening submenu).
--But usually it should be nil if entries are specified, as each entry in entries got it's own callback then.
--Existing context menu entries will be kept (until ClearCustomScrollableMenu will be called)
--Example - Normal entry without submenu
--AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry("Test entry 1", function() d("test entry 1 clicked") end, LibScrollableMenu.LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_NORMAL, nil, nil)
--Example - Normal entry with submenu
--AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry("Test entry 1", function() d("test entry 1 clicked") end, LibScrollableMenu.LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_NORMAL, {
--	[1] = {
--		label = "Test submenu entry 1", --optional String or function returning a string. If missing: Name will be shown and used for clicked callback value
--		name = "TestValue1" --String or function returning a string if label is givenm name will be only used for the clicked callback value
--		isHeader = false, -- optional boolean or function returning a boolean Is this entry a non clickable header control with a headline text?
--		isDivider = false, -- optional boolean or function returning a boolean Is this entry a non clickable divider control without any text?
--		isCheckbox = false, -- optional boolean or function returning a boolean Is this entry a clickable checkbox control with text?
--		isNew = false, --  optional booelan or function returning a boolean Is this entry a new entry and thus shows the "New" icon?
--		entries = { ... see above ... }, -- optional table containing nested submenu entries in this submenu -> This entry opens a new nested submenu then. Contents of entries use the same values as shown in this example here
--		contextMenuCallback = function(ctrl) ... end, -- optional function for a right click action, e.g. show a scrollable context menu at the menu entry
-- }
--}, --[[additionalData]]
--	 	{ isNew = true, normalColor = ZO_ColorDef, highlightColor = ZO_ColorDef, disabledColor = ZO_ColorDef, highlightTemplate = "ZO_SelectionHighlight",
--		   font = "ZO_FontGame", label="test label", name="test value", enabled = true, checked = true, customValue1="foo", cutomValue2="bar", ... }
--		--[[ Attention: additionalData keys which are maintained in table LSMOptionsKeyToZO_ComboBoxOptionsKey will be mapped to ZO_ComboBox's key and taken over into the[ZO_ComboBox's key]. All other "custom keys" will stay in[key]! ]]
function AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry(text, callback, entryType, entries, additionalData)

--Adds an entry having a submenu (or maybe nested submenues) in the entries table/entries function whch returns a table
--> See examples for the table "entries" values above AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry
--Existing context menu entries will be kept (until ClearCustomScrollableMenu will be called)
function AddCustomScrollableSubMenuEntry(text, entries)

--Adds a divider line to the context menu entries
--Existing context menu entries will be kept (until ClearCustomScrollableMenu will be called)
function AddCustomScrollableMenuDivider()

--Adds a header line to the context menu entries
--Existing context menu entries will be kept (until ClearCustomScrollableMenu will be called)
function AddCustomScrollableMenuHeader(text, additionalData)

--Adds a checkbox line to the context menu entries
--Existing context menu entries will be kept (until ClearCustomScrollableMenu will be called)
function AddCustomScrollableMenuCheckbox(text, callback, checked, additionalData)

--Pass in a table/function returning a table with predefined context menu entries and let them all be added in order of the table's number key
--Existing context menu entries will be kept (until ClearCustomScrollableMenu will be called)
function AddCustomScrollableMenuEntries(contextMenuEntries)

--Populate a new scrollable context menu with the defined entries table/a functinon returning the entries.
--Existing context menu entries will be reset, because ClearCustomScrollableMenu will be called!
--You can add more entries later, prior to showing, via AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry / AddCustomScrollableMenuEntries functions too
function AddCustomScrollableMenu(entries, options)

--Set the options (visible rows max, etc.) for the scrollable context menu, or any passed in 2nd param comboBoxContainer
-->See possible options above AddCustomScrollableComboBoxDropdownMenu
function SetCustomScrollableMenuOptions(options, comboBoxContainer)

--Show the custom scrollable context menu now at the control controlToAnchorTo, using optional options.
--If controlToAnchorTo is nil it will be anchored to the current control's position below the mouse, like ZO_Menu does
--Existing context menu entries will be kept (until ClearCustomScrollableMenu will be called)
function ShowCustomScrollableMenu(controlToAnchorTo, options)

--Hide the custom scrollable context menu and clear it's entries, clear internal variables, mouse clicks etc.
function ClearCustomScrollableMenu()

--Can be used within a callback function of any entry:
--Run a callback function myAddonCallbackFunc passing in the entries of the opening menu/submneu of a clicked LSM context menu item
-->Parameters of your function myAddonCallbackFunc must be:
-->function myAddonCallbackFunc(userdata LSM_comboBox, userdata selectedContextMenuItem, table openingMenusEntries, ...)
-->... can be any additional params that your function needs, and must be passed in to the ... of calling API function RunCustomScrollableMenuItemsCallback too!
--->e.g. use this function in your LSM contextMenu entry's callback function, to call a function of your addon to update your SavedVariables
-->based on the currently selected checkboxEntries of the opening LSM dropdown:
	AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry("Context menu Normal entry 1", function(comboBox, itemName, item, selectionChanged, oldItem)
		d('Context menu Normal entry 1')

		local function myAddonCallbackFunc(LSM_comboBox, selectedContextMenuItem, openingMenusEntries, customParam1, customParam2)
				--Loop at openingMenusEntries, get it's .dataSource, and if it's a checked checkbox then update SavedVariables of your addon accordingly
				--or do oher things
				--> Attention: Updating the entries in openingMenusEntries won't work as it's a copy of the data as the contextMenu was shown, and no reference!
				--> Updating the data directly would make the menus break, and sometimes the data would be even gone due to your mouse moving above any other entry
				--> wile the callbackFunc here runs
		--Use LSM API func to get the opening control's list and m_sorted items properly so addons do not have to take care of that again and again on their own
		RunCustomScrollableMenuItemsCallback(comboBox, item, myAddonCallbackFunc, { LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_CHECKBOX }, true, "customParam1", "customParam2")
--If table/function returning a table parameter filterEntryTypes is not nil:
--The table needs to have a number key and a LibScrollableMenu entryType constants e.g. LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_CHECKBOX as value. Only the provided entryTypes will be selected
--from the m_sortedItems list of the parent dropdown! All others will be filtered out. Only the selected entries will be passed to the myAddonCallbackFunc's param openingMenusEntries.
--If the param filterEntryTypes is nil: All entries will be selected and passed to the myAddonCallbackFunc's param openingMenusEntries.
--If the boolean/function returning a boolean parameter fromParentMenu is true: The menu items of the opening (parent) menu will be returned. If false: The currently shown menu's items will be returned
function RunCustomScrollableMenuItemsCallback(comboBox, item, myAddonCallbackFunc, filterEntryTypes, fromParentMenu, ...)

---Function to return the data of a LSM scrollList row. Params: userdata rowControl
-->Returns the m_sortedItems.dataSource or m_data.dataSource or data of the rowControl, or an empty table {}
function GetCustomScrollableMenuRowData(rowControl)

-- API to set all buttons in a group based on Select all, Unselect All, Invert all.
-->Used in "checkbox" buttonGroup to show the default context menu (if no custom contextmenu was provided!) at a control which provides the
-->"Select all", "Deselect all" and "Invert selection" entries
function LibScrollableMenu.SetButtonGroupState

You can basically search & replace the first few params (text, entryType) of AddCustomMenuItem and AddCustomSubMenuItem with the
LibScrollableMenu's API functions AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry and AddCustomScrollableSubMenuEntry
-> Attention: Not all parameters are the same! EntryType needs to be one of LSM_ENTRY_TYPE* constants and other optiops like font, normalColor, hghlightColor etc. must be added to the parameter "additionalData" as a table!


Planned features
-Support for LibCustomMenu (replace it and ZO_Menu e.g. at inventory rows)
2.31 Baertram - 2024-08-25
-Updated API version properly
-Fixed context menu with submenu: checkbox/buttons do not close the context menu anymore now
-Fixed OnEffectivelyHidden name in XML (used a space)

2.3 IsJustaGhost, Baertram - 2024-08-19
--Fixed iconData nil check for multi icon control
--Fixed getComboBox to return the actual context menu combobox so that submenu entries clicked run their callback
--Fixed API RunCustomScrollableMenuItemsCallback to use the m_sortedItems, and not a copy (so updating the dataSource works)
--Using proper function GetOptions() where needed now
--Removed duplicate recursive loop over all (nested)submenu entries to update the values -> in function UpdateItems
--Fixed API function RunCustomScrollableMenuItemsCallback, params ...

--Accept a custom filter function via options.customFilterFunc
----function customFilterFunc(p_item, p_filterString) return boolean true (found) / false (not found)
--Added option.highlightContextMenuOpeningControl: highlight the openingControl passed in to ShowCustomScrollableMenu(openingControl)
----Boolean or function returning boolean if the openingControl of a context menu should be highlighted. Only works at the contextMenu options!
----If you set this to true you also need to set data.m_highlightTemplate at the row and provide the XML template name for the highLight, e.g. "LibScrollableMenu_Highlight_Red"
--Changed IsFilterEnabled function to return false if only 1 entry in the dropdown. Updating the header to hide the filter visually then
--Added comboBox to checkbox's callback 4th param so that API funcs like RunCustomScrollableMenuItemsCallback can use it
--Added a collapsible header + button via options.headerCollapsible to toggle the header's height. State will be saved in SavedVariables per openingControl or combobox name.
--Added option.headerCollapsed to always show the collapsible header at that state if the menu opens
--Added LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_BUTTON data.buttonTemplate can be used to define the buttons XML template. Clicking a button keeps the dropdown opened!
--Added LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON with radioButtonGroups. data.buttonTemplate can be used to define the buttons XML template. Clicking a radio button keeps the dropdown opened!
data.buttonGroup defines the (radio) button group. Specifying several radioButtons with the same group number adds them to the same group.
data.checked = true defines which radiobutton in the group is the default checked one.
data.radioButtonGroupSelectionChangedCallback can be a function that is only called if a radiobutton group really changes the selected radiobutton. data.callback will be executed on each click on a radiobutton
--Added LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_CHECKBOX with checkboxButtonGroups. data.buttonTemplate can be used to define the buttons XML template. Clicking a checkbox keeps the dropdown opened!
data.buttonGroup defines the button group. Specifying several checkboxes with the same group number adds them to the same group.
--Added API function LibScrollableMenu.SetButtonGroupState(...) for checkboxes which belong to a buttonGroup. Use it from data.contextMenuCallback e.g. to show a "Select all" , "Unselect all" and "Invert selection" context menu
----contextMenuCallback = function(...) LibScrollableMenu.SetButtonGroupState(...) end,

--Added API function GetCustomScrollableMenuRowData(rowControl)
--Added item.m_owner to RefreshSortedItems

--Callback functions for checkboxes now use the similar signature like normal entry callbacks: function(comboBox, itemName, item, checked)

2.21 Baertram - 2024-06-02
Fix: Search/filter editbox needs to reset to empty if options.enableFilter == false/nil

2.2 IsJustaGhost, Baertram - 2024-06-02
--Open and close clicks
--Context menus open & close, and other bugs
--Non clickable items
--Entry type determination
--Row's dataSource etc. updating
--Tooltips & custom tooltips
--API functions
--Callbacks (some callback parameters have changed!)
--Behavor of menus and contextmenus if ZO_Menu is used in addition
--Compatibility fix for LibCustomMenu submenus (which only used data.label as the name)

-Changed default sorting to "false" now. Enable it via options.sortEntries if you need it sorted by default

-Added new combobox header: Headline text, subline text, text search filter -> All optional, controled via the options table
-Added opened submenu highlight "breadcrumb" to show chain of opened submenus
-Added option maxDropdownHeight
-Added option useDefaultHighlightForSubmenuWithCallback
-Added: nil submenus create blank submenu -> no entries, borders look weird. An empty submenu {} creates a submenu with 1 "Empty" entry.
-Added SavedVariables (currently used for text filter header's "last 10 searched texts history")

-[Current callbacks]-
'NewStatusUpdated' = function(control, data)
'EntryOnMouseEnter' = function(control, data)
'EntryOnMouseExit' = function(control, data)
'EntryOnSelected' = function(control, data)
'OnMenuShow' = function(control)
'OnSubMenuShow' = function(control)
'OnContextMenuShow' = function(control)
'OnMenuHide' = function(control)
'OnSubMenuHide' = function(control)
'OnContextMenuHide' = function(control)
'CheckboxUpdated' = function(control, data, isChecked)
'OnDropdownMenuAdded' = function(comboBox_Object, options)

-[Current narration callbacks]-
-"OnComboBoxMouseEnter" = function(m_dropdownObject, comboBoxControl)
-"OnComboBoxMouseExit" = function(m_dropdownObject, comboBoxControl)
-"OnMenuShow" = function(m_dropdownObject, comboBoxControl)
-"OnMenuHide" = function(m_dropdownObject, comboBoxControl)
-"OnSubMenuShow" = function(m_dropdownObject, comboBoxControl, anchorPoint)
-"OnSubMenuHide" = function(m_dropdownObject, comboBoxControl)
-"OnEntryMouseEnter" = function(m_dropdownObject, entryControl, data, hasSubmenu)
-"OnEntryMouseExit" = function(m_dropdownObject, entryControl, data, hasSubmenu)
-"OnEntrySelected" = function(m_dropdownObject, entryControl, data, hasSubmenu)
-"OnCheckboxUpdated" = function(m_dropdownObject, checkboxControl, data)

-[Current options table that can be passed in to API functions or new LSM]-
--> See above API function "AddCustomScrollableComboBoxDropdownMenu"

-[Current API functions]-
--> Parameter description see file LibScrollableMenu.lua -> search for --[API - Custom scrollable context menu at any control]

--API to add a scrollable dropdown to an existing ZO_ComboBox control
function AddCustomScrollableComboBoxDropdownMenu(parent, comboBoxContainer, options)

--API to add a scrollable dropdown to any control -> As context menu (like a ZO_Menu)
function ClearCustomScrollableMenu()
function AddCustomScrollableMenu(entries, options)
function AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry(text, callback, entryType, entries, additionalData)
function AddCustomScrollableMenuEntries(contextMenuEntries)
function AddCustomScrollableSubMenuEntry(text, entries)
function AddCustomScrollableMenuDivider()
function AddCustomScrollableMenuHeader(text, additionalData)
function AddCustomScrollableMenuCheckbox(text, callback, checked, additionalData)
function SetCustomScrollableMenuOptions(options, comboBoxContainer)
function ShowCustomScrollableMenu(controlToAnchorTo, options)

-API that can be used in a callback function of an entry
function RunCustomScrollableMenuItemsCallback(comboBox, item, myAddonCallbackFunc, filterEntryTypes, fromParentMenu, ...)

2.11 IsJustaGhost, Baertram - 2024-04-29
Thanks to Dakjaniels for pointing out some errors and fixes!
- Fix divider not being shown if entryType is LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_NORMAL (but text is actually "-" only)
- Fix entryType passed in to the API functions preferably to be used and only changed on first call in case of submenu/header/divider detected
- Fix horizontalAlignment in setup functions
- Fix list param in setup label functions
- Fix LSMOptionsToZO_ComboBoxOptionsCallbacks using wrong reference self
- Add LSM_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBMENU and all needed code

2.1 IsJustaGhost, Baertram - 2024-04-26
- Fixed comboBoxClass:OnGlobalMouseUp(eventCode, ...) must close all submenus and the main menu (dropdown) of the ZO_ComboBox if we right click on the main comboBox to show a context menu there
- Fixed improved OnGlobalMouseUp functionality
- Fixed submenu defaults not inheriting from parent on initialize
- Fixed callbacks for OnMenuOpen and OnMenuHide, OnSubmenuHide and OnSubmenuShow somehow fire very often, instead of once where needed.
- Fixed callbacks for OnRowEnter and OnRowExit somehow fire twice, instead of once
- Fixed name of widthPadding in row template
- Fixed height will recalculate on each open (respecting functions returning values of the entris)
- Fixed spacing, width and scollbars
- Fixed an issue where dropdowns could display a scroll bar when not necessary
- Fixed data.tooltip and data.customTooltip function with show & hide
- Fixed all API functions for context menus to accept entries as function returning a table too
- Fixed enabled state of entries not firing any onMouseEnter/-exit handlers anymore
- Fixed a lot of other smaller errors

- Exposed row setup functions to object to allow addon use in custom setupFunction of custom virtual XML template
- Changed API function's AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry last parameter isNew into table additionalData, to pass in several additional data table values (defined by LSM and custom addon ones)
- Changed rows which open a submenu, and got a callback function, will be shown light green now at their highlight

- Added options.disableFadeGradient, options.headerColor, options.normalColor, options.disabledColor
- Added disabledColor and normalColor to options
- Added item.enabled to processNameString and updateLabelsStrings, for if it is a function, it is updated the same as name and label.
- Added dynamic selectable item based on control.selectable and has callback
- Added Callback OnDropdownMenuAdded which can change the options of a dropdown pre-init
- Added API function RunCustomScrollableMenuItemsCallback(comboBox, item, myAddonCallbackFunc, filterEntryTypes, fromParentMenu, ...)
- Added LibDebugLogger and function dLog for logging with and w/o LDL. See slash commands /lsmdebug and /lsmdebugverbose (verbose logging still needs to be manually enabled within LibDebugLogger's Startup config file! Tags: LibScrollableMenu and LibScrollableMenu/Verbose)

2.0 IsJustaGhost, Baertram - 2024-03-21
- Fixed: width update of entries (no abbreviated texts)
- Fixed: data.label (string or function returning a string)
- Fixed: SetTimeout menus opening/closing
- Added: Callback for dropdown menu added (pre-init!) "OnDropdownMenuAdded"

1.9 Baertram - 2024-03-11 - Compatible with API101041 "Scions of Ithelia"
!A very huge thanks to IsJustaGhost for all his work on recoding the total library to get it compatible with Scions of Ithelia!

-Made compatible with Scions of Ithelia
-Fixed several bugs

-> Attention: Some API functions for context menus changed in param/signature
Please check your addon's API function signature:
--AddCustomScrollableMenu(entries, options) -> Removed 1st param parentCtrl
--SetCustomScrollableMenuOptions(options) -> Removed 2nd param scrollHelper (maybe readded. currently this function will onyl work for ContextMenus. If you want to change the options of a dropdown, it's currently not possible anymore after creating the dropdown. We are working on an a way.
--ShowCustomScrollableMenu(controlToAnchorTo, options) -> Removed 2nd to 4th params controlToAnchorTo, point, relativePoint, offsetX, offsetY and replaced 2nd with options

-Added new dropdown options for the menus:
["font"] = "ESOFontNameHere" -- String or function returning a string: font to use for the dropdown entries
["spacing"] = 1, -- Number or function returning a Number : Spacing between the entries
["preshowDropdownFn"] = function(ctrl) end, --function to run before the dropdown shows

-> See documentation above API function AddCustomScrollableComboBoxDropdownMenu

1.8 Baertram - 2024-02-26 - Not compatible with API101041 "Scions of Ithelia"!
-Fixed ignoreCallback at menu entries without a callback function (not playing a sound on selection, not closing the menu/submenu on selection)
-Added data.enabled for the menu/submenu entries. If enabled == false, there won't be any selection highlight and clickable entry

1.7 IsJustaGhost & Baertram - 2024-01-12
Added new API functions to create the scrollable (nested) menus at any control as a context menu like LibCustomMenu does.

API syntax:
Entry types:

--Adds a new entry to the context menu entries with the shown text, which calls the callback function once clicked.
--If entries is provided the entry will be a submenu having those entries. The callback can only be used if entries are passed in
--but normally it should be nil in that case
function AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry(text, callback, entryType, entries, isNew)

--Adds an entry having a submenu (or maybe nested submenues) in the entries table
function AddCustomScrollableSubMenuEntry(text, entries)

--Adds a divider line to the context menu entries
function AddCustomScrollableMenuDivider()

--Pass in a table with predefined context menu entries and let them all be added in order of the table's number key
function AddCustomScrollableMenuEntries(contextMenuEntries)

--Set the options (visible rows max, etc.) for the scrollable context menu
function SetCustomScrollableMenuOptions(options, scrollHelper)

--Add a new scrollable context menu with the defined entries table.
--You can add more entries later via AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry function too
function AddCustomScrollableMenu(parent, entries, options)

--Show the custom scrollable context menu now
function ShowCustomScrollableMenu(controlToAnchorTo, point, relativePoint, offsetX, offsetY, options)

--Hide the custom scrollable context menu and clear internal variables, mouse clicks etc.
function ClearCustomScrollableMenu()
You can basically search & replace the first params of AddCustomMenuItem and AddCustomSubMenuItem with the
LibScrollableMenu's API functions AddCustomScrollableMenuEntry and AddCustomScrollableSubMenuEntry

1.6 Baertram
Fixed main menu entry callbacks not firing anymore

1.5 Baertram (thanks to IsJustaGhost)
Changed hooks and fixed insecure error occurring at housing editor

1.4 Baertram (thanks to Dakjaniels)
Fixed XML resizeToFitDescendents error

1.3 Baertram
Fixed lua error onMouseEnter (narration related)

1.2 IsJustaGhost/Baertram
-Made compatible with API101040
-Many fixes and improvements
-Added features of LibCustomMenu (headers, dividers, checkboxes)
-Added support for UI narration (custom addon function called, either narrating itsself or returning a string to be narrated)

For developers: See Github repositorie's readm file for infos, and check the LSM_test.lua file for example code.

-API Bump
-Initial Version
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Unread 01/25/23, 02:32 AM  
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but ESO UI has ZO_ScrollableComboBox already
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Unread 03/04/23, 10:18 AM  
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From what I remember I wrote this as a combination of ZO_ScrollableComboBox and LibCustomMenu so that the scrolling worked with submenus. I had planned to polish the code but due to me leaving the eso/addon scene that never happened.

Edit: Gonna look into the conflict with PixelPerfect (if I can get ESO at a resolution where that works as it should....)
Last edited by Kyoma : 03/04/23 at 10:31 AM.
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Unread 03/21/23, 08:05 AM  
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Wouldn't it be best to maybe add this directly to LibCustomMenu so there is 1 menu related addon / library only? Less compatibility issues, more benefit to all (imho).
Maybe talk to Votan and show him your code here, if this will work.
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Unread 09/22/23, 01:45 PM  
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Only working on Update 40 - PTS API 101040

If you have overriden a ZO_ComboBox's :AddMenuItems() function to add the entries new by using ZO_Menu (via ZOs default "AddMenuItem" or via LibCustomMenu using "AddCustomMenuItem" or even submenus via "AddCustomSubMenuItem"):
This won't work anymore on current PTS -> As ZO_ComboBox is a ZO_ScrollableMultiselectComboBox now which does not use ZO_Menu anymore!
-> Your box will be empty then.

If you only want some non-submenu entries in the combobox:
Do not override :AddMenuItems() and just do it the normal way. Your combobox will be scrollable by default now and will work well.

If you still want to use submenus: Instructions how to change your ZO_ComboBox to a scrollable list with submenus (scrollable too!)
Read here please:

And/or check the file LSM_test.lua for code example of usage, menus and submenu entries.
Last edited by Baertram : 10/23/23 at 01:41 PM.
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Unread 11/26/23, 07:29 AM  

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This lib is causing a bug in Housing panel, Purchase menu, when we try to filter items by theme.

Error code: E9F0F69D

/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/FurnitureClasses_Shared.lua:650: Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductPricingByPresentation' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 28 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/FurnitureClasses_Shared.lua:650: in function 'ZO_HousingMarketProduct:GetMarketProductPricingByPresentation'
	<Locals> self = [table:1]{quality = 3, displayQuality = 3, theme = 11, discountPercent = 0, limitType = 0, formattedName = "Leyawiin Windowbox, Irises", onSale = F, categoryId = 12, sortIndex = 1, isNew = F, subcategoryId = 111, furnitureDataId = 7839, currencyType = 1, costAfterDiscount = 55, displayState = 0, cost = 55, isFree = F, rawName = "Leyawiin Windowbox, Irises", marketProductId = 10545, passesTextFilter = T, icon = "/esoui/art/icons/housing_bad_s...", presentationIndex = 1} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/HousingFurnitureProducts_Keyboard.lua:174: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureProducts_Keyboard:SetupMarketProductFurnitureRow'
	<Locals> self = [table:2]{childlessCategoryTemplate = "ZO_FurnitureBrowserChildless", numSlots = 156, subCategoryTemplate = "ZO_FurnitureBrowserSubCategory...", fireCallbackDepth = 0, numUsedSlots = 95, parentCategoryTemplate = "ZO_FurnitureBrowserCategory"}, rowControl = ud, marketProductFurnitureObject = [table:1], canBePurchased = T, nameColorR = 0.22745099663734, nameColorG = 0.57254904508591, nameColorB = 1, currencyColorR = 1, currencyColorG = 1, currencyColorB = 1, iconDesaturation = 0 </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/HousingFurnitureProducts_Keyboard.lua:139: in function 'setupCallback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2463: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll'
	<Locals> self = ud, windowHeight = 594, activeControls = [table:3]{}, offset = 0, IS_REAL_NUMBER = F, activeIndex = 1, numActive = 0, allData = [table:4]{}, visibleDataIndices = [table:5]{1 = 1}, mode = 1, firstInViewVisibleIndex = 1, nextCandidateVisibleIndex = 1, currentDataIndex = 1, dataEntry = [table:6]{typeId = 8}, bottomEdge = 594, controlTop = 0, uniformControlHeight = 52, dataType = [table:7]{height = 52, selectable = T}, controlPool = [table:8]{m_NextFree = 29, m_NextControlId = 28}, control = ud </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2219: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_Commit'
	<Locals> self = ud, windowHeight = 594, selectionsEnabled = T, scrollableDistance = -490, foundSelected = F, i = 0 </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortFilterList/ZO_SortFilterList.lua:154: in function 'ZO_SortFilterList:CommitScrollList'
	<Locals> self = [table:9]{automaticallyColorRows = T}, scrollData = [table:4] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:438: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureList:ContentsCommitScrollList'
	<Locals> self = [table:2] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:348: in function 'CommitScrollList'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortFilterList/ZO_SortFilterList.lua:137: in function 'ZO_SortFilterList:RefreshData'
	<Locals> self = [table:9] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:408: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureList:OnCategorySelected'
	<Locals> self = [table:2], data = [table:10]{categoryId = 111, name = "Flowers (2)", isFakedSubcategory = F, pressedIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing....", normalIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing....", mouseoverIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing...."} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:255: in function 'TreeEntryOnSelected'
	<Locals> control = ud, data = [table:10], selected = T </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:732: in function 'ZO_TreeNode:OnSelected'
	<Locals> self = [table:11]{childSpacing = -10, openPercentage = 0, selected = F, childrenHeight = 0, open = F, selectSound = "Click_TreeSubcategory", enabled = T, childrenCurrentHeight = 0, childIndent = 60} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:441: in function 'ZO_Tree:SelectNode'
	<Locals> self = [table:12]{suspendAnimations = T, defaultSpacing = -10, enabled = T, exclusive = T, defaultIndent = 60, width = 310, openAnimationDurationMS = 300, autoSelectChildOnNodeOpen = F}, treeNode = [table:11], bringParentIntoView = T </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:103: in function 'ZO_Tree:SelectAnything'
	<Locals> self = [table:12], currentNode = [table:11] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:238: in function 'ZO_Tree:Commit'
	<Locals> self = [table:12] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:165: in function 'ZO_HousingBrowserList:BuildCategories'
	<Locals> self = [table:2], currentSelectedData = [table:13]{categoryId = 182, name = "Music Boxes (1)", isFakedSubcategory = F, pressedIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing....", normalIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing....", mouseoverIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing...."}, hasCategory = T, categoryTreeData = [table:14]{rootCategoryName = "market"} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:403: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureList:BuildCategories'
	<Locals> self = [table:2] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:390: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureList:UpdateLists'
	<Locals> self = [table:2] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/HousingFurnitureBrowser_Keyboard.lua:107: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_Keyboard:UpdateProductsPanel'
	<Locals> self = [table:15]{productListDirty = F, retrievableListDirty = F, isInitialized = T, mode = 2, placeableListDirty = F, retrievableListHeadingsDirty = F, retrievableListDistancesDirty = F} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/HousingFurnitureBrowser_Base.lua:61: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:132: in function 'ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks'
	<Locals> self = [table:16]{fireCallbackDepth = 28, retrievableFurnitureLimitFilters = 64, lastPlayerWorldX = 24421, retrievableFurnitureBoundFilters = 0, placementFurnitureLimitFilters = 64, placementFurnitureLocationFilters = 1, placeableTextFilter = "", purchaseFurnitureTheme = 11, lastPlayerHeading = 2.9384787082672, isPlaceableFiltered = F, retrievableTextFilter = "", isMarketFiltered = T, marketProductTextFilter = "", lastPlayerWorldZ = 24924, placementFurnitureTheme = 0, lastPlayerWorldY = 13167, placementFurnitureBoundFilters = 0, isRetrievableFiltered = F}, eventName = "MarketProductsChanged", registry = [table:17]{}, callbackInfoIndex = 1, callbackInfo = [table:18]{4 = F}, callback = /EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/HousingFurnitureBrowser_Base.lua:59, deleted = F </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/FurnitureManager_Shared.lua:1021: in function 'ZO_SharedFurnitureManager:OnPurchaseFiltersChanged'
	<Locals> self = [table:16] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/FurnitureManager_Shared.lua:1027: in function 'ZO_SharedFurnitureManager:SetPurchaseFurnitureTheme'
	<Locals> self = [table:16], theme = 11 </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/HousingFurnitureProducts_Keyboard.lua:80: in function 'OnThemeChanged'
	<Locals> comboBox = [table:19]{m_nextScrollTypeId = 3, currentSelectedItemText = "Imperial", m_enableMultiSelect = F, m_sortOrder = T, m_height = 250, m_isDropdownVisible = T, m_sortsItems = F, horizontalAlignment = 0, m_containerWidth = 200, m_spacing = 4, m_name = "ZO_HousingFurnitureProductsPan...", m_font = "ZoFontWinT1"}, entryText = "Imperial", entry = [table:20]{name = "Imperial", furnitureTheme = 11, m_index = 12, enabled = T} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox_Base.lua:237: in function 'ZO_ComboBox_Base:ItemSelectedClickHelper'
	<Locals> self = [table:19], item = [table:20], oldItem = [table:21]{name = "Daedric", furnitureTheme = 13, m_index = 14, enabled = T}, selectionChanged = T </Locals>
(tail call): ?
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox.lua:433: in function 'ZO_ComboBox:SelectItem'
	<Locals> self = [table:19], item = [table:20] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox.lua:263: in function 'ZO_ComboBox:SetSelected'
	<Locals> self = [table:19], index = 12, item = [table:20] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox.lua:496: in function 'ZO_ComboBox_Entry_OnSelected'
	<Locals> control = ud, comboBox = [table:19] </Locals>
ZO_HousingFurnitureProductsPanel_KeyboardTopLevelContentsThemeDropdownDropdownScroll1Row1_MouseUp:4: in function '(main chunk)'
	<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, upInside = T, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, command = F </Locals>
Works fine on Inventory though.
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Unread 11/27/23, 03:50 AM  
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Hi, thanks for the info but where do you see that its this lib causing it? ZO_combobox was changed during last U40 update by ZOs and maybe it's any addon still hooking into them inproperly.

Could you please tell me the steps to reproduce this error with only this library enabled (no other addons) and then from login/reloadui in simple steps (where to port, what do open by keybind/click, and where to click then) to get to that error message.

Or do we need to enable any particular housing related addons to see this bug? Which one then, and how to configure it + the steps ike descried above to the error then.

Thanks for that additional info.

Originally Posted by ewscharf
This lib is causing a bug in Housing panel, Purchase menu, when we try to filter items by theme.

Error code: E9F0F69D

/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/FurnitureClasses_Shared.lua:650: Attempt to access a private function 'GetMarketProductPricingByPresentation' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 28 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/FurnitureClasses_Shared.lua:650: in function 'ZO_HousingMarketProduct:GetMarketProductPricingByPresentation'
	<Locals> self = [table:1]{quality = 3, displayQuality = 3, theme = 11, discountPercent = 0, limitType = 0, formattedName = "Leyawiin Windowbox, Irises", onSale = F, categoryId = 12, sortIndex = 1, isNew = F, subcategoryId = 111, furnitureDataId = 7839, currencyType = 1, costAfterDiscount = 55, displayState = 0, cost = 55, isFree = F, rawName = "Leyawiin Windowbox, Irises", marketProductId = 10545, passesTextFilter = T, icon = "/esoui/art/icons/housing_bad_s...", presentationIndex = 1} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/HousingFurnitureProducts_Keyboard.lua:174: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureProducts_Keyboard:SetupMarketProductFurnitureRow'
	<Locals> self = [table:2]{childlessCategoryTemplate = "ZO_FurnitureBrowserChildless", numSlots = 156, subCategoryTemplate = "ZO_FurnitureBrowserSubCategory...", fireCallbackDepth = 0, numUsedSlots = 95, parentCategoryTemplate = "ZO_FurnitureBrowserCategory"}, rowControl = ud, marketProductFurnitureObject = [table:1], canBePurchased = T, nameColorR = 0.22745099663734, nameColorG = 0.57254904508591, nameColorB = 1, currencyColorR = 1, currencyColorG = 1, currencyColorB = 1, iconDesaturation = 0 </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/HousingFurnitureProducts_Keyboard.lua:139: in function 'setupCallback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2463: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll'
	<Locals> self = ud, windowHeight = 594, activeControls = [table:3]{}, offset = 0, IS_REAL_NUMBER = F, activeIndex = 1, numActive = 0, allData = [table:4]{}, visibleDataIndices = [table:5]{1 = 1}, mode = 1, firstInViewVisibleIndex = 1, nextCandidateVisibleIndex = 1, currentDataIndex = 1, dataEntry = [table:6]{typeId = 8}, bottomEdge = 594, controlTop = 0, uniformControlHeight = 52, dataType = [table:7]{height = 52, selectable = T}, controlPool = [table:8]{m_NextFree = 29, m_NextControlId = 28}, control = ud </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:2219: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_Commit'
	<Locals> self = ud, windowHeight = 594, selectionsEnabled = T, scrollableDistance = -490, foundSelected = F, i = 0 </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortFilterList/ZO_SortFilterList.lua:154: in function 'ZO_SortFilterList:CommitScrollList'
	<Locals> self = [table:9]{automaticallyColorRows = T}, scrollData = [table:4] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:438: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureList:ContentsCommitScrollList'
	<Locals> self = [table:2] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:348: in function 'CommitScrollList'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_SortFilterList/ZO_SortFilterList.lua:137: in function 'ZO_SortFilterList:RefreshData'
	<Locals> self = [table:9] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:408: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureList:OnCategorySelected'
	<Locals> self = [table:2], data = [table:10]{categoryId = 111, name = "Flowers (2)", isFakedSubcategory = F, pressedIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing....", normalIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing....", mouseoverIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing...."} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:255: in function 'TreeEntryOnSelected'
	<Locals> control = ud, data = [table:10], selected = T </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:732: in function 'ZO_TreeNode:OnSelected'
	<Locals> self = [table:11]{childSpacing = -10, openPercentage = 0, selected = F, childrenHeight = 0, open = F, selectSound = "Click_TreeSubcategory", enabled = T, childrenCurrentHeight = 0, childIndent = 60} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:441: in function 'ZO_Tree:SelectNode'
	<Locals> self = [table:12]{suspendAnimations = T, defaultSpacing = -10, enabled = T, exclusive = T, defaultIndent = 60, width = 310, openAnimationDurationMS = 300, autoSelectChildOnNodeOpen = F}, treeNode = [table:11], bringParentIntoView = T </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:103: in function 'ZO_Tree:SelectAnything'
	<Locals> self = [table:12], currentNode = [table:11] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:238: in function 'ZO_Tree:Commit'
	<Locals> self = [table:12] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:165: in function 'ZO_HousingBrowserList:BuildCategories'
	<Locals> self = [table:2], currentSelectedData = [table:13]{categoryId = 182, name = "Music Boxes (1)", isFakedSubcategory = F, pressedIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing....", normalIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing....", mouseoverIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/icon_missing...."}, hasCategory = T, categoryTreeData = [table:14]{rootCategoryName = "market"} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:403: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureList:BuildCategories'
	<Locals> self = [table:2] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/FurnitureClasses_Keyboard.lua:390: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureList:UpdateLists'
	<Locals> self = [table:2] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/HousingFurnitureBrowser_Keyboard.lua:107: in function 'ZO_HousingFurnitureBrowser_Keyboard:UpdateProductsPanel'
	<Locals> self = [table:15]{productListDirty = F, retrievableListDirty = F, isInitialized = T, mode = 2, placeableListDirty = F, retrievableListHeadingsDirty = F, retrievableListDistancesDirty = F} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/HousingFurnitureBrowser_Base.lua:61: in function 'callback'
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:132: in function 'ZO_CallbackObjectMixin:FireCallbacks'
	<Locals> self = [table:16]{fireCallbackDepth = 28, retrievableFurnitureLimitFilters = 64, lastPlayerWorldX = 24421, retrievableFurnitureBoundFilters = 0, placementFurnitureLimitFilters = 64, placementFurnitureLocationFilters = 1, placeableTextFilter = "", purchaseFurnitureTheme = 11, lastPlayerHeading = 2.9384787082672, isPlaceableFiltered = F, retrievableTextFilter = "", isMarketFiltered = T, marketProductTextFilter = "", lastPlayerWorldZ = 24924, placementFurnitureTheme = 0, lastPlayerWorldY = 13167, placementFurnitureBoundFilters = 0, isRetrievableFiltered = F}, eventName = "MarketProductsChanged", registry = [table:17]{}, callbackInfoIndex = 1, callbackInfo = [table:18]{4 = F}, callback = /EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/HousingFurnitureBrowser_Base.lua:59, deleted = F </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/FurnitureManager_Shared.lua:1021: in function 'ZO_SharedFurnitureManager:OnPurchaseFiltersChanged'
	<Locals> self = [table:16] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/FurnitureManager_Shared.lua:1027: in function 'ZO_SharedFurnitureManager:SetPurchaseFurnitureTheme'
	<Locals> self = [table:16], theme = 11 </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/HousingEditor/Keyboard/HousingFurnitureProducts_Keyboard.lua:80: in function 'OnThemeChanged'
	<Locals> comboBox = [table:19]{m_nextScrollTypeId = 3, currentSelectedItemText = "Imperial", m_enableMultiSelect = F, m_sortOrder = T, m_height = 250, m_isDropdownVisible = T, m_sortsItems = F, horizontalAlignment = 0, m_containerWidth = 200, m_spacing = 4, m_name = "ZO_HousingFurnitureProductsPan...", m_font = "ZoFontWinT1"}, entryText = "Imperial", entry = [table:20]{name = "Imperial", furnitureTheme = 11, m_index = 12, enabled = T} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox_Base.lua:237: in function 'ZO_ComboBox_Base:ItemSelectedClickHelper'
	<Locals> self = [table:19], item = [table:20], oldItem = [table:21]{name = "Daedric", furnitureTheme = 13, m_index = 14, enabled = T}, selectionChanged = T </Locals>
(tail call): ?
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox.lua:433: in function 'ZO_ComboBox:SelectItem'
	<Locals> self = [table:19], item = [table:20] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox.lua:263: in function 'ZO_ComboBox:SetSelected'
	<Locals> self = [table:19], index = 12, item = [table:20] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox.lua:496: in function 'ZO_ComboBox_Entry_OnSelected'
	<Locals> control = ud, comboBox = [table:19] </Locals>
ZO_HousingFurnitureProductsPanel_KeyboardTopLevelContentsThemeDropdownDropdownScroll1Row1_MouseUp:4: in function '(main chunk)'
	<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, upInside = T, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, command = F </Locals>
Works fine on Inventory though.
Last edited by Baertram : 11/27/23 at 03:51 AM.
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Unread 11/29/23, 04:27 PM  

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Originally Posted by Baertram
Hi, thanks for the info but where do you see that its this lib causing it? ZO_combobox was changed during last U40 update by ZOs and maybe it's any addon still hooking into them inproperly.

Could you please tell me the steps to reproduce this error with only this library enabled (no other addons) and then from login/reloadui in simple steps (where to port, what do open by keybind/click, and where to click then) to get to that error message.

Or do we need to enable any particular housing related addons to see this bug? Which one then, and how to configure it + the steps ike descried above to the error then.

Thanks for that additional info.
Hi o/

I disabled all my addons and left only this one enabled (I even created a new addons folder and started the game again with only LibScrollableMenu there to be loaded).

I tested it in more than 5 houses, from Pilgrim's Rest to Mathiisen Manor. I go into Housing Editor mode (key F5), and open the Housing panel (key R), then I click the Purchase menu. There I can navigate the left menu like usual (Services, Dining, Suite, etc), but if I try to use the dropdown-menu (at right top corner) to select a theme, as soon I chose any theme the UI Error panel will show the error. And the list of items will become messy.


Edit: When we open the Housing panel, we start at "Place" window, where we have a list of our items to use. The dropdown-menu to filter themes is also there, but it works fine. Only in the store window the bug happens.
Last edited by ewscharf : 11/29/23 at 04:40 PM.
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Unread 11/30/23, 03:56 AM  
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Thanks for the details, that's very appreciated!
We'll have a look how and where that could happen. Guess the lib hooks into some ZO_ function too early then.

Originally Posted by ewscharf
Originally Posted by Baertram
Hi, thanks for the info but where do you see that its this lib causing it? ZO_combobox was changed during last U40 update by ZOs and maybe it's any addon still hooking into them inproperly.

Could you please tell me the steps to reproduce this error with only this library enabled (no other addons) and then from login/reloadui in simple steps (where to port, what do open by keybind/click, and where to click then) to get to that error message.

Or do we need to enable any particular housing related addons to see this bug? Which one then, and how to configure it + the steps ike descried above to the error then.

Thanks for that additional info.
Hi o/

I disabled all my addons and left only this one enabled (I even created a new addons folder and started the game again with only LibScrollableMenu there to be loaded).

I tested it in more than 5 houses, from Pilgrim's Rest to Mathiisen Manor. I go into Housing Editor mode (key F5), and open the Housing panel (key R), then I click the Purchase menu. There I can navigate the left menu like usual (Services, Dining, Suite, etc), but if I try to use the dropdown-menu (at right top corner) to select a theme, as soon I chose any theme the UI Error panel will show the error. And the list of items will become messy.


Edit: When we open the Housing panel, we start at "Place" window, where we have a list of our items to use. The dropdown-menu to filter themes is also there, but it works fine. Only in the store window the bug happens.
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Unread 12/01/23, 08:33 AM  
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Check your PM here please for a test BETA version, hope it works for you.
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Unread 12/01/23, 07:32 PM  

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Originally Posted by Baertram
Check your PM here please for a test BETA version, hope it works for you.
It's perfect. Thank you so much!
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Unread 12/02/23, 07:53 AM  
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Originally Posted by ewscharf
Originally Posted by Baertram
Check your PM here please for a test BETA version, hope it works for you.
It's perfect. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the test. Credits of the fix go to IsJustaGhost
Last edited by Baertram : 12/02/23 at 07:53 AM.
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Unread 12/10/23, 04:07 AM  
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Update causes Advanced Filters to stop working

So I did all the testing I could and finally figured out which addon caused the issue.

This recent update causes the Built-In Advanced Filters menu items to stop working, however the Custom Advanced Filter Plugin I made still works (It sorts based on TTC Prices, I have not uploaded it yet, it is something my wife and I use), some of the other Custom Plugin Filters also stopped working, some still do but none of the Built-In AF filters worked.

Reverting back to version 1.4 of this Lib and it is now working again.

If you need me to send you my custom plugin that still works with the update, let me know.
I guess it seems odd that some of plugins work but Built-In functions of AF do not.

Note that no Error actually occurs, it just fails.

Also another note, if I try to change the filter back to "All" after changing it to something that did not work, and I try to switch to any other normal in-game Filter or Sub-Filter (EG From Weapons to Armor or Even inside Armor > Light to Medium) that when I switch back to the In-Game Filter/Sub-Filter that I had change the AF on, it is back to the last failed filter setting.

So here to be more specific, I have a bunch of Consumables in my Junk, if I switch to the In-Game Sub-Filter under Junk to Consumables, and switch it to "Crafted" it does not work, and then when I switch it back to "All" (which actually fails also) and switch to the All Junk Sub-Filter, and go back to the Consumables Sub-Filter, the AF is set back to "Crafted".

Hope this helps in understanding what is going on...
I have reverted back to 1.4 for now.
Last edited by Smugger21 : 12/10/23 at 04:12 AM.
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Unread 12/10/23, 06:33 AM  
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Re: Update causes Advanced Filters to stop working

Hi, by not working you mean what exactly? Entries in teh dropdown filterboxes are missing in total? Clicking the entries does nothing?
Any Screenshots to explain more?

The filter dropdown does show the filters, like level filter, for me properly.
Clicking one level range in the submenu does not filter anything then for you?

Did you test to disable ALL other addons AND AF filter dropdown plugins and only run AF alone?

Which other AF plugins do you use and which do not work, and which work?
If you disable your local AF plugin, does it work then?

Thank you

Seems that the callbacks of the filters do not work if they are "no submenu". As "Filters" -> 1 to 10 works, but others like "Heal staff" does not.
On it

Originally Posted by Smugger21
So I did all the testing I could and finally figured out which addon caused the issue.

This recent update causes the Built-In Advanced Filters menu items to stop working, however the Custom Advanced Filter Plugin I made still works (It sorts based on TTC Prices, I have not uploaded it yet, it is something my wife and I use), some of the other Custom Plugin Filters also stopped working, some still do but none of the Built-In AF filters worked.

Reverting back to version 1.4 of this Lib and it is now working again.

If you need me to send you my custom plugin that still works with the update, let me know.
I guess it seems odd that some of plugins work but Built-In functions of AF do not.

Note that no Error actually occurs, it just fails.

Also another note, if I try to change the filter back to "All" after changing it to something that did not work, and I try to switch to any other normal in-game Filter or Sub-Filter (EG From Weapons to Armor or Even inside Armor > Light to Medium) that when I switch back to the In-Game Filter/Sub-Filter that I had change the AF on, it is back to the last failed filter setting.

So here to be more specific, I have a bunch of Consumables in my Junk, if I switch to the In-Game Sub-Filter under Junk to Consumables, and switch it to "Crafted" it does not work, and then when I switch it back to "All" (which actually fails also) and switch to the All Junk Sub-Filter, and go back to the Consumables Sub-Filter, the AF is set back to "Crafted".

Hope this helps in understanding what is going on...
I have reverted back to 1.4 for now.
Last edited by Baertram : 12/10/23 at 09:39 AM.
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Unread 12/10/23, 10:27 AM  
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Think I found out what is happening and was able to fix it.
Last edited by Baertram : 12/10/23 at 11:27 AM.
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Unread 12/10/23, 07:12 PM  
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Re: Re: Update causes Advanced Filters to stop working

Originally Posted by Baertram
Hi, by not working you mean what exactly? Entries in teh dropdown filterboxes are missing in total? Clicking the entries does nothing?
Any Screenshots to explain more?
Sorry, I guess I was not entirely clear, it seems to be that items in the menu when clicked on are not having their event/function fired off.
And when I woke up I just realized that the menu items that didn't work were on the main menu and things that did work were in Sub-Menus.

Originally Posted by Baertram
The filter dropdown does show the filters, like level filter, for me properly.
Clicking one level range in the submenu does not filter anything then for you?
It is displayed, it just does not fire the event it is supposed to I guess

Originally Posted by Baertram
Seems that the callbacks of the filters do not work if they are "no submenu". As "Filters" -> 1 to 10 works, but others like "Heal staff" does not.
On it
LOL I just seen this edit as I was replying and yup, that is what seems to be the issue.

Originally Posted by Baertram
Think I found out what is happening and was able to fix it.
I see you put out an update, I will check to see if it is fixed now.
EDIT: Yup, seems to be good, everything seems to be working correctly again with this update!

Thank You.
Last edited by Smugger21 : 12/10/23 at 07:30 PM.
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