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Updated: 06/28/24 12:42 PM
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Updated:06/28/24 12:42 PM
Created:03/03/23 04:05 PM
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FCO Accessibility
Version: 1.6
by: Baertram [More]
FCO Accessibility

This addon depends on the following libraries:
-> Patched version 99 with text2speech for Accessbility mode is included!

LibAddonMenu Sound Slider Widget

This addon was created for (slightly) blind players and aims to use the accessibility mode of ESO, like the chat reader, to provide information to the chat, or play sounds to ease the navigation.

Here is an example video (including speech) describing the features and combinations of other addons that might help you too:
-> The mentioned "Addon pack", containing all the addons and libraries talked about in that video, can be found here (click me) on my dropbox

Please refrain from asking for more features. The game's API is for example not able to tell you the position or values of enemies/friends you are not actively looking at, nor is it able to provide you info of all locations/zones/POIs on the fly.
If I'm able to work on more features I'll do so (and if I find the time ). So what we got now is all you get for the moment, thanks for your understanding!


This addon uses d() debug messages to print chat to your locally viewed chat where the accessibility "chat reader" will read it to you.

If you use LibDebugLogger and DebugLogViewer the d() debug messages of addons will be kept in the DebugLogViewer UI, where the accessibility "chat reader" is not able to read them from!
If you enable accessibility mode's "chat reader" you must disable DebugLogViewer (LibDebugLogger can be kept enabled if needed for other addons!) in order to make this addon's text2chat features here work (the sound features work with DebugLogViewer enabled too), or to make other addon d() messages be read by the "chat reader"!

I also recommand to disable the companion pin at the compass, via the game's UI settings!
This will stop making the companion pin overlay other quest/group rally point/group leader/waypoint/or other compass pins!

Add text to the chat:
Add text to the chat and let the screen reader of the accessibility mode read it for you.
The chat can be prefixed by another text so the reader identifies it for you, that it was added by this addon to the chat.
The default prefix is the´ (Phonetic: Akut) character.
-> So each chat message of FCOAccessibility will start with ´ and followed by the text, so that the "chat reader" reads e.g. "Akut Interactable: Doorname"
and you know this is coming from FCOAccessibility, and was not added by any other addon debug messages (or player writing to the chat, allthough they get their name read out too).
  • Reticle: Show chat info about the NPC/critter/... (Criters can be disabled)
  • Reticle: Show chat info about the other player (Chosoe to show their race, class, level/CPs and/or alliance too)
  • Reticle: Show chat info about the interactable objects like doors/chests, and if it's criminal to interact with it
  • Choose if the reticle info should be shown in combat too
  • Reticle - Combat: Show the health of enemies in the chat, in percent. If health is above 30% the chat info will be shown in 10% steps, if below 30% it will be shown in 5% steps.
  • Disable reticle to chat (unit, player, interaction) automatically while grouped
  • If the automatic combat target markers are enabled the compass shows them and the name of the enemy, and thus will write it to the chat too
  • Group leader "clock position" 1 to 12, based on your view angle -> To easily follow your group leader you can add a custom prefix which is written to the chat for that clock position.
  • Alternatively to the group leader clock one can use the directions (north, south, west, east). A keybind exists to toggle between the clock and direction output

Play sounds as helpers:
Sounds (Plays repetively with a delay in between, to show you are "on track". You can choose the volume of the sound too)
-> Sound volume: ESO is not able to control the sound volume directly for particular played sounds, neither is it possible to tell it to play on right/left/front/back channels All addons can do is play the same sound multiple times to make it louder. But: this does not work for all sounds!
So if you choose e.g. volume 10 and it's the same as 1or 3, this sound is not supporting "louder plays", unfortunately.
  • Compass: Play a sound for the active wayshrine (if centered on the compass)
  • Compass: Play a sound for the actively tracked quest (if centered on the compass)
  • Compass: Play a sound for the group rally point (if centered on the compass)
  • Play a sound if you look into the group leader's direction.
    Choose an angle (in degree)
    Choose a distance. If you are below the sound will not play.
    Show the distance in the chat.
  • Combat: Enter or leave combat
  • Combat helpers/tips: Play sound on BLOCK, DODGE, INTERRUPT, IMBALANCED tip
  • Movement: Play sound if you try to move but cannot move (not due to being stunned but because you run against a wall or NPC etc.)
    Will check every 3 seconds if you try to move, but cannot move (and are not stunned and not interacting with something/someone).

Sounds played work in keyboard and gamepad mode.
The chat to text works in keyboard and gamepad mode.
But the chat reader is only available in gamepad mode + accessibility mode + chat reader enabled!

Other helpers:
  • Waypoint: Automatic removal if you get near the wayshrine
  • Combat helpers/tips: Shows BLOCK, DODGE, INTERRUPT, IMBALANCED (enemy->start a heavy attack on them then) info to chat
  • Passenger mount: Setting textbox for preferred @AccountName where you want to hop on his/her passenger mount (uses auto completion, and finds your friends/group/guild members via that. Press TABULATOR key to auto complete the name. If there are more than 1 matching you can use the UP and DOWN keys to select one)
  • Automatic combat target markers 1 to 8 on enemies during fight (they show at the compass too and the name of the enemies are shown as compass text to chat too) and will be removed as the enemy dies.
    If grouped: Only the group leader will currently add those target markers! Else the markers would jump between additions of group leader and other group members.
    Attention: If an enemy resets because you ran away the target marker will be kept on that enemy! It can help you find the enemy later again.
  • ZOs code currently got a bug where the narration volume is not saved accross logout & login. This addon will fix this BUT it can only load the last chosen sound volume as you are in the game world already. So loading screens will still be loud. This is due to restrictions to addons not able to do anything during loading screens or before them. But after the loading screen ended the volume will be set to the value you had chosen last before logout/reloadui/quit of the game.

  • All togglable settings got a keybind

After installing the addon please visit the settings menu (ESC -> Settings -> AddOn settings) and configure it there to your needs!

Other addons:
Waypoints, Group & Map
Circonian's WaypointIt
Automatically set waypoints, and remove waypoints. In combination with the sounds of this addon it helps you to keep track of your quests.
It can also post quest step texts to the chat.
And provide the distance to the next waypoint.
It supports the accessibility "chat reader" for e.g. "Waypoint set", "Distance to waypoint" (only works if the arrow/dot at the reticle, pointing to the waypoint, is enabled!) and "Waypoint reached".
Settings for the accessibility chat reader start with "Accessibility:"!

Beam Me Up - Teleporting helper
-> BMU Gamepad mode plugin - For accessibility mode
Addon that helps you to teleport to your group leader, to all kind of zones, dungeons, delves etc. Shows a list of the possible maps/zones and if any group member/friend/guild member is in that zone you can teleport to them for free.
Also supports teleport to zones where currently no user is in (costs gold then and only works if you got at least 1 washrine unlocked in that zone).

This addon will add multiple new pins on your compass and map which FCOAccessibility is capable to read out to you via text2speech then.
It will e.g. show extra pins on your map and compass, like quest NPC positions, cities, other POIs like delves, bosses, etc. (even if you have not yet found them before!).

Attributes (health, stamina, magicka) & Potion warning
Potion Taken Sound Fix & Alerts
Play sounds if your potion is ready, if the potion was taken, if a buff of a potion faded (e.g. Major * for crit chance/regen/vulnerability/...)
Play sounds based on thresholds (low, okay) of health/stamina/magicka
Choose the sound volume for the sounds.
Add chat text (with a customizable prefix) for all of the warnings/okay texts, e.g. Potion ready, potion taken, health/magicka/stamina low.

Ultimate & Weapon bar
FCO UltimateSound
Choosable if only in combat or out of combat too:
Play sound for your active weapon bar, upon changing the bars.
Play sound if your ultimate is ready (different sound possible per weapon bar)

Weapon & Armor
Auto recharge & repair
Set thresholds for your weapons charge value and automatically recharge them if below (needs charged Soul stones or crown soul stones!)
Set thresholds for your armor durability value and automatically repair them if below (needs matching repair kits for the level of your armor, or higher repair kits)
Chat output for charged/repaired items

FCO Lockpicker
Change the sound played if the chamber of the lock is stressed enough.
Show a big green OKAY flag if you have met the correct chamber stressed value
Could be enhanced to show the lockpicks left to chat for the accessibility chat reader.

Quality of items
Color Blind Mode Show icons with romanic numbers I, II, III, IV or V for the different qualitities (white, green, blue, purple, gold) of items, at the item tooltips top center and at the item's inventory rows.
Attention: Maybe not working in Accessibility mode, as it uses the Gamepad UI and the screenshots so far only showed keyboard mode UI!

Class specific
This addon was build fro the Arcanist class, to help with visually and by sound for the collected "Crux".
Crux is a ressource you gain and loose during casting Arcanist skills. Kind of "collect 3 crux to do more dmg/heal more".

Game's settings
SyncedAccountSettings [Masteroshi430s Branch]
The game's settings like "Compass", "Map" and other is saved individually per character. But if you want to use the same settings at all of your characters you can help yourself with this addon.
It will copy the settings from one character to the other.

Game's keybinds
Votan's Keybinder
The keybinds of each of your characters is saved on the ESO server. So each new character got default keybinds again.
Votan has created this addon to bypass this restriction by copying the keybinds of the last logged in character (you need to have the addon enabled at that character, to properly save them first!) to your next logged in character (will be pasted automatically to that character).

Supported languages:
Currently the settings menu, and chat output prefix like "Compass:", "Reticle:", "Player", etc. are only available in English language.
Some chat output, like interactable items, NPC names etc. below the reticle, will be done in client language.

Github link:
v1.5 - 2024-03-13
Updated LAM text2speech inside the zip file to version 2.0 r36

v1.4 - 2023-11-01
Updated LAM text2speech inside the zip file to version 2.0 r35

v1.3 - 2023-06-26 / 2023-10-01 (Added LAM text2speech inside the zip file)
-Fixed combat start & end sound not playing if combat start & end chat info was disabled
-Added new ZOs API function to stop chat narration before next will be added. Makes reading the most current info below your reticle/info easier to understand now

v1.2 - 2023-05-14
-Fixed several bugs (version 1.1 included)
-Added Group leader "clock position" 1 to 12, based on your view angle -> To easily follow your group leader you can add a custom prefix which is written to the chat for that clock position.

v1.0 - 2023-04-15
Fixed ZOs narration volume reset after reloadui/logout. The addon will save the current value at reloadui/logout/quit and reset it at login/zone change to that value again, so that your headphones should not blow your ears away anymore ;-)

v0.9 - 2023-03-24
-Fixed "blocked but trying to move" debug messages
-Changed hooks for compass text and sounds: No reloadUI needed any longer to change the setting
Added more keybindings for the settings
Added automatic target markers 1 to 8 on enemies during fight (they show at the compass too and the name of the enemies are shown as compass text -> to chat too)

v0.8 - 2023-03-23
Updated default settings for new installations to some settings of a user trying the addon (sound names, volumes, delay etc.).

v0.7 - 2023-03-22
-Fixed settings menu not disabling settings if master setting checkbox was disabled
-Added new feature: Play sound if you try to move but cannot move (not due to being stunned but because you run against a wall or NPC etc.)
Will check every 3 seconds if you try to move, but cannot move (and are not stunned and not interacting with something/someone).

v0.6 - 2023-03-16
-Fixed version at settings panel
-Added settings to "Reticle to chat" (unit, player, interaction): Disable while grouped

v0.5 - 2023-03-15
-Fixed error for grouped players
-Added new keybindings:
--Toggle "reticle unit to chat" setting
--Toggle "reticle player to chat" setting
--Toggle "reticle interactable objects to chat" setting
-Added sounds for combat tips (block, off balance, interrupt, dodge)
-Added keybind to clear the chat reader queue. All pending messages will be emptied. Can be used to stop actual reading of chat reader too BUT after that all messages that were queued to be read later from chat are gone too!

v0.4 - 2023-03-14
Added setting menu:
-Preferred @AccountName for passenger mount (uses auto completion, and finds your friends/group/guild members via that. Press TABULATOR key to auto complete the name. If there are more than 1 matching you can use the UP and DOWN keys to select one)

Added keybindings:
-Mount with preferred @AccountName's passenger mount (if the user is grouped with you, online, not dead and in range)
-Save the currently shown @AccountName of the player below your reticle as preferred passenger mount display name

-Toggle Accessibility mode ON/OFF
-Toggle Accessibility mode chat reader ON/OFF
-Toggle Accessibility mode menu reader ON/OFF

v0.3 - 2023-03-14
-Split up reticle to chat into NPCs/monsters and players
-Added extra chekcbox for critters (default: Disabled)
-Added more settings for the reticle to chat players (race, class, level/CPs, alliance)

-Added combat related settings:
Play a sound if you enter combat
Play a sound if you leave combat
Show combat relates tips into chat, e.g. BLOCK, DODGE, INTERRUPT
Show entry/leave combat mesage to chat (including player's health/magicka/stamina/ultimate values)
Show enemies health to chat, in 10% steps (if above 30% health) or in 5% steps (if below 30% health)

v0.2 - 2023-03-11
-Added more info to the compass chat output (e.g. quest type, group member, group leader, companion, group rally point, ...)
-Added setting to play a sound for a group rally point
-Added setting to play a sound if you look into the group leader's direction
--Sub settings:
Choose a palyer's view direction angle (in degree) to check for the group leader.
Choose a distance. If you are below that chosen distance the sound will not play.
Show the distance to the group leader in the chat.
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Unread 10/01/23, 08:46 AM  
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LibAddonMenu-2.0 with text2speech Accessbility patch is now directly included into this addon's subfolder "/libs".
If you experience any errors with LibAddonMenu, and use this version r34 Version 99 Accesibility patch by Baertram" please contact me, and not the official authour "sirinsidiator"!!!
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Unread 05/06/23, 02:43 PM  
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Thank you for the kind words and feedback, I'm very happy that I could help you with this, and I'm hoping that more addons, especially the ones supporting the gamepad modea leady, will recognize the accessibility mode and support it too in the future.
The very best additions can be done by ZOs and I hope there will be added more to ease the gameplay for you guys even more.
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Unread 05/06/23, 10:48 AM  

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Dear Beartram,

i am so absolutely thankful for you your Addon making me able to play this fantastic Game again, even with a very low Vision. I am enjoying every moment of the Game again and i am absolutely THankful for you and any other Modders and Companies which make Games Accessable for Blind and low Vision Players aswell.

Kind Regards, huge Thanks and best withes!

Philip / Croshy
Last edited by Croshy : 05/06/23 at 10:48 AM.
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