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Updated: 10/04/24 10:44 PM
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Updated:10/04/24 10:44 PM
Created:01/21/24 06:53 PM
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Farmers ToolKit  Updated this week!
Version: 241004-P
by: Vilkasmanga [More]
A stable but ever evolving AddOn, the Farmers Toolkit is a collection of command-line options and on-screen indicators to help track farming but also includes options for bounty timers, random pets, random messages in battle, when reading books, show rapport of companions, and whatever else a bored Farmer might want an AddOn to do. This is intended to be a standalone AddOn but it will use certain AddOn libraries if available (e.g., LibAddonMenu2, LibCustomMenu, Tamriel Trade Centre [TTC] etc.)

Sample capabilities:

Farming / Bag Inventory:
  • Show quantity of items just farmed (how many you just got, how many you have overall)
  • Show duplicate items between bag and banks (See example towards the end of this file)
  • Added ability to have "shopping lists" aka farming targets on screen (track / find NN of [item])
  • Color-coded, on-screen status of bags (open slots, adjustable levels for "warning" and "panic" messages)
  • Search through recently farmed (i.e., this login session) items and get count (this session and overall)
  • List items farmed and which bank they are currently in (backpack, bank, craft bag, etc.)
  • General stats (%age of "new" items, # of chests opened, etc.)
  • On-screen summary of open slots, # of items farmed, # of slots used by treasures/trash/containers, etc.
  • Report price of farmed items (using ZOS unless TTC data is available) in various spots.
  • Provide visibilty into items suitable for deconstructing (/ft rdl) or sending to the guild store (/ft gtr)

Bounty Countdown Timer:
  • Show the amount of time (e.g., "6.3 minutes") left before your bounty drops to zero
  • Updates on screen every 15 seconds
  • Only shows while bounty is active (but also shows while in restricted areas, houses, etc.)

Latest / New (Lessor) Functions:
  • "/ft timer 5m" - Put an on-screen countdown timer up
  • "/ft combattimer 5m" - Automatically restart on-screen timer after last kill
  • "/ft showcompchat" - Add helpful comments concerning companions (likes, dislikes, etc.) in chat
  • "/ft showrap" - Show details on summoned companion

Favorite Pet Support
  • You can now identify a subset of your pets to be "favorites" and randomly launch one via "/ft petnow" (or via a button in the GUI)
  • If you have marked pets as favorites and turned on "PetSwap" (see below), it will draw only from the list of favorite pets (otherwise, it will randomly pull from any of your available non-combat pets).

Endeavors / Daily Gifts:
  • Track which daily and weekly endeavors you are working on, show on-screen reminders until complete
  • Highlight "best option" if some endeavors (daily or weekly) have better rewards than others
  • Track whether you have received the latest daily gift, show # complete, # to go, etc.
  • Flash an on-screen reminder if you have unfinished endeavors within 3 hours of the reset time.

Misc stuff that a farmer totally needs for an addon (not really)
  • Track books reads (note: NOT just lorebooks, every scrap that you read. Every book, every note...for no apparent reason)
  • Randomly choose a non-combat pet after farming NNN items (NNN is configurable)
  • Play a celebration sound when certain items are farmed (butterfly wind and mudcrab chitin, for now, you can add to the list via "/ft set targets" or via the GUI (right click an item in inventory)
  • Show companion's rapport levels (the original function of this addon...)
  • Unrelated commentary on-screen when reading books, doing battle, etc. (Farmers: Time rich, sometimes)

This is my first add on so a lot of things are command line for now. As I learn GUI configuration, I am updating, however. This is a stand-alone AddOn but it will make use of TTC, LibAddon and LibCustomMenu if available.

This is a collection of capabilities we in the Soloists Guild wish we had - if you have thoughts or suggestions, let me know. I am continuously developing on this in order to avoid real work and responsibilities. Also, if you have a better way to do something, please feel free to let me know - this is a learning process.

So, looking at other AddOns, this page is also where the detailed explanation seems to go so...
if that's not the case, let me know. Otherwise... .gory details below.


Detailed instructions / explanations / minutiae

Daily Task and Inventory Screen Example

There are three sections to this on-screen guide: (1) the daily tasks (endeavors, not daily quests) summary line, (2) the current state of inventory, and (3) a list of recommended endeavors.

(1) - The daily task line
This line summarizes how many daily endeavor (DE) and Weekly Endeavor (WE) are complete, as well as whether you have picked up your Daily Gift (DG)

The line is color coded with grey = none, yellow = at least 1 endeavor is done, green = all complete.

(2) - The inventory line
This line shows a quick summary of your open bags, e.g.,
"Farming (Open 25/205): Total 51 (Unique: 18, Restocked: 3, Chests: 2)"

- "Open 25/205" means you have 25 slots out of 205 open.
- This text will be green as long as the # of open slots > the value set for "Warning bag limit"
- The text will turn to yellow if # of open slots falls below the Warning bag limit, and a reminder ("W@25") will be shown on the line.
- The text will be red if the # of open slots falls below the panic level, and a reminder ("P@10") will be shown.
- You can set the values for warning and panic via the chat window (/ft setwarn 25) or the GUI ("Inventory Controls", if LibAddOnMenu is available - optional)

Total 51 (Unique: 18, Restocked: 3, Chests: 2) - summary of your farming so far
- This test shows that 51 total items have been farmed, of which
- 18 are unique (if you gather 15 Platinum Dust, it still only counts as one unique entry)
- 3 are restocked (meaning you did not already have some of these in your bag inventory)
- And you have looted 2 chests.
- Note: If you have any stolen items in your bags, the total count will be shown on this line as well.

Recommended endeavors
This is a list of both daily - marked with a (D) in the title - and weekly endeavors - marked with a (W)
This is not a complete list, only the ones that ESO has decided are not difficult (no "4" level entries shown)
(... because farmers will do endeavors but they can't take time away from the farm to go running off to Imperial City every day...)

Color coding / screen behavior

- The end of each endeavor line will show the progress and is color coded: grey = not started, yellow = underway.

- Once an endeavor is complete, it will be removed from the list (and the count in the summary section described above will get updated)

- Once three dailies have been completed, all the daily endeavors will be removed from the list. Similarly, once a weekly endeavor is complete, all the weekly entries will be removed.

- Once both dailies and weeklies have been completed, the list disappears entirely.... until tomorrow.

- When entering combat, this panel is replaced with encouraging words for farmers in battle (in a smaller text to free up screen space until the villain is slain...)

Chat Window Example #1

In this example of the farming reports to the chat window, you can see:
- One item of Makko being farmed for the first time (as shown by the blue text and the "Session first" bit)
This is the 5th item we've farmed this session (1 / 5) and we have a total of 2,418 in our overall inventory

- One Mundane Rune, first time seen this session (8th item overall and we have 2,549)
In addition, we're farming Mundane Runes and this is 1 of 3, with two to go

- Similarly, we farmed our first 6 pieces of Rough Ruby Ash, bringing the overall total to 58,192.
We're also farming (shopping list) Rough Ruby Ash, with a target of 44 - with this 6, we have 38 to go.

- Later on, we looted 127 gold bringing the on-character total to 2,312,716

- By 18:36, farmed another 3 pieces of Rough Ruby Ash, so the farming target shows 9/44 with 35 to go.
Note the text color for this line is yellow, visually indicating this is not the first time we've farmed it this session.

A summary of the farming report is available via /ft showtargets (I should add an image of that, I suppose)

Chat Window Example #2

Similar to the previous example but a couple of specific call outs:

- At 18:48, you see a purple line entry. The addon will celebrate your having farmed NNN number of items every time you pass NNN (set via /ft set reminder or via the GUI tool). This has no functionality other than to encourage your farming and to play a sound when you reach these interim milestones.

However, if you have the "Random Pet" option turned on (see configuration screen or set via /ft peton), there is a chance (defaults to 33% but is configurable) that a random non-combat pet will be called each time you reach a milestone.

You see an example of that in the line which reads "Suddenly, there is a rustling in your pack!".

Finally, this example also shows two additional chat-line abilities:

1 - "/ft fl" - You can list all of the items you have farmed this session using "/ft fl" (FL = farming list). It will show you the item (as a link), total number farmed (this session) and total amount in inventory.

2 - "/ft fl [search term]" - Since that list can get lengthy, you can search for matching entries using /ft fl [term] (see examples at 18:48 searching for "raw" and then "rube". This will pattern match the lines and only show the ones matching the supplied phrase.

If you've read this far, I'll tell you there is also a "/ft fl2" command which displays the unique id # of the item as well. Not that you need that but farmers are just a curious lot by nature.

Farming / Shopping List Window Example

(Note: This snapshot was taken at a different time so it won't flow with the numbers from the previous examples)

In this example, we have 1 of 15 Alchemical Resins, none of our Butterfly Wings, and 12/ 50 (24%) of our Rubedite Ore target amount.

Once a target has been met, it is removed from the on-screen list (but still shows in the chat window via "/ft showtargets")

Optional Functionality

If the LibCustomMenu library is available, you can set targets for items in your inventory by right clicking the item and choosing "Set Farming target via chat". This will simply key in the command line argument of "/ft settarget [link] " and then let you type in a number and hit ENTER to set / update the target count for that item.

If the LibAddonMenu library is available, you can configure settings via the GUI (Settings ->Addon->Farmers Toolkit) (see examples, below). There are command line equivalents for all the configurable items (except for changing fonts. On the list to add, I just need to find a nicer way of entering font names via text.)

Reporting Controls

In this example, you can control the fonts for the lines and lists detailed above as well as control whether they are active:
- Chat reporting will turn on/off the farming reports sent to chat (i.e., the examples above)
- Screen reporting will turn on/off the daily / inventory on-screen reports
- Farming target will turn on/off the farming list shopping list on-screen reports.
- Not shown, there are also entries for choosing favorite pets (As of update 240219g)

Inventory / Miscellaneous Controls

You can set the Warning and Panic levels for # of open slots in your bags (either by using the slider or just typing in a number and hitting ENTER)

You can also turn on/off the random pet swapping upon reaching a milestone (# of items farmed)

You can set the milestone limit (the reminder count, reminding you what a great job you are doing with this farming stuff) via "/ft reminder NNN"

And, to be honest, sometimes, you just can't wait for the milestone and you want a random pet. Thus, the "Gimme a random pet" button (or "/ft petnow" chat command)

Generally speaking, most everything is written to be chat-line friendly and not require any additional libraries. With that in mind, here is a snap shot to the current list of chat commands. This list will change and if it grows much more, a screenshot really won't work so going forward, for the latest updates, check back here or use the "/ft news" command after an update. With the exception of setting fonts, everything available in the GUI can be done at the command line.

Sample Help Line

There are entries in this list that aren't discussed above (/ft savedata/loaddata, /dt savetargets/loadtargets, etc.) but the help screen should get you through the bulk of that kind of thing.

Duplicate Items Detection
Command: /ft dupes

This command will compare what is in your bags to what is in your bank and highlight any duplicates.
It works under certain conditions and assumptions:

- By default, it only lists items in your pack that are 5 or fewer.
The idea here is some things in your bags are intentionally duplicated from the bank (crown gems, repair kits, etc.) However, this behavior can be modified using an optional threshold count: /ft dupes 30 would show any items in the bags of 30 or fewer against the bank.
- Locked items are not listed
- Items that are unique (i.e., that cannot be stacked in the bank) are not listed in the duples list but are listed at the end, for reference.

Looking at this example:

You can see that:
- Essence of Magicka is a duplicate (5 in bag, 303 in bank)
- Clothier Survey: High Isle is a duplicate (1 in bag, 1 in bank) - and these stack, whereas
- Khenarthi's Roost Treasure map III is NOT listed as a duple because it DOESN'T stack, but is instead listed at the end (the format of the unique dupes may change, btw)
- Finally, the total number of slots that could be freed up in your bags (5, in this example) is shown

Finally, putting it all together, it can look something like this. (Remember, you can change the fonts/sizes and toggle the panels)...

If something doesn't make sense (likely) or I've missed some functionality you really need (very likely), drop me a line. If I can figure out how to do it (iffy likely), I will!


New functionality for version 1.241005-P - (Adding dash before release version (A-Z) for readability)

- Auto combat timer (/ft combattimer 5:00) - Autostart timer after last battle countdown to the next one
  • For farming mobs that have a specific respawn time, this auto-launches a timer at the end of combat
  • Follows the same format as "/ft timer mm:ss" (and supports shotcuts like "5m" for 5:00, 10m for 10 mins, etc.)
  • To turn off, set timer to 0 (/ft combattimer 0) or just "/ft combatttimer off"
  • This variable is not saved across logouts and only has a limited use case: recurring, predictable, consistent respawning foes

- Redirect FarmersToolkit output to specific channel (if pChat is available)
  • With much-appreciated help from Solinur, Baertram, et al, FTK output can now be moved off the main chat channel
  • If you create a new channel/tab (specifically called "FTK") and have the pChat addon, all output from FTK
    will automagically write to the new FTK channel, freeing up the chat channel from the output of FTK.
  • This is a narrow use case (since you can just turn off the chat reporting for various functions) but
    there was a request the best of both worlds: being able to record the farming output (and companions,
    books, etc.) but easily save it away from an open chat (or any other traffic in the default Chat tab).
  • Note: This is in test, not sure it will expand to become configurable unless there is a larger need / interest.
    As always, feedback welcome.

- Added indicators to endeavors to show "best of"
  • Show / highlight when the rewards for a given endeavor are better than the rest.
  • "Best daily" will show up in list if a daily has a better set of rewards than the other dailies
  • "Best weekly" will show up in list if a weekly endeavor has a better set of rewards than the other weeklies

- Added option to command to "/ft decon nnn [terse]"
  • If "terse" is 3rd argument to decon command, the listing will only show entries with actual data
    (That is, it suppresses the "insufficient data" and "consider...." lines when there's little/no price data)
  • Note: This option requires a minimum gold count (nnn in the previous example)

Minor Changes / Enhancements
- Added "/ft mt" as a short cut for setting a five minute timer ("/ft timer 5:00")

Changed format of "/ft decon" for improved readability
  • First, it list items that are less than the gold/trade threshold and "suggests" decon'ing them
  • After that, it also lists items or which there is no pricing info and recommends you "consider" decon'ing the item
  • ( Someday, I may even figure out how to sort the first by monetary value and the second alphabetically. Not today tho. :( )

Sneak Peeks
- Farmers can be forgetful, especially when trying to remember certain places, mobs, or monsters
- New ability will allow /ft setloc random string to note for this location and
- /ft showloc [map|zone|] to list out known locations' coordinates
- Code in test:
  • Goal 1: Add ability to delete and edit entries (UI design, not this farmers' strong suit, obv)
  • Goal 2: providing distance. direction, and location from current location to specified target / entry
  • Goal 3: show entries / targets on map (and perhaps compass bar)

Bug Fixes / Corrections
- Fixed a bug preventing GOLD rewards of endeavors from showing up on screen reports
- Added "hates picking mushrooms" to Azandar's dislike list. (He's so odd.)
- Fixed a (potential?) bug where gtr (guild trader review) would show some bound items (which cannot be auctioned)
- Changed typos from "destory/destorying" to "destroy/destroying" (altho de-storying was technically accurate)
- Fixed a bug where "Auto pet swapping" was happening even when config had it turned off

----- Previous entries below -----

New functionality for version 240803o

Added a simple on-screen timer: /ft time mm:ss

Inspired by daily endeavors for killing multiple bosses that have a predictable recycle
time (hello Glenumbra!), this command will let you set a timer at the end of a kill and
have a pretty good idea of when they will respawn. The timer is set by minutes:seconds
(e.g., /ft timer 05:00") but some short cuts are also supported (1m,2m,3m,5m,10m, etc.)

By default, the timer shows up near the config buttons but is coded to be a distinct
control so you can move it wherever you prefer. Oh! and it plays a (set) sound at the end.

Added general notes about current companion: Show rapport, likes and dislikes, displayed in chat

- When a companion is summoned, show:
  • The companion's rapport (as both numbers and a percentage)
  • Some of the companion's likes (if rapport is not capped out)
  • Some of the companion's dislikes (not a comprehensive list)

- When visiting a wayshrine, some companions will comment on place to go (or not go)

- Configurable via GUI or "/ft showcompchat" (turn comments on) or "/ft hidecompchat" (turn them off)

Minor Changes / Enhancements

- If a bounty is active, a warning will show up in chat when visiting a wayshrine
(Because some unnamed farmer that totally was not me kept forgetting and getting busted)

-- Extended "/ft showrap" to show more than just a companion's rapport (see above)

- Extended "abbreviated" mode functionality to inventory screen/block.
Clicking the pin icon over inventory will cycle through four modes:
  • Mode 1 - Full expansion, shows inventory summary and daily/weekly endeavors
  • Mode 2 - Compressed mode, shows terse inventory summary info
  • Mode 3 - Compressed mode, shows terse inventory info and terse endeavor info
  • Mode 4 - Suppressed mode, shows single "details suppressed" message

- Changed wording on daily endeavors banner to reflect endeavors and gifts

- Changed showbooks commands for terseness(sp?)... brevity
  • /ft sb will only show total book counts
  • /ft booklist will show the full list of books (and total)
  • /ft booklist pattern will only show books matching pattern

Bug Fixes / Corrections

- Fixed a bug causing an error with "/ft fl2" when bags had no duplicates

----- Previous entries below -----

-Formalized the bag vs. bank duplication review into new command: /ft dupes
(/ft duplicates, duplicate, dupes, dupe - they all work b/c I could never remember the "right" word)

This command will list duplicated items: those in the backpack as well as the bank
By default, it lists every bag slot with < 5 items that also are in the bank.
An optional argument will limit the listing to XX items or less in the bags ("/ft dupes 20")
The idea being some duplicated items make sense: crown meals, soul gems, locks, etc.
and these items are in the bag, usually in quantities > 5. See the bottom of the Addon description for an example.

- Added "abbreviated" mode to on screen farming list
In "abbreviated mode" (mode 2), only active farming targets are shown. That is,
when reporting the targeted item / farming shopping list, only show entries when
the current count > 0 (i.e., actively farming it) and the
target hasn't been met (but not yet done farming it).
(This means entries that are to-be-farmed but have not been started don't show up.)

- Enabled ability to automatically hide FarmersTookit screens during certain interactions
- Hide both screens during Crafting and Banking screens
- Hide just the farmers list screen during Guild Store
- More coming, feedback welcome

- Improved readability for FTK screens
Added option to put a semi-transparent backdrop behind FTK screens
the daily tracking window (endeavors, etc.) as well as the farming/shopping list.
On/Off configurable via the GUI config screens (and chat, real soon now.)
This is intended to improve readability but is just a first pass to confirm usefulness

- Added non-lore book tracking (a complete waste of time but farmers are time rich and bored so....)
This is a new capability that will track which books (not just LORE books, mind you) that
you have read and how many times you've read them. An on-screen counter
will track the number of books you have read during this session.

Note: This is tracking all books across all characters for now, feedback welcome.

Usage notes:
/ft showbooks will show the entire list and their counts.
/ft showbooks [arg] will only show books matching arg (no [ or ] chars)

Sneak Peeks

- Someone asked about a method for estimating the value of a guild bank.
I realized I had no idea how to do that, so started learning some of that.
Then ESO changed a lot of things and that code was.... bruised.
So, still a learning curve / work in progress but a test is available:
1 - Go to a bank, open the guild banker (dunno why, this is the only way I could get things to work)
2 - Choose the guild bank of interest
3 - Issue the (TEST!) command: "/ft gvalue" - Ignore the attempt to list totals per guild, still working that.
4 - Report (please) any issues or suggestions.

Note:: Thanks to @Sharlikran who pointed out that the step #1 business above is normal / not unexpected.

Minor Changes / Enhancements

- Made "online friend" reporting configurable via chat (/ft friendon|off) and via GUI
(This reports favorited friends in chat on relocation / refresh / friend
list change. It is not remarkably different than the built in capability;
it was a coding test that seems to have not utterly failed.) However, it
does show your list each time you change zones which is a nice reminder.

- Adjusted daily endeavor tracking to show both rewards when applicable (e.g., seals + XP)

- Reporting "favorite friends" is now configurable (on/off)

- Farmed item price reporting in chat is now configurable (on/off)

- Improved accuracy of duplicate report command (/ft dupes)
Items that are unique (don't stack) are not shown in list. However, there is a list
of "unique duplicate" items at the end (if applicable). This lets you see what items
you are carrying around that are not bankable (because you already have one in the bank).

- Broke out recipes as their own total count for better visibility / readability / usability
Previously was part of "paperwork", still part of the option for "detailed" inventory reporting)

- Started integrating Scribing aspects into various commands
- Affix Scripts, Focus Scripts, and Signature Scripts now count as Paperwork

- Tweaked the show rapport code for companions to launch when one is summoned.
Message improved for readability and shows rapport as a percentage as well as values.

Bug Fixes / Corrections

- Corrected error preventing font lists from scrolling in config window
(Meaning, I actually read the excellent documentation on the [url=[/URL]LibAddonMenu page)

- Fixed various typos in the code (some user facing, others not so much) and
generally cleaned up the code (e.g., reduced the calls to dft_debug even with
debugging turned off but left them in for future generations of bug fixers)

- Adjusted code dealing with inventories which assumed, incorrectly, that the
item ID was unique and persistent across containers (this came up in a bag vs
bank review). It seems that two items of different strengths can (a stamina potion,
for example) can and sometimes do share the same itemID but the rest of the
link tag may show the differences and ZOS renders them correctly but differently
despite each having the same itemID. So, ditched that code and just store
the entire link to guarantee (I hope!) uniqueness when comparing inventories.

----- Previous entries below -----

Version 240613m (per /ft version) - Minor update to fix bugs from previous release

Bug Fixes

- Corrected error with "/ft craftbag" encountering nil values on initial load
(the data construct was not as reliably populated as one would hope)

- Corrected "/ft gtr" error which allowed locked items to be shown on list
(Turns out there are different contexts of locked, added "player locked" to mix)

- Adjusted formatting on various commands for better alignment

----- Previous entries below -----

Version 240609l (per /ft version) - New / Changed Functionality Update

New functionality

- Added ability to provide a sorted list (by quantity) of items in your craftbag
- Use "/ft craftbag" to get a list, sorted by highest count of items, in your craftbag
- Command: "ft craftbag [threshhold] [listsize] where:
  • [threshhold] is an optional argument to only list entries with more then nn items (defaults to 2,000)
  • [listsize] is an optional argument to limit the number of lines returned (defult to = = no limit)
  • Added slash command: "/fttop10" will show the top ten entries in your craftbag
    - It is essentially a shortcut for "/ft craftbag 0 10" following the description above

- Added pricing info to chat window farming reports
- If available, will use data from the Tamriel Trde Client Addon's Database
- If TTC is not available or the item isn't listed, system will default to ZOS data
- Here is a breakdown of reporting options, since it varies depending on available data
  • If TTC data is present
    • If EntryCount > Threshhold, put " C~ #" to end of pricing info (C=Count)
    • If SalesEntryCount > Threshhold, put " S~ #" to end of pricing info (S=Sales)
    • if Sales Average data is available, use it and mark as "TTC-avg"
    • if Suggested Price data is available, use it and mark as "TTC-sug"
  • else if ZOS data is available and > 0, use it

- Added new commands "/ft showpricedetails" and "/ft hidepricedetails" to toggle option
- Option is also configurable via the GUI if you have supporting libraries.

- New command (in test): GTREVIEW - (Guild Trader review)
- Purpose: Go through backpack and identify items worth sending to a guild trader
- New command: /ft gtreview [threshhold]
  • Items that are priced above the threshhold will show the average or sales price as well as # of data points backing up the recommendation
- Options:
  • If you have the TamrielTradeCentre Addon, this command will use that data to identify potentially high-value items in your backpack
  • If the value of an item is > a given threshhold, display the entry with additional info / suggestions
    • You can temporarily define the threshhold with an additional argument: "/ft gtreview 4000" (show items 4K or more)
    • You can permanently set the threshhold for high-value via "/ft setpricetarget nnn" (or via the GUI if you have LibAddonMenu)
  • For now, pricing will only be listed or items that have more than 5 data points - feedback welcome on that

Minor Changes / Enhancements
- Added "rare fish" to the list of items that will be listed as Treashures
- Improved text alignment issues in chat results (Thanks siriinsidiator!)
- Fixed a noob error: type(blah) == nil will never do what you expect... (Thanks Baertram)

----- Previous entries below -----

New functionality
- Added "/ft duplicates" command
  • Shows duplicate items held in backpack and bank, with counts of each
  • Note: Duplicates aren't necessarily bad as long as they are intentional.
    (This just formalizes the previous work on "/ft fl2 blahfest" from previous versions)

- Added support for showing backpack counts of maps and "paperwork"
  • Maps are treasure maps and surveys
  • "Paperwork" is.... a work in progress, not sure if this will be useful but it tries to count
    slots used up by writs, style pages, motifs, recipes (food, drink, furnishing, etc.), scrolls,
    recipe fragments, etc. I'm not sure the term "paperwork" is accurate, I look forward to
    your cards and letters (and suggestions a better way refer to this particular set of items)

- Added option to manage the level of onscreen detail about the inventory
  • Since expanding the on-screen inventory list to show additional details
    (# of slots taken up by furniture, companion gear, museum pieces, and
    now paperwork, recipes, etc.) the screen was getting a little too busy
    for some, even in compressed mode. So, I've added an option to control
    whether or not the "extras" will show
  • New commands: /ft showinvdetails and /ft hideinvdetails

Improved functionality
  • Updated / Revised inventory display
    Display uses a better format in extended mode
    (breaks the output into two lines for more efficient space use on screen)
  • Updated Config screen to support inventory detail controls (described above)

Bug Fixes / Minor Enhancements

- BUG FIX - Some furnishings (i.e., lighting) were not being counted in the Furniture Count
(The ZOS call which normally returns "Furnishing", for some items, returned "Lighting".
I'm sure there will be others, feedback welcome as we discover them.)

- TWEAK - Changed the wording for some prompts to clear up confusion based on user feedback/questions.

----- Previous entries below -----

Version 240424j (per /ft version) - Functionality Update

Improved functionality

- Updated Bounty Countdown timer: On-screen timer will now update to show remaining bounty time every 15 seconds while a Bounty is active
(Still working to find an automated/reliable EVENT trigger for bounty reductions)

- Bounty Countdown Display - Bounty timer also now shows up of the "abbreviated" format (while Bounty > 0)

- Improved Miscellaneous Items-in-bag Counters - Added bag inventory indicators for other misc items
  • Furniture - Avoid carrying around tables and chairs while running a dungeon!
  • Monster Trophies - Take up space like Trash and Treasures (now added into "Trashure" counter)
  • Museum Pieces - Be aware of how many museum pieces you've picked up in your travels that are junking up your bag space

Minor Changes / Enhancements

- Fixed the way favorite pets are presented in configuration (Thanks to help from @sirinsidiator!)
(Pets are now in a single config block versus broken up 50 at a time)

- Improved the way throw-away treasures are counted, now includes Monster Trophies in the Trashure count

- Changed color of bounty text on screen to be slightly less impossible to read

- Improved the layout of the daily/weekly endeavor reporting on screen

- Adjusted Dependency configuration to require newer version of LibAddonMenu (r>35)
(This is an attempt to workaround errors caused by other addons having older, embedded LAM components.)

----- Previous entries below -----

Version 240329i (per /ft version) - Functionality Update

New functionality

- On-screen warning if endeavors are about to timeout.
- If you have not finished your 3 dailies or weekly endeavor and only NN hours remain, this will warn you to get a move on.
- Configurable via GUI or "/ft EWL nn"

- On-screen warning if you have an active bounty.
- The on screen reminder appears only if you have a bounty
- On screen reminder shows the amount of your bounty and estimated time left before it goes to 0
- HOWEVER! It only updates when something else (e.g., an inventory change) drives it (for now)
>>> THIS IS IN DEV STILL - The EVENT REGISTER code is not firing as expected. (Hints welcome!)

- On-screen button to immediately launch a favorite pet (by request)
- The chosen icon is an odd choice but it is what I found. I'm looking for the
actual icon used in game for non-combat pets but... for now, it is the rightmost / new button
- Also working on how to add mouseover text to the onscreen buttons, etc. - Stay tuned!

Minor Changes / Enhancements

- Adjusted capability of "/ft fl2" to flag items that are in two spots, i.e.: bags and bank / craftbag
- New feature / idea, designed to help keep bag slots open by showing items that could
potentially be moved to a craftbag or bank. Not sure if this is going to go anywhere, tbh.
Feels useful from a bag management perspective but doesn't fit the "farmer toolkit" idea.
I don't want this to morph / drift into inventory management, there are many other / better solutions.
(But I do like the idea of flagging duplicate-space items for helping me cleanup things.)
- To test, run "/ft fl2" - to see only the summary and duplicate items, search for something that
likely doesn't exist, e.g. "/ft fl2 zebrawing"

Bug Fixes

- General code cleanup, removed debug commands/routines and (some) extraneous variables, typos corrected / created.

----- Previous entries below -----

New functionality

- Re-wrote much of how Favorite Pets are implemented.
Trying to transition from the older approach to the newer one without breaking older instances of the AddOn.
This is definitely a work in progress area. Everything should work as (if not better than) it did before.

- Note: Identified issue requiring multiple "favorite pet" configuration blocks.
Good news: A solution is being worked.
Bad news: Didn't get resolved for this release.
This version works as before (multiple pet boxes on config screen), hope to have an improvement on next release.

- Farming target / shopping lists may now be auto-loaded on login in addition to being saved (/ft savetargets) and loaded (/ft loadtargets). This just automates "loadtargets" on login (available via GUI configuration option)

- Added support for an abbreviated form of on-screen inventory reporting (one line, uses less screen space)
- This also suppresses detailed endeavor information and allows you to minimize the info blocks
(See "Inventory pin" item below for details)

- Enhanced inventory slot reporting: Added Trash, Treasure, Companion Items, and Containers
- On-screen reporting now shows number of slots in your bag taken up by Trasure or Trash (reported as Trashure, obviously)
(This is supported under the standard on-screen reports as well as the 'terse' version)
- On-screen reporting now shows # of (non-equipped) companion items in your backpack
(Because these tend to pile up on me unless something reminds me how many items
I am lugging around, often for no reason)
- On-screen reporting now shows # of unopened containers (treasure bags, coffers, etc.)
(Because these tend to pile up on me much like companion items, stolen loot, etc.)

- Activated "pin" icon over FarmList to toggle displaying the full list
(but keeps the header on the screen, useful for short-term "rolling up" of
the list, hitting the icon again will toggle the list back into view.)
- This is currently not a setting saved across logins / reloadui's - feedback welcome

- Activated "pin" icon over Inventory on-screen area to toggle through display options
- Setting 1: Normal version, shows inventory and endeavor status
- Setting 2: Abbreviated inventory line, no endeavor display (terse version)
- Setting 3: Single line on screen saying display has temporarily been suppressed
- This is currently not a setting saved across logins / reloadui's - feedback welcome

- Activated "configuration" icon over Farming List on-screen area to open up GUI confg screen

- Activated "configuration" icon over Inventory on-screen area to open up GUI confg screen

Minor Changes / Enhancements

- Reordered entries in "Misc behaviors" GUI config section for better flow

- Resolved a confusing aspect where a stolen treasure could appear in both the "Stolen" count
and the "Treasure (Trashure)" counts, suggesting there were two items or two bag slots being
used when there in fact only one slot should be reported. The new approach now counts only
stolen items (that is, if stolen, it counts as stolen and no longer increments treasure or
companion items.)

- Added line numbers to shopping list (by request)

Bug Fixes

- Changed on-screen coloring on "difficult" endeavors to color entire line (for better readability)
- Fixed some anomalous favourite pet behavior during the re-write of that section

Version 240129g (per /ft version) - Functionality update

New functionality

-- Added preliminary support for having "favorite" pets (as part of the petswap option)
  • This inadvertently also gives players the ability to mark favorite pets and to call
    them up whenever via the "/ft petnow" command (Or GUI equivalent "Gimme a random pet!" button)

  • Using the GUI (if available), players can mark which pets are favorites. Once
    defined, the petswap routines will draw only from "favorited" pets. If unset,
    the original behavior of choosing from all available pets will be used.

  • The original code for this was pretty much ripped and replaced.
    (By the way, for those pet-collectors out there, the current interface is a bit clunky: it groups available pets in blocks of 50 (alphabetically, though). This is due to a bug either in my code or my misunderstanding how LibAddonMenu2.0 deals with larger lists. Everything works but I'm still working on a more elegant solution.)

  • New chat commands to show the current favorite petlist: /ft fpet, /ft fpets, /ft favpets, /ft favepets
    (I couldn't make up my mind and just went with what I was typing in the most often. For now.)

-- Added functionality for controlling frequency of Pet Swaps upon ReminderCount items farmed
  • I really need to figure a way to explain this better.

    Every "ReminderCount" items farmed results in a celebration (sound + message).
    If the PetSwap function is enabled, there is a chance that a random pet will be swapped in as part of the celebration.
    Previously, this was hard-coded to 33%, it can now be controlled by a chat command or within the GUI (if LAM2 is available)

  • New chat command: "/ft petfrequency NNN" will set the percentage (between 1-100)

-- Started work on additional functions / on screen buttons
  • You may (should) ignore any on-screen icons that suggest settings, etc. for now - they are in test mode
  • On deck: ability to call up config from a button in the GUI

Minor changes / enhancements
-- Changed the on-screen presentation for daily/weekly endeavors
  • The weeklies for 2/12/24 were all marked difficulty level 4 which prevented them from showing on the screen
    (They weren't that hard but ... whatever). Changed the code to ignore the difficulty setting in endeavors
    Now, entries marked "difficult" (level 4) will show up in a different font color.

  • On-screen endeavors will also now be grouped as dailies and weeklies instead of interspersing

-- Tweaked "/ft fl2" to now also show at least one bag where an item is stored (Inventory, Bank, Craft Bag)

-- Also added indicator if there is stolen loot in your bags (count will not show unless you do)

-- Oh! Found / Fixed a typo in the version from last update - ignore any 020724 or 240207 references. Sorry about that. We're on 240219g (February 19, 2024 - Version G = 7 updates so far this year).

Bug Fixes
-- Bug report 2/11/24 by Azhdeen:
user:/AddOns/FarmersToolkit/Startup.lua:1910: operator + is not supported for nil + number
Fixed: Modified code to better handle FarmersToolkit.Lootable array (resolved erroneous international language reference)

- General code cleanup, removed extraneous routines and (some) extraneous variables, typos corrected / created.

Note: Everything is still very much in development, further code improvements (e.g, config via GUI) underway.

Version 240130d (per /ft version) - Minor update

- Added command line support for farming targets (aka, shopping lists)
- /ft showtargets - Shows items on the target/shopping list along with target # and current farming #

- /ft savetargets = Save current list of targetted items and their goals (not the progress)
Note: savetargets does not overlap with savedata command nor vice versa

- /ft loadtargets = Load previous list of targetted items and their goals (not the progress)
Note: loadtargets does not overlap with the loaddata command nor vice versa

- /ft settarget [item] NNN - Set a target of NNN for item [Item] where:
- Item can be a linked as a reference from chat
- If NNN is set to 0, system will simply celebrate every find (sound/chat msg)
- If LibCustomMenu is available, item can also be right clicked in inventory
(Right click, choose "Set Farming target in chat" and enter the NNN target in chat)

- /ft settarget [item] delete - Removes [item] from the farming / shopping list

- /ft showfarmlist - Display a second, movable, configurable on-sctreen display
of current non-zero, unmet targets

- /ft hidefarmlist - Suppress showing of farmlist(see /ft showfarmlist)

- Added initial GUI support for farming targets (aka, shopping lists)
- Fonts are configurable via GUI of LibAddonMenu library is present
- Targets in inventory may be set by right-clicking an item if LibCustomMenu library is present
- Option exists to have on-screen reminder of any non-zero, unmet targets

Minor changes

- Changed default font for Inventory line to ZoFontBookTablet

- Modified Open bags line to reflect total bag slots as well (Instead of 4 open, now shows 4/ 100)

- Modified inventory line to show number of stolen items (if applicable)

-- Bug fixes

- Corrected a chat bug where blue text appeared even though the item had been previously farmed

Version 240130d (per /ft version) - Minor update

- Fixed an error in gold counting (no longer counting bank transfers)

- Added optional support for GUI to adjust configurable variables
- Note: This only applies if LibAppMenu-2.0 is available
- Set fonts individually for Daily Endeavors and Inventory lines
- Adjust frequency of farming celebrations (ReminderCount)

- Cleaned up misc routines around Companions (reporting rapport)

- Added more support for debugging (no player affecting changes though)

- General code cleanup, removed extraneous routines and (some) extraneous variables

Note: Everything is still very much in development, further code improvements (e.g, config via GUI) underway.


Version 240129b (per /ft version) - Minor update

- Reworked scoping of most variables to be local (main focus)
- Fixed typo in the name of the Addon (duh!)
- Corrected minor typos, no functional impact
- Fixed bank retrievals to no longer count as farming (bugfix)
- Improved code on ReplenishedItems (aka, restocks) reporting (bugfix)
- General code cleanup, removed extraneous routines and (some) debug lines
- On-screen totals now update after book reads (still work to be done here)
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Unread 02/13/24, 05:59 PM  
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Re: Re: bug on lockpick success ?

Belated update: This has been fixed (was fixed a few updates back, I forgot to update this note, sorry!)

Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by Azhdeen

I get an error message when I finish lock picking treasure chests or doors.

For example:

It looks like "FarmersToolkit.Lootable[]" is not initialized, but I do not know Lua enough yet to attempt a bugfix.

in the event data, "Déverrouiller" is "Unlock" in French, and "Coffre" is Chest.
but I don't know if the error could come from using a transleted value.
Thanks for the report ! Let me look into this, I seem to recall this bug popping up under unique conditions (there was an event involving chests that popped an error, I'd forgotten about it.)

I think this error message is more about FarmersToolkit.Lootable more than but will dig into it.

Still looking into it this but some level of a fix should be in the next update. I fixed this bug (I think) but it has opened up a can of multi-lingual worms since the (current) "chest" count relies on the English word (index) "chests" which obviously isn't the case for you.

The problem was relying on the English index "Chest" everywhere except within FarmersToolkit.LockpickSuccess, where the code relied upon
- which is fine if the language is English, since it matched "Chest" as an index that was used everywhere else. If the language isn't English. then the index is not initialized (thus the pop-up error) and the other references don't work (because they still index to "Chest", not "Coffre" for French, for example.)

So, I think the following re-write should fix things:

if (type( ~= "nil" ) then
           if ( type(FarmersToolkit.Lootable["Chest"]) == "nil" ) then
I will test and fold into the next update - Thanks again for your report!

Last edited by Vilkasmanga : 04/25/24 at 05:47 AM.
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Unread 02/12/24, 08:05 PM  
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Re: bug on lockpick success ?

Originally Posted by Azhdeen

I get an error message when I finish lock picking treasure chests or doors.

For example:

It looks like "FarmersToolkit.Lootable[]" is not initialized, but I do not know Lua enough yet to attempt a bugfix.

in the event data, "Déverrouiller" is "Unlock" in French, and "Coffre" is Chest.
but I don't know if the error could come from using a transleted value.
Thanks for the report ! Let me look into this, I seem to recall this bug popping up under unique conditions (there was an event involving chests that popped an error, I'd forgotten about it.)

I think this error message is more about FarmersToolkit.Lootable more than but will dig into it.

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Unread 02/11/24, 12:37 PM  
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Re: bug on lockpick success ?

quick and dirty fix, it removes the error for me:
adding this before line 1910:
if (tonumber(FarmersToolkit.Lootable[]) == nil) then
for a more general fix, I would look at making incrementing a value in that table a function that handles the nil values.

Originally Posted by Azhdeen

I get an error message when I finish lock picking treasure chests or doors.

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Unread 02/11/24, 12:25 PM  
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bug on lockpick success ?


I get an error message when I finish lock picking treasure chests or doors.

For example:
user:/AddOns/FarmersToolkit/Startup.lua:1910: operator + is not supported for nil + number
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/FarmersToolkit/Startup.lua:1910: in function 'FarmersToolkit.LockpickSuccess'
<Locals> event = 131533, interactionData = [table:1]{action = "Déverrouiller", name = "Coffre", blockedNode = F, isOwned = F} </Locals>
It looks like "FarmersToolkit.Lootable[]" is not initialized, but I do not know Lua enough yet to attempt a bugfix.

in the event data, "Déverrouiller" is "Unlock" in French, and "Coffre" is Chest.
but I don't know if the error could come from using a transleted value.
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Unread 02/08/24, 07:28 PM  
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Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by NeuroticPixels
Patiently waiting for some screenshots to show the addon in action.
Ha! Ok, I will gen some up, easier now that there are actually graphic aspects to it
First pass screenshots as well as a longer description / how to / help guide posted - feedback welcome!
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Unread 02/08/24, 11:48 AM  
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Originally Posted by NeuroticPixels
Patiently waiting for some screenshots to show the addon in action.
Ha! Ok, I will gen some up, easier now that there are actually graphic aspects to it
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Unread 02/08/24, 03:32 AM  
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Patiently waiting for some screenshots to show the addon in action.
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Unread 02/01/24, 04:47 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Leaking globals no more

Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
One thing that might be tripping you up with local, is that for local variables, the location in the file matters. If you try to use it in the file before the local varName statement, it will cause an error.
Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
You can also always throw the leaking variables into your addon's main table. That makes them non global, but also means you don't need to worry about where it is declared.

Also, you can modify the addon name from the addon management page, no need to take it down.
Thanks for the advice on local variable scoping. I've reworked / resubmitted (and renamed!) the previous submission. By and large, I moved things into local space, predominantly through one large structure (FarmersToolkit). In a few places, I used your suggestion to declare things up top to avoid a chicken-and-egg scoping issue - feels like a hack but it works, which is the best kind of hack I suppose. Preliminary testing suggests I didn't break anything / too much though I'm sure the efficiency of the hopefully-now-local variables can use some work.

The next major task, assuming this version is more palatable, will likely be to broach some form of GUI interface for settings. There are tons of examples, I'm just at the starting point / flat end of the learning curve.

Thanks again for all your help and feedback, always welcome and appreciated.


From what I can see with a quick check, you did seem to get everything. Thanks for making the changes!

Few notes:
local FarmersToolkit = {} -> This actually doesn't need to be local, as the addon table is an exception to the 'don't make globals' rule. There's nothing wrong with it being local; but if you split up the addon into multiple files, then this should be global. That will allow you to 'communicate' between different files. I actually do highly suggest splitting up the addon into multiple more modular files. It makes it a lot easier to navigate files, especially when they start getting very large.

You kind of noticed it was weird already But you don't need local DailyClaimed = "N" at line 400. (or line 1906) You're only using a 'DailyClaimed' in another function, where it is separately initialized and declared as local, and thus different from the other two DailyClaimed. So the local variable created on those two lines are never actually used anywhere.

local exampleVar = 1
local function exampleFun()
  local exampleVar = 2
  d(exampleVar) -> outputs 2, the exampleVar outside of the function is hidden
local function exampleFun2(exampleVar)
   d(exampleVar) -> outputs whatever is passed to the function as a parameter, 
                        the exampleVar outside of the function is hidden here too
d(exampleVar) -> outputs 1, the exampleVar inside of the function does not exist outside of the function
Thanks. Early on, I did try to separate into different files in order to break things up for efficiency but scored higher on the "breaking" than the "efficiency" - scoping was probably a big reason why. I'll try it again and make other changes you suggest.... including cleaning up the whole daily gift mess, I'm just gonna fold my tent on that one and run with what I have, I think.

FYI - Updated version posted (2 updates, actually, the first one still had debug lines, the second one... shouldn't...) This update attempts to add a GUI configuration component by making use of LibAddMenu-2.0 if it exists, otherwise things behave pretty much the same. More details in the Change log.
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Unread 01/30/24, 08:38 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Leaking globals no more

Originally Posted by Dolgubon
Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
One thing that might be tripping you up with local, is that for local variables, the location in the file matters. If you try to use it in the file before the local varName statement, it will cause an error.
Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
You can also always throw the leaking variables into your addon's main table. That makes them non global, but also means you don't need to worry about where it is declared.

Also, you can modify the addon name from the addon management page, no need to take it down.
Thanks for the advice on local variable scoping. I've reworked / resubmitted (and renamed!) the previous submission. By and large, I moved things into local space, predominantly through one large structure (FarmersToolkit). In a few places, I used your suggestion to declare things up top to avoid a chicken-and-egg scoping issue - feels like a hack but it works, which is the best kind of hack I suppose. Preliminary testing suggests I didn't break anything / too much though I'm sure the efficiency of the hopefully-now-local variables can use some work.

The next major task, assuming this version is more palatable, will likely be to broach some form of GUI interface for settings. There are tons of examples, I'm just at the starting point / flat end of the learning curve.

Thanks again for all your help and feedback, always welcome and appreciated.


From what I can see with a quick check, you did seem to get everything. Thanks for making the changes!

Few notes:
local FarmersToolkit = {} -> This actually doesn't need to be local, as the addon table is an exception to the 'don't make globals' rule. There's nothing wrong with it being local; but if you split up the addon into multiple files, then this should be global. That will allow you to 'communicate' between different files. I actually do highly suggest splitting up the addon into multiple more modular files. It makes it a lot easier to navigate files, especially when they start getting very large.

You kind of noticed it was weird already But you don't need local DailyClaimed = "N" at line 400. (or line 1906) You're only using a 'DailyClaimed' in another function, where it is separately initialized and declared as local, and thus different from the other two DailyClaimed. So the local variable created on those two lines are never actually used anywhere.

local exampleVar = 1
local function exampleFun()
  local exampleVar = 2
  d(exampleVar) -> outputs 2, the exampleVar outside of the function is hidden
local function exampleFun2(exampleVar)
   d(exampleVar) -> outputs whatever is passed to the function as a parameter, 
                        the exampleVar outside of the function is hidden here too
d(exampleVar) -> outputs 1, the exampleVar inside of the function does not exist outside of the function
Thanks. Early on, I did try to separate into different files in order to break things up for efficiency but scored higher on the "breaking" than the "efficiency" - scoping was probably a big reason why. I'll try it again and make other changes you suggest.... including cleaning up the whole daily gift mess, I'm just gonna fold my tent on that one and run with what I have, I think.

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Unread 01/29/24, 10:49 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Leaking globals no more

Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
One thing that might be tripping you up with local, is that for local variables, the location in the file matters. If you try to use it in the file before the local varName statement, it will cause an error.
Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
You can also always throw the leaking variables into your addon's main table. That makes them non global, but also means you don't need to worry about where it is declared.

Also, you can modify the addon name from the addon management page, no need to take it down.
Thanks for the advice on local variable scoping. I've reworked / resubmitted (and renamed!) the previous submission. By and large, I moved things into local space, predominantly through one large structure (FarmersToolkit). In a few places, I used your suggestion to declare things up top to avoid a chicken-and-egg scoping issue - feels like a hack but it works, which is the best kind of hack I suppose. Preliminary testing suggests I didn't break anything / too much though I'm sure the efficiency of the hopefully-now-local variables can use some work.

The next major task, assuming this version is more palatable, will likely be to broach some form of GUI interface for settings. There are tons of examples, I'm just at the starting point / flat end of the learning curve.

Thanks again for all your help and feedback, always welcome and appreciated.


From what I can see with a quick check, you did seem to get everything. Thanks for making the changes!

Few notes:
local FarmersToolkit = {} -> This actually doesn't need to be local, as the addon table is an exception to the 'don't make globals' rule. There's nothing wrong with it being local; but if you split up the addon into multiple files, then this should be global. That will allow you to 'communicate' between different files. I actually do highly suggest splitting up the addon into multiple more modular files. It makes it a lot easier to navigate files, especially when they start getting very large.

You kind of noticed it was weird already But you don't need local DailyClaimed = "N" at line 400. (or line 1906) You're only using a 'DailyClaimed' in another function, where it is separately initialized and declared as local, and thus different from the other two DailyClaimed. So the local variable created on those two lines are never actually used anywhere.

local exampleVar = 1
local function exampleFun()
  local exampleVar = 2
  d(exampleVar) -> outputs 2, the exampleVar outside of the function is hidden
local function exampleFun2(exampleVar)
   d(exampleVar) -> outputs whatever is passed to the function as a parameter, 
                        the exampleVar outside of the function is hidden here too
d(exampleVar) -> outputs 1, the exampleVar inside of the function does not exist outside of the function
Last edited by Dolgubon : 01/29/24 at 10:51 PM.
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Unread 01/29/24, 11:17 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Leaking globals galore

Originally Posted by Dolgubon
Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Awesome feedback, really appreciate it - will make take down the mis-named version and make the necessary corrections. As you can probably tell, this is my first attempt and there's a fair amount of learning-along-the-way code (and, so, a lot of commented out code and things like zo_callater...)

I'll work on the local / scoping issues. Every time I tried to do it "the right way", it bit me but I may be smarter now, we shall see.

Thanks also for tricks like Lootable = {["Chest"] = 0}, those are extremely helpful. I spend way too much time testing whether a variable exists before referring to it (part of the reason I got wrapped around the axle on remindercount, I suspect)

Anyway - thanks again, your feedback is really helpful.

One thing that might be tripping you up with local, is that for local variables, the location in the file matters. If you try to use it in the file before the local varName statement, it will cause an error.
You can also always throw the leaking variables into your addon's main table. That makes them non global, but also means you don't need to worry about where it is declared.

Also, you can modify the addon name from the addon management page, no need to take it down.
Thanks for the advice on local variable scoping. I've reworked / resubmitted (and renamed!) the previous submission. By and large, I moved things into local space, predominantly through one large structure (FarmersToolkit). In a few places, I used your suggestion to declare things up top to avoid a chicken-and-egg scoping issue - feels like a hack but it works, which is the best kind of hack I suppose. Preliminary testing suggests I didn't break anything / too much though I'm sure the efficiency of the hopefully-now-local variables can use some work.

The next major task, assuming this version is more palatable, will likely be to broach some form of GUI interface for settings. There are tons of examples, I'm just at the starting point / flat end of the learning curve.

Thanks again for all your help and feedback, always welcome and appreciated.

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Unread 01/23/24, 09:45 PM  
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Re: Re: Leaking globals galore

Originally Posted by Vilkasmanga
Awesome feedback, really appreciate it - will make take down the mis-named version and make the necessary corrections. As you can probably tell, this is my first attempt and there's a fair amount of learning-along-the-way code (and, so, a lot of commented out code and things like zo_callater...)

I'll work on the local / scoping issues. Every time I tried to do it "the right way", it bit me but I may be smarter now, we shall see.

Thanks also for tricks like Lootable = {["Chest"] = 0}, those are extremely helpful. I spend way too much time testing whether a variable exists before referring to it (part of the reason I got wrapped around the axle on remindercount, I suspect)

Anyway - thanks again, your feedback is really helpful.

One thing that might be tripping you up with local, is that for local variables, the location in the file matters. If you try to use it in the file before the local varName statement, it will cause an error.
You can also always throw the leaking variables into your addon's main table. That makes them non global, but also means you don't need to worry about where it is declared.

Also, you can modify the addon name from the addon management page, no need to take it down.
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Unread 01/23/24, 09:44 PM  
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Baertram - Thanks for your feedback and suggestions- these look like great references. I'll review these links as well as Dolgubon's email and take another swing at it. It is probably easiest if I pull the (misnamed/typo'd) submission down in the meantime, yes?


Originally Posted by Baertram
Hi and welcome to ESO addon development.

As Dolgubon already said please make variables local where global ones are not needed.
Please read this e.g. about lua


and this about new ESO addons
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Unread 01/23/24, 09:38 PM  
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Re: Leaking globals galore

Awesome feedback, really appreciate it - will make take down the mis-named version and make the necessary corrections. As you can probably tell, this is my first attempt and there's a fair amount of learning-along-the-way code (and, so, a lot of commented out code and things like zo_callater...)

I'll work on the local / scoping issues. Every time I tried to do it "the right way", it bit me but I may be smarter now, we shall see.

Thanks also for tricks like Lootable = {["Chest"] = 0}, those are extremely helpful. I spend way too much time testing whether a variable exists before referring to it (part of the reason I got wrapped around the axle on remindercount, I suspect)

Anyway - thanks again, your feedback is really helpful.


Originally Posted by Dolgubon
First, might want to double check the name on esoui.

Also, you'll want to make the zip file contain the folder, rather than directly having the files.
You should make all your variables local, or stick them in the FarmersToolkit table. Pretty much all of your variable atm are not local, which can cause problems. E.g. tvalue, ReminderCount, function dft, replenishedItems (this one also does not seem to be initialized to 0)
Note that making stuff local may necessitate moving the declarations to the start of the file or function, possibly without an initial value
Iirc there is a event for currency updates, so you might want to use that. I see filters for the inventory slot update but they are commented out. I suggest using them. If you need, you can make multiple different inventory slot update listeners, giving them a different reference name, and different filters. It'll make each individual listener simpler.
Rather than using a long zo callater for the welcome message, you can use the player activated event, and check the 'is first time' parameter it passes.

Same as Lootable = {["Chest"] = 0}
Also, make it local
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Unread 01/22/24, 01:34 AM  
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Hi and welcome to ESO addon development.

As Dolgubon already said please make variables local where global ones are not needed.
Please read this e.g. about lua


and this about new ESO addons
Last edited by Baertram : 01/22/24 at 09:00 AM.
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