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Updated: 06/25/14 03:46 PM
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Updated:06/25/14 03:46 PM
Created:03/01/14 08:55 PM
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XrysGatherer  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.0.4
by: Xrystal [More]
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Time to move on. The game hasn't pulled at my brain strings enough to keep me away from WoW long enough to make it worth paying for any longer. Anyone is welcome to take over the addon as they see fit. Otherwise I would suggest the following addon which should work in a similar way and with HarvestMerge allows importing of data from other sources:

What it does:
  • v1.0.0 - New Data Layout so make a backup of your old data as it will be replaced with an empty file.
  • Tracks and Records Harvest Nodes and tradeskill related items as you loot from them.
  • Optionally Displays Output on screen.
  • Stores in the Saved Variables table account wide.
  • Map and compass shows nodes stored - Icon is for tradeskill of an item looted from it, wording is of the node itself
  • Options to filter display of nodes on map and compass as well as verbose output per character.
  • Scrollable and Filterable History Window listing what is in the harvest history table
  • Ability to import other saved variables files of the same version, it is tricky so instructions are in the readme file.
  • Control Panel to show current location and buttons to open the other windows.
  • Now locale enabled. Simply create a copy of the locale/en.lua file and save as your own locale name file if it doesn't exist and change the words inside to be more language specific.

Slash commands:
  • /xrga toggle - Toggle the Control Panel Window
  • /xrga help - Display the commands available

I want to thank the following people for figuring the following items out for me to learn from:
  • Pawkette - For the Console addon which enabled me to see how Combo Boxes were made
  • Dolby - For the Esohead addon which helped me start working on the saved variables system
  • Shinni - For the Esohead Markers addon which will help me get the harvesting pins and filters in place
  • Zerorez - For the zrMinimap addon which has inspired me to create an optional gatherer minimap
  • Skyraker - For being a guinea pig to help find out the problems he was getting

To Do
  • Gatherer Database Website Upload/Download Facility - Under Investigation

Git Repository Links
Changed Version Number in txt file and globals lua file.
Changed API Version in txt file.
Add TOU for Addons to txt file.
Removed XrysGatherer_ImportData table from saved variables table list in the txt file as it seems to cause a repeat of an empty table. Should not affect importing as long as the table name copied into the file as per the import readme is changed to that name. Import ability will be added in version 2.0.0 as a separate mini addon that won't need to be run if you have nothing to import.
Removed ImportData saved variables initialisation from the savedvars.lua file.
Added a mention of the new changes in the HowToImport readme file.
Added check in History file to make sure that the node data table contained items before it tried accessing it.

Changed Version Number in txt file and globals.lua file.
Changed API Version in txt file.
Done my best via multiple reverse google translates to actually set the German and French locale files up.
No longer stores node info for nodes that are unknown. Old Unknown nodes will be removed when the new data conversion routine is in place in Version 2.0.0.
Removed NoTarget event as I have yet to have that triggered since it was implemented.
Added language and addonVersion to NodeData and ItemData tables within the SavedVars to help keep track of language version.
It is assumed that you have only imported same language data from other sources.
Tidied up some non localed text and placed it into the locale files.
Added some validation code to catch extraneous data in the wrong format ( as in my initial attempt at v2.0.0 data conversion first time round without making a data backup rofl).

Changed Version Number in txt file and globals.lua file.
Various changes to the code to ensure that looting works as close to identically as possible regardless of loot options.
Tested under : Auto Loot = on or off and Consolidate Loot = on or off. But did not test Auto Loot = Off and Consolidate Loot = Off as I suspect that would work the same as with Consolidate Loot = on.

Too many changes to list them separately here but the file does have everything detailed.
Basically, this update fixes the accidental access to someone else node data ( and throws in debug tests for those that want to test it to see whether it gets all of the gathering data without messing up the person gathering it).
It also fixes some minor glitches noticed such as no verbose mode at all on old nodes and the compass pins not resizing based on position around the player and the chance that you harvest a node before realising you don't have space to loot at the same time, old versions may not have caught the details to record the pin data. You need to loot to get that information correctly at least once for each item.
If you wish to test the possibility of sharing node information amongst nearby harvesters or group members, maybe even guild members then set the value in the nodeinteract.lua file debugOtherLoot to true to display 3 debug messages per looted item from a harvest node. Screen printing these and keeping these on file until I ask for the information would be appreciated. I am however unsure whether this will work accurately enough for the map and compass pin required data. Which is why this part isn't activated outside of displaying the information.

Rewrite of the whole addon working around the map and compass pins to ensure they are in the correct location regardless of what map you may have viewed prior to gathering.
Import is back and will allow import from Version 1 data. Version 0 data is now invalid for the most part. Version 0.0.9 data may have some salvagability to it but the ability to import that data isn't in the addon. Email me a copy of 0.0.9 data and I will see if I can convert it to 1.0.0 format to the best of my abilities. It may take a little while.
History window is still there but without the wipe ability. All data is gathered, you just choose what to display on the map and compass based on your options.
Data is stored account wide but options on what gets tracked on the map and compass is character wide.
The same /xrga toggle exists like before to display the mini control panel that houses your position and buttons to open the other windows.

Bypass areas of the harvest data that are not in the correct and expected format.
Made sure that the newly introduced information that isn't being used yet is saved in the right location, the cause of the error.

Added Description field to txt file.
Added the ability to Import new Data from another file ( see the included readme file for the details) and Remove selected portions of the table.
Removed the old alert window and replaced it with a scrolling message window that is embedded into the new control panel.
Added a new control panel where you can now click buttons rather than type your way around the addon.
There is now only 1 slash command and that is the one to toggle the addon into activity by toggling the visibility of the control panel.
The alert message screen colorises the text to reflect a close or nearby node.
Addon is now localised. There is now an EN, FR and DE language files but the FR and DE versions contain the same text as the EN version. But I have been unable to test it due to a massive download.
The new Control Panel now controls the node alerter update routine and it can be toggled off if you want to view the list that has been shown for the area you are in without it refreshing on you every second. This also stops the harvestHistory table from being updated but see below regarding that.
The harvestHistory table that is used for quick access cycle reading is rebuilt from the latest data every time you open the import window, history window and every 5 minutes if you have the alerter on.
All the old slash commands have been removed and a new one created /xrga toggle to toggle the display of the control panel.

Added selection boxes on the history window to allow some flexibility in what is displayed.
Frames are now created in XML files with flexible values updated programmatically, at least until I can write them all in lua.
All frames are movable but at present do not save their place. All windows default to the center of the screen when you log in and can be moved.
Split the History and Alert frame functions into their own files and their own copy of the history data update function.

A slight addition to the addon whereby it also keeps track of items looted from said nodes and records the tradeskill and type of item which has been looted. Additional slash commands have been added to match.
/xrga tradeskill [tradeskill]
/xrga itemtype [itemtype]
Removed testing text display from the history window.
Added test for CraftingInteractionType so that it traps and ignores crafting which sometimes triggers a harvesting action.
Uses table.insert instead of creating an index key.
Slash commands are no longer case specific.
Changed the width of the History Window to hold the new longer TradeSkill Loot History Lines.

Next best thing to displaying pins on the map, a little frame to let you know there is a know node in the area (0.05) or nearby (0.01).
Added /xrga alert to toggle the display on or off.
Ooops added the show/hide slash commands.

Added /xrga show and /xrga hide to display the harvest history window that offers a scrolling frame view of all the harvests recorded so far.
Put the creation of the Harvest History table into a separate function as it is used in several places.

Thanks to BluePhoenix, cause of the missing action/object values has now been explained to moving the recepticle off of the object milliseconds after interacting with it and the information being wiped out. Have now stored the last successful interaction so it can be used for the database.

PatchInfo.txt renamed to so it doesn't appear in addon screen.
Fixed Slash Commands so that you can now use it without errors, including spaces words.
Added "Unknown Action" for when the action truly is unknown.

Added a temporary harvestHistory table for easier traversing as required for reporting/viewing
Now keeps track of the last item harvested for viewing where else it has been gathered before
Use, Talk and Examine have been known to intermittently think they are interacting with a harvest node, so ignore those
Added a PlayerActivated Event Function to initially generate the harvestHistory table.
Added slash commands for traversing the history table in verbose mode:

/xrga update - Rebuild the harvestHistory table with the latest data
/xrga history - Traverse the harvestHistory table and report all harvests in verbose mode
/xrga zone [zone] - Traverse the harvestHistory table and report on all harvests in the selected/current zone
/xrga item [item] - Traverse the harvestHistory table and report on all harvests of the selected/last item
/xrga help - Display the commands available

v0.0.1 - New Addon
Tracks and Records Harvest Nodes into the Saved Variables table.
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Unread 08/25/14, 09:09 PM  
caritas omnia vincit
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Moving on...

Okay, I must admit, my enthusiasm is wearing thing on ESO and it is showing that even the addon is not enough for me to not prefer spending my limited game time in WOW.

If it wasn't for the fact that I know people using this addon can use other similar addons and incorporate the existing node findings into the other addons whenever they harvest from them again.
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Unread 08/10/14, 06:39 AM  
caritas omnia vincit
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Just to let you know I haven't abandoned this new version. I only really get weekends to work on this and my other hobbies, and if like just now it doesn't let me even get in game I don't even bother for the rest of the weekend.

From memory I should have most of the new version ready to roll with just the actual Import and Options addons to code and test. I have been updating my previous post with the status if you didn't realise.
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Unread 07/14/14, 02:45 PM  
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Version 2.0.0 Plan

With the problems caused by the latest patch changes I have decided to forgo the use of the built in saved variable functions. This means I have more control over how the data is written and tests so far confirm that data is written to file when the character is logged out and not all the way to the log in screen.

These things may change as I work through them but the ideas should still work.

Written, Self Tested but not Finalised:
1) XRGA_Converter - Mini Addon to convert addon data from an old version to the new version. This may get tweaked before I add it to the grouped addon release later on but volunteers are welcome to test it out. It does not overwrite your existing XrysGatherer data but instead reads through both "@...." account and "" account root data for item and node information and validates and then writes out into the new format ( which can be used to import later on ). This also corrects the link problem that surfaced and recreates the link with the new format. It however cannot fix the runestone problem, yet anyway.

UI In place and minimally tested, data processing to code and test:
2) XRGA_Importer - Mini Addon to import and export data in the new format. It can be used to import from the converted data or someone else's data, including that which will be stored on the XrysGatherer website, which I haven't ignored, just waiting for a consistent data format to adjust the importing/exporting functionality on the website. Until I can guarantee a language non specific data store the data will have to be recorded so that like for like language import/export will work properly.

Written, Self Tested but not Finalised:
3) XRGA_Harvester - Mini Addon to record the harvests made from nodes around the world. This will be very similar to the current addon but with less functionality due to it being broken up into mini addons.

Written, Self Tested but not Finalised:
4) XRGA_Tracker - Mini Addon to display nodes on the map and compass as we approach them. If it is not feasible to have this as a separate addon to XRGA_Harvester they will have to be merged into one like it is now.

5) XRGA_Options - Mini Addon to keep track of the options of the various mini addons - to help keep data and options separate from each other to make importing and exporting easier. If this plan doesn't work this idea will be scrapped and the options will be within each addon's control.

These will be released as a single XrysGatherer v2.0.0 addon containing each mini addon in it's own folder of which only XRGA_Harvester will need to be activated to work at a minimum with no options or tracking.

Well that is the plan. Now is the time to mention something that you feel is missing so that I can see if it is feasible to add into my plans or will work.

edit: Apart from XRGA_Tracker, these can be run at the same time with each other. If I have both Tracker and Gatherer running at the same time only the Tracker stuff will be visible. I tried naming things different to get them both running but no can do. Once these are all running you would need to do Converter and then Importer to get the old data imported into the new data in the new format. It would then be updated with Harvester and Tracked with Tracker. So far all seems to be going to plan.
Last edited by Xrystal : 07/27/14 at 05:39 PM.
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Unread 06/26/14, 02:55 PM  
caritas omnia vincit
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Latest Patch Changes - Runestone Type Change

The Runestone ItemType has been removed and has been replaced by 3 individual ones to reflect the different runestones that exist.

This addon should slowly replace the itemType stored for the items as it finds another one of the same name.

Until then the History page will show the itemType text as an empty string.
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Unread 06/25/14, 02:56 PM  
caritas omnia vincit
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Latest Patch Changes ... Please read ..

Please, can people make a copy of their saved variables before running the game. Please read Cairenn's post regarding how the saved variables are being stored. I am making a few minor changes to the txt file for the new patch changes but the addon *should*, based on my testing yesterday, work fine otherwise. I will post up the new version as soon as possible.
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Unread 06/24/14, 03:08 PM  
caritas omnia vincit
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Next Major Update Status

I have just done some running around with a character on the PTS and did some harvesting and looking at the history window and options. Looks to be working fine.

When the patch hits the addon should work fine with outdated box ticked on your addon screen. Let me know if something happens unexpectedly and I will see what I can do.
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Unread 06/21/14, 03:38 AM  
caritas omnia vincit
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I am Alive


Just an update. Sorry I have been a bit quiet of late. Not done much in the way of playing recently due to long tiring days at work. But what little time I have had has been spent on getting the website presentable.

There is still a ways to go on it but thankfully it is back up and running now.

I always check this site so please report any problems you seem to have with the add-on as I haven't abandoned it, just delaying updates until I have the database site running to also extract and allow downloading of the data in the database.

Once I have it to the point where the data I have imported into it is available to download I will let you all know so that new users can get those first few zones mapped out for you, although I don't profess to have all nodes accounted for in those areas as of yet.
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Unread 06/06/14, 02:53 PM  
caritas omnia vincit
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Bloody typical but our web server is undergoing a changeover that one of my brothers didn't let us all know about ....

Needless to say I don't know when me and my other brother will get the rest of the database site coded. He decided my programming wasn't up to his standards ( he's better at web programming than me ) so he decided to re-write my code ...

That said, he did ask for some other data to test the import routine with to see if we can catch any bogus data that wasn't in my own data to be caught/fixed or ignored etc. So if someone can send me a zipped up copy of their saved variable file it would be appreciated.

You can email: [email protected].
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Unread 06/02/14, 04:14 PM  

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Re: Re: Re: Re: error loading char

Originally Posted by Ecchizuki
Originally Posted by Ecchizuki
Originally Posted by Xrystal
Originally Posted by Ecchizuki
kept getting an "unknown error" when game attempted to access character info ... struggled through the addons and discovered that it was this one that was keeping me out of the game ... not sure what the problem is ... but i deleted, re-downloaded, and re-extracted the files to the addon directory and was able to duplicate the same issue
When you go on the character page ? Pressing "C" ?

Can you post up a screenshot on the bug page on the portal so I can see what you mean ?

I've never seen or heard of that problem yet so this sounds like something new, so would be good to see what the error says and at what point it happens exactly.

And the error occurs consistently when it is the only addon loaded as well ?

Can you try renaming the saved variables file for the addon while logged out and see what happens when you log in again. Although if it was a problem with the data the error would occur when logging in and not when you specifically load the character page as I don't touch anything to do with the character.
interesting ... just reinstalled this addon and no issues logging in ... so it must have been an issue related to another addon that i might have disabled atm ... i did have to disable all of wykkyd's addons to eliminate an anchor issue that would not clear ... but i've also disabled quite a few others ... but ... the good news ... gatherer is working this morning! yay!!!
just had a member in the guild tell me that there was another server restart during the night ... reloaded wykkyd's addons ... wow! everything seems back to normal - no issues ... guess next time they do maintenance and i have problems i'll just sit it out and wait *laff*
so let me tell you what i did find after the next login brought me back to where i was - had to disable gatherer to load character without a 5 minute wait and getting kicked back to the login screen with "an unknown error has occurred" ... even though i had kept my addon subdirectory clean i had failed to clean the saved variable directory ... the saved variable subdir had quite a few addons that i had removed, or replaced, or they were renamed from as far a back as during the beta tests ... once i cleaned up that subdir i have had no further issues of any kind (and trust me ... i was plagued with lots of interesting issues) ;-)
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Unread 06/01/14, 12:40 PM  
caritas omnia vincit
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Database Update

Well, looks like I have got the importing part done and incorporated statistics to show how many new records a saved variable file adds to the database and a report to how much information is available in total.

This is the report after I imported my current data - bearing in mind I only have 5 level 10s and haven't really visited many of the areas.

Items: 41
Nodes: 22
Maps: 13

Auridon Locations: 164
Bal Foyen Locations: 83
Bleakrock Isle Locations: 49
Bleakrock Village Locations: 11
Davon's Watch Locations: 21
Dhalmora Locations: 7
Ebonheart Locations: 17
Khenarthi's Roost Locations: 6
Kragenmoor Locations: 1
Mistral Locations: 3
Skywatch Locations: 6
Stonefalls Locations: 228
Vulkhel Guard Locations: 3

It looks like importing the lua file or a zip file containing the lua file are the best ways to import the data. The zip file is definitely the fastest of the two but I'll leave the choice up to the individual using the facility.

Next Few Steps:
1. Actually incorporate the zip file import which should be a few extra lines only.
2. Set up the function to build the daily import file from the database. Still need to find the best time to run this function as the site will need to be offline while it is being generated.
3. Set up the current code to only be used if the data is version 2 and from a pre version 2.0.0 addon.
4. Set up the new code to read in and write out version 3 data to work with version 2.0.0 addon.
5. Then finally make it all presentable as at present it's boringly white with just a browse box.
6. Do the mini rewrite to addon to version 1.x so that the import process is a separate addon that reads from the import data and writes to the gatherer data, just to make things that much easier.

Based on how long the import process took I envision step 2,4 and 6 to be the longest processes in the list.
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Unread 06/01/14, 06:34 AM  
caritas omnia vincit
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whew, thanks for the update.

Let me know if it surfaces and does turn out to be this addon.
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Unread 06/01/14, 05:56 AM  

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Re: Re: Re: error loading char

Originally Posted by Ecchizuki
Originally Posted by Xrystal
Originally Posted by Ecchizuki
kept getting an "unknown error" when game attempted to access character info ... struggled through the addons and discovered that it was this one that was keeping me out of the game ... not sure what the problem is ... but i deleted, re-downloaded, and re-extracted the files to the addon directory and was able to duplicate the same issue
When you go on the character page ? Pressing "C" ?

Can you post up a screenshot on the bug page on the portal so I can see what you mean ?

I've never seen or heard of that problem yet so this sounds like something new, so would be good to see what the error says and at what point it happens exactly.

And the error occurs consistently when it is the only addon loaded as well ?

Can you try renaming the saved variables file for the addon while logged out and see what happens when you log in again. Although if it was a problem with the data the error would occur when logging in and not when you specifically load the character page as I don't touch anything to do with the character.
interesting ... just reinstalled this addon and no issues logging in ... so it must have been an issue related to another addon that i might have disabled atm ... i did have to disable all of wykkyd's addons to eliminate an anchor issue that would not clear ... but i've also disabled quite a few others ... but ... the good news ... gatherer is working this morning! yay!!!
just had a member in the guild tell me that there was another server restart during the night ... reloaded wykkyd's addons ... wow! everything seems back to normal - no issues ... guess next time they do maintenance and i have problems i'll just sit it out and wait *laff*
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Unread 06/01/14, 05:47 AM  

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Re: Re: error loading char

Originally Posted by Xrystal
Originally Posted by Ecchizuki
kept getting an "unknown error" when game attempted to access character info ... struggled through the addons and discovered that it was this one that was keeping me out of the game ... not sure what the problem is ... but i deleted, re-downloaded, and re-extracted the files to the addon directory and was able to duplicate the same issue
When you go on the character page ? Pressing "C" ?

Can you post up a screenshot on the bug page on the portal so I can see what you mean ?

I've never seen or heard of that problem yet so this sounds like something new, so would be good to see what the error says and at what point it happens exactly.

And the error occurs consistently when it is the only addon loaded as well ?

Can you try renaming the saved variables file for the addon while logged out and see what happens when you log in again. Although if it was a problem with the data the error would occur when logging in and not when you specifically load the character page as I don't touch anything to do with the character.
interesting ... just reinstalled this addon and no issues logging in ... so it must have been an issue related to another addon that i might have disabled atm ... i did have to disable all of wykkyd's addons to eliminate an anchor issue that would not clear ... but i've also disabled quite a few others ... but ... the good news ... gatherer is working this morning! yay!!!
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Unread 05/31/14, 01:39 PM  
caritas omnia vincit
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Re: error loading char

Originally Posted by Ecchizuki
kept getting an "unknown error" when game attempted to access character info ... struggled through the addons and discovered that it was this one that was keeping me out of the game ... not sure what the problem is ... but i deleted, re-downloaded, and re-extracted the files to the addon directory and was able to duplicate the same issue
When you go on the character page ? Pressing "C" ?

Can you post up a screenshot on the bug page on the portal so I can see what you mean ?

I've never seen or heard of that problem yet so this sounds like something new, so would be good to see what the error says and at what point it happens exactly.

And the error occurs consistently when it is the only addon loaded as well ?

Can you try renaming the saved variables file for the addon while logged out and see what happens when you log in again. Although if it was a problem with the data the error would occur when logging in and not when you specifically load the character page as I don't touch anything to do with the character.
Last edited by Xrystal : 05/31/14 at 01:42 PM.
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Unread 05/31/14, 11:50 AM  

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error loading char

kept getting an "unknown error" when game attempted to access character info ... struggled through the addons and discovered that it was this one that was keeping me out of the game ... not sure what the problem is ... but i deleted, re-downloaded, and re-extracted the files to the addon directory and was able to duplicate the same issue
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