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Updated: 09/09/24 11:32 PM
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Update 43 (10.1.0)
Updated:09/09/24 11:32 PM
Created:08/03/24 01:48 AM
Monthly downloads:6,473
Total downloads:10,369
Fancy Action Bar+  Updated this week!  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.8.1
by: Anthonysc, DakJaniels, nogetrandom
Fancy Action Bar+ builds on the original Fancy Action Bar by @andy.s, enhanced by @nogetrandom to add a large amount of customization in ability tracking including tracking for multiple instances of effects, stack tracking, tracking for debuffs on specific targets, timers for cast and channeled abilities, UI customization and much, much more!

Bug reports, feedback, and feature requests strongly encouraged! (GitHub preferred: GitHub)

User Guide and Menu Option Documentation for v2.8.1


Options for changing the size and position of the action bar, quickslot and ultimate slot

Keyboard UI or Gamepad UI

Keyboard UI and Gamepad UI have separate sub-menus but identical options
  • Enable Action Bar Resize (default: OFF) – enables the slider to change the actionbar size
  • Actionbar size (default: 100%) slider to change the actionbar scale, supports making the actionbar smaller down to 30% of the default size, or up to 250% larger than the default size.
  • Unlock Actionbar Position (default: OFF) – switch to ON to allow changing the action bar position on screen when in keyboard mode. Switch back to OFF when satisfied with the position. Keyboard and Gamepad mode settings are independent.

Adjust Quickslot Position

Applies an offset to the quickslot position. Applies to Keyboard UI or Gamepad UI depending on which UI mode is active.
  • Horizontal (X) Position (default: 0), negative values move the slot left, positive values move it right.
  • Vertical (Y) Position (default: 0), negative values move the slot up, positive values move it down.

Adjust Ultimate Slot Position

Applies an offset to the ultimate slot position. Applies to Keyboard UI or Gamepad UI depending on which UI mode is active. Companion Ultimates will appear to the right of wherever the ultimate slot is placed
  • Horizontal (X) Position (default: 0), negative values move the slot left, positive values move it right.
  • Vertical (Y) Position (default: 0), negative values move the slot up, positive values move it down.

Adjust Bar Spacing and Offset
  • Horizontal (X) Position (default: 0) - Adjusts the relative position of the front and back action bars with respect to each other along the X (horizonal) axis (changing this value will shift the top bar left, and the bottom bar right, or vice versa)
  • Vertical (Y) Position (default: 0) - Adjusts the relative position of the front and back action bars along the Y (vertical) axis. This setting effectively changes the gap between the top and bottom bar. Recommended setting: 4 for a gap that matches the gap between action buttons.


Front & Back Bars Position

Sets the position of the front and back action bars. By default, the front bar is on the bottom and the back bar is on the top
  • Static bar positions (default: ON) – when swapping weapons, the action bars do not change position. If disabled, the active bar will always be on the bottom, and the inactive bar on top.
  • Front bar on top (only for static bars) (default: OFF), by default the front bar is on the bottom and the back bar is on the top. If enabled, the back bar will be on top and the front bar on the bottom.
  • Active bar on top (not for static bars) (default: OFF) by default when static bar positions are off, the active bar is on the bottom and the inactive bar is on the top. Enabling this setting will put the active bar on top and the inactive bar on the bottom

Back Bar Visibility
  • Inactive bar alpha (default: 20) sets the transparency of the inactive bar ability icons. 0 will set the backbar icons completely transparent, 100 will disable backbar icon transparency.
  • Inactive bar desaturation (default: 50) sets the desaturation (greyscale) level for the inactive bar icons. 0 will set the back bar icons to be the same level of saturation as the front bar icons, 100 will set the back bar icons to be completely greyscale.

Hotkey Text
Show hotkeys (default: ON) – show the hotkeys under the action bar icons.


Button Frames
Button frames options only apply to Keyboard UI
  • Show frames (default: ON) – show a colored frame around the action bar icons
  • Frame color (default: R:0;G:0;B:0;A:255 – Black) – allows customization of the ability frame color
  • Hide default frames (default: OFF) – if “Show Frames” is disabled, then the default ESO action bar frames will be shown around ability Icons. If both show frames is off, and hide default frames is on, then ability icons will be shown entirely without frame borders

Active Ability Highlight
  • Show highlight (default: ON) abilities will show a highlight glow while they are active
  • Highlight color (default: R:0;G:255;B:0;A:179 – Green)

  • Force enable gamepad Action Bar style (default: off) - Setting to ON allows the use of the gamepad action bar theme including animations while in the Keyboard UI. Note that while in this mode FAB+ menu settings, and default options (unless adjusted) that refer to the Gamepad UI will be used. Adapted with permission from Animated Action Bar by @Geldis1306 and @undcdd.
    * Show gamepad ultimate hotkeys (default: ON) – Show the LB RB labels for gamepad UI. Set this to OFF to allow quickslot placement adjustments in gamepad UI
  • Show gamepad ult hotkeys (default: ON) – Show the LB RB labels for gamepad UI. Set this to OFF to allow quickslot placement adjustments in gamepad UI
  • Hide companion ultimate slot (default: OFF) – When enabled, the companion ultimate slot, normally anchored to the right of the player ultimate slot when a companion has an ultimate ability slotted will always be hidden
  • Hide Locked Bars (default: ON) – When enabled if an effect locks the ability to barswap (such as equipping the Oakensoul ring, transforming into a Werewolf, picking up Volendrung, or various effects in dungeons or Trials such as the Ghost light Transformation in Lucent Citadel) the UI will switch to a “one bar” mode that only shows the active bar.
  • Apply Skill Styles to Action Bar Slots (default: ON) – by default Fancy Action Bar + will apply the icons for skill style ability overrides to the icon on the action bar. Note that different ability morphs share the same skill icon which can make determining slotted skill morphs difficult. For maximum compatibility with skill style icon overrides, it is recommended to also install the separate, optional, “Action Bar Skill Styles” addon.

Keyboard UI and Gamepad UI have separate sub-menus, and slight different defaults but identical options


Options in this menu include settings to configure the font, font size, font style, vertical alignment of the ability timer on the action slot (set positive values to shift the timer up, negative values to shift the timer down), and the color (default: white) of the ability timer (when not overridden by the separate expiration settings)


Abilities that can “stack” effects (e.g. charges on crystal weapon, damage stacks on simmering frenzy, instances of echoing vigor applied by allies, etc.) can display a counter showing the value of these effects. These settings configure the display settings for the stack counter.

Ulfsild's Contingency variants will display a special stack icon (¤ symbol) to indicate that the initial effect has been cast and is available to be consumed.

Options in this menu include settings to configure the font, font size, font style, postion on the action slot (default: top right aligned), and the counter color (default:gold)


Abilities can also display a counter showing the number of targets that this ability has been applied to. These settings configure the display settings for the stack counter.

Options in this menu include settings to configure the font, font size, font style, position on the action slot (default: top left aligned), and the counter color (default: gold)
More options for configuring the behavior of this counter are located under: ADDITIONAL TRACKING OPTIONS > Multitarget Effect Tracking Options.


Options for displaying a timer for active Ultimate effects. If more than one ultimate is active it will show the timer for the current bar’s ultimate, otherwise it will show the timer for any active ultimate and will persist through barswap.

Options in this menu include settings to disable the timer (enabled by default), configure the font, font size, font style, color, and adjust the vertical and horizontal position relative to the ultimate slot. The default position is aligned to the outside right border of the ultimate slot.


Options for configuring display of your current ultimate value.

By default showing the current ultimate value is enabled. Several modes for displaying the ultimate value are supported through the "Display Mode" setting:
“Current” (default) displays the current ultimate value. “Current / Cost (dynamic)” displays the current value / ultimate cost when the current value is less than the cost, but switches to just displaying the current value if the current value is enough to cast the ultimate. “Current / Cost (static)” always displays both the current value and the cost of the ultimate.

Additional options in this menu include settings to configure the font, font size, font style, and adjust the vertical and horizontal position of the ultimate number relative to the ultimate slot. The default position is aligned to the inside bottom right border of the ultimate slot.

FAB+ also supports the ability to dynamically set the ultimate value color.
By default the ultimate value will be white, and change to gold when it is at 90% of the ultimate cast cost (this threshold is customizable in the menu). The ultimate value will then turn green when the ultimate is usable, and red when the maximum value of 500 ultimate is reached.

Companion Ultimate Settings

The companion ultimate value will inherit the font and size (but not color) of the player ultiamte. Position of the companion ultimate with respect to the player ultimate can be adjusted.
Options in this menu include settings to show or hide the companion ultimate (default: ON), and adjust the horizontal and vertical offset of the slot. By default the companion ultimate slot is anchored to the right of the player ultimate slot/timer.


Options for customizing the display of the quickslot. Options in this menu include settings to show or hide the cooldown duration for the slotted item (default: ON), as well as to set the timer font, font size, style, color (default: Tangerine), and vertical and horizontal alignment of the cooldown timer within the slot (default: upper middle center).


This menu contains settings that are shared across both keyboard and gamepad UI modes.

Timer Fade
  • Delay timer fade (default: ON) – Allow the timer label to display 0 for a set duration as a reminder that the ability has expired
  • Fade delay (default: 2 seconds) – duration to keep the 0 timer if “Delay timer fade” is on

Duration Display Decimals
  • Enable timer decimals (default: Expire) – Options: Always; will always display decimals for the ability timer. Expire; show ability timer decimals when abilities are near expiration.
  • Decimals threshold – (default: 2 seconds) the time remaining thresholds below which abilities will display decimals if “Enable timer decimals” is set to “expire”

Display Changes for Expiring Effects

Expiring timer threshold (default: 2 seconds) – timers will be considered “expiring” and change to display decimals, or change their highlight color, when they fall below the selected amount of seconds remaining if their individual settings are enabled.

Timer Text
  • Change expiring timer text color (default: ON) – change the timer text color when the ability timer is below the “Expiring timer threshold” value.
  • Select timer text color for expiring effect (default: Yellow)

  • Change expiring timer highlight color (default: OFF) – when enabled the ability highlight will change color when the effect duration is below the “Expiring timer threshold” value
  • Select highlight color for expiring effects (default: Red)


Lists the currently slotted skill names and ability IDs for the skills on each action bar


Here you can edit which effect you want the timer for a specific skill to track. To track a different effect, make sure to enter the ID of the skill and the ID of the new effect, before clicking the button to confirm.
  • Accountwide Skill Settings (default: ON, requires reloadui) – by default skill configuration changes will be applied to all characters.
  • Saved Changes – A list of saved skill tracking configuration changes. Selecting a Skill from the dropdown menu will automatically populate it’s Skill ID
  • Skill ID – enter the ID of the skill you want to change the configuration for
  • Change Type – Options: Disable (Disable tracking for this skill), Reset (Resets the skill configuration to the FAB+ Default), New ID (assign a new effect to track to this skill
  • New Effect ID – the ability id for the new effect that you want the selected skill to track. If Change Type is “Reset” or “Disable” leave this blank.
  • Confirm Change – after entering the configuration changes, select confirm change to apply the new configuration. Configuration changes will print a message to the chatbox describing the change made when confirmed

Example configuration change:

Enable ability timers to track the duration of buffs gained from allies. You can also select which effects you do not want to have tracked if you are not the source. This feature is disabled by default
  • Track Buffs From Others (default: OFF) – by default only effect durations for effects applied by you will be tracked
Blacklisting Options for Buffs Gained from Others: this menu contains a configuration tool to blacklist certain which will prevent other player's application of them from starting an action bar timer. By default this includes miscellaneous Restoration Staff Abilities, Vigor, Resolve, and some other common buffs. Blacklisted abilities can be removed by selecting an ability from the list and clicking “Remove from Blacklist”

By default FancyActionBar+ configures effect timers to track the basic ability duration. This feature enables an alternative behavior where the timers for debuffs will instead track durations for the given debuff on the specific enemy being targeted

This supports several options:
  • Debuff timers for current target (default: OFF) – enable the alternative “debuff on target” tracking behavior. Without this enabled, tracked debuffs will always display their longest active duration
  • Keep Timers For Last Target (default: ON) – with this enabled, when you move your reticle away from the debuffed target it will keep the active duration for the target until a new enemy is targeted. With this OFF, the timer will only show while the reticle is on the debuffed target.
  • Show Stack Count for Overtaunt Debuff (default: OFF) - Multiple taunt sources can cause an enemy to gain taunt immunity, this enables a stack counter to track the status of this debuff on skills that can taunt. Note, this feature is experimental and may not appear.


Effect Duration Thresholds
Set the limits for when to ignore effects based on their duration
  • This section contains options to set the minimum and maximum duration of abilities that will be tracked by action slot timers. By default, if an ability lasts less than 2 seconds, or longer than 120 seconds it will not be shown.

Multitarget Effect Tracking Options

Additional options for configuring the Targets Tracker behavior that by default, appears on the top left corner of the action slot. This includes the ability to disable this counter, an option to show the counter when only one instance of an effect is active (by default the counter will only appear if more than one instance is active, except for debuffs in the Debuffs on Target mode where it always appears).

Additionally a menu is provided to allow blacklisting effects that you do not want to display a target counter for.

Miscellaneous Options
  • Show Stack Counter (default: ON) - Show stack count for abilities that can have multiple stacks, or can stack multiple times.
  • Show Cast/Channel Times on Action Slots (default: ON) – If an ability has a cast or channel time, it will display that duration on the slot while the ability is being cast/channeled. Abilities must have a cast or channel time longer than 1 second for this timer to display.
  • Ignore Initial Trap Placement (default: OFF) - By default 'Trap' effects, such as Trap Beast and Scalding Rune display an initial timer and stack when placed, and switch to tracking the DOT when triggered. Toggle ON to only track the DOT.


Additional misclaneous options include the ability to show the action bar while dead (default: OFF), prevent casting abilities while trading (default: ON), enable compatibility with the Perfect Weave addon (default: OFF), showing markers on enemies you are currently in combat with, and enabling a global cooldown tracker widget.
v2.8.1 Change Log
  • Fix an issue where action bar hotkeys could become anchored to the active bar instead of below the action bar

v2.8.0 Change Log:
  • Implement option to allow enabling the Gamepad Action Bar theme while in Keyboard Mode (UI Customization > Miscellaneous > Force enable gamepad Action Bar style). Note that enabling this setting will cause FancyActionBar+ to use the menu options for customizing the gamepad UI. Additionally the default (OFF) setting is incompatible with the standalone “Animated Action Bar” addon. Enable this setting to resolve the UI conflicts. (Adapted with permission from Animated Action Bar by @Geldis1306 and @undcdd.)
  • Added a menu option to disable showing the Stack counter (Under Miscellaneous Options)
  • Added options to adjust the spacing between the front and back action bars, as well as the relative position of the front and back action bars with respect to each other (ACTIONBAR SIZE & POSITION > Adjust Bar Spacing and Offset)
  • Offsets for Quickslot and Ultimate slot will now be set independently for Keyboard UI and Gamepad UI.
  • Effects that were handled through the “special Effects” code will now be able to count their affected targets
  • Fix an issue where Action Bar elements were not properly updating when loading an armory build.
  • Fixed an issue where effects that changed the cost of an Ultimate ability would not update the displayed cost.
  • Fixed several issues with detecting and resetting the default action bar position when swapping between UI modes
  • Known Issues: An empty ultimate slot may occasionally appear for summoned companions without ultimate abilities unlocked

v2.7.4 Change Log:
  • Fix for Fulminating Rune IDs (Stam and Mag Costs)

v2.7.2 Change Log:
  • Increment api version for U43
  • Add a menu option to always hide the companion ultimate slot
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the companion ultimate slot to appear for companions without ultimates if the companion was automatically summoned on login
  • Workaround for a game api issue that could result in incorrect ultimate values being reported with the set Arkasis’s Genius
  • Support for tracking the class-specific ult generation passive abilities

Known Issues:
  • The ultimate cost increase from the Adaptive Conqueror Verse in Infinite Archive will not be shown unless you reslot the ultimate.

v2.7.1 Change Log:
  • Implement Support for HyperTools/HTT Stone Fist Stomp ability icon replacement
  • Cleanup in abilityConfig (you only need to define an effect ID for an ability if the effect ID is different than the ability ID)
  • Add menu option to center action bar horizontally
  • Add menu option to center action bar vertically
  • Add menu option to undo last action bar move operation
  • Add menu option to reset action bar position to default
  • Fix missing Ghost Light timers in Lucent Citadel
  • Bugfix for disabling tracking for specific skills not working

v2.7.0.1 Change Log:
  • Fixed a rare UI error with the option to disable tracking of initial trap placement

v2.7.0 Change Log:
  • Support for "Hide Locked Bars" mode for Oakensoul/Werewolf/Voldendrung etc., enabled by default but with a toggle to disable it under "UI Customization" With this setting enabled (default) if you enter a state where you can no longer swap weapons, the inactive bars will be automatically hidden, this will switch back automatically when barswap is reenabled. Supports both Keyboard and Gamepad UI
  • Add a setting to disable tracking of initial placement of Trap effects (e.g. Barbed Trap, Scalding Rune) Under "Ability Configuration" > "Additional Tracking Options"
  • Enable support for multitarget tracking in "Special Effects" such as Trap and Rune
  • Moved option for showing Cast/Channel Times on action slots from Additional Tracking Options > Effect Duration Thresholds to Additional Tracking Options > Miscellaneous Options
  • Minor bug fixes with UI alignment, some timers persisting after effects were unslotted, and where special effects were not updating their end times properly.

v2.6.9.1 Change log:
  • Fixed an issue with repositioning the horizontal axis of the Stack counters (missed in previous fix)

v2.6.9 Change log:
  • Reworked the back end system that allows moving the action bar to fix a number of issues with setting the position
  • Fixed an issue with Stone Giant duration and stacks not appearing
  • Fixed an issue where Radiating Regen was not respecting the External Buffs setting
  • Increased the supported reposition range of the ultimate value
  • Fixed an error with repositioning the Stack and Target counters
  • Preliminary support for tracking Anchorite's Potency (currently only working on Soul Burst?)
  • Fixed several edge cases that could result in rare UI errors

v2.6.8 Change log:
  • Added support for changing the vertical postion of the stack and target counters on action slots
  • Fixed some logic in fading "stackable buff" timers when they still had active effects on other targets
  • Added Radiating Regeneration to stackable buffs
  • Added missing handlers for showDecimalStart menu options
  • Fixed some missing stack expiry logic for barbed trap (and the specialEffects forceExpireStacks flag)
  • Fixed an error that was preventing some Reflect abilities from processing stack values correctly
  • Fixed issue that could cause reflect stacks to fail to apply on recast
  • Mitigation for rare ui error with Twilight Matriarch cast
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Unread Today, 08:11 PM  

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: gamepad ui issue

Originally Posted by Anthonysc
Originally Posted by Gamez2Much
Originally Posted by Anthonysc
Originally Posted by Gamez2Much
Thanks for the response . I have been moving the bar as needed. It's just that I didn't have to do this prior to 2.8.0. I have been using this addon since its release.
You should only need to move it once and it should stay where you put it afterwards.
Are you by any chance using Azurah? If so when you move FAB, you might need to have Azurah's frames unlocked at the same time.

Edit, oh, wait, you said that it was with just FAB+ and no other addons, right?

Edit: Okay, yeah there does appear to be a bug here, not sure what the cause is, I'll look into it. Something weird with the ZOS anchors though and how we interact with them
So I do use other addons. And for ui stuff I use LUI, not Azurah. However, I disabled all addons and deleted all addon settings for testing purposes.

Another question; are the hotkey indicators supposed to move under the currently selected bar? Right now my hotkeys are under the bottom bar, which is also the back bar. When I switch to the front bar aka top bar, the hotkey indicators stay under the bottom bar. Though sometimes I have seen the hotkeys switch position. But I can not figure out why it is so inconsistent.
The hotkeys are supposed to stay under the bottom-most bar, there was a bug before that was causing them to become unstuck and to follow the active bar around, that was fixed in the most recent release.

But yeah, there is definitely something weird going on with the anchors when switching back and forth from gamepad mode to keyboard mode. But its definitely looking to me like it's something weird ZOS-side with it reporting the screen dimensions differently
Cool. Makes sense now. I have been switching back and forth between older and current versions of FAB; doing my own troubleshooting. I can scratch hotkeys off the list.

I'm using 2.7.2 right now and not having any issues at all that I experience with 2.8.x
Last edited by Gamez2Much : 09/15/24 at 08:16 PM.
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Unread Today, 07:56 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: gamepad ui issue

Originally Posted by Gamez2Much
Originally Posted by Anthonysc
Originally Posted by Gamez2Much
Thanks for the response . I have been moving the bar as needed. It's just that I didn't have to do this prior to 2.8.0. I have been using this addon since its release.
You should only need to move it once and it should stay where you put it afterwards.
Are you by any chance using Azurah? If so when you move FAB, you might need to have Azurah's frames unlocked at the same time.

Edit, oh, wait, you said that it was with just FAB+ and no other addons, right?

Edit: Okay, yeah there does appear to be a bug here, not sure what the cause is, I'll look into it. Something weird with the ZOS anchors though and how we interact with them
So I do use other addons. And for ui stuff I use LUI, not Azurah. However, I disabled all addons and deleted all addon settings for testing purposes.

Another question; are the hotkey indicators supposed to move under the currently selected bar? Right now my hotkeys are under the bottom bar, which is also the back bar. When I switch to the front bar aka top bar, the hotkey indicators stay under the bottom bar. Though sometimes I have seen the hotkeys switch position. But I can not figure out why it is so inconsistent.
The hotkeys are supposed to stay under the bottom-most bar, there was a bug before that was causing them to become unstuck and to follow the active bar around, that was fixed in the most recent release.

But yeah, there is definitely something weird going on with the anchors when switching back and forth from gamepad mode to keyboard mode. But its definitely looking to me like it's something weird ZOS-side with it reporting the screen dimensions differently
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Unread Today, 07:48 PM  

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: gamepad ui issue

Originally Posted by Anthonysc
Originally Posted by Gamez2Much
Thanks for the response . I have been moving the bar as needed. It's just that I didn't have to do this prior to 2.8.0. I have been using this addon since its release.
You should only need to move it once and it should stay where you put it afterwards.
Are you by any chance using Azurah? If so when you move FAB, you might need to have Azurah's frames unlocked at the same time.

Edit, oh, wait, you said that it was with just FAB+ and no other addons, right?

Edit: Okay, yeah there does appear to be a bug here, not sure what the cause is, I'll look into it. Something weird with the ZOS anchors though and how we interact with them
So I do use other addons. And for ui stuff I use LUI, not Azurah. However, I disabled all addons and deleted all addon settings for testing purposes.

Another question; are the hotkey indicators supposed to move under the currently selected bar? Right now my hotkeys are under the bottom bar, which is also the back bar. When I switch to the front bar aka top bar, the hotkey indicators stay under the bottom bar. Though sometimes I have seen the hotkeys switch position. But I can not figure out why it is so inconsistent.
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Unread Today, 06:17 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: gamepad ui issue

Originally Posted by Gamez2Much
Thanks for the response . I have been moving the bar as needed. It's just that I didn't have to do this prior to 2.8.0. I have been using this addon since its release.
You should only need to move it once and it should stay where you put it afterwards.
Are you by any chance using Azurah? If so when you move FAB, you might need to have Azurah's frames unlocked at the same time.

Edit, oh, wait, you said that it was with just FAB+ and no other addons, right?

Edit: Okay, yeah there does appear to be a bug here, not sure what the cause is, I'll look into it. Something weird with the ZOS anchors though and how we interact with them
Last edited by Anthonysc : 09/15/24 at 06:57 PM.
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Unread Yesterday, 04:49 PM  

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Re: Re: Re: Re: gamepad ui issue

Thanks for the response . I have been moving the bar as needed. It's just that I didn't have to do this prior to 2.8.0. I have been using this addon since its release.
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Unread Yesterday, 04:20 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: gamepad ui issue

Originally Posted by Gamez2Much
First pic, loading into the game with gamepad ui. This is what the ui looks like with only FAB enabled. No other addons.

Second pic. Switching to keyboard ui.

Third pic. Switching back to gamepad ui.

I edited my previous comment as I mistakenly said buff bar when it should have been health bar.
You'll need to use the Fancy Action Bar+ Menu options to adjust the size and position of the action bar to get it where you want it. That said, I'll look at changing the default gamepadui anchors for a future release.
As a note, if you flip back and forth between your 1st and 3rd screenshots quickly, it appears as if the ZOS UI elements are actually what's moving between the two not FAB.
Last edited by Anthonysc : 09/15/24 at 04:27 PM.
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Unread Yesterday, 03:49 PM  

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Re: Re: gamepad ui issue

FAB does not touch the buff bar position.
I'm not sure I 100% follow the issue you're having. Perhaps sharing some screenshots would help.
I'd also suggest unlocking the position of FAB and moving it using the FAB Menu options for doing so. It's location needs to be set independently for keyboard UI mode and gamepad UI mode.
First pic, loading into the game with gamepad ui. This is what the ui looks like with only FAB enabled. No other addons.

Second pic. Switching to keyboard ui.

Third pic. Switching back to gamepad ui.

I edited my previous comment as I mistakenly said buff bar when it should have been health bar.
Last edited by Gamez2Much : 09/15/24 at 04:14 PM.
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Unread Yesterday, 03:23 PM  
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Originally Posted by bibik92
Hello, thanks for your awesome work!
I've notice a little bug, when i select "hide companion ultimate slot" the companion ultimate goes off but when i weapon swap the companion ultimate back to active.
Hello, yes, this is a known issue, I should have it fixed for the next release
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Unread Yesterday, 03:19 PM  
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Re: gamepad ui issue

Originally Posted by Gamez2Much
When playing with gamepad mode and having it load that ui initially, the buff bar is located in the default position; covering the health attribute bar. As if FAB is not enabled. If you then switch to the keyboard ui, the buff bar will move up above the health bar. And if you switch back to gamepad ui the buff bar will stay above the health bar. I loaded FAB with no other addons to be sure there is nothing conflicting. This issue also exists in version 2.8.0. In version 2.7.2, the buff bar initially loads in above the health bar as it should.
FAB does not touch the buff bar position.
I'm not sure I 100% follow the issue you're having. Perhaps sharing some screenshots would help.
I'd also suggest unlocking the position of FAB and moving it using the FAB Menu options for doing so. It's location needs to be set independently for keyboard UI mode and gamepad UI mode.
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Unread Yesterday, 02:15 PM  

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gamepad ui issue

When playing with gamepad mode and having it load that ui initially, the buff bar and health bar are located in the default position relative to the action bar; thus the action bar covers the health attribute bar. As if FAB is not enabled. If you then switch to the keyboard ui, the action bar no longer covers the health bar. And if you switch back to gamepad ui the health bar will move up a little in position, but will still be partially covered by the action bar. I loaded FAB with no other addons to be sure there is nothing conflicting. This issue also exists in version 2.8.0. In version 2.7.2, the health bar initially loads in above the action bar as it should.

Last edited by Gamez2Much : 09/15/24 at 04:16 PM.
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Unread Yesterday, 03:30 AM  
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Hello, thanks for your awesome work!
I've notice a little bug, when i select "hide companion ultimate slot" the companion ultimate goes off but when i weapon swap the companion ultimate back to active.
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Unread 09/08/24, 08:51 PM  
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Fix for Missing Action Bar in Gamepad Mode with Azurah

If you are running Azurah, if installing the 2.8.0 update causes your action bar to dissappear in gamepad mode, this is the result of conflicting anchor states in the Azurah database. It can be fixed by the following:
  • Unlock Default frames with Azurah.
  • Unlock Action Bar Position in the FAB+ Menu
  • Click the "Reset Actionbar Position" button in the FAB menu
  • Relock the Actionbar position and Save Azurah's position.

This should reset the anchors and prevent the action bar from vanishing.
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Unread 08/24/24, 10:03 PM  

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Re: Re: Ability Configuration Tracked effects for scribing skills broken

Originally Posted by Anthonysc
Originally Posted by Numzy
Base game will track the effects provided by affixes for scribed skills; however, the addon does not.
I tested "Warding Contingency" with the affix that tracks Minor force (ID61746) and minor force is not tracked.
This was also tested with Skill "Heroic Torch" to track the minor heroism effect (ID61708)
Neither skill tracked the desired effect. If this can be implemented to mirror base game tracking that would be phenomenal. Also, tracking of ability effect refresh from the "Growing Impact" signature script would assist in ability recasts.
Hi Numzy,

By default FAB+ doesn't have a config for these abilities, they must be set in the custom config editor.

Open your Addon Settings menu and navigate to "Fancy Action Bar+" then scroll down to "Ability Configuration" and expand the submenu.
First you need to get the slotted ability ID, this is shown under the "Currently Slotted Ability IDs".

For me, with the version I have scribed, Heroic Torch is 223292.

Then Expand the "Tracked Effects" submenu.
Enter the ID you got (223292 for me) in "Skill ID".
Then for "Change Type" select "New ID".
Next enter the ID of the buff you want to track in "New Effect ID" (61708 for Minor Heroism).
It should look like this:

Finally, click "Confirm Change". You should get a message in your chatbox that looks like:

Heroic Torch should now track Minor Heroism:

Unfortunately due to the number and complexity of these skills, there isn't really a way to set universally reasonable defaults with the current back-end design of FAB+.

That said, this is the process for configuring basically any skill to track basically any skill effect. Hope it helps!

Hello, I did that but it wasn't working on my end. I'll have to try again

Actually nevermind. It works now. Odd, thanks!
Last edited by Numzy : 08/24/24 at 10:07 PM.
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Unread 08/24/24, 02:42 PM  
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Re: Ability Configuration Tracked effects for scribing skills broken

Originally Posted by Numzy
Base game will track the effects provided by affixes for scribed skills; however, the addon does not.
I tested "Warding Contingency" with the affix that tracks Minor force (ID61746) and minor force is not tracked.
This was also tested with Skill "Heroic Torch" to track the minor heroism effect (ID61708)
Neither skill tracked the desired effect. If this can be implemented to mirror base game tracking that would be phenomenal. Also, tracking of ability effect refresh from the "Growing Impact" signature script would assist in ability recasts.
Hi Numzy,

By default FAB+ doesn't have a config for these abilities, they must be set in the custom config editor.

Open your Addon Settings menu and navigate to "Fancy Action Bar+" then scroll down to "Ability Configuration" and expand the submenu.
First you need to get the slotted ability ID, this is shown under the "Currently Slotted Ability IDs".

For me, with the version I have scribed, Heroic Torch is 223292.

Then Expand the "Tracked Effects" submenu.
Enter the ID you got (223292 for me) in "Skill ID".
Then for "Change Type" select "New ID".
Next enter the ID of the buff you want to track in "New Effect ID" (61708 for Minor Heroism).
It should look like this:

Finally, click "Confirm Change". You should get a message in your chatbox that looks like:

Heroic Torch should now track Minor Heroism:

Unfortunately due to the number and complexity of these skills, there isn't really a way to set universally reasonable defaults with the current back-end design of FAB+.

That said, this is the process for configuring basically any skill to track basically any skill effect. Hope it helps!
Last edited by Anthonysc : 08/24/24 at 02:43 PM.
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Unread 08/24/24, 11:25 AM  

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Ability Configuration Tracked effects for scribing skills broken

Base game will track the effects provided by affixes for scribed skills; however, the addon does not.
I tested "Warding Contingency" with the affix that tracks Minor force (ID61746) and minor force is not tracked.
This was also tested with Skill "Heroic Torch" to track the minor heroism effect (ID61708)
Neither skill tracked the desired effect. If this can be implemented to mirror base game tracking that would be phenomenal. Also, tracking of ability effect refresh from the "Growing Impact" signature script would assist in ability recasts.
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