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Updated: 11/06/15 01:31 PM
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Orsinium (2.2.4)
Updated:11/06/15 01:31 PM
Created:05/25/14 08:46 AM
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Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Group, Guild & Friends, Mail, RolePlay
TESO Ingame Messenger - TIM  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 5.65
by: Sternentau [More]
*superseded by TOM* -> download and use TOM - Tamriel Online Messenger from here

Never miss an important message!

We all have discovered a weakness in TESO... the ingame chat management.
Nearly everyone of us has missed a whisper because we were in combat or distracted by anything special.
Seconds later the chat has faded out or shifted up by messages and spam and we never take notice about.

This now comes to an end!
TIM - the TESO Ingame Messenger will keep your messages and set you on alert.

It does not matter if there is an incoming whisper, a call from the guild or a party message that arrives... TIM will keep an eye to all game channels until your return
Depending on your setup, TIM will open automatically or you will be noticed by a flashing sign if anything has happen while you was away - let TIM take the responibility not to miss anything important.

For guild masters and active guild members there are now many guild functions implemented as display status, jump to guildmember, mail to guild member, whisper to guild member, and more other

Within the catacombs of TIM you may store Scrolls of your own text and post them to the chat - great for roleplay and trade

Hint: For sure you will have to open or close TIM often in future - so i would recommend you to create a keybinding for this action (i would suggest the F12 key i.e). Guild masters would bind another key (F11) to the guild functions and a third one for the catacombs

What are the features?

At this time there is implemented:
- separated channel recordings (party, zone, guild)
- separated speech channel (say, yell)
- separated tab for each whisper (one per person/account)
- self-prepared messages for roleplay or trade (catacombs)
- rotate through discussions (keyBind able)
- magic messages (dynamic channels with messages selected by keywords from ALL channels)
- every channel can be set to alert if a message arrives (default is whisper/party only)
- you may setup TIM to open automatically if an important message arrives
- TIM will close immediately if you are entering combat
- you may answer a channel by a simple click (answering via chat window because addons are forbidden to talk)
- messages will survive a UI reload or relog (even if you are disconnected by the server)
- resizeable in settings or predefined with command /tim <n> (where <n> is a number from 0-5)
- your personal window size may saved using "/tim <n> SAVE" (where <n> is a number from 6 to 9)
- guildmaster functions now implemented within a separated guild function window
- display status, jump to guildmember, mail to guild member, whisper to guild member, dismiss guild member implemented
- all guilds separated shown in the guild functions window
- a target scanner and mail functions helps to simplify guild advertisements
- localized for german and english clients

I hope, TIM will be able to help and enthuse you
see you all in Tamriel!



* ersetzt durch TOM * -> download and use TOM - Tamriel Online Messenger from here

Nie wieder eine wichtige Nachricht verpassen!

Leider muessen wir alle eine besondere Schwäche von TESO miterleben - den Chat im Spiel.
Beinahe jeder von uns hat schon einmal eine wichtige Fluesternachricht verpasst, weil er gerade im Kampf oder anderweitig abgelenkt war.
Einige Sekunden spaeter sind diese wichtigen Zeilen verschwunden oder durch Spam nach oben in die Unsichtbarkeit geschoben.

Dies hat nun ein Ende!
TIM - der TESO Ingame Messenger bewahrt Deine Nachrichten auf und wird Dich alarmieren.

Es ist egal ob eine Fluesternachricht, ein Gildenchat oder eine Gruppennachricht eintrifft, TIM hat bis zu Deiner Rueckkehr ein Auge auf alle Nachrichtenkanaele.
Je nach Deiner Konfiguration wird TIM automatisch öffnen oder ein blinkendes Symbol zeigen, wenn waehrend Deiner Abwesenheit etwas Wichtiges hereingekommen ist - ueberlasse TIM die Verantwortung, wachsam zu sein.

Gildenmeister und aktive Gildenmitglieder verfuegen nunmehr über implementierte Gildenfunktionen wie Status anzeigen, Sprung zum Gildenmitglied, Guildennachricht senden, Gildenmitglied anfluestern und mehr

In den Katakomben von TIM kannst Du Deine eigenen Schriften (Nachrichten) für das Roleplay oder den Handel aufbewahren

Ein Tip: Ihr werdet sicher TIM oefters oeffnen oder schliessen wollen - legt Euch hierfuer eine Schnelltaste über die Steuerungseinstellungen an - ich empfehle z.B. F12. Gildenmeister werden die Gildenfunktionen an eine weitere Taste (F11) binden wollen und vielleicht eine dritte für die Katakomben

Was ist bereits alles moeglich?

Implementiert ist derzeit:
- Getrennte Kanaele (Gruppe, Zone, Gilde)
- Getrennte Sprachkanaele (sprechen, rufen)
- Getrennte Tabs für jedes Gespraech (einer pro Person/Account)
- selbsterstellte Nachrichten fuer das Roleplay oder den Handel (Katakomben)
- Durch Diskussionen rotieren (keyBinding moeglich)
- Magische Nachrichten (dynamische Kanaele mit Nachrichten, welche über Schlagworte aus ALLEN Kanaelen ausgewaehlt werden)
- alle Kanaele können den Alarm bei Nachrichteneingang setzen, wenn sie so konfiguriert sind
- TIM wird sofort schliessen, wenn der Spieler in einen Kampf eintritt
- Antworten funktioniert mit einem einzelnen Klick - allerdings via Chat (da AddONs keine Nachrichten senden duerfen)
- gespeicherte Nachrichten ueberdauern auch einen UI Reload oder gar Relog (sogar, wenn der Server die Verbindung trennt)
- Fenstergroesse einstellbar im Setup oder vordefiniert mit /tim <n> (wobei <n> eine Zahl von 0-5 ist)
- Eigene Fenstergroessenkönnen jetzt mit "/tim <n> SAVE" gespeichert werden (wobei <n> eine Zahl von 6-9 ist)
- Gildenmeister Funktionen sind jetzt ueber ein eigenes Fenster implementiert
- Status anzeigen, zum Gildenmitglied reisen, Post an Gildenmitglieder senden, Gildenmitglieder anfluestern und der Gilde verweisen sind jetzt implementiert
- alle moeglichen 5 Gilden sind in den Gildenfunktionen separat gehalten
- Ein Spieler-Scanner mit Mailunterstützung helfen bei der Gildenwerbung
- Lokalisierung derzeit verfuegbar für deutsch und englisch

Ich hoffe,TIM wird Euch helfen und begeistern können
Bis bald in Tamriel!

version 5.6 (Eladriel)
- adjusted to meet ESO Orsinium

version 5.5 (Eladriel)
- adjusted to meet ESO Update 5
- clipboard functions removed

version 5.2 (Genesis)
- adjusted channel recognition to catch a bug with incoming guild messages

version 5.1 (Genesis)
- adjusted to meet ESO version

version 5.0 (Genesis)
- Major release: All primary functions are in place and working
- applied all remaining bug fixes (design, sliders, localization)


version 4.98 (Tamlorn)
- link handlers are back on duty now
- adapted to ESO Update 4 (
- updated: TIM'ish language (experimental)

version 4.96 (Tamlorn)
- removed link handlers to avoid an error caused by the vanished "ZO_ChatSystem_OnLinkClicked()" function

version 4.95 (Tamlorn)
- adapted to ESO Update 4 (
- introduced: TIM'ish language (experimental)

version 4.91
- fixed: TIM missed to translate the accountname into the actual charactername

version 4.9 (Alanel)
- added functions to copy messages into the clipboard for later use

version 4.85 (Cyrodiil)
- no functional changes, fixed a typo within the english settings menu

version 4.8 (Cyrodiil)
- added an option not to auto close TIM while in combat
- fixed a bug (introduced with v4.7) - caused TIM to crash if loading the very first time

version 4.7 (Tamriel)
- alert options now configurable for each guild
- added guild member status changes (reportable for the primary guild)
- added a (key bindable) target scan to simplify guild advertisements
- added a interface to catacombs and mail onto the target scan

version 4.65 (Auridon)
- fixed bug within the catacomb DEBUG system (tnx, Raydir)

version 4.6
- fixed: TIM missed to close while chattering
- added keybinding option to fast logout

version 4.5 (Glenumbra)
- catacombs introduced... define your own messages for RP or trade!
- magic messaged bug fixed

version 4.4 (Itanica)
- adjusted to meet Update 3 (

version 4.3 (Tambrium)
- maximum magic messages raised from 6 to 30
- name of the sender is now included in magic message selection
- an omit field is now available to exclude words in magic message selection
- discussion history introduced, you may now rotate through your last discussions
- discussion history size adjustable from 7 to 25
- TIM is now showing up the discussion you posted your last message (configurable)
- color for guild officer's chat adjusted

version 4.2
- TIM now holds guild officer chat in a separated channel near guild channel

version 4.1
- adapted to ESO (no functional changes)

version 4.0
- no more open bug reports - debug code removed
- proudly presenting the first non-beta version!!


version 3.9b
- no functional changes
- upgraded to LibAddonMenu version 2.0
- adapted to ESO version
- zenimax changed savedvariablesformat, so TIM is no longer able to find old data - but they are still there (you may decide to delete your tim.lua file located within the savedvariables directory to clean up the garbage)

version 3.8b
- no functional changes, code implemented to investigate/catch a reported bug

version 3.7b
- no functional changes, fixed a bug introduced with version 3.6b

version 3.6b
- you may now answer by rightclicking the name within the left side of the main window
- refreshbutton within guildfunctions now works
- added guildfunction "subject>guildchat", "message>guildchat", "subject>zone", "message>zone"
- added guildfunction "subject>DE", "message>DE", "subject>EN", "message>EN",
- added guildfunction "subject>FR", "subject>say","message>say","subject>party","message>party"

version 3.5b
- guildmaster functions now implemented within a separated guild function window
- display status, jump to guildmember, mail to guild member, whisper to guild member, dismiss guild member implemented
- all guilds separated shown in the guild functions window
- player links within TIM are now shown as links (included in brackets)
- your personal window size may saved using "/tim <n> SAVE" (where <n> is a number from 6 to 9)

version 3.4b
- window now sizeable in settings or with fastcommand "/tim x"
- TIM now aware of guild changes
- fixed a misplaced slider bug

version 3.3b
- no functional changes, update to investigate a reported bug

version 3.2b
- certain channels can now be hidden from display
- fixed bracket bug within magic messages
- background transparency is now adjustable
- done some cosmetics to the window and the code

version 3.1b
- accountnames now adjusted to charnames in guildchannels
- added some info-tooltips

version 3.0b
- have to change another global name (will unfortunately reset all stored messages and settings)

version 2.7b
- fixed an incompatability with some addons caused by using same global names

version 2.6b
- fixed a bug crashing TIM if there are leading/ending or double brackets within the message text

version 2.5b
- introduced magic messages
- added some tooltips

version 2.4b
- links in TIM are now clickable

version 2.3b
- fixed a bug within the garbage collection
- added mousewheel support to scroll the messages

version 2.2b
- emote messages now recorded within the /say channel

version 2.1b
- Channels no longer recorded if set to ignore

version 1.9b
- TIM no longer opens automatically on own messages

version 1.8b
- initial release
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Unread 05/25/14, 10:14 AM  

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Brilliant, I love it!
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Unread 05/25/14, 10:53 AM  
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Originally Posted by Blackwolfe
Brilliant, I love it!
Thank you a lot, Blackwolfe from Tamriel
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Unread 05/25/14, 11:57 AM  

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Used a similar addon in wow, and using one in the wildstar beta. Having one in ESO as well is golden
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Unread 05/25/14, 05:55 PM  

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Hi, thanks for your addon and just one thing: prevent your addon from reacting on character's own messages
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Unread 05/25/14, 09:58 PM  
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Originally Posted by Veideon
Hi, thanks for your addon and just one thing: prevent your addon from reacting on character's own messages
Servus Veidon,

hmmm... could you please give me an example?

Because mostly(?) your own messages are a part of a discussion and should be recorded i think.
So if you whisper anyone other (or writing in a guild chat for example) then you are either answering another player or you are awaiting an answer yourself - so it would be the best to open TIM (if not open already)...

So what exactly would you like me to supress?

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Unread 05/25/14, 10:55 PM  

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Originally Posted by Sternentau
Originally Posted by Veideon
Hi, thanks for your addon and just one thing: prevent your addon from reacting on character's own messages
Servus Veidon,

hmmm... could you please give me an example?

Because mostly(?) your own messages are a part of a discussion and should be recorded i think.
So if you whisper anyone other (or writing in a guild chat for example) then you are either answering another player or you are awaiting an answer yourself - so it would be the best to open TIM (if not open already)...

So what exactly would you like me to supress?

Of course your own messages should be recorded, but I don't think window should appear when I'm sending message to someone, because usually I am not just sitting and waiting for an answer - I continue doing what was doing before I sent message. That is why i think keeping TIM window closed till i get an answer to save some space for other stuff is better in this situation, than keeping it open.

I just thought functions of this addon are chat history and notifications, so it is not one more chat window. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry.
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Unread 05/25/14, 11:23 PM  
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Originally Posted by Veideon
Originally Posted by Sternentau
Originally Posted by Veideon
Hi, thanks for your addon and just one thing: prevent your addon from reacting on character's own messages
Servus Veidon,

hmmm... could you please give me an example?

Because mostly(?) your own messages are a part of a discussion and should be recorded i think.
So if you whisper anyone other (or writing in a guild chat for example) then you are either answering another player or you are awaiting an answer yourself - so it would be the best to open TIM (if not open already)...

So what exactly would you like me to supress?

Of course your own messages should be recorded, but I don't think window should appear when I'm sending message to someone, because usually I am not just sitting and waiting for an answer - I continue doing what was doing before I sent message. That is why i think keeping TIM window closed till i get an answer to save some space for other stuff is better in this situation, than keeping it open.

I just thought functions of this addon are chat history and notifications, so it is not one more chat window. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry.

Servus Veidon,

okay, i now see your point of view.
You are right - saving desktop space is high priority.

With the next version i will implement a switch for you to get this idea active.

Thank you for the feedback

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Unread 05/26/14, 02:48 AM  

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Holy sh!t thats almost exactly like the WIM-addon for WoW. And I loved that! So THANK YOU VER MUCH for this awesome addon. <3

btw is it possible to add a feature where we could pick what channels to show within TIM? Honestly I'd like the say, group and zone-chat right where they are - in the "normal" chatbox (so I would like these three for example not to show in TIM). Oh and, I don't know if this is a bug or normal behaviour but I also was shown the "Zone FR" chat in TIM, which I haven't activated/ticked on.
Last edited by Xcelent : 05/26/14 at 06:31 AM.
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Unread 05/26/14, 07:20 AM  

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Originally Posted by Sternentau
With the next version i will implement a switch for you to get this idea active.
Great! Thanks a lot for your concern!
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Unread 05/26/14, 09:51 AM  
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Originally Posted by Xcelent
is it possible to add a feature where we could pick what channels to show within TIM? Honestly I'd like the say, group and zone-chat right where they are - in the "normal" chatbox (so I would like these three for example not to show in TIM). Oh and, I don't know if this is a bug or normal behaviour but I also was shown the "Zone FR" chat in TIM, which I haven't activated/ticked on.
Yes, of course. This is implemented already.
So open the addon settings, locate the "action on say" and "action on zone" setting and change them from "1-display" (the default) to "0-Nothing" and TIM will never show this channels (at the latest after reload because the embedded garbage-collection is executed while entering the world and then hourly)

Also you are right, TIM takes care from ALL messages (regardless if the channels are displayed in "normal" chat or not) as long as you have configured him to do so.
So in example you are in the position to turn off zone messages in chat and nevertheless TIM will collect the messages for you for a later inspection (or never)...

I would see this as a feature.
But feel free to switch off recording /say and /zone channels, and TIM will never take care about the spam there (*grin*)

Should work since initial release.
Give me a hint, if there are problems

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Unread 05/26/14, 10:35 AM  

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Originally Posted by Sternentau
...(at the latest after reload because the embedded garbage-collection is executed while entering the world and then hourly)
ahh thats why nothing changed after I picked that option for some of the channels - I didn't relogged or reloaded the UI. But, thanks for clearing that up.
Last edited by Xcelent : 05/26/14 at 10:39 AM.
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Unread 05/26/14, 11:36 AM  

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I experimented a little with the options and even if I choose "0-Nothing" for some of the channels, they still show up and get collected by TIM. Though they won't get focused if a new message is written in them.

I did a reloadui and a relog but nothing changed.

Could you please look into this?!
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Unread 05/26/14, 12:32 PM  
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Originally Posted by Xcelent
I experimented a little with the options and even if I choose "0-Nothing" for some of the channels, they still show up and get collected by TIM. Though they won't get focused if a new message is written in them.

I did a reloadui and a relog but nothing changed.

Could you please look into this?!
You are right - i missed to apply the appropriate filter.
Just now i have upload the adjusted version 2.1 (beta).

If you now set an option to "0 - Nothing", TIM should stop recording this channel immediately and drop the stored messages next garbage collection (running once a hour) or on relogging/reloading latest.

Thanks for the bugreport!

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Unread 05/26/14, 04:42 PM  

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Error: 2 / 4 Time: 15:36:35 Gametime: 19307.406 Count: 1
Reason: operator < is not supported for number < string
At: tim/tim.lua:504
tim/tim.lua:504: function tim.msgtimestamp
tim/tim.lua:895: function tim.GarbageCleanQueue
tim/tim.lua:938: function tim.GarbageCollection
tim/tim.lua:1308: function tim.Initialize
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Unread 05/26/14, 05:32 PM  
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Originally Posted by KeithVSmith
Error: 2 / 4 Time: 15:36:35 Gametime: 19307.406 Count: 1
Reason: operator < is not supported for number < string
At: tim/tim.lua:504
tim/tim.lua:504: function tim.msgtimestamp
tim/tim.lua:895: function tim.GarbageCleanQueue
tim/tim.lua:938: function tim.GarbageCollection
tim/tim.lua:1308: function tim.Initialize
Hello KeithVSmith,

currently i am not able to catch this error.
Did you use the actual version 2.2b? And is the error persistent and reproduceable?
If yes, please send me your "tim.lua" file located in your "savedvariables" directory using PM

thanks for your help

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