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Updated: 06/27/14 08:33 AM
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Updated:06/27/14 08:33 AM
Created:06/06/14 05:20 PM
Monthly downloads:40
Total downloads:7,595
Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Character Advancement, Chat Mods
SyncMotes + SyncPhrases + EmoteList - Synchronized Emotes + Emotes on Text + Emote on Demand  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.1.3
by: Dero [More]
Description / Beschreibung in Deutsch [DE] and / und English [EN].

Beschreibung [DE]:

SyncMotes ist ein AddOn, welches dich Emotes synchron mit anderen Spielern ausführen lässt.
SyncPhrases ist ein Feature von SyncMotes, wodurch du automatisch Emotes ausführen kannst, wenn du, oder jemand anderes etwas sagt.
EmoteList ist ein Feature von SyncMotes durch das dir eine Liste aller Emotes angezeigt wird, welche du per Mausklick starten kannst.


SyncMotes: Synchronisierte Emotes
  • Selektiere Chats - SyncMotes reagiert nur auf Kommandos in spezifizierten Chats! Beispiel
  • Selektiere Emotes - SyncMotes reagiert nur auf Kommandos wenn diese spezifizierten Emotes entsprechen. Beispiel
  • Ein / Aus - Schalte SyncMotes über das Menü (/sm menu oder Hotkey) ganz einfach ein oder aus. Beispiel
  • HotKey - Setze dir einen HotKey in den ESO-Einstellungen um ganz einfach in das SyncMotes Menü zu kommen. Beispiel
  • CaseSensitivity - Lege fest ob SyncMotes und SyncPhrases auf Groß-/Kleinschreibung überprüft werden sollen. Beispiel

    Spiele mit deiner Gilde, deiner Gruppe, deinem Raid, deiner Umgebung, oder dem ganzen Gebiet zur gleichen Zeit das gleiche Emote ab! Beispiel

SyncPhrases: Emotes auf Stichwörter / Sätze
  • Selektiere Chats - SyncPhrases reagiert nur auf Texte in spezifizierten Chats! Beispiel
  • Selektiere Emotes - SyncPhrases reagiert nur auf Texte wenn diese spezifizierten Emotes entsprechen. Beispiel
  • Zeitverzögerung - Stelle für das Ausführen der Emotes eine Zeitverzögerung ein.
  • Füge SyncPhrases hinzu - Lege dir neue SyncPhrases an und bestimme welches Emote du beim schreiben dieses Textes ausführst und welches Emote du ausführst wenn jemand anderes diesen Text schreibt. Beispiel
  • Ein / Aus - Schalte SyncPhrases über das Menü (/sm menu oder Hotkey) ganz einfach ein oder aus. Beispiel
  • HotKey - Setze dir einen HotKey in den ESO-Einstellungen um ganz einfach in das SyncPhrases Menü zu kommen und SyncPhrases anzulegen, zu editieren, oder zu löschen. Beispiel
  • CaseSensitivity - Lege fest ob SyncMotes und SyncPhrases auf Groß-/Kleinschreibung überprüft werden sollen. Beispiel

    Kombiniere Emotes mit Stichwörtern, oder ganzen Sätzen, so dass diese ausgeführt werden sobald dieser Satz von dir, oder einem anderen Spieler fällt. Beispiel

EmoteList: Emotes mit einem Klick
  • EasyClick - Führe Emotes ganz einfach per Klick auf ein Emote deiner Wahl aus. Beispiel
  • HotKey - Setze dir einen HotKey in den ESO-Einstellungen um ganz einfach in das EmoteList Menü zu kommen. Beispiel

    Habe zu jeder Zeit alle Emotes im Blick und führe diese ganz einfach mit einem Mausklick aus. Beispiel

/sm menu - Öffnet das SyncMotes Menü *
/sm list - Zeigt dir die SyncMotes EmoteList *
/sm on - Schaltet SyncMotes per Chat ein
/sm off - Schaltet SyncMotes per Chat aus
/sm [EMOTE-ID] - Gibt das entsprechende SyncMotes-Kommando im Chat vor. !!(Du musst anschliessend [Enter] drücken)!!
/sm [EMOTENAME] - Gibt das entsprechende SyncMotes-Kommando im Chat vor. !!(Du musst anschliessend [Enter] drücken)!!
/sm add [Phrase] [YourDelay(ms)] [YourEmote-ID] [OthersDelay(ms)] [OthersEmote-ID] - Fügt per Chat eine SyncPhras hinzu
/sm phrase - Zeigt dir das SyncPhrase Menü um SyncPhrases anzulegen, zu ändern oder zu löschen *

*Befehle können per HotKey aufgerufen werden.

SyncMotes: Beispiel
  1. Setze dir falls gewünscht einen HotKey im Elder Scrolls Online Menü um das SyncMotes-Menü zu öffnen.
  2. Öffne das SyncMotes-Menü per HotKey oder per Befehl /sm menu.
  3. Setzte unter SyncMotes Haken bei den gewünschten Chats und Emotes, welche auf SyncMotes-Kommandos reagieren sollen. (Standart alle)
  4. Schließe das Menü durch drücken deines Hotkey, oder des X-Buttons.
  5. Selektiere den Chat in dem du das SyncMotes-Kommando ausgeben willst.
  6. Gib nun im Chat das entsprechende SyncMotes-Kommando per Befehl ein z.B. /sm 4 oder /sm horn
  7. Drücke anschließend zwei mal [Enter] um das SyncMotes Kommando abzuschicken.

SyncPhrases: Beispiel
  1. Setze dir falls gewünscht einen HotKey im Elder Scrolls Online Menü um das SyncMotes-Menü zu öffnen.
  2. Setze dir falls gewünscht einen HotKey im Elder Scrolls Online Menü um das SyncPhrases-Menü zu öffnen.
  3. Öffne das SyncMotes-Menü per HotKey oder per Befehl /sm menu.
  4. Setzte unter SyncPhrases Haken bei den gewünschten Chats und Emotes, welche auf SyncPhrases-Texte reagieren sollen. (Standart alle)
  5. Schließe das Menü durch drücken deines Hotkey, oder des X-Buttons.
  6. Öffne das SyncPhrases-Menü per HotKey oder per Befehl /sm phrase
  7. Gib im SyncPhrase-Menü hinter "Phrase:" ein Wort oder einen Satz ein, auf das SyncPhrase reagieren soll.
  8. Gib nun hinter "YourEmote:" (Emote, welches du machst wenn du den Text sagst) das entsprechende Emote ein z.B. (/horn oder 4 oder horn) 0 oder "none" = keins (Benutze optional die Emoteliste um Emotes einzutragen)
  9. Gib dann hinter "OtherEmote:" (Emote, welches du machst wenn andere den Text sagen) das entsprechende Emote ein z.B. (/horn oder 4 oder horn) 0 oder "none"= keins (Benutze optional die Emoteliste um Emotes einzutragen)
  10. Gib anschließend hinter "YourDelay:" und "OtherDelay:" die Verzögerungszeiten in ms für die Emotes ein.
  11. Klicke anschließend auf den Button "Save Edited / New" um die SyncPhrase abzuspeichern.
  12. Schließe das SyncPhrase Menü durch drücken deines Hotkey, oder des X-Buttons.
  13. Gib nun im Chat die angelegte Phrase ein, oder lasse es einen Freund tun, und du wirst daraufhin das eingestellte Emote ausführen.

EmoteList: Beispiel
  1. Setze dir falls gewünscht einen HotKey im Elder Scrolls Online Menü um die EmoteList zu öffnen.
  2. Öffne die EmoteList per HotKey oder per Befehl /sm list.
  3. Klicke eines der Emotes um es auszuführen.

Keine Sorge! Solltest du gerade auf der Map, deinem Inventar, im Kampf oder sonst irgendwie beschäftigt sein, wird dich SyncMotes bei deinen Aktionen nicht unterbrechen.

Wenn du dieses AddOn magst, dann denke bitte darüber nach zu spenden. Spenden ist kein MUSS! Aber Spenden helfen dabei AddOn-Entwickler am programmieren, und ihre Kinder satt zu halten. - Es ist einfach ein guter Weg zu sagen "Danke, dass du tage um tage damit verbrings für uns AddOn's zu entwickeln."

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Description [EN]:

SyncMotes is an AddIn wich lets you play Emotes synchron with other Player.
SyncPhrases is a Feature of SyncMotes wich lets you play Emotes if you or someone else says something.
EmoteList is a Feature of SyncMotes wich shows you a list of all Emotes, drom where you can play them just by clicking on them.


SyncMotes: Synchronised Emotes
  • Select Chats - SyncMotes only responds to Commands in specified Chats! Example
  • Select Emotes - SyncMotes only responds to Commands if they match specified Emotes. Example
  • On / Off - Switch SyncMotes in the Menu (/sm menu or Hotkey) easily on or off. Example
  • HotKey - Set up a HotKey in the ESO-Settings to easily open the SyncMotes Menu. Example
  • CaseSensitivity - Set if SyncMotes and SyncPhrases should Check for Case-Sensitivity. Example

    Play with your Guild, your Group, your Raid, your Environment, or the whole Area the same Emote at the same time. Example

SyncPhrases: Emotes at Keywords or Phrases
  • Select Chats - SyncPhrases only responds to Commands in specified Chats! Example
  • Select Emotes - SyncPhrases only responds to Commands if they match specified Emotes. Example
  • Delay - Set up a Delay after the Emote gets executed.
  • Add SyncPhrases - Set up new SyncPhrases and determine wich Emote should be played if you say the Phrase and wich Emote should be played if someone else says that Phrase. Example
  • On / Off - Switch SyncMotes in the Menu (/sm menu or Hotkey) easily on or off. Example
  • HotKey - Set up a HotKey in the ESO-Settings to easily open the SyncMotes Menu. Example
  • CaseSensitivity - Set if SyncMotes and SyncPhrases should Check for Case-Sensitivity. Example

    Combine Emotes with Keywords or Sentences, so that they get executed when someone says that Keyword or Sentence. Example

EmoteList: Emotes with one Click
  • EasyClick - Execute Emotes just by clicking the Emote of your choice. Example
  • HotKey - Set up a HotKey in the ESO-Settings to easily open the SyncMotes Menu. Example

    Have all Emotes at all time in view and execute them easily with one click. Example

/sm menu - Opens the SyncMotes Menu *
/sm list - Shows the SyncMotes EmoteList*
/sm on - Activate SyncMotes via Chat
/sm off - Deactivate SyncMotes via Chat
/sm [EMOTE-ID] - Enters the SyncMotes command line into Chat !!(You have to press [Enter] afterwards)!!
/sm [EMOTENAME] - Enters the SyncMotes command line into Chat !!(You have to press [Enter] afterwards)!!
/sm add [Phrase] [YourDelay(ms)] [YourEmote-ID] [OthersDelay(ms)] [OthersEmote-ID] - Adds a new SyncPhrase by Chat
/sm phrase - Shows the SyncPhrase Menu to add, edit, or delte SyncPhrases*

*This Commands can be executed by HotKey

SyncMotes: Example
  1. If you wish, set up a HotKey in the Elder Scrolls Online Menu to open the SyncMotes-Menu.
  2. Open the SyncMotes-Menu by pressing the HotKey or by /sm menu command.
  3. Check all Boxes at SyncMotes for wanted Chats and Emotes, wich SyncMotes-Commands should respond to. (Standard all)
  4. Close the Menu by pressing the Hotkey, or the X-Button.
  5. Select the Chat in wich you want to execute the SyncMotes-Command.
  6. Enter the wanted SyncMotes-Command by Command e.g. /sm 4 or /sm horn
  7. Now press [Enter] two times to execute the SyncMotes Command.

SyncPhrases: Example
  1. If you wish, set up a HotKey in the Elder Scrolls Online Menu to open the SyncMotes-Menu.
  2. If you wish, set up a HotKey in the Elder Scrolls Online Menu to open the SyncPhrases-Menu.
  3. Open the SyncMotes-Menu by HotKey or by Comannd /sm menu.
  4. Check all Boxes at SyncPhrases for wanted Chats und Emotes, at wich SyncPhrases-Texts should respond to. (Standard all)
  5. Close the Menu by pressing the Hotkey, or the X-Button.
  6. Open the SyncPhrases-Menu by HotKey or by Command /sm phrase
  7. Enter your wanted Keyword or Sentence in SyncPhrase-Menu behind "Phrase:" at wich SyncPhrase should respond to.
  8. Now Enter the wanted Emote behind "YourEmote:" (Emote, you execute after you say the Phrase) e.g. (/horn or 4 or horn) 0 or "none" = no Emote (optional use the EmoteList to Enter the Emote)
  9. Now Enter the wanted Emote behind "OtherEmote:" (Emote, you execute after others say the Phrase) e.g. (/horn or 4 or horn) 0 or "none" = no Emote (optional use the EmoteList to Enter the Emote)
  10. Then Enter the wanted Delay in ms for the Emotes behind "YourDelay:" and "OtherDelay:".
  11. Now Click the Button "Save Edited / New" to save the new SyncPhrase.
  12. Close the Menu by pressing the Hotkey, or the X-Button.
  13. Now Enter the new created Phrase into Chat, or let a friend of yours do so. You will execute the Emote you set up for this Phrase.

EmoteList: Example
  1. If you wish, set up a HotKey in the Elder Scrolls Online Menu to open the EmoteList.
  2. Open the EmoteList by HotKey or by Command /sm list.
  3. Click at one of the Emotes in the List to Execute it.

Dont worry! If you are currently busy with your Map, your Inventory, in Combat or something else, SyncMotes will not interrupt your current Action.

If you like this Addon please consider Donating. Donating is not a MUST! But Donating helps to keep the AddOn Developers programming and feeds their Children. - It's just a good way to say "Thank you for spending days and days to develop AddOn's for us."

Click here to Donate ->
Version 1.0.1 - Released 04.06.14
Base Version with basic features - tested as far as i could

Version 1.0.2 - Released 06.06.14
Fixed a Bug where Skill sometimes became unavaidable if you open/close the menu

Version 1.0.3 - Released 08.06.14
Fixed a few typos
Fixed a Nil error

Version 1.0.4 - Devbuild
Added a feature to test SyncPhrases

Version 1.0.5 - Devbuild
Added the SyncPhrases EmotesMenu

Version 1.0.6 - Devbuild
Added the SyncPhrases ChatsMenu
Added the ChatCheck for SyncPhrases

Version 1.0.7 - Devbuild
Added the on/off Settings for SyncPhrases
Added the /sm add command

Version 1.0.8 - Devbuild for Betatests
Added some Info text
Fixed some Typos
Some code changes for faster checks
Finished the /sm add command with check of correct syntax

Version 1.0.9 - Devbuild for Betatests
Added the PhraseMenu and the Option to bind a Hotkey for it.
renamed /sm phraselist to /sm phrase
Added the function to Create new Phrases in the Phrasemenu.
Some approvements on the Check of correct syntax for /sm add
Added the function to Scroll through Phrases to view, delete or edit them

Version 1.1.0 - Devbuild for Betatests
Added the Case-Sensitivity Check and an option to activate/deactivate it (standard off)
Realligned Settings Menu
Added a description for Settings
Added On / Off state for SM SP and CS in the SyncMotesMenu Header
Little Tweaks of the Code
A Few new Icons for Settings

Version 1.1.1 - Devbuild for Betatests
Added the function of the Editbutton
Tweaks of Code
Added the option to enter Emotenames instead of Emotenumbers to SyncPhrases in /sm add command and SyncPhrase config
Added the Delete-function to the Button
Removed the /sm del command because there is no real use for it

Version 1.1.2 - Released 17.06.2014
Added an Emotelist (You can fire Emotes from here) - You can set a Hotkey for this list
Some Tweaks of the UIMode changes, because it often bugged
Added a Hotkey for the Emotelist
Fixed an error that occured if you want to save a syncphrase with empty inputboxes while you have no SyncPhrases
Added the Emotelist to SyncPhrases with additional Buttons to take over emotes to Inputboxes
Recoloring of some texts
Added EmoteCheck (Only play selected Emotes) on SyncPhrases
Renamed Setting "listen to this Emotes" to "play this Emotes"

Version 1.1.3 - Released 27.06.2014
Updated to the latest ESO API.
Edited the Infotext when creating a new SyncPhrase to make the no Emote option clearer.

== TODO == TODO == TODO == TODO == TODO == TODO == TODO == TODO ==
- Import function to Import a List of SyncPhrases
- A Black and/or Whitelist for senders
- Cycle through Editboxes with TAB
- EmoteList Settings to always show and save position
- Realigning of SyncPhrases Menu to make Emotenames fit in inputboxes
- a little Recoloring

- ignore punctuation in Phrases? . , ? ! -
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Unread 07/31/20, 11:34 PM  
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This addon has been re-written/replaced!

My guild was using the slightly newer version of this addon for a while - it was a lot of fun, but did some strange things. (Everyone would spit before doing the emote. HUH?! and then there was a pause between.)

We looked at the code and tried to improve it (got rid of the spitting, anyway). But found it to be huge and complicated. So my friend re-wrote it from scratch. The new one is so much easier to use, doesn't spit, and includes mementos!

So here it is: Reveries: Emotes and Mementos Enjoy.
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Unread 07/12/14, 03:47 AM  

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Originally Posted by Cavanoskus
Can this be used to replace AutoEmote so you can automatically perform the different talking emotes whenever you say anything in /say, /yell, or group?
From what i have seen not quite. It can store words only to associated emotes. Or whole sentences but if they change then the emote won't play.

example. If i make an emote with Hello in the /say channel and have the emote /greet play.
This will only work if I just say Hello. Any other variations and it will not play the emote. Where as Auto Emote would play the emote if the word "hello" is found within in any sentence.

So in the example above, if I said "Hello how are you today Sam?" the emote wouldn't play with syncemote but in Auto Emote it would.

I prefer auto emote over this one due to the variables it allows with the sentences that can be written with certain keywords, I picked this add on up hoping it would do the same job but at present it doesn't and it seems the author for auto emote has abandoned the add on he was making. And that is a shame because it suffers from the escape button bug.

Not bashing this mod as it looks very well written and thought out, its just not what I was looking for.
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Unread 07/10/14, 03:57 PM  
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Can this be used to replace AutoEmote so you can automatically perform the different talking emotes whenever you say anything in /say, /yell, or group?
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Unread 06/13/14, 08:42 AM  
Dero's Avatar
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Ok, I misunderstood. This mod uses channels to coordinate emotes being used at the same time. Everyone who has the mod installed can send a command which triggers an emote to be sent to everyone who has access to that channel.

What I mentioned in the quote above- is it possible to have a mod which parses the text, and on a custom phrase (that you set) have the mod execute an emote?

If this is possible, I would like to donate funds to the development of it.
I think i managed to create what you wanted. (in an early form)

You can now set an Emote wich should play when you say something.
For example:
You say: "Hi" (this is the synphrase)
This triggers for you an Emote: e.g. /hello (in optional x milliseconds)
(optional) This triggers for everyone who hears that and has the same synphrases an Emote: e.g. /shh (in optional x milliseconds)

But there is still some stuff to do until i can publish it.
- create different Settings (Roleplaymode)
- create chatsetting (Roleplaymode)
- create emotesetting (Roleplaymode)
- create a /sm command to enter new synphrases
- create a /sm command to delete synphrases
- create a /sm command to list existing synphrases

Would be nice if you got some time for testing. My ingame name (ESO EU) is Dero or @Deryl
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Unread 06/10/14, 01:42 PM  

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Originally Posted by t3l01v
If I understand correctly, this mod listens to specified channels, and when the trigger text appears in that channel, the attached emote is executed with it?
Ok, I misunderstood. This mod uses channels to coordinate emotes being used at the same time. Everyone who has the mod installed can send a command which triggers an emote to be sent to everyone who has access to that channel.

What I mentioned in the quote above- is it possible to have a mod which parses the text, and on a custom phrase (that you set) have the mod execute an emote?

If this is possible, I would like to donate funds to the development of it.
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Unread 06/10/14, 01:13 PM  

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This is a _FANTASTIC_ idea! I'm the head of a very active roleplay guild. If I understand correctly, this mod listens to specified channels, and when the trigger text appears in that channel, the attached emote is executed with it? I haven't tried it yet, but my mind is spinning with the possibilities.

Can you give me instructions on how to edit the default settings of this addon?

Our guild keeps a package of addons with custom settings configured for them. When we have a new member, they download our addon package and install them, and they get our custom settings.

For example, I would like to configure the addon to only read the /yell and /say channels, and when a certain phrase is spoken (such as "I condemn thee!") everyone who has the addon installed would automatically trigger the /playdead emote.

This is going to be a HUGE addon for us. I'm so excited, and SO grateful for your work.
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Unread 06/08/14, 05:51 PM  
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Very interesting concept. I look forward to a dance party.
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Unread 06/07/14, 03:46 PM  

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Richtig gutes Addon / Realy good Addon.

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Unread 06/07/14, 12:56 AM  
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This could be fun, but I dont know anyone who are into this kind of thing
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Unread 06/06/14, 06:19 PM  

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