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Updated: 05/01/14 12:16 PM
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Updated:05/01/14 12:16 PM
Created:03/15/14 10:15 PM
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Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Auction House & Vendors
ins:JunkYard  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.0a1
by: ins, YelloDello
by: instant

insJunkyard is an addon that can automatically sell _EVERY_
item you have marked as "Junk" whenever you visit a STORE.

It can automatically mark ANY item you have added to a stored list
as junk, and will remember this for your next game session.

It can auto mark TRASH items as Junk, so you do not have to do that
every time you loot a junk item.

You can be told which items are sold, the quantity, and the sum value
of said item as they are sold.

When you exit the store, you can be told the number of items sold and
the total sum gained.

When you loot an item you can get a message in chat with what you
looted as a clickable link.

It also has an option to let you know what your party members looted.

You can be informed when your inventory size is getting dangeorusly low.

It can also automatically mark as junk any item with the "Ornate" trait.
I.e. items with "This item will sell for %". So you can easily sell these.

It can semi-automatically destroy items that are in your junk bag,
on the junkyard list and are worth 0 gold.

To use JunkYard just as a Loot Info Addon you can do the following:

/junkyard set loot (to true)
/junkyard set party (to true)
/junkyard set junkyard (to false)
/junkyard set warn 0 (disabled inventory warnings)
/junkyard set autosell (Disables autoselling)

This will set the addon to display messages for all your loot
and for any loot your party members get. It will disable the
autoselling of junk items, the automarking of junk items and
the auto-warnings on low inventory space.

Type /junkyard to see a list of commands.
Type "/junkyard setup" or "/jy setup" for a GUI Option Screen.

Toggle between GLOBAL Configuration options and CHAR Specific:
* /junkyard set global

Toggle between GLOBAL or PER-CHARACTER "Junk" Profile.
(This is the list of all items that are regarded as junk)
* /junkyard set globaljunk

Toggle to have a startup message or not.
* /junkyard set welcome

Current working ITEMLIST commands:
* List all inventory items (/junkyard list all)
* List all junk items in inventory (/junkyard list junk)
* List all items of a set quality (0-5) (/junkyard list q 0-5)

* See a listing of all settings (/junkyard set)

Current Settings:
(at vendors)
* Feedback per item sold (/junkyard set salespam)
* Summary of sales on store exit (/junkyard set vendor)
* Autoselling JUNK items when at vendor (/Junkyard set autosell)

(when looting)
* Loot messages in chat (/junkyard set loot)
* Loot messages from party members (/junkyard set party)
* Inventory Size Warning (/junkyard set warn) Toggle to warn when you have 5 slots or less free
(This is also when AutoDestroy would kick in)

* Autodestroy JUNK items that are worthless when low on inventory (/junkyard set destroy) !! WARNING !!
For an item to be destroyed it
a. Must be in the JUNK bag
b. Must be worth 0
c. Must be on the MARK list and match EXACTLY the MARK link.
And the mouse cursor must be 'clear'

(junk related)
* Notification each time an item is added to junk (/junkyard set junkspam)
* Automark TRASH items as junk (/junkyard set junkyard)
* Automark "Vendor Sell %" trait items as Junk (/junkyard set trait)
** With /junkyard set trait #0-5 as an optional number you can set a limit to which items will be put in JUNK based
on their item quality in addition to having the "Will sell to vendor for %xx more" trait. Any other number disables
the quality check.

0 - Worn/Trash (Gray)
1 - Normal (White)
2 - Fine (Green)
3 - Superior (Blue)
4 - Epic (Purple)
5 - Legendary (Gold)

Special AutoMarking Options are:
/junkyard add all - This option will add all items from your CURRENT Junk Inventory to Autojunk.
/junkyard add # - Where # is the ID you see when typing LIST or LIST JUNK options
/junkyard remove # - Where # is the ID you see when typing LIST/List Junk option.
/junkyard list mark - Lists the items on the saved AutoJunk list and their autojunk setting.
/junkyard delmark # - Remove a marked item from the MARK List.
/junkyard dm # (Same as above)

Note; You will have to ADD items to the MARK list from LIST/LIST JUNK for them
to be saved. Autojunk must be enabled for the auto-junking to work.

* Prettier output / Reduce spam.
* Translations
* Help
* Less bugs and "hacky"
* Rewrite when I have the time

* See file "Change.log"


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
v1.0a1	- 2014-05-01
* Option to have the junkmark list global or per character (/jy set globaljunk)
* Option to delete everything on the mark list. (/jy delmark all)
* "dm" as an option instead of typing "delmark"

* (More) input validation on /jy delmark
* Fixed the listbox selection for quality levels
* Small bug with party loot output.

 0.9999 2014-04-28 
 [BugFix:] (I hope).
 Some problems with all the settings being reset and either set to all TRUE or all FALSE. 
 I hopefully fixed it. 

 0.999 2014-04-27 
 +Not yet a full rewrite, but I did spend two days getting a setup screen working without using LibAddonMenu
 as I didn't want the list to grow any larger.  Type '/junkyard setup' to use it.
 + Autodestrction of 0 value, marked and junked items when low inventory
   "/junkyard set destroy"
 + GLOBAL or Character-specific settings. (Yes, this will destroy your savedvariables).
   "/junkyard set global" to toggle it.
   Remember to RELOAD THE UI _AND_ confirm your settings after using this option.
 + Added a itemstrip function to get a lot of itemdata. This will be used in a future update that will
 destroy your JUNK list but also make it more 'flexible'. 

 + Toggle to see the welcome message on addon loading or not.
   /junkyard set welcome

 * Changed some of the "/jy list" listings to include more information about the items, such as
 the trait, value and type of item. Did you know there are two types of Disguises for example.

 0.99  2014-04-22
 +Apparently using global variables and function names is not a good idea, as this addon and other unnamed
 addons also using global variables ran into a bit of a fight.

 +Redid everything to local, then had to swap things around as they were refering to functions that didn't exist yet. 
 What came first, the function or the call? Well, with Globals it doesn't matter, with locals it does.

 0.98  [NEW] With "/junkyard set auto" option enabled, any time you add an item to JUNK through the UI, it will 
       automatically be added to the Junkyard list, so it will be remembered for other gaming sessions.
       This also works the other way, so if you remove something from 'junk' it will also be removed from the MARK list.
       [NEW] Added a option to /Junkyard set trait #0-5<- which identifies the item quality the trait must be equal to or 
       below for it to be auto-added to the junk list.
       [NEW] Shortcut /jy added in addition to /junkyard -- save you all that typing. :)
       [CHANGE] If an item is "TRASH" item, and is autojunked, it will not be added to the MARK list, since the 
       whole purpose of the addon as for these items to be Junked to begin with. (Should make the MARK list shorter)
          + Need to change how this works in v2.x 
       I really should get an option menu for this soon..

 0.97  [CHANGE] Had to redo the saved-variables as I suspect another addon used the same name which might have caused problems.
       [CHANGE] Changed the way inventory size warnings work. 

 0.96  [NEW] Toggle for messages when items are added to junk (/junkyard set junkspam)
 			 [NEW] Now shows 'stack count' for stackable items (those that go to 100) when looted.
 			        Note: Might bug if you have multiple stacks of 100. 
       [CHANGE] Toggle for item sale feedback moved to (/junkyard set salespam)      
       [CHANGE] Items added to junk list are now "Links" instead of "Names". Hopefully this means
       that "Cake"(gray) and "Cake"(white) are no longer mistaken for the same "cake". 
       We all know Pie is better anyway. Blueberry pie. 
       [CHANGE] Savedvariables has changed, so all settings had to be reset.
       (I added a few extra "backup settings" so maybe I wont have to reset this again as I can reuse them)

 0.95  [NEW] Toggle automarking items with "Sell to vendor for % more" as junk (/junkyard set trait)
       [NEW] Added (/junkyard help) for help text. (Currently it only tells you to read this
       [CHANGE] Savedvariable setup. After this you'll only need to redo your settings when there are options added.
       [CHANGE] (/junkyard set) will now show all the settings available (and the current value)
       (moved it out from the default /junkyard command list to reduce spam.)

 0.94  [NEW] Autojunk will now also add items with the trait
       "This item will sell to vendors for 125%" etc. to the junk. 
       (This option may not add every item with these traits, please send
       a bug report when it does so I can troubleshoot it. )

 0.92  [BUGFIX] Pesky bug. Had a slight error that caused the mark list fail
       on anything but the first entry.

 0.91  [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug with the saving of the marked list :-(
       [ADDED] A listing option to see items of a particular quality 
        /junkyard list q #
              0  = trash
              1  = normal
              2  = magical
              3  = superior
              4  = epic
              5  = legendary          

 0.9   [NEW] Added option "/junkyard add all" to add ALL ITEMS you currently have
       in your junk inventory to the autojunk list.
 0.85- [NEW] Save a list of items to be marked as junk
       [NEW] Add items to list of items to be marked as junk
       [NEW] Remove items from auto+junk list. (TRASH items will be marked regardless)
       [CHANGE] Modified the LIST and LIST ALL output to include Item Quality and ID.
       [CHANGE] Inventory Size warnings set on a 40 second timer. Hopefully.

 0.7 - [NEW] Configure Autosell ON/OFF
       [NEW] Configure Inventory size warning (0 disables). 
       [CHANGE] Some output changes

 0.6c- [BUGFIX] Renamed Readme.txt to Read.ME as the game thinks all TXT 
       files are addons.

 0.6b- [BUGFIX] Local Colours are bad, Globals are bad too - Seems like there
       is no such thing as magic. (: 
       Easter egg bug found by ESOUI@Graywind! Thanks.
 0.6 - [NEW]More configuration options
       * Automark TRASH as Junk (/junkyard set junkyard)
       * Vendor feedbar per item (/junkyard set spam)
       * Vendor summary on store exit (/junkyard set vendor)
       * Loot messages in chat (/junkyard set loot)
       * Loot messages from party members (/junkyard set party)
       [CHANGE]Internal code for handling input events
       [CHANGE]Did some things with the output to make it more magic

 0.5 - [NEW]Automark TRASH ITEMS as JUNK. (/wave to ESOUI@Ayuki & ESOUI@Garkin)

 0.4 - [NEW]Toggle chat spam on/off
       * [BONUS FEATURE] Save the setting! 
       [NEW]List all inventory items
       [NEW]List all JUNK items in inventory     

 0.2 - Bugfix: Clear the junk history on vendor exit.
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Unread 03/16/14, 04:47 AM  
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I've noticed while playing items that you mark as Junk arn't remembered for the next time u pick up your an item. So if it is possible for you to add an option to remember stuff u have marked as junk for the next time you Visit a vendor.
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Unread 03/16/14, 03:39 PM  
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Good suggestion.

I know there are a lot of items that show up as "you should sell this to a vendor for gold", so it would be nice if these could automatically be added as junk or at least sold whenever you visit a vendor without requiring any user interaction (Surely you do not want to keep them).

Unfortunately as beta weekend ends now, I wont have time to look into this until release -- and I will hopefully have some time to fix this, as opposed to grinding my way to 50/Emperor
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Unread 03/30/14, 07:04 PM  
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Now that the game is Live I'm working on an update that will remember all items you mark as junk and auto-tag the items as junk if you loot them again.

No ETA yet, but hopefully this week. Need to figure out how to save/load user configuration etc. Would also want to add some safeguards to the marking of junk items, which would also have to be configurable. Even though you will be able to buy them back from the vendor.

Also planning to add a function that lets you auto-destruct a junk item if your inventory is full; but need to be a bit careful with this one. The game has a function to destroy all junk items. But obviously, you'd rather want to keep a few of them to get those extra 36 gold coins
Last edited by ins : 03/30/14 at 07:07 PM.
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Unread 03/31/14, 01:07 AM  
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Thanks for continuing to work on the add-on. I'd personally appreciate being able to turn off the chat log display of everything sold.
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Unread 03/31/14, 05:06 AM  
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Originally Posted by ins
Now that the game is Live I'm working on an update that will remember all items you mark as junk and auto-tag the items as junk if you loot them again.
Aha, I was just about to ask if you could add functionality to be able to add items to always junk.

Nice one!
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Unread 03/31/14, 09:28 AM  
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Originally Posted by mrmoneda
Thanks for continuing to work on the add-on. I'd personally appreciate being able to turn off the chat log display of everything sold.
Working on it right now.

Edit: Done.
Last edited by ins : 03/31/14 at 11:41 AM.
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Unread 04/01/14, 11:03 AM  

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Originally Posted by ins
Originally Posted by mrmoneda
Thanks for continuing to work on the add-on. I'd personally appreciate being able to turn off the chat log display of everything sold.
Working on it right now.

Edit: Done.
Can you add a function to just show the count of sold items and the whole money you got ?
I had to change the file like this:

function insJY.sell(...)
id, itemname, itemqty, itemcash = ...
--if insJY.SV.spam == true then
-- d("|cFFFFFF Sold : |cFFFF00" .. itemname .. "|cFFFFFF for |cFFFF00" .. itemcash .. "|cFFFFFF Gold")
totalqty = totalqty + itemqty
value = value + itemcash

When you added this functionality and a safe-junk-marked this will be the most important addon for me as the guild's head cook
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Unread 04/01/14, 03:59 PM  
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Originally Posted by sirrother
Originally Posted by ins
Originally Posted by mrmoneda
Thanks for continuing to work on the add-on. I'd personally appreciate being able to turn off the chat log display of everything sold.
Working on it right now.

Edit: Done.
Can you add a function to just show the count of sold items and the whole money you got ?
I had to change the file like this:

function insJY.sell(...)
id, itemname, itemqty, itemcash = ...
--if insJY.SV.spam == true then
-- d("|cFFFFFF Sold : |cFFFF00" .. itemname .. "|cFFFFFF for |cFFFF00" .. itemcash .. "|cFFFFFF Gold")
totalqty = totalqty + itemqty
value = value + itemcash

When you added this functionality and a safe-junk-marked this will be the most important addon for me as the guild's head cook

Having issues with inventory myself (Also a provisioner - when I have time to play).

I'll see what I can do about this. I hopefully have a chance to look into it tomorrow. I'll make it a toggle option for "Per Item/Sum Total" output.

Was busy with another addon today and figured out some new stuff I can bring back into JunkYard
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Unread 04/02/14, 09:52 AM  

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Trash loot as junk automatically

To make this addon add trash items as junk automatically just do this ..
file to edit: insjunkyard.lua

EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("insJY",EVENT_SELL_RECEIPT, insJY.sell)
and below that add:
Then find:
function insJY.saveJunk()
	d("One day, all your junk will be remembered. Today it wont because the game has a simple 32-bit memory...")
and add this below it:
function insJY.OnInventorySlotUpdate (eventCode,bagId,slotId,isNewItem,itemSoundCategory,updateReason)
    if bagId == BAG_BACKPACK and isNewItem then
        if GetItemType(bagId, slotId) == ITEMTYPE_TRASH then
            SetItemIsJunk(bagId, slotId, true)
and your done GZ
Credits goes to Garkin Creator of Dustman
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Unread 04/02/14, 12:18 PM  
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Re: Trash loot as junk automatically

Originally Posted by Ayuki
To make this addon add trash items as junk automatically just do this ..
file to edit: insjunkyard.lua

EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("insJY",EVENT_SELL_RECEIPT, insJY.sell)
and below that add:
Then find:
function insJY.saveJunk()
	d("One day, all your junk will be remembered. Today it wont because the game has a simple 32-bit memory...")
and add this below it:
function insJY.OnInventorySlotUpdate (eventCode,bagId,slotId,isNewItem,itemSoundCategory,updateReason)
    if bagId == BAG_BACKPACK and isNewItem then
        if GetItemType(bagId, slotId) == ITEMTYPE_TRASH then
            SetItemIsJunk(bagId, slotId, true)
and your done GZ
Credits goes to Garkin Creator of Dustman
Cheers, should have an update up shortly. Didn't have time for adding this yesterday unfortunately. My character is still level 13 as I have no time to play and do other stuff

Edit: 0.5 updated with automark of trash items. Had some spare time after server kicked me off and guild chat disappeared
Last edited by ins : 04/02/14 at 01:04 PM.
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Unread 04/02/14, 01:28 PM  
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0.6 will be up later tonight with some extra filter options.

Edit: Uploaded.

Note; I didn't get to test it fully as the server was shut down for primetime EU maintenance.
But it should work as intended.
Last edited by ins : 04/02/14 at 03:42 PM.
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Unread 04/02/14, 03:52 PM  
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Nice, Will it also inform me about low bag space like the UI2 mod? I woud like to replace UI2 with this to use the "Automarking of TRASH items as junk" ;D
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Unread 04/02/14, 03:56 PM  
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Originally Posted by Tonyleila
Nice, Will it also inform me about low bag space like the UI2 mod? I woud like to replace UI2 with this to use the "Automarking of TRASH items as junk" ;D
Good suggestion.

It will once I update the next version. Currently it will only report the bag size when you do a
/junkyard list or /Junkyard list all

But I suppose there is nothing to stop it from giving you a message as you get close to a limit.
Perhaps it can even be configured by yourself, i.e "warn in 5", "warn in 2" or w.e.
Last edited by ins : 04/02/14 at 03:57 PM.
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Unread 04/02/14, 06:24 PM  
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Unread 04/02/14, 06:26 PM  
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Originally Posted by Tonyleila
Thanks for the heads up. 0.6c has renamed text file.
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