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Updated: 06/17/18 05:28 AM
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Summerset (4.0)
Updated:06/17/18 05:28 AM
Created:08/01/14 04:20 PM
Monthly downloads:297
Total downloads:132,913
Quick Enchanter  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 0.45.0
by: Criscal [More]
New: MasterMerchant information (optional), so you can see the price of the glyph to be created
New: Enchanter Writ Button, optionally include glyphs even if you currently lack runes, right-click menus for creation/information - try it out

Summary:Full information on glyphs and their runes available at the station AND on the road! Quick selection by desired glyph type, level and quality and one-click creation. Batch extraction available for inventory and/or bank. Localization in German and French available. Feature rich - check it out, if you haven't and check again if you haven't used it in a long time - a lot of features have been added continuously.
Zusammenfassung:Volle Information über Glyphen und ihre Runen am Handwerkstisch UND unterwegs. Schnelle Auswahl des gewünschten Ergebnisses anhand Typ, Stufe und Qualität.Verwertung von Glyphen in der Bank und/oder Inventar in einem Rutsch. Reich an Featuren - probier es aus, auch wenn Du es in der Vergangenheit schon einmal probiert hast. Es hat viele Updates in der vergangenen Zeit gegeben.
Résumé: Créer et détruisez les glyphes rapidement. Sélectionner un glyphe sur la liste ordonée et cliquer pour placer les runes sur l'établis d'enchantement - prêt à fabriquer. Scannez partout le matériel qui vous permet de fabriquer des glyphes.

  • shows everywhere a list of glyphs that can crafted on a station with the material you have
    • list is sorted by level, quality and name
    • shows how many glyphs of each type can be created
    • buttons for filtering by quality, glyph type (armor, jewelry, weapon, unknown) and level, level can be quickly selected for your character with one dedicated button
    • iterate the list quickly either by up/down arrows or slider
    • width, height and line-height can be modified in the settings
    • Optionally, the last position of the window can be automatically saved
    • works with MultiCraft
  • shows tooltips for resulting glyphs
  • click on glyph symbol to get the runes placed on the crafting table, ready for glyph creation - optionally click to create at crafting stations (note&pen symbol for activating that feature)
  • fast access
    • automatically opens and closes with opening the crafting station
    • click on enchanter symbol on chat window
    • at your fingertip with a key-binding
    • /qep command for changing settings
  • allows mass destruction of glyphs
    • either bag, backpack or both
    • respecting FCO Item Saver - use option "FCO Item Saver Mark" if you want the lock sign set on a glyph be enough to protect it. Default is that you have to filter the glyphs out (green lock symbol on extraction panel).
    • respecting Item Saver
    • With safety catch, that can be disabled in the options
  • allows linking of glyph information in chat
  • allows marking of glyphs (click on the check-mark to the right of a glyph - faintly visible when deactivated)
    • runes for marked glyphs are marked with a green enchanter pin in inventory - with the exception of aspect runes that only influence the quality
    • runes for marked glyphs have this information in the tooltip as well
    • settings option for giving marked glyphs a higher sorting priority
  • Localization for English, German and French (thanks to svan)
  • Add MasterMerchant information tooltip (optional)

  • zeigt überall alle Glyphen an, die du mit dem vorhandenen Material herstellen kannst
    • Liste ist nach Level, Typ und Qualität sortiert
    • Zeigt an, wieviele Glyphen hergestellt werden können
    • Knöpfe zum Filtern nach Qualität, Typ (Waffe, Rüstung, Schmuck, Unbekannt) und Level
    • Gehe schnell durch die Liste - entweder über die Pfeile oder den Schieberegler
    • Die Zeilenhöhe, bzw. die Breite und Höhe des Fensters kann über die Einstellungen angepasst werden.
    • Die letzte Position des Fensters kann optional automatisch gespeichert werden.
    • arbeitet mit MultiCraft zusammen
  • Tooltips für Glyphen
  • Per Klick kannst Du die Runen auf den Tisch legen - schnell. Noch schneller bei Einschalten des Click to Create (Notiz mit Schreibfeder Symbol)
  • Schneller Zugriff:
    • öffnet und schließt sich automatisch mit dem Benutzen/Verlassen der Handwerksstation
    • Über Kristall Symbol auf dem Chat-Fenster
    • über eine frei definierbaren Taste
    • /qep Befehl für schnellen Zugriff auf die Einstellungen
  • Glyphen können massenweise am Stück vernichtet werden
    • entweder nur Inventar, nur Bank oder beides zusammen
    • Item Saver wird berücksichtigt
    • FCO Item Saver - Benutzer Option "FCO Item Saver Mark", wenn ein gesetztes Schloss ausreichender Schutz sein soll. Ansonsten müssen die zu schützenden Glyphen mit dem Schloss aus dem Verwertungsbogen gefiltert werden.
    • Sicherheitsabfrage (kann in den Optionen abgestellt werden)
  • Glypheninformation kann per Click im Chat verlinkt werden (Sprechblasensymbol)
  • Glyphen können markiert werden - Häkchen rechts neben dem Glyph bzw. den Bereich dort anklicken.
    • Mächtigkeits- und Essenzrunen bekommen in dem Fall einen grünen Kristall als Markierung und der Tooltip bekommt eine entsprechende Bemerkung
    • Option vorhanden, mit der markierte Glyphen nach oben sortiert werden können
  • MasterMerchant Informationen im Tooltip optional anzeigbar
  • Einstellungen auf Deutsch vorhanden.

  • Afficher une liste des tous les glyphes fabriquables sur l'établis d'enchantement avec le matériel que vous avez
    • la liste est organisée par niveau, qualité et nom
    • Afficher combien de glyphes de chaque type peuvent-être fabriqués
    • Boutons pour filtrer par qualité et type de glyphes (Armure, bijou, Arme, Inconnu)
    • Naviguer dans la liste rapidement soit en utilisant les flêches haut/bas ou la barette coulissante.
    • MultiCraft compatible
  • Afficher les info-bulles pour les glyphes réalisablent
  • Cliquer sur un symbole de glyphe pour placer les runes sur l'établis d'enchantement, prêt pour la création de glyphes - facultativement cliquer pour créer à l'établis (symbole note/crayon pour activer cette fonction)
  • Accès rapide
    • S'ouvre et se ferme automatiquement lors de l'intéraction à l'établis d'enchantement
    • Cliquer sur le symbole d'enchantement sur la fenêtre de discussion
    • Pour votre préférence un raccourcis clavier
    • /qep commande pour changer les paramètres
  • Permet de créer des liens d'information de glyphes dans la fenêtre de discussion
  • Permet de marquer des glyphes (Cliquer sur la marque d'activation à droite du glyphe - faiblement visible lorsque qu'elle est désactivée)
    • les runes pour les glyphes marqués ont un indicateur vert dans l'inventaire - à l'exception des runes d'aspect qui n'influencent que sur la qualité
    • les runes pour les glyphes marqués ont aussi cette information dans l'info-bulle
    • Option de réglage pour que les glyphes marqués est une haute priorité dans le classement
    • MasterMerchant information optional
    • merci svan pour le traduction


this add-on is pretty fresh. Let me know, which additions you would like next and please notify me about any bugs you find - Thanks! It's appreciated. I still have a lot of stuff planned


P.S.: Please note my other add-on Criscal's Enchantability Display

Known Issues:
  • None at this moment.
0.45.0 - 17.06.2018
- fix for current API - thanks to votan!
0.44.0 - 20.08.2017
- fix UI for general use
0.43.1 - 03.08.2016
- fix version
0.43.0 - 13.06.2016
- fix for crafting bags
0.42.4 - 07.03.2015
- API version change
0.42.3 - 03.11.2015
- API version change
0.42.2 - 06.09.2015
- some bug catching
0.42.1 - 05.09.2015
- some bug catching
0.42.0 - 03.09.2015
- new potency runes
- up to level v16
- fixed some graphics and made them higher resolution
0.41.2 - 01.09.2015
- API version
0.41.1 - 31.08.2015
- update libaddon-2.0
0.41.0 - 24.08.2015
- fix issue with multiple crafts leading to error with Multicraft Addon or creation stopping mid-way
0.39.2 - 29.05.2015
- hot-fix for QuickEnchanter.lua:529 bug
0.39.1 - 27.05.2015
- don't get to the Quick Enchanter tab, if the station has been operated manually
0.39.0 - 18.05.2015
- integration into crafting station menu - thanks to Votan for framework
0.38.0 - 16.03.2015
- set runes partially on create at least - even if one or two runes are missing
0.37.4 - 04.03.2015
- include newest LibAddon-2.0 version
0.37.3 - 04.03.2015
- fix API version
0.37.2 - 09.02.2015
- enhance some tooltips
0.37.1 - 04.02.2015
- fix issue with guild bank and check enchantment option
- work-around for QUEST_TYPE_CRAFTING constant getting bugged
0.37.0 - 14.01.2015
- make the option's status more obvious with green/red coloring
0.36.0 - 03.01.2015
- color enchanter writ quest button - red: no quest, yellow: glyph information available, but not every runes, green: go go go
0.35.1 - 02.01.2015
- more safety catches for creating glyph
0.35.0 - 31.12.2014
- add creation of multiple glyphs of the same type (activate one-click creation as well)
- add suppressing of rune voicing at glyph creation option (experimental)
0.34.0 - 17.12.2014
- integration of Check Enchantment Addon functionality (has to be turned on)
- add level range for potency runes in inventory display (can be turned off)
- fix issue with marking glyphs
0.33.0 - 06.12.2014
- add key-binding for quickly enabling/disabling the addon
- use classic black look as default (fancy scroll uses more performance)
- straighten out tooltips for runes (optionally only show level range for potency runes, proper display of level of the resulting glyphs, use same sorting as in main display)
- fix display of number of runes in tooltips
0.32.0 - 02.12.2014
- re-implementation of tooltips for runes (preference has to be set for showing) - no requirement for having to have had created the respective glyph first
0.31.1 - 30.11.2014
- fix text for french version
- fix enchanter writ for french version (rune identification)
0.31.0 - 29.11.2014
- add +/- selection buttons for choosing only additive or subtracting glyphs
- fix an issue with hiding previous results
- fix enchanter writs for french clients
- reduce checks for enchanter writ quests
- fix that runes were not immediately shown for being used for an enchanter writ
0.30.0 - 24.11.2014
- mark runes used for enchanter writ with a quest symbol (inventory, bank, guild bank)
0.29.0 - 22.11.2014
- Enchanter Writ Button for quick creation
- optionally remember the last position on the glyph summary overview list
0.28.1 - 19.11.2014
- save glyph type/level selection from last use (don't forget to turn off start-easy and start with char level preferences)
0.28.0 - 14.11.2014
- no redraw in case of marking glyphs
- increase sizes of icons and extend height (can be changed under settings)
0.27.0 - 10.11.2014
- add right-click menus for creating and linking various information in chat like glyph or the constituting runes
- add button for using the addon's master data, which gives you a list of 1870 glyphs. For that you have to copy the master file to QuickEnchanterMaster.lua. Since it is 1.8 MB big, it is not inserted by default. You still have to use the ban-sign button to display glyphs that you don't have the runes for yet.
- add tooltips at bottom option
- center tooltips option centers the tooltips horizontally now and places them to the left of the window
0.26.0 - 07.11.2014
- add display of glyphs that you lack the material for (ban sign button). Missing runes are displayed in the glyph's tooltip
- add option to always start the glyph selection at character's level
0.25.1 - 04.11.2014
- hide result window with closing addon window
- catch some empty table when manually extracting glyphs
0.25.0 - 03.11.2014
- integrate libaddon for release 5
- new API version
0.24.1 - 26.10.2014
- fix hide chat button option
0.24.0 - 20.10.2014
- add settings button
- fix packaged libaddon to support update 5 (settings button doesn't work yet)
0.23.0 - 19.10.2014
- grey-out type selection rather than using cross-out
- explain runes result window from extraction (include slider)
- fix french texts
0.22.0 - 13.10.2014
- add display of runes resulting from an extraction (with option to turn this feature off) - click on the check-mark to hide the window again
- fix some missing update of the number of creatable glyphs
0.21.0 - 10.10.2014
- add option "Display rune in Tooltip" - if activated (by default), the runes necessary for a glyph are added to the tooltip
- add option "Center Tooltips". If on (by default), the tooltip for each glyph is display at the same center position.
- FCO Item Saver: If filtered out, glyphs are not getting extracted. If option "FCO Item Saver Mark Used" is turned on, setting a lock is enough to protected a glyph.
- display button (on chat window):
- auto-hide with getting out of focus
- add option "Display button offset" to allow the display button to be moved horizontally
- add tooltip
- add option Disable auto-open - if activated, the window will not show when opening a crafting station
0.20.0 - 08.10.2014
- make height of Quick Enchanter scroll variable (see settings)
- position of window can be optionally saved (see settings)
0.19.2 - 04.10.2014
- prepare fix for next FCO Itemsaver version
- support Item Saver
0.19.1 - 30.09.2014
- rename destroy to extraction to avoid confusion
0.19.0 - 27.09.2014
- add radio button choice to switch between radio button and normal buttons behaviour for quality and type
- add safety check for destroying glyphs (can be turned off)
- change icon for selecting level by player level
- fix quality names in German and French version
0.18.0 - 24.09.2014
- re-arrange layout for better work-flow from top to bottom
- add character level button, which automatically selects glyphs for the level of the character
- fix tooltips of quality and glyph-type buttons to be more specific
- add guiding lines to separate the different selector parts - can be turned off with "No Lines" option
- fix level display for french version
0.17.0 - 22.09.2014
- reduce work-load on initial calculation (Start Easy Option) by pre-setting only one quality and one glyph type (in combination with radio button option)
- reduce the number of recalculations
- colorize the quality buttons
0.16.0 - 21.09.2014
- add level selection sliders
- add new default option radio button, which makes quality and glyph type selection exclusive i.e. only one quality and only one type. Go to settings, if you prefer the old behaviour.
- if no aspect rune of the given quality is available, the selection button will be disabled
- make glyph names clickable as well
- add tooltip explaining the favourite check-marks
0.15.0 - 20.09.2014
- respect Craftstore and AlphaTool Button in Chat
- make window scale better to line-height and window width change
0.14.1 - 19.09.2014
- localization in French, thanks to svan
0.14 - 18.09.2014
- add a button that prepends the number of possible glyphs each to the link in chat along with the link
- allow to copy more than one item link to chat
0.13 - 17.09.2014
- add information on how many glyphs you can create of each
- add copy to chat button - clicking on the button will link the glyph in the chat window
0.12.1 - 16.09.2014
- adapt to new API version
0.12 - 15.09.2014
- add buttons for destroying glyphs while at the crafting station - uses information provided by FCOItemsaver in order to protect locked items.
0.11 - 12.09.2014
- add note background for better visibility (choose classic look in settings, if you don't like it)
- add button for click to create (note with pen symbol)
0.10.3 - 09.09.2014
- add option to hide button in chat window
0.10.2 - 22.08.2014
- change manifest for libaddon, so that it works with current version on PTS
0.10.1 - 20.08.2014
- add filter button for unknown glyphs
- show unknown glyphs again (was accidentally removed by 0.10.0)
- add page up/down buttons
- add filtering by glyph type
- add erase data options in settings
- fix tooltips to show information as given on the crafting table
- add quality filter buttons
- add marking of glyphs (see check-mark right of the glyph)
- add option to give marked glyphs a higher priority in sorting
- add marking to tooltips of runes
- runes used for marked glyphs are marked with a green enchanter pin (exception: aspect runes)
- fix Rekura, Kura
- fix level for rune Pojode
- Add setting for activating tool-tips for runes (careful, might error on your client)
- fix setting "best quality only"
- fix key-binding for Non-English clients
- fix a bug with not checking every item in inventory (thanks to Garkin)
- fix level display of glyphs made with Rekura (thanks to Valthyr)
- changed order of sorting by type (weapon, armor, jewellry)
- fix crash bug with changing horses (client couldn't handle many updates within a second)
- add update of glyphs with inventory updates outside the crafting station e.g. buying runes (can be disabled via settings)
- automatically set used language at first use
- fix level of glyph display in German clients
- add changing of window width
- fix icon size adaption after line-height change
- fix maximum number of lines limit
- add level display to glyphs (hack)
- add key-binding
- Leaving the crafting station now properly hides the display again
- fix bug from 0.4 (redrawing the glyphs was buggy)
- Add assorted settings menus - create settings menu with the /qep command or just go via Settings -> Addon Settings
- Add support for languages (not all texts of the settings menu is getting translated on the spot - please reload the UI). Looking for a translation into french as well.
- Add sorting by Glyph type
- Add sorting for veteran glyphs
0.3: Update for Version 1.3.3
0.2: fix bug with empty result
0.1: First version 01.08.2014
Optional Files (1)
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03/02/18 07:54 AM

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Unread 12/26/15, 04:13 PM  

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I know it's the Holiday's, but do you think that you will be able to take a look at this bug soon Criscal? It would be mucho appreciated
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Unread 12/10/15, 10:42 AM  

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Re: Re: Re: Re: No Listings for VR Levels

Originally Posted by Criscal
Originally Posted by Ashtaris
Originally Posted by Criscal
Originally Posted by Ashtaris
Hi Criscal. First of all, thanks for your Add-On for enchanting. It's the only one I've found so far that seems to do exactly what I want

However, I have come across a new problem I'm hoping you can help me with. It seems that something is broken in the VR slider, at least for me. For example, if the slider is all the way to the Left at 0, then it shows all the glyphs I can make, for example, it shows one that I can make 3 of is a Superb Glyph Of Health under the Armor listings. But if I move the slider to V15, nothing shows in the list. Even though previously it showed I could make the Health glyph. Actually, nothing shows in the list for any slider setting from VR1-16 even though I have the runes to create them.

I tried uninstalling/reinstall, plus deleting the QuickEnchanter.lua under the SavedVariables folder to reset everything, but nothing seems to work so far. Is there a setting or something else I might be missing to cause this issue?

Two questions: you got the potency runes and your character level is v15 or 16?
Yep, I think I have all of the various types of potency runes all the way up to VR16 and he is a VR16 Master level 50 enchanter with all points spent in that crafting skill. It doesn't matter where I move the slider, anything to the right or at VR1 or above doesn't show anything on the list. And as Ranian indicated in his post, he is having the same problem.
I will see what I can do this week, but it is probably more likely next week. Times are busy this time of the year.i
OK, thanks Just to let you know that the problem not only occurs on the VR Slider, but also the normal Level 1-50 slider as well.
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Unread 12/03/15, 09:31 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: No Listings for VR Levels

Originally Posted by Ashtaris
Originally Posted by Criscal
Originally Posted by Ashtaris
Hi Criscal. First of all, thanks for your Add-On for enchanting. It's the only one I've found so far that seems to do exactly what I want

However, I have come across a new problem I'm hoping you can help me with. It seems that something is broken in the VR slider, at least for me. For example, if the slider is all the way to the Left at 0, then it shows all the glyphs I can make, for example, it shows one that I can make 3 of is a Superb Glyph Of Health under the Armor listings. But if I move the slider to V15, nothing shows in the list. Even though previously it showed I could make the Health glyph. Actually, nothing shows in the list for any slider setting from VR1-16 even though I have the runes to create them.

I tried uninstalling/reinstall, plus deleting the QuickEnchanter.lua under the SavedVariables folder to reset everything, but nothing seems to work so far. Is there a setting or something else I might be missing to cause this issue?

Two questions: you got the potency runes and your character level is v15 or 16?
Yep, I think I have all of the various types of potency runes all the way up to VR16 and he is a VR16 Master level 50 enchanter with all points spent in that crafting skill. It doesn't matter where I move the slider, anything to the right or at VR1 or above doesn't show anything on the list. And as Ranian indicated in his post, he is having the same problem.
I will see what I can do this week, but it is probably more likely next week. Times are busy this time of the year.i
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Unread 11/28/15, 11:16 PM  

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Re: Re: No Listings for VR Levels

Originally Posted by Criscal
Originally Posted by Ashtaris
Hi Criscal. First of all, thanks for your Add-On for enchanting. It's the only one I've found so far that seems to do exactly what I want

However, I have come across a new problem I'm hoping you can help me with. It seems that something is broken in the VR slider, at least for me. For example, if the slider is all the way to the Left at 0, then it shows all the glyphs I can make, for example, it shows one that I can make 3 of is a Superb Glyph Of Health under the Armor listings. But if I move the slider to V15, nothing shows in the list. Even though previously it showed I could make the Health glyph. Actually, nothing shows in the list for any slider setting from VR1-16 even though I have the runes to create them.

I tried uninstalling/reinstall, plus deleting the QuickEnchanter.lua under the SavedVariables folder to reset everything, but nothing seems to work so far. Is there a setting or something else I might be missing to cause this issue?

Two questions: you got the potency runes and your character level is v15 or 16?
Yep, I think I have all of the various types of potency runes all the way up to VR16 and he is a VR16 Master level 50 enchanter with all points spent in that crafting skill. It doesn't matter where I move the slider, anything to the right or at VR1 or above doesn't show anything on the list. And as Ranian indicated in his post, he is having the same problem.
Last edited by Ashtaris : 11/28/15 at 11:18 PM.
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Unread 11/26/15, 04:33 PM  

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Re: Re: No Listings for VR Levels

Originally Posted by Ashtaris
Hi Criscal. First of all, thanks for your Add-On for enchanting. It's the only one I've found so far that seems to do exactly what I want

However, I have come across a new problem I'm hoping you can help me with. It seems that something is broken in the VR slider, at least for me. For example, if the slider is all the way to the Left at 0, then it shows all the glyphs I can make, for example, it shows one that I can make 3 of is a Superb Glyph Of Health under the Armor listings. But if I move the slider to V15, nothing shows in the list. Even though previously it showed I could make the Health glyph. Actually, nothing shows in the list for any slider setting from VR1-16 even though I have the runes to create them.

I tried uninstalling/reinstall, plus deleting the QuickEnchanter.lua under the SavedVariables folder to reset everything, but nothing seems to work so far. Is there a setting or something else I might be missing to cause this issue?


I am getting the same problems and i have all the runes and am lvl 16. When i put the slider to V16 i see nothing, when i move it to V1 i see them all including the V16 enchants. It has been doing this for a few days now. It shows all the runes even if i click weapon or armour. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled but still not working
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Unread 11/21/15, 05:27 AM  
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Re: No Listings for VR Levels

Originally Posted by Ashtaris
Hi Criscal. First of all, thanks for your Add-On for enchanting. It's the only one I've found so far that seems to do exactly what I want

However, I have come across a new problem I'm hoping you can help me with. It seems that something is broken in the VR slider, at least for me. For example, if the slider is all the way to the Left at 0, then it shows all the glyphs I can make, for example, it shows one that I can make 3 of is a Superb Glyph Of Health under the Armor listings. But if I move the slider to V15, nothing shows in the list. Even though previously it showed I could make the Health glyph. Actually, nothing shows in the list for any slider setting from VR1-16 even though I have the runes to create them.

I tried uninstalling/reinstall, plus deleting the QuickEnchanter.lua under the SavedVariables folder to reset everything, but nothing seems to work so far. Is there a setting or something else I might be missing to cause this issue?

Two questions: you got the potency runes and your character level is v15 or 16?
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Unread 11/17/15, 10:26 AM  

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No Listings for VR Levels

Hi Criscal. First of all, thanks for your Add-On for enchanting. It's the only one I've found so far that seems to do exactly what I want

However, I have come across a new problem I'm hoping you can help me with. It seems that something is broken in the VR slider, at least for me. For example, if the slider is all the way to the Left at 0, then it shows all the glyphs I can make, for example, it shows one that I can make 3 of is a Superb Glyph Of Health under the Armor listings. But if I move the slider to V15, nothing shows in the list. Even though previously it showed I could make the Health glyph. Actually, nothing shows in the list for any slider setting from VR1-16 even though I have the runes to create them.

I tried uninstalling/reinstall, plus deleting the QuickEnchanter.lua under the SavedVariables folder to reset everything, but nothing seems to work so far. Is there a setting or something else I might be missing to cause this issue?

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Unread 09/19/15, 07:49 AM  
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Originally Posted by Baaddare
ok well i turned off radio buttons and that seem to work. Only thing now is even though I have made some vr16 glyohs nothing shows for them but everything is working fine for vr15 and below
Hmm, the name of the potency runes might be different for different client languages. Please let me know exactly how it is written in your client. Of course there might other reasons for not working, but I need to first get my hands on v16 runes as well.
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Unread 09/18/15, 02:30 PM  

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ok well i turned off radio buttons and that seem to work. Only thing now is even though I have made some vr16 glyohs nothing shows for them but everything is working fine for vr15 and below
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Unread 09/17/15, 09:15 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: missing data

Originally Posted by Criscal
Originally Posted by Baaddare
Originally Posted by Criscal
Originally Posted by Baaddare
all of a sudden it no longer will show armor glyphs. Weapon and Jewlery are fine but I lost all armor. I have tried deleting the folder and reinstalling but same results.
As with the previous comment - has there been any update these days? Looks like they might have changed the id for armor types in the API
Smells of some undocumented change . Unfortunately I can't fix it personally until last week of September .

they did an update today.
Hmm, somebody was so nice as to check the API change and according to that person there wasn't any applicable change. Please make sure that the grey armor glyph is not greyed out I.e. deactivated and neither plus or minus symbol of the selection.k
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Unread 09/16/15, 10:56 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: missing data

Originally Posted by Baaddare
Originally Posted by Criscal
Originally Posted by Baaddare
all of a sudden it no longer will show armor glyphs. Weapon and Jewlery are fine but I lost all armor. I have tried deleting the folder and reinstalling but same results.
As with the previous comment - has there been any update these days? Looks like they might have changed the id for armor types in the API
Smells of some undocumented change . Unfortunately I can't fix it personally until last week of September .

they did an update today.
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Unread 09/16/15, 12:46 AM  

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Re: Re: missing data

Originally Posted by Criscal
Originally Posted by Baaddare
all of a sudden it no longer will show armor glyphs. Weapon and Jewlery are fine but I lost all armor. I have tried deleting the folder and reinstalling but same results.
As with the previous comment - has there been any update these days? Looks like they might have changed the id for armor types in the API
they did an update today.
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Unread 09/15/15, 11:22 PM  
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Re: missing data

Originally Posted by Baaddare
all of a sudden it no longer will show armor glyphs. Weapon and Jewlery are fine but I lost all armor. I have tried deleting the folder and reinstalling but same results.
As with the previous comment - has there been any update these days? Looks like they might have changed the id for armor types in the API
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Unread 09/15/15, 11:20 PM  
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Originally Posted by Haborym

I've deleted the old save data but i have always this error

Thx by advance
Hi, I can't check the code as I am on vacation. It looks as if some information is not found anymore. Has there been an update yesterday? Or do you have any of the new runes?
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Unread 09/15/15, 07:19 PM  

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missing data

all of a sudden it no longer will show armor glyphs. Weapon and Jewlery are fine but I lost all armor. I have tried deleting the folder and reinstalling but same results.
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