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Updated: 02/27/16 10:29 PM
File Info
Thieves Guild (2.3)
Orsinium (2.2.4)
Updated:02/27/16 10:29 PM
Created:01/17/15 04:33 AM
Monthly downloads:262
Total downloads:26,028
Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Casting Bars, Cooldowns, Graphic UI Mods, Map, Coords, Compasses, Mail, Utility Mods
Circonians TweakIt  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 4.8
by: uladz [More]
What does it do?
Its a random compilation of game tweaks I've been asked for.

Newest Features
(Optional Setting) Change Compass Height You can now adjust the compass height.

(Optional Setting) Extended Info Bars
Shows up on all windows that have an info bar (except guild bank): backpack, bank, mail, all crafting windows, store (all tabs: buy, sell, buyback, repair), exc..

** Compatible with FilterIt's number of slots shown feature to show how many items are currently visible

(Optional Setting) LockPick Stop Sign -- When picking locks, if this option is turned ON, a stop sign will pop up on the screen to let you know when you have depressed a pin far enough. It is only a visual indicator to make it easier to tell when to let go of the mouse.
(Optional Setting) Campaign Window -- (NEW) Now if you are alt-tabbed out of the game when the center screen announcement & sound play the addon will automatically turn on the background audio setting so you can hear the sound. When the game regains focus it will turn the background audio setting back off (if you originally had it turned off).
(Optional Setting) Max World Map Magnification -- Allows a few choices to increase the maximum world map magnification. (NEW) Now when the world map is opened it will automatically zoom to half-zoom.
(Optional Setting) Hero Doll -- Displays the Hero Doll (character window) while at the bank, and while at merchants, (NEW, now also displayed at) guild bank, guild store.
(Optional Setting) Current Weapon Set Window -- Displays a small window with images of your currently equipped weapons. (NEW) You can toggle the "Current Weapon" text ON/OFF by double clicking on the window. You can resize the weapon icons by holding the mouse cursor over the window & using the mouse scroll wheel.

Features From Previous Versions:
(Optional Setting) Improvement Default To 100% Success -- Added an option to automatically add enough boosters for a 100% success chance when adding an item to an improvement slot.
(Optional Setting) Improvement Skip Confirm at 100% Success -- Added an option to skip the confirmation dialog IF AND ONLY IF the item has a 100% success chance.
Keybind: One Click Logout -- Allows you to bind a key to log out in one click without confirmation.
Keybind: ReloadUI -- Allows you to bind a key to reload the UI.
(Optional Setting) Death Blow Message -- Displays a message on screen telling you what you killed & with what attack whenever you get the killing blow.
(Optional Setting) Death Blow Sound -- Plays a sound whenever you get the killing blow.
(Optional Setting) Current Weapon Set Window -- Displays a small window with images of your currently equipped weapons. You can toggle the "Current Weapon" text ON/OFF by double clicking on the window. You can resize the weapon icons by holding the mouse cursor over the window & using the mouse scroll wheel.
(Optional Setting) Hero Doll -- Displays the Hero Doll (character window) while at the bank, guild bank, guild store, and while at merchants.
(Optional Setting) Max World Map Magnification -- Allows a few choices to increase the maximum world map magnification. When the world map is opened it will automatically zoom to half-zoom.
(Optional Setting) Auto-Remove Waypoints -- An option that will automatically remove waypoints once you reach them. You can also choose to have (or not) a message on screen when setting/reaching your waypoint.
(Optional Setting) Recall Cooldown Timer/Cost -- This option displays a movable window on the screen with a Recall Cooldown Timer & the Recall Cost. Fades out 5 seconds after Recall Cooldown finishes.

(Optional Setting) Campaign Window -- Added a campaign que window. If ON, when you join a campaign a window will pop up that tells you some useful information.
  • Your current campaign state (this means if your waiting in que, waiting for you to confirm joining, pending join...waiting on the game to add you to the que, pending leave...waiting on the game to remove you from the que, exc..)
  • If you queued as a group.
  • Your position in the que.
  • The amount of time you have been waiting in que OR the amount of time you have left to confirm (join) the campaign if your que is ready.
  • It displays a center screen announcement & sound when your campaign is ready to join.
  • It displays a center screen announcement (reminder) & sound when you only have 20 seconds left to confirm (join) the campaign.
  • It also has 2 easy access buttons on the window to allow you to leave the que, or to join the campaign (once your campaign is ready).
If you are alt-tabbed out of the game when the center screen announcement & sound play the addon will automatically turn on the background audio setting so you can hear the sound. When the game regains focus it will turn the background audio setting back off (if you originally had it turned off).

Sell All Junk Value -- Adds the value of all junk to the vendors keybindstrip button "Sell All Junk"

Keybinds Search Box -- Adds a search box to the keybindings window that allows you to type text to search for. It will automatically find the first occurance of the text & scroll it to the top of the window. There is also a next button to allow you to continue searching for more occurances of the text.
Do note: The window can only be scrolled so far. If the matching text is near the very end of the scroll list it may not be possible to scroll it all of the way to the top of the window, but it will still scroll down far enough that the matching text will be visible on the page.

(Optional Setting) Changes the "Repair All Items" to "Repair Equipped Items" when visiting a merchant.

(Optional Setting) Default Mail Send to C.O.D. -- Automatically selects the C.O.D. button every time you open the mail send window.
Do Note: The upside to this is that it will help prevent you from accidently sending someone all of your hard earned money. The downside to this is that if you attempt to send mail and do not set a C.O.D. gold value it will give you an Alert message telling you that you must set a COD gold amount. To send mail without a COD amount you will need to manually switch it back to Send Gold, but this is what I was asked for.

(Optional Setting) Hide Target Frame -- When turned ON the target frame will only be visible while in combat.

(Optional Setting) LockPick Stop Sign -- When picking locks, if this option is turned ON, a stop sign will pop up on the screen to let you know when you have depressed a pin far enough. It is only a visual indicator to make it easier to tell when to let go of the mouse.
Version 4.8 --

Set/Remove Waypoint Messages Updates to LibGPS, although not used by this addon, were causing set & remove waypoint messages to spam the screen sometimes. It should be fixed.
Version 4.7 --

Removed a debug message
Version 4.6 --

Made Some Suggested Code Changes Turned off some defaults that were not supposed to be ON by default & added combat event filters. Nothing users will notice.
Version 4.5 --

API Update No changes, just an API update
Version 2.6--

API # Update
Removed the Extended Info Bar Feature The extended info bar feature was removed because the game added a similar feature (at least while at the bank). This feature may be fixed to work with the new update later, but I don't have the time to fix it at the moment.
Version 4.3 --

Compass Height Added a requested setting to adjust the height of the compass.
Version 4.2 -- Was actually 4.1, I zipped the wrong version oops.

Version 4.1 --

Extended Info Bar The extended info bar now always shows free backpack space, free bank space, carried gold, banked gold, & alliance points. Transaction info for the fence is shown only at the fence. This new version of the extended Info Bar will now show up in all windows (except the guild bank) that include an info bar: backpack, bank, crafting stations, store (buy, buyback, repair, sell tabs), exc...
Extended Info Bar POSSIBLE CONFLICT The extended info bar completely replaces the games info bar & hides it. If you use any other addon that uses the games info bar to show/hide controls its possible they may not be visible with this feature turned on. But its optional, you can turn it off & everything will go back to normal.
Version 3.9 --

Bug Fix The extra bag space label was displaying at the same location as the fence "items sold" & "Items laundered" counter labels. It should be fixed now.
Version 3.8 --

Extended Inventory Info Change The "Show Banked Gold" setting has been replaced with "Extended Inventory Info"
It will show the banked gold & bank free space when the backpack is open.
It will show the carried gold (gold in the backpack) and inventory free space when the bank is open.
Version 3.6 --

Auto-Join Campaign Bug Fix - Was not working properly if there was a queue.
Version 3.5 --

Auto-Join Campaign Added an option to auto-join the campaign queue when the confirmation timer counts down to 5 seconds.
Added Some More SubMenus Added some more sub-menus to the settings menu to group similar settings together.
Version 3.4 --

LockPick Stop Sign If turned on, when you are picking locks & have depressed the chamber pin far enough to solve the pin a Stop Sign will pop up on screen. This is just a helpful visual indicator so you know when to let go of the mouse when picking locks.
Version 3.3 --

Attribute Bars Added an option to hide the attribute bars: Health, stamina, magicka, exc..
Version 3.2 --

Bug Fix AvA Respawn Zoom setting was incorrectly labeled in the settings menu. It has been fixed.
Version 3.1 --

KEEP Transit Shrines Fix Keep Transit shrines were still zooming the the center of the map. It has been fixed.
While fixing the Keep Transit Shrine zoom I realized that, at least not want this map zooming to the same level as the normal zone map, same for the wayshrine map & ava respawn. I'de prefer them to zoom all of the way out so I can see all of the shrines I can zoom to, but have the normal map zoom in more. So I added the following settings to configure the Fast Travel Wayshrine, Keep Transit Shrines, and AvA Respawn maps separately.
Fast Travel Wayshrine Zoom
Fast Travel Keep Transit Zoom
AvA Respawn Zoom
Version 3.0 --

Hide Target Frame Always Added a requested feature to always hide the target frame (in and out of combat). The old setting still exists if you only want to hide it while out of combat.
Map Zoom To Center Of Map Fix When setting custom zoom levels the map should now zoom to the players location instead of the center of the map.
Map Zoom Bounce Fix A bug caused by the fix for "zooming to the center of the map"...prematurely & accidently added in version 2.9....would cause the map to bounce around to different zoom settings. It should now be fixed and the map should accurately & smoothly zoom to the players location with the correct zoom setting.
Version 2.9 --

Current Weapon Visibility Fixed a problem where the weapon icons were being hidden when you press the hotkey to enter UI mode, which prevented you from being able to move it around on the screen.
Version 2.8 --

Bug Fix Fixed a bug preventing the kill message from being visible.
Version 2.7 --

MiniMap Click Sound Fix Added some code to help prevent the extra click sounds heard from the map zoom feature, that is getting fired by MiniMap when it fires the "OnWorldMapChanged" callback.
Version 2.6 --

Default Zoom Added more settings to allow you to configure the default zoom level for different types of maps: World (Tamriel), Zone, SubZone, Dungeons, & AvA. There is still a setting called "Default Zoom" that is ONLY used as a the default zoom if the current map type is not one of those.
Version 2.59 --

Zoom Fix When I changed the code for the map zoom I made a mistake & only had it setting the zoom when you changed the map and not when the map was opened. It has been fixed.
Version 2.58 --

Weapon Visibility The weapon icon window will now hide when opening menus.
Version 2.55 --

Default Zoom When opening a wayshrine where your on the border of the zone map & a town (or other) map the game has started changing maps after you open it. You see one map for a few seconds & then it changes maps. This was causing problems with the default zoom. I changed the way the default zoom works & when it fires to compensate for this problem.
There is nothing I can do about it showing one map & then switching to another though, that is part of the game code.
Version 2.51 --

Banked Gold Resize Somehow this got messed up in version 2.5. It should work again. Resized the control that shows your banked gold. There was not enough room for the german clients "Banked Gold:" message and it was cutting off the string. Should be fixed now.
Version 2.5 --

Banked Gold Toggle Added a setting to allow you to show/hide the banked gold in the backpack.
Version 2.4 --

Banked Gold Resize Resized the control that shows your banked gold. There was not enough room for the german clients "Banked Gold:" message and it was cutting off the string. Should be fixed now.
Version 2.3 --

Banked Gold Added a label to display your banked gold amount, under your backpack gold amount (in your backpack).
Version 2.2 --

Sell All Junk & Stolen Items There is a bug in the game where stolen junk items cause the "Sell All Junk" keybind strip button to appear when talking to a merchant, even though you can't sell stolen items to a normal merchant. I added some temporary code to prevent this from happening until they fix it.
Version 2.1 --

Show Weapon Char Override Fixed a bug that was causing the character override setting for "Show weapon" to be account wide...its entire/only purpose is to be a character specific override for the account wide setting.
Sorry, but unfortunately your settings will need reset to fix this properly.
Version 2.0 --

Sell All Junk Cost & Stolen Items Added some code to exclude the value of stolen items from the value shown in the Sell All Junk button at the bottom of the screen since you can't sell stolen items to merchants.
Version 1.9 --

Updated API Version Number
Updated LibAddonMenu
Version 1.82 --

Hide Current Weapon Window Added a requested option that will allow you to hide the Current Weapon Window on specific characters.
The "Show Current Weapon" is still an account wide setting, as requested, but now there is a second option to allow you to override this, for those who do not wish to see the window while on mules. You can now leave the "Show Current Weapon" (account wide setting) turned on, and turn on the "Hide Current Weapon" (character specific setting) to hide the weapons window.
Version 1.81 --

Sell All Junk Value Fixed a small bug where the Sell All Junk Value was not being added up correctly for stacked items.
WorldMap Default Zoom Oops I apparently left this new feature visible in the settings menu in one of the previous versions, but it actually was not finished yet. It is finished & should now work properly.
Version 1.8 --

Waypoint Remover Changed the way the waypoint remover works and added a slider to the settings menu to allow you to slightly adjust how close you must be before the waypoint is automaticllay removed.
Waypoint Remover Made the deathblow message window a little bigger to make it easier to grab & move around (msg is still the same size, the window is invisible).
Version 1.7 --
KNOWN BUG: Waypoints are NOT fixed...they are being prematurely removed by the Automatic Waypoint Remover -- I'm working on it, see post here: Waypoint Bug

Code Change When I posted 1.6 I was in the middle of working on another feature & forgot to remove the files from the manifest.txt so they would not load (its not finished yet). Files have been removed from the manifest to prevent unforseen problems with the unfinished code.
Account Wide Settings I also forgot this, which I kept promising...Per several requests the addons settings are now account wide. You will have to reset your settings, but you'll only have to set them up on one character.
Version 1.6 -- Bug Fixes

Death Blow Bug Fix The Death Blow Message & Sound were only playing when you killed a mob that did NOT give XP. This has been fixed.
WayPoint Remover Bug Fix There was a problem setting waypoints on other maps that could cause the waypoint to be removed prematurely. It has been fixed.
Current Weapon Window Bug Fix Fixed an anchoring problem that caused the offhand weapon texture to hang outside of the OffHand background texture box.
Version 1.5 -- Added Requested Features

Hero Doll Added the hero doll to the guild bank & guild store (when the option is turned on).
Campaign Ready Sound Added some code so that if you are alt-tabbed out of the game when the Campaign Ready (or the Campaign Ready reminder) sounds it will toggle background sounds ON so you will still here it even though your alt-tabbed out of the game. When the game regains focus, it will reset the setting to its normal value. Thanks to Garkin for the posted code example on how to change the settings!
Default Map Zoom Set the world map to default to half zoom, sort of. From there you can zoom in or out as you wish. I figured right in the middle was a good starting point. All of the API to set the default zoom is local (Which means I can't actually change the default value). So the only way I could do it was, when the map opens it zooms in to the "games" default zoom, then zooms right back out to half-zoom. It happens pretty fast though so shouldn't be a problem. If anyone knows a better way let me know, but I couldn't find one.
Current Weapon Text Toggle You can now toggle the "Current Weapon" text ON/OFF by double clicking on the current weapon window.
Current Weapon Icon Size You can now resize the "Current Weapon" window by holding the mouse cursor over the window and scrolling the mouse.
Version 1.4 -- Added Requested Features

Improvement Default To 100% Success Added an option to automatically add enough boosters for a 100% success chance when adding an item to an improvement slot.
Improvement Skip Confirm at 100% Success Added an option to skip the confirmation dialog IF AND ONLY IF the item has a 100% success chance.
Campaign Window Added a campaign que window. If ON, when you join a campaign a window will pop up that tells you some useful information.
  • The current campaign state [/i](this means if your waiting in que, waiting for you to confirm joining, pending join...waiting on the game to add you to the que, pending leave...waiting on the game to remove you from the que, exc..)[/i]
  • If you queued as a group.
  • Your position in the que.
  • The amount of time you have been waiting in que OR the amount of time you have left to confirm (join) the campaign if your que is ready.
  • It displays a center screen announcement when your campaign is ready to join.
  • It displays a center screen announcement (reminder) when you only have 20 seconds left to confirm (join) the campaign.
  • It also has 2 easy access buttons on the window to allow you to leave the que, or to join the campaign (once your campaign is ready).
Version 1.3 -- Bug Fix

Bug Fix The Recall Cooldown window was making itself visible whenever the game scene changed back to the HUD scene...even if it was turned OFF. It should now stay permanently hidden if turned OFF, or only be visible if you have a cooldown when turned ON.
Version 1.2 -- Added Requested Features

Death Blow Message Added an option to display a death blow message on the screen (if you get the killing blow) that tells what you killed & with what attack.
Death Blow Sound Adds an option to have a sound play when you get a killing blow.
The Death Blow Message & Death Blow Sound have individual settings. You have one or the other (or neither) turned on.
Equipped Weapon Window/Icon Added an option to show a small window with your currently equipped weapon(s) icons to make it easier to visually see which weapons you have equipped.
Right now it has a label under it that just says "Current Weapons." Another option would be to list the names of the equipped weapons, but I wasn't sure if it would be worth the extra space it would take up. Let me know if anyone has any opinions on if I should change it to the equipped weapon names, leave it as-is, or just remove the label entirely & leave it as icons only.
Version 1.1 -- Added Requested Features

Hero Doll Added an option to show the Hero Doll (character window) while at a bank or merchant.
Max World Map Magnification Added an option to allow you to increase the maximum world map magnification.
Recall Cooldown Timer Adds a window to the screen with a recall cooldown timer & recall cost. Fades out 5 seconds after cooldown ends.
Auto-Remove Waypoints Added an option to automatically remove your waypoint once you have reached it. Includes another option to get a center screen announcement message when you set a waypoint & when you reach your waypoint.
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Unread 02/01/15, 05:12 PM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
if i set waypoint from other location, and then teleport to the country with that waypoint mark - its dissapear
Ugg....Yes I know, there is "almost" nothing I can do about that. It has nothing to do with the addon, the game itself does not save them, it wipes them out when you change zones. Even if you disable the addon, set a waypoint, & zone it will get wiped out. That is just the way the game works.

I have attempted to manually save them & recreate them after every zone, but unfortunately the location/coordinate system is...not friendly.

Coordinates are calculated by ...well lets just shorten this & say its complicated & when you change maps the coordinates change so the game has no way of knowing where the waypoint was set once you've zoned since the old coordinates are no longer any good and the game has no system for translating coordinates between zones.

It is possible though and I'de like to do something about it, but its probably not going to happen anytime soon.
Last edited by circonian : 02/01/15 at 05:22 PM.
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Unread 02/01/15, 08:40 AM  
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if i set waypoint from other location, and then teleport to the country with that waypoint mark - its dissapear
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Unread 02/01/15, 06:13 AM  
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Re: Waypoint Directional Arrow

If you are in doubt, you already feel, that users will have different perferences => Change the on/off switch into a dropdown with "off" and different modi. This way, you can add more styles later.
Last edited by votan : 02/01/15 at 06:15 AM.
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Unread 02/01/15, 03:56 AM  
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Waypoint Directional Arrow

Waypoint Directional Arrow
When you set a waypoint it will spin around the outside of the reticle as you change the camera view keeping itself pointed towards your waypoint to help you figure out which way to go. I'm also going to do something with distance. The arrow may change colors, or size depending upon how far away your waypoint is.

I haven't decided if I should leave it visible until you reach your waypoint or if it should only be visible until you turn the camera enough to find the waypoint indicator on the compass and then hide this arrow. I know some people might like it just to know which way to turn, but then want it to go away & just use the compass waypoint indicator...but I like the idea of leaving it visible until you reach your waypoint...any thoughts?

There will of course be an option to turn it off.

Unless someone else can do better, heres what the waypoint directional arrow texture is going to look like:
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Unread 02/01/15, 02:31 AM  
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I promise I will get to all of the stuff you guys are asking for. I just want to get that waypoint stuff finished first. Its getting close. I keep adding things though...I did add a nifty little arrow that spins around and shows you which direction to go when you set a waypoint :P so simple & so cool.
It wont look like that when I'm done though I'm going to make it a smaller arrow that spins around the outside of the reticle...or thats the idea.

Anyone good at making textures and want to volunteer to make an arrow for that? I can't use an in-game texture because the image needs to be offset from the center quite a bit so it spins properly & I can't find any like that. I know how but if I do it it will look like a cheap old plain flat arrow and I don't know how to do highlights & gradients or any of that stuff that makes textures look good. It has to be certain dimensions though so it spins around the recticle, which might be tricky.
Last edited by circonian : 02/01/15 at 03:59 AM.
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Unread 02/01/15, 02:00 AM  
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Re: Features.

Originally Posted by DohNotAgain
PS. I just tried ChatIt today and discovered it throws errors when pChat is enabled. I posted info in the ChatIt comments section already.
Yeah, I tracked it down already. It is a bug in pChat. It overrides a game function and it wipes out some important data, nothing I can do about it. I posted the cause on their comments page for the developer.
Last edited by circonian : 02/01/15 at 02:00 AM.
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Unread 01/31/15, 04:14 PM  

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In your addon ChatIt you have the following toggles, sliders, and such.
I'd hate to see duplication of work, but it would be nice to have functionality like this in TweakIt.
I really have no need for the multiple chat windows feature in ChatIt so would only use it for these features.
Maybe you could move the features to this addon and leave ChatIt as simply multiple chat windows.
People could then use TweakIt for these features.
More than likely those people would be using this mod anyway due to its great and diverse feature set.

PS. I just tried ChatIt today and discovered it throws errors when pChat is enabled. I posted info in the ChatIt comments section already.

----- ChatIt features -----

Chat Timestamps & Time Played: You can toggle ON/OFF chat timestamps or time played so you can see how long you've been playing or how late its getting.

Secondary Chat Backdrop: Toggle ON/OFF a secondary backdrop behind the chat window to darken it.

Secondary Chat Backdrop Alpha: You can adjust the alpha of the secondary backdrop so you can make the chat window just a little darker or a lot.

Toggle ON/OFF background fading: Can be used to prevent the background from fading.

Text Fade Delay: You can adjust the delay time before the chat text starts to fade away. You can also prevent the chat text from ever fading by setting this value to 0 (in the settings menu)

Text Fade Duration: You can adjust the amount of time it takes for the text to fade away after the delay time has passed.
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Unread 01/31/15, 10:23 AM  
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Originally Posted by QuadroTony
request - need a slider to setup a distance to the waypoint to count it as REACHED

2) option to bypass travel to waypoint confirmation dialog
2) ok

1) Theres already one in there:

A larger number means the waypoint gets removed sooner (you don't have to be as close).
A smaller number means you must get closer for the waypoint to be removed.

Oh or did you mean for WaypointIt? I still haven't decided if I'm going to add WaypointIt as a feature to TweakIt or leave it as its own addon. So I'm putting that off until I decide. No need in doing all that work if I'm going to merge it into TweakIt since that feature is already built there.
Last edited by circonian : 01/31/15 at 10:27 AM.
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Unread 01/31/15, 07:49 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Small Change I Made

Originally Posted by circonian
I went ahead and fixed it for you. I left it as an account wide setting as people asked, but added a second (character specific) override setting "Hide Current Weapon."

"Show Current Weapon" setting -- Is still the account wide setting. When OFF the current weapon window will never be shown on any character regardless of the other setting. When ON the current weapon window will be shown for ALL characters AS LONG AS they don't have the character specific "Hide Current Weapon" setting turned on.

Hm..yeah I know that just sounds confusing...but theres only so much room for text to name those settings & I wasn't sure what else to call it. It is explained in more detail in the settings tooltip. Theres no room to call it "Show Current Weapon Character Override"...if anyone has any less confusing ideas on what to call them let me know, but "Show Current Weapon" is about the maximum length for a setting name so it can't be much longer than that.
Thanks Mate.

I hope my help cut down a little of your work.

Keep up the great job!

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Unread 01/31/15, 05:27 AM  
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request - need a slider to setup a distance to the waypoint to count it as REACHED

2) option to bypass travel to waypoint confirmation dialog
Last edited by QuadroTony : 01/31/15 at 07:20 AM.
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Unread 01/31/15, 02:57 AM  
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I am currently working on WaypointIt.
Thanks for those that sent me feedback on WaypointIt. I haven't implemented many of those suggestions yet, but have added a few things if anyone wants to play with it I updated the link on the portal page. You can find a link to it and more information about it here: WaypointIt Portal Page

You can post here or PM me with any feedback, suggestions, or requests.
Unless anyone has any other suggestions or requests for filters, buttons, or anything my next step is to go through and make all of the UI adjustments, fix a few minor details, clean up the code, and a lot of little stuff.

I Added:
  • An ALL filter, to view all mapPin locations
  • Tooltips when mousing over the buttons.
  • I added support for Harvens Custom MapPins. -- Known issue: Newly created mapPins do not appear until the game refreshes custom mapPins (or you can do /reloadui)
  • I split the Quests filter into two filters:
    Zone Quests -- Only shows quests that are located in your current zone
    Other Quests -- Only Quests located in other zones.
  • Added some color to the level (on the icon) to make it easier to see.
  • Added some text to the quest buttons to tell you if you have more than one path to proceed. Some quests allow you to do this or that, go here or there. Now it will be easier to see that you have a choice.
  • Added some text to quests that are on the final step so you know its the last step of the quest.
  • Added text to quests locate in other zones to tell you which zones they are located in, because by default the game marks the exit out of the zone as the place you need to go for a quest...even if that quest is not in the next zone. This text will make it easier to know where to go.
All of the text I added to the buttons is probably temporary. I may end up moving that info to the tooltip so I can shrink the size of the buttons.
Last edited by circonian : 01/31/15 at 02:58 AM.
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Unread 01/31/15, 02:42 AM  
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Originally Posted by circonian
Lets say you have two characters named: CharA & CharB
Are you saying that you can queue for a campaign on CharA AND STAY IN THE QUEUE
even if you switch to CharB to go level? CharA is still in queue?

You can do that? Or am I missunderstanding?
yes!! thats right!
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Unread 01/30/15, 10:50 PM  
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Re: Re: Small Change I Made

Originally Posted by dopiate
i put in all the changes and now on my level 8 his kill notification just says
that's it so somewhere in the 3 places I made the changes I blocked the kill shot dialog
I probably need to tweak this more - I'll look at it in the morning but it had an unintended consequence
I went ahead and fixed it for you. I left it as an account wide setting as people asked, but added a second (character specific) override setting "Hide Current Weapon."

"Show Current Weapon" setting -- Is still the account wide setting. When OFF the current weapon window will never be shown on any character regardless of the other setting. When ON the current weapon window will be shown for ALL characters AS LONG AS they don't have the character specific "Hide Current Weapon" setting turned on.

Hm..yeah I know that just sounds confusing...but theres only so much room for text to name those settings & I wasn't sure what else to call it. It is explained in more detail in the settings tooltip. Theres no room to call it "Show Current Weapon Character Override"...if anyone has any less confusing ideas on what to call them let me know, but "Show Current Weapon" is about the maximum length for a setting name so it can't be much longer than that.
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Unread 01/30/15, 08:50 PM  
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Re: Small Change I Made

Originally Posted by circonian
Originally Posted by Garkin
Just a side note - it's better to use GetWeaponSwapUnlockedLevel() instead of plain 15. You never know when ZOS decides to change something.
Ah, yeah good point, thanks for the tip.
i put in all the changes and now on my level 8 his kill notification just says
that's it so somewhere in the 3 places I made the changes I blocked the kill shot dialog

I probably need to tweak this more - I'll look at it in the morning but it had an unintended consequence

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Unread 01/30/15, 07:10 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Small Change I Made

Just a side note - it's better to use GetWeaponSwapUnlockedLevel() instead of plain 15. You never know when ZOS decides to change something.[/quote]

Ah, yeah good point, thanks for the tip.
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