(3 Kb)
Updated: 12/26/20 12:19 PM
Patch for:
Markarth (6.2.5)
Updated:12/26/20 12:19 PM
Created:12/26/20 12:19 PM
Monthly downloads:66
Total downloads:2,305
CoordsAndHeading Patch 1.0.2
Version: 1.0.2
by: Jord56 [More]
CoordsAndHeading Patch 1.0.2

- Added the font color white and black as saved variables which mean you won't lose your font color

- Added scaling functionality which also save
  • /coh uitiny
  • /coh uismaller
  • /coh uismall
  • /coh uibig
  • /coh uibigger
  • /coh uihuge

ISSUES : When not transparent and you resize from big to small the _Backdrop doesn't resize with the scale of the label....haven't figure out how to fix this....Recommend making the addon transparent for now.

Update: Am working on a total overhaul converting all the slash commands to be in the settings menu not sure if it should be fully settings menu or a mix of slash and settings menu...anyways keep on the look out
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