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Updated: 05/14/24 07:50 AM
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Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Updated:05/14/24 07:50 AM
Created:05/14/24 07:50 AM
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Total downloads:45
Infinite Archive Helper  New Today!
Version: 0.3.3
by: andy.s [More]
This addon heavily relies on enemy names and at the moment several functions support english language only!

Main features:
  • Notifications for all dangerous attacks in Infinite Archive. They are done in a very minimalistic way, which means there is no explanation or ability name when you see a timer. You just need to block/dodge/move when there is less than 1 second left on the countdown. Timers have different colors to help you distinguish different attacks.
  • Spawn notifications. There are some dangerous enemies that you need to be aware of when they spawn, e.g. Infusers, Spellthieves and Storm Imps. They are also automatically marked after you target them. CrutchAlerts has a similar feature, so it's a good idea to disable it in either addon.
  • Weakening Enchantment tracker. If you are planning to go to arc 7 and further, then don't forget to bring an infused staff to reduce weapon damage of bosses.
  • Major Cowardice tracker. If you are a nightblade, then you can greatly reduce incoming damage on trash packs by using Mass Hysteria.
  • Scorching Support tracker. This is one of the best visions in IA, but to maximize its damage you need to know when it's about to proc.
  • Data sharing when grouped. Currently only prints another player's verses and visions in chat. Requires LibDataShare, but you probably already have it, because it's also required by Hodor Reflexes.
  • Some small changes to UI: hide default screen announcement when starting a stage to reduce screen clutter.
  • More to come!

Known issues:
  • Lady Thorn: if you dodge her "Scatter" attack (she turns into a cloud and charges afterwards), then you won't be able to target her until this mechanic happens again. Solution: block it.
  • Storm Imps: they have a channeled ability named "Zap". On arc 1 the channel duration is 3.5 seconds, on arc 2 it's 3 seconds, on arc 3 - 2.5 seconds and so on. I added a cast bar to track it, but eventually it becomes instant and there is almost no time to react to it. I believe this attack is bugged and should have some minimal duration instead of 0, because it still has residual visuals (big sparks) even when instant.
  • Feel free to leave a comment if you find another issue that this addon needs to be aware of.

Special Thanks: @r3mind (the current WR holder in IA) for running hundreds of arcs with me and helping me test this addon!
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