Results: 1691Comments by: votan
File: Votan's Keybinder07/12/21
Re: Re: Re: Improvement / addition
Posted By: votan
Question though, will this make it so each ESO account can use the addon and not mess with each others ESO account key bindings? Yes, that's the plan. Also what if you update and I download the update will I have to redo the above all over again? Well, I hope that this addon does not need an update in the near future. If I have to...
File: Votan's Minimap07/11/21
I just reinstalled Voltan's Minimap...
Posted By: votan
I just reinstalled Voltan's Minimap now that we know there are problems if the minimap is not even. Anyway when I enabled Show Camera Heading the camera heading does not show. Does this work for everyone else? Edit: I disabled all addons and the camera heading is still not showing. Did you install it, while ESO was running? It is...
File: Votan's Keybinder07/10/21
Re: Improvement / addition
Posted By: votan
OK I loved this add-on for keeping my key bindings safe and the same on all my characters. Until other members of our family logged into their ESO accounts and noticed their key binds were screwed up. Without realizing why, they all changed their key binds. I log in today and now mine are all screwed up. I'm like I have this add-o...
File: Votan's Keybinder07/10/21
Re: Great addon - question about reset
Posted By: votan
First of all thank you for this- I really like the split keybinds. Question about reset - let's say I edited a character's keybinds but I don't like them. Can I get the "all characters" setting applied to them? It wasn't wise but I made many changes and forget until I try to use one that it was changed. Backup lesson learne...
File: Votan's Minimap07/09/21
Hello! having a strange flickering...
Posted By: votan
Hello! having a strange flickering occuring on the borders of the map as seen here only when i move and mostly on the left and right borders i think someone mentioned that down in the comments and was able to fix it and i saw someone suggesting resizing the map but unfortun...
File: Votan's Tamriel Map07/08/21
Re: Hi!
Posted By: votan
Nice work on this addon! I have a question for the modder. Is there a possibility to put this picture on the Tamriel map instead? Would look brilliant! Well, you could try to combine it with: And Thanks :)
File: Harven's All Experience Bars07/04/21
Re: New method does not work with Gamepad
Posted By: votan
The new change of adding bars no longer works with using a Gamepad, was that the intent or is there any chance that will be reimplemented? Thanks. It was not intented, but I did not know that it has to work in gamepad mode. I have no controller and therefore can not test how companion would work in gamepad mode. The chance to reimpl...
File: Harven's All Experience Bars07/04/21
I'm tracking some of the same thing...
Posted By: votan
I'm tracking some of the same things on different characters, but they're placed on different parts of the screen per character. Unfortunately, this messes up the bars on my other characters. I keep having bars overlap and it's incredibly tiresome having to move them every time I log on to a different character. Can this be fixed so...
File: Harven's Improved Skills Window06/28/21
Thanks to everybody for letting me...
Posted By: votan
Thanks to everybody for letting me know. I check it.
File: Votan's Fisherman06/25/21
Re: Re: Re: Show/Hide Rare Fish Tracker Setting
Posted By: votan
Under the settings of addons for Fisherman, I can't turn on the Show/Hide Rare Fish Tracker option. Am I missing something to be allowed to turn that on? Did you install "Rare Fish Tracker"? Since my last comment, I have installed it. The setting does turn on and off now, but it does nothing. It can be on or off and the Rare Fish...
File: Votan's Fisherman06/24/21
Re: Show/Hide Rare Fish Tracker Setting
Posted By: votan
Under the settings of addons for Fisherman, I can't turn on the Show/Hide Rare Fish Tracker option. Am I missing something to be allowed to turn that on? Did you install "Rare Fish Tracker"?
File: Votan's Improved Locations06/20/21
Re: Compatible with addon East Travel?
Posted By: votan
Does this addon still work as there isn't an update for the latest patch? Also Is this addon compatible with the addon easy travel? I love most of the other addons you make, awesome work by the way. Thank you Why it should not? It is just a new location. Which will be...
File: Votan's Improved Locations06/20/21
Re: icons explained
Posted By: votan
Hi Votan thanks for all your incredible addons Could you or anyone please explain to me what the icons next to the location mean? some of them show a tower, some scrolls with a number, some other a sun, other a moon... TIA @jacku: tower/keep means PVP. The other symbols belong to Cadwell's Almanach. You must be a new player ;) Y...
File: Harven's Improved Skills Window06/19/21
Re: Error every time i push 'k'
Posted By: votan
I have problem with this addon. Every time when i push 'k' my log show this: And btw: try to exchange XML file from Yngwaar post. I hope anyone can help me solve problem. 2021-06-19T07:25:11.315+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: user:/AddOns/HarvensImprovedSkillsWindow/HarvensImprovedSkillsWindow.lua:229: function expected instead of...
File: Harven's Quest Journal06/17/21
Harven has added me. Now it is fixed.
Posted By: votan
Harven has added me. Now it is fixed.
File: Harven's Quest Journal06/16/21
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Error after last patch
Posted By: votan
Again, sorry my poor speech and mispells. Yes, it is all good. It was a hard day. I asked Harven to add me.
File: Harven's Quest Journal06/16/21
Re: Re: Re: Error after last patch
Posted By: votan
user:/AddOns/HarvensQuestJournal/HarvensQuestJournal.lua:1201: attempt to index a nil value it seems like you didnt read the posts after the update... You mean de offsetX thing? Ok, I'll do it. Ty. But: I expect a bugfix, not a workaround... Rethink your wording. You can not *expect* anything. We are not paid by anyone....
File: Harven's Improved Skills Window06/15/21
Re: Re: This addon is no longer working with PerfectPixel
Posted By: votan
Is it possible this will be updated down the road? 3rd And what is the problem?
File: Harven's Trait and Style06/14/21
.... fix for worn bleed through on...
Posted By: votan
.... fix for worn bleed through on companion equiped.... add if COMPANION_KEYBOARD_FRAGMENT:IsShowing() then return end Thanks, but it should be fixed in 2.10.1. :)
File: Enchanted Quality06/12/21
Has anyone else noticed that all th...
Posted By: votan
Has anyone else noticed that all the companion equipment shows as "Epic", regardless of what level it actually is? -K Fixed in v1.32.
File: Harven's Durability and Charges06/11/21
I can confirm that this addon bugs...
Posted By: votan
I can confirm that this addon bugs the companion's equipped gear UI. Disabling the addon fixed the issue. Is fixed in v1.5.0.
File: Harven's Research Timers06/08/21
This would be perfect if it could b...
Posted By: votan
This would be perfect if it could be hidden with a keybind. Either I'm stupid, or there's no way for this to not be displayed all the time. I don't need to see it all the time, I just need to see it sometimes. May you look at
File: Harven's All Experience Bars06/07/21
Re: Auto-hide not functional
Posted By: votan
I deleted my saved variables with the new update and had no problem setting which skills I wanted tracked, but although I set the bars to auto-hide, they're staying visible on the screen after that skill updates. If I toggle autohide off and then on, everything disappears, but once they update again, they stay onscreen permanently. I...
File: Votan's Adaptive (Video-)Settings06/06/21
is this addon still broken? The ad...
Posted By: votan
is this addon still broken? The addon was not broken. But changing occlusion causes a fade to black to apply. This feature is removed, now.
File: Harven's All Experience Bars06/06/21
Re: Bars changing alignment.
Posted By: votan
I have my bars with level on the outside and I have noticed when I am changing companions or doing other things, the alignment of the bars switch to the other side. Has anyone else noticed this? Confirmed. The alignment is double switched after rebuilding the bars.