Results: 6259Comments by: Baertram
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)07/09/20
Re: Re: Re: Messages with Item Links being cut very short
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks for the insight. Haven't found something in particular which should cut anything off though. Is it maybe alwas the same "string" length that get's cut off? Or the same amount of itemlinks? I guess it could have to do with regex that pChat uses, or some formatting code. But so far I did not find where this would happen in...
File: BSCs-AdvancedSynergy07/09/20
Hey, please add the dependencies ne...
Posted By: Baertram
Hey, please add the dependencies needed for this addon to the description page so we can directly see what we need to install along (manually at esoui or in Minion's UI) with the addon to make it work, e.g. LibAddonMenu-2.0. Thanks
File: Priority Buff Alerts07/09/20
Hey, please add the dependencies ne...
Posted By: Baertram
Hey, please add the dependencies needed for this (and your other) addon(s) to the description page so we can directly see what we need to install along (manually at esoui or in MInion's UI) with the addon to make it work, e.g. LibAddonMenu-2.0. Thank you.
File: uespLog07/09/20
Hey, please add the dependencies ne...
Posted By: Baertram
Hey, please add the dependencies needed for this addon to the description page so we can directly see what we need to install along (manually at esoui or in MInion's UI) with the addon to make it work, e.g. LibAddonMenu-2.0. Thank you.
File: Samurai07/09/20
Hey Wheels, please add the depende...
Posted By: Baertram
Hey Wheels, please add the dependencies to the description so one can install them directly as one reads it, and does not need to check them ingame: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibUnits2 (included already) Thanks
File: Tamriel Trade Centre07/09/20
Re: Send item data to browser
Posted By: Baertram
My basic idea how to achieve this via lua was written here: Would love to see this feature as well as I often just want to search an item online at your website. Hello, would it be possible to add this functionality to the add-on: Sending the item data direct...
File: LibQuestData07/09/20
I have spent more time working on t...
Posted By: Baertram
I have spent more time working on this project then I have playing the game. What would be most helpful is if people would just be patient, keep LibQuestData and QuestMap up to date, relax and play the game. I can feel you Sharlikran. Thanks for all the time you invest(ed) into optimizing the quest data AND addons! :banana::ba...
File: MMO Mouse Bar07/08/20
Please name the dependencies in the...
Posted By: Baertram
Please name the dependencies in the addon description so the users know what to install to make the addon work properly, e.g. LibAddonMenu-2.0 btw: Your txt file uses an outdated APIVersion, we are on 100031 Harrowstorm meanwhile
File: Group Circle07/08/20
Please add the dependencies needed...
Posted By: Baertram
Please add the dependencies needed for this addon to load to the description so users are directly able to install them as well via Minion or at esoui, and do not need to check ingame first what is missing. Thank you.
File: Arkadius' Trade Tools07/08/20
Please add the needed dependencies...
Posted By: Baertram
Please add the needed dependencies to the addon's description, so that we can directly see in Minion/esoui what is needed to run this addon. Thank you. e.g. LibAddonMenu-2.0
File: Greyskull : Weapon / Spell Damage Meter07/08/20
Please name the needed dependencies...
Posted By: Baertram
Please name the needed dependencies in the addon description, like LibAddonMenu-2.0, so one sees them directly at installation via Minion/esoui and not only ingame. Thank you. P.S. You are able to update the description without new file upload, just uncheck the "Archive old file" checnbox, check the "Ignore version" checkbox and...
File: Player Role Indicator07/08/20
Thanks for the addon. Please ALWAY...
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks for the addon. Please ALWAYS mention the needed dependencies/libraries in the addon description in order to find them outside the game properly (within Minion e.g.). Otherweise one would install the addon and ingame it won't work, and one would need to check the addon manager, expand everyathing etc. Thanks Lib3d LibAdd...
File: AlphaScry (Leads, Antiquities, Filter)07/08/20
Thanks for the addon, integrates gr...
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks for the addon, integrates great into the vanilla ui. I like this. Could you please write the versioning into the changelog tab, so one only needs to read the actual top lines of the changelog (within Minion or on esoui) for the newest changes, and does not need to check the whole description (scroll down...). I know it's o...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)07/08/20
Hello!! I've tried disabling all ot...
Posted By: Baertram
Hello!! I've tried disabling all other addons/libraries and installed older versions, but no matter what I can't seem to copy says anymore. Right clicking and copying channel talk to only select says brings nothing up, and copying whole chat and unchecking the boxes to just have emotes/says doesn't give me the says either. Is there a...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)07/08/20
Re: Messages with Item Links being cut very short
Posted By: Baertram
Are you able to create this problem with Vanilla UI as well? I see you are using some addon there posting your crafted items. Are you able to get the same problem with other, non addon generated texts, as pChat is activated? I need something to reproduce this error and so far I did not notice it happens. e.g. Postmaster is sending...
File: Quest Map07/07/20
Re: Re: Please fix this bug
Posted By: Baertram
Do you need LibQuestData.lua or LibQuestInfo.lua SavedVariables file? Your Github page says LibQuestInfo, here youw rite LibQuestData. I think you renamed the addon/files so LibQuestData is correct and the Github page is old? Edit: I've attached both for you. It seems, that there is a problem with the German translations (so...
File: Mundus07/07/20
Re: Still can't see what this addon does ...
Posted By: Baertram
As you have to physically travel to a Mundus Stone and select the stone for the buff, what exactly does this addon do? I had asked the same, and the addon description is lacking this information: It shows the munus stone you "should have" (chosen in your settings for dungeons, other) as a text label reminder on the screen (see scre...
File: Mundus07/06/20
You can test your multi language su...
Posted By: Baertram
You can test your multi language support (btw you forgot the addon settings menu :p) by this script ingame: /script SetCVar("language.2", "<2CharLang>") Where <2CharLang> can be: en English de German fr French jp Japanese (only on Japanese client!) ru (Russian) The UI will reload automatically and afterwards the UI langua...
File: Auto Ranks07/06/20
Please add the dependencies to your...
Posted By: Baertram
Please add the dependencies to your description of the addon so the users are able to see them outside of the game! e.g. LibAddonMenu-2.0 ShissuHistoryScanner :confused::confused::confused: (which is maybe one of the ShissusGuildTools parts? Can't find it as standalone addon -> So you need to mention they need Shissus Guild Tools...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)07/06/20
Re: Re: Love this addon
Posted By: Baertram
What do the symbols mean? Green plus and yellow star. Just wondering :) Green plus means you have surveys, and yellow star - treasure maps for that zone. The numbers in green and yellow refer to the number of different locations in the zone, for example (2)(1) means "2 survey sites, 1 treasure site". I have used different symbols...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)07/06/20
See my answer to GrailQuest in Apri...
Posted By: Baertram
See my answer to GrailQuest in April (I have no idea how to get a permalink to that answer…) Ask Dolby via PM to sticky one comment here in this thread (send him the commentId -> Edit the comment and copy the URL to him) and you are able to edit it then afterwards.
File: NoMoreCarries07/06/20
Thanks for the addon. A small spee...
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks for the addon. A small speed up fix if you like to: function NoMoreCarries.OnChat(self, eventKey, ...) if not or eventKey ~= EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL then return false end local messageType, _, rawMessageText, _, fromDisplayName = select(1, ...) local messageLower = string.lower(rawMes...
File: Auto Category - Revised07/05/20
Re: Re: Re: Re: possible?
Posted By: Baertram
I have tried this, and am having issues. My setup is as follows: Rule: quality("mythic") Bag Setting: 55 All other settings are default. Mythic items do not show seperatly, but are still included in the autoset() rule listed at bag setting 49. If you need help testing, please reach out to @Gandamir on the PC/EU server, or vi...
File: Auto Category - Revised07/05/20
Did you install the libraries as yo...
Posted By: Baertram
Did you install the libraries as you were logged in to the game? This error could happen then as the txt files of the libraries won't be recognized properly in 100% of the cases if you are still logged in as the addon manager will load and order dependencies as the you login to the client, so before character selection already, and o...
File: Default Language Ninja - Language Selector07/05/20
Could you maybe use the changelog t...
Posted By: Baertram
Could you maybe use the changelog tab to show what was changed as the version increases, thanks.